Members of the Planning and Licensing Committee
are summoned to attend a Meeting at 7.45pm on
Monday 5 January 2015
at 1 Buckingham Court, Rectory Lane, Loughton
to transact the business shown in the agenda.
Enid K Walsh
Town Clerk
23 December 2014
Councillor J Angold-Stephens (Chairman)
Councillor C Davies (Vice Chairman)
P Abraham
T Downing
J Bostock
M Chalk
Note to Councillors:
If you are unable to attend the meeting,
please phone your apologies to the office on 020 8508 4200.
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Members of the public are welcome to appear in person at the meeting to make the case for
or against a particular application. However, they must have pre-registered to speak by
contacting the Council on 020 8508 4200 no later than 3pm on the day of the meeting.
Speakers whether for or against will each have a maximum of 3 minutes to address the
Committee. Under the Council’s rules only those registered may speak during the meeting.
(see also Appendix B of the Standing Orders for more information)
To RECEIVE any apologies for absence.
Declarations of interest
For Councillors to DECLARE any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any item on
the Agenda.
Confirmation of Minutes
To CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee
held on 15 December 2014.
Matters for Report
To REPORT any further significant information on matters which have been
previously discussed, in addition to those which may already be included on the
Notice of Appeal – EPF/1412/14 – Former Public Car Park, Church Hill,
Loughton IG10 1QR – The redevelopment of a disused car park to
provide 350sqm of A1 retail space with six C3 residential apartments
above with car parking and associated landscaping – Min no PL503
An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State in respect of the above
site (ref: APP/J1535/W/14/3000961). The appeal is against a refusal following
the decision of Epping Forest District Council. The appeal is to be determined
on the basis of written representations and a site visit by an Inspector. The
Planning Inspectorate requires all observations by 19 January 2015.
Withdrawn Applications:
4.2.1 EPF/2508/14 – The Royal Oak (The Oaks), 148 Forest Road,
Loughton IG10 1EG – Demolition of existing building and
redevelopment of the site to provide nine terraced houses,
together with associated amenity space in the form of gardens,
and car parking – Min no PL579
For information: to NOTE that the application has been withdrawn by
the applicant.
4.2.2 EPF/2509/14 – 209D/E Molens Café, High Road, Loughton IG10
1BB – Erection of single storey rear extension with relocation of
metal stairs for the residential unit above and garden seating area
at rear – Min no PL579
For information: to NOTE that the application has been withdrawn by
the applicant.
Loughton Building Design Award – Min no PL330.2
Awarded annually since 2012 (except in 2014), the Building Design Award is
intended to recognise and reward individual examples of good design and
construction, and raise public awareness of the built environment within
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
The Town Council recognises significant contributions during the previous
12 months for building works that either:
 enhance the town;
 improve a dilapidated building;
 upgrade or enhance a conservation area; or are
 noteworthy in terms of design or innovation.
The judging will be carried out by the Town Mayor and the Chairmen of
the Planning and Licensing and Environment and Heritage Committees.
The award will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday
18 March 2015.
The 2013 winners were Amshold Group Limited, for the refurbishment of
Amshold House, Goldings Hill and Redrow Homes Eastern for the Borders
Crescent development.
Any member of Loughton Town Council may submit a nomination form.
Please forward this to the Planning Committee Clerk for consideration by the
Committee before the closing date of 31 January 2015.
See attached nomination form and terms and conditions (pages 6 – 7).
Planning Applications
To CONSIDER the planning
12 and 19 December 2014.
Application No: EPF/2721/14
Officer: David Baker
Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs S Mirza
Location: 1 Kings Place, Loughton IG10 4PW
Proposal: Part one and part two storey side extension, including alterations to
existing garage.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2749/14
Officer: Sangeeta Dhavde
Applicant Name: Specsavers
Location: Specsavers Opticians, 231 High Road, Loughton IG10 1AD
Proposal: Addition of condenser units.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2753/14
Officer: David Baker
Applicant Name: Miss Jacqueline Jolliffe
Location: Jacks Tattoos, 66 Borders Lane, Loughton IG10 3QX
Proposal: Change of use from a tattoo studio to use as a cafe (Use Class A3) - to be
open from 8am to 6pm.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Application No: EPF/2774/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: Mr Andy Velleman
Location: 32 Valley Hill, Loughton IG10 3AQ
Proposal: First floor side and rear extensions.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2829/14
Officer: David Baker
Applicant Name: Mrs Claire Sales
Location: 52 Spareleaze Hill, Loughton IG10 1BT
Proposal: Erection of 2 storey side extension, first floor rear extension and provision
of roof light windows in rear and side roof as part of loft conversion.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2834/14
Officer: Jennifer Cordell
Applicant Name: Dr Neil Rice
Location: 3 Goldings Rise, Loughton IG10 2QP
Proposal: Single storey rear extension / orangery and changes to roof over existing
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2851/14
Officer: David Baker
Applicant Name: Mr Jose Rubio
Location: 47 Wellfields, Loughton IG10 1PA
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension, part one and part two storey front
extension including a porch and a rear ground floor extension.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2854/14
Officer: James Rogers
Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs N Mushtaq
Location: 74 Roundmead Avenue, Loughton IG10 1PZ
Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2861/14
Officer: James Rogers
Applicant Name: Mr John Doherty
Location: 2 Rookwood Avenue, Loughton IG10 2DG
Proposal: Part single, part two storey rear extension.
