United Church of Hinesburg P.O. Box 39 Hinesburg, VT 05461 APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER TO: Pastor: Rev. Jared Hamilton Pastor’s Email: [email protected] Church Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am – Noon Office Contacts: 482-3352 / [email protected] Please help keep our records current by contacting the UCH Office with changes to your e-mail or mailing address. Thank you! Pastor’s Message: Room for Humor One morning in Sunday school when I was little I asked the question “Did Jesus ever laugh?” My teacher at the time, Uncle Steve as all of us kids called him, replied, “Well, it doesn’t say that Jesus laughed in the Bible so we don’t know.” Needless to say, Uncle Steve’s literal reading of Scripture was not what I was hoping for. I was hoping for a Jesus that laughed like me and wasn’t as serious as all the very religious people I knew. Humor is an important aspect of life and the journey of faith. For some it offers consolation: Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is. - Francis Bacon For others it provides a means of survival: You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it. - Bill Cosby But one of the difficulties with humor is that it can feel irreverent. Perhaps for this reason, humor has not always entered into the realm of faith - the place where reverence is taken very seriously. As we approach the cross of Good Friday and the empty tomb of Easter Sunday it seems that we are entering an especially serious time. After all, this is the story about the trial and death of Jesus of Nazareth. This is a terrible story - a story only overshadowed in our Gospels by the victorious resurrection three days later. Surely there is no humor to be found in this difficult story. But perhaps humor can speak to truth in ways that other expressions cannot. Humor can even speak to difficult truths in profound ways. When comedian Jim Gaffigan was asked about the birth of his fourth child he said: You want to know what it's like having a fourth kid? Imagine you're drowning. Then someone hands you a baby. What does this say about the difficulty of parenting? It sometimes feels this way for me with two children, much less four. Does your faith have room for humor? Is it okay to laugh with the parts of faith that don’t make sense or are too difficult to understand with a straight face? If this is the case, then this is the season for a little laughter. Jesus died and was risen again. This truth of our faith is the most difficult of all. May you find consolation, survival and a Jesus who smiled during this most holy of seasons. Blessings, Pastor Jared Spiritual Formation Because of a snowstorm we cancelled the March 12, 2014 Lenten Vesper Service. This means we were unable to reflect on one of Jesus’ last words from the cross. Below is a condensed version of the second word from Luke 23:43: “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus is strangely silent on the cross while the two criminals hanging on either side of him debate his identity. Jesus only speaks when the “good” criminal turns to Jesus and says, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” In all the gospels he is one of the few who dare to speak to Christ, calling him by his name, “Jesus.” Jesus replies, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” There is something in all of us that calls out “Remember me.” But it is so difficult to remember. The act of remembering is a slow act. It requires space and time -- things that are hard for us to cultivate. In our quickly moving lives the story of Jesus asks us to slow down and remember. It’s interesting that the criminal’s request, “Remember me” - is a dying man’s request to another dying man. And yet the dying Jesus gives a promise - there is a home for him in paradise. It’s a still moment. Jesus has promised a new home. In remembering the cross perhaps we can give it a home in our hearts. And when our own time comes and we turn to our God with a simple request, “Remember me,” we can rest assured because we know our God will remember us, and in God’s remembering, we too will find our way home. Adult Study /Spiritual Formation: Practicing God-talk for April 27th Practicing God-talk using an interview with Brian McLaren, a widely sought Christian speaker, from "On Being” with Krista Tippett on NPR (3/13/14). Asked how his image of God has evolved across the years, McLaren cites a Muslim’s call to reflect on God’s beauty. Listen to the interview or read the transcript at http://www.onbeing.org/program/brian-mclaren-the-equation-of-change/6175 or access the podcast on your iPad or cell phone at (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/brian-mclaren-equationchange/id150892556?i=277780584&mt=2) In the Bible, reflect on Luke 9:50: “But Jesus said to him, ‘Do not stop him; for whoever is not against you is for you.’” Get a copy of the transcript on the table at the door as you leave the sanctuary on 4/20 or 4/27. If possible, during coffee hour on 4/27, bring your snacks to Classroom 1 for about 20 or so minutes of discussion of this topic. Worship News Lent is upon us. Pastor Jared suggested to us one Sunday recently that instead of “giving up” something for Lent, we increase or add something. Doing extra reading is always good. Finding time to accomplish this is a challenge, isn’t it? However, how fruitful it can become! It is good for the health in so many ways. When you read something really interesting, share it with someone. “It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love.” (from Pass It On – Hymn number 572). Good advice for everyday living, don’t you agree? Worship Committee: Sandy White & Judy Parker, Co-Chairs; Emma Mead, Ellen Phelps, Barbara Forauer, Rufus Patrick. Your Worship Committee Lenten Vesper Services Continue At the United Church of Hinesburg, Vespers is the traditional service for afternoon and evening prayer. It consists of selected Psalms and hymns, a scripture reading, a brief reflection, a time for prayer and communion. During the season of Lent we will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm to reflect upon Christ’s passion. This year at UCH the reflections are focusing on the seven last things Christ said from the cross. The remaining services are: April 2, 2014 - “I am thirsty.” April 9, 2014 - “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands.” April 17, 2014 (Maundy Thursday) - “It is finished.” The service usually lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. If you have any questions or would like to participate in the service as reader, musician or offer a reflection, please contact Pastor Jared. Special Easter offering We invite you to celebrate Easter with an additional contribution to the United Church. Easter offering envelopes will be available Sunday mornings through Easter and in mailed copies of this newsletter. If you receive this newsletter via email and would like an envelope, contact Heather Roberts in the Church office ([email protected] or 482-3352). Easter Memorial Flowers If you would like to purchase a spring plant (lily, tulip or daffodil) for Easter, please fill out the form in the Sunday bulletins in the weeks prior to Palm Sunday and put it in the collection plate. The suggested donation is $7. Please make checks payable to United Church of Hinesburg with "flowers" written on the memo line. The information needed is: your name, phone number and name(s) of the memory person(s). You may also send the information and a check to United Church of Hinesburg, PO Box 39, Hinesburg, VT 05461. You are welcome to take a plant home after Easter Service. April Worship Schedule: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 – Lenten Vesper Service – 7PM Reflection: “I Am Thirsty.” Sunday, April 6, 2014 – Communion Scriptures: Sermon: Hymns: Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 11:38-44 “Them Bones, Them Bones, Them Dry Bones” #92 “For the Beauty of the Earth” #630 “Become to Us the Living Bread” #2158 “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” Wednesday, April 9, 2014 – Lenten Vesper Service – 7PM Reflection: “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands.” Sunday, April 13, 2014 – Palm Sunday Scriptures: Sermon: Hymns: Psalm 118:1-2,19-29; Matthew 21:1-11 “All that Hope can Mean” #261 “Lord of the Dance” #216 (NCH) “All Glory, Laud and Honor” #371 “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” Thursday, April 17 , 2014 – Maundy Thursday – Service of Tenebrae – 7PM Reflection: “It is finished.” Friday, April 18 , 2014 – Good Friday – Ecumenical Service at St. Jude’s – 3PM Sunday, April 20 , 2014 – Easter Sunday 6:30AM and 10AM Scriptures: Sermon: Hymns: Jeremiah 31:1-6; Matthew 28:1-10 “Resolution or Transformation?” #302 “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” #581 “Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service” #322 “Up from the Grave He Arose” Sunday, April 27, 2014 Scriptures: Sermon: Hymns: 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 “Can We Trust What We See?” #64 “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” #310 “He Lives” #400 “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” Maundy Thursday meal at 6PM We will share a simple meal of bread, soup, cheese and fruit in the Parish Hall prior to the Maundy Thursday service. Christian Education News Christian Education Committee: Eileen Ashe, Chair; Heather Roberts, CE Coordinator; Howdy Russell, Dianne Hall, Jennifer Lian, Renate Parke, Grace Farley, Dot Blanck and Alice Cobb On April 6th, youth who participated in the Communion Education class will do a short presentation during the worship service. The other Sunday School classes (with the exception of nursery) will remain in church for the duration of the service. The children will perform “Spirit of the Living God” which they have been practicing for several weeks. On Palm Sunday, April 13th, the children will process with palms singing “Hail the King Who Comes A-Riding” and will then go to the Parish Hall to complete and deliver Easter Baskets to shut-ins from our church community. Please have them dress appropriately for the weather as we plan to walk to Kelley’s Field and Lyman Meadow. Please note that there is no Sunday School on April 20 th or April 27th because of school vacation week. Nursery care will be available. Church Council News 2014 Annual Meeting Our Annual Meeting was held on February 9th. We looked back at 2013, receiving the December 31st Treasurer’s Report and year-end reports from Committees and Ministry Teams, which are available for download from the church website. We celebrated our 2013 accomplishments, the most significant being the calling of Pastor Jared, and we celebrated ending the year with a small, but positive balance. Looking ahead to 2014 the membership approved a set of goals brought forward by the Church Council, the 2014 budget, and the 2014 lay leadership slate. A narrative version of the budget is available on the church website. If you would like more specific information, please contact me. Our 2014 goals, which will support our church’s ministry goals by providing a solid organizational foundation, are: Develop and implement a Safe Church Policy Revise our church bylaws Raise up Stewardship as an important focus for our church End 2014 without an income and expense gap Ensure investment strategy is appropriate and yielding beneficial results Pastor Jared, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, thanked everyone who stepped up to serve on committees and as leaders in 2014. There are still some openings including a Co-chair for the Christian Education Committee, Chair of Stewardship and Finance, a Trustee, a Lay Member of New England Conference (UMC) and a Lay Delegate to the American Baptist Churches of Vermont and New Hampshire. Please see Pastor Jared if you are interested in any of these opportunities to serve our church. Many thanks to all who attended the meeting. Yvonne Whitaker, Church Council Chair Justice & Witness Committee News Annual Hearts for Hunger 5K/1K Fun Run & Walk Event May 31st Justice & Witness Committee: Lori McKenna, Chair; Sue Barden, Melissa Loretan, Barbara Forauer, Karen Farnsworth, Penny Grant, Kristi Johnson, Meaghan McKenna and Nicole Utter. Hosted by the Justice & Witness Committee, this event is the Church’s largest mission project of the year. The Hearts for Hunger event, in it’s second year, is a fundraiser for the Vermont Foodbank’s Backpack Program, which directly impacts our local community. This nationally recognized program of Feeding America is designed to meet the needs of hungry children at times when other resources, like school breakfast and lunch, are not available, such as weekends and school vacations. For more information on this program, I encourage you to visit: http://www.vtfoodbank.org/OurPrograms/YouthPrograms/BackPackProgram.aspx Last year we were able to donate almost $3,500 to the Vermont Foodbank – This equates to 700 backpacks that our Church alone was able to fill for hungry children in the state Each $5 donation can fill one backpack! There are many ways that you can participate in this fundraising event: Run or walk on May 31 Volunteer on event day (see Meaghan McKenna for more details) Donate an item (or gift card) to be used as a prize on event day Sponsor a runner or walker Make a donation in Church by putting money in an envelope addressed as "Hearts for Hunger" o Bake cookies for race day o o o o o We hope that you will consider joining us again this year on Saturday, May 31! Please find more information, as well as the link to the registration website, here: https://heartsforhunger5k.webconnex.com/UCH?3736166 For those interested in supporting the event in other ways, please email Meaghan at: [email protected] We hope to see you there! Thank you for helping us spread the word about this exciting and meaningful community event! April 2014 Happenings at UCH {All meetings/events are held in Osborne Parish House unless otherwise noted.