
You will pay a tryout fee one time.
a. We will ask you to come back and be re-evaluated or to come back with other athletes from your
teams for a 2nd or 3rd tryout.
b. You will only be charged one tryout fee, no matter how many times you participate.
We will evaluate all who show up. Coaches will collaborate and we will follow up with you within 7
We will use the 2nd and 3rd tryouts to allow older and different players to try out, and to allow time for
each of our rosters to form with the help of our current athletes. This will also give athletes who
have a scheduling conflict the opportunity to attend a tryout.
What if my athlete does not make the cut?
◦ We have three levels of teams to help meet the majority of athletes needs.
◦ In the case that an athlete does not make the final cut, we will have Youth Leagues, Skill Training
and Developmental Programs available in the spring and summer offered to all athletes who are
interested in improving.
How quickly will we know if we made a team?
◦ You will receive a phone call from a CenTex Attack coach within seven days of your initial tryout
informing you of next steps and options, and your team status.
Do I have to pay this whole amount upfront?
◦ You have to pay $250 upfront to confirm your interest upon receiving an invite.
▪ Please be aware that this $250 deposit is non-refundable and not able to be used for
credit toward other programs due to the fact that we are preventing another player from
claiming that spot and to prevent players from de-committing after claiming a spot.
◦ The remainder will be billed monthly as listed below.
◦ Total payment will be divided into 2 Monthly Payments tied to your credit or debit card.
◦ Contact Coach Terroba ([email protected]) directly if you have any questions.
• Total Travel payment will be determined for each team at the start of the season.
o $50 for each out of town travel trip that requires a hotel stay for the coach.
• You will be charged the entire balance of your travel fees on June 1
o The credit card on file will be auto-charged for the balance of travel fees
o If you fail to provide travel fees or tuition fees, you will not be allowed to participate until payments
have been arranged.
• Examples:
o 7th and 8th Grade Black –3 Trips = $150 due on June 1
o 9th Black and Blue — 4 Trips = $200 due on June 1
o JV Black and Blue –4 Trips = $200 due on June 1
o Varsity Blue = 4 Trips = $200 due on June 1
o Varsity Black = 5 Trips = $250 due on June 1
If you have any questions, call Coach Terroba at (512) 784-3399 or email at [email protected].
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Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013
How will we determine movements between teams during the season? How will we know if we are going
to have more than one regional or local team?
◦ If we end up with two regional teams, we will withhold final placement of the two regional teams until
▪ A Preseason tournament
▪ An extra practice where we can finally place the athletes more accurately.
◦ Local Players can move up to regional during the season if:
▪ There is an open spot (no more than 10 players)
▪ They pay the financial difference.
◦ Regional players can move between teams during the season based on the following criteria:
▪ Practice attendance
▪ Practice performance
▪ Game Performance
◦ Regional players will NOT be moved down to local teams unless they agree to it and request it. Hence,
it is important for us to get regional placements right.
GOAL: Secure The Can’t Miss Talent while leaving room for the remainder of the talent pool.
a. Designed to place the top 30% of the regional classification.
b. We will place 3-4 regional spots in each grade level as the norm.
c. We will allow for exceptions to the rule, but in general, our approach is to restrict regional
placement until the majority of the tryout pool is accounted for in Tryout #2.
d. We will place as many local spots as we see fit based on the talent pool and our past
e. To identify potential Local players
i. Present an offer phone call within seven days of the tryout.
ii. Share first practice schedule and tournament schedule.
Enlist Help in Shaping Your Team Experience & Roster
a. To enlist the help of all tryout participants to help fill roster gaps that exist after Tryout #1 by
recruiting like-minded athletes of similar interest and skill level, who may not have had a chance to
attend Tryout #1.
Ensure We Are On The Same Page
a. Answer parent and athlete questions after tryout.
b. Communicate Next Steps.
c. Collect Interest Forms with contact info and Level of Interest.
GOAL: Secure enough on each team so that we can form an eventual full team with the remaining
tryout. Coaches will know their assignments before the tryouts so that they are involved in the
placement of their own teams.
a. Designed to place at least 60% of all regional and local team spots.
b. We need to be able to form complete teams for the most part after this tryout, so we have to extend
such that we place at least 6 or 7 on each team.
c. This will allow us to deliver on a team, while also allowing late arrivals to the process a chance to
be placed on any of our teams.
Magic Numbers
a. If we place 8 or more Regional Players, then we will push to form two teams.
b. If we place less than 8, then we will form one regional team for that grade level.
To invite back all athletes who tried out in previous tryouts be evaluated one more time.
To allow for high school playoff participants to be evaluated without interfering with their school seasons.
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Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013
To evaluate all Present 9th-12th grade high school male athletes who were unable to attend Tryout #2.
To evaluate all Friends & Family Recruits in 4th-12th grade and to place them on appropriate teams, if
We will communicate to all Past Tryout Participants via email or phone if we need you to return for
Tryout #3. You will not be charged again.
To help us fill out the roster needs presented by Tryout #1 and Tryout #2 for all grade levels.
We will use Tryout #3 to finalize all teams.
a. Final rosters and coaching assignments will be established and communicated before March 9.
b. We will notify all of our participants about our intentions by the Thursday following the tryout via
email and phone call from your team coach.
c. We will collect Initial Payment At the Conclusion of the Tryout to confirm your interest.
When will we know what team we are on?
Final teams are established by March 30, two weeks after our final tryouts March 15.
We will establish the competition level of each athlete at each tryout session, and establish a FINAL ROSTER for
each grade level by the end of the process. We have limited spots. Here is how the Offer Letter process works for
CenTex Attack. At the end of each tryout, you will categorized as one of the following.
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You are not guaranteed a spot at this time, but can play yourself into a spot at a future tryout.
If you attend a tryout, but were not offered a local spot, then you are a prospect.
You can attend a future tryout session for no extra cost to give yourself another
chance to be seen and evaluated.
Local: You are offered a spot on a local team after coaches have evaluated you at least one tryout
session. You have to accept your initial offer letter before the deadline issued after each tryout session.
After that, the spot is no longer guaranteed. You still have a chance move up to a regional team until
after final tryouts, but for now, our staff can only guarantee you a local spot.
You must pay your $250 INITIAL FEE online after being offered to secure this spot.
Anyone who has not paid their $250 fee by the payment deadline is considered a
PROSPECT and will not be guaranteed a spot.
Regional: You have been offered a spot on a regional team, and will return to be evaluated and to play
alongside any new tryout participants in our Final Tryouts. You have two days to accept your Regional
Team offer letter. After that, the spot is no longer guaranteed. We will finalize the Regional teams after
Final Tryouts.
ONLY those athletes who have PAID their $250 INITIAL FEE online before the offer
deadline are guaranteed a spot on the Regional Team before tryouts.
Anyone who has not paid their $250 fee is considered a PROSPECT and will not be
guaranteed a spot.
Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013
How Do Payments Work?
Cash or Check:
ü You have the option to pay with check or cash all at once up front.
Installment Plan
ü You can also choose to pay with a credit card that will be automatically billed over the following payment
ü CenTex Attack T Shirt Sponsorship Drive
ü Free Throw Shoot A Thon for each athlete
ü You receive a $100 Uniform Credit if you have a CenTex Attack Game Uniform that you will wear
from a previous season. You must possess a jersey, game shorts, and backpack to be eligible
for discount.
Initial Payment
Due in March upon being offered a
spot on a Centex Attack Team
April 1
May 1
June 1
All travel fees will be charged at
this time for regional teams in one
$0 (No Out of town
lump sum. $50 due for each out of
town trip that requires a hotel stay
by the coach.
What am I getting for all this money?
$150—MS Teams
$200 –HS Teams
$250 HS National
LOCAL TEAM DUES: $750à 50 hours of practice + 20 games (one hour each) = 70 hours
◦ $750 / 70 = $10.71 per hour for the season.
REGIONAL TEAM DUES: $950 à 60 hours of practice + 25 games (one hour each) = 85 hours
◦ $950 / 85 = $11.17 per hour for the season + Travel Costs
NATIONAL TEAM DUES: $1150 à 72 hours of practice + 35 games (one hour each) = 107 hours
◦ $1150 / 107 = $9.81 per hour for the season + Travel Costs
When will we practice?
Final Practice Schedules for all teams will be established by March 1.
◦ We will try to avoid schedule changes so that you can plan your spring and summer.
◦ In the case that we need to make an adjustment, you will be informed immediately.
◦ We will share this schedule with you via email.
Local Teams – Two Nights a Week for 2 Hours each practice
◦ Practices Begin in April
◦ End à Mid July
Regional Teams – Two Nights a Week for 2 Hours each practice
◦ Practices Begin Mid March to Early April
◦ Season Ends at the End of July
National Teams– Two Nights a Week for 2 Hours each practice
◦ Practices Begin Mid March to Early April
◦ Season Ends Mid August
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Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013
National Tournaments will be an “Add-On” option for Regional Teams who feel they are up to the
challenge and who are able to afford the financial and time commitments involved with out-of-state
Who will be my team's coach?
We will wait to establish final teams before assigning our coaches.
Team and coach placement is based on the number of athletes who try out, the number of quality coaches we are
able to secure for a given year, and the fit and finish of each coach with a certain group of athletes.
◦ All team coaches will be led by a master coach who possesses multiple years of coaching experience.
Our staff is made up of present and former high school and middle school coaches, former and current select
coaches, and former and present college athletes.
How much will travel cost if our team takes a trip?
$50 per athlete per trip add-on cost for each out of town trip (Regional and National Teams)
Pays for coaches meals and hotel room
◦ You will have to pay for your own hotel rooms (we would try to secure an affordable hotel and would
combine up to 4 athletes per room).
We will have fundraising opportunities for each athlete to help defray the costs of travel and team fees.
Parents will car pool to transport athletes to all in-state tournaments
What Tournaments will we play in?
Local, Regional and National tournament schedules will be finalized by March 1.
◦ Local: 7 Tournaments in Williamson, Travis or Hays County
◦ Regional: 9 Tournaments including some local, some in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio
◦ National: 12 Tournaments including some local, some in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio and out of
◦ We will share this schedule online.
In the case that a specific team wants to “add on” a tournament to the end of their basic tournament package, the
parents, players and coaches can all decide to do so. This will involve additional cost for registering for the
tournament and paying for travel, if necessary.
◦ For example, we will offer Local teams the chance to attend the AAS National Tournament in San
Antonio in July as an add-on.
How will you ensure my athlete gets good coaching and instruction?
Master coach model, which allows for an experienced coach to steer instruction.
Unified System of play ensures that the same concepts are being taught across teams and that there is a
progression through different age levels.
Emphasis on skill development — athletes will rotate around to different coaches over the course of the season as
part of Skill Development Stations.
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Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013
How will you incorporate Classroom Teaching?
We will devote 20 minutes per week to classroom time (before practice). This time could increase depending on
needs. Most sessions will be optional for athletes.
Video breakdown, leadership, teamwork and basketball concepts will be presented in depth.
How will you incorporate SAQ (Strength & Speed, Agility, Quickness) Training?
We will devote 30 minutes per week in the weight room. This could increase over time.
We will also devote time daily to foot work, foot speed and agility training.
CenTex Attack athletes wanting to devote more time to Speed & Strength development will be able to Add On
SAQ training CTX Explosion sessions to get more time in the weight room.
How will you incorporate Individual Skill Development:
We will devote 30 minutes of practice time to skill development.
Athletes who want to devote more time and attention to skill development can arrange individual and small-group
training sessions with one of our CenTex Attack Skill Trainers.
a. We want to be prepared for the number of athletes who tryout.
b. We also want to make check in quick and efficient.
c. For those reasons, we are rewarding those who register early and online with a large discount.
i. $20 if completed early before December 31. $30 if completed late online after Jan. 1
ii. $40 if completed at the door (Cash and Check Only at the Door)
a. We will be fully engaged in coaching, instructing and evaluating the day of the tryouts, so please be
sure to ask your questions ahead of time, or to wait until after tryouts are completed during the
Parent Q&A.
i. Coach Nelson Terroba-- Director
1. (512) 784-3399
2. [email protected]
ii. Coach Alex Cerda—Boys HS Coordinator
1. (972) 978-5221
2. [email protected]
iii. Coach Jodie McGarity—Girls Coordinator
1. (512) 537-8775
2. [email protected]
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Updated Wednesday, March 2, 2013