St.Mary’sRomanCatholicChurchJanuary 18, 2015 10-0849thAvenue,LongIslandCity,NY11101 718-786-0705EMAIL:[email protected] We Welcome Iyer Barretto to our Community Baptized on November 9, 2014 Rev. RALPH BARILE, Pastor Mr. Robert Vogel, Director of Music and Organist Ms Giovanna Varlese, Director of Religious Education For Information about the Sacrament of Baptism, Wedding, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please Phone the Rectory or email. Thank you MASSES: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am; 12:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 12:15 pm Thursday: 7:00 a.m. for the season of Advent and Lent CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:40 p.m. Available at other Ɵmes upon request. A SPECIAL WORD OF THANKS A special word of thanks to Cynthia Bebe and Dr. Bea Infantado for the assistance and coordination in two recent events that took place during the past weeks. Thank you very much, Cynthia, for inviting and orchestrating the visit of Mrs. Ana Puente who gave that inspiring presentation, “Mary, Model of Faith”. And likewise to Dr. Bea who worked on preparing that little reception that followed the talk. And also an additional word of thanks to Dr. Bea who prepared that delicious soup that warmed the members of the Undecorating Committee on that cold winter night. Markyourcalendar! NextmonthFashionShow—staytune formoreinformation. InFOURmonthIrisHarris,Soprano returnsinconcert!Sunday,May31stat5pm!She willbejoinedbyJasonBrown,Tenor.EricBirk, F.A.G.O.,Organistreturnstoaccompanythem. St. Vincent Feast day January 22 Vincent was trained and ordained a deacon by Valerius, bishop of Saragossa, Spain, in the third century. The Roman emperors had made being a Christian punishable by death, so when Emperor Dacian discovered Bishop Valerius holding Christian services, he had him imprisoned. Vincent was soon caught visiting the bishop and was also imprisoned. The emperor refused them food. Both men were so cheerful and strong in suffering, however, that the emperor banished Bishop Valerius and had Vincent tortured on the rack. Vincent endured this suffering for love of Christ. Dacian told Vincent he would spare his life if he would hand over the sacred books to be burned. Vincent refused, and in a fury, Dacian ordered that he be roasted on the gridiron. Again, Vincent suffered this patiently and survived. It is said that Dacian wept with rage and had Vincent thrown in a dungeon filled with broken pottery. Vincent was so calm and heroic that he converted the jailer. The emperor then had Vincent put in a regular prison. Friends came to console Vincent, cleanse his wounds, and pray with him. Vincent finally died there in a bed his friends had made for him. Second Ordinary Sunday ANDREW: W HERE ARE YOU STAYING ? JESUS: COME AND YOU WILL SEE. JCM 2015 SECOND ORDINARY SUNDAY Two disciples, one of them being Andrew, follow Jesus and say, “Where are you staying?” Jesus says, “Come and you will see.” Andrew gets his brother Simon and says, “We have found the Messiah.” They both go and see Jesus. What we are dealing with here is the folksy manner of Jesus. Oh, yes. We expect the sermons of Jesus to be powerful and thunderous but how unexpected and even disarming it is when all that Jesus says is, “Come and see.” A simple question and a simple answer. Where are you staying? Come and see. But oh what it entails. I wonder if those disciples realized then what they were asking for. Where are you staying? I like w h at you teach. I might want to be a follower of yours. I might want to test the waters. Come and see. W ell yo u h ave said h o w you feel. Of course you know what being a follower of mine entails. Or do you? Well it entails a lot. If you come and see, then you will see how much it means to be a follower of mine. But there is a sad alternate to the narrative. The sad situation is when someone asks: where are you staying. But then does not: come and see. You know the thing I am talking about. They are attracted to Jesus’ message but they cannot make the full commitment. You see. The WHERE ARE YOU STAYING /COME AND SEE experience has a certain balance to it. It carries with it joy as well as responsibility. Now let’s go back to that folksy story; if we ask Jesus where he is staying, will we have what it takes to go and see? © J. C. Mulqueen, 2015 Hymn Request Thank you for all your requests thus far. Please continue submitting your requests by filling out the form below. Hymn # Title Liturgical Season ______ __________ ________________ ______ __________ ________________ CHOIRREHEARSALS St.Mary'sChoirrehearsalshaveresumed.Rehearsals arebetweenthetwoSundaymasses.Thereareafew additionalrehearsalsforthemajorfeastdays.IfinterestedinbecomingmoreinvolvedinSt.Mary'sMusic Ministry,pleasespeakwithapriestorMr.Vogel. Welcome to Our Parish - RegistraƟon Form ___ Please Yes send me envelopes and register me ___ Please No envelopes, but register me. ___ Please contact me I would like to Volunteer as: ___ an Usher ___ Lector ___ Catechist teacher ___ Please contact me; I would like to join the Choir. ___ Please register me for Adult Religion program. ___ Please contact me about Children Religion class Name: _______________________________ Address: ____________________Apt. #____ City: ____ ZIP:____ Phone:___________ Email ___________________________ The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, 17 January 5:00 p.m. Fif & Roccp Giannatasio Req. by Jo SUNDAY, 18 January 9:30 a.m. Josephine & Gino Crosara Req. by Maria Carotenuto 12:00 pm Emma Manetta Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Erasmo Lombardi MONDAY, 19 January 9:00 a.m. Elias Lacuna Req. by his daughter Josefina Cuevas TUESDAY, 20 January 12:15 p.m. Anthony Marino Req. by Fr. Ralph & Msgr Mulqueen WEDNESDAY, 21 January 12:15 p.m. (L) Blessing Mr. & Mrs. Steven Quatela & Family Req. by K athy & Dave W ither (L) Birthday Blessing Wayne Beebe Req. by Cynthia Beebe THURSDAY, 22 January 7:00 a.m. Will resume during the Season of Lent FRIDAY, 23 January 12:15 p.m. Brendan Tumulty Req. by Celestine & Mary SATURDAY, 24 January 5:00 p.m. (D) B’day Augustine & Alfonso Carotenuto Req. by Maria Carotenuto SUNDAY, 25 January 9:30 a.m. August Pedota Req. by Cousin Steve & Mary Valasek Steve & Angela D’Amato Req. by the Valasek Family 12:00 pm Lina Albanese Req. by Celeste Spiridigliozzi Please Note: Martin Luther King Birthday Monday January 12 Mass will be at 9:00 a.m. There will be no 12:15 Mass. Thank you Religious Education Classes & Bible Story Time are fromPre-Kto12thgradeat10:30a.m. AdultReligionclassesareavailabletooformoreinfo. Pleasecometotherectoryoremailmeat [email protected]. Thankyou,Giovanna Mass Intentions, Sanctuary Lamp and Bread & Wine for 2015 are still available. The Bread and Wine The Bread and Wine is offered for the week of January 11 - January 17, 2015 Birthday Blessings to All the January Birthday’s Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for the week of January 11 - January 17, 2015 In Loving Memory of Joe, Rita and Karen Dwyer requested by Gerald Woods StaƟsƟcs - January