DECEMBER 2014 NO. 436 Ro W • RUN REPo RTS • EV ENTS Trail EDIToR Greetings! WaNTED: RUN REPORTS RIGHTS OF WAY • NOTICES BIKE & RIDING GEAR REVIEWS COVER PHOTOS Time to dust off Santa’s outfit and make sure friends and family know what you want for Christmas (last minute now). A pair of boots, crash helmet, gloves - maybe waterproofs, or optimistically a NEW BIKE. Thanks to the hard work put in by our RoW people and others we will still be riding pretty much all of the lanes that we rode this year. Quite an achievement with all those po-faced miserable Nimbys and green-tinged misguided antis. Now what should we be doing next year to make life even tougher for them? Good ideas to me at [email protected] of if you have, or can make, the time, get yourself to the TRF Conference ‘The Way Forward 2015’, see page 4. There is a lot of time between now and then so go forth and enjoy! Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year, Fred Ellison Editor YOUR VIEWS ON TRAIL RIDING RELATED TOPICS or anything you feel would be interesting CoVER PHoTo: “Trail Riding in Legoland” On a recent family visit to Legoland Fred and I were amazed to find that the TRF had got there first! Hazel Ellison COPY DEADLINE: 1st Tuesday of the Month All contributions to THE EDITOR Fred Ellison, Sheepcote Farm, Moor Lane, Wiswell, Clitheroe BB7 9DG [email protected] BMF Discount Code 2015: TRF15A674 Contents 3 5 7 7 8 13 21 STANAGE POLE NOTICE BOARD NATIONAL RIDES TRF SHOWTIME LANE CLEARING FOR BEGINNERS MID WALES TRAIL RIDING HOLIDAY CHANGING FROM ROAD RIDING TO OFF ROAD Web Edition created by Ellison Printing t. 01254 883208 Robin Hickin Interim Managing Director Even the ultimate trail bike sometimes lets you down Well most of you will be aware of the To ensure that the TRF moves forward in the resignation of Jack Knight our Managing next year and beyond I have taken on board Director over the last year. I would like to thank some of the concerns raised by you in the last Jack for all the hard work that he has put in few months and am proposing to hold a TRF R?":'18"'4.16$71"'1&76.'%6<"'0/$"16$"0'."10'3/4'B/5:@' over the last year and prior to that as Conference on the 25th January 2015. This Marketing Director for the TRF. Thank you Jack. conference will be in two parts, firstly to listen to you as members and secondly to take on As a result of having no MD at this time I have board your concerns and recommendations as offered to stand in as interim MD while a to how you want the TRF to move forward in suitable replacement is found. To that end I the next few years. have offered to hold the position of Managing Director for the TRF until our 2015 AGM, should you wish to elect me that is, at the reconvened AGM 25th Jan 2015. Further details of how to book a place at the Conference/AGM are both on the Web Site and contained in this edition of Trail. The reconvened AGM will complete the agenda from 12th October, with the election of directors for the coming year. Robin Hickin Interim Managing Director KEEP TO THE LEGAL ROUTE AT ALL TIMES TRAIL December 2014 2 Trail Riders Fellowship RECoNVENED aGM 10.30 am 25th January 2015 Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon Warwickshire, CV35 0BJ Agenda 1. Present 2. Apologies 3. Introduction Robin Hickin 4. By special direction of the Chair of the meeting: To adopt the Memorandum & Articles of Association, TRF Limited, dated 2010/11/20 and lodge these with Companies House as adopted, within 15 days of the passing of this resolution. (copy available in members area of TRF website) 5. Election of Directors Current Nominations Directorship Proposed Director 1 Technical & ROW Director John Vannuffel 2 Membership & Comms Director Mike Irving 3 Marketing & IT Director Mario Costa-Sa 4 Finance Director John Gardner 5 Managing Director Robin Hickin Any further Nominations for directorship of the TRF Ltd need to be notified to the interim MD by the 1st of January 2015 duly proposed and seconded. 6. To review the amended Memorandum & Articles of Association during 2015, and having consulted and then having agreed changes at Board level, any agreed changes to be put to the 2015 AGM in accordance with the notice requirements. 7. Time, Date, Place of next meeting November 15th 2015 Venue TBC Reconvened AGM to be followed by TRF Conference, The Way Forward 2015 3 The Way Forward 2015 PRoGRaMME Directors Forum 1 11 am-11.45am Each director to hold their own forum based on their current responsibilities held. Directors Forum 2 12.00pm-12.45pm Each director to hold their own forum based on their current responsibilities held. Lunch 12.45pm-1.30pm Feedback from Forum(s) 1.30pm-2.30pm Each Directors Forum will be allowed 10 minutes to feedback the salient points from their deliberations. Open Forum to discuss issues raised in Directors Forum Managing Director 2.30pm- 4.00pm Summary & Conclusions 4.00pm-4.30pm Directors each having 5 minutes to summarise the way forward. ✄ To book a place at the TRF Conference, The Way Forward 2015 please either email your intention to attend to [email protected] include your name, membership number and Local Group or complete the slip below and send it to: TRF Managing Director, 42 Model Village, Long Itchington. Southam, Warwickshire CV47 9RB I wish to attend the TRF Conference The Way Forward 2015, 25th January 2015 Full Name(s) ................................................................................................................................................ Membership Number(s) ................................................................................................................................................ Local Group ................................................................................................................................................ If you have any specific questions you would like to be answered by the directors please include them with your booking TRAIL December 2014 4 THE TRF, SINk oR 5 SWIM? The last few months for the TRF have been up and down. As far as our mission goes in maintaining the right to ride the Green Lanes of our heritage we’ve won a few notable battles (for now) and we have lost a few (hopefully not forever). Every time we win one though the “other side” open up another two or three issues, splitting our meager resources still further until we get to the point where we cannot cope and we let some slide. Looking back through our records it is clear that where we put up a structured defense we win more than we lose. Where we do not put in enough effort invariably we lose and this is my point. The resource I am referring to is not money its time and its effort and how we use it. Some one emailed me a few weeks ago chastising me for referring to the “Other Side” as if this is a war. It is a war, a war of attrition and there are two sides and the so called “Other Side” want us off the lanes anyway they can. They do it “en mass” like the recent assault on the DeRegulation Bill which is being forced to a Stakeholder working group and in the past NERCA where at single stroke they took a lot of lanes away from us. Or they snipe one lane at a time, dotted around the country, winning most as they slip by unnoticed or worse still only noticed at the last minute so the response it is hurried and ill conceived. The solution lays in the difference between the two sides. The “Other Side” has a small nucleus of well-organised and connected individuals. They are passionate and dedicated