HaKol December 2014 Kislev-Tevet 5775 Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner Karen Kangisser, President Shabbat Services Friday, December 5, 8:00 pm Parashat Vayishlach Gen. 32:4-36:43 Friday, December 12, 8:00 pm Parashat Vayeshev Gen. 37:1-40:23 Friday, December 19, 6:00 pm Bring your Hanukkiah Parashat Miketz Gen. 41-1-44:17 Friday, December 28, 8:00 pm Parashat Vayigash Gen. 44:18-47-27 Stock Market Raffle Certificates are due by January 9 at 5:00 pm, if you want to pick your own stocks. These make great holiday gifts! Raffle will run from January 12, 2015 - March 6, 2015. Please do your part to ensure this fundraiser is a success. From the Rabbi’s Study . . . . . Shalom, We have just celebrated the holiday of Thanksgiving and I hope each of you had a lovely and pleasant day. As Americans, we pause on this festive day and take a moment or two – perhaps at our holiday meal – to reflect on those things for which we are grateful. This is an important exercise, for a life without gratitude for all that we have, is a life that is not as rich as it could be. Being aware of, and thankful for, our many blessings is an important part of being truly alive. While it’s true that there is always more that we could have, more that we might want, most of us have enough of what we truly need. Pirket Avot 4:1 teaches, “Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot.” Thanksgiving is the perfect time for us to realize how much we do have, and to be happy for all that is ours. While Thanksgiving is a great time to celebrate and gather with family and/or friends, as Jews, we don’t have to wait for the fourth Thursday in November to be thankful. In fact, our worship service (for weekdays, Shabbat and festivals) includes a special prayer of Thanksgiving called the Ho’da’ah. This benediction is part of the Amidah (also known as the Shmona Esrei). In other words, each time we worship, we have a built in benediction that affords us the opportunity to be thankful – not only to G-d, but for our very lives. The Ho’da’ah thanks G-d for our lives, which are in His hands, our souls, which are in His keeping, and for the gifts that we receive morning, noon and night. Gratitude, in other words, is part of our daily prayer experience. Throughout the year, it’s important for us to remember the gifts with which we’ve been blessed, and to acknowledge the role of our Creator, as well. The Talmud encourages this by teaching, “As servants are obliged to thank their master, we too, (who have made requests) are required to thank G-d” (Talmud Berachot 43a). Similarly, Maimonides taught that thanking G-d is an essential element of prayer. Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, let us continue to have an attitude of gratitude as we look ahead to our next holiday – Hanukkah. We will celebrate the Festival of Lights together on Friday, December 19th at 6 P.M. (don’t forget your hanukkiah) when we will recite the Ho’da’ah with an additional insert for our victory over those who arose against us. Being thankful is a theme that continually appears in our prayerbook and Bible. As you kindle the Hanukkah lights, may your home be filled with joy, happiness and gratitude. L’shalom, Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner 2 December Anniversaries 23: Elaine and David Peluchette (24th) 29: Patty and Robert Levenson (46th) 29: Marjorie Moolten and Jondavid Pollock (24th) 29: Perri Pokorney and Chuck Slosky (18th) 2: Geoffrey Singer 4: Nathaniel Levenson (10th) 5: Lee Chottiner December Birthdays 11: Ariel Pollock Netanya