Members of the Planning and Licensing Committee
are summoned to attend a Meeting at 7.45pm on
Monday 15 December 2014
at 1 Buckingham Court, Rectory Lane, Loughton
to transact the business shown in the agenda.
Enid K Walsh
Town Clerk
9 December 2014
Councillor J Angold-Stephens (Chairman)
Councillor C Davies (Vice Chairman)
P Abraham
T Downing
J Bostock
M Chalk
Note to Councillors:
If you are unable to attend the meeting,
please phone your apologies to the office on 020 8508 4200.
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
Members of the public are welcome to appear in person at the meeting to make the case for
or against a particular application. However, they must have pre-registered to speak by
contacting the Council on 020 8508 4200 no later than 3pm on the day of the meeting.
Speakers whether for or against will each have a maximum of 3 minutes to address the
Committee. Under the Council’s rules only those registered may speak during the meeting.
(see also Appendix B of the Standing Orders for more information)
To RECEIVE any apologies for absence.
Declarations of interest
For Councillors to DECLARE any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any item on
the Agenda.
Confirmation of Minutes
To CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee
held on 1 December 2014.
Matters for Report
To REPORT any further significant information on matters which have been
previously discussed, in addition to those which may already be included on the
Notice of Appeal – EPF/1286/14 – 2 Durnell Way, Loughton IG10 1TG –
New attached dwelling – Min no PL496.1
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above
site. The appeal is against a refusal following the decision of Epping Forest
District Council. The appeal is to be determined on the basis of written
representations and a site visit by an Inspector. The Planning Inspectorate
requires all observations by 7 January 2015.
Section 106 Agreements – Min no PL351.1
The Town Council’s other committees have recently reviewed their list of items
for 2014 for consideration as deserving of a Section 106 or Community
Infrastructure Levy contribution should the opportunity arise. The items are
confirmed as follows:
Environment and Heritage:
i. Public toilets
ii. Town and other signs
iii. Bus shelters
iv. Replacement of non-conforming street lights
i. Skate Park facility
ii. Play areas (new works/upgrading)
iii. Major improvements to the Roding Valley Recreation Ground changing
rooms and car park area
iv. Outdoor gym facilities
Resources and General Services:
i. Noticeboards
The Committee is asked to NOTE the list.
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
London Borough of Newham planning applications – London City Airport,
Hartman Road, Silvertown, London E16 2PX – City Airport Development
Programme applications (CADP):
CADP1 (planning application 13/01228/FUL) – Works to demolish existing buildings
and structures and provide additional infrastructure and passenger facilities at London
City Airport.
CAPD2 (planning application 13/01373/OUT) – Erection of a hotel with up to 260
bedrooms, ancillary flexible A1-A4 floor space at ground floor, meeting/conference
facilities together with associated amenity space, landscaping, plant and ancillary
For further details and to view the planning applications (see pages 6 – 7).
The Committee is ASKED if it wishes to comment on these major applications as the
closing date for submissions is 5 January 2015.
Planning Applications
To CONSIDER the planning applications
28 November and 5 December 2014.
Application No: EPF/1932/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Specsavers
Location: Specsavers Opticians, 231 High Road, Loughton IG10 1AD
Proposal: Advertisement consent to install illuminated signage on existing shop front
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2501/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Mrs Patricia Byrne
Location: Frothy Coffee, Station Approach, Station Road, Loughton IG10 4NZ
Proposal: Grade II Listed Building application for internal works and alterations.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2502/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Mrs Patricia Byrne
Location: Prestige Dry Cleaners, Unit 1, Station Approach, Station Road, Loughton
IG10 4PD
Proposal: Grade II Listed Building Application for replacement of front and side signs
with new clear ones, add vinyls to side windows and reduce the amount of coverage if
need be. No set wash needed.
