issue date:28Dec2014 - Living Praise Presbyterian Church

28 DECEMBER 2014
Address: 8A Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579794
Tel: 6259-1943
Fax: 6259-4279
[email protected]
Living Praise Presbyterian Church
Order of Service
Meeting Time
Opening Prayer & Call to Worship
Songs of Praise!
The Gospel Song
Come People of The Risen King
How Great Is Our God
Amazing Grace!
Psalm 92:1-4
Elder Chan Siew Heng
Youth & Young Adults
9am to 11am
English Service &
Sunday School
11.30am to 1pm
(every 1st Sunday - combined
Family Communion Service)
Welcome !
Pastor Foo Yuk Yee
Mandarin Service
11.30am to 1pm
Prayer of Intercession
(every 1st Sunday Holy Communion Service)
There Is A Hope
Join us for Lunch
Every Sunday!
1pm to 2.30pm
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Scripture Reading !
Sue Kim Lee
1 Corinthian 13:13
Elder Tan Yeong Nam
Take Me Deeper
Closing Song
Deeper In Love
Now Unto Him
Join us for
Monthly Games &
Learning Day!
(every 1st Sunday)
• Get to know someone new.
• Talk to someone about the
Pray with someone.
• Speak with a pastor, elder,
deacon or a friend.
Please carry our conversations about God over to lunch and
minister to one another.
Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever –
and lead others to do the same.
Our 10 Year Vision by end 2022 is to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God
forever and lead others to do the same.
Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church
MICA (P) 031/05/2013
Welcome to Living Praise!
Dear friends,
On behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise Presbyterian Church we warmly welcome you to our
church. We hope that you'll be blessed by your visit this morning as you find out more about Jesus and meet
some of His people.
Do stay back after the service, join us for lunch fellowship and speak to us. We would love to get to know you.
We warmly invite you for our regular Sunday services from 11.30am - 1pm. If you would like to find out more
about our church activities do contact me at 91821644.
Pastor Yuk Yee, on behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise.
Reverend Foo Yuk Yee
Acting Senior Pastor
[email protected]
Reverend Tan Hoo Sun Daniel
Associate Minister, Mandarin Ministry
[email protected]
Preacher Stanley Soh
Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Ministry
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate (Chaplain & Sunday School Ministry)
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate (Church and School Ministry)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Carol Ng
Gerard Su
Roy Chang (Study Leave @ Singapore Bible College from July 2014- June 2017)
Tan Lip Teng Senior Church Manager, Administration & Facility Management
Evelyn Tan
Admin Executive
[email protected]
Richard Ong
Elders & Deacons Court Clerk, Chairman Personnel
[email protected]
Hospitality Ministry
[email protected]
Wang Kim Meng
Family Ministry
[email protected]
Chan Siew Heng
Cell Groups Ministry
[email protected]
Sunday School Ministry & Assistant Treasurer
[email protected]
[email protected]
Treasurer & Young Adults Ministry
[email protected]
Missions Ministry
[email protected]
Tan Yeong Nam
Jessie Wong Sow Har
Daniel Loke Kwong Yan
Wilson Tay Swee Kiat
Church and Worship Ministry
Martin Chen Wee Bang
Congregation of Living Praise
28 December 2014
RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off)
Age Group
Please tick
18 & below
I would like to join a Discovery Class to find out more
about Christianity.
I would like to know how to be a Christian.
50 & above
I would like to join the New Members’ Class and be
Baptised / Confirmed / Transferred
(Kindly circle your response)
I would like to join a Cell Group.
I would like to join a Foundation Class.
I would like to know more about church activities.
I heard about Living Praise from __________________________________ (Family / Friend / Came On My Own)
21 DECEMBER 2014
Scripture: 1 Corinthian 13:13
Title: Take Me Deeper
Preacher: Elder Tan Yeong Nam
A. IN FAITH (Heb 11:1)! !
B. IN HOPE (Rom 5:1-5)! !
C. IN LOVE (1 John 4:16)!
Do stay back to pause, reflect and pray about what God has spoken to you during the service. Please be
mindful of others who may be praying. Do share with others over lunch fellowship to encourage them.
Sermons are available on our church’s website at or on your Android ph ones!
Download LPPC App from Search using the keyword:
"LPPC" or "Living Praise Presbyterian Church"
Praiselines by Elder John Seah
28 DECEMBER 2014
From The Pastoral Leadership Team
Resolution versus Commitment
"If you want to make the most out of your life, you must make a commitment to success rather than
just making a New Year's Resolution for change."
