September 2013 “The Messenger of Love” Vol. 7, Issue 8 Ka Elele Aloha Christ Church Uniting 1300 Kailua Rd., Kailua, HI 96734-4356 Rev. Kerry Grogan, Pastor [email protected] Worship—Sun.10 am Phone: (808) 262-6911 Pastor’s Cell Ph: (808) 354-3427 Jane Muench, Editor from Pastor Kerry . . . Did you know that experts on church growth say that first time visitors decide whether or not to return to a church in the first 8 minutes? 8 minutes isn’t very long! What happens or doesn’t happen within the first 8 minutes can make a huge difference in people’s first impressions and experience of a church. So what can we do to make sure people are experiencing the warmth, welcome, and true Aloha spirit of CCU ? Author Dale Hudson shares 12 reasons why people may not come back after a first visit. I’m just going to offer a few. 8/18 altar flowers celebrate Muench Golden Wedding Anniversary 8/17/13 No one talked to them. Be sure to greet people. If you see a new face, or someone you don’t know. Greet them with a friendly smile and tell them your name. It only takes a moment. People expect to be greeted by the ushers and/or the pastor, but the true measure of a friendly congregation is whether anyone talked with them, noticed them, and took time to greet them. They weren’t invited by a friend. Since they don’t know anyone else and if no one reaches out to them once they are at church, they have no relational connection to bring them back. Just seeing a familiar face can help someone feel less alone. The church was too friendly. I know, this contradicts the first one. But there’s a difference between genuine friendliness and overwhelming neediness. No one wants to feel like they are being pounced on or cornered. Most first time visitors like to arrive late and leave early, and that’s ok. The service was boring and irrelevant to their life. The church regularly needs to examine its worship; the language, the music, the atmosphere, not just from a perspective of our preferences but from the perspective of first time guests and who isn’t here. They weren’t provided with an easy, clear next step to get connected. Invite someone to the men’s breakfast or women’s brunch, to adult study or just make sure they know there are refreshments after church. I think CCU is a wonderfully unique, loving, vibrant community of faith. We have so much to offer folks, especially people who are looking for a church where they can engage their mind as well as their heart. I hope next time you see a new face in church you will take just a moment to greet them. And if you know of someone who doesn’t have a church home, invite them! Congregational Life News … CONGREGATIONAL LIFE COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Saturday, September 7th @ 9:30am / Ohana Room WORSHIP Consideration of new times for Sunday worship & adult study (follow-up-Bill Muench) New shorter version of Sunday worship bulletins / review of comments (Jane Muench) More choir involvement during service (introit/extroit, prayer response, etc.) (Bill M.) Select date for Dick Walenta’s installation as elder Ever y welc one’s Atte ome! have nd & inpu t. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Children Worship and Wonder Workshop / (Sept 13 – 15 (Kerry Grogan & Marian Heidel) Suggestions for alternative times for adult study (Kerry G.) Suggestions for new topics for adult study (John Heidel) VBS review and recommendations. (Marian H.) Continued to next page OTHER (9/7/13 Congregational Life Commission Meeting Agenda Continued) Movie Night programs (Paul Belanger) Deacon’s report (Dick Walenta) 12/7 Craft Fair planning 11/23 Messiah Sing-In planning 40th year celebration of CCU, February of next year ???? Upgrading the sanctuary—develop wish list, etc. 2013 Sept. CCU Event Schedule Key: K = Kitchen L = Lanai O=Ohana Rm PS = Pastor’s Study S = Sanctuary B3=upstairs classroom Sundays 8:45 am 10am Adult Study (2 options) Worship & Aloha Fellowship 9/1 No HI-5 container pick-up; will resume 10/6 9/7, 8 am Men’s Breakfast @ Honey’s @ Koolau Golf Club 9/7, 9:30 am Congregational Life Commission Meeting (Ohana Rm) 9/13—15 “Children Worship and Wonder “ Training Event at CCU, see pg. 3 Fri., 6—9 pm Sat., 9 am—5 pm Sun., 2—5 pm 9/14 10:30 am Women’s Aloha Fellowship Brunch @ Zippy’s (Kailua) 9/21, 9 am Mission & Outreach Commission Meeting (Ohana Rm) 9/22-10/6 CCU hosts Family Promise guests 9/28 Presbytery meets The topics for the lecture series, “The Holy Land Revealed,” for the remaining five Sundays are: 9/1 The First Jewish Revolt; Jerusalem Destroyed 9/8 Masada - Herod's Desert Palace and the Siege 9/15 Christian Emperors and Pilgrimage Sites 9/22 Judaism and Synagogues under Christian Rule 9/29 Islam's Transformation of Jerusalem *Professor Magness is the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism in the Department of Religious Studies. As an archeologist