to their cause, Eliminating Recreational Motor Vehicles from the Green Lanes. Just as riding the lanes is our hobby, theirs is to close them to us. The difference being is most of us want to use the little spare time we have to ride them and the fighting for them is left to a few. Remember earlier in this article I said those we fight for we generally win and those we don’t we lose. We have a knowledgeable and skilled nucleus but we only work with a few of you in a disjointed and reactionary way. Imagine if we could get 3 or 4 members from each group working together with good communication and connections, pooling ideas and information. We would multiply our successes exponentially and really put the “Other Side” on the back foot and scrabbling around for ideas. The ironic thing is that I actually think that we already have those people out there in the groups and winning battles. We just need to link up and combine our resource and the losses will begin to fade away. Generally speaking the law can be used for keeping the lanes open but better still timely intervention can and does avoid the need to go legal. We can change this by working closer together with inspired ROW and PR leadership. The upcoming TRF Conference “The Way Forward 2015” 25th January 2015, immediately after the reconvened AGM is where it starts and I urge every Group Officer and those members that want to help keep our heritage of Green lanes to be there. Mike Irving Communications Director TRF TRAIL December 2014 6 NoTICE BoaRD TRF CONFERENCE RECONVENED AGM 10.30 a.m. 25th January 2015 Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, Warwickshire CV35 0BJ BMF DISCOUNT CODE 2015 TRF15A674 This may be used by members to receive discounts on advanced tickets to any BMF Shows and to receive discounts on insurance, travel, breakdown cover and other BMF member benefits 7 THE WAY FORWARD 2015 25th January 2015 (following the AGM) Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, Warwickshire CV35 0BJ To book a place at the Conference please either email your intention to attend to [email protected] include your name, membership number and Local Group or print out and complete the slip on page 4 RIBBLE VALLEY TRF Present meeting venue is due to close before Christmas. Please contact Tommy O’Kane 07800 779571 for further info. Denbighshire & Dee Valley off Road Vehicle Working Group I have attended 2 meetings on behalf of the TRF re various problems: illegal activity, responsible use, resident complaints on UCR s/Byways and maintenance etc. Denbighshire County Council have been using traffic monitors to ascertain: number of riders, 4x4s, hours of use on 3 routes, one of which is llegal, to build up a picture and find solutions. The group includes DCC Personnel, Police, Natural Resources, LAF, Welsh Minister, Land Owners, Tread Lightly and Local Councillors. One of the requests for assistance was for the Alti y Badi which was provided by a crew from North Wales TRF who cleared blocked drainage channels. To move forward more volunteers are needed to help with various projects in the area which will be extended out in future to adjacent councils. I have previously indicated Council budgets are under the most severe pressure experienced for many decades and there is very little budget available to fund works to maintain these roads. So if they need repair, to reduce pressure from locals to close them to save costs, users will need to help step up to the mark. In the past a 4x4 group contacted the landowner and undertook work to cut the hedges which was well received locally at the time. The problem reported by the community was that due to the rutting on the soft ground by vehicular use, and the level aspect of the track, surface water ponds in the track and in wet weather pedestrians tend to have to wade through the water, which is not ideal in walking boots. Having moved planning as close as it is possible to get, I think it is for the TRF and 4x4 users to offer to move the material and work out how they can do it. If I ask the roads team to hire in a JCB there is almost no point involving volunteers in the work, but it is also unlikely they will fund this. If vehicle users are looking to raise a positive profile in the communities where they enjoy the unsurfaced highway network then completing works like this would be helpful to counter the often negative attitudes to vehicle users. Llanarmon has several of the most popular unsurfaced roads in the Clwydian Range and whilst the attitude to recreational off-road vehicles are not as extreme as those in LLangollen, we do get infrequent calls to ban 4x4 and trail riders off the un-surfaced lanes in the area by residents and equestrians. I am not singling out the TRF for any criticism here. They clearly did a good job at the Allt y Badi on the grips and it may be that a Landrover club should step up to the mark on this one as a 4x4 and trailer would be of greater use at this place. It is really now a matter for users to coordinate who can do it. Speaking to a number of users shows a large percentage are from outside the area but use the Welsh network around Llangollen and are unaware of the local issues as there have been a number of meetings in the area trying to close the network down. Therefore any volunteers to help with projects please contact me to keep the network open or risk closures!! Aleck Coulson, West Midlands TRF [email protected] TRAIL December 2014 8 News Release News Release Joint news release from R 6235 6PR 23 56235 GLaSS, TRF and Powys County Council 6235 o orr Immediate Im dim aworking te Release leaR sgroup New F For om reImmediate Im edR iaete Release eelease formed Nov 18 November 18ember Novem2 and Cabinet Member for Countryside Powys sCounty Councilf motor oint ointJoint news new release relsease from rand omffrom G LAvehicle SLA S, TRF T R Pow Powys ys C County ount y Council Counc il Joi nt news new release release rGLASS, om GLASS, G SLeader SF , TRF Tand R F and Pow Powys ys C County ount y Cou Cou groups represented by the Green Lane Services, said: “The formation and functioning Association (GLASS) and Trail Riders of this new group is an important step forward ewNew wew orki gr oup formed fortomwork Nworking working wng or(TRF) kigroup ng group gr oup formed fed orm ed in managing byways in the county, and its Fellowship have agreed together and form a new working group which brings work will be very important in planning and owys owyPo s C County o u n t y C Council o u n ci l a and n d m motor o t o r v vehicle e h i cl e g groups srore represented ppre sepnre tese db by heb Green re Lane to an end an expensive legal battle in the these routes inL wy s C ounty C ouncil a nd m otor vvehicle ehsupporting iro clu epg uthe smaintenance re nyof tetthe d yG tthe heenG reaenne L Powys County Council and motor groups represented by Green ssociation (GLASS) and Trail Riders Fellowship (TRF) have agreed to work sso ci a t i o n (G L ASS) a n d T ra i l R i d e rs F e l l o w sh i p (T R F ) h a v e a g re e d t o w o rk Courts and will see the reconvention of the Asso Association ciation (G (GLASS) LASS) a and nd T Trail rail R Riders idersthe F Fellowship efuture. llowship (T (TRF) RF) h have av e a agreed greed tto ow work ork gether and a new working group which brings an end an expensive g ethePowys ra ndByway fform ormUsers neGroup ww o(PBUG). rking g roup w h“It ichis also b rinhoped gs tto othat a nthee nd work a ne engroup sive llega eg a joint