ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FOUNDED IN 1886 First Sunday of Advent-Sunday November 30, 2014 Lord make us turn to you let us see your face and we shal be saved/ Oh dios restáuranos que brille tu rostro y nos salve We at Saint Joseph are a worshiping multi-cultural community, called to share our diverse God-given gifts, in order to grow in holiness and oneness, through the celebration of the Eucharist, preaching of the word, charitable service, and ongoing spiritual formation and conversion. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, to witness God’s Good News to all. Rev. Roberto F. Jaranilla Jr., Pastor Rev. Jose Jesus Martinez Associate Pastor Rev. Rick Van De Water, Arabic Chaplain HOLY EUCHARIST/MISAS Monday-Friday: 8:05 AM English Saturday: 05:00 PM English, 07:00 PM Arabic Sunday: 08:00 AM English, 09:30AM Español 11:00 AM English, 12:30 PM Español RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES Monday-Friday: 7:45 to 8:00 AM Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM ADORATION/ADORACION DEL SANTISIMO Every Friday: 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM GRAMMAR SCHOOL To you, my God, I lift my soul, I trust in you; let me never come to shame. Do not let my enemies laugh at me. No one who waits for you is ever put to shame. 1200 West Holt Avenue Mrs. Claudia Godlewski….……..………….622-3365 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE …….….629-1404 1200 West Holt Avenue, room 6 Mrs. Lillian Cervantes…….Level 1 Coordinator Elementary Age Sacramental Preparation Mrs. Sylvia Garcia………...Level 2 Coordinator High School & Adult Sacramental Preparation FELICIAN SISTERS 1180 West Holt Avenue…………...................629-1308 VOCATION OFFICE…………….……(213) 637-7248 INSIDE: FIGHTING ELDER ABUSE/LA LUCHA CONTRA EL ABUSO DE LOS ANCIANOS Page 3/Pagina 3 1150 West Holt Avenue Pomona California 91768 • (909) 629-4101• Fax (909) 623-0265 • ST. JOSEPH (465850-W080258 POMONA, CA In Our Parish This Week Monday/Lunes 1 School Confession: 9:30am Pre-Baptismal Class: 7pm CH CH Tuesday/Martes 2 Christmas Play Practice: 11-3pm YLI meeting: 3-6:30pm Divine Mercy English/Spanish: 5-9pm Luz & Esperanza: 7-9pm CH ME AU ER FLOWERS FOR A LOVED ONE Wednesday /Miercoles 3 St. Joseph School Christmas Program Practice: 1-9pm CH St. Joseph School Christmas Program: 7pm CH CCD Parent Classes:5pm AU Encuentro Matrimonial: 7:30-9:30pm ER Altar Society: 11:30am-1:30pm CSJ Thursday/Jueves 4 SO-CAL-HEAT practice:6-8pm AU Friday/Viernes 5 St. Joseph School Mass: 8:05 YLI Boutique Set –Up: 4-10pm AACC:12-3pm CH AU ER Saturday/Sabado 6 Baptism/English:10am YLI Christmas Boutique: 11am-5pm CFC Christmas Paty: 5-12pm Quinceaneras: 12noon AACC: 8-10pm CCD: 9-10:30am Filipino Ministry Christmas Gathering: 5-12pm CH AU AU CH ME AM CSJ Sunday/Domingo 7 Altar Servers Christmas Party:2-6 CSJ It has long been the tradition here at St. Joseph’s for many years to donate a poinsettia in the name of a loved one. Purchase your plant yourself or at our bookstore for $7.00 each, fill-out the coupon below and tape it to the pot. You may bring your poinsettia to the east side of the Church Sacristy from December 13th to Dec. 20th and it will be placed on the altar for your loved one. PLANTAS DE NOCHE BUENA Enemas una tradición aqui en nuestra iglesia San José de adornar el altar plantas de Noche Buena en memoria de un ser querido. Compre una planta usted mismo o en nuestra libreria de la iglesia, $7.00 cada una, complete el cupón que está enseguida y peguelo en la maceta. Traiga su planta de Noche Buena y coloquela en el patio de la sacristia a partir del 13, de diciembre hasta el 20. La planta sera puesta en el altar. Mass Intentions Saturday 29 5:00 pm Priest Intention Sunday 30 8:00am Clarice de Paola (RIP) 9:30am Salome Castillejos (RIP) 11:00am St. Joseph 12:30pm Rafael Ontiveros (RIP) Monday 1 8:05 am Joseph Paul (RIP) Tuesday 2 8:05am Guadalupe M. Chavez (RIP) Wednesday 3 8:05am Santiago Baez (RIP) Thursday 4 8:05am Santiago Baez (RIP) Friday 5 8:05 am Rosendo Enanita (RIP) 7:00 pm Mario Chacon (LIV) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS IN LOVING MEMORY OF FELIZ CUMPLEANOS JESUS EN MEMORIA DE _________________________________ _________________________________ FROM_____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________________________________ DE PARTE DE LA FAMILIA__________________ First Sunday of Advent ST. JOSEPH/ARAB AMERICAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Rev. Rick Van De Water (909) 865-6895 Arabic Mass: Saturdays at 7PM followed by Fellowship Legion of Mary: 1st Friday - Rosary at 11:30 AM followed by Mass at 12PM Bible Study: Fridays at 7:30 p.m. For anointing of the sick, house blessing and other pastoral needs in Arabic, please call Fr. Rick at the telephone number above. ADVENT PENANCE SERVICES SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION PARA LA TEMPORADA DE ADVIENTO The Advent season is here. Celebrate the Lord’s birth by being cleansed from sin. Penance services are as follows: Celebremos el nacimiento de Jesus, limpios de pecados, acerquese a recivir el sacramento de penitencia. Confessions: Sacred Heart - Sagrado Corazon 1215 S. Hamilton Blvd. Pomona CA 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 17th / Miercoles, Diciembre 17. St. Madeleine 931 E. Kingsley Ave. Pomona CA 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 18/ Jueves, Diciembre 18 St. Joseph 1150 W. Holt Ave. Pomona CA 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 19th / Viernes, Diciembre 19 Vocation Intercession: That our belief in eternal life may be an abundant source of strength and vision for all those who give their lives in ordained and consecrated life, let us pray to the Lord. Page 3 CANDLE LIGHTING GUIDE First Sunday Shepherds Candle The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise made to the house of Israel and the House of Judah. In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David: and he said execute justice and righteousness in the land. Jeremiah 33: 14– 15 The prophets spoke to the people telling of a time when God’s word would become flesh. The shepherd is a symbol ripe with meaning. Christ is the shepherd that came to teach us His ways that we may walk in His paths and hold hope in our hearts. GIA PARA ENCENDER LOS CIRIOS Domingos de Adviento Primer Domingo Cirio Pastoral Se acerca ya el momento dice Yavé, en que cumplire la promesa que hice a la gente de Israel y a la de Judá: En esos dias, hare nacer un Nuevo brote de David que ejercerá la justicia y el derecho en el pais. Jeremías 33: 14-15 El profeta hablo a la gente diciendoles a cada uno el dia en que la palabra de Dios sera carne. El pastor es un simbolo lleno de Sabiduria. Cristo es el pastor que viene a enseñarnos el camino para caminar con el y mantener la esperanza en el Corazon. The advent Wreath is a simple reminder to living the spirit of Advent during the four weeks before Christmas. A simple circle of greens with four candles, it symbolizes the truth of God. The circle has always been the symbol of God: no beginning, no end, everlasting. The greens of pine, balsam, holly, or boxwood symbolizes God’s ever presence, as well as being the Church’s colors of hope and new life. Four candles (three violet por penance and sorrow and one rose for coming joy) Symbolize the centuries of waiting for the Savior experienced by God’s chosen people. Primer Domingo de Adviento ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL NEWS “Breakfast with Santa” Vendor spots are available! Come set up your booth and sell your handcrafted items, ornaments, cards, candles, crochet, and/or knitting!!! Please contact Yazhid [email protected] Fighting Elder Abuse The District Attorney’s Offices of Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties each fight elder abuse. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Elder Abuse Section has specially trained prosecutors and victim advocates working closely with law enforcement and service providers to stop elder abuse and hold abusers accountable. The advocates also help rebuild lives and prevent further harm to elders and dependent adults suffering from physical abuse and neglect and financial abuse. The Los Angeles County D.A. has a helpful brochure about elder abuse available. Online: elderabuseadvocacy.pdf. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650 Monsignor Richard Loomis Acquitted After 10 years of exhaustive investigation and canonicaltrial, a Tribunal of the Holy See has definitively determined and ruled that no allegations of sexual misconduct of any kind alleged against Monsignor Loomis have been proven. Monsignor Loomis has always professed his innocence of these accusations. When the accusations were brought against him starting in late 2003, an investigation as required by Canon Law was initiated. Monsignor Loomis was placed on temporary inactive ministry pending the solution of the accusations. Now that the allegations against him have been conclusively resolved, Canon Law provides that the temporary restrictions on Monsignor Loomis; public exercise of his priesthood have ceased. He remains a priest of the Archdiocese of los Angeles in good standing.” Pray the Rosary for World Peace PAGINA 4 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC BLOOD DRIVE Held on Bloodmobile by Msgr. English Hall Sunday, December 7, 2014 8:00 AM- 2 PM IGLESIA SAN JOSE CAMPAÑA DE DONACION DE SANGRE Unidad Mobil estara inmediato al salon Monseñor English localizado atras de la Iglesia San Jose Domingo, Domingo 7,del 2014 8:00 AM - 2 PM Usted puede donar sangre aunque tenga diabetes, Presion Alta, Colesterol Alto. SABE USTED? LA LUCHA CONTRA EL ABUSO DE ANCIANOS Cada una de las Oficinas del Procurador de los Condados de Santa Bárbara, Ventura y Los Ángeles lucha contra el abuso a personas mayores. El Procurador del Condado de Los Ángeles, la División Contra el Abuso a Personas Mayores tiene fiscales y defensores de las víctimas trabajando en estrecha colaboración con la policía y con los proveedores de servicios para detener el abuso y pedir cuentas a los abusadores. Los defensores también ayudan a reconstruir las vidas de los ancianos y adultos dependientes, evitando mayores daños a los ancianos y adultos dependientes que sufren de abuso físico, abandono y abuso financiero. El Procurador del Condado de Los Ángeles tiene un folleto útil sobre maltrato a personas mayores disponible en la página web: obtener ayuda llame al ministerio de ayuda 213-637-7650 TIENDA DE ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS DE LA IGLESIA SAN JOSE Jesus es el motivo de la Navidad Pase a ver la variedad de articulos religiosos que tenemos en existencia, ideales para regalar en navidad a precios muy rasonables esta abierta Domingos de 9am-12pm CATHOLIC CALENDARS AVAILABLE Our beautiful catholic calendars for year 2015 will be available for $2.00 each in the Book Store or at the rectory. This calendar provides information regarding the Church year and the schedule of Masses, onfessions, & other pertinent information about our Parish. Sunday, November 30, 2014 Page 5 Pomona Parishes Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Celebracion a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Parroquias de Pomona Santa Magdalena Viernes, Diciembre 12, Misa 6am San Jose Pomona Friday, Dec. 12, 2014 5:30am Misa y bendicion de la Capilla dedicada a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 7:00pm Misa de Entronización de nuestra Señora de Gudalupe en la capilla Sagrado Corazón Jueves, Diciembre 11, Misa 7 pm, Misa 11pm Viernes, Diciembre 12 Misa 12:00pm, Misa 5:00 pm St. Madeleine Friday, Dec. 12th Mass 6 am St. Joseph Pomona Friday, Dec. 12th Mass 5:30 am & Blessing of our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine 7:00 pm Mass & Enthronement of our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine Sacred Heart Church Thursday, Dec. 11th, Mass 7 pm & Mass 11pm Friday, Dec. 12th Mass 12 noon & Mass 5pm Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE NOVENA SCHEDULE Hora: 6 pm Lugar: Enfrente de la Iglesia 12/3/14 Legion de Maria 12/4/14 Divina Misericordia 12/5/14 Lectores 12/6/14 Ujieres 12/7/14 Legion de Maria 12/8/14 Filipino Ministry 12/9/14 Luz y Esperanza 12/10/14 Encuentro Matrimonial 12/11/14 Felician Sisters/ Caballeros de Colon Celebracion en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Viernes, 12 de Diciembre 2014 Mañanitas 4:00 pm Rosario 4:30 pm Danza 5:00 am Misa 5:30 am Acompanenos a unos refrigerios despues de Misa CELEBRATION A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE VIERNES 12 DE DICIEMBRE Tenedores & cucharas Servilletas Café & Azucar Champurrado Vasos Platos de Carton Se necesitan los siguientes articulos para mas informacion Contactar Rafael 909-229-5137 Fidelia 909-282-7972 Time 6:00pm Location: In front of the Church 12/3/14 Legion de Maria 12/4/14 Divine Mercy 12/5/14 Lectors (Spanish) 12/6/14 Ushers 12/7/14 Legion de Maria 12/8/14 Filipino Ministry 12/9/14 Luz y Esperanza 12/10/14 Encuentro Matrimonial 12/11/14 Felician Sisters/Knights of Columbus Please join us to some treats after Mass Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration Friday, December 12, 2014 Forks & Spoons Paper Napkins Coffee&SugarSpoons Paper Plates Styrofoam Cups (Coffee) These Are Some of the Items needed please contact Rafael at 909-229-5137 Fidelia 909-282-7972 Garage Doors TODD Memorial CHAPEL Your Independent Family Owned and Operated Funeral Home since 1907 570 N. 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