2 NOVEMBER 2014 BULLETIN! Address: 10 Bishan Street 13 Singapore 579795 Tel: 6259-1943 Fax: 6259-4279 [email protected] www.livingpraise.org.sg Living Praise Presbyterian Church Order of Service 2014 Meeting Time THE GATHERING! ! Call to Worship Elder Richard Ong! ! ! ! Praise/Hymn ! ! Blessed Be The Lord God Almighty ! ! Hallelujah To The Lamb ! ! Prayer of Adoration and Confession Hymn of Thanksgiving ! ! ! Prayer of Thanksgiving Youth & Young Adults Psalm 30:4-5 9am to 10.15am English Service & Sunday School 10.30am to 12pm (every 1st Sunday - combined Family Communion Service) The Old Rugged Cross Mandarin Service OUR WELCOME, PRAYERS & GIVING ! Welcome & Announcements ! Offertory ! ! ! Doxology ! ! 10.30am to 12pm ! (every 1st Sunday Holy Communion Service) Search Me O God (Cleanse Me) Join us for Lunch Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Every Sunday! 12pm to 2pm THE WORD ! Scripture Reading ! Reuben Yap Revelation 2:18-29 Sermon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Pastor Foo Yuk Yee Thyatira: The challenge of not losing out HOLY COMMUNION ! ! ! ! ! Jesus Paid It All It Is Well with My Soul ! Apostle’s Creed THE SENDING ! Closing Song ! ! ! Benediction ! ! Before You, I Kneel Three-fold Amen Please carry our conversations about God over to lunch and minister to one another. • Get to know someone new. • Talk to someone about the message. Pray with someone. • • Speak with a pastor, elder, deacon or a friend. Be Loving Communicants, kindly dispose of the communion cups as you leave after the service. This is to minimise the collection and cleaning up and to optimize hygienic best practice. Thank you. Our Mission in Living Praise Presbyterian Church is to know, love and enjoy God forever – and lead others to do the same. Our 10 Year Vision by end 2022 is to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Published and Printed by Living Praise Presbyterian Church MICA (P) 031/05/2013 Welcome to Living Praise! Dear friends, On behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise Presbyterian Church we warmly welcome you to our church. We hope that you'll be blessed by your visit this morning as you find out more about Jesus and meet some of His people. Do stay back after the service, join us for lunch fellowship and speak to us. We would love to get to know you. We warmly invite you for our regular Sunday services from 10.30am - 12pm. If you would like to find out more about our church activities do contact me at 91821644. Pastor Yuk Yee, on behalf of the leaders and members of Living Praise. CONTACT OFFICE EXT Acting Senior Pastor 9182-1644 105 [email protected] Reverend Tan Hoo Sun Daniel Associate Minister, Mandarin Ministry 98331984 108 [email protected] Preacher Stanley Soh Pastor, Youth & Young Adults Ministry 9695-9286 104 [email protected] Pastoral Associate (Chaplain & Sunday School Ministry) 9698-6051 [email protected] Pastoral Associate (Church and School Ministry) 9770-9539 [email protected] STAFF Reverend Foo Yuk Yee Carol Ng Gerard Su EMAIL Roy Chang (Study Leave @ Singapore Bible College from July 2014- June 2017) Tan Lip Teng Senior Church Manager, Administration & Facility Management Evelyn Tan 9622-4659 Admin Executive 101 [email protected] 0 [email protected] MINISTRY TEAM (ELDERS) Richard Ong Elders & Deacons Court Clerk, Chairman Personnel 9297-9680 [email protected] Hospitality Ministry 9824-5105 [email protected] Wang Kim Meng Family Ministry 9630-3096 [email protected] Chan Siew Heng Cell Groups Ministry 9754-5689 [email protected] Sunday School Ministry & Assistant Treasurer 9651-1442 [email protected] 9179-7029 [email protected] Treasurer & Young Adults Ministry 9144-3480 [email protected] Missions Ministry 9824-4536 [email protected] Tan Yeong Nam MINISTRY TEAM (DEACONS) Jessie Wong Sow Har Daniel Loke Kwong Yan Wilson Tay Swee Kiat Church and Worship Ministry Martin Chen Wee Bang MINISTERS Congregation of Living Praise 2 November 2014 Name RESPONSE SLIP (Please tear off) (Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mdm.) Address Email Mobile Age Group Please tick where applicable Home 18 & below 19-30 Office 31-40 I would like to join a Discovery Class to find out more about Christianity. I would like to know how to be a Christian. 