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including plans
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
Application No: EPF/2503/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Mrs Patricia Byrne
Location: Tooty Frooty, Station Approach, Station Road Loughton IG10 4PD
Proposal: Grade II listed building application for internal works and alterations.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2580/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: St Mary’s Church
Location: St Mary’s Church, 203 High Road, Loughton IG10 1BB
Proposal: The demolition of the two storey "Ignite Centre" and replacement with a
single storey multi-purpose community building to be known as the "Hope Centre"
with a glazed link connection to the main church. Demolition of masonry under the
width of the south facing window leaving the window and stone cill intact to enable the
link connection.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2590/14
Officer: Jonathan Doe
Applicant Name: Mr Mohammed Hanif
Location: 60 Tycehurst Hill, Loughton IG10 1DA
Proposal: Replacement dwelling house with basement and roof accommodation.
Alterations to ground levels.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2608/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: Trevalyn House Limited
Location: Trevelyan House, Arewater Green, Loughton IG10 2SP
Proposal: Demolition of three existing properties and associated buildings to be
replaced with 10 no. new dwelling houses, new access road, parking and
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2643/14
Officer: Jonathan Doe
Applicant Name: Mr Mark Mannering
Location: The Loughton Seedbed Centre, Seedbed Centre, Langston Road,
Loughton IG10 3TQ
Proposal: Replacement of existing single-glazed windows and doors with new uPVC
double glazed units to Blocks B and D.
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including plans
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
Application No: EPF/2691/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: Mr Alex Swan
Location: 19 The Greens Close, Loughton IG10 1QE
Proposal: Proposed loft conversion, including hip to gable rear dormer, ground floor
and lower level rear extension and side extension.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2697/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: The Lopping Hall Endowment Trust
Location: Lopping Hall, 187 -189 High Road, Loughton IG10 4LF
Proposal: Removal of metal external escape staircase.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2719/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Mr Ashley Hyde
Location: 7 Chester Path, Loughton IG10 2LN
Proposal: Two storey side extension following refusal of EPF/2047/14.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2722/14
Officer: James Rogers
Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs Pillai
Location: 4 Harvest Lane, Loughton IG10 4PN
Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, Roof
extension with front and rear dormers to create a loft conversion and a basement
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2758/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: Mr Declan O'Driscoll
Location: 16 Eleven Acre Rise, Loughton IG10 1AN
Proposal: Demolition of existing house, replacement house with 3 no. 6 bedroom
houses. New front wall and gates.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2761/14
Officer: Jonathan Doe
Applicant Name: Ms H Furlong
Location: 42 Baldwins Hill, Loughton IG10 1SF
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
Proposal: Addition of first floor to northwestern side of building to accommodate
bedroom with walk-in closet, en-suite and rear balcony. Ground floor side extension
to northwestern side of building to enlarge study. Single storey side extension to
southeastern side of building to enlarge utility room.
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including plans
Application No: EPF/2764/14
Officer: Stephan Solon
Applicant Name: Mr Sanjay Raj
Location: 20 Ollards Grove, Loughton IG10 4DW
Proposal: Change of use from use as a dwelling house (use class C3) to use for
purposes as a residential institution as an Approved Premises for the management
and supervision of offenders or defendants (Use Class C2).
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documents including plans
Application No: EPF/2786/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Mr Simon Rogers
Location: 97 Staples Road, Loughton IG10 1HR
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storied kitchen and conservatory extension
and construction of new single storied kitchen and family room extension.
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related documents including plans
Application No: EPF/2795/14
Officer: James Rogers
Applicant Name: Mr Mark Morrell
Location: 61 Queens Road, Loughton IG10 1RR
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, former conservatory removed.
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including plans
Decisions by Epping Forest District Council
No decision notices have been received.
Licensing Applications
To CONSIDER any licensing applications that have come to the officers’ attention
since the last meeting of the Committee. Members are reminded that reference must
be made to at least one of the four licensing objectives to validate any objections.
Enforcement and Compliance
To ADVISE the Committee of any updates to the reports previously received.