Pollock 17: Siv Rybeck Marilyn Mendelson 19: Corin Winikoff (9th) Mary Lou Posin 21: Eunice Lincoff 9: Jacob McPhail (14th) 10: Dennis Burech Marjorie Moolten 24: Amy Dunbar Gerry Mendelson Beth Nodelman Mazel Tov /Kudos/ Congratulations to . . . Parents, Jacquelyne and Brant Hostetler and sister Sophia Hostetler on the birth of Rozlyn Ayleen Hostetler, arrived November 18 at 2:40 pm. She weighed 7pounds 15 oz. and is 21 inches long. Parents Amanda and Chris Seidler, grandparents Phyllis Sigal, Bruce Wheeler, Gayle and Don Seidler on the birth of Norah Grace Seidler. Norah was born on Sunday, November 9, at 3:02 am. She weighed 6 pounds 12 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long. The deadline for the January HaKol will be on Friday, December 19, 2014. Norah Grace Seidler Temple Shalom’s email address is [email protected] 3 December Donations Fund Donation Key: Sebulsky Aesthetics (A), Archives (AR), Cemetery (C), Foundation (F), General (G), Levenson Sanctuary (LS), Posin/Wishnew Library (L), Kaufman Music (M), Rabbi's Discretionary Fund (RDF), The Rabbi Daniel Lowy Religious School Fund (RLRSF), Ben Rudner Torah (T), Shelby Lynn Posin Fund for Adult Education (SLP), Sisterhood Campership (SC), Sisterhood Floral (SF), Sisterhood Friendship and Remembrance (SFR), Capital Campaign (CC), Caring Committee (CARE) In honor of the birth of Rozlyn Hostetler Bobbi and Norman Pollack (CARE) In memory of Harold Goldman (brother of Seena Lewine) Roslyn Lando (F) Joanne and Dennis Burech (RLRSF) In honor of the birth of Kenley Jo Kangisser Barbara and Jonathan Lief (T) Floral Fund Contributions 2014-2015 Barbara and Jonathan Lief Please remember Temple Shalom in your Estate Planning Donations to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Sheldon Pinskey Get Well Wishes to Jocelyn Cooper Roz Lando (CARE) Barbara and Jonathan Lief (L) Bobbi and Norman Pollock (CARE) Remember: Sacred books and Jewish ritual objects that are in a state of disrepair will be buried at Jewish Memorial Park. If you have such objects, please bring them to the Temple. The congregation will be notified United Jewish Federation Info . . when a date has been set for burial. When making your year-end contributions, remember the Jewish Federation of the Ohio Valley. 10% of the total money raised each year remains in Wheeling for local needs. CALL FOR COOKIES The next time you bake, cookies, cakes, or candies, please bake extras! An unsponsored oneg looks and tastes much better when we enjoy home Your donation together with donations, large and small, made to Federations throughout the USA, benefit Jews in need, throughout the world. baked treats. Please wrap your donations for short term freezing, labeled with the name of your home baked treats and the date they were baked. Please be generous when you consider making a gift and mail your check to the United Jewish Federation, 23 Bethany Pike, Wheeling, WV 26003. Thank you. Trina will gladly accept the freezer prepared treats. Join us each Shabbat to enjoy these homebaked treats! 