41-50 50 & above I would like to join the New Members’ Class and be Baptised / Confirmed / Transferred (Kindly circle your response) I would like to join a Cell Group. I would like to join a Foundation Class. Others: I would like to know more about church activities. I heard about Living Praise from __________________________________ (Family / Friend / Came On My Own) 2 SERMON OUTLINE! 2 NOVEMBER 2014 Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29 Title: Thyatira: The challenge of not losing out Preacher: Pastor Foo Yuk Yee Introduction 1. The problem at Thyatira - The city - The church - Trade guilds - The cost of following Jesus - Jezebel's teaching 2. John's solution - Jesus the all knowing Son of God - Jesus the judge - The real winners - The morning star 3. Implications Reflection Do stay back to pause, reflect and pray about what God has spoken to you during the service. Please be mindful of others who may be praying. Do share with others over lunch fellowship to encourage them. Sermons are available on our church’s website at www.livingpraise.org.sg or on your Android ph ones! Download LPPC App from https://play.google.com/store. Search using the keyword: "LPPC" or "Living Praise Presbyterian Church" 3 Praiselines by Roy Chang 2 NOVEMBER 2014 From The Pastoral Leadership Team ! My Worth Is Not In What I Own1 What is my worth? This is the question that this new hymn, written by Keith and Kristyn Getty (In Christ Alone) and Graham Kendrick (Knowing You), answers. It answers a question that this world asks of everyone. What is your worth? ! ! The world we dwell in values the new and the powerful. The bigger and better iPhone 6 plus that we own now will soon be replaced by the newer and more powerful iPhone 6 plus plus. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of Apple. I’m typing this Praiselines on a beautiful MacBook Air that just picked up a phone call from my iPhone 5S. It’s brilliant. But remember… ! ! ! ! My worth is not in what I own Not in the strength of flesh and bone But in the costly wounds of love At the cross ! The world we dwell in values the skilful and the winners. Last weekend, the world witnessed the most expensive football match, Real Madrid versus Barcelona. Last Saturday’s El Clásico contained more than 1 billion euros worth of football players. This is not even including the world’s most expensive football player, Real Madrid’s Gareth Bale who was out due to injury. Barcelona’s Neymar, partnered by Messi and Suraez, scored early in the third minute. But Ronaldo equalised, Pepe and Benzema won the game for Real Madrid. They are both great football teams but I support Manchester United. But remember… ! ! ! ! My worth is not in skill or name In win or lose, in pride or shame But in the blood of Christ that flowed At the cross ! The world we dwell in values the famous, the youthful and the beautiful. The search is always on for X factor or the next _____ (insert name of reality TV program). Beauty products and services often promise a younger and more beautiful you. But remember… ! ! ! ! As summer flowers we fade and die Fame, youth and beauty hurry by But life eternal calls to us At the cross ! The world we live in values money and power. Singapore’s 50 richest have an aggregate net worth of 96.9 billion dollars. 40% of which, or almost 40,000,000,000 dollars, is owned by the top 5 richest people. But the Apostle Paul reminds us that without Christ, whatever we gain in this world will be counted as loss. “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:7–8, ESV). So let us boast… ! I will not boast in wealth or might ! Or human wisdom’s fleeting light ! But I will boast in knowing Christ ! At the cross ____________________________________ 1 You can listen to this hymn here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfFrJHuptUQ 4 ! “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, ESV). This verse contains two wonderful Gospel truths that we must confess.First, author Tim Keller says this of the Gospel, that we are far