Saint Joseph’s Parish Newsletter St Joseph’s Presbytery, New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff, CF14 3BR Tel: 20411819 Email: [email protected] Fr Ambrose G Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Br Brian Butler, Deacon Rev Mark Howe A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff. A Registered Charity (No. 242380). Served by Rosminians Safeguarding Representative – Chris Mullane – 07747 057163 3rd 11th January 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord (Cycle B) THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “I beseech the Lord to shower His blessings on you this New Year.” Blessed Antonio Rosmini (1797-1855) Mass Intentions / Adoration / Sacraments Sat 3rd Jan The Most Holy Name of Jesus 9.15 am 12 – 1 pm 5.15 – 5.45 pm Angela Taylor RIP (Margaret Hann) Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacrament of Reconciliation Nicesio & Maureen Fantini RIP (Dina) 6 pm vigil of The Epiphany Sun 4th Jan 9.15 am 11 am 12.30 pm 4 pm Mon 5th Jan 9.15 am Tues 6th Jan 9.15 am Wed 7th Jan 9.15 am After Mass – 3.30 pm Thurs 8th Jan 9.15 am 12 noon Fri 9th Jan 9.15 am The Epiphany of the Lord All Parishioners Edward Winifred Peter Walsh RIP Baptism – Sebastian Leon Mass in Syro-Malabar Rite Elena & Emilio Manansala RIP (Myrna) James Mahoney RIP (Veronica M) Isabel Nobrega RIP (Maria & Luigi Carraf) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Julia Kent RIP (Cunningham Family) George Ansamma (Wedding Anniversary) Requiem – Johanna Deere Walter & Peggy Hann RIP (Monica Walsh) Sat 10th Jan 9.15 am 12 – 1 pm 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6 pm vigil of The Private Intention Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacrament of Reconciliation Graham Jones RIP (Dorothy Jones) Baptism of the Lord Sun 11th Jan 9.15 am 11 am The Baptism of the Lord Graham Jones RIP (Dorothy Jones) School Mass All Parishioners We have seen his star in the East, and have come with gifts to adore the Lord. Please pray for those who have died recently: Blandina Rodrigues, Johanna Deere, Bob Maunder And those who are ill: Lyla O’Brien, Pam Deane, Elin Waite, Maria Khan, Angie Whittaker, Lorna Thomas, Bernard Deere, Deacon Benjamin Benzily IC. CHURCH COLLECTION Week Ending 21st December - Attendance 340 Gift Aid - £224.10; Non Gift Aid - £467.25 Christmas Masses – Attendance 720 Gift Aid - £795.00; Non Gift Aid - £1,072.35 Week Ending 28th December - Attendance 324 Gift Aid - £520.00; Non Gift Aid - £422.39 Responsorial Psalm for The Epiphany of the Lord – Year B : All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord. Please make a determined effort to maintain a dignified silence before and immediately after Mass. Confirmation – 27th June 2015 - 6 pm There will be a meeting for parents and candidates shortly – details to follow. Classes will start in March on Saturdays from 4 pm – 5.30 pm The Catholic Province of Cardiff, Wales & Herefordship Directory and Year Book 2015 is now available – price £2.60 The Gift Aid Scheme Gift Aid is a way of benefitting the Parish at no extra cost to you. It is for UK tax payers instead of putting your weekly offering directly into the collection bag, you use individually numbered envelopes so that contributions can be recorded and a claim made. You do not need to contribute a fixed amount or to pay every week of the year. The amount you contribute and how often you pay is entirely up to you. If you are a taxpayer and are not already gift aiding your collection, please give serious consideration to joining the scheme. Please collect a sheet from the back of Church with further details. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will resume on Wednesday 7th January 2015 New Adorers always welcome! SPUC WHITE FLOWER APPEAL There will be a collection after all Masses NEXT weekend. Weekly Church Events / Meetings Monday 7.30 pm Thursday Saint Joseph’s Parish Prayer UCM Meeting – Meeting Room Bible Study – Lady Chapel 7.30 pm FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2015 WHEN Wednesday 7th WHAT JANUARY 7 pm Parish Council WHERE Meeting Room MAY Saturday 9th 10.30 am Saturday 16th 10.30 am th Saturday 27 6 pm First Holy Communion First Holy Communion JUNE Confirmation Church Church Loving Father, we ask You to bless our parish: make us better people, more considerate towards others, more honest with ourselves and more faithful to You. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit open our ears to hear You in prayer, open our eyes to Your presence in one another and open our hearts to those who are searching for You. Help each of us find our true vocation in life, so that we may not only find our own happiness but bring happiness to others. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. To be said after 9.15 am Mass on Wednesdays: Church Bible Christian Studies ( Two-minute Apologetics What does the word "apologetics" mean? The word "apologetics" is derived from the ancient Greek word apologia, which means, an apology. Not an apology in the modern sense of the word - which is to say you're sorry for something. But rather, an apology in the ancient sense of the word - which is to make a reasoned defense of something or someone. In ancient times, the word apology referred to the case a lawyer would make on behalf of his client. Apologetics is about building the case for our Faith...learning how to explain and defend our Faith. Basically, there are 3 types of apologetics: natural apologetics, Christian apologetics, and Catholic apologetics. Natural apologetics builds the case for truths we can know from the "natural" light of reason. Truths that can be known without any divine intervention. Truths which the articles of our Faith rest upon and build upon. Truths such as the existence of God, the innate spirituality of the human soul, the objective reality of right and wrong...truths that our faith rest upon and build upon. Christian apologetics, on the other hand, builds the case for divinely revealed truths - truths that cannot be known by reason apart from faith. Truths such as the reality of biblical miracles, the divinity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, and the Resurrection to name a few. Catholic apologetics encompasses all of Christian apologetics - since Catholicism is the fullness of Christianity but Catholic apologetics tends to focus on those truths of Christianity that are not generally believed by non-Catholic Christians. Truths such as: the Catholic Church having been founded directly by Jesus Christ; the papacy; the Sacraments; the Immaculate Conception, and others. Prayer to St. Joseph Dear Saint Joseph, just and true, with a father's care you raised the Child Jesus, and, with a husband's love, you shared your life with Mary, his mother. I entrust myself to your care and place in your hands this request of mine….. (in silence place your requests before God) In quiet Nazareth long ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to your heart and you followed God's will with wonderful faith. In the quiet of my days, and in the hard choices I must make, help me follow the Spirit's guidance and believe when I cannot see. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be... NEWSLETTER The next Newsletter will be finalised on Wednesday morning 7th January. Items are always welcome for the Newsletter so if you have anything you would like to place in the Newsletter send it to either of the 2 e-mail addresses below or hand it in to the Presbytery by Tuesday pm. [email protected] or [email protected]
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