Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church

Christ the Redeemer
Catholic Church
Imitating Jesus’ merciful gaze, the Church must accompany her most fragile sons
and daughters, marked by wounded and lost love, with attention and care restoring trust
and hope to them . Extraordinary Synod on the Family, October 13, 2014
November 23, 2014
Adopt A Family For
Every year, families from Christ
the Redeemer parish “adopt” between 22 and 25 families – providing
gifts and food for those in need from
our local Lake Orion community
parish and schools and the families
of incarcerated persons recommended by Oakland County Jail Ministry.
You determine the number of people
you are able to “adopt” - and we
provide you with information about
needs, sizes, wishes, etc. Gifts will
be due back by the weekend of December 14, so there's plenty of time
to shop for just the right gifts for a
struggling family. For more information contact Nancy Clancy, 248705-9788
[email protected].)
Thanksgiving Service
free thanksgiving
Sunday, November 23, 6:00 pm
St. Joseph Catholic Church,
715 N. Lapeer Road
Sponsored by the OxfordOrion Ministers Association and
member churches.
A freewill offering will be taken
for the ministries of Love INC.
Reception following. Questions,
call 248.693.0440.
Thursday, November 27
11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
CJ’s Lakeside Grill
21 W. Flint Street
Downtown Lake Orion
For area seniors, shut-ins and
other who want to share the holiday.
For shut-in service call CJ’s
at 248-693-8704.
St. Nicholas Update
Thank you to all those who have volunteered for our St. Nicholas Project.
If you are unable to help the day of project, December 6, we have several
other volunteer opportunities available.
Flyer distribution: Over 2000 flyers need to be distributed to area neighborhoods between now and December 1. Many volunteers are needed for this
job in order to ensure a successful drive which benefits area food pantries.
Routes will be handed out in batches of 100 houses. If you, or your family can
help with this task, please sign up on the designated sheets in the vestibule. Flyers will be available following all Masses this weekend, November 22/23. You
and your family will receive an email with instructions.
Volunteers are also needed to help with hospitality for the pizza dinner
following Mass on December 6. If you can help serve or clean up between 5:009:00 pm, please see the sign up in the vestibule.
(4 & 5 Year Olds)
During Sunday Masses!
No Registration Required
Meet in the vestibule before
Mass to check-in and children will be
guided to their Matt 2/3 classroom.
Please consider helping once a
month. Contact Michele or Karen at
[email protected]
or 248-391-4074, ext. 19.
Help Needed!
Catechist substitutes for the
School Year Faith Formation program. We would reach out to you
when in need. Program meets one
Sunday per month from 2:00-5:00
pm. If available to be added to our
substitute list, please email Karen or
M i ch e le @ ch il d r ens m i nis [email protected].
blood pressure
following all Masses
this weekend,
November 22/23
In the Disciples Room.
Page 2
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Today’s Gospel passage gives us an image of the final
judgment, but the astonishing point is that there is no
religious actions or motivations that are the basis for the
final judgment. Earlier this fall I was reflecting on the
relationship between orthodoxy (right thinking) and orthopraxis (right action). Fr. Michael Himes concluded
that orthopraxis always leads to orthodoxy. In reflecting on today’s parable,
Fr. Himes suggests this insight from The Brothers Karamazov.
“The youngest brother, Alyosha, is in a monastery where he has become a disciple of Father Zosima, an elderly monk who is a renowned spiritual director. Fairly early on in the novel Dostoevsky presents the reader
with a series of brief interviews between Zosima and various people who
consult him about their problems and questions. The series of interviews
culminates in Zosima's conversation with a woman who says that she is
deeply distraught, that she is uncertain whether she can live any longer with
her life as it is. She tells the old monk that if he cannot help her, no one can,
and she will have no recourse but to kill herself. Her problem is that she is
terrified by her inability to believe in life after death. She cannot even dare
to raise the question of believing in God. She does not know how she has
ceased to believe. Once she did believe when she was a child, but now the
world seems so dark, so cold, that she can believe in nothing, and her lack
of belief is sapping every aspect of her life of its vitality and joy. Nothing in
life seems to matter if there is no ultimate purpose, no final reason, no God.