more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe. Second, yet at the same time we are move loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope. We don’t believe that we are so sinful that we require someone to die for our sins. We also can’t believe that God would be so gracious to give us life and require nothing from guilty sinners except for the death of Christ. So let us confess… ! Two wonders here that I confess ! My worth and my unworthiness ! My value fixed - my ransom paid ! At the cross ! So if my worth is not found in all of the above, then what is my worth in? The Psalmist answers, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:25–26, ESV). Our worth is found in no where else but at the Cross where Jesus died. It is at the Cross where the holy wrath of God confronts our unworthiness. It is at the Cross where the gracious love of Christ declares our worth. It is at the Cross where the Spirit of God lifts us up as children of God in celebration, “for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found” (Luke 15:24). So let us rejoice… ! ! ! ! ! I rejoice in my Redeemer Greatest Treasure, Wellspring of my soul I will trust in Him, no other. My soul is satisfied in Him alone. ! “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:5b–6, ESV). It is at the C gracious loross where the ve declares o of Christ ur worth. CHURCH SCHEDULE NOVEMBER 2014 Week (Mon - Sun) Sunday Sermon Scripture Text Weekly Cell Group Study 27 Oct - 2 Nov Thyatira: The challenge of not losing out Revelation 2:18-29 3 Nov - 9 Nov The Church that Lives Like The Walking Dead - Sardis Revelation 3:1-6 10 Nov - 16 Nov The Church that Endures - Philadelphia Revelation 3:7-13 17 Nov - 23 Nov The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Revelation 3:14-22 24 Nov - 30 Nov Seven ChurchsofService New Member’ Revelation - LPPC Cell Leaders Meeting Event The Church that Lives Like The Walking Dead - Sardis The Church that Endures Philadelphia The Church That Is Indifferent - Laodicea Seven Churches of Revelation - LPPC 28 Nov-3 Dec - Chiang Rai Thailand Mission Trip 5 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ! 2 NOVEMBER 2014 YAYAM We praise God for our youths who have graduated from Sunday School to join the Youth Ministry. Pray that as they go through the series of Two Ways to Live and Just for Starters, that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts that they will understand what it means to have Jesus as our Lord and King, to be assured of their salvation and to live God’s way in their lives. We pray for our Youth Camp 2014 happening from 12-15 December 2014. May the Lord prepare the hearts of those coming that they be in tuned to His voice and love. Pray for the youth leaders as they plan and run the camp that God may grant them wisdom as they think through the purpose, programs and activities. Pray for our camp speaker, Luke Thomson as he prepares the camp messages. May the Lord guide his preparation and speak through him. Youth & Young Adults Ministry Pray for God’s sustaining grace to be with the youth leaders as they balance between their daily work and serving in the youth ministry in building relationships with the youths, leading them in Bible Study and also helping them to grow in their walk. We pray for our young adults who are preparing for their exams soon. May the Lord guide them in their preparations and grant them wisdom to understand their revisions. Pray that even in the midst of their exams, that they will be prompted by the Sprit to come away to spend time with God in reading His Word and in prayer. We pray for our young people that God will continue to do and complete the good work He is doing in each of their lives. May He draw near to them and enable them to experience His love and joy daily in their school, offices, camps and family. May they seek after Him in all that they do and may they be constantly reminded of His great love for each of them. Prayer & Dedication service for Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School Date: 8 November 2014, Saturday Time: 10.00 am - 11.00 am Venue: The Chapel We are having a prayer and dedication service at our