Service times & Mass Intentions Readers SATURDAY 20th December: 4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions 5.30pm Mass: Private Intention 20/21 December Saturday: P. Morris Sunday: D Thompson SUNDAY 21st December: 4th Sunday of Advent 11.00am Mass: Michael Kowal, RIP MONDAY 22nd December: Advent Feria 9.30am (Mass at All Saints) TUESDAY 23rd December: Advent Feria 9.30am Mass: Margaret Helan, RIP WEDNESDAY 24th December: The Nativity of Our Lord – Vigil 9.30am (Mass at All Saints) 6.00pm First Mass of Christmas: Deceased members of the Quinn & Eastwood Families, Dora and Gerard Quinn RIP THURSDAY 25th December: The Nativity of Our Lord 10.30am Mass: Derek Allsop, RIP FRIDAY 26th December: St Stephen, the First Martyr 11.00am Mass: Private Intention SATURDAY 27th December: The Holy Family, Mary & Joseph – Vigil 4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions 5.30pm Mass: Intentions of Christopher Hagues SUNDAY 28th December: The Holy Family, Mary & Joseph 11.00am Mass: Private Intention 27/28 December Saturday: P Benson Sunday: A Eastwood Offertory 20/21 December Saturday: Houlihan Family Sunday: I Popkin, plus one 27/28 December Saturday: Holmes Family Sunday: A & D O’Reilly Flowers Mrs M Astle Events: Christmas Parties after Sunday Mass Church Cleaning: After Mass 30th Dec. Offertory: Envelopes: £ 212.68 Loose: £ 163.62 Total: £ 376.30 Thank you very much Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees (Company Number 7151646 Charity Number 1134449) Church of Christ the King Mackworth, Derby DE22 4BG Parish Priest: Fr John Guest T: 01332 340 161 E: [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr. John Martin T: 07714460526 Deacon: Keith Bunyan T: 01335 360 350 Sunday 21st December 2014 4th Sunday of Advent 1st Reading: Samuel 7:1-5.8-12.14.16 Psalm: Psalm 88 R: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord. 2nd Reading: Romans 16:25-27 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Communion antiphon: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son; and his name will be called Emmanuel. A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! My Dear Friends, Some of the stories in the gospels remain more vividly in the mind and heart than others. Today’s account of the encounter between the angel Gabriel and the virgin Mary is one such. Gabriel is absolutely full of the message he has to bring, and he couches it in references to the prophets, believing that this will convince Mary of the truth of what he is saying. She in turn is naturally cautious, even deeply disturbed, and questions him carefully. The exchange is quite electric, which is understandable when we reflect that the outcome of the exchange is the destiny of the human race. Angels don’t seem to have what we might call human reservations. He brings in the Holy Spirit, the title of her son as “Son of God” and rounds off his argument with a nod to Elizabeth’s pregnancy, a sure fire clincher from biblical roots… for, he adds, nothing is impossible to God. And Mary says “Yes”, changing not just her life but the life of all humankind forever. And we, in our less documented conversations with angels, are given the same challenge. Mary’s “yes” is intended to support ours. Fr. John Nottingham Justice and Peace: Sonia Aslam works for the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Pakistan. She does exactly the same as us- she supports and fights for human rights. By doing this she has put her and her family’s lives in danger, as she has been threatened for working against Islam. She has fled to the UK, but has been refused Asylum. A Christian country, that promotes the same values that she fights for in Pakistan, will not allow her to stay here. An appeal is due and she needs all the support she can get. Please sign this petition to plead the Home Office to allow Sonia to stay. Share this with everyone you know, spread the word and help Sonia! The latest issue of Just Now from the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission is available online at Derby Soup Run: With winter approaching donations of the following items of clothing for the homeless would be appreciated: socks, shoes, hats, gloves, scarves, coats / jackets, blankets and sleeping bags. Please label donations for the Soup Run and leave in or near the box provided in the porch. National Catholic EvangelisationConference – 11th July 2015:The Joy of the Gospel–Building a Missionary Parish is the theme of the National Catholic Evangelisation Conference to be held in Birmingham on Saturday 11th July 2015. Cardinal Vincent Nichols says: “This pioneering day conference, inspired by Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium, is for all clergy, religious and lay people. Why? Because we all share the One mission – to proclaim the joy of the Gospel. The wide range of practical ideas offered for planning and carrying out fruitful parish evangelisation will help us all to be better missionary disciples. Please put the date in your diary. I look forward to seeing you there.” For further information, please visit gospeljoy. There are only a limited number of tickets allocated for each Diocese and they cost £35 each. If you would like to attend could you let Diane Williams know as soon as possible her number is 01159539841 or email [email protected] Would you consider becoming a Foundation Governor in one of our schools/academies? Further info: visit www.nottingham-des. or call 01332 293833. Service times for Christmas: Christ the King: Christmas Eve: First Mass of Christmas and Carols: 6.00pm Christmas Day: Mass of the Day; 10.30am. All Saints: Christmas Eve: Carols: 5.30pm First Mass of Christmas 6.00pm Christmas Day: Mass of Dawn 9.30am Advent Reconciliation Services in the city:Monday 22nd December St. Mary’s 7:00 p.m. St. Joseph’s will have extended Saturday morning confessions this weekend before Christmas. Thanks to all who supported the Christmas raffle and especially to Julie for running it. The total takings came to £218. There is list of winning tickets on the entry door. Please claim prizes from the sacristy. There is a Parish Get-together after the Sunday Mass this weekend. Everybody welcome! This week there will be a retiring collection for the Christmas Flowers. [ Please remember in your prayers the following people who are sick or housebound: Bob & Bernie Allen, Kitty Allsop, Derek Archer, David Black, Connie Bland, Sylvia Bullock, Josie & Alan Chambers, Fr Tony Colebrook, Fr Peter Coyle, Mary Dean, Frank Dempsey, Fr Hugh Doherty, the Flynn Family, Jill Ford, Trevor Ford, Tony Furniss, Pat Glover, Bernard Hagues, Jim Hannigan, Marcelle Hardwick, Dorothy Hillyer, Tracy & Michael McEnery, Ellen McColgan, Bruce Martin, Fr. John Joe Maloney, Esther Murphy, Chris Neal, Fr. Eamonn O’Hara, Mgr Joe Phelan, Margaret Powell, Eileen Richardson, Mollie Rowles, Bridget Smith, Louis Varga, Joan Virgo, Fr. Peter Wade, Mgr. Edward Walker, Bernadette Yeomans. May they be comforted and healed. We remember in prayer our departed brothers and sisters especially Pat Murphy, Margaret Helan, Dorothy Blacdon-Gamlen, Thomas Templeman, William Richardson, Gerard Quinn, the deceased members of the Quinn and Eastwood families, Joseph Repton, Frederick Adkins, Odette Swift, Kenneth John Regan, Pat Deeganand all whose anniversaries occur at this time. May the Lord welcome them.
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