ST. ANNE'S CHURCH SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 4:00 PM Deceased Members of the Sagnelli Family Req. by Tina Castagna SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:00 AM Diane Gaffney & Judy Abbasaia, Req. by Family 9:00 AM Jack Zona, Req. by Family 10:30 AM Marianne Kangiser(Birthday Remem.) Req. by Family SHREWSBURY, MA JANUARY CALENDAR January 11 January 12 January 20 January 24 January 26 January 27 Grades K-1 Grades 5 & 6 Grades 9 & 10 Grades 7 & 8 Grades 3 & 4 Grades 5 & 6 Grades 9 & 10 Grades 7 & 8 8:45 – 10:00 am 4:30 – 5:45 pm 6:30 – 8:00 pm 6:30 – 8:00 pm 10:00 – 12:00 pm 4:30 – 5:45 pm 6:30 – 8:00 pm 6:30 – 8:00 pm WEEK OF JANUARY 12 THRU JANUARY 18, 2015 MONDAY, JANUARY 12, First week in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM Roger Laplant. Req. by Gloria D’Andrea TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, St. Hilary, Bishop & Dr. of the Church 9:00 AM Genevieve Gruszka (Birthday Remem.) Req. by Friend WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 9:00 AM Louise Tomiolo, Req. by Family THURSDAY,JANUARY 15 9:00 AM Joseph Zalansky (Birthday Remem.) Req. by Family RIDAY, JANUARY 16 9:00 AM Francis Reiman, Req. by Family SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, St. Anthony, Abbot 4:00 PM Lennon & Shea Foley Families, Req. by Family SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, Second Sunday in Ordinary ATime 7:00 AM Donna Holbrook,, Req. by Family 9:00 AM Linda Senior & Mary Finizza, Req. by Family 10:30 AM George Michalak (2nd Anniv.) and Susan Duquette, Req, by Family. COFFEE HOUSE This Sunday SUNDAY COFFEE HOUSE WILL CLOSE UNLESS MORE VOLUNTEERS ARE WILLING TO HELP!! Contact Andy Cesnickas at [email protected] Pro-Life Mass and March for Life All are invited to attend the Pro-Life Mass with Bishop McManus on Wednesday, January 21 at 7:30 pm. at St. Paul Cathedral. 19 Chatham St., Worcester. Please join us as we remember the 42nd tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade and pray for an end to abortion and the conversion of our nation. We will also pray in a special way for all those who will be travelling to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life. MARCH FOR LIFE BUS TRIP SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 4:00 PM Eu. Min. Cheryl Abbascia, Jo-Ann Bafaro Tammy Mastro, Tracy Flynn Lector Angela Casey Servers Alexandra & VincenziaBurdulis SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 7:00 AM Eu. Min. Joan Brunell, Joe Harrington Gail Progin Lector Art Brunell Servers Nick & Noah Oliva 9:00 AM Eu. Min. Melissa Baldino, Louisa O. Odjegba Sheryl Goodart, Barbara Lee Lector Rebecca Lee Servers Michael Lee, Cameron & Caden Barnett 10:30 AM Eu. Min. Florence Bergquist, Paul Bleau Norma Caron, Matthew Carr Lector Irene Chiavalloti Servers Kevin Hayes, Christian Mauro January 22, 2015 Cost is $85 per person. Download registration forms at or contact the Respect Life Office at 508-929-4311 or email [email protected] for more information. The Baptism of the Lord “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of those sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” (Mark 1:7) We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things should be our top priority. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD *Christmas Collection* $17,802 Gifts for God: Parish Stewardship of Treasure DATE: Fiscal Year Sept. 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2015 Ordinary Weekly Budget Collections (Expenses) December 28, 2014 January 4, 2015 Budget VS. Actual Year To Date ActuaL Year To Date FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE Special Collections, $7,426 $8,164 01/04 $(1,973) 12/28 (2,711) 12/28 146,749 01/04$154,913 12/28$(25,580) 01/04(27,553) $10,137 $10,137 $172,329 $182,466 $172,329 $182,466 01/04 $36,618 12/28 $32,724 MORNING BIBLE STUDY Morning Bible Study will resume on January 19 th with the Gospel of Luke, Chapters 8 through 15. Come and join us in this facilitated study led by Bruce Andrews. Sessions will be after the 9:0 am mass (9:45-11:00 am) in the Marian Room of the Fr. Smith Center. These sessions will consist of scripture reading, commentary, reflection and sharing. Coffee and refreshments are available before we begin. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR SOPRANOS TO PERFORM AT THE HANOVER THEATRE Auditions will be held from 1pm to 3pm at The Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts, 2 Southbridge St. Worcester, for any female soprano age 15 or older from the parish who wants to perform with “The Priests”. The renowned trio of priests from Northern Ireland will sing March 27 at the theatre in a benefit for the St. John’s Food for the Poor Program. To register or for more details, contact Melanie Donegan at [email protected] or by calling (508) 755-8322. Deadline is January 15. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SENIOR EMPLOYMENT Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Worcester administers a Senior Employment Program that provides training opportunities for unemployed, low-income residents of Worcester and Franklin Counties who are 55 years of age and older. We are currently enrolling new participants at this time. Catholic Charities assigns qualified individuals, known as “senior aides” to various training sites that are located at non-profit organizations or government organizations. Senior aides are asked to perform a variety of responsibilities including clerical and administrative functions, maintenance work, library support, etc., depending on their interests. Participants are paid $9 an hour for 20 hours a week. For more information call Catholic Charities at the Worcester office at (508) 798-0191. The Dominican Sisters will be at St. Anne’s on February 28 and March 1 with their delicious baked goods. The proceeds from the sale will be used to buy medical supplies for our mission to support the lepers. CARNEVALE! Sons of Italy – Worcester Lodge #168 Saturday, February 7, 2015 Dinner at 7:00 - Entertainment by Ambrosiani Our Lady of Mount Carmel Center. Mulberry St., Worcester $35 pp - BYOB Contact: Mark Gerardi- 508-754-0486; Mary Disilvestro 508-757-8437 Rosemarie Militarian-508-852-7152; Enzo Angilella 508-756-0260 WOMEN OF FAITH DAY OF PRAYER IN THE NEW YEAR Saturday, January 17, 2015 9:30 am – 1:00 pm St. Anne’s Convent 720 Boston Post Road East, Marlborough, MA Please email or call Lori Pandiscio, 508-498-3778, [email protected] or Sr. Yvette Bellerose, 774-239-3371, [email protected] to pre-register. Registration fee is $5.00. Retrouvaille of New England STRUGGLING IN YOUR MARRIAGE? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! The 2014/15 New England Retrouvaille marriage renewal weekends will be held on: April 10-12, 2015-September 11-13. 2015 To register for the weekend or for more information, call 800-470-2230 or visit St. Mary Parish – Day of Service St. Mary Parish will have the 3rd annual Day of Service on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Parishioners of St. Anne’s and St. Mary of the Hills are invited to join with us in planning this special day as well as serving on a project on Saturday, April 25 th. The first planning mtg. will be held on Wednesday, January 7 at 7:00 pm at St. Mary Parish, 2nd floor Large Mtg. Room. If you have any questions or would like additional information on how you can get involved, please contact Kelly Paulina at 774-275-1911 or by email to [email protected]. OPEN HOUSE – VENERINI ACADEMY Sunday, January 25 from 12:15-3:00 pm. 508-753-3210 X7310 VOLUNTEER OPENINGS UMass Memorial Medical Center has volunteer openings for Eucharistic Ministers. Duties include administering Communion to Catholic patients during their hospital stay. Volunteer’s commitment is one day a week for 2-3 hours. Days available are Monday thru Sunday with flexible hours between 9 and 4:00. Please contact UMass Memorial Volunteer Services 508-334-6309 during office hours 8:00-4:00pm. SAVE THE DATE! Worcester Men’s Conference March 21, 2015 JANUARY 11, 2015 Michael Palumbo & Family Fr. Edward Moran Richard Tula Donna Estabrook Keith Willens Richard Bertrand Melody Rose Byrne Mary Jean Capalbo Deborah W. Robin Webb Smith & Fam. Tom Garon Debbie Frost The Palayoor Family Carl Schmidt & Family Joe R. Jeanne Parke John Higgins & Family Barbara Morrissey, Jr. James Mulcahy Ron Whittle Rita Harding Jamie Mary T. Kelley Patricia LaMarche Tina Castagna Betty & Tony Mastro Louis Iovieno Steve Baldino Troy Price Nate Lane Prescott Lane Betty Ann Baldino Judy Barsamian John Minihan John Roberts Audrey Marie Malzone Jean Ricciardi Jack M. Betty McDonough Baxter A. Karli McKenna The Lanzillotti Family The Messier Family Betty McDonough Mary Beth Benison Shane Mulcahy Matthew Dumas Patricia Lemire Shirley Chenery Jillian Rollians Robert Mazzola Sr. Beverly O’Brien-Bertrand John & Pat DiPadua The Clark Family Frank & MaryLee DiPinto Tommy Batista Stephanie Quinn Kaitlyn Doorhy & Family Pauline Melbourne Paul D Sharon Yager Teddy Gulledge David Roberts Barbara Curtis Diane Toomy Amy Tozeski & Paul Ballande Claudia Durand Barbara Truelson Thomas S. Downey Jack Simone Bill McManus Kathleen Tebeau Pam Terlizzi Francis Guiliano Michael Mazzola Laney Anne Grizzle Jerry Sheehan Rocco Carlucci Paul M. Vincent Mastro John Ducimo Bobby Y Bob LaBonte. David Lebel Tony Pignataro Dorothy Tantillo Judi Leone John Marchesseault Andy McLean Victor M. Baby Jaxson Mark Tonelli Monica Dr. Edward Amaral James Carr Kim Hally David Dipersia Deborah Seth Krystal, Collin & Ethen Burns Arlene, Marjorie & Suzanne Brenda Aitken Faith Lewis Heidi MacDonald Gene MacDonald Christine Mastrogiacomo Doug Dowen & Family Leo & Eileen DiPinto Pat & John Dipadua & Family Iris Grimaldi Pat Naverro Charles Smith & Family The Swalec Family The Francis Family Marlene Rodrick & Family Andy Cesnickas MaryRose Feraco Rocco Trotto Doug Carpenter Bonnie O’Brien Margarette Ovian The Vargas Family END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Anne's Church CHURCH CITY: Shrewsbury, MA ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 22 FILENAME: 03-0093.07b PHONE NUMBER: 508-757-5154 FAX NUMBER: 508-797-9520 EDITOR/ CONTACT: CURRENT FORMAT:WPN Format -- 6th Column Part of Ad Grid Comments: Note to Press: This document printed at: 1/7/15 12:04 PM
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