Open - Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church

Christ the Redeemer
Catholic Church
Imitating Jesus’ merciful gaze, the Church must accompany her most fragile sons
and daughters, marked by wounded and lost love, with attention and care restoring trust
and hope to them . Extraordinary Synod on the Family, October 13, 2014
Fourth Sunday of advent
December 21, 2014
Christmas schedule
Wednesday, December 24, Christmas Eve
Please no saved seats 20 minutes prior to Mass
Video overflow will be provided.
Additional parking across the street at Waldon Middle School.
4:00 pm First Mass of Christmas-Most Attended Mass-Video Overflow
6:00 pm Children's Eve Mass
10:00 pm Mass in the Night
new parishioners
welcome &
Families wishing to register in
the parish are invited to a New Parishioners Welcome and Registration
on Sunday, January 4 at 12:30 pm in
the Gethsemane Chapel.
This gathering includes a brief
overview of the parish, its history and
its ministries.
Refreshments follow, childcare is
Thursday, December 25, Christmas
10:00 am Mass in the Day, Fr. Ken Mazur Presider
December 27/28, Feast of the Holy Family
Regular Mass Schedule, 5:00 pm, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Wednesday, December 31, New Year’s Eve
5:00 pm Mass
Thursday, January 1, New Year’s Day
10:00 am Mass
Gathering on the 20th!
Please join us on Tuesday, January 20 at 7:00 pm for Taize Prayer
and special reception for our
"Twenty-Somethings" in Bethany.
Just an opportunity for our younger
adults to deepen their spiritual
lives and make a few new friends in
the new year! No RSVP necessary,
just come pray, eat and talk. This
event is co-sponsored by our
Vicariate Agape Community. For
more information contact Lisa
Brown at 248-391-4074,
[email protected] or visit
our Facebook event page at: https://
parish office Christmas schedule
Parish Office will be closed December 24-January 4. The office will reopen
Monday, January 5. Voice mail will be checked periodically and there is an
emergency number if immediate assistance is needed. Merry Christmas!
January 7 Confirmation Orientation (Last Date!) 7pm
January 8 Parent Child Eucharist meeting Intro 7-8:30pm
January 10 What is Sacrament (with Fr. Joe) 10-11:30am
January 11 School Year Faith Formation 2-5pm
January 12 Confirmation session: (teens) Prayer, Church,
What is Confirmation 7pm
January 15 What is Reconciliation (Adults only) 7-8:30pm
January 22 What is Eucharist (with Fr. Joe) 7-8:30pm
January 22-25 Confirmation Retreat
January 25 School Year Faith Formation 2-5pm
January 26 Confirmation session: (teens) Radical Hospitality &
Discipleship 7pm
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The familiar story of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary
brings this Advent to a close. Here are a few voices reflecting on
the Annunciation.
Hans Urs von Balthasar
“It would never have occurred to Mary to see her assent to God
as a part of God’s own work: she works with God only in the sense she lets him
work in her.”
Catholic theologian Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ
“This young peasant girl discerns the voice of God in her life commissioning
her to a momentous task. Exercising independent thought and action, she asks questions, takes counsel with her own soul. In a self-determining act of personal autonomy, she decides to go for it. This is her choice and it changes her life. A woman of
Spirit, she embarks on the task of partnering God in the work of redemption.”
A rather more humorous perspective from Jewish New Testament biblical
scholar Amy-Jill Levine:
“The Virgin Mary made me nervous. When I was a child growing up in a predominantly Roman Catholic town in Massachusetts, my friends informed me that
Jesus would return the same way he had come before that is, a Jewish virgin would
be his mother. Being the only Jewish virgin in the neighborhood, I might therefore
become the messiah’s mother. Consequently, during much of second grade I was
absolutely petrified that an angel would appear in my bedroom, say, “Hail, Amy-Jill,”
and tell me I was going to be pregnant.”
Richard Rohr frequently points out that Mary teaches us how salvation is received; she is freely elected with no mention of merit, as it is for us. The Poet Denise
Levertov concludes the same thing in this often-omitted final stanza:
“She did not cry, ‘I cannot, I am not worthy,’
nor, “I have not the strength.’
She did not submit with gritted teeth,
raging, coerced.
Bravest of all humans,
consent illuminated her.
The room filled with its light,
the lily glowed in it,
and the iridescent wings.
courage unparalleled,
opened her utterly.”
The story is so familiar that we don’t often stop to reflect on the courage required to say “Yes” to the voice of God when it finds its way to you, in your particularity, confronting you immediately and individually and with the full knowledge you
have no way of evading the responsibility of response.
“Aren’t there annunciations
of one sort or another
in most lives?
Some unwillingly
undertake great destinies,
enact them in sullen pride,
More often
those moments
when roads of light and storm
open from darkness in a man or woman,
are turned away from
in dread, in a wave of weakness, in despair
and with relief.
Ordinary lives continue
God does not smite them.
But the gates close, the pathway vanishes.”
Fr. Joe
Circle of Faith
Looking for a group of spirit-led
women to join for a book discussion?
Try our "Circle of Faith" women's
group who meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in Cana.
All are welcome and childcare is
provided by request. Our next gathering is Wednesday, January 7 - great
way to start the new year! For more
info please contact Sharon Sinnott
at 248-391-0240.
Monday Night
Scripture Study
Join us every Monday night at
7:00 pm in the main office conference room for an in-depth discussion
and study of the lectionary readings
for our weekend liturgies. All are
welcome. Contact Jan Lumetta for
more information at [email protected].
Financial Stewardship
November 2014
Sunday Contributions:
(Over) Budget
$ 3,698
If you’re sad or struggling inside,
don’t suffer along. Ask for help.
We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a
tough time. And it all confidential!
If you or someone you love is in
need of a Stephen Minister, or if you
would like to become a Stephen Minister to help those in need, contact a
Stephen Leader today.
For more information call Roger
Buches, 248-444-5750 or Mike Hayes,
[email protected]
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Office of Family Ministry News!
Crazy Catholic Question #15
How can I get my relatives to come to church?
Well, frankly, we can’t. We have no
control over the choices our adult relatives make and the more we push, the
more likely they are to pull away. But we
are not powerless either…
During Advent we ponder the mystery of the Incarnation. We believe that,
in Jesus, God came to be with us right
here in our history and is still alive and
living with us now, gathering a community, the Body of Christ, to transform the
world with the love that he embodied.
Fr. Ron Rolheiser points out that
when we say that we are "the Body of
Christ" it is not an exaggeration or a metaphor. Our scriptures do not say "we
represent" or "replace" or "symbolize"
Jesus, they just say "We ARE the body of
Christ." The incarnation is not something that happened long ago, but rather
continues in us right at this moment. A
There was a woman who, in the
midst of great suffering, wanders into her
empty church, sits down, closes her eyes
and fervently prays, “God, I am in great
pain and I need to know you are with
me. I know I’m not supposed to ask for
miracles or signs, but I’m at the end of
my rope. Please, I beg of you, give me a
sign of your presence.”
And she keeps repeating this last
line, “Please, I need a sign of your presence.” She waits a long while, eyes
closed tight, and all of a sudden she feels
a hand on her shoulder! Her stomach
flips and for a moment she is paralyzed.
Could it be that God is actually touching
her shoulder as a sign of support?!?
She slowly turns and sees behind her
one of her friends. The woman can’t
hide her disappointment. Her friend
says, “You seem distressed, can I help
you in anyway?” The woman explains
how she thought her friend was God
touching her on the shoulder, and her
friend asks “But, what hand did you
think God would use?”
St. Theresa of Avila writes:
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet, on earth but
Yours are the eyes through which
He looks compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which He
walks to do good.
Your are the hands with which
He blesses all the world.
Christ has no body now on earth
but yours.
Fr. Rolheiser says “We all have
relatives and friends who don’t come
to Mass with us anymore. They have
been hurt or feel unaccepted and we
pray for them, but we also do much
more. If our touch is Christ’s touch,
then by loving and forgiving our alienated friends and relatives, in so far as
they receive love and forgiveness
from us, they are receiving love and
forgiveness from God.
Not unlike the woman who
touched the hem of Jesus’ garment
and was healed from 11 years of sickness, WE are the hem of Jesus’ garment for others, connecting them to
the body of Christ.
Maybe your child no longer goes
to church, no longer prays, no longer
respects your faith and is openly agnostic or atheistic. What can you do?
You can continue to pray for
them and live out your own faith,
hoping that your example will have
power where your words are ineffectual. But you can do even more.͒You
can continue to love and embrace
them and insofar as they receive that
love and forgiveness from you, they
are receiving love and forgiveness
from God! Since you are part of the
Body of Christ, when you love them
Christ is loving them.
Part of the wonder of the incarnation is the astonishing fact that we
can do for each other what Jesus did
for us! Our love and forgiveness are
the cords that connect our loved ones
to God, to salvation, and to the community of saints, even when they are
no longer walking the path of explicit
Send your Crazy Catholic Question to [email protected]
Lisa Brown
Our RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is designed
to welcome anyone interested in
learning more about Catholicism
and/or officially being initiated
through the sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist into
our Catholic Community. We meet
(almost) every Sunday from 9:0010:45 am from now until just after
Easter in the Library. For more info
contact Lisa Brown, 248-391-4 0 7 4
or email [email protected] for a
personal welcome, answers to any
questions you might have and a full
schedule of upcoming dates and
It's not too late! We have one
last Confirmation Orientation for
teens and their parents coming up
Wednesday, January 7 at 7:00 pm in
the Chapel. We welcome any 9th
grader (or older) with a desire to
grow spiritually and a willingness to
enter fully into this process
of preparation and prayer even if
they have missed some Faith Formation in the past. To RSVP and
receive a full schedule please
email Lisa Brown at
[email protected].
Scripture Study
resumes January 7.
Every Wednesday
from 9:30-11:00 am
No prep necessary. Drop-ins
welcome. Childcare provided by
request. Contact David Nesbitt
at: [email protected] for
more information.
P l e as e no t e t h a t Pr e -K /
Kindergarten faith formation will be
off December 28 so our catechists
can spend time with their families.
We return on January 4.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Luke 1:26-38
Generous Donation
Each time I read this story, I find myself wondering if Mary really answered as readily as it seems.
Then, I read it again and I see even she doubted and
questioned the angel. The angel says to Mary, “Do not
be afraid, for you have found favour with God.” I
have to think a visit by an angel would, naturally, bring
some fear! Mary doubted and questioned the angel and
was encourage and comforted. There is something to
be said for letting go of all concern and giving God
complete charge. But it is so much easier said than
Think about a time when you felt no fear and were
able to put complete trust in another. For most of us,
it was when we were small children before we reached
the age of reason. When we’re little, we trust our parents completely and are assured that they will take care
of everything. As we grow older, we become more
aware of the world around us and develop our own
sense of how we think things should go. It is much
more difficult for us to let go and put our complete
trust in another. Mary trusted the angel much as a
small child trusts its parent. Perhaps this is what Jesus
means when he says we are to come to him as a child –
completely innocent and open; none of our own plans,
agendas or ideals.
When we come to the place of complete trust and
surrender, we find it is here that God can do his best
work. Through complete dependence on God anything can happen.
This year our Youth Ministry program was given a very
generous gift. In September Michigan Blood held a blood
drive here at Christ the Redeemer. As part of their “Step
Up to Summer” Program, $10 for each donor registration
was donated to the CTR Youth Ministry program. In following the example set for us by our parish community, the
youth would like to tithe 10% of this gift to help others. In
addition, the teens have decided to donate monies to Lake
Orion High School in order to support students at risk.
I’m very proud of our teens and all the ways they are learning to put others first. This wouldn’t happen without the
generous donations and the leadership here at CTR. Thank
you for lighting the way for our young people of faith.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, Jan 17 – MLK Service Day
Saturday, Feb 7-8 – CYO Rainbow 33 Youth Conference
Friday, Feb 27-Saturday, Feb 28 – 30 Hour Famine
MLK Service Day
In an effort to follow Pope Francis’s challenge to
our youth to take our ministry “Out to the street” we
are participating in a Martin Luther King service day in
the Detroit area on Saturday, January 17. We will gather
at Sacred Heart Church activities building in Detroit for
a kick-off and then head out to our assigned work site.
We return to Sacred Heart at 12:30 pm for lunch and
prayer. I hope you can join us as we venture out and
share Christ’s message to our little part of the world.
Watch the bulletin for more details.
Children’s Village
Once again our teens planned a wonderful and fun
party for teens at Children’s Village in Pontiac. We enjoyed
time getting to know one another and sharing the Christmas spirit which is the spirit of Christ. We would like to
humbly thank our parish community for your generous
offering of gifts to share with these remarkable teens.
Without your help, we would not be able to share the Light
of Christ. Thank You!
Rainbow XXXIII – “Feed Your Faith”
Save the Date! February 7-8, 2015 is our CYO Catholic Youth Conference held at the Renaissance Center in
Each year, CYO puts together a conference
specifically for 9th -12th grade students that helps
to energize their faith. The conference includes 4 general
sessions, 3 modules of the teen’s choosing, Mass, a dance,
and the opportunity to spend time with 1,500 other Catholic teens from the Archdiocese of Detroit. This conference
is planned by high school teens to try and meet the needs
of their peers. This year’s keynote speakers are Jesse Manibussan and Steve Angrisano, two very dynamic musicians
with years of experience guiding teens in their faith.
“When you feel the burning in your soul, come to the table of the
Lord. To satisfy the hunger that you feel, look to the Lord for your
Holy meal. To discover the recipe for salvation, you must avoid
temptation and feed your faith.” Paperwork is available in the
Youth Ministry Office and cost of the conference is
$125.00. If you would like more information on this
event, please contact Lisa Andridge at [email protected] or (248) 391-4074 ext 33.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Mass Intentions
December 20 & 21
5:00 pm For Dr. Robert Wylin req.
by Dorothy Wylin.
For Lewis Harmon req.
by Lorraine Butler.
For Daniel Schimmoeller req. by
the Youngpeter family.
9:00 am For Manuel Paramo
req. by the John Zuniga family.
For the people of the parish.
11:00 am For Patrick Turner req.
by Robert and Mary Anne Turner.
December 24
4:00 pm For Colleen McDonald
req. by her family.
For the deceased members of the
Miller family family.
6:00 pm For the people of
the parish.
10:00 am For Henry and Eleanore
Koliba family.
December 25
10:00 am For the people of
the parish.
Looking AHEAD
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 21
Blessing of Expectant
9:00 am Mass
9:00 am RCIA
11:00 am Mass
Sunday, December 28
Holy Family
9:00 am Mass
11:00 am Mass
Monday, December 22
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
7:00 pm Young Widows
Tuesday, December 30
5:45 pm Yoga
Tuesday, December 23
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Mass
a weekly
Email blast
On a weekly
basis we email a
parish update to
those interested. If
you would like to receive weekly updates, via email, fill out the information on the main page of the website, or scan the QR
Monday, December 29
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
Wednesday, December 31
New Year’s Eve
5:00 pm Mass
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Wednesday, December 24
Christmas Eve
4:00 pm First Mass of Christmas
6:00 pm Children’s Eve Mass
10:00 am Mass in the Night
Thursday, December 25
10:00 am Mass,
Fr. Ken Mazur Presider
December 27 & 28
5:00 pm For Mark Wylin req. by
Dorothy Wylin.
For Chuck Goodell req. by
Stan & Dottie Kowalski
9:00 am For the people of the
11:00 am For the people of the
Page 5
Friday, December 26
Parish Office Closed
9:00am Mass
Saturday, December 27
Holy Family
9:00 am Yoga
10:15 am Yoga
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year’s Day
10:00 am Mass
Friday, January 2
9:00 am Mass
Saturday, January 3
9:00 am Yoga
10:15 am Yoga
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Save the Date for Theology on Tap,
January 5, 2015!
Agape (Pontiac Area Vicariate) Young Adult Community is very excited to
announce the kickoff of a monthly Theology on Tap! Join other young adults
from around the vicariate in a warm and welcoming atmosphere Monday, January 5, 2015 at Mr. B’s in Rochester. Dinner at 6:30pm, program at 7:30pm.
Don’t miss Fr. Patrick Gonyeau as he shares on
“He Makes All Things New”!
Contact Kim Boismier @ [email protected]
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Christmas Giving
Do you usually cut down a
Christmas tree or buy a live wreath or
roping for Christmas? If so, visit
Addison Oaks Christmas tree farm. If
you mention Christ the Redeemer
combined with a $30 or more purchase, they will donate $5 to our
Adopt a Family Program. Purchases
must be made before December 23.
The farm is located at 355 Lake
George Rd, Oakland, Michigan.
Their contact # is 248-814-0583.
They are open 9-5 on weekdays, and
12-5 on weekends. They have a variety of trees available.
Senior Stretch & Stay
Strong Exercise Class
This class is held at Christ the
Redeemer and features meditation,
gentle stretching, and chair exercise.
Every Thursday, from 10:00 11:30 am in the Matt 2/3 room.
Instructor: Virginia Stagner Certified by The Arthritis Foundation
Fermenting Faith – Wine,
Cheese, and Discussion
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
of the month at 7:00 pm.
No prep needed, need not
attend in sequence. Drop-in
when you can. Sparkling juice
available. Childcare provided.
Doctrine of the Trinity
January 15, 2015
It is one of two fundamental
doctrines of Christianity. It is a paradox that Christians openly accept but
Jews and Muslims shun. In the 4th
century it became a controversy that
threatened Christianity like nothing
before. The first world wide Christian council was called to establish an
understanding of God that is still
recited today in churches across the
world. Learn why and what went
into developing the doctrine of the
save the dates
Christ the Redeemer will host
the Hope Warming Center from
Monday, January 26 through
Sunday, February 1.
Michigan Blood Drive at Christ
the Redeemer, Saturday February 7 from 7:30am - 1:30pm in
the Bethany Room.
Watch the bulletin for details on
both these events.
coming to St. Joe’s
awaken ministry
7:00-8:30 pm
•January 11: Fr. Phil Ching
•February 8: Archbishop
Allen Vigneron
Join hundreds of other Catholics for a night of praise and worship, dynamic speaking and Eucharistic Adoration.
Additional information
Gospel of life
“Jesus, when he began his ministry,
was about thirty years of age, being the son
(as was supposed) of Joseph…the son of
Levi…the son of David…the son of Seth,
the son of Adam, the son of God.” (Luke
The Evangelist Luke traces the
genealogy of Jesus to Adam in order
to identify Jesus with all humanity.
While all of us are adopted sons and
daughters of God, we can learn a lot
about our immediate family by digging deeper into our own cultural
heritage this Christmas season. Take
the time to fill out the register that
can be found in the front of your
family Bible. We as Catholics connect with Jesus through the Bible,
and with the people and saints that
came before us.
PAVAL Coed Volleyball
The Pontiac Area Vicariate Athletic League (PAVAL) was created
to promote fellowship, build community, enhance communications,
and to foster Christian values
through athletic endeavors accommodating a variety of age groups.
PAVAL will host its 25th season of
Coed Volleyball beginning Sunday, January 4, 2015, and ending
March 1 with a tournament. Matches
are played at Notre Dame Preparatory High School on Sunday evenings. Christ the Redeemer has fielded teams for several years and we are
finalizing our roster. The modest
team fee includes a team T-shirt.
Please contact our CTR team manager Linda Brouns at
[email protected] or Mike Zabat
at pavalvb@gmail if interested. Linda will arrange an optional practice
schedule for those who are interested. More information is posted on
our parish website.
In 1310, the artist Pacino di
Bonaguida depicted the Cross of Jesus as the Tree of Life. By depicting
the Crucifixion as the central image
among many images, the artist established Jesus’ complete gift of self as
the crowning event in salvation history. The desire to embrace his Father’s
plan of redeeming love for us inspired Jesus’ whole life.
The Gospel of Life group at
Christ the Redeemer prays that all
families will cherish their time together at Christmas to grow closer to
Jesus, Our Lord and Savior.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Page 7
tithing criteria
You can now manage your
annual financial gift online.
MOMS: Ministry of Moms
Moms with children of all ages
are welcome to meet with one or
both of our MOMS groups that gather on Wednesday, 10:00-11:30 am
OR Thursday mornings 10:30 am 12:00 noon for fellowship, book discussions, life lessons and faith building. For more information contact
Patty Weise 248-239-1118 (Weds) or
Dayna Hollis 248-802-3804
(Thurs). Childcare is provided.
The month of November,
Christ the Redeemer Church donated $6,351.30 to the following appeals:
Catholic Relief Services
Mercy-USA for Aid and
Crisis Aid International
Warm Blankets Orphan Care
World Medical Relief
Baldwin Center
Hope, Hospitality Warming
Center, Inc.
Catholic Charities
(Hispanic Outreach)
Catholic Charities of
Southeast Michigan
Meals on Wheels (OPC)
Catholic Youth Organization
Mothers & Unborn Baby
Care, Inc.
St. Vincent DePaulNutrition Center
Salvation Army
St. Dominics
Pink Ribbon Trail Blazers
Monthly Mission
Families in Crisis
Love INC
Live Nativity at Wondrous Night,
Sunday, December 14, 2015
As part of our mission to take
care of those in need, the Christ the
Redeemer Community commits 10%
of our offerings to organizations who
serve the poor. The Tithing Committee has devoted the past few
months to improving and updating
the criteria for giving. Their priority
is to provide food, shelter, clothing
and services to those in greatest need.
The committee receives requests
from international, national, and local
organizations. Parishioners requesting donations should complete donation request form which may be
picked up from the parish office or
found on our website under Tithing.
Criteria is based on the following:
•30% are disbursed to foreign or international organizations, i.e.; Catholic Relief Services, Disaster Relief,
•70% are disbursed to local, and national needs i.e.; American Red
Cross, local food pantries or soup
•These amounts may vary in actual
percentage plus or minus 20% depending on extenuating circumstances, such as a world disaster like earthquake or flood relief.
Donations will only be awarded to
charitable organizations. Golf outings, recreational or athletic events,
political or individual fundraisers will
not be considered.
Charities will be evaluated
through various charity navigation
tool such as or These tools verify
the organization’s 5013C status and
rate their overall efficiency. 5013C
organizations are encouraged but not
Majority consensus for any donation is required by the Tithing Committee. Approval is also required by
the Service Commission and Fr. Joe
before approval is granted.
Organizations that are granted
their donation request will be listed in
the bulletin as well as the website
under tithing.
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Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the
Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to
the prayers please call the parish office.
For Our Parishioners
Jodi Dempsey Martin
Steve Keltch
Nancy Miller
Jean Beaupre
Jim Munoz
Clint Yerkes
Mary Lauinger
Laurie O’Meara
Robert Kurzyniec
Dorothy Mazur
Tony Gibbs
Jane Beckwith
Fred Lennox
Stan Kowalski
Carey Chappell
Karen Rawski
Ellen Higgins
For the Military
…..our country’s military personnel especially those connected
to our parish.
For the Deceased
…..please remember in your
prayers the family of Kelly Bechtell
whose father Timothy Sullivan
died; the family of Jim Haynes
whose father Bud Haynes died; the
family of Pat Lipscomb whose sister Sharon Culbertson died.
For Loved Ones
Who Are Ill
Raymond Gurski father of
Gary Gurski
Joe Vestrand friend of
Gary & Maryalice Tomei
Virginia Paul
Rick Ellico friend of
Betty Mlinar
Carol and Charles Richie parents of
both Karen Jbara and Craig Richie
Jackson Miles great nephew of
Trish Sinacola
Jerry Taylor nephew of
Barb & Steve Burr
Paul VanSlambrouck brother of
Ed VanSlambrouck
Pat Enderle aunt of
Michael Sabin
Lianna Frazer daughter of
RoseMary Frazer
John Bigger
Evelyn Winterfield sister of
Mary Elizabeth Murrary
Patty Bianchi daughter of
Stella Slimko
Cameron Collins nephew of
Susan Arends
Dave Lowe brother of
Kate Z.
Mary Sabo mother of
MaryAnn Emick
Christine Feurig friend of
Sue Watson
Administrave: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10
Administrave: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11
Finance: Chris Spencer, ext. 12
Chrisan Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛĐƚƌĞĚĞĞŵĞƌ͘ŽƌŐĂŶĚ
Lisa Pra4, ext. 17 [email protected] ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗ZŽŐĞƌƵĐŚĞƐ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϰϰϰ͘ϱϳϱϬ
Ponac Vicariate Website:
Maryalice Tomei, Administrave, ext. 14
ĂŝůLJͲCheck weekly bullen
Educaon ŚĂŝƌ͗ĂǀŝĚĂŶĚĞ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϴϵϭ͘ϲϵϱϬ
We are a welcoming Chrisan community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. tĞƐƚƌŝǀĞƚŽΗŵĂŬĞĂĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞΗǁŝƚŚŝŶŽƵƌůŽĐĂůĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚŝŶǁŚŝĐŚǁĞůŝǀĞ͘
Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the variees of gi!s, talents and