Small Group Meetings October Birthdays Wednesday Small Group Meeting:

Small Group Meetings
Wednesday Small Group Meeting: Studying Search for
Certainty Bible Guides at the Wynne’s House. 6:00pm
Friday Young Adult Vespers at the home of Kenny and
Doreen Phillips. We will be studying Christ’s Object
Supply a Medical Kit for a Health Clinic: Medical
care is sometimes not even an option in isolated,
impoverished parts of developing nations. ADRA
delivers medical kits and supplies to rural clinics that
allow basic health care without having to travel great –
often risky – distances. Your donation helps buy one kit
for a clinic to serve an entire community. $25 per
Medical Kit. So far, we have received $20
Melissa Watson/Kibidula- Donations to support
Melissa need to be by check made out to "Outpost
Centers International" with memo line "KibidulaMelissa Watson" sent to: Outpost Centers, 5132 Layton
Lane, Apison, Tn. 37302 or made on online by going to:
www. The Harrison
Church cannot accept any monies for Melissa. Any
questions contact: Sue Brude.
Bere/Parkers Project – All donations for the Parkers
mission work in Chad should be made payable to
Adventist Health International (AHI) with a note
indicating that the enclosed funds are for the
"Bere/Parkers Project." Send donations to the following
address: AHI, 11060 Anderson Street, Loma Linda, CA
92350. Donations for the Parkers should not be sent
directly to the Bere Adventist Hospital or the Parkers.
October Birthdays
Tanner Sabo – October 1
Kevin Johnson – October 2
Vi Keith – October 4
Mary Ann Ford – October 9
John Hunnicutt – October 10
Seventh-day Adventist Church
The meeting place for
those anticipating Jesus‘ soon appearing
Marlin Walter – October 18
October 25, 2014
Melissa Allen – October 20
Brichelle Parker – October 20
Virginia Justice – October 26
Richard Gerber – October 26
Doreen Phillips – October 27
Linda Dennis – October 29
Prayer Requests
*Sue Brude (Health)
Ann Boyd (Health)
Ann Boyds Son (Health)
Jaime Parker (Health, Pain)
Vi Keith (Health)
Harrison SDA Missionaries
Church Officers Serving You
Sergio Freeman
Email: [email protected]
Head Elder
Kenny Phillips
Head Deacon
Leland Johnson
Head Deaconess
Lin Crossland
Sue Brude
Asst. Treasurer
Michael Wynne
SS Supt.
Hinsdale Bernard
Audio Visual
Hal Crossland
Bulletin Generator
Kevin Johnson
423 326-0777
423 344-0401
423 310-5925
423 774-4800
423 344-0697
423 486-3223
Bulletin announcements and info: call or email Kevin
Johnson - [email protected] or
No later than 6pm Thursday!
Sunset Schedule
Tonight – 6:55
Next Friday – 6:49
8419 Highway 58
Harrison, TN 37341
(423) 344-7872
Harrison Church Mission Statement
Jesus REACHING people through people
Our mission is to reach, serve, and nurture the people in our
community by meeting their felt needs so they may be
receptive to God’s final invitation.
Reaching our community
Embracing attendees
Anchoring members to Christ
Connecting disciples to ministry
Honoring God through worship
Sabbath School
9:30 – Songs of Inspiration
9:45 – Lesson Study
Being & Doing
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do
what it says. (James 1:22, NIV)
S.S. Classes
Sanctuary (L) – Richard Gerber
Sanctuary (R) – Ellen Todosichuk
Fellowship Hall – Vincent Tan
Young Adult – Aaron & Ashley Brude
Church Stewardship: End of September
Hame (Mission Emphasis): Rec’d $ | Bal. $20
Rec’d $
Exp | Bal. $297.80
India Child:
Rec’d $8 | Exp.| Bal. $1,868.11
Online Giving: Go to, click on
the “Adventist Giving” Button
Next Week
Speaker – Pastor Sergio Freeman
Offering – Local Church Budget
Divine Worship: 10:40 –
Gathering in His Presence 2
10:40am: Songs of Praises: James & Michelle Bowen
10:45am: Welcome & Church Life: Mary Ann Ford
10:50am: Health Talk
11:00am: Call to Worship: Mary Ann Ford
*First Reading: By recommendation from the board to the
church that Michael Wynne be voted in as new church treasurer,
effective November 1, 2014. A vote will be taken Next Sabbath.
Celebrating His Goodness: 11:00am
James Bowen
Valerie Hernandez
Opening Hymn: #508 Anywhere with Jesus
Michelle Bowen
Tithes & Offerings: Local Conference Ministries
Children’s Story:
Richard Gerber
Praises & Prayer:
Mary Ann Ford
Tower of Power and Prayer of Intercession
Proclaiming His Word
Special Music:
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:1
Sermon: Frozen
Ann Boyd
Valerie Hernandez
Committing Our Lives
Closing Hymn: #100 Great is thy Faithfulness Michelle Bowen
Prayer of Benediction
Valerie Hernandez
James Bowen
Pianist: James Bowen | Chorister: Michelle Bowen
Serving You Today
Presiding Elder – Mary Ann Ford
Lead Deacon – Calvin Pichot
Co-Lead Deacon – Leland Johnson
Deacons on Duty Next Week
Lead Deacon – Mike Fraser
Co-Lead Deacon – Michael Wynne
*Transfer In: First Reading
Ethyn Vassar in from McDonald Rd SDA Church
*November 8 Sabbath School: Sabbath School will be
occupied by a Special Program “The Dragon Revealed” that will
be featured all day.
*Anchoring and Connecting group meeting: (AC) coordinated
by Hinsdale Bernard will meet during potluck on November
15. The AC consists of Health Ministries, Sabbath School,
Librarian, Prayer Chain Coordinators, and Women/Family Life
Library News: The Library is always open. For more
information or questions, contact Vi Keith
AED Location: In case of a medical emergency, the AED is
located above the fire extinguisher in the Sabbath School
classroom hallway, beside the Cradle Roll door".
*Bonfire: Social Committee has created a Bonfire for Saturday,
November 8th at 6pm at the Oliver’s Home. We will provide
Vegetarian Hot Dogs, Grillers, Black Bean Burgers and meat hot
dogs, along with condiments, beverage, and the S’mores. We ask
that the church members please bring the side dishes.
*South of the Border Christmas Party: Social Committee has
created the Christmas Party for December 13th, 6-10pm. This
year’s theme will be Mexican style. More info to come.