ofxp this ttogether ogether a and nd fform orm a new n ew w working orking g group roup w which hich b brings rings tto oa an ne end nd a an ne expensive xpensive attle attleb in ianThe ein Courts ohwill uertC s oa and dsw will in ll dse see eilltthe hse e ere reconvention co vewill ntniprovide ovneno oftfiotthe hneo Po Powys yPo s working By Byway yrelations U Users G Grou bring together representatives the tttthe lhePBUG inC tthe unrt a w tthe hofenre co f tthe hwefor wywsaBy wse ayrsU serorsu battle Courts and will see reconvention ofbasis Powys Byway Users the main user interests, including GLASS, TRF, PBUG). PBU G). G). across the range of interests and views that this (PBU (PBUG). the Ramblers Association and British Horse subject brings.” Society plus others representing land managers h he e PBU PBUG w will illGb bring riw nilgl b ttogether orignegthttogether representatives sepnrtease tivn etsGLASS of thsspokesman eo m u user se iinterests, nse tere st nstcls, udiincl A said: T hand eG PBU oegr ere thperrere ato ivf ethe f the tahien main m ainr “This u rachievement iinterests, nts, ereiincluding ninclg The PBUG will bring representatives ofmain user the county council. L LASS, ASS, TRF, T R F , the t h e Ramblers R a m b l e rs Association Asso ci a t i o n and a n d Bri British t i sh H Horse o rse So Society ci e t y p plus l u s o others t h e rs facilitates a significant improvement in the G GLASS, LASS, TRF, TRF, the the Ramblers Ramblers Association Association and and Bri British tish H Horse orse So Society ciety p plus lu s o othe the The and toereach green roads. It provides a e epresenting prere sep nre tingroup g nlland atwill nndgregularly m managers anndam greview ears a and nedrstrytthe ha co county uentco yconservation co council. utynci l.uof se i l a n a g n d t h u n co n ci l . representing land managers and the county council. agreement on working arrangements for useful framework for the constructive byway management in the county. management then green network, which he will regularly review and reach agreement on working arrangeme h e group gT ro u w ll pre giulllare rlgyure w a ttry ry re atto ch a reeofa m o neroad rki ngorki a rra grra emneg The hCllr epg group roiu w will regularly lavrliyeCouncil’s re review vinedwDeputy a and ntto do ttry rywill obenefit re reach agch agreement ge reet m nw t oo on nw working ngna arran all interested parties.” Harris, Powys County rb byway yway m management anagement iin n tthe he co county. unty. ffor or b byway yway m management anagement iin n tthe he co county. unty. Harris, Powys County Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member lllr lr H alrri sC tyoC otuynC ciol’sunD tyeL rea anbdinC eat bM eer m ffor obrer ffor C Cllr lr s, H Harris, aPo rriw s,yPo Powys woyusnC County un Council’s cielp ’suD Deputy peuatydeL Leader an dd erC a and Cabinet ineemt bM Member or o ountryside unC tCountryside ryosi d e Se Services, rv i ce s, sa said: i d : “T “The h e f formation o rm a t i o n a and n d f functioning u n ct i o n i n g o of f t this h i s n new e w g group ro upg iis s ua an untryside Se Services, rvices, sa said: id: “T “The he fformation ormation a and nd ffunctioning unctioning o off tthis his n new ew group ro pn mportant step managing byways county, and will be m portiimportant an orw rd iin nam nnam gianngab ysywiin naytthe hseiin y, ua ta snwork w w ew m ptost rtaenpt fforward st step epafforward orw rdaiin managing gyinwgab byways nco tthe huentco county, nntdy,iits and doiits trk s work w oillrkb will ivver llebr m mportant portiimportant a n t i in n p planning l a n n i n g a and n d su supporting p p o rt i n g t the h e m maintenance a i n t e n a n ce o of f t these h e se ro routes u t e s i in n t the h e f future u t mportant iin np planning lan ning a and nd su supporting pporting tthe he m maintenance aintenance o off tthese hese ro routes utes iin n tthe huere t iis sa also hoped olso pedh hpaetdtthe htthat ihnet w work o offotthis hiso group ro w will ll pp provide ro erotthe basis atthe ffor osi rw working ngor “I “Itltso iis sh a also hoped otthat heajjoint totthe jjoint ooinrkt w work rk offg tthis hiuspg group roiu w will ivllidp provide vhiedeb hsiesb basis a s offor orki rw wor e elations latiore n s a across cro ss t the h e ra range n g e o of f i interests n t e re st s a and n d v views i e w s t that h a t t this h i s su subject b j e ct b brings.” ri n g s. ” relations lations a across cross tthe he ra range n ge o off iinterests nterests a and nd vviews iews tthat hat tthis his su subject bject b brings.” rings.” G GLASS LASS sp okespokesman sm ansm sa said: “T “This h a achievement ch vch emieevnet m ffacilitates aecinltita significant ica nitfiiimprovemen mpnro vmepmroevn AG GLASS Lspokesman ASS sp oke aidn: sa said: idis: “T “This hisiea achievement ffacilitates ate cislitaatsi esgnaifsi significant gn ca t iimprov the thein cothe rvnase tiorv n ao oftfiog green efng ro roads. IItat dp provides rovIIttidp erosvaidu useful l se fframework rafm w ffor oor rk tthe he inconservation thneseconservation co nreo of green rea ed roads. s. provides ese s afuu useful ulefframework raomrkew ffor or tthe he o onstructive nstconstructive ru ct i v e m management a n a g e m e n t o of f t the h e g green re e n ro road a d n network, e t w o rk, w which h i ch w will i l l b benefit e n e f i t all n elre st constructive m management an age m ent o off tthe he g green reen ro road ad n network, etwork, w which hich w will i ll b benefit ea nlel fiinterest itta all l iin n art9ieparties.” s. ” arties.” parties.” Devon TRF Axe to Exe Event – Spring 2015 No change of venue for our sixth guided trail riding weekend in April 2015. We will again be using Castle Brake Holiday Park based in Woodbury in the heart of East Devon, chosen for its ideal base with over 240 legal lanes between the rivers Axe and Exe. To check the site facilities available go to - Riding will take place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th April 2015 We endeavour to cater for all riding abilities. The riding starts and finishes at Castle Brake. An entry of 50 riders (plus 10 reserve) in which all accepted will get to ride. The cost of the weekend includes £45 for the Devon TRF Group fighting fund Staying and sharing in fully equipped Holiday Homes, accommodation will be available from 3pm th th Friday 17 through to 10am Monday 20 April, with a full English breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings, Hot Fork Buffet on Saturday evening, followed by a night of chat and bar facilities. Cost for all this per person; is £164.00 Camping Grass Pitches also available at £119.00 per person Hard Standing Pitches at £129.00 per person These prices have risen due to site and catering charges. DTRF has contained costs to minimise the effects. Any cancellations prior to 2 nd April 2015 will get a full refund, thereafter will receive £45 only. For more information or to book a place contact by email to: [email protected] ALL MOTORCYCLES MUST BE ROAD LEGAL. RIDERS must present current membership cards at registration Before you ride, you will be asked to declare that: • • • • You are physically and mentally fit to participate and are competent to do so. You understand the nature and type of event and the risks involved and agree to accept these risks even if such risk may involve negligence on the part of the organisers/officials. You will not seek to claim against the TRF, their organisers or officials, the landowners, or other bodies or individuals connected with the event in respect of any damage to your property regardless of the cause, including any damage caused by the negligence or breach of said bodies or persons. Your motorcycle is road legal and effectively silenced. RIDERS OF NOISY MOTORCYCLES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE. FUNDS RAISED GO DIRECTLY TO ENSURING THAT AS MANY DEVON GREEN LANES REMAIN OPEN AS POSSIBLE. TRAIL December 2014 10 It all started around 56 years ago when my Father Brian discovered trials riding as a weekend pastime. Having had many road bikes from a young age and as his main form of transport, it was a natural progression to get some off tarmac skills on his BSA 350. Other bikes soon followed, Greeves followed by a Triumph Cub which he entered the Scottish 6 days on in 1962. His first taste of trail riding over 50 years ago was on a 250 Velocette MOV (whatever that is) it apparently sported luxury extras such as girder forks and a rigid frame. This was followed by a couple of Triumph Cubs. Today Brian is 82 and the proud owner of a few vintage motorcycles including the Coventry Eagle featured in our picture. His current trail bike is a Yamaha Serow (sometimes refered to as Japanese rubbish). He is lucky enough to still be physically fit enough to ride it but doesn't ride too often these days. It was sad to see the disbelief shown on my dad’s face as I notified him of the various lists of lanes now closed that he had used for so many years. I quote from a note he wrote “I value the lack of competition. The pleasure of riding respectfully down country lanes stopping and listening to nature, contemplating the panorama of Derbyshire countryside is now my favourite pastime”. In fact, the recent closure of Stanage (long causeway) has ruined a long standing tradition of pole grabbing. It has been the family tradition for many years to stop at the pole on this lane and grasp it with both hands. We all did it. Brian made Steve and myself promise to do it for him if he was not able to, or not around anymore to do it for himself. Sorry Dad, PDNPA and a few ramblers say we can’t do that anymore. It was inevitable that his first born Son, Stephen, took to trials from a very young age and competed on his DOT, and then a Bultaco (that would never start) and later on a Montessa. His first experience of trail riding was when he was 16 years old when he bought a moped. A Garelli Tiger cross. I should mention that it is the MK1 version made in 1972 (he’ll not let me forget it). He still owns the Garelli and it is now in a ‘better than new’ state. Steve has been trail riding for over 40 years. In fact he joked whilst having our photo taken that he actually first rode Leys Lane back in 1973 on his Garelli. 11 ov of by andrew Richardson ver 120 years Trail Riding TRAIL December 2014 12 CoPY FoR TRaIL Copy DEADLINE: The first Tuesday of the month. Copy: Via email, typed or handwritten (please try to make it legible!) to: The Editor, Sheepcote Farm, Moor Lane, Wiswell, Clitheroe BB7 9DG, email: [email protected], fax: 01254 887999. photos: Digital via email on CD or DVD; scanned originals (high resolution 300dpi jpeg or tiff); or posted originals (please include an s.a.e for return). We prefer you not to include your photos in ‘Word’ documents, if possible please send images separately. CAptIoNs: Please caption your photos! EmAILINg: It is best not to place too many images on one email document. WORRIED ABOUT YOUR SPELLING? DON’T HAVE A COMPUTER? Don’t let this put you off, send it in and we’ll sort it out, handwritten or otherwise. Photographs submitted for publication may also be used for other TRF purposes. 13 Whereas I get on really well with my brother, we go to the pub together and ride bikes together, he is unfortunately really annoying on a motorbike. The problem is that he is a naturally talented rider, on the other hand I have always had to work at being anywhere near to his ability. Any competition between us usually results in me being stuck and him bunny hopping his bike around me with a shout of “you’re in the way”! I recall on one occasion I’d fallen off and he rode over me and my bike. He said afterwards that it was the only grip he could find at the time. Thanks Steve ! Currently Steve rides a Gas Gas 250 and continues to do so in an annoying manner. I’m the youngest with a little over 30 years of trail riding. My Dad made me my first bike out of bits at the age of six. I don’t remember too much about it except it looked suspiciously like a Honda C50. I went on to have various trials bikes such as a Montessa 50 and a Honda TL125. My first go at trail riding was also when I reached 16. We lived near Ringinglow in Sheffield which is yards from the Houndskirk Byway. I rode it on my Suzuki TS50 ER in 1982. My next trail bike was a Honda MTX200R which I owned for 17 years. Since then I’ve mainly owned KTMs and Yamaha WRs. Currently I am awaiting delivery of a KTM 350 excf. There are so many great trail riding times to mention, we’ve laughed, fallen off, got stuck, broken down and then laughed some more, and we still do. Just on fewer lanes these days. Steve and I travel in a van and trail ride in places such as Wales or the Isle of Man. These are places where people still recognise the great enjoyment that trail riding brings to people like us. They are happy to have us and the money and jobs that trail riding tourism brings to their area all year round. Maybe we can get our local authorities in Derbyshire to wake up to the same idea and give us back enough lanes to help local business and give back my friends and family their right to ride a fair and reasonable amount of lanes once Wiltshire Trail Riders Fellowship WESSEx WaNDERER WEEkEND 2015 May 16th and 17th 2015 A weekend of guided rides for national TRF members hosted by the Wiltshire TRF Group Wiltshire TRF is pleased to announce that the Wessex Wanderer weekend will be held on the weekend of Saturday 16th and Sunday 17h May 2015. An invitation is extended to national TRF members to join us for a weekend of guided runs led by local run leaders in groups with a maximum size of 6 riders. In 2015 we will be moving our base to a new location in the Pewsey Vale, with improved facilities for campers and an excellent range of beers and food. Further information and a booking form will be published in the February issue of Trail and posted on the national TRF Forum. To INFINITY aND BEYoND Sarn Helen steps. Photo from James Higgs TRAIL December 2014 14 Somerset TRF Charity Fundraiser for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust Many of you will have experienced Somerset TRF ride days open to all, in the Exmoor forests thanks to an arrangement with a local landowner. We also have club only events for members and guests on the same sites. It was with these in mind that I tentatively suggested to the landowners that we might use the construction site of their proposed water park near Weston Super Mare. The project will ultimately cover some 50 acres on the Bleadon levels and will be built using waste soil brought in from other nearby construction projects to make banks for the 3 lakes that will be pump filled from the nearby River Axe. It was the 100,000 tonnes of soil piled into large heaps and rows that caught my eye, and as it turns 15 out, one or two STRF members nearby. Two of us went up on foot for a recce and concluded the 30 acres would be just perfect for a club day with a variety of heap sizes and soil types as well as some crushed stone piles and a shallow flooded area. After a bit of discussion all was agreed and as is the norm for the forest sites we use, I brought up the question of payment. The landowner was happy for us to use the site for free but suggested that a small contribution towards the Cystic Fibrosis Trust would be nice. He and his wife have been quite phenomenal fundraisers for the charity since one of their daughters was diagnosed with the condition over 20 years ago. Hugh Loxton The idea of a proper charity event sort of mushroomed after a chat with others. I felt we could do this really well and with the right publicity, build a few bridges with those who see us as irresponsible hooligans. We discussed it at the next club meeting, a donation per head was suggested along with a contribution from club funds and the event was posted up on the forum. Knowing that much of the soil there was waste with a few lumps of stone or concrete and that there were two main tracks that had been constructed using crushed stone, Ian Gale and myself gamely volunteered to test the site for suitability the day before. Armed with bolt croppers and polythene marker tape, we removed or marked off numerous pieces of steel rebar and marked off non available tracks and areas of the field planted to wheat as well as a large ditch across the centre that was not visible behind some tall scrub. After that it was a case of creating a few tracks through the scrubby growth exiting some of the dead ends on the site and testing some of the 30 foot high hill climbs and falling off on some of the easy 10 foot ones! Ian gamely tested the water depth and found that if you lay down, it would come up to your neck. Parts of the site were reminiscent of the rutted areas on the Welsh 2 day we both did earlier this year and with the underlying soil being heavy clay the earlier rain had made more recently levelled areas very TRAIL December 2014 16 greasy. However, most of the site had a covering of rough mown grass and the recently tidied subsoil heaps had plenty of grip. There was also a large grassy mound of topsoil covering about 2 acres that we designated as a perfect area for some of our newer converts to trail riding. With a large plateau on top, uncluttered run off areas and varying grades of slopes it was ideal for building confidence. We had plenty of interest from our forum so we were expecting around 40 or so riders. Ian and I arrived on site by 9am to find our chairman Martin already there with the tents and barbecue. By the time we had made the first teas, riders were already arriving in numbers. We gave them a quick briefing on safety and site layout and let them get on with it. I was a little unsure if people would enjoy it but needn't have worried. As the first riders returned for bacon butties and coffee, the feedback was excellent. We had quite a few guys new to off roading and they were really happy. The grassy topsoil heap at well over 30 feet seemed to be the focus of attention with lots of different climb routes onto the top being the days challenge, regardless of experience. This seems to be the norm for our open ride days, give people a good hill climb and that will keep them entertained all day. As I rode around later in the day, there were tracks visible all over the site, but it was clear that people preferred the heaps and tracks where there was little or no vegetation! By the time we packed up around 4pm, some 58 muddy riders had generously contributed. We'd had mostly trail bikes, one quad, a trials bike and two sidecar outfits. We also had 3 or 4 junior crossers, who certainly made up with stamina any shortcomings in skill. We'd also had at least a dozen interested passers-by enquiring about our event, useful for promoting the TRF. As far as I know, there were no complaints either. Our host arrived as things wound down and was absolutely thrilled to receive a cheque for £800 which will make a significant difference to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Somerset TRF would like to thank our hosts, Messrs A and R House, our members and their guests who made the day so pleasurable. We look forward to seeing you at our next Exmoor ride day. 17 TRAIL December 2014 18 Part 2 DEVoN’S FINEST appreciating what you’ve go by Sean Comber 19 Posing i a TRILoGY ot…. in a lane above Alfington Day 2 Saturday dawned bright and warm again with a bit of low cloud waiting to be burnt off by the early Autumn sun later in the morning. Today as usual I had a massively ambitious 120+ mile ride planned. Gary and Alan who were possibly going to pitch up today did not make it so it was down to the four of us to crack on south again to take in as many lanes as possible between home, Honiton and Sidmouth, covering all points west of the Otter river. Today, as part of the ‘sharing the love’ philosophy I moved onto and fired up the Serow, my faithful friend, a constant companion, my rock. She’s easy to ride, light enough, will climb anything and never breaks down…… (fingers crossed). Ed: Obviously Love should have married her. We limbered up on one of my favourite lanes at Colliton as per the ride the day before passing Hembury Fort and riding down a pleasant stony lane to Curscombe Farm. Devon is littered with hill forts including nearby Killerton and Cadbury; Hembury dates from the 4th or 5th millennia BC so even older than Eddie….little survives beyond a faint ring of embankments around the top of the hill, but is very pleasant in spring when the bluebells are in bloom amongst the beech trees dotted around. Passing under the A30 and railway line and over the river Otter we rode up the lovely gentle climb at Alfington which I only discovered earlier in the summer and it allowed us to cut out riding through Honiton. Pausing near the top for a quite drink and a comfort break, we enjoyed the high pressure, hazy view across the Otter Valley, west towards Exeter and beyond. We were about to enter a series of lanes which would keep us mostly off tarmac for the next hour. They are concentrated around Ottery St Mary on the west side of the river valley running along East Hill ridge south towards Sidmouth. There are a number of UCRs running off the western edge of the escarpment and we bounced down one stony track and rode up another semi technical climb back up onto the ridge before crossing over and riding down through the woods near Core copse which was a lovely descent through a Forestry Commission coniferous forest down over flinty, loose stones which was fun, but would probably have been even better to ride up. It was a lane I’ve seen before, but never got to ride, so it was another ticked off my “to do” list. We looped back around through the pleasant east Devon village of Sidbury and back up onto the ridge road. A few hundred yards and we were back dropping off on the west side on another steepish, loose stony track and into the Otter Valley. Next on the itinerary was Tipton St John, and out to Combe where we started up a simply dotted UCR, which is by experience less well defined shall we say than one on the 1:50,000 map bordered with solid black lines. These lanes are typically narrow and nadgery, and this lane indeed fitted this definition. After a bit of a stony climb the lane disintegrated into a very steep and narrow challenge with obvious wash out erosion from the hideously wet Winter we endured here, with one side having been TRAIL December 2014 20 2'&%31*/)(!#!9&7!03$&/!5*0!01)4!5(!'*-!)&'/!-10!01!;1!417&%&'!/#34!"!,-&7!76&'&!"!7#/!;13-;>!U17!$34!$1'-3-;!#-4!&gouged out by flowing water to a depth of at least 3 feet, thus generating a cavernous gully awaiting unwary #-106&'!M!)#-&/!3-01!B3201-!C0!k16-!#-4!'14&!4*&!/1*06!01!0#, travellers. Someone had already started to repair the lane with dumpy bags full of hardcore allowing options R#4'#$!a#(8!06&!93'/0!5&3-;!#-!3-0&'&/03-;!4'12!3-01!#!/0'&#$. regarding which line to take. Eventually half way up we hit an impasse. The lane was impassable and the only option 3-%1)%&4!#%1343-;!06&!/+1*'&4!'*0!#-4!+#'&9*))(!+3'+*$-#%3;#0 was to ride up a steep incline up and around a tree. I stopped to survey the situation. The incline was steep but 3-01!06&!/0'&#$.!J#%3-;!/0#'0&4!063/!2'1+&//8!C3$1-!213-0&4!1 not impossible and as long as we carried some momentum we’d be OK, too little ummphh and we’d topple over into #-4!-#''17!01!'34&!7#/!3-!9#+0!-17!'34#5)&!/1!"!'&0'3&%&4!06&!C the gully gouged out by the rain erosion. To provide some support, Lawrence stood beside the drop off as I aimed the 7&!#))!/3$2)(!4'122&4!417-!06&!'*0!3-01!06&!/0'&#$8!#)$1/0!4 Serow up the 45 degree incline and ‘gunned it’. This may sound impressive should I be riding a KTM of over 400cc, 7&:%&!6#4!#!;114!/*$$&'!#90&'!#))!#-4!'14&!#)1-;!06&!5&4!#but on the Serow ‘gunning it’ means twisting the throttle a bit more than usual, the decibels increase to slightly above a whisper and progress not exactly blurs, but moves along at a slightly more brisk pace. The Serow dug in and made excellent progress but I noticed I clouted a truncated tree root on the left hand side and having made the climb, stopped and noticed my gear lever bent into a very artistic and jaunty angle. I parked up and walked back to assist the others to ride up. Lawrence cruised up, and as usual Simon’s Suzonda found grip as the mellow twin plonked its way up, but also caught the same root stump, strategically placed at a height designed to catch out bikes ridden by short arses. Eddie was last up and again whammyed it at the bottom of the climb, but unfortunately spun out and dropped the bike having lost grip on a cut down tree stump we had to ride over before ‘gunning it’. Experience is one thing, the inner enduro expert/child is another, even for septurians! Picking himself up, he too made the climb look easy as in fact it did in the video I took. Annoyingly, video rarely makes things look as severe as they are…… or it shows the terrain as it is, rather than how we see it in our minds….. We set off again with the washout on our right which unless you were a complete numpty with zero momentum was easy enough to avoid. Somehow Eddie managed to tick all of the above and binned it in the gully! He and Simon extricated the bike and caught me up at to the top of the lane where it split, deciding that it would be the best place for Simon and I to straighten out our gear levers so we could access something other than bottom gear. Finding a decent bracing bar (lump of wood) combined with a 24mm KTM rear wheel spanner my gear lever bent back into a similar position to previously and a quick ride up and down the 21 Lawrence making it look reasonably eas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awrence makes his way along the sunk -!06&'&!#/!30!7#/!$&-0#)>!d12/!-1!1-&! -b1(3-;!06&!/*-/63-&!7&!43%&4!417-! ,&!3-!#!9&7!)#-&/!#'1*-4!d00&'01-!#-4! .!R#/0!03$&!1*0!06&!4'12!3-01!06&!/0'&#$! 03-;!#!0'&&!06&-!4'1223-;!-&#'!%&'03+#))(! 1*0!06&!'*0!763+6!)#/0!03$&!7#/!01!4&&2! C&'17!9'1$!06&!%&'03;3-1*/!4'12!#-4! Matching pair of bent gear levers! 4'(!#90&'!#!$1-06!19!#)$1/0!-1!'#3-8! -4!1*0!3-01!06&!-&X0!)#-&.!! sy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a(!-17! K&)/3*/!763+6!3-!#-(1-&:/!$1-&(!3/!7#'$!#-4!39!3-!6&)$&0! !=0'�&4:!01!C3$1-!/0'3223-;!01!06&!7#3/0!3-!1'4&'!01! .!B1!2'1%34&!#))!19!06&!9&$#)&!'&'/!19!B'#3)!#-!=&(&9*):!"! #-:8!91'!#-(!'&4!5)114&4!$#)&8!2)&#/&!)11,!#7#(!-17>!! ken stream bed One for the ladydees... TRAIL December 2014 22 Me and Simon above Sidmouth Eating ice cream again (and showing more flesh), this time at Branscombe 23 following lane confirmed I could select all the appropriate ratios. Simon decided to change his lever for a spare in his kit – smart arse! By now temperatures had exceeded 20 degrees Celsius which in anyone’s money is warm and if in helmet and armour means very hot! We were ‘treated’ to Simon stripping to the waist in order to ‘wrestle’ his gear lever back onto his bike. To provide all of the female readers of Trail an ‘eyeful’ I provide photographic evidence of ‘the man’, for any red blooded male, please look away now! Still, at a year shy of 50, to be considered a hoodlum is a badge of honour. The view was, as always, stunning. The sea was like a sheet of glass I kid you not. Boats, kayaks, jetskis cut perfect vees’ with their wake across the quiescent sea surface, and for one of the few times I wished to be on the sea rather than on a bike. Looking over the hedge as the Loddon Vale posse admired the view I could not help notice the farmers gathering their crops in this case another cut of hay as Autumn slowly but inexorably closed in around us. Where we bent or replaced gear levers I realised that the lane we’d just come up was one I’d seen previously a few times but told by run leaders not to go down there as it was mental! Oops no one ever said I knew where I was going! Now mid morning and enjoying the sunshine we dived down another 2 lanes into Tipton St John and rode due south to take in a few lanes around Otterton and Ladram Bay, the first being an interesting drop into a stream. Last time out the drop into the stream involved avoiding the scoured rut and carefully circumnavigating a tree then dropping near vertically into the stream. Having started this process, Simon pointed out the rut which last time was too deep and narrow to ride and was in fact now rideable so I retrieved the Serow from the vertiginous drop and we all simply dropped down the rut into the stream, almost dry after a month of almost no rain, we’ve had a good summer after all and rode along the bed and out into the next lane. Having enjoyed a drink and a few energy bars we remounted and rode into Ladram Bay, a place probably unknown to many but a fantastic natural feature of red sandstone pillars jutting out of the bay. Other countries would probably made a lot of them, but here in Devon, we build a café, stick in a caravan site and leave it up to the public to find it. We followed our tracks north, once more riding through North Star (how on earth did it get that name) and back to Northmostown, not exactly north most town of anywhere particular really, other than before you get to Newton Poppleford, still, hell, if you’ve got it flaunt it! I was now in vaguely familiar territory and knew the boys would enjoy the slightly technical (in Summer/early Autumn) ride up and around Bulverton Hill and into the back of Sidmouth. We hit the garage for lunch at the busiest 15mins of the year and grabbed sarnies and gas whilst Simon visited his parents. He arrived back before we’d paid for the fuel, still the chap on the till did not seem flustered, hey, TID, ‘This Is Devon’, relax dude! As I ate my prawn mayo sarnie – yummy! Simon had arrived back and immediately got deeply involved with a young lady in distress with a VW which had refused to open its filler cap. After much fiddling and after Simon’s ineffective interference it got bodged open – maybe he should have taken his top off again – East Devon birds go crazy for pastie, short We rode up the classic old coast road to the lookout point overlooking Sidmouth, which is always a bit awkward as it ends up as a footpath at the viewpoint and you can guarantee a few queer looks if you ride bikes up there on a Saturday when walkers are out and about. Still it is a legal right of way, still one feels there should be better signage to avoid legal trail riders reputations being trashed as ‘hoodlums’. TRAIL December 2014 24 Thames Valley 50 somethings I told him…. From Sidmouth we headed east for a road run (for a Serow that is) to Branscombe and a series of half a dozen lanes including a nice climb up past Gays Farm. Before that we hit the beach at Branscombe for an icecream – well it would be rude not to, wouldn’t it! The first lane is an interesting one, a tarmac road down to Edge Barton and just before reaching the posh manor you dive off to the right through a field with a warning about a bull in the field. At the bottom of the field the lane becomes hedged and eventually turns into the manor’s drive. At the beach, again there were plenty of late Summer/early Autumn visitors, even older than your average TRF riders age (ahem) enjoying the warmth of the pre equinoxal sun. Ice creams all round and even Eddie had learnt how to keep his ice cream in his cone and we lazed on the beach and chatted away time. Does life get better than this? Looking across east to the chalk outcrop towards Beer head or west to Branscombe Ebb, the sea glassy calm, gulls becalmed on the water, the surface only broken by the odd shoal of sprats or sandeel being chased by iridescent mackerel lurking under the surface. We’d have laid there on the shingle for the rest of the afternoon if it was not for their leader seeking to drive them on – they’ve come to ride lanes I said – get yourselves in that saddle! Upon looking to leave, the owner of a rusty DRZ400 with dodgy road looking tyres came for a chat. Knowing a Devon TRF member and saying hi, we chatted for a time before hitting the trail. A DRZ400 in Branscombe, never, ridden the local lanes…. I don’t know – what ever next? We cruised out of the village and up the aforementioned lane past Gays Farm, a decent climb with a couple of hairpins and loose rocks to keep us honest. At the top we opened one gate and entered a narrow lane running down through a copse and which has been extensively repaired with the help of Devon TRF graft, in particular Chris Cole who can be thanked for getting the lovely lane reopened. Riding another poorly signed lane across a well manicured apron of grass brought us back out on the A3052 and now we were heading north. A brief stop to remove yards of binder cord from Simon’s back wheel we rode another nice UCR/BOAT in Morganhayes Covert (the origin of these names must be fascinating) and onto Colyton. A small UCR, unsigned was suggested to cross a field through a 5 barred gate. I’m always a bit reticent of taking off across fields, but putting faith in my map and riding down the hedge line we arrived at a lovely ford across the River Coly, currently at very low flow what with the good Summer just past. I then remembered riding the lane a few years ago when as Loddon Vale I had a /!R1441-!S#)&!"!6#4!#!7&&,&-4!417-!3-!E&%1-!5&3-;!/617$(!5'106&']3-])#78!L#+:/!$#0&!#-4!9&))17!E&%1-!BFT!$&$5 25 weekend down in Devon being shown around by Pete Bull and on that day my brother-in-law, Mac’s mate and fellow Devon TRF member Steve. The next half an hour or so was pleasantly spent in the ….hayne lanes, Rockerhayne, Hamberhayne, Blamphayne, Streathayne, Downhayne, Hooperhayne, the list goes on and on….the hamlet namers obviously were either (a) the same family or (b) rather unimaginative. The lanes are long, easy and always enjoyable. We looped around all of them using the most efficient route possible, which for me, may not be that logical, even though it may have seemed like that at the time. The boys, the poor little lambs were feeling a bit tired so we cut out a loop around Membury and made towards Honiton picking up a few lanes into the east side of Honiton. The penultimate one was quite overgrown and broken ground under tyre, bouncing down the hillside, tucked between the hedgerows sprouting vicious brambles hell bent on lacerating our faces. A final blast up and over Hembury Fort, much more interesting riding up than down earlier in the day and having a go on Simon’s turbine smooth Suzonda on the last lane of the day at Colliton was a very mellow finish to the day. Cold beers all round and a trip down the road to the rather excellent local Chinese rounded off a perfect day. To be continued... Joining Leaflets -!#'1*-4!5(!c&0&!a*))!#-4!1-!06#0!4#(! & Dispensers 5&'!C0&%&.!! Eddie crossing the River Coly Have you got yours yet? Herts TRF have already placed more than 50 in local dealers To order your supply contact [email protected] TRAIL December 2014 26 DI S PL aY aDV ERTI S I NG 27 1/4 PaGE £72 1/2 PaGE £132 FULL PaGE mEmBER CLAssIfIE WANTED spare or damaged seat for Honda CRF2 down to a lower seat height. Trevor Birkbeck 07836 3 658486. Members Classifieds: Bikes, Riding Gear CHARGE Enclose membership number. ALL Advertising to be paid for - £1 per line, £5 minim all classifieds with payment if applicable to THE ED Farm, Moor Lane, Wiswell, Clitheroe BB7 9DG. Tel: Fax: 01254 887999 [email protected] £248 ACCommoDAtIoN HOLIDAY LODGES IN MID WALES (owned by suited for motorcycle enthusiasts. Large site with sa standing for bikes and trailers. Utility/boot room in a workshops for those essential repairs. Self catering grocery supplies and home cooked meals delivere Excellent rates for TRF members. See our websi or telephone 01597 840308 for information. Contact Fred Ellison RIDE LIMOUSIN BIKERS B&B CENTRAL FRANCE hire holidays in the Limousin. We provide everything y trail bike tours, self guided and GPS hire also or call on +33 (0)9 53 50 86 4 01254 823893 [email protected] See the TRF on Bikechannel Sky & Virgin & YouTube Rs EDs 230 for me to cut 342312 or 01765 r etc FREE OF L Commercial mum. Please send DITOR, Sheepcote : 01254 823893 N member). Ideally afe, secure, hard all, fully equipped g or provision for ed to your door. ite: www.radnora brochure and E Fly ride trail bike you need! Guided o available. Visit 49. TRAIL December 2014 28 WHERE TO FIND THE GROUPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Cornwall Devon Somerset Dorset Isle of Wight Southern Axe Vale Bristol Wiltshire Loddon Vale South London & Surrey Sussex Kent Hertfordshire Essex Suffolk Norfolk Cambridge Oxford Gloucestershire South Wales Mid Wales North Wales Worcester Black Country West Midlands South Northants West Anglia East Midlands Peaks High Peaks & Potteries Derbyshire & South Yorks Lincolnshire East Yorks 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Manchester Lancashire Ribble Valley West Yorks Cumbria Teesside & North Yorks Northumberland South West Wales Virtual Peak South East Wales 41 39 40 37 36 35 23 22 25 24 21 27 26 28 19 10 9 6 29 4 2 17 18 16 3 1 33 29 8 7 34 32 31 43 30 20 44 42 38 5 1415 11 12 13 GROUPS AXE VALE David Clegg, Tel: 01275 373652 (Home), Mob: 0793 1220895. [email protected] 2nd Tues, 8pm, Windmill Inn, Nore Road, Portishead. BLACK COUNTRY John Oseland, Tel: 01902 656011 1st Tues, 9pm, The Longford House, Watling Street, Cannock. BRISTOL Glenn Summers, Tel: 07708 407061 4th Mon, 8pm, Portcullis, 130 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol BS16 5HH. CAMBRIDGE Tony Lacey, Tel: 07753 820520 [email protected] 1st Thurs, 8.00 p.m., The Seven Wives, Ramsey Road, St. Ives PE27 5RF. CORNWALL Adam Hedley, Tel: 01579 349217 3rd Thurs, 7.30 - 8.00 p.m., The Borough Arms, Bodmin. CUMBRIA & CRAVEN Roger Harris, Tel: 01539 725198 2nd Tues, 7.30pm, The Bluebell, Heversham - 1 mile N of Milnthorpe on the A6. DERBYSHIRE & SOUTH YORKSHIRE Bob Morley, Tel: 07836 680323 [email protected] 2nd Tuesday, Clowne Community Centre, Recreation Close, Clowne, Derbyshire S43 4PL. DEVON John Heal, Tel: 01626 366860 2nd Tues, 8pm, The Dolphin Hotel, Station Road, Bovey Tracey, TQ13 9AL. DORSET W. John Williamson, Tel: 01929 553640 Mob: 07850 727873 1st Tues, 8pm, Royal Oak Hotel, Bere Regis, Dorset BH20 7HQ. EAST MIDLANDS Clifford Austen, Tel: 07789 483600 2nd Wed, The Clock Warehouse, London Road, Shardlow, just off the A50. EAST YORKSHIRE Martin Hutton, Tel: 07985 151185, [email protected] 2nd Tues, 8pm, The Bay Horse, Market Place, Market Weighton, YO43 3AN. ESSEX Cliff Eaves, Tel: 07515 330423 2nd Wed, The Wheatsheaf, Maldon Road, Hatfield Peverel, Essex. GLOUCESTERSHIRE James Osborne, Tel: 01531 822728 1st Wed, 8pm, Wagonworks Club, Tuffley Ave., Gloucester. [email protected], HERTFORDSHIRE John Fox, Tel: 01462 811654, [email protected] 2nd Wed, 8.30pm, Shire Park Social Club, Shire Park, Welwyn Garden City AL7 1GB. HIGH PEAK & POTTERIES Steve Hyde Tel: 07931 728956. 2nd Thurs, 8.00pm, The Black Horse, 381 Leek Road, Endon, ST9 9BA. ISLE OF WIGHT 1st Wed, 8pm, The Eight Bells Inn, Carisbrooke, Newport, IOW. KENT Steve Neville Tel: 01474 742705 2nd Tues, 8.30p.m. for 9pm, The Anchor & Hope, South Ash Road, Ash (Nr Sevenoaks), Kent TN15 7ER. LANCASHIRE Keith Westley, Tel: 01704 893215 1st Tues, Farmer’s Arms, Bispham, Parbold. LINCOLNSHIRE Joss Bourne, Tel: 07743 826930 [email protected] 2nd Tues, 8pm, Woody’s, Woodland Waters, Willoughby Road, Ancaster, Grantham NG32 3RT. LODDON VALE Candice Wastell, 2nd Tues, Swan Inn, Basingstoke Road, Three Mile Cross, Reading, Berks RG7 1AT. [email protected] MANCHESTER Phil Kinder, Tel: 07809 647293 2nd & 4th Mon, 8.30pm, The Sycamore Inn, 4 Stamford Square, Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 6QX. MID WALES Marianne Walford, Tel: 01686 430522 [email protected] Last Thurs (exc Dec), 7.30pm, The Angel Hotel, High Street, Llanidloes, SY18 6BY. NORTHUMBRIA Nic Gilbert, Tel: 07940 133871 1st Wed, 8pm, The Staffs Club, Blaydon, NE21 4JB. NORTH WALES Neil ”Timpo” Thompson, Tel: 07980 555874 1st Wed, 8pm, The Griffin Inn, Mold Road, Mynydd Isa, CH7 6TF. Ref SJ 257 638. NORFOLK Terry Reeve, Tel: 0771 5013 665, [email protected] 2nd Wed, 8pm, White Horse, Trowse, Norwich. OXFORDSHIRE Bill McIntyre, Tel: 07731 664482 [email protected] 3rd Thurs, 8pm, The Gladiator Sport & Social Club, 263 Iffley Road, Oxford, OX4 1SJ, next to Ridgeway VW Garage. PEAK DISTRICT Alan Gilmore, Tel: 01332 553246 1st Thurs, 8pm, The Joiner’s Arms, Church Road, Quarndon, Derby. RIBBLE VALLEY John Sinnett, Tel: 07980 558405, [email protected] 2nd Tues, 8.30pm, Brown Cow, Chatburn, Clitheroe (off A59). SOMERSET Colin Blackburn, Tel: 01984 640987, [email protected] 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm. The King Alfred Inn, Burrowbridge, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 0RB. SOUTHERN Colin Lindstrom Tel: 07818 404240 3rd Thurs, 8pm, Southampton & District MCC, Cranbury Centre, Cranbury Road, Eastleigh, Hants SO50 5HT. SOUTH LONDON & SURREY Steve Sharp, 0208 773 4204 4th Tues, 8.30-10.30pm, Ripley British Legion, 25 Rose Lane, Ripley, Woking, Surry GU23 6NE. SOUTH NORTHANTS Andy Gerrard, Tel: 07803 600571 2nd Monday, 9pm, The Old Sun, 10 Middle Street, Nether Heyford, Northampton NN7 3LL. SOUTH WALES Christian James, Tel: 01446 410073 1st Thurs, 8pm, Ty Nant Inn, Morganstown, Nr Radyr CF15 8LB. SOUTH EAST WALES Gareth Watts, Tel: 07791 149494, [email protected] 2nd Wed, Hafodyrynys Hotel, Hafodyrynys, Crumlin NP11 5BE. SOUTH WEST WALES Terry Brooks, Tel: 07910 050001 Last Tues, Corner House Pub, Commercial Street, Ystalyfera, Swansea. SUFFOLK Richard May, Tel: 01787 374073 Last Wed, Manger Pub, A134 Sudbury Rd, Bury-St-Ed. SUSSEX Andrew Wardrobe, Tel: 07414 529298 Last Thurs, Ashington Social Club, Rear of Red Lion, A24, 9 miles North of Worthing. TEESSIDE & NORTH YORKS Leo Crone, Tel: 01325 463815 (office hours only) 3rd Tues, 8.00 p.m., The Three Tuns, 54 Market Place, Thirsk, N. Yorks YO7 1LH. VIRTUAL PEAK GROUP Paul King, [email protected] Tel: 07966 289778 This is a virtual group at WEST ANGLIA Geoff Groom, Tel: 07929 275465, [email protected] 1st & 3rd Thurs, Scott Bader Social Club, opp. Parish Church, Wollaston, Wellingborough. WEST MIDLANDS Simon Reid, Tel: 07912 303083 1st & 3rd Wed, Wilmcote Mens Club, Stratford on Avon. WEST YORKSHIRE Andy Porter, Tel: 07562 978604 [email protected]. New member’s contact: Howard Smith [email protected] 1st Thurs RoW 6.30 pm, Main Meeting 7.30pm, Cue Gardens, Stadium Mills, Stadium Road, Bradford BD6 1BJ. WILTSHIRE Jim Cairnduff, Tel: 07840 352996 1st Tues, 8 p.m., The Fox & Hounds, Nursteed Road, Devizes SN10 3HJ. WORCESTERSHIRE David Walters, Tel: 07767 204730 1st Tues, White Hart, Fernhill Heath, Worcs. TRAIL December 2014 30 TRF oFFICERS & CoNTaCTS Managing Director: Jack Knight 07854 593323 [email protected] 30 Braunston Road, Knossington, Oakham, Rutland LE15 8LN Financial Director: John Gardner 01695 622792 [email protected] or [email protected] 119 Hallbridge Gardens, Up Holland, Skelmersdale WN8 0EP Technical Director & RoW Officer: Robin Hickin 01926 814164/07890 550847 [email protected] 42 Model Village, Southam, Warwickshire CV47 9RB Membership Director: Mario Costa-Sa 07721 480000 [email protected] Communications Director: Mike Irving 07860 813578 [email protected] ‘Meadowlands’, 38 Meadow Lane, Earith, Cambridgeshire PE28 3QE Membership Secretary: Debbie Hutchinson 07966 438907 [email protected] Marcliff, Bakers Hill, Exeter, Devon EX2 9TE Treasurer: Arnold Brewer 01865 741410 [email protected] 2 London Road, Headington, Oxford OX3 7PA Editor: Fred Ellison 01254 823893 Fax: 01254 887999 [email protected] Sheepcote Farm, Moor Lane, Wiswell, Clitheroe BB7 9DG PR Officer: Richard Simpson 07812 402021 [email protected] I. T.: Adrian Allen [email protected] Webmaster: James Osborne [email protected] Equestrian Events Liaison: Mark Holland 01989 565249/0845 3308892/07941 427774 (mob) [email protected] Corn Farm, Devauden, Chepstow NP16 6NS STaTIoNERY & LEaFLETS Display Equipment: Brochures: Mike Irving Fred Ellison 07860 813578 [email protected] [email protected] REGIoNaL RoW aDVISoRS North RoW Contractor & Legal Advice Derbyshire & Peaks RoW Contractor Wales RoW Contractor South West RoW Contractor South East RoW Contractor East & West Midlands Alan Kind [email protected] David Giles [email protected] Tim Stevens [email protected] Dave Tilbury [email protected] John Vannuffel [email protected] Robin Hickin [email protected] TRaIL MaGaZINE aDVERTISING Display Ads: For Advertising Rates please contact Fred Ellison, 01254 823893 [email protected] Members Classifieds: Bikes, Riding Gear etc FREE OF CHARGE Enclose membership number. ALL Commercial Advertising to be paid for - £1 per line, £5 minimum. Please send all classifieds with payment if applicable to THE EDITOR, Sheepcote Farm, Moor Lane, Wiswell, Clitheroe BB7 9DG. Tel: 01254 823893 Fax: 01254 887999 [email protected]
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