Enid K Walsh
9 December 2014
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
Agenda item 5
London Borough of Newham planning applications – London City Airport, Hartman
Road, Silvertown, London E16 2PX – City Airport Development Programme
applications (CADP)
Deirdra Armsby
Head of Planning & Development Commissioning, Planning
and Regeneration
Development Control
1 Floor, West Wing
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU
Epping Forest District Council
Development Control
Epping Forest District Council
Civic Offices
High Street
Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ
Ask for:
Tel No.:
Sunil Sahadevan
020 337 31423
[email protected]
21st November 2014
Dear Sir/Madam,
Application No:
13/01228/FUL & 13/01373/OUT
London City Airport, Hartmann Road, Silvertown, London, E16 2PX
London City Airport submitted two inter-related planning applications to
the London Borough of Newham on 26 July 2013, to deliver the ‘City
Airport Development Programme’ (CADP), these applications are
referred to as CADP1 (planning application 13/01228/FUL) and CADP2
(planning application 13/01373/OUT).
Planning Application CADP1: Works to demolish existing buildings and
structures and provide additional infrastructure and passenger facilities
at London City Airport. Detailed planning permission is being sought for:
(a) Demolition of existing buildings and structures;
(b) 4 no. upgraded aircraft stands and 7 new aircraft parking stands;
(c) Extension and modification of the existing airfield, including the
creation of an extended taxilane;
(d) Emergency vehicle access point over King George V Dock;
(e) Replacement landside Forecourt to include vehicle circulation, pick
up and drop off areas and hard and soft landscaping;
(f) Eastern Extension to the existing Terminal Building (including
alteration works to the existing Terminal);
(g) Construction of a 3 storey passenger pier to the east of the existing
(h) Erection of Noise Barriers;
(i) Western Extension and alterations to the existing Terminal;
(j) Western Energy Centre, storage, ancillary accommodation and
(k) Facilitation Works including temporary coaching facility and
extension to the outbound baggage area;
Planning and Licensing Committee 15 December 2014
(l) Upgrading works to Hartmann Road;
(m) Passenger and staff parking, car hire parking, taxi feeder park and
ancillary and related work;
(n) Eastern Energy Centre;
(o) Dock Source Heat Exchange System within King George V Dock;
(p) Ancillary and related work.
Planning Application CADP2: Erection of a Hotel with up to 260
bedrooms, ancillary flexible A1-A4 floorspace at ground floor,
meeting/conference facilities together with associated amenity space,
landscaping, plant and ancillary works.
Applications CADP1 and 2 are Major Applications accompanied by an Environmental
Statement. Application CADP1 does not accord with the provisions of the
development plan. Applications CADP1 and CADP2 affects the setting of Listed
Buildings: i) Central Buffet at Custom House, Royal Albert Dock – Grade II; ii) Central
Offices at Custom House, Royal Albert Dock – Grade II; and, iii) St Marks Church,
North Woolwich Road – Grade II
This letter is to advise you that planning applications have been made for the above
development. Before making a decision on these applications, the Local Planning Authority
would like to know your views. The applications were received on 26th July 2013.
This letter is to advise you that the applicant has submitted on the 10th November 2014
further amendments to Environmental Statement received, comprising: 1)
Environmental Statement (Volumes 1-4 and Non Technical Summary) (November
2014); and, 2) Addendum to Environmental Statement incorporating; Part A) Response
to Regulation 22 request 20th August 2014, Part B) EIA Sensitivity Test on 120,000
aircraft movements by 2023, Part C) Proposed Noise Quota Count System under the
Aircraft Categorisation Review, Parts D1and D2) information supplied in reply to
Regulation 22 requests dated 21st January 2014, 23rd May 2014 and further information
received in respect of the proposals above.
Timescale for Response
If you wish to make any comments on this application, they should be submitted no later than
5th January 2015. Please note that if you have not submitted comments by this date, we
may not be able to take your comments into account.
Viewing the Application
The application along with all of the associated plans and documents is available to view
online, on the Council’s Public Access Website via the following link:
Simply enter the application number (13/01228/FUL) to retrieve the case. All of the plans
and documents submitted with the application can be viewed by clicking on the ‘documents
How to Respond
If you wish to make any comments please e-mail a copy of your letter/memo response as an
attachment, to the planning case officer ([email protected]). Please see
contact details above.