} Monday nights Wednesday nights Every other Tues night Most Fridays Tuesday, April 1 Tuesday, April 1 Wednesday, April 2 Saturday, April 5 Sunday, April 6 Wednesday, April 9 Tuesday, April 15 Wednesday, April 16 Thursday, April 17 Friday, April 18 Friday, April 18 Friday, April 25 Sunday, April 27 Tuesday, April 29 5:00pm-9:30pm 6:30pm-9:00pm 6:30pm-8:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:30-11:00am 11:30am 7:00pm 10:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 5:30pm-7:00pm 11:00-11:30am 7:00pm Parish House reserved by private group Boy Scout Meetings Cub Scout Meetings Hinesburg Senior Meal site/WIC Membership Care Committee meeting Staff Parish Committee meeting Lenten Vesper service in the sanctuary Auxiliary meeting Justice & Witness Committee meeting Lenten Vesper service in the sanctuary Worship Committee meeting Christian Education Committee meeting Lenten Vesper service in the sanctuary (dinner at 6) April newsletter deadline Ecumenical Good Friday Service at St. Jude’s FREE Community meal Practicing God-talk Church Council meeting HOW TO PLANT YOUR GARDEN PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS: 1. Peas of mind 2. Peas of heart 3. Peas of soul PLANT THREE ROWS OF SQUASH: 1. Squash gossip 2. Squash indifference 3. Squash grumbling 4. Squash selfishness PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE: 1. Lettuce be faithful 2. Lettuce be kind 3. Lettuce be patient 4. Lettuce really love one another NO GARDEN IS WITHOUT TURNIPS: 1. Turnip for meetings 2. Turnip for worship services 3. Turnip to help one another TO CONCLUDE OUR GARDEN, WE MUST HAVE THYME: 1. Thyme for God 2. Thyme for family 3. Thyme for friends Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow. Weekend Family Bereavement Camp May 30, 31 & June 1, 2014 at YMCA Camp Abnaki in North Hero, VT For families with children who have experienced the death of a loved one. Camp Knock Knock is a program of the Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden & Grand Isle Counties. For more information or to register call Ally Parker, CKK Director, at 802-860-4499 x3405 April 2014 April Birthdays & Anniversaries 02 03 06 07 08 08 10 10 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 17 18 19 19 23 24 24 25 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 Phil Pouech Connor Brien Steve Utter Reggie Robinson Taylor Danforth Ellen Dooley David Newton Meg Patrick Jacob Ashe Jonah Hay Amelie Lepple Yvonne & Tod Whitaker Gary Carpenter Ella O’Neil Trinka Parker Jessica Utter Anita (Sam) & Jim Collins Marie Eddy Ed Sengle Rick Garey Eleonora Cudney Mike & Linda Quinn Lana Benoit Ouimet James Dunshee Randy Warren Carolyn Wood Daniel & Valerie Spadaccini Kevin Francis Brian Hanlon Gregory & Nancy Waples Damara Warren April 6th Greeters: Baker family Ushers: Katie & Jacob Ashe Reader: Sarah Johnson April 13th Greeters: Miller family Ushers: Mary Eddy Stewart & Paul Eddy Reader: Mary Eddy Stewart April 20th Greeters: Amy & Graycie Elkins Ushers: Peg & Jeff Pratt Reader: Howdy Russell April 27th Greeter: Paul Emmons Ushers: Paul Emmons & Ellen Phelps Reader: Sharonlee Trefry April Coffee Hour Hosts— Chairs: Sally Mead & Laurie Place Michelle Fischer Rhonda Ploof Nancy Goddard Alice Cobb Heidi Simkins Thank you for your service! It’s Your Day, Celebrate! If you don’t see your birthday or anniversary listed, please call the Church Office so we may include you! Looking for news regarding specific denominations? Check these websites… www.neumc.org | www.vtcucc.org | www.abcvnh.org Distributing the monthly newsletter by email saves the church a considerable amount of money in postage expenses. If you currently receive a mailed hard copy of the church newsletter, please consider contacting the church office with an updated email address to which future issues can be sent. Thank you!
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