23 November 2014 Bulletin - Living Praise Presbyterian Church

23 NOVEMBER 2014
Address: 10 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579795
Tel: 6259-1943
Fax: 6259-4279
[email protected] www.livingpraise.org.sg
Living Praise Presbyterian Church
Order of Service
14 December 2014
Service Time begins
Call to Worship
Pastor Stanley Soh
Songs of Praise & Worship
Be Unto Your name
How Great Is Our God
Prayer of Adoration
Songs of Worship & Praise
Knowing You
Youth & Young Adults
Take My Life
9am to 10.15am
Prayer of Confession!
@ 8A Bishan St 13
(Chapel Building)
Meeting Time
English Service &
Sunday School
Welcome & Announcements !
10.30am to 12pm
Prayer of Intercession
Elder Chan Siew Heng
(every 1st Sunday - combined
Family Communion Service)
We Are An Offering
Mandarin Service
10.30am to 12pm
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
(every 1st Sunday Holy Communion Service)
Scripture Reading
Zhuang Chang Zhong
Join us for Lunch
Revelation 3:14-22
Sermon! !
Every Sunday!
12pm to 2pm
Roy Chang
The Church That Is Lukewarm
Closing Song
All I Have Is Christ
Three-fold Amen
• Get to know someone new.
• Talk to someone about the
Pray with someone.
Speak with a pastor, elder,
deacon or a friend.
Please carry our conversations about God over to lunch and
minister to one another.
Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever –
and lead others to do the same.
Our 10 Year Vision by end 2022 is to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God
forever and lead others to do the same.
Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church
MICA (P) 031/05/2013
Welcome to Living Praise!
Dear friends,
On behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise Presbyterian Church we warmly welcome you to our
church. We hope that you'll be blessed by your visit this morning as you find out more about Jesus and meet
some of His people.
Do stay back after the service, join us for lunch fellowship and speak to us. We would love to get to know you.
We warmly invite you for our regular Sunday services from 10.30am - 12pm. If you would like to find out more
about our church activities do contact me at 91821644.
Pastor Yuk Yee, on behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise.
Acting Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Reverend Tan Hoo Sun Daniel
Associate Minister, Mandarin Ministry
[email protected]
Preacher Stanley Soh
Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Ministry
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate (Chaplain & Sunday School Ministry)
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate (Church and School Ministry)
[email protected]
Reverend Foo Yuk Yee
Carol Ng
Gerard Su
Roy Chang (Study Leave @ Singapore Bible College from July 2014- June 2017)
Tan Lip Teng Senior Church Manager, Administration & Facility Management
Evelyn Tan
Admin Executive
[email protected]
[email protected]
Richard Ong
Elders & Deacons Court Clerk, Chairman Personnel
[email protected]
Hospitality Ministry
[email protected]
Wang Kim Meng
Family Ministry
[email protected]
Chan Siew Heng
Cell Groups Ministry
[email protected]
Sunday School Ministry & Assistant Treasurer
[email protected]
[email protected]
Treasurer & Young Adults Ministry
[email protected]
Missions Ministry
[email protected]
Tan Yeong Nam
Jessie Wong Sow Har
Daniel Loke Kwong Yan
Wilson Tay Swee Kiat
Church and Worship Ministry
Martin Chen Wee Bang
Congregation of Living Praise
23 November 2014
RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)
Age Group
Please tick
18 & below
I would like to join a Discovery Class to find out more
about Christianity.
I would like to know how to be a Christian.
50 & above
I would like to join the New Members’ Class and be
Baptised / Confirmed / Transferred
(Kindly circle your response)
I would like to join a Cell Group.
I would like to join a Foundation Class.
I would like to know more about church activities.
I heard about Living Praise from __________________________________ (Family / Friend / Came On My Own)
23 NOVEMBER 2014
Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22
Title: The Church That Is Lukewarm
Preacher: Roy Chang
The church that makes Jesus puke (vv. 15-16). II.
The church that does not realise that she is poor, blind and naked (v. 17).
III. The church that Jesus counsels and loves (vv. 18-19).
IV. The church that Jesus invites and promises to eat and sit with (vv. 21-22).
Do stay back to pause, reflect and pray about what God has spoken to you during the service. Please be
mindful of others who may be praying. Do share with others over lunch fellowship to encourage them.
Sermons are available on our church’s website at www.livingpraise.org.sg or on your Android ph ones!
Download LPPC App from https://play.google.com/store. Search using the keyword:
"LPPC" or "Living Praise Presbyterian Church"
Praiselines by Elder Tan Yeong Nam
23 NOVEMBER 2014
From The Pastoral Leadership Team
Church Without Strangers
You see them every Sunday morning when you enter the school hall. They will be
there to greet you with a warm smile, shake your hands, write down your particulars (if you
are new) and sometimes extend a hug to you, especially when you have not been coming for
a while (not a reason for being absent though!).
These are the befrienders in the Hospitality Ministry. The Hospitality Ministry in Living
Praise comprises 2 ministries: Newcomers Ministry and Lunch Fellowship Ministry. The
Newcomers Ministry is made up of ushers and befrienders. They seek to welcome and
assimilate newcomers into the Living Praise family. To that end, our enthusiastic befrienders
keep a lookout for newcomers each week. They diligently follow them up by getting to know
them, praying for them, and where appropriate, match them with appropriate ministries in
LPPC, amongst others. You can think of them as “matchmakers”! Their desire, (and may
that be ours too!) is that no one, whether regular or newcomer, will be a stranger in Living
Praise. They seek to move newcomers from Strangers to Guests to Hosts (S.G.H. for short)
in their journey with us in the Living Praise family.
The Lord has blessed us with encouraging statistics over the last few years. However,
we are ever mindful that our priority must always be on people rather than on profile. The
statistics are helpful only as they guide us in our planning but are by no means our ministry’s
performance indicator.
The biggest joy in the Newcomers’ Ministry, though, is to see God work in the
lives of people especially when Strangers become Guests and move on to Hosts.
God’s work is seen in pre-believers joining our Discovery Class as they seek to know
the true God, people turning to faith in Christ, and some taking the step of faith to
openly identify with Christ through baptism and serving in church, families growing
and glowing as they anchor their faith in God despite family and marriage problems.
The list continues. The ministry is really a ministry about people.
The Lunch Fellowship Ministry seeks to build God’s community and provide
loving care to one another in LPPC by serving lunch each Sunday. This time is an
extension of the normal Sunday service when members can speak the gospel to one
another in an informal setting. It also affords opportunities for members and
newcomers to serve and interact with one another. An invitation to a meal is an
invitation to fellowship. The emphasis on “one-anothering” keeps us focused
on fellowship in addition to the food. Our joy is to see the canteen packed each
week with laughter, with prayer and with loving service, all to one another!
Again, note the ministry emphasis on people.
While the core team seeks to provide the best food
Share with
possible within the budget of cost and availability,
the Lord’s people
let us be reminded that we are there for one another,
food or no food! The biggest joy for me personally
who are in need.
is not how wonderful the food is (though that is a
Practice hospitality.
cause for thanksgiving to God) or whether the food
is enough (we try to forecast numbers as accurately
Romans 12: 13
as possible).
The biggest joy is when lives touch
lives - when a brother or sister is encouraged, when
a newcomer is made welcome, when a surprise birthday celebration is held in
the canteen for someone, when we bless one another by serving lunch, when
we stay behind to fellowship even though the menu is not to our preference,
when a stranger turns into a host.
In a way, the ministry of Hospitality is a ministry for everyone in Living
Praise. The Bible exhorts us to practice hospitality (Rom 12:13). Recently, I
was reminded in an article that “the Christian practice of hospitality is the
practice of providing a space to take in a stranger… God's people remember
that they were once strangers and refugees who were taken in by God
(Deuteronomy 10:19).” As God’s people, we carry God’s presence wherever we
go. May He open our hearts, as He has opened His, so we learn to make space
to take in others - in our cell groups, in our youth groups, in our young adults
ministry. Then we can truly live out Loving People, Pleasing Christ (LPPC).
Imagine the impact when everyone does that!
Newcomers Ministry
23 NOVEMBER 2014
Primary School Ministries
1. Year End School Holidays
It's the year end school holidays. Thank God for a time of rest
for teachers, students and staff. Continue to pray that God will
keep them safe and healthy as they enjoy the holidays in
Singapore or abroad.
2.The Move
Pray for God's protection, safety and health on the teachers,
staff and the movers including those in LP who are still packing
and moving the things to Bishan home ground. Pray for God's
favour that the authorities will grant us the TOP and all the
safety and requirements are met.
3. Chaplaincy team
Pray for God's wisdom and creativity as the team plan for the school devotion, chapel, BBGB,
recess ministry and other school activities.
Updates till end of 2014
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Please continue to pray for the TOP for the school and chapel upgrading project and for Lip Teng
who's been overseeing much of the works for the chapel. As we've still yet to obtain the TOP
1. Our first 11.30 am service at the new chapel will be shifted to 14 Dec. Sunday service on
7 Dec will still be at the secondary school at 10.30am.
2. Our ministry co-workers gathering will be held on 30 Nov at 1.30 - 3pm at the secondary
school auditorium instead of the new chapel.
To thank God for his goodness there'll be a special thanksgiving service on Thursday, 31 Dec.