It's that time of year again, right? Time to make a new year's resolution! What will we promise ourselves,
our family or God this coming year. Will we promise to lose some weight, yes, that's a good one. Will we
promise to change our attitude, exercise more, pray more; just what will we resolve to do? I propose that
instead of making a resolution, we make a commitment. The difference between the resolution and the commitment is.... a commitment is long lasting, a
resolution is temporary. A resolution sparks our motivation, a commitment maintains our resolve long
after the resolution has fizzled. In other words when we commit, we invest! A resolution is “the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method,
procedure, etc.” In contrast, a commitment is defined as “a pledge or promise; obligation.”
The result of a resolution lies in why the resolution was made. By definition, a resolution is an intention
or determination to make a change.
To be more successful, the resolution must evolve into a commitment. A commitment is stronger because
it involves a pledge, promise or obligation to a course of action. As Believers, we can submit our goals to
God and pledge to achieve them.
Proverbs 16:3 says - Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
The key difference between a resolution and a commitment is in the follow-through and emotional
investment. A personal commitment carries a greater desire to meet or exceed the personal pledge and a
drive to develop and demonstrate this same commitment.
Try making New Year Commitments versus Resolutions for Year 2015 and beyond. Allow the Holy Spirit
to work within us to Discover, Develop, and Demonstrate growth in the appropriate areas of our
lives in 2015 and beyond.
Discover is a verb of action. Every day is a day we can discover and rejoice in something new about God.
Day by day, God desires a closer walk with Him. Seek to walk in God’s footprints more often and keep
God closer to our hearts and persistently on our minds.
As we seek to uncover and reveal the areas of our lives that are not submitted to Him, the Holy Spirit
will reveal the goals we need to commit to. Discover and be open to what God has planned for us this
coming year and in the future.
As we discover fallow non-spiritual areas of our hearts and minds, pray and meditate as we turn them
over to Jesus.
To properly develop the shaky areas of our faith, make the time for a consistent one on one with
Christ to pray for the strength and wisdom needed to develop these areas. Satan will be working
overtime to counter-attack the development. Thus, be just as diligent to ensure we maintain our
full armour of God to repel his attacks. (Ephesians 6:13)
For the revealed areas, set interim goals on the calendar and with friends as a checkpoint reminder
of our commitment. If we have committed to read the Bible more, set a monthly goal; if it is losing
weight, make an appointment to meet a friend during the week to work out or sign-up for a class or
a half-marathon at the end of the year. Honour God by developing the areas He has pointed out in
our spiritual walk.
As God enlightens our minds during the discovery process and impresses on us where we need to
develop our lives, create with Him a plan of action to demonstrate and perpetuate our growth.
After all, 3D (Discover, Develop and Demonstrate) Believers consistently demonstrate the
dramatic difference that Christ makes in the lives of believers as we flesh out the words of God in
our 3D lives.
Follow Him and discover the truth found in His Word. Follow Him more and develop the truth
in our lives. Follow Him consistently and demonstrate the truth and the light of Christ to others.
Discover A. After prayer and determination, what are some things that God wants you to work on this
coming New Year?
B. Commit each discovery to God (with a prayer partner) and pledge to work on it.
Develop A. How can you ensure that you consistently apply yourself to what the Holy Spirit has pointed
out? B. Do you expect the growth in the area(s) to be easy or challenging?
Demonstrate A. How will your New Year’s commitment affect your spiritual growth?
B. How will it affect your witness?
For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I
have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him
against that day. (2 Timothy 1:12 King James Version)
My prayer for you, dearly beloved for 2015 and beyond is really that everyone's name be found
written in the book of life - by committing your life / everything to God! (Revelation 20:15)
(I, John, your brother and fellow believer in Christ write to the Church in LPPC @ Bishan
- from the island of Singapore)
Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 16:3
& YO U N G
28 DECEMBER 2014
Youth Camp 2014
We praise God for our annual camp and for the Word of God that was shared. We thank God too
that even though there were some unforeseen changes that took place, God was gracious and He
provided for us. May He continue to do His good work among our young people and cause them to
live out their Christian lives loving others like Jesus.
New Year New Beginnings
Youth Ministry Sundays – 9am to 11am
Young Adult Cells – 9am to 11am
Pray for our youths and young adults that they may take time to
reflect on 2014 and give thanks to God for their joys, sorrows and
challenges. As 2015 beckons, may they once again come before the
Lord and recommit their lives to Him. May their hearts be drawn to
Christ that they may be disciplined to be punctual for Youth Ministry Sundays and also for young
adult cells each Sunday. May the Spirit continue to work in and through their lives that they may
grow in love for Christ and for one another.
4 Jan, Sun
Sunday Sermon
New Year Message
Family Communion Service
Monthly Games & Learning Day
Topical Series: Know What You Believe In - Part I
“I believe in God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth...” We recite the Apostle’s Creed during our gatherings but what
does it really say? Join us each Sunday as we learn more about our central Christian beliefs as sumarised by the Apostle’s
Creed. During these weeks, in cell group s we will be learning how to share the gospel.
