Saint Gerard Majella Church Staffed By The Vocationist Fathers West Broadway and Chamberlain Ave. Paterson, New Jersey 07522 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21, 2014 RECTORY Pastor: Rev. Rijo Johnson, S.D.V. 973-790-9499 Parochial Vicars: Rev. Leo Antony, S.D.V. Rev. James Butts, S.D.V. Rev. Robert Vass, S.D.V. Trustees: Miss Christine Zisa Mr. Joseph Caiola Saturday Masses: 8:15AM & 5:30PM (English) Sunday Masses: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, & 12:00PM (English) 10:30AM (English) 1:30PM (Spanish) PARISH OFFICE (973) 595-8446 Rectory: 501 West Broadway Paterson , NJ 07522 Tel. (973) 595-8446, Fax (973) 790-0778 Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Gloria Ferreira Parish Secretary: Nelida Laracuente e-mail:[email protected] St. Gerard School: 10 Carrelton Drive Paterson, NJ 07522 Principal: Sr. Jo-Ann Pompa, M.P.F. Tel. (973) 595-5640 Weekday Masses: 6:30AM and 8:15AM (English) Director of Religious Education: Sr. Jo-Ann Pompa, M.P.F. Tel. (973) 595-5640 Confessions: Monday 6:00PM to 7:00PM Saturday from 4:00PM to 5:00PM Weekdays: By Appointment Music Ministers: Servants Voice Families in Christ Jesus Mrs. Marlene O'Connell Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays - 6:00PM Baptisms: Saturday at 12:00PM Contact the Rectory to make arrangements Weddings: Arrangements should be made at least one year prior to the wedding date. For an appointment please contact Mrs. Gloria Ferreira. Sick calls and Home Visits: Please call the Rectory at any time. In case of Emergency: Just call (973) 595-8446. Bingo: Every Friday at 1:15PM New Parishioners are most welcome - Please register at the rectory 501 West Broadway, Paterson, NJ, 07522 FAX # 973-790-0778 Email - [email protected] Saturday, December 20, 2014 8:15 AM Special Intentions for Roger & Judy Schmitz 5:20 PM Novena to St. Gerard 5:30 PM † Rose Brino . † Anna Lisa Lombardi – 1st Anniversary † Paul Emond † Charles Miller Sunday, December 21, 2014 –4th Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM † Phyllis Ciarlo 9:00 AM † Stephanie DeNapoli † Kenneth Marino – 1st Anniversary † JoAnn Occhiuzzi 10:30 AM † Robert Hopper † Raffaele Iacovo 12:00 Noon † Margaret Harrison – 1st Anniversary † Marion Pizza † Nicholas Tuozzo † James and Margaret Tuozzo † Rose and James Diodato 1:30 PM † Carolina Gallego Monday, Dec. 22, 2014 6:30 AM Healing for Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Russo 8:15 AM † Ann Christian † Lina Mazza Special Intentions for Michael and Heather McFalls 6:00 PM Adoration and Confession Tuesday, December 23, 2014 6:30 AM Healing for Michael and Courtney 8:15 AM Healing for Tom DeLuca 7:00 PM Spanish Prayer Group Wednesday, December 24, 2014- CHRISTMAS EVE 3:30 PM Christmas Carols by Families in Christ 3:50 PM La Posada with St. Gerard Children 4:00 PM Blessings for Violet & Phil D’Argenzio Special Intentions for Dora Calabrese † Barbara Lombardo † Mary and Joe Tarsitano † Rosemarie and Sal Silvestri † Raymond Swan † William Bradley † Phyllis & John Zoda-15th Anniversary 7:30 PM Blessings for Msgr. Mark Giordani 9:30 PM Spanish Mass 12 MIDNIGHT MASS-Italian/English † Felice and Angela Zisa † Paul Russo † Nina and Antonio Massaro † Maria V. Chambo Living and Deceased members of the Hill & Elia Families Thursday, December 25, 2014 – CHRISTMAS DAY 7:30 AM † Nicholas Ferraro † Fr. Ted Schmitt 9:00 AM †Deceased members of St. Gerard’s Choir † Albina Casale Miller † Jesus Esquilin † Lisa Leone Kulik 10:30 AM † Margaret Grande Thursday, December 25, 2014 – CHRISTMAS DAY (cont.) 10:30 AM † Elmer Calabrese † Mr. & Mrs. Michele Coscia † Giovanni Santaniello Living and Deceased members of the Hill & Elia Families 12 Noon † Eleanor and Joseph Pasquariello † Maria Ragusa-Rovella † Domenica and Giuseppe Montesano Special Intentions for Eleanor Verlardi from Rosarians Birthday Blessings for “Honey” Emond Christmas Blessings for Fr. Esterminio Chi 1:30 PM † Georgina Guzman Friday, December 26, 2014– St. Stephen-The First Martyr 6:30 AM Healing for Rev. Msgr. Frank E. Ferraioli 8:15 AM Special Intentions for Tom & Pat May Saturday, December 27, 2014 8:15 AM Special Intentions for Roger & Judy Schmitz 5:20 PM Novena to St. Gerard 5:30 PM † Alexander Pellegrino Sr. . † Charles & Grace DeFeo † Dorothy Lilian Gardiner–1st Anniv. † Carmine Buglione – 1st Anniversary † Angelo & Jay Antonucci Sunday, December 28, 2014-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 7:30 AM † Deceased Parishioners 9:00 AM † Teresa Manzo † Special Intentions for Carmine Buglione 10:30 AM † Deceased Stampone Family members 12:00 Noon Fr. Shiju’s Ordination Anniversary † Florence Padula – 1st Anniversary † Rosita Guzman 1:30 PM Salud de Jose Miguel Rodriguez 4th Sunday of Advent “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; hence, the holy offspring to be born will be called Son of God…To him who is able to strengthen you in the gospel which I proclaim when I preach Jesus Christ, the gospel which reveals the mystery hidden for many ages…to him, the God who alone is wise, may glory be given through Jesus Christ unto endless ages. Amen.” From the Holy Gospel according to Luke Gabriel’s response to Mary’s question of how this can happen, reveals the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in her life and in the lives of believers. We sometimes forget the existence of this gift and power in our lives. As we bring the season of Advent to its climax with the birth of Christ, we ask that He be born anew, with new power in our lives. We not only recall the Bethlehem event, but live the Bethlehem experience today. The concluding words of praise, the doxology or hymn of glory taken from the letter to the Romans, becomes a Christmas gift and greeting for all of us, as we are called to preach the Good News, glad tidings, the gospel, no longer hidden but made manifest in the Child of Bethlehem and in enthusiastic believers today. May the Word of God, and the Word which became flesh, take root in our lives. May God Bless You All Rev. Rijo Johnson, SDV, Pastor Pray for the Gift of Healings for our loved-ones and friends Your gifts, blessings and generous donations to our Parish Community for the weekend of Dec. 14th were: Total Collection: $ 3351 Envelopes: 159 If you missed Mass, please try to make up your weekly contribution. Thank You… Due to early Holiday printing deadlines, Dec. 21st collection will appear in a later Bulletin. Anointing of the Sick Bring your Sick Brothers and Sisters for the Anointing of the Sick at St. Gerard’s Church after the 8:15 am Mass on: -Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Padre Pio’s Mass Schedule The Mass will take place at St. Gerard Majella Church on: -Friday, January 23rd, 2015 at 7:00 PM Monday: Joyful Mysteries Alice Swan Andrea Colon Angelina Franco Ann Tintle Anna Avolio Tuesday: Sorrowful Mysteries Anna Galante Baby Karina Baby Nathan David Carlson Betty & Mickey Vatrano Carol Ramundo Mary Montefusco Wednesday: Glorious Mysteries Celeste Stornaiuolo Giovanna Cannata Irene Sciro Isidro DeJesus Laraine DeFeo Thursday: Luminous Mysteries Jarret Buys Jayne Sullivan Jim Hill Joseph Valle Jack Farnese Friday: Sorrowful Mysteries Kay Stasiak Aida Placeres Louis & Kathy Mazzei Lucy Lobo Violet D’Argenzio Saturday: Joyful Mysteries M. L. Robertson Larry Harrington Melissa Ramundo Michele Farnese Matthew Piatt Robert Carella Florence Knapp Sunday: Glorious Mysteries Eleanor Verlardi Olga Serraro Robert Maggio Jr. Nelda Burke Otilia Bermudez Sofia Ferreira Monday: Joyful Mysteries Rose Marchioni Sandra Scala Toddler Karolina Ranu Tony & Millie DeFlora Vincent Rasa The Year of Consecrated Life has been declared by Pope Francis and announced by Bishop Serratelli. The year has three aims: renewal for men and women in consecrated life; thanksgiving by the faithful for their service; and an invitation to young Catholics to consider a religious vocation. It began on Nov. 30th, the First Sunday of Advent, and will conclude Feb. 2, 2016. If you know of anyone in the parish who is sick, homebound and needs communion, confession, any sacramental needs or just a visit, please contact The Rectory at (973) 595-8446. We will arrange for a Priest to visit them. Visited this week were: Dora and Cathy Calabrese, Lucy Lobo, Anna Galante. Parishioners: We ask you to please use your weekly envelopes. If you do not know your parishioner number, please contact the Rectory at (973) 595-8446. If you would like to become a parishioner, please visit the Rectory. Please keep in your prayers those of our parishioners, family or friends who have entered into eternal rest. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. We pray for Ralph Barbieri , Heiner Posada, Marilyn Fontanella and Frances Penny. Amen Deceased Parishioners: Sanctuary Lamp Flowers The Sanctuary Lamp burns in loving memory of Paul Russo & Nina and Antonio Massaro Flowers are given this week at the request & generosity of Laraine DeFeo The Bread and Wine The Bread and Wine is offered in loving memory of Louis Cirignano LECTOR SCHEDULE Time 5:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM Weekend of Dec. 28th and 29th Mass Name English English English English English Spanish Joan and June Debbie & Denis Maddie and Evelyn Sharlene, Concetta and June Carmella and Regina Mirian Martinez & Zenayda Gutierrez EUCHARISTIC MINISTER LIST Time 5:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM Weekend of Dec. 28th and 29th Mass Name English English English English English Spanish Carol & George Louis Pastena Irene Lucy & Jr. Priests will minister Communion Carmen Sanchez Christmas Flowers Envelopes If you would like to make an offering towards our Christmas Flowers, please do so by using the “Christmas Flowers” envelopes. Please make your returns by placing them in the collection basket this weekend or bring them to the Rectory Office. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Christmas Eve (December 24th): The Rectory is Open Christmas Day (December 25th): The Rectory is Closed NewYear’s Eve (December 31st): There will be no Vigil The Rectory will be Open. NewYear’s Day (January 1st): Holy Day of Obligation 10:30 AM Mass Only The Rectory will be Closed Friday, Jan. 2nd, 2015 The Rectory will be Open Fourth Sunday of Advent 12/21/14-Sunday-2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 12/22/14-Monday-1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 12/23/14-Tuesday-Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 12/24/14-Wednesday-Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 12/25/14-Thursday-Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Night: Is 9:1-6; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 12/26/14-Friday-Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 12/27/14-Saturday-1 Jn 1:1-4; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 COME JOIN US… Sunday: 10:30 AM Fr. James Monday: 7:30 PM Fr. Leo Wednesday:7:00 PM Fr. Rijo MT. AIRY LODGE BUS TRIP will be on Tuesday, Jan. 13th. The cost is $30.00 with a return of a $25.00 voucher and a $10.00 food voucher. Please be at St. Gerard’s parking lot at 9:30 AM. The bus will depart at 10:00 AM sharp. For further information please contact Honey at 973-956-0281. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph The Feast of the Holy Family is a liturgical Celebration in the Catholic church in Honor of Jesus of Nazareth, his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his foster father, Saint Joseph, as a family. The primary purpose of this feast is to present the Holy Family as a model for Christian Families. Christmas Tree at St. Joseph’s Rest Home Angels Choir of Blessed Justin led by Jenny Reyes recently visited the residents St. Joseph’s Rest Home in Paterson and Emeritus of Wayne. The residents enjoyed the Christmas carols sung by the children. Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve: 3:30 PM-Christmas Carols by: Families in Christ Jesus 3:50 PM-La Posada with School Children of St. Gerard 4:00 PM and 7:30 PM – Mass in English 9:00 PM-Christmas Carols-Spanish 9:30 PM-Mass in Spanish 11:30 PM-Christmas Carols- Italian Midnight-Mass in Italian Christmas Day: 7:30 AM – English 9:00 AM – English 10:30 AM – English and Italian 12 Noon – English 1:30 PM - Spanish Dear Parishioners: I would like to thank everyone for their participation in our Giving Tree this year. Your generosity will be providing a wonderful Christmas for the many children whose Angel Tags you selected. May God bless you for celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. Yours in Christ, Rev. Rijo Johnson, SDV, Pastor
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