newly rebuilt and refurnished Chapel for Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School. Let's come together this coming Saturday to partner with the chaplaincy team, pastors, elders and deacons in the school ministry by coming alongside to support and pray for the principal, vice principals, school management board, teachers and students before the whole school moves in mid Nov to early Dec. Let us give thanks to God for the completion of the rebuilding project for the school as well as for our church and dedicate every student, teacher, staff and parent as they start the new academic year 2015 in their newly rebuilt and refurnished school. Do liaise with Carol (96986051) or Gerard (97709539) if you are joining us on this Saturday. 6 THANKSGIVING, PRAYERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Musicale preparations have started! Please join us to get Bethlehem@LPPC for Christmas and get ready to receive our guests. We need many hands on board; please feel free to approach the following people to offer your hands! Choir: Ben Ho/Annabelle Drama: Alyssa Costumes/Props: Anthea/Anne Lee Publicity: Dennis Wong/Abigail Dance: Pih Yann Befrienders: Barney Dunne AV/Stagehands: Eddy/Yoong Hwee Makeup: Josephine PRESBYTERIAN RUN 2014 The Presbyterian Church in Singapore is organising a Presbyterian Run & Walk 2014 at Big Splash East Coast Park in support of the Synod Hub Development Donation Drive. Let us participate to express our partnership as part of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore. 7 MINISTRY INFORMATION OUR FAITHFULNESS 26 October Attendance @ Service 301 (English Service) 45 (Mandarin Service) Sunday School 46 2 November 9 November Duty Pastor/ Elder/Staff Elder Richard Ong Elder Tan Yeong Nam Service Leader Elder Richard Ong Daniel Lee Jeanette Choong, Daniel Lee, Musicians & Singers Tithes & Offerings! $11,565.50 Yeo Zhi Wei, Matthew Lu, By end 2022 to have 100 (+ existing in 2012) families, to know, love and enjoy God forever and lead others to do the same. Ruth Chen & Tabitha Lee Scripture Reader Reuben Yap Kester Teo Visual Team Low May Ling Wong Shao Yu Matthew Loh & Joshua Lee & See Yoong Hwee Keefe Quek Elder Tan Yeong Nam Elder Wang Kim Meng Ng Kay Beng, Ann Quek, Susan Chin, Cynthia Ong, Barney Dunne, James Soh & Soh Ai Bee, Celine Hong & Simon Soo Hong Suan Heng Audio Team Welcome Team Building Up, Reaching Out, Passing Down Jeanette Choong, Ian Lim, Benjamin Ho, Roy Chang, Kristie Ng, Marcus Ong & Yeo Jiaen Our 10 Year Vision CELL GROUPS Roster Ushers If you are interested to join a Cell Group, please fill in the response slip on page 2. Thursday, 8pm, Bishan Elder Wang Kim Meng 9630-3096 Thursday, 2pm, Bishan Elder Sue Kim Lee 9695-5395 Friday, 8pm, Marymount/ Toa Payoh Friday, 8pm, Yio Chu Kang/ Thomson Friday, 8pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, Bishan Saturday, 3pm, KCPSS (01-01) Saturday, 3.30pm, KCPSS (01-03) Sunday, 8.45am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 1) Elder Jimmy Tan 9626-6068 Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder David Lim 9620-2953 Elder Chan Siew Heng 9754-5689 Steven Tan 9686-1906, Loh Pui Wah 9630-7618 Elder Tan Yeong Nam 9824-5105 Chew Siew Chin 9618-2745 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-01) Elder Kok Siew Hoong 9622-6087, Chew Wing Kee 9111-0114 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-02) Felix Lim 9826-9750 , Wilie Wu 9652-1180 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-07) Elder John Seah, Tay Swee Kiat 9144-3480 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (01-08) Priscilla Lam 9754-5182 Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (Tamil Language Room 2) Sunday, 9am, KCPSS (02-05) Pr Stanley Soh 9695-9286, Tan Nguan Sen 6457-4754 Elder Richard Ong 9297-9680 ARRANGEMENT OF CHAIRS Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The chairs that we use for our Service have been kindly arranged by our brothers and sisters in Christ from Zion BP. Please help to keep the chairs arranged orderly after our Services. Thank you for your loving consideration.
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