Indeed God has been gracious to us these past two years. Despite being away from the chapel our
ministries and gospel work were not unduly affected. The Lord has faithfully provided for all our
needs and more. More details about the service will be published shortly.
Every Sunday is an opportunity for us to invite our family and friends to church to hear the Good
News of Jesus Christ. However the Christmas season is an extra special opportunity to do so
because the whole of Singapore celebrates Christmas. So do pick up an invitation card to our
upcoming musical "Arrest These Merry Gentlemen" and invite and pray for your friends and loved
ones to join us on 24 Dec, from 5.30 - 7pm to hear the gospel performed and preached.
Next week on 30 Nov, we welcome our new members Abigail Lai, Cheryl Seah, Wong Shao Yu,
Monita Kurniawan by baptism, Richard Rumba Tintin by transfer and Sherilyn Tan by confirmation
into the Living Praise family. While the Chinese Congregation will welcome Joanna Yap, &Yap Koon
Chen by confirmation. The week after on 7 Dec, we'll have a combined English and Chinese
service so the whole English and Chinese congregation can welcome all our new members.
Our sincere condolences
to Jasmine and Jeanette on the passing of
Jasmine’s mother, Madam Kaw Guan Guah
on 19 Nov 2014. May the Holy Spirit draw
near to them and their families in their
time of grief. May they
experience the deep
love, peace and comfort
that our God gives.
Sunday Sermon
23 Nov, Sun
The Church That Is
30 Nov, Sun
New Member’s Service
7 Dec, Sun
Combined English & Chinese
Ministry Co-workers
12 Dec to 15 Dec Youth Camp
12 Dec, Fri
14 Dec, Sun
Christmas Message
21 Dec, Sun
Christmas Service
Note of Appreciation
Jasmine and Jeanette would like to
thank LPPC family for the prayers,
condolences, attendance and donation
at the recent loss of their mother/
grandmother, Madam Kaw Guan Guah.
24 Dec, Wed
28 Dec, Sun
31 Dec, Wed
Christmas Musicale
New Year’s Eve Service
Special Thanksgiving
16 November
Attendance @ Service
272 (English Service)
48 (Mandarin Service)
Sunday School
23 November
30 November
Duty Pastor/
Elder Chan Siew Heng
Gerard Su
Service Leader
Pastor Stanley Soh
Pastor Foo Yuk Yee
Isaac Lee, Daniel Lee,
Musicians &
Tithes & Offerings!
Phoon Kwong Mun,
Jeanette Choong, Yeo Zhi Wei,
Benjamin Ho, James Soh &
Tabitha Lee & Yeo Jia En
Ruth Chen
Scripture Reader
Zhuang Chang Zhong
Krystal Lim
Our 10 Year Vision
Visual Team
Kelvin Tan
Lim Jia Xin
By end 2022 to have 100
(+ existing in 2012) families,
to know, love and enjoy God
forever and lead others to do the
Audio Team
Elaine Chen & Joshua Lee
Eddy Ho & Matthew Loh
Welcome Team
Elder Jimmy Tan
Elder Richard Ong
Gloria Ong, Chuang Si En,
Susan Chin, Bryan Ardian,
Building Up,
Reaching Out,
Passing Down
Bryan Heng, Ng Shiya &
Cynthia Ong, Soh Ai Bee &
Shawn Quah
Desmond Hwang
If you are interested to join a Cell Group, please fill in the response slip on page 2.
Thursday, 8pm, Bishan
Elder Wang Kim Meng 9630-3096
Thursday, 2pm, Bishan
Elder Sue Kim Lee 9695-5395
Friday, 8pm, Marymount/ Toa Payoh
Friday, 8pm, Yio Chu Kang/ Thomson
Friday, 8pm, Bishan
Saturday, 3pm, Bishan
Saturday, 3pm, KCPSS (01-01)
Saturday, 3.30pm, KCPSS (01-03)
Sunday, 8.45am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 1)
Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068
Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754
Elder David Lim 9620-2953
Elder Chan Siew Heng 9754-5689
Steven Tan 9686-1906, Loh Pui Wah 9630-7618
Elder Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105
Chew Siew Chin 9618-2745
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-01)
Elder Kok Siew Hoong 9622-6087, Chew Wing Kee 9111-0114
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-02)
Felix Lim 9826-9750 , Wilie Wu 9652-1180
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-07)
Elder John Seah, Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-08)
Priscilla Lam 9754-5182
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 2)
Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (02-05)
Pr Stanley Soh 9695-9286, Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754
Elder Richard Ong 9297-9680
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The chairs that we use for our Service have been kindly arranged by our brothers and sisters in Christ from Zion BP.
Please help to keep the chairs arranged orderly after our Services.
Thank you for your loving consideration.