She can believe in nothing except, perhaps, the weeds that will grow on her
Zosima tells her that what she is experiencing is the most terrible thing
that a human being can experience, and that he thinks he can help her. He
cannot offer her some abstract argument proving the existence of God, but
he can offer her a concrete demonstration. What she must do is go home
and every day, very concretely and practically, love the people with whom
she comes in contact that day. If she does this, he tells her, she will gradually, step by step, discover that she believes in God. And should she approach
truly selfless love-the agape of the gospel-she will find that she cannot not believe in God. Dostoevsky concluded by having Zosima tell the woman,
"This way has been tried. This way is certain." And the rest of that long and
glorious novel is, I think, an exploration of that claim.”
Fr. Himes concludes: “We cannot experience God unless we love our
brothers and sisters, and we cannot love our brothers and sisters without
experiencing God. Dostoevsky is precisely right, I think. You cannot not
believe in God if you truly love your brothers and sisters because you will
experience your ability to love as being a gift to you, not of accomplishment by you. You will find yourself "doing" God, for God will be acting
through you. Remember, God is more like a verb than a noun, not a lover
but love. It is rather like someone asking, "Prove to me that there is such a
phenomenon as breathing." It is not a matter of argument; the person is
doing it! In a sense, the Christian demonstration of God is "I love you,
therefore God exists." Agapic love is experienced as a gift not only by the
one loved but also by the lover. For the carefully attentive and selfreflective lover knows that his or her love is so conditioned and so fragile
that when it approaches true selflessness the lover's abilities are transcended. That transcending power which we encounter in loving another for the
sake of the other is God.” (Michael Himes, Doing the Truth in Love, p. 545; also quoted in this online essay
Fr. Joe
Giving tree
Many of you may have noticed
the Giving Tree tags in the vestibule
last weekend. A little early according
to the calendar, however, the gifts will
be delivered on Saturday, December 6
as one of the outreach projects for
our St. Nicholas Day Project. This is
one week earlier than previous
years. Please return the unwrapped
gift with the tag on or before Sunday,
November 30.
We provide gifts of warm clothing and toys to Children’s Village, St.
Dominic’s Outreach in Detroit, and
Lighthouse of Clarkston. Some of
the tags may include a pantry
item. This provides emergency food
for two of the agencies enabling them
to stock their pantries over the holidays and into next
year. Thank you for
helping us with gifts
and food for those
in greatest need.
Please call Susan
Arends with any
questions at (248)
Matthew 25:40 “Truly I say to you, as
you did to the least of my brothers, you did it
to me.”
pictorial directories
Pictorial directories are for sale in
the parish office for a cost of $10.
Weds Morning
Scripture Study Every
week from 9:30-11:00 am
No prep necessary. Drop-ins
welcome. Childcare provided by request. Contact David Nesbitt
at:[email protected] for
more information.
email change
Christ the Redeemer staff has
moved to Google email. Please
refer to the staff directory in this
bulletin for updated addresses.
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Page 3
Office of Family Ministry News!
Crazy Catholic Question #11
Do Catholics still believe in Purgatory?
Purgatory is not a popular idea
these days, but that probably has more
to do with hellfire images from movies
and Dante’s Inferno than our Catholic
teaching on the subject.
We Catholics believe that human
beings are fundamentally good. (Note:
This is a dramatically different belief
than some of our Protestant brothers
and sisters who hold that human beings
are fundamentally sinful…these two
very different starting points impact
much of the theology that follows!).
But we Catholics aren’t naïve to sin
either. We recognize the death-dealing
realities of war, violence, and greed. We
define sin as anything that keeps us from
communion with God, others and our
true selves; anything that distances us
from God's mercy. In a word, sin is
So we believe that Purgatory is
simply a time of purification after we die
for us to close the gap, to eliminate the
alienation that our choices to sin have
created. For truly, who among us,
should we, God forbid, get hit by a MacTruck this afternoon would feel completely ready and prepared to meet
God? Maybe a handful among us at
Purgatory isn’t necessarily a “place”
it’s just something we experience that
might happen for all of us in an instant…who knows? Not our US Catholic Bishops who say, “It is impossible for
us to imagine what purgatory is. Our
tradition describes it as a purifying fire;
an image that recalls that perfect love is
achieved by gradual and painful spiritual
detachment from selfishness and selfcenteredness.”
So, all of us could use a little purification in the end, no? And for those of
us who have turned away from God in a
profound way, purgatory is an essential
time of grace; an opportunity for us to
recognize God’s great love for us perhaps for the very first time. And because the closer we are to the light the
more we are able to see our own imperfections, purgatory is one last opportuni-
ty to genuinely repent and accept
God's forgiveness.
Fr. James Martin, S.J. says “We
pray for those in purgatory. Now this
doesn't make sense to many people,
even to some Catholics. But here's
how I like to think about that: We’re
all part of the great Communion of
Saints and death doesn’t end that
bond. So as part of that communion,
that community, we pray for those
who are in purgatory. We ask God to
help them open their hearts to God's
In short, we all sin. We are all
reluctant to admit that we are wrong,
and we all need grace to accept God's
mercy. How much more will we need
all those things after we have
died. So we all need help. And as
part of the communion of the saints,
with prayer we can help those who
have gone before us.”
Here is our “official” Catholic
stance from the Catechism (10301031):
All who die in God’s grace &
friendship, but still imperfectly
purified, are assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they
undergo purification, to achieve
the holiness necessary to enter the
joy of heaven. The Church gives
the name Purgatory to this final
purification, which is entirely different from the punishment of the
So, Purgatory simply recognizes that we are not perfect and
do not automatically merit heaven
without making some type of
amends for our bad choices.
However, we also trust implicitly that God’s mercy is infinitely greater than any sin we
could ever commit. Our faith in a
loving God assures us that we are
not so evil as to merit eternal separation from God (hell) either.
Send your Crazy Catholic Question to [email protected]
Lisa Brown
Our RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is designed
to welcome anyone interested in
learning more about Catholicism
and/or officially being initiated
through the sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist into
our Catholic fold.
We meet
(almost) every Sunday from 9:0010:45 am from now until just after
Easter in the Library. For more
info contact Lisa Brown at
[email protected] or call 248-391
-4074 ext. 20 for a personal welcome, answers to any questions you
might have and a full schedule of
upcoming dates and topics.
Just a couple
reminders regarding our Confirmation
If your teen has not already
registered for our upcoming "KickOff" Confirmation Retreat December 12-14 please do
so SOON!
Retreat Registration
Forms are available on our website
and are due to our office
by November 30. If cost is a concern, please contact Lisa at
[email protected] for scholarship information.
For those teens and parents
who were not able to attend
our Confirmation Orientation last
month, we are offering one last opportunity on Wednesday, January
7 at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. Our
program is significantly abbreviated
from last year so the orientation is
an important part of our formation. The kindness of an RSVP
to [email protected] is
deeply appreciated.
Page 4
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Matthew 25:31-46
Rainbow XXXIII – “Feed Your Faith”
Our parish puts a huge emphasis on social justice
and works of mercy. As I’ve moved in Youth Ministry
circles, I’ve come to realize that this is not necessarily the
case across the Archdiocese. It was a priority to build a
house for Habitat for Humanity before we began construction on our new building. We are currently gearing
up for our second annual St. Nicholas Day Project where
more than 450 people will volunteer their time at more
than 25 locations. From feeding the hungry to collecting coats for local families, Christ the Redeemer is active
in the community in so many ways. You know what we
do, but do you know why we do it?
Catholic social teaching teaches that all humans have
basic rights and needs that must be met. Jesus doesn’t
suggest that we reach out to help others, he demands it.
It is who we are at the core of our faith. Do you know
what these basic rights are? These rights include, “The
right to work, education, fair legal treatment, and ownership of property.” To go along with these rights there
are certain responsibilities outlined by Jesus to his disciples – “feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger,
clothing the naked, tending to the sick, and supporting
those that have been imprisoned.” These are the demands of our faith if we want to be disciples. There is
no option, only obligation.
How have you stepped out and stepped up to fulfill
these roles? What have you done, in large and small
ways, to bring aid and comfort to another? It may be as
simple as offering a new student a seat at lunch and perhaps a warm drink on a cold day. If we’re honest with
ourselves, we know what needs to be done, but we don’t
always know how to go about it. Sometimes we feel our
small efforts are worthless. Let’s be clear, “Whatever
you do for the least of these, you do for me.” (Emphasis
mine). Keep your ears and eyes open to know the needs
of others. You will find great joy in reaching out and
serving one another. Christ the King says we serve him
when we serve the people considered least in our world.
God’s Spirit lives in them. God’s Spirit also lives in us.
We are all part of the same body of Christ.
Save the Date! February 7-8, 2015 is our CYO Catholic Youth Conference held at the Renaissance Center in
Detroit. Each year, CYO puts together a conference specifically for 9th -12th grade students that helps to energize
their faith. The conference includes 4 general sessions,
3 modules of the teen’s choosing, Mass, a dance, and the
opportunity to spend time with 1,500 other Catholic teens
from the Archdiocese of Detroit. This conference is
planned by high school teens to try and meet the needs of
their peers. This year’s keynote speakers are Jesse Manibussan and Steve Angrisano, two very dynamic musicians
with years of experience guiding teens in their faith. “When
you feel the burning in your soul, come to the table of the Lord. To
satisfy the hunger that you feel, look to the Lord for your Holy meal.
To discover the recipe for salvation, you must avoid temptation and
feed your faith.” Paperwork is available in the Youth Ministry
Office and cost of the conference is $125.00. If you would
like more information on this event, please contact Lisa
Andridge at [email protected] or (248) 391-4074
ext 33.
Children’s Village Christmas Party
Sunday, December 14 we will be traveling to Pontiac
to share the Spirit of the holiday season. Each year our
teens plan a Christmas celebration for teens of Children’s
Village in Pontiac. We bake cookies, plan games, wrap gifts
and bring cheer to teens that may not get to celebrate
Christmas with family. If you are in grades 9-12 and are
interested in bringing joy to others, please contact the
Youth Ministry Office for more details. We have a strict
limit of 15 participants, so signups will be on a first come
first serve basis. We gather at the church in Mark at 4:00
pm to put the finishing touches on our games and gifts and
then head to Pontiac via carpool. The party runs from 6:00
-8:00 pm when we clean up and head home. This is a wonderful way to share the spirit of Christ with others and do
something for someone else. We hope you’ll join us! Paperwork is available on the website.
Upcoming Events
Friday, Nov 21–Sunday, Nov 23 – Youth Ministry Retreat at Subiaco
Tuesday, Nov 25 – No Coffee House
Saturday, Dec 6 – St. Nicholas Project
Sunday, Dec 7 – Awaken Event at St. Joe
Sunday, Dec 14 – Children’s Village Christmas Party
Saturday, Jan 17 – MLK Service Day?????????
Saturday, Feb 7-8 – CYO Rainbow 33 Youth Conference
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Mass Intentions
November 22 & 23
5:00 pm For Dr. Robert Wylin
req. by Dorothy Wylin.
For Elisabeth Nolte, Maria Walter
and Elfriede Kunze
req. by family.
9:00 am For the people of
the parish.
11:00 am For Armand Horent
req. by the Cejka family.
For Dorothy Brummitt
req. by family.
For James Ryan
req. by his family.
November 29 & 30
5:00 pm For James Petitpren
req. by Dorothy Wylin.
For Lewis Harmon req. by
Lorraine Butler.
For Bob Gall (6th anniversary)
req. by Bev Gall.
9:00 am For the people of the
11:00 am For the people of the
It has been
our goal for the
past few years
to plan gatherings jointly with
the teens from
St. Joe’s in Lake Orion. We thought
it would be a wonderful Advent kickoff to share the Awaken Ministry
night together. Join us as we gather
at St. Joseph’s Church in Lake Orion
on Sunday, December 7 to share time
with their High School youth and
enjoy dinner together and then experience Awaken. Awaken is an evening of praise and worship, dynamic
speakers, and Eucharistic Adoration.
We will meet at St. Joe’s at 5:30 pm
for dinner and social time before we
join the Celebration. If you are interested in a fresh way to celebrate your
faith, come and join us as we Awaken
our spirits and re-connect with
Christ. Families are welcome!
Page 5
Looking AHEAD
Sunday, November 23
9:00 am Mass
9:15 am RCIA
11:00 am Baptisms at Mass
First Sunday of Advent,
November 30
9:00 am Mass
11:00 am Mass
Monday, November 24
7:00 pm 8th Grade
7:00 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
7:00 pm Young Widows
Monday, December 1
10:00 am LaLeche League
6:00 pm FROG
7:00 pm 7th Grade
7:00 pm Seasonal Rehearsal
7:00 pm Sunday Scripture
Tuesday, November 25
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Mass
Tuesday, December 2
5:45 pm Yoga
7:00 pm Coffee House
7:00 pm Mass
Wednesday, November 26
9:30 am Scriptaure Study
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, November 27
Friday, November 28
9:00 am Mass
Saturday, November 29
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Wednesday, December 3
9:30 am Scripture Study
10:00 am MOMS
4:30 pm Youth/Teen
6:50 pm Adult Choir
7:00 pm 6th Grade
7:00 pm Women’s Circle of
7:45 pm AA & Alanon
Thursday, December 4
9:30 am Warm Up America
10:00 am MOMS
10:00 am 55+ Exercise Class
6:00 pm Advent by
Friday, December 5
9:00 am Mass
Saturday, December 6
St. Nicholas Project
9:00 am Yoga
10:15 am Yoga
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
collection for va hospital and
homeless veterans
The Modetz Family Funeral Homes are collecting new or gently used
sweaters, sweatshirts, warm hats, gloves or mittens to be given to veterans in the
VA Hospital and to the homeless veterans at the Michigan Veterans Foundation
in Detroit. Al sizes for men and women are needed from medium to 3X.
Please bring your donated items to any of the three locations. These items
will be collected now through January 9. For more information call Mary or
Lisa at 248-371-3777.
Page 6
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Circle of Faith
Looking for a group of spirit-led
women to join for a book discussion? Try our "Circle of Faith" women's group who meet on the first
Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm
in Cana. All are welcome and childcare is provided. We will begin reading and discussing the book Hinds'
Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurdard For more info please contact Sharon Gynet at 248-391-0240.
You can now manage your
annual financial gift online.
A Spirit-filled Evening
for Women:
Advent By Candlelight
2014 – Hope Echos
We are looking for a few volunteers to help the evening of Advent By Candlelight, Thursday, December 4th. We are still in need of a
couple of volunteers to help with
breaking down tables. Please let us
Also, if you missed the lottery
and you would still like to host a
table, there are a few tables available. And, if you are new to the parish or unable to get a table of
friends together, please call us. We
will put you on our guest list and
find a place for you.
Please call Kris Edwards (248797-5921) or Amy McCarty
(248.425.1702) if you are able to
volunteer, would still like to host a
table or attend, or with any questions you may have.
Gospel of life
MOMS: Ministry of Moms
Moms with children of all ages
are welcome to meet with one or
both of our MOMS groups that gather on Wednesday, 10:00-11:30 am
OR Thursday mornings 10:30 am 12:00 noon for fellowship, book discussions, life lessons and faith building. For more information contact
Patty Weise 248-239-1118 (Weds) or
Dayna Hollis 248-802-3804
(Thurs). Childcare is provided.
Thanks Given
Thank you to all the families that
adopted a family for Thanksgiving.
We were able to help 19 families in
the community. Thanks for helping us
"Make a Difference".
Thank you to Jim Jewell, Mike
Eyl and Katie DeMattia for helping
deliver the Thanksgiving food.
“Have mercy on me, O God, in your
goodness; in the greatness of your compassion
wipe away my offense.” (Psalm 51:3)
Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend retreats held across the United
States for any woman or man who
has struggled with the emotional and
spiritual pain of an abortion. Fr.
Frank Pavone, National Director,
Priests for Life, is the Chairman of
the Board and Pastoral Director of
Rachel's Vineyard.
In 2015, three retreats have been
scheduled in Detroit: January 9-11;
April 10-12 (Spanish); and May 29-31.
For information, contact Chris, (248)
4 9 4 - 6 3 6 3
o r
v i s i t All
contact is confidential.
Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place
to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts
broken by abortion. Weekend retreats
offer a supportive, confidential and
non-judgmental environment where
women and men can express, release
and reconcile painful post-abortive
emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
Senior Stretch & Stay
Strong Exercise Class
This class is held at Christ the
Redeemer and features meditation,
gentle stretching, and chair exercise.
Every Thursday, from 10:00 11:30 am in the Matt 2/3 room.
Instructor: Virginia Stagner Certified by The Arthritis
"Entering the Advent Story"
Tuesday, December 9,
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Capuchin Retreat House,
Washington, Michigan
This day will focus on some of
the Advent Scriptural people and how
their lives can once again speak to us
about our own journey of opening to
God especially during this season. The day will feature morning
prayer, two presentations, time for
quiet reflection, lunch and Eucharist. Presenters for the day will be
Nancy Clancy and Father Tom Zelinski. Cost of $25 for the day; to register call 248 651 4826 or online
advent communal
Thursday, December 18
7:00 pm
at St. Joseph Catholic Church,
715 N. Lapeer Road,
Lake Orion
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Wondrous Night Concert
On Sunday, December 14, at 5:00 p.m., we’ll be pulling
out all the bells and whistles (literally!) for our parish’s annual
holiday concert, "Wondrous Night." The concert is an opportunity to showcase our choirs of all ages, with performances by
our Adult Choir, Junior Chorus, Kids’ Chorus, and Instrumental
Ensemble. If you’ve never attended “Wondrous Night” before,
you won’t want to miss this year’s performance!
The first portion of the concert will feature sacred songs for the
Advent/Christmas Season. At the center of the concert, a costumed group of our children will portray a Living Nativity Scene (a great photo
op!), facilitated by the Family Ministry Department. The third part of the concert features a community sing-a-long of favorite secular Christmas songs. To
really enter into the fun, be sure to bring you own jingle bells, Santa hats, reindeer antlers, light-up Rudolph noses, or any other fun holiday props. During
some of the songs, we’ll invite the children to come to the center and dance
along with the song leaders. If you’d like to reserve a place in the "12 Daze of
Christmas" extravaganza, we’ll post a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board so that
you can reserve your spot!
In the spirit of the season, extend an invitation to your families, friends and
neighbors to this unique and fanciful festival of fun! (We’ve even heard that
we’ll have a visit by St. Nicholas, himself!) The evening performance will be approximately an hour and a half long with an after-concert reception hosted by
members of the Worship Commission.
Please bring a plate of your favorite Christmas cookies to share after the
concert. Drop them off in the Bethany Room before the concert. The cookies
should not have any frosting on them (no cupcakes).
Page 7
Catholic Charities of
Southeast Michigan
(CCSEM) Special Collection, November 21/22
CCSEM is helping thousands in
the Archdiocese of Detroit to overcome life challenges through several
Adoption & Foster Care
Mental Health & Substance
Abuse Counseling
Family Education & Support Services
Hispanic Outreach Services
Immigration & Refugee Services
Services for Seniors
This collection helps CCSEM
maintain, improve and expand programs and services to God’s people in
southeast Michigan.
Please help CCSEM give hope.
For more information, please go to, email [email protected], or
call 855-882-2736.
Please use the envelopes in
your packets or those provided in the
vestibule. Additionally, our tithing
committee will donate to this collection.
Have you noticed that the Teen Ensemble has
not been in session at the 11:00 am Sunday Mass - so far this season? Have you missed our young musicians’ participation at Mass? Do you feel it’s important for our
youth to share their talents with our Community through
Music Ministry? I have exciting news for you! We are in
the process of forming a new Youth Ensemble that will include Vocalists and
Instrumentalists. The age for Vocalists has been expanded to include students
12-18 years old. This is a great opportunity for our youth to become involved in
a fun and meaningful way at Mass!
High School Instrumentalists are invited to audition for the new Ensemble. Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, Soprano Sax, Alto Sax, Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass (Upright and Electric), Guitars (Acoustic &
Electric), Percussion, Drum Kit, Keyboards, etc. Musicians should have sightreading skills and be able to transpose music.
The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3 from
4:30-6:00 pm. Parents and Students are invited to attend the meeting to learn
more about the new Ensemble and participation in the group. Instrumentalists:
please bring your instrument and prepare a brief piece of music to demonstrate
your level of proficiency. Vocalists will be dismissed at 5:15 to allow time for
Instrumentalists to audition.
Rehearsals will be on Wednesday afternoons, from 4:30-6:00 pm
and will begin on December 10.
Questions? Please contact me at: [email protected]
~ Mari Reyes, Dir. of Music Ministries
come knit or crochet
with us!
Warm Up America is getting
ready for the cold season. Come knit
and crochet in the Mark room at 9:30
am on: December 4. Don’t knit or
crochet, they can teach you.
Questions Call 248-391-3473Virginia Buchanan, Maryann
Emick 248-393-1901.
a weekly
Email blast
On a weekly
basis we email a
parish update to
those interested. If
you would like to receive weekly updates, via email, fill out the information on the main page of the website, or scan the QR
Page 8
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
Rehearsals for the Children’s Christmas Choirs are in progress. Both the Kids’ Chorus and the Junior Chorus will perform at the Wondrous Night Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 14, at 5:00 pm. Sign-up at rehearsal or by emailing
Mari Reyes at: [email protected]
Please refer to the schedule below for rehearsal and performance times.
KIDS CHORUS is for ages 3-7 years old.
JUNIOR CHORUS is for ages 8-11 years old.
NO REHEARSAL SAT., NOV. 29 - Thanksgiving Weekend
NO REHEARSAL SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 - Parish St. Nicholas Project
♪ KIDS’ CHORUS: SAT., DEC. 13 - 10:00 - 10:40 a.m. - CHURCH
SAT., DEC. 13 - 11:00 a.m. - Noon - CHAPEL
♪ KIDS’ CHORUS: FINAL REHEARSAL - SUN., DEC. 14th - 12:20-12:40 p.m. (after Mass)
FINAL REHEARSAL - SUN., DEC. 14th - 12:40-1:00 p.m. (after Mass)
Are you looking for a way to serve?
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10
The Clearinghouse Our Clearinghouse is looking for
Receptionists to answer phone calls that come in to
Love INC. Or, for a deeper involvement, consider a
more in-depth conversation as an Intake worker. Both
of these roles seek individuals who model Christ’s empathy, provide a listening ear and pray with those in
need. We have openings for intake workers Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:30am to 2:00pm. Opening for receptions
are on Friday mornings or afternoons. There are also temporary “fill in” shifts
available throughout the winter.
Prayer Ministry Do you have a heart for prayer? We are in need of individuals that can commit to praying for Love INC. Weekly you are emailed a
list of prayer requests for our neighbors, volunteers, and staff.
Household Goods, Clothing Closet, and Personal Care Ministries
What about serving for an afternoon once a month at our Little Luxuries personal care ministry? Or, serve at our Clothing Closet, which has afternoon
volunteer opportunities available. Both of these ministries are open 12:00pm
to 3:00pm.
Love INC gives Christians specific, manageable opportunities to
put their faith and love to work in the service of people in need. Learn
more about volunteer opportunities by calling our Clearinghouse at
(248) 693-4357 and ask for Debbie Nelson or Jenny Hoder.
Financial Hope facilitators Needed
In an effort to support area families manage their household budgets,
Love INC is introducing an exciting new ministry called Financial
Hope. This five session series will help families develop a sound financial
plan. Instructors are needed to facilitate this series. The training for instructors will consist of two, 2.5 hour training sessions and will cover all the materials needed to facilitate the class. We plan to finish facilitator training before
the end of this year in order to begin the 5 week class in January. If you love
helping others and have a basic knowledge of personal money management,
please consider your gift of time for this ministry. Interested? Contact Karen
Swietlik or Lisa Pratt in the office.
seniors helping
Seniors Helping Seniors offers a
lecture series, at the Orion Township
Library, which provides information
for seniors, their families, and caregivers. Each seminar will cover two vital
subjects pertaining to the needs of
Tuesday, December 2, 2:00 pm
Thursday, December 4, 6:30 pm
“Exercising Your Brain,” presented
by Cindy Morely and “Making the
Most of Your Doctor’s Visit,” presented by Kathy Andrews.
Orion Township Public Library,
825 Joslyn Road.
If you’re sad or struggling inside,
don’t suffer along. Ask for help.
We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a
tough time. And it all confidential!
If you or someone you love is in
need of a Stephen Minister, or if you
would like to become a Stephen Minister to help those in need, contact a
Stephen Leader today.
For more information call Roger
Buches, 248-444-5750 or Mike Hayes,
[email protected]
Page 9
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The month of October, Christ the
Redeemer church donated $7,820.70
to the following appeals:
Catholic Relief Services
The Smile Train
FINCA International, Inc.
The Friends of Kenyan Orphans
Fonkoze USA
Baldwin Center
Hope, Hospitality Warming
Center, Inc.
Catholic Charities
(Hispanic Outreach)
Catholic Charities of Southeast
Ronald McDonald House
Forgotten Harvest
Focus Hope
Capuchin Soup Kitchen
Monthly Mission
Families in Crisis
Love INC
Day of Reflection
Registrations are being accepted for an Advent Day of Reflection
on Tuesday, December 9 with the
theme "Entering the Advent Story." The day begins with registration and continental breakfast at
9:00 am followed by two conferences, then lunch, and concludes
with celebration of the Eucharist at
1:00 pm. Suggested donation is
$25/person which includes all
meals and the program. Call Capuchin Retreat at 248 651-4826 to
reserve a place, or you may register
on-line at
coming to St. Joe’s
We are back for
another year!!!
TGIP Ski and snowboard club
Who Do We Tithe To?
Coar Peace Mission
The majority of the donations to
COAR contribute to the overall expenses of the Children’s Village and its
special education. The village is fully
secure providing protection for the
Salvadoran children and the staff.
There are several “little houses” which
serve as home for the children. They
provide shelter, education and healing
for the children. This is a safe haven
for the children to help them with
their future.
Financial Stewardship
October 2014
Sunday Contributions:
(Over) Budget
Habitat update
We are finally entering the planning of the last few days of work on
the Habitat for Humanity house in
Waterford. It seems like it been a
long process. We are looking for help
the following days: Monday, November 24, Tuesday, November 25
and Monday, December 1. If you are
able to help, go to http://
ProjectCal.asp?o=181 to sign up.
Watch the bulletin for details including the day and time of the dedication, probably in early to mid December. Thank you for your help.
awaken ministry
7:00-8:30 pm
Meets at Pine Know Ski and
Snowboard Resort on Friday, evenings at 4:00 pm.
Patch Program offers $18.00
discounted rates on lift tickets and
rentals for kids seven and up. Adult
family members also receive $18.00
discounted rates on Fridays!
Please contact our club sponsor,
Rob Cook, 248-505-8974 for more
•December 7: Fr. Eduardo
•January 11: Fr. Phil Ching
•February 8: Archbishop
Allen Vigneron
Join hundreds of other Catholics
for a night of praise and worship,
dynamic speaking and Eucharistic
Additional information will be
The Feast of Our Lady of
Friday, December 12
7:00 pm Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church
715 N. Lapeer Road, Lake Orion.
Reception to follow.
Page 10
Christ the Redeemer, Lake Orion
The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the
Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to
the prayers please call the parish office.
For Our Parishioners
Clint Yerkes
Greg Swanson
Mary Lauinger
Jessica Mae Powers
Chuck Goodell
Laurie O’Meara
Joe Aubrey
Robert Kurzyniec
Maryalice Tomei
Dorothy Mazur
Tony Gibbs
Jane Beckwith
Fred Lennox
Stan Kowalski
Carey Chappell
Karen Rawski
Ellen Higgins
Jim Sulinski
For the Military
…..our country’s military personnel especially those connected
to our parish.
For the Deceased
…..please remember in your
prayers the family of Mike Carter
whose father Kenneth Carter died;
the family of Alayna Zalac who died.
For Loved Ones
Who Are Ill
Carol and Charles Richie parents of
both Karen Jbara and Craig Richie
Jerry Yerkes brother of
Clint Yerkes
Jackson Miles great nephew of
Trish Sinacola
Jerry Taylor nephew of
Barb & Steve Burr
Paul VanSlambrouck brother of
Ed VanSlambrouck
Michael Mikus brother of
Maureen O’Keefe
Thomas Barry father of
Christine Sielicki
Pat Enderle aunt of
Michael Sabin
Lianna Frazer daughter of
RoseMary Frazer
John Bigger
Lauren Hughes
Evelyn Winterfield sister of
Mary Elizabeth Murrary
Richard Welch father of
Theresa Myer
Patty Bianchi daughter of
Stella Slimko
Cameron Collins nephew of
Susan Arends
Dave Lowe brother of
Kate Z.
Mary Sabo mother of
MaryAnn Emick
Christine Feurig friend of
Sue Watson
Trent Pence grandson of
Jeanne Harmon
Administrave: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10
Administrave: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11
Finance: Chris Spencer, ext. 12
Chrisan Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17 ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛĐƚƌĞĚĞĞŵĞƌ͘ŽƌŐĂŶĚ
Lisa Pra4, ext. 17 [email protected] ^ƚĞƉŚĞŶDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ͗ZŽŐĞƌƵĐŚĞƐ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϰϰϰ͘ϱϳϱϬ
Ponac Vicariate Website:
Maryalice Tomei, Administrave, ext. 14
ĂŝůLJͲCheck weekly bullen
Educaon ŚĂŝƌ͗ĂǀŝĚĂŶĚĞ͕Ϯϰϴ͘ϴϵϭ͘ϲϵϱϬ
We are a welcoming Chrisan community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the Kingdom of God. tĞƐƚƌŝǀĞƚŽΗŵĂŬĞĂĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞΗǁŝƚŚŝŶŽƵƌůŽĐĂůĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞǁŽƌůĚŝŶǁŚŝĐŚǁĞůŝǀĞ͘
Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth the variees of gi!s, talents and