11 Jan, Sun
Talk 1: Believing in God
18 Jan, Sun
Talk 2: Believing in the Triune God
25 Jan, Sun
Talk 3: Believing in the Sovereign God
1 Feb, Sun
Talk 4: Believing in the Identity of Jesus
Family Communion Service
Monthly Games & Learning Day
8 Feb, Sun
Partnership Sunday
Welcome our SMC Chairman & KCPPS Principal
Men’s Blessing Day
15 Feb, Sun
Talk 5: Believing in the Sacrifice of Jesus
22 Feb, Sun
Talk 6: Believing in the Reign of the Jesus Christ
Worship Gathering I
We lift thankful eyes to God for His provision of KCPSS for the past 2 years for our ministries. There are many reasons to praise God for and give thanks to Him. This could be a lesson learnt from the sermon series, encouragement from our cg meetings, working
with children in the Sunday school, getting to know newcomers,
taking the step of baptism, amongst others.
Come 31 December @ 8pm, we are having a Thanksgiving
service. There is a segment to invite us to share our thanksgiving to
God. Do spend some time as the year draws to a close to pen down
your thoughts first and bless others by your sharing during the
service. For more details, please approach Elder Tan Yeong Nam.
Living Praise
Ladies Prayer Fellowship
Date: 4 January 2015, Sun
Time: 9.30 am
Venue: School Canteen
Parents whose children are in Nursery,
please come and fetch your children from
“Truth” (room across the Creche) after the
church service.
We invite you to join us for a time of sharing and
Closing of 2014 Accounts
All Ministries: Please note that all claims and invoices for payment are to be
submitted to the Church Treasurer by 4 January 2015.
Jan 2015
We regret that we will not be able to honour any claims or request for payment
after the aforesaid date. This is to enable us to close our accounts for the year
and also to prepare for external audit.
Good things come in threes!
Come 2015 we’ll be adding a third part to our service!
Every first Sunday of the month we’ll have a time of fun and
and learning together as a family.
Part Three :
Monthly Games
Learning Day
Part One: Our main service - we are served by the musicians,
song leader, duty pastor and preacher.
Part Two: Lunch fellowship - we serve one another as we eat, catch up and pray for one another
Part Three: Monthly games & learning day - we play games and learn together as a family
Date: 4 January
Time: 2-3.30pm
Bonding games
LPPC’s plans for 2015
21 December
Attendance @ Service
278 (English Service)
42 (Mandarin Service)
Sunday School
Tithes & Offerings!
Our 10 Year Vision
By end 2022 to have 100
(+ existing in 2012) families,
to know, love and enjoy God
forever and lead others to do the
Building Up,
Reaching Out,
Passing Down
28 December
4 January 2015
Duty Pastor/
Pastor Foo Yuk Yee
Roy Chang
Service Leader
Elder Chan Siew Heng
Roy Chang
Annabelle Wang, Daniel Lee,
Benjamin Ho, Irwin Tan,
Benjamin Ho, Ian Lim,
Isaac Lee, Ian Lim,
Phoon Kwong Mun,
James Soh, Yeo Jia En &
Ruth Chen & Yeo Jia En
Marcus Ong
Scripture Reader
Sue Kim Lee
Tan Nguan Sen
Visual Team
Kelvin Tan
Seck Siok Hui
Audio Team
Eddy Ho & Matthew Loh
Welcome Team
Elder Jimmy Tan
Elder Wang Kim Meng
Gloria Ong, Jerlyn Lee,
Ng Kay Beng, Ann Quek,
Png Yiye, Valerie Seet &
Barney Dunne, James Soh &
Yap Swee Hin
Simon Soo
Musicians &
Eddy Ho, Keefe Quek,
Matthew Loh & Phillip Hoh
If you are interested to join a Cell Group, please fill in the response slip on page 2.
Thursday, 8pm, Bishan
Elder Wang Kim Meng 9630-3096
Thursday, 2pm, Bishan
Elder Sue Kim Lee 9695-5395
Friday, 8pm, Marymount/ Toa Payoh
Friday, 8pm, Yio Chu Kang/ Thomson
Friday, 8pm, Upper Thomson Road
Friday, 8pm, Bishan
Saturday, 3pm, Bishan
Saturday, 3pm, KCPPS
Saturday, 3.30pm, KCPPS
Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068
Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754
Daniel Loke 9179-7029
Elder David Lim 9620-2953
Elder Chan Siew Heng 9754-5689
Steven Tan 9686-1906, Loh Pui Wah 9630-7618
Elder Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Chew Siew Chin 9618-2745
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Elder Kok Siew Hoong 9622-6087, Chew Wing Kee 9111-0114
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Felix Lim 9826-9750 , Wilie Wu 9652-1180
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Elder John Seah, Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Priscilla Lam 9754-5182
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Pr Stanley Soh 9695-9286, Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754
Sunday, 9.30am, KCPPS
Elder Richard Ong 9297-9680