4 Harbay Todot ~ Many thanks to... Everyone who participated in our food drive for House of the Carpenter. Everyone who helped raise the Shalom/Menorah sign on our front lawn. Faith Bower, Harold Burech, Roanne Burech, Scott Burech, Dave Rose, Gabe Sella and Sherry Rosenberg for volunteering at the Catholic Neighborhood Center in November. Howard Pascoll, Samuel Posin, Trina Postlewait, Sherry Rosenberg, and Vera Schwartz for shopping on behalf of the Temple. Audrey and Fred Horne, Bernice Lebow, Miriam and Jack Mendelson and Family, Perri Pokorney and Chuck Slosky, Susan Pokorney and Family, Dona and Bob Wiseman for sponsoring flowers for the bimah. Elissa Gross, Roz Lando, Barbara and Jonathan Lief, Vera and Sandor Schwartz and Mrs. Sol (Joan Berlow) Smith for sponsoring an oneg Shabbat in the month of November. Final Social Action Lecture Slated Martha Wright will talk about assessing childhood risk, Sunday, Dec. 7, 7 p.m., in the final program of the 2014 Temple Shalom Social Action Lecture Series. A development manager for Crittenton Services in Wheeling, Wright will discuss her agency’s work with adverse childhood experiences (ACE), including its participation in research on the subject. Crittenton is taking part in an ongoing ACE study developed by Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control. A public health study at its core, the survey studies links between early childhood experience and long-term health outcomes. Wright also will dispel some myths about Crittenton’s mission, giving an overview of its programs, including how they are funded. A graduate of Ohio University and a long-time Wheeling resident, Wright has extensive experience in the nonprofit sector, including previous stints as program administrator for the Fund for Theological Education and interim director and projects administrator for Laughlin Memorial Chapel. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Trina at 304-233-4870 or at [email protected] Lee Chottiner Social Action Chair The Ohio County Public Library’s “People’s University,” inn conjunction with Classrooms Without Borders, is sponsoring an eight-part series entitled “Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust”, Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm. For the month of December: Class 6, December 2, Part 1. Rabbi Beth Jacowitz Chottiner of Temple Shalom will be present. Class 7, December 9, Righteous Gentiles: Points of Light in a Dark Era. Instructor: Avi Ben-Hur, Director of Education, Scholar in Residence, Classrooms Without Borders. Class 8, December 16, Panel Discussion, conclusion Part 2. Lisa Allen, chair of the Wheeling Class rooms Without Borders Advisory Board, will also be present. 5 Ladies of Temple Shalom. It’s here, our fun December meeting. We’ll gather in the social hall on Wednesday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm for heavy dairy appetizers, wine and beverages. The Judaica Gift Shop will be open for holiday shopping featuring Chanuka gift wrap, games for kids and lovely jewelry and art objects. We will have a gift exchange ($10 value) followed by a “Stump the Ladies” game with prizes. Get into the sisterhood spirit, dress for a party. See you and your appetizer (bring one only if you are a Sisterhood member) on the 3rd at 6:00 pm. All Temple women welcome. Marilyn Mendelson, group co-president Annual Adult Dinner/Movie on Wednesday, December 24th This year Sisterhood and Hadassah will be selling the Pittsburgh ($30), Morgantown ($30)and Wheeling/ Ohio Valley ($40) Enjoy Books. Call Sherry Rosenberg at 304- 242-5262 or email: [email protected]. to reserve yours. Attention all adult Temple members. We will again be holding our Chinese buffet dinner (from Golden Chopsticks), followed by an enjoyable movie on Wednesday, December 24, 2014. Cost of the delicious buffet will be $8.00 and you can bring your own wine or beer. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm, followed by a movie (Title to be announced). This is always a fun evening so RSVP to the Temple office. Your check (made out to Temple Shalom) will be your reservation. JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE OUR 2 ANNUAL WELCOMING BRUNCH TEMPLE SHALOM SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 11:30 to 1:30 ND THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE RSVP: TEMPLE SHALOM ASAP 304.233.4870 or [email protected] 6 7 December Yahrzeits November 30-December 6 observed December 5 Charles Cohen 11/30 Kislev 8 Moses Freedman 11/30 Kislev 8 Annette Rosenberg 11/30 Kislev 8 Edward Benjamin Dobkin 12/1 Rae Behrman Druck 12/1 Morris Graff 12/1 Kislev 9 Leonard A. Mayer 12/1 Harry Silverburg 12/1 Beulah Zweig Phillips 12/2 Kislev 10 Fannie Block 12/3 Kislev 11 Lillian Levy Duga 12/3 Mary Kaufman Lewine 12/3 Nathan Phillips 12/3 Kislev 11 Victor Barry Weissman 12/3 Kislev 11 Abba Eban 12/4 Kislev 12 Michael Efros 12/4 Kislev 12 Erman Harrison 12/4 Kislev 12 Isaac Katz 12/4 Kislev 12 Allen E. Feinberg 12/5 Kislev 13 Cecelia Ballins Kerness 12/5 Max Alfred Mendelson, MD 12/5 Kislev 13 Leon Ross, MD 12/5 Florence Schwartz Rubin 12/5 Edward Cohen 12/6 Edith Geller 12/6 Sadie F. Ruttenberg 12/6 December 7 - December 13 observed December 12 Eva Mae Levenson 12/7 Harry Levy 12/7 Kislev 15 Jacob Shapell 12/7 Charles J. Favish 12/8 Kislev 16 Lena Klauser 12/8 Minnie G. Sapper 12/8 Justin M. Druck 12/9 Mary Finegold 12/9 Kislev 17 Dorothy Goldberg 12/9 Kislev 17 Dr. Robert Louis Mendelson 12/9 David Pavilack 12/9 Kislev 17 David Banov 12/10 Kislev 18 Henry M. Front 12/10 Marc Leon Front 12/10 Robert Kahn 12/11 Kislev 19 Lawrence Howard Lief, MD 12/11 Harvey C. Roupe 12/11 Robert Rubin 12/11 Kislev 19 Rebecca Klabano 12/12 Morris Silverman 12/12 Kislev 20 Sylvia G. Blum 12/13 Kislev 21 Florence Hirsch Stein 12/13 December 14 - December 20 observed December 19 Marcia Berman 12/14 Kislev 22 George Favish 12/14 Kislev 22 Abrham J. Pollock 12/14 Harry Wilder 12/14 Leah Zelevian 12/14 Kislev 22 Reuben Atkin 12/15 Nathan S. Cohen 12/15 Mary Navin Fleischmann 12/15 Samuel E. Front 12/15 Florence Kingsbacher 12/15 Israel Posin 12/15 Kislev 23 Joanne Lenore Goldman 12/16 Bessie Bernhardt 12/17 Joseph Louis Mendelson 12/17 Kislev 25 Joseph Rubin 12/17 Kislev 25 Herman Strauss 12/17 Roger Sterling 12/18 Jacob Atkin 12/19 Sam Cohen 12/19 Kislev 27 Herman Gallin 12/19 Kislev 27 Regina Schepentinski Levin 12/19 Harry Pinsky 12/19 Marie C. Zweig Ellanovitz 12/20 Kislev 28 Sarah Salesky Gordon 12/20 Doretta Mendelson 12/20 December 21-December 27 observed December 26 David Allen McKenzie 12/21 Lena Katz Roth 12/21 Kislev 29 Joseph Stevens 12/22 Kislev 30 Chaya Esther Edelman 12/23 Tevet 1 Seymour E. Michael 12/23 Sylvia Weissman Pavilack 12/23 Tevet 1 Pearl Wasserstrom 12/23 Tevet 1 Aaron L. Kraft 12/24 Sam Fishel Lando 12/24 Tevet 2 Mamie L. Michael 12/24 Cecelia Radbord Rivlin 12/24 Tevet 2 Morton Cohen 12/25 Barbara Leitman 12/25 Tevet 3 Hannah Sigal 12/25 Ruth Ann Cooper Jones 12/26 Ida Deutsch Sax Rudner 12/26 Sadie Gertrude Tobia Edelman 12/27 Tevet 5 Isidor Gross 12/27 December 28 - January 3 observed January 2 Bernice Berman 12/28 Tevet 6 Frank Lando 12/28 Tevet 6 Mary Sue Allen 12/29 Sol S. Bobes, MD 12/29 Natalie Jacowitz 12/29 Fanny Goldberg Levy 12/29 Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver 12/30 David Cohen 12/31 Louis Duga 12/31 Tevet 9 David Greenwald 12/31 Tevet 9 Jason Hoard 12/31 Helen Westerman Moidel 12/31 Tevet 9 Ervin Silverman 12/31 Tevet 9 Bessie Friereich Steinhauser 12/31 Betty Newberg Kaufman 1/1 Nathan Feinberg 1/2 Tevet 11 George Lewis Gordon 1/2 Claude R. McMillian, Sr. 1/2 8
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