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2953/14
Officer: Robin Hellier
Applicant Name: Mr J Hodgeson
Location: 1 Stanmore Way, Loughton IG10 2SA
Proposal: TPO/EPF/04/79: Horse Chestnut - Reduce to previous prune points.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Deemed Permission – provided for information only: (Members are
reminded that comments are not normally accepted on these applications).
Application No: EPF/2794/14
Officer: Mavis Bird
Applicant Name: Mr Thomas Carter
Location: 54 Forest Road, Loughton IG10 1EQ
Proposal: Certificate of Lawful Development for a proposed loft conversion with rear
dormer, 2 no. velux roof windows to front.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2818/14
Officer: Mavis Bird
Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs M Chudasama
Location: 22 Millsmead Way, Loughton IG10 1LR
Proposal: Certificate of Lawful Development application for a proposed ground floor
rear extension
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Others – provided for information only: (Members are reminded that
comments are not normally accepted on these applications).
Application No: EPF/2828/14
Officer: Mavis Bird
Applicant Name: Mr David Willsmer
Location: 44 The Drive, Loughton IG10 1HG
Proposal: Prior approval application for single storey rear extension 6m deep,
maximum height of 4m and height to eaves 3m.
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Application No: EPF/2846/14
Officer: James Rogers
Applicant Name: Mr Andrew Cooke
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Location: Sir Winston Churchill and adjoining land The Broadway, Loughton
IG10 3SP
Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 2 'materials', 4
'flood risk assessment', 6 'contaminated land', 9 'site levels', 12 'hard and soft
landscaping' and condition 18 'obscure glazing'. For application EPF/2163/14 Demolition of Public House and garages and replacement with construction of a
mixed use development, comprising retail and food and drink units (within classes A1,
A3 and A4) at ground floor level and 64 residential units at upper floor levels (first to
sixth floors), together with 64 car parking spaces, service yard, access and car
If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents
including plans
Decisions by Epping Forest District Council
See Appendix 1 for Planning Decisions November 2014 (pages 8 – 16).
Licensing Applications
To CONSIDER any licensing applications that have come to the officers’ attention
since the last meeting of the Committee. Members are reminded that reference must
be made to at least one of the four licensing objectives to validate any objections, as
detailed below:
 The prevention of crime and disorder.
 Public safety.
 The prevention of public nuisance.
 The protection of children from harm.
Enforcement and Compliance
To ADVISE the Committee of any updates to the reports previously received.
Enid K Walsh
23 December 2014
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Agenda item 4.3
Loughton Building Design Award
Please complete sections 1 – 6 and return the form to:
Vivienne Messenger, Planning Committee Clerk (together with a photograph of the
Address (of scheme)
What is the scheme (please provide full details)
Date of completion (of scheme)
Award criteria (please tick as appropriate)
Improves a
the town
dilapidated building
Reasons for your nomination
Your details
a conservation area
Noteworthy in terms of
design or innovation
Date (of nomination)
………/Continued overleaf
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
1. Works or improvements carried out by, or for a member of Loughton Town Council and its
employees, or their relatives, are not eligible for this award.
2. Nominations are to be submitted on the form provided by 31 January.
4. A photograph should be included with the application.
5. Please do not inform the nominee you have put his/her name forward.
6. The applications will be checked by Loughton Town Council officers to confirm compliance
with current planning legislation and building regulations.
7. The judging panel will comprise the Town Mayor, Chairman of the Planning & Licensing
Committee and the Chairman of the Environment & Heritage Committee, whose decision
will be final.
8. One single award to be decided, however, there is no compulsion to award in the absence
of valid nominations.
9. The winner of the Award will be presented with a plaque at the Council’s Annual Town
Owner details
Telephone number
Email address (in capitals)
Contractor / Designer / Agent details (where applicable)
Telephone number
Email address (in capitals)
Planning Permission reference number
(if applicable)
Building Control reference number
(if applicable)
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Agenda item 6. 1
Decisions by Epping Forest District Council
Please note the links do not work in this section.
Delegated cases:
Appendix 1
…./Continued overleaf
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Planning and Licensing Committee 5 January 2015
Committee cases: