St. John Nepomucene R.C. Church 1140 Locust Avenue, Bohemia, New York 11716 PARISH OFFICE (631) 589-0540 (631) 244-8086 (FAX) [email protected] FAMILY FAITH FORMATION (631) 567-1765 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) [email protected] PARISH OUTREACH (631) 567-1995 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY (631) 589-4582 [email protected] STEWARDSHIP (631) 589-0540 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Sunday, December 28, 2014 MASS TIMES Saturday Evening: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, & 5:00 pm Monday through Friday: Check inside bulletin for schedule. Saturday: 9:00 am—only Holy Days: Check bulletin for schedule. Mass in Spanish: every Saturday at 7:30 pm SACRAMENTS BAPTISM—Call Parish Office for available Saturdays or Sundays. Baptismal preparation is required prior to the baptism of ANY child. RECONCILIATION—Saturdays from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm; seasonally, at special services; and anytime by request by calling the Parish Office. MARRIAGE—Arrangements must be made at least NINE months prior to wedding. This is to allow for the necessary interviews and required marriage preparation programs. NO DATE for a wedding can be given over the phone or reserved until the couple completes the formal paperwork with a member of the pastoral staff. ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations are scheduled periodically. The sacrament is available whenever there is a personal need by calling the Parish Office. Find us on the web: Pastoral Ministry Rev. Joseph Schlafer, Pastor, ext 229 Rev. Lawrence Chadwick, Associate Pastor, ext 213 Deacon James Bohuslaw, ext 510 Deacon Roger Mott, ext 511 Deacon George Reich, ext 512 Administration Ms. Carol Lee, Parish Facility Manager, ext 233 Mrs. Gina Cicero, Part-Time General Secretary, ext 202 Mrs. Donna Bellucci, Part-Time General Secretary, ext. 200 Sr. Maureen Morgan, RSM, Volunteer Assistant, ext 201 Family Faith Formation Mrs. Kathy Russell-Sica, Director, ext 223 Mr. James Tenney, Coordinator of Confirmation and Assistant Director, ext 224 Mrs. Dawn O’Donnell, Secretary (am), ext 225 Mrs. Barbara Langabeer, Receptionist (pm), ext 237 Music Ministry Mr. Joseph Graffeo, Director, ext 230 Outreach Sr. Lisa Bergeron, Director, OSU, ext.220 Stewardship Ms. Carol Lee, Coordinator, ext 233 Youth Ministry Marian Zahra, Director, ext 217 VISION STATEMENT: Rooted in Jesus Christ, we desire to become a vibrant worshipping community that reaches out in warmth and hospitality as we strive to make Christ known by responding to the challenge of the Gospel. If the weekend Mass intention is for your family member and you would like to bring up the gifts during the Mass, please notify the Parish Office during the week prior to the intended Mass. The day of the Mass, please arrive at church at least 5 minutes before the Mass begins and introduce yourself to one of our ushers. MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, December 29 READINGS: 1 Jn 2:3-11 / Lk 2:22-35 7:00 am John Bruno 9:00 am Gordan Williams TUESDAY, December 30 READINGS: 1 Jn 2:12-17 / Lk 2:36-40 7:00 am 9:00 am Gail DeSantos WEDNESDAY, December 31 READINGS: 1 Jn 2:18-21 / Jn 1:1-18 7:00 am 5:00 pm Lorraine Sweeney (1st Ann) THURSDAY, January 1 - Mary, Mother of God READINGS: Nm 6:22-27 / Gal 4:4-7 / Lk 2:16-21 9:00 am Father Bill Karvelis 10:30 am Mary Balsamo 12:00 pm Diane Hughes Everything I do and say… AFTER I SAY I BELIEVE! STEWARDSHIP IN SCRIPTURE “Whatever you do,” says St. Paul to the Colossians,… “do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through him.” And so it is that we offer our gifts in the Eucharist, “through Him, with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit…” STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION FRIDAY, January 2 READINGS: 1 Jn 2:22-28 / Jn 1:19-28 9:00 am Adrienne Buonincontri SATURDAY, January 3 READINGS: 1 Jn 2:29-3:6-4:6 / Jn 1:29-34 9:00 am Deacon Tony Cusumano 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Dec’d Members of the Morgan Family John Lapine 7:30 pm Spanish Mass SUNDAY, January 4 - Epiphany READINGS: Is 60:1-6 / Eph 3:2-3,5-6 / Mt 2:1-12 7:30 am Dec’d Members of the Wcela, Petrlak & Kovarik Families 9:00 am Patricia M. Lehecka Robert Freiburger 10:30 am Charles & Mad-lyn Companick 12:00 pm Parishioners of St. John’s Epiphany Pageant Confirmation Retreat 5:00 pm Intentions of Michael & Sarah Chadwick The Altar Bread and Wine and Altar Candle have been donated in loving memory of Theresa, Dominick and Frank Adducci PAGE 2—471 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph STEWARDSHIP SHARING FOR THE FISCAL YEAR: SEPTEMBER 1– AUGUST 31, 2015 Collection for the weekend of December 13/14 Envelopes / Loose Checks: 483 / 41 Regular Collection: $18,622.02 YTD Budgeted Amount: $ 256,000.00 (16,000 x 16 weeks) YTD Actual Collection: $ 251,171.20 SHORTAGE: $ 4,828.80 Children’s Stewardship: 4 envelopes, $12.15 I followed Jesus this week by... ...doing what I am supposed to do.. ...helping my friend with their math hw. A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR Who is your family? One of the memories I have from childhood is the fact that both of my parents always loved having company at our house. It could be relatives, neighbors, or any of the friends that my siblings or I would bring home with us, but my parents were always happy to have people visiting. I even remember my father saying to my friends from college, “Don’t wait for Joe to invite you again. Come see us anytime!” My parents would be even happier if the visitor could stay for dinner, and if any person asked for help, they were eager to respond. In effect, my parents’ loving and caring ways, although they were focused on their children, went beyond the six of us. They loved to welcome everyone. In doing so, they made it possible for us to understand that the meaning of family was more than just those people living under the same roof. My parents’ habit of extending family life and family love to visitors taught us that there is something bigger to appreciate and in which to participate. That larger reality is the human family or, better still, God’s family. This truth is perhaps one of the most important messages of this Sunday after Christmas which is called the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We know very little about the particular details of Jesus growing up with Mary and Joseph in Nazareth, but the meaning of their life as a family is that God’s love unites all of us as a family and offers hope and healing for us and for our world. This message is made clear in today’s Gospel. When Mary and Joseph take their newborn son to be presented in the temple, Simeon refers to the child as, “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” In other words, Jesus, who has been born to Mary and Joseph, has come for the whole human family. His love is universal. Jesus’ life with Mary and Joseph serves as the symbol for what the Lord’s mission is all about. He has come to unite all of humanity and make us realize that we are all in some way connected to each other. As members of God’s family, we are, in a real sense, brothers and sisters to every human being. Today, there are so many different expressions of family life. There are families by birth made up of two parents and children, single parent families, blended families, and families by adoption. But, whatever the circumstances, the family is the most important place where we learn the kind of self-sacrificing love, patience, and forgiveness by which we can grow beyond our “immediate family” and enjoy that destiny for which God created us, namely, to be the sons and daughters of a loving God who teaches all of humanity to be a family in the person of Jesus. Last winter during a big snowstorm, one of our own parishioners was in our church lobby and she happened to meet a mother and daughter from Central America who were looking for shelter. The random meeting prompted our parishioner to invite the two women into her home and they wound up enjoying her hospitality for four months until they were able to find a place to live. That’s the message of this feast of the Holy Family in a nutshell. Our own families are so crucial in determining who we are and who we become. Let’s be thankful for all those family members who have loved us. May we take the many gifts we have received from family life, and extend them in an ever-widening circle of love in the human family. That was the hope and prayer of our brother who first came to us in the stable of Bethlehem. ~Fr. Joe PAGE 3—471 BAPTISMS PRAY FOR THE DECEASED We welcome the newly baptized of the community and congratulate their parents: We are united in prayer with their families and with one another as we and all the faithful departed await our rising with the Lord. Brody Anthony Baldwin Kathleen Madden PRAY FOR THE SICK MARY’S CORNER Often it is requested for persons to be placed on the perpetual sick list. Sometimes it’s forgotten to have them removed as necessary. Kindly contact the Parish Office for any changes to the list. Dominic Ardazzone, Mark Arthus, Donna Blydenburgh, Meghan Brown, Mary Boland, Katherine Buckley, Dina Bugliari, Joseph Carnival, John Cascio, Kathryn Cast, Dolores Celeste, Mary Chesire, Melanie Chirachella, Tom Close, Don Croake, Mary Cullon, Christopher Dillon, Ester Dumloa, Marge Feather, Louis Friedman, Alexander Fuoco, Mary Jean Galli, Marlene Garjiulo, Patricia Grasso, Sister Jane Hlalligan, Marie Hughes, Emmanuella Ingrisano, Roseann Jerico, Edward Johnson, Michael Keane, Baby Bentley Kovanda, Ashley Kovanda, Mylinda Lieberman, Claire Lippi, Tony Lofaro, Gene Markey, Cameron Martocci, Thomas McCabe, Karen McLean, Rosie Monterrosa, Joseph Moretta, James Natalie, Peter Noel, Zachary Nowicki, Joan Parsons, Mary Anne Powers, Joseph Raffaele, Eva Reimer, Steven Santana, Gloria Sanseverino, Michelle Scaringi, Brian Scudero, Paige Somma, Bree Stoll, Kevin Swisher, Evelyn Toomey, Raeffela Trotta, Taylor Vetrano, Mercedes Vera, Sarah Vita Kathy Schmidt Kathleen Murray, Michael Bolognese, Kevin Inman Sal & Joyce Pinzone, Ruby Dailey Rivera PAGE 4—471 A donation was made to St. John’s Rosary Makers in loving memory of Deacon Tony Cusumano We ask that all of our parish family remember Deacon Tony Cusumano in your prayers for the month of December for all his kindness and good works that he has always shown to all. If you would like to make a donation to the Rosary Makers, please contact Carole Perez at 567-4808. PRAY FOR THOSE IN SERVICE We pray for all our servicemen and women who gave their lives in the fulfillment of their duties. We pray for the veterans whose lives have been permanently affected by their experiences in this war. We also remember the relief workers, contractors, Iraqi and Afghani men, women and children who have lost their lives in these conflicts. We pray for a speedy end to these wars. We pray for all of the men and women who come from our Parish and who are now serving our Country any place in the world. We would like you to remember them in your prayers. If you know someone you would like to add to the list, please call the Parish Office at 589-0540 and give us his/her name. Sunday: All Servicemen & Women Monday: Javier Rivera, U.S. Marine Land Corps Tuesday: Sgt Edward Riviello, U.S Army Wednesday: Staff Sgt Jennifer Roden, U.S. Army Thursday: LCmdr Arnold Roper, U.S. Navy Friday: LCpl Gregory Ryan, U.S. Marines Saturday: PFC Michael Ryan, U.S. Marines THIS WEEK — PARISH EVENTS SUNDAY December 28 - Feast of the Holy Family 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Church Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church 2:00 pm Baptisms, Church MONDAY December 29 8:45 am Perpetual Novena, Church NO Legion of Mary NO Sandwich Society TUESDAY December 30 8:00 pm Holy Hour, Church WEDNESDAY December 31 - New Year’s Eve 7:00 am Mass, Church NO Silent Eucharistic Adoration 5:00 pm Mass, Church Special Announcement! The Epiphany Pageant will take place next weekend: Sunday, January 4, 2015. All new format! Please see page 8 for details! Please join us for this celebration! PRO-LIFE ROSARY 1st Friday of each month after the 9:00 am Mass Next date: January 2nd THURSDAY January 1 - Holy Mary, Mother of God All Parish Offices Closed 9:00 am Mass, Church 10:30 am Mass, Church 12:00 pm Mass, Church FRIDAY January 2 9:30 am Pro-Life Rosary, Room 5a SATURDAY 8:30 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm January 3 First Saturday, Church Baptisms, Church Santo Rosario, Church Misa en Español, Church SUNDAY January 4 - Feast of the Epiphany 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Church Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church 12:00 pm Epiphany Pageant, Church Refreshments to follow in Parish Center Level 8 Confirmation Mass and Retreat, Church and Lower Level Please note that the Family Faith Formation offices and the Parish Outreach offices will be closed this week. Family Faith and Parish Outreach will reopen on Monday, January 5, 2015 Enjoy a wonderful Christmas Season! Happy New Year! THIS WEEK—SELF HELP GROUPS SUNDAY December 28 7:00 pm NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 NA, Convention Committee, Room 6b 8:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 MONDAY December 29 8:30 pm AA, Way of Life, Room 3 SAA-2, Room 5a NA, KISS, Room 4 WEDNESDAY December 31 7:30 pm AA, Primary Purpose, Room 2 8:00 pm NA, Circle of Serenity, Room 4 THURSDAY January 1 7:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 5b 7:30 pm SAA, Room 6b GA, Gamblers Anonymous, Room 2 FRIDAY January 2 7:30 pm AA, A Way of Life, Room 3 8:00 pm NA, Clean in Bohemia, Room 4 SUNDAY 9:00 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm January 4 Workaholics Anon., Room 2 NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 PAGE 5—471 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY - OUTREACH Domestic Violence Town of Islip Suicide Prevention 1-800-799-SAFE 277 4700 1-800-639-5433 or 1-800-952-3333 L. I. Association for AIDS 1-877-TO-LIACC Depression After Delivery 1-800-944-4PPD Crisis Pregnancy/Counseling 243-2373 24-hour State Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720 Baby Safe Haven Hot Line 877-796-HOPE If your last name Please consider shopping for the begins with — following items this week — A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z Shampoo/Jello/Juice/Cookies/Deodorant Toothpaste/ Juice/Detergent/Crackers Pudding/Juice/Jelly /Shampoo/Jello/Cereal Jelly/Peanut Butter/Juice/Crackers/Fruit Laundry Detergent/Juice/Saltines/Jello A Message from Sister Lisa Due to the dictates of the publisher’s schedule I write this on December 14th, as we prepare for the busiest week of the year. I know that so many of our families would not celebrate Christmas without your compassionate care. I ponder all that you so readily give, and know that ministering in this parish is such an undeserved grace . I am filled with gratitude. You so beautifully embody the spirit of Christmas of which Howard Thurman writes: The work of Christmas begins: When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the Kings and Princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flocks. The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among the people, To make music in the heart.. - Howard Thurman As we approach another new year, we remain grateful for continued opportunities to feed the hungry, heal the broken, welcome the stranger, visit the sick, shelter the homeless, to bring peace and thus to make music to fill our own and others’ hearts. My deepest hope is that this new year will unfold for us and for our world, in deep peace, renewed hope and the certain knowledge that we are loved beyond measure by a God whose heart cradles us all. Especially I pray that this new year be filled with every blessing for you and your families, and that we continue to be blessing for our world. May we rededicate ourselves to the work of the Gospel—that God’s peace may flourish in our hearts, our homes, our neighborhoods, and in every dark corner of our world. PAGE 6—471 Post Abortion Counseling - days (Project Rachel) - evenings The Life Center AA Hotline Drug Hotline 722-4355 242-0907 631-243-2373 631-669-1124 1-800-522-5353 Monthly Bereavement Support Groups Facilitated by Patricia Jones, MS Freeman Room, 7:00—8:30 pm General Bereavement: Second Mondays: next session January 5th Support for the loss of a Child: Third Mondays; next session January 12th Please call 631-205-1842 for more info. Annual Christmas Luncheon for ALL PSM/Outreach Volunteers (Budget Mentors, Core Workers, EMs to Homebound and Sick, Food Fellas, Friendly Visitors, Lazarus Ministers, Pantry Packers, Prayer Blanket Ministers, Sandwich Society Members, Transportation Ministers, Wednesday Wrappers and PSM Others) Friday, Jan. 9, 2015 12:30—3:00 pm Lower Level Please come and share the Christmas Spirit! RSVP by Jan. 6th Brown Paper Bags Needed! We DESPERATELY need brown grocery bags for packing the monthly Pantry food. Please leave your contribution on the Food Carts. THANK YOU! Outreach Office—Holiday Closure The Outreach Office will be closed for Christmas and New Year’s from December 23, 2014—January 2, 2015. We will reopen 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 5th. Please pray for: For people whose neighborhoods or countries are torn by violence, tribal hatred or war, that they may begin to know God’s peace. Legion of Mary First Saturday of the Month Rosary 8:30 am—before 9:00 am Mass Next date: January 3rd Please join the Legion of Mary to pray the Rosary and make the first Saturday devotion to our Blessed Mother. New members are always welcome. To join The Legion of Mary, please call Carole, at 567-4808 May the Blessings of Christmastime be with you throughout the coming New Year Please note the following holiday hours for the Parish General Office: Monday, December 29. 2014 Through Friday, January 2, 2015 9:30 am—1:00 pm Thursday, January 1, 2015 CLOSED ALSO: If you need to speak to a clergy member during hours when the office is closed, please call 589-0615 ATTENTION: AFFINITY 'WORD AND COMMUNION' SERVICE MINISTERS Please stop by the rear sacristy and pick up your January through March 2015 schedule and phone list. Ministers receiving the schedule and phone list via e-mail please retrieve them online. Thank you for your service. Contact John McGullam at 589-4239 for questions and/or comments. Faith and Light Meeting Friday, January 2nd, 7:00 p.m. Parish of the Holy Cross 95 Old Nichols Road, Nesconset (Faith and Light is an international faith-sharing organization for people with developmental challenges and their families and care-givers.) CENACLE PROGRAMS December 31, 2014 – January 1, 2015 NEW YEAR’S EVE OVERNIGHT IN PRAYER Come away from the busyness of the holidays to be in a quiet atmosphere with others to welcome the New Year and pray for peace. A festive dinner at 6:00 p.m. opens the evening followed by a presentation, time for personal reflection, and celebration of the Eucharist as we herald the beginning of the New Year. Presenter: Fr. Larry Lewis, M.M. Offering: $105, includes dinner $80 Commuters ($50 deposit required to hold your reservation.) CONTEMPLATIVE SINGLES at the Maude Adams House. Sundays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00p.m. 2015: January 18, February 15, March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 12, August 9. Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call to action in the Ministry of Single Life. Facilitator: Joan McGovern, Cenacle Staff Associate Offering: $35 Includes lunch. ($15 deposit required to hold your reservation) CENTERING PRAYER AFTERNOON at the Maude Adams House. Sundays, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 2015: January 18, February 15, March 15, April 19, May 17, June 21, July 12, August 9. DVD by Thomas Keating O.C.S.O., Centering Prayer, and discussion. You do not need to have any experience, simply the desire to rest in God’s Presence. “Be still and know that I AM God” (Psalm 46:10). Facilitator: Sr. Margaret Rohde r.c. Offering: Freewill T’ai Chi at the Maude Adams House Mondays, 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. 2015: I – Jan. 12, 19, 26 Feb. 2, 9 II- Mar 2, 9, 16, 23 April 13, 20, 27 Offering: $15 per session Facilitator: Sr. Pamela Falkowski, r.c. All programs take place at the Cenacle Retreat House 310 Cenacle Road, Ronkonkoma, NY unless otherwise noted. Call (631) 588-8366 for more information. PAGE 7—471 EPIPHANY PAGEANT NEW FORMAT THIS YEAR! Epiphany is the day the church celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings or Magi or Wise Men who traveled from afar to adore the newborn King. They find the infant Jesus with his mother, Mary and earthly father, Joseph. With this feast we recognize that Jesus came for all people, not just the Jewish people who were waiting for the Savior and Messiah. This year, we will be having the Epiphany Pageant as part of the 12 Noon Mass on Sunday, January 4, 2015 All parishioners are invited to come to the 12 Noon Mass and watch as the children act out the Epiphany story. There will be a potluck gathering in the PARISH CENTER immediately following the Mass. As we do not have facilities to heat food, we ask you to please bring only hors d’ouevres and small finger sandwiches for all to enjoy. We also invite you to bring any desserts that you would like to contribute. If you like, dishes that you do not wish to be left in your car during Mass may be brought to Door 1 of the Parish Center before Mass begins. We will once again be asking for non-perishable food items to donate to our Parish Outreach. You will have the opportunity during Mass to bring forward your gifts. Please call Peggy Murphy at 516-314-8506 with any questions. Thank you and we hope to see you there! PAGE 8—471 Sure you come to Church each week, Welcome! to but... are you REGISTERED at St. John’s? “Registered” means that at some time in the past you have to come to the Parish Office (Door 4), talked with a Parish Representative and completed a Registration Form. The information on this form was then entered into our database and weekly stewardship envelopes were mailed to your home. (Being married at St. John’s does not automatically make you “registered”). WHY REGISTER??? Well, in order to have your child baptized or registered in Family Faith Formation Classes, or if you have been asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation in another Church, you will need to be registered. By registering, you are saying that St. John’s is your Parish and that you want to be part of our parish family. By registering, you are making a commitment to be a good steward by sharing your time, talent and treasure for the good of the parish. By registering, you are developing a partnership with all in developing your faith life here at St. John’s. So, please register a.s.a.p.! If you are unsure of your registration status, or if your phone or family status has changed, you may call the Parish Office with any other questions at 631589-0540. Thank you for your interest. St. John Nepomucene R. C. Church We are happy that you have come to worship with us today and hope that you find spiritual refreshment in this place. If you are visiting, please take greetings back from St. John’s congregation to your home Parish. If you are seeking to join a worshipping community, or need the Church’s ministry, please fill out the form below. Give it to one of the Clergy or Ushers or place it in the Offering Basket. I would like to receive information about becoming a member of St. John Nepomucene R.C. Church. NAME:______________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________ ____________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________ □ I would like to be contacted by a Priest or Staff member. □ I am interested in baptism / confirmation. □ I am interested in opportunities for my child(ren). □ I am interested in opportunities for my teen(s) □ I would like to be contacted by Outreach. □ A member of our household is homebound and would like to receive the Sacraments. PAGE 9—471 $50 FEE Friday, January 30th $50 FEE RETURN BOTTOM w/PAYMENT by January 23rd YES ! I will stay awake with St. John’s Youth Group from 9 pm on Friday, January 30th until I am picked up on Saturday, January 31st at 6 AM . I will follow all guidelines and rules set up by the Youth Ministry Staff and Leaders, and I will have an AWESOME experience! NAME: __________________________________ AGE: _________ PHONE: ____________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ PAID $50:_______________ PAGE 10—471 ** T-Shirt Size: ___________ HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH InSite Nite MINI-SERIES begins on January 7th. Like any MINI-SERIES, the excitement will build each week for these meetings regarding the Seven Deadly Sins. EVERY week prayer is a different experience, and a chance to find what YOU need. Come to the Little Church at 7pm on a Wednesday and see for yourself. There is always food and beverage available which is free ( we have a donation jar if you can put something in it). See you NEXT week ! JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH FOCUS continues to be an amazing group of Junior High teens. NEW members are always welcome ! Let’s pack out the Little Church on Friday, January 9th from 7:30 to 9 pm. Sign up for our Junior High LOCK IN Retreat on January 30th. This is by Pre Registration ONLY, so don’t delay – get your application in ASAP. What goes up, must come down… Believe it or not, the Christmas season is over! We will be meeting in the Church on Friday, January 9th, at 6:30 pm to un-decorate the church. We could use a few good men who can lift and climb ladders… if you are available at that time and are interested in helping out, please contact Barbara Vinci at 567-7055. All are welcome and remember, “many hands make light work”! Attention all former Choir Members and / or Cantors. Do you have a copy of the Hymn book, Gather? We are searching high and low for copies, this book is now out of print and we need them for our new Cantors and Choir members. Please return them asap. You may drop them off at the Parish Office between the hours of 9:30am and 5pm. Call Joe Graffeo at 589-0540 with any questions. Do you know a couple married for 70...75…80 years?? The fifth annual search for the longest married couple in the United States has begun as announced by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. This is the fifth consecutive year we have recognized couples for their long marriages. This year Harold & Edna Owings of Burbank, CA were recognized for their 82 years of marriage. There are also state winners recognized at the same time each year for their longest marriages. There have been over 1200 couples nominated for the honors during the last four years. Winners are selected solely from nominations submitted. The national winners will be recognized during Valentine’s Week 2015, which coincides with World Marriage Day, which is the second Sunday of February. To nominate a couple, please submit their name, their wedding date and where they currently resideplus a contact phone or email address of the individual nominating the couple. Mail info to: Dick & Diane Baumbach 8924 Puerto Del Rio Drive Suite 402, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920, phone 321613-5180. Or email [email protected], Nominations must be received by January 10th, 2015. PAGE 11—471 SPANISH MINISTRY Queridas hermanos / hermanas: Si usted quisiera que la Intencion de la Santa Misa o El Pan y El Vino sean ofrecidas en honor o memoria para un ser querido suyo, lo podria solicitar en la oficina de la Iglesia de Lunes a Viernes. A continuacion, los servicios que nuestra parroquia ofrece a la comunidad hispana son los siguientes: Todos los sábados, celebramos la Santa Misa en espanol, empezamos a las 7:00pm, con el Santo Rosario y a las 7:30pm., la Santa Misa. Si usted desea recibir el Sacramento de la reconciliación (confesión), el sacerdote que celebrará la Santa Misa, esta disponible antes y después de la celebración. Para la oración en los hogares llamar a Clarita a el tel. 631-580-1718. Para recibir en su casa la peregrinación de la Imagén de Nuestra Sra. de Fátima, llamar a Letty a el tel. 347-239-2178. Para las instrucciones de los Santos Sacramentos en español llamar a Lucy a el tel. 631-472-2724. Acuerdense de que: EN LA UNION ESTA LA FUERZA PLEASE NOTE … For all our parishioners, even if you do not speak Spanish, we would encourage you to spread the word among those who you may know that might be interested, that Spanish Masses are being held EVERY Saturday at 7:30 pm, with the Rosary being said at 7:00 pm. PAGE 12—471 Retreats for Healing After Abortion Do you know someone who is hurting from abortion? The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. It begins Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. For more information please contact: Deacon Joe McNicholas at (516) 445-3927 or email: [email protected] Communication is strictly confidential To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard, look online at call 1-877-HOPE 4 ME (1-877-467-3463). DID YOU KNOW?? Youth Ministry and Family Faith have facebook pages! Visit today and “like” us for updates, photos and news! (To find us, type the name exactly as follows:) St. John Nepomucene YouthMinistry St John Nepomucene Family Faith GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Calling all Song Birds! The Heart of Long Island Chorus is currently looking for women singers of all ages to become members of the chorus! You are invited to attend our rehearsal night held every Tuesday evening (7-10 pm) in Holbrook. Come hear us sing, learn about four part a cappella harmony and enjoy a few laughs with new friends. Ability to read music is not a requirement, however, previous chorus/choir experience is helpful. Vocal training and music education are included in membership benefits. Come on down and see the fun you can have singing with a great group of women. We’ll be looking for you! Interested in attending a rehearsal or learning more about the chorus? Please contact Monica at 631-730-6234 or contact us through email at: [email protected] FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Reminder ! In today’s Gospel we hear from Luke a piece of the story immediately after Jesus was born. We hear of the shepherds who hurried to find the baby born under the bright star. Often in these days it was said that very special people were born under special stars. They told of how the angels sang out to them the good news that a savior was born! We then hear that Mary and Joseph like all good Jewish parents brought their baby to be formally named on the 8th day after he was born. They gave him the name Jesus; the name the angel Gabriel told Mary to call him. This name means “God saves”. What a great name for Jesus! The story makes sure to tell us also that Mary kept all these things that happened with and for her son in her heart which was a way of saying she really was thinking hard about what and who her newborn baby was. Questions – 1. Our names all have some kind of significance, just like Jesus’ name. What does your name mean? Were you named after anyone? Is it a family name? 2. Imagine Mary kissing her little baby Jesus on his cheek! What would it be like to hold Jesus and kiss his cheek? A Very Happy and Blessed New Year to all our Family Faith Formation Families and Catechists and the St. John’s Community from all of us in Family Faith Formation!!! Kathy, Jim, Dawn, and Barbara We have no classes UNTIL: Monday, January 12, 2015 Questions? Call 567-1765 GIFT News Attention GIFT Families: Our midyear meeting will be on January 6, 2015 at 6 pm in the Lower Level of the Church. Please bring your books to be checked. This meeting is for the student and an adult together. The Heart Club Today’s families meet many challenges. We would like to help your children be more comfortable within your family structure whatever that may be. Have your children experienced loss, or change in their lives? Children of divorce, single parent or loss of a parent are welcome. When: Grades 1-3 January 14th Grades 4-6 January 21st Grades 7-8 January 28th Time: 6-7 pm. Where: Room 1 in the Parish Center Please come and join us for a free, delightful support group for children. Level 8 News Please be aware that next Sunday, January 4th, is our first Confirmation Retreat. Check to see when you are scheduled by teacher. We begin with the 12 noon Mass and continue downstairs with pizza and our retreat until 4:30pm. No books needed. Parents need to come downstairs to pick up your student. PAGE 13—471 CHILDREN’S PAGE THE PRESENTATION Luke 2:22-40 The following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Feast of the Holy Family. The word clues are in the order in which they appear in the reading. WORD LIST: MOSES JERUSALEM LORD LAW CONSECRATED TURTLEDOVES PIGEONS DICTATE SIMEON DEVOUT ISREAL HOLY SPIRIT CHRIST BLESSED PROPHETESS TEMPLE FASTING GALILEE NAZARETH FAVOR PAGE 14—471 D S G N I T S A F H L T F J E R U S A L E M S I N T Q V B L A E R S I R S A S H O L M D E P U I E D Z I W D E T R S N P D E T A R C E S N O C S M V L W R H S L S E L Y O O Z I P E C I T E O L S U K O L U T T M R D O E T R O V A F H S E U H S P S N O E G I P U O T D I C T A T E M P L E N SAYVILLE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS STEAM-A-WAY CARPET CLEANING “Steam Makes it Clean” Servicing the Tri-State Area Carpet & Upholstery • Flood Restoration Tile & Grout Cleaning Commercial/Residential TIM JONASON 631-682-1251 Lasik Refractive Consultation “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” OPHTHALMOLOGY Cataracts & Implants Diabetic Eye Care Contact Lenses Comprehensive Eye Care Glaucoma Care Workers’ Comp Most Medical Plans & Major Credit Cards Accepted M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM • Sat. 9:00AM - 12:00PM (631) 589-2535 Sayville Doctor of Chiropractic Diplomate Applied Chiropractic Sciences 1300 Montauk Highway, Oakdale Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies • Specialty Services 1-855-488-2149 887 Church St., Bohemia 631-567-4437 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am -12pm & 3pm-7pm Sat. 9am-11am A Member of the Cassena Care Network State of The Art Rehabilitation Center Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Contact: 631-567-9300 O’Neill Masonry & Home Improvement Gregory Plante President Since 1986 John F. 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Ronkonkoma, NY Medford, NY 631-589-1740 4532 Sunrise Hwy., Oakdale, NY 11769 In Waldbaum’s Shopping Center Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11am-10pm • Closed Sunday John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 •
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