and historian, she brings both backgrounds, along with her extensive field studies and living experience in the Middle East to the classroom in an engaging and interesting manner. Adult Study 2 Options this Fall Sundays @ 8:45 am One option & by request is the continuation through September of the Teaching Company video lecture series, “The Holy Land Revealed,” by Professor Jodi Magness*, Univ. of N.C. at Chapel Hill, facilitated by Paul Haring. The class meets in the Ohana Room. Please see the list of upcoming topics on this informative and fascinating series. The other will be a lectionary-based study in the Pastor’s Study, led by Pastor Kerry. The class will use a resource called Bible Workbench—a lectionary based, life-centered biblical study. One of the texts from the Revised Common Lectionary is chosen each Sunday. The exploration begins with encountering the story found in the biblical text. The focus then shifts to how this story is happening in the world around us. Finally the questions turn toward how the story is an event in the lives of the people in the group. Begins Sept. 8 in Pastor’s office. Take an opportunity to engage your mind, heart and spirit in a time of learning and growing this Fall! If you would like to attend and you need childcare, please contact Pastor Kerry. Congregational Life … Continued “Children Worship and Wonder” Training Event at CCU . . . Sept. 13-15 Page 3 Some characteristics of Children Worship & Wonder: 1. Respect of Children. This program recognizes children as spiritual beings, who already have a relationship with God. In Children’s Worship & Wonder, children are not seen as CCU has been exploring Children Worship and Wonder for almost empty vessels for us (adults) to fill with our understanding of two years. The PSW Region has stepped forward with funds to God. Adults are guides who offer space, tools, and lanhelp us bring a trainer to Hawaii. The training will be offered to guage which help children deepen their already existing our sister Disciple churches and any other ecumenical partners relationship with God. In Children's Worship & Wonder, we who are interested in this exciting opportunity for ministry with trust that given the opportunity, children will bring their own children. We will also be working in partnership with the United life experiences to the stories of God and will receive what Church of Christ here on Oahu. they need. 2. Encouragement of Imagination. There is not enough time and The training is open to everyone, not just space in today’s world for children to use their wonderful those interested in leading the imaginations. Television, videos, or computer games, rarely children’s church program. The If you have encourage children to call upon their n’t told Pa training offers: a demonstra- tell he own creative possibilities. s t o r r if you’re Kerry alre tion of the stories, songs and There are too few places ad interested other components of the proin attendin y, for children to learn g. about the gifts of quiet gram, how to acquire the necessary materials, gaining congregational support for Children Worship and Wonder, and solitude. Churches are setting up worship centers and recruiting and training greeters uniquely equipped to offer these gifts. and other volunteers. 3. Developmentally Appropriate. Children's Worship & Wonder allows children to use all of their senses and motor skills. Children Worship & Wonder offers an exciting way to apIt includes lots of repetition and lots of ritual which children proach faith formation with children. The approach recognizes love. children as spiritual beings who already have a relationship with 4. Children Learn about God while Being in God’s Presence. God. Children's Worship & Wonder is worship. It is a chance for adults and children to worship together in a way that is Through Children Worship & Wonder, children learn about meaningful for both. God as they experience God. They hear Bible stories in a way 5. Numbers do not Matter. This program can be done with one that allows them to enter into the stories and form responses out child or twenty children. of their own life experiences. Children Worship & Wonder can be used with children ranging in age from 3 to 13 and a wide If you are interested you can go to age range can be grouped together in one class. It is a Montes- watch?v=T12bP4LvEpQ to learn more. Or go to https:// sori-based model and often works wonders with children who attention deficit problems. childrens-ministries/children-worship-wonder/ to learn more. Flower Ministry . . . The beautiful flowers that decorate our sanctuary during worship every Sunday can be used to brighten someone’s day! The flowers have been part of the music, prayers, and fellowship and can be a reminder of these things to those who can’t be at church on a regular basis. Beginning in September we are going to share the flowers from Sunday with homebound folks and/or others who are unable to attend church due to illness or surgery. If you would like to keep your flowers and take them home, that’s ok too. The deacons will be checking with those who bring flowers. If you would like to deliver flowers, please let Deacon Rosemary Allen or the church office know. Page 4 Mission & Outreach Commission News . . . Memories By Rosemary Allen This month’s memories are quite recent ones—and also a way of saying thank you to several talented and gracious ladies. Early in June the CCU deacons were asked to plan a morning lunch for yard workers from the women's prison who would be coming to CCU twice per month to keep our church grounds in trim. This began on June 5th and will “wind up” by September as the state’s facilities will be undergoing changes & the women workers will be having different work schedules. The women workers improved CCU’s yard conditions— from 6 to 10 women cut, trimmed, etc. the yards twice each month. By mid-morning they gathered in the breezeway for refreshments prepared by several of CCU’s good cooks & food experts—and always expressed appreciation for lunch as they relaxed in our ohana room. Next Mission & Outreach Commission Meeting Sat., 9/21, 9 a.m. CCU HOSTS FAMILY PROMISE GUESTS SEPTEMBER 22—OCTOBER 6 Deacons Susie Jannuzzi & Rosemary Allen “signed up” several CCU ladies to prepare the mid-AM refreshments for the yard workers on the work crew. The early summer very “good cooks” included Dottie Brennan, Peggy Zeilinger, Claire Schrader, Jan Stiles, and Susie. Others who signed up & are “standing by” if further meals are needed in possible extension of the yard service are Nicki & Kyle Krieger, Heather Barnhill, Jean Tsuji, Char Hosenfeld & Rollo Scheurenbrand. We do appreciate all of them! Before her summer vacation Pastor Kerry also had a chance to meet & visit with some of the women workers. Interestingly, also, the number of workers diminished later in summer as a few of the women finished serving their terms & were able to leave prison. If you can provide overnight hosting, speak to Beth Davidann. Pat Gilbert is still signing up evening meal food providers. The Presbyterian Church (USA) Peacemaking Offering and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Reconciliation Offering will be received at Christ Church Uniting on World Communion Sunday, October 6, 2013. The Peacemaking Offering supports the efforts of Presbyterians through their congregations presbyteries, synods, and the Presbyterian Mission Agency to work for peace by working to transform cultures of violence into communities of peace. The Reconciliation Offering is used to fund the CC (DOC) Church’s mission priority to become an pro-reconciling/ anti-racist church through experiential education, inclusive worship and intentional dialogue across racial/ethnic difference. Funds from this offering provide for leadership development in our camps, our communities and our congregations as well as provide resources to promote small group study and community action. Page 5 What’s Your Water[foot]print? The term “carbon footprint” is now relatively well-known and understood. Carbon is shorthand for the amount of carbon dioxide (& other greenhouse gases) emitted due to the use of fossil fuels, and footprint is a metaphor for the overall impact of something. So carbon footprint is an estimate of the total environmental impact related to climate disruption of a particular person, product, country, lifestyle, etc. Our water[foot]print is the direct and indirect freshwater use by a person, community, product, etc. Over the past years we at CCU have explored and implemented ways to decrease our carbon footprint, now let’s look at our waterprint. China, India, and the U.S. rank 1, 2 & 3 in highest annual water consumption. The U.S. however has the highest per capita water usage. Meat consumption accounts for 30% and sugar accounts for 15% of the U.S. freshwater used by individuals. Some other stats: Gallons of freshwater used to produce a pound of food or glass of liquid: tea lettuce wine beans eggs soy milk 9 1 26 43 44 (each) 49 apples yogurt tofu rice beef butter 84 238 244 340 1857 2044 Other products/activities (gallons used): 1 sheet of paper 2 showering 2-5 per minute outdoor watering 5-10 per minute 1 cotton t-shirt 594 1 barrel of crude oil 1851 1 pair of jeans 2900 One more way to protect God’s green & blue earth is to be akamai water users—to be good water stewards. While 800 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water, we do. Next column: Ways to help with (some of) the world’s water-related issues and tips for using the water we have wisely. CCU Vision Statement: To be a vibrant witness to Christ’s inclusive love, supporting spiritual growth and social justice. Page 6 CCU Theological Statement: We see the Spirit of God in all people. We see Jesus as human and completely united with the Spirit of God. He made God the center of his life and calls us to join him and do the same and we come together as Church to answer that call. We study and reflect upon the Jesus of Scripture as healer and teacher of universal moral principles demonstrating a life lived with humility and a deep passion for social justice, peace and love. Scripture understood in the light of Jesus reveals God as loving, compassionate, non-violent, and inclusive. Where there is an interpretive opportunity, in light of our experience of Jesus’ presence, CCU will choose the most loving, peace-promoting, and justice serving path, as, we believe, did Jesus himself. We are an open and inclusive church that welcomes a diversity of people, opinions, beliefs and spiritual paths. We are a multi-generational, diverse and progressive faith community that values and encourages spiritual growth and responsibility within each individual and the congregation. We enjoy wrestling with the challenging social and intellectual issues posed by Christianity. We are a church that believes in the importance of environmental stewardship and peacemaking and we are known by the actions of our members in the larger community. We are a church with a sense of celebration and beauty that finds artistic expression of our faith through creative worship, especially through music. We are a faith community that looks for God to be at the center of our lives and we invite others to join us on our path. We are an extended family offering support; we love and care for one another. CCU Vision Statement: To be a vibrant witness to Christ’s inclusive love, supporting spiritual growth and social justice. Provided by Paul Snipes 2 POINTS to PONDER ... Hopefully they will cause you to consider a new or different approach to how you look at a problem or an aspect of your daily life. Albert Schweitzer was asked which of the Ten Commandments he (Schweitzer) considered to be the most important. “Christ,” he replied, “gave only one commandment. And that was To love.” Your job as a Christian is NOT TO JUDGE. Your job is to ACCEPT AND WELCOME those you meet. Page 7 From the Disciples News Service, August 28, 2013 . . . About Presbyterians by Rosemary Allen The John and Maxine McCaw Scholarship Fund for Prophetic Living, Teaching and Preaching, held in trust at the Christian Church Foundation, is providing four divinity students with scholarships for the 2013-2014 school year. The recipients of this year’s inaugural award are: Annie Grogan [pictured] of Kailua, HI, who will attend Brite Divinity School Andrew Shue, of Ayden, NC, who will attend Lexington Theological Seminary James Shenko of Nashville, TN, who will be in the Disciples Divinity House at Vanderbilt University Brian Nixon, of Fort Worth, TX, who will attend Brite Divinity School. The scholars must complete an application process and are selected by representatives of the College of Regional Ministers. Scholarship recipients must pledge to live a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a healthy diet while abstaining from the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages; be responsible in their personal financial practices; and demonstrate a passion for a prophetic lifestyle ministry that seeks to eliminate evil and enhance goodness in human relations and in international relations. The Rev. Thaddaeus Allen, regional minister of the Christian Church in West Virginia and a member of the advisory team that selected the students, is encouraged by the quality of the scholarship applicants. Who’s Annie Grogan? Why, of course, the daughter of CCU’s pastor, Kerry Grogan. CCU is happy for you & congratulates you, Annie!!!!!! The annual Presbyterian Yearbook of Prayer is a fount of information about Presbyterian churches and people— and an amazing variety of concerns and activities going on in church communities, really around the world. From time to time I like to write about them. An unusual venture comes out of a Texas church— Westminster Presbyterian in Lubbock, Texas. It is called Teethsavers International & began in 2004 when dentist Jack Rudd began work with children at a refugee camp in Zambia who “desperately needed dental care.” They were displaced people. As the project grew to serve dental needs to refugee children in eight countries— Zambia, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda Morocco, Nicaragua, Gambia and Belize—Westminster’s mission grew as the “loaves and fishes.” Dr. Rudd & others involved in the dental mission have also trained indigenous people to carry on the dental work. Another major effort has been to treat people in outlying areas with no running water or electricity by using a technique (developed by the World Health Organization) which does dental fillings without drilling! Teethsavers also aids the children by giving clothing & books—and toothbrushes! They also tell them about Jesus & his love—of course. Teethsavers International receives continuing requests from other developing countries. The closing quote says, “it must rely on God’s multiplication of the loaves & fishes” to fill these needs. Dear Rosemary, Thank you for your faithful input to CCU’s monthly newsletters . Your writings about the PC (USA) are fascinating & educational , and some learn of and others recall with you CCU memories shared in your Memories column. Thanks again, CCUers Page 8 Facilities & Finance Commission News . . . In September, give to CCU through Foodland’s Give Aloha program!!!!!! Husbands & wives can both participate, using their individual Maika`i cards. CCU to participate in September 1-30 . . . How It Works From Sept. 1—30, customers are invited to make donations of up to a cumulative total of $249 per person, per organization to participating Hawaii non-profit organizations at checkout. Foodland & Western Union will match a portion of each donation. Foodland & Western Union will match up to a total of $350,000 for all organizations combined. If total customer donations exceed $350,000, the matching gift will be divided proportionately among all participating organizations.* CCU to host December 7th Vendor Craft Fair How To Donate To CCU At checkout, present your Maika`i Card and inform the cashier that you would like to make a donation to Christ Church Uniting. If you do not have a Maika`i Card, you may request one. Our five digit registration code is 78419. Your donation will be added to your grocery purchase total. You may singly give up to $249 (donations exceeding $249 will not be matched). The amount you have donated to Foodland and the name of Christ Church Uniting will appear on your receipt. Any donation must be made payable to Foodland or Sack N Save. Donor names will not be released to Christ Church Uniting, so if you would like us to know of your gift, please inform the church office directly so that your gift may be properly recorded on your monetary giving record. on CCU grounds … just in time for Christmas! Fair Chair: Jan Stiles, 235-0786 Are These Contributions Tax Deductible? These contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please save your store receipt for tax purposes since it may be the only record you will have of your donation. If you inform the church of your donation, it will be included as a receipt on your personal monetary giving record. *How Matching Gifts Will Be Calculated Matching Gifts will be calculated after the end of the program. Christ Church Uniting will receive 100% of all customer donations given to CCU, plus its % of Foodland’s $325,000 matching gift. The portion of the matching gift that Christ Church Uniting will receive will be based on the total dollar amount of customer donations designated to Christ Church Uniting as a % of all customer donations received for all organizations. Needed: Vendors $45 per booth Applications available at or in the church office & Volunteers for set-up & take-down / to work bake sale & kitchen sales Page 9 Lay & Elder Worship Assignments for September September Birthdays If you are not able to fill your assignment, please try trading with someone and/or notify the church office. T Prayer = Prayer of Thanksgiving Date 9/1 9/8 9/15 9/22 9/29 Name Carl Grantham ...................... 2 Jean Tsuji ................................ 2 Carleigh Grantham .............. 3 Peggy Zeilinger .................... 6 Jon Davidann .......................12 Christopher Medeiros ........27 Duty Richard Smith & Elayne Cho Paul Haring Doc Wilson Melissa Belanger Ushers/Greeters Morning Prayer Scripture Reader T Prayer/Serve Comm./Bldg Lock-up Paul & Dottie Brennan Marian Heidel Susie Jannuzzi Bill Muench Ushers/Greeters Morning Prayer Scripture Reader T Prayer/.Serve Comm./Bldg Lock-up Lola Mae McAvoy, Loren Wilson Kerry Grogan Jan Stiles John Stiles Ushers/Greeters Morning Prayer Scripture Reader T Prayer/Serve Comm./Bldg Lock-up Charlene Hosenfeld & Rollo Scheurenbrand Dick Walenta Lisa Haley Dick Walenta Ushers/Greeters Morning Prayer Scripture Reader T Prayer/Serve Comm./Bldg Lock-up Peter & Cynthia Tchou Susan Wilson Nicki Krieger Jon Davidann Ushers/Greeters Morning Prayer Scripture Reader T Prayer/Serve Comm./Bldg Lock-up September Anniversaries Kasey & “Doc” Wilson......... 1 Melissa & Paul Belanger ..... 6 Deborah & Patrick Tom .....11 September Flower Calendar Sept. 1 Smith/Cho Sept. 8 Open Sept. 15 Davidann Sept. 22 Stiles Sept. 29 Schrader Mahalo nui loa, everyone, for celebrating with us our Golden/50th Wedding Anniversary! Bill & Jane Muench September Communion Preparation: 9/1, Mary Ann Wyman 9/8, 15, 22, 19, Susan Wilson September Tellers: Claire Schrader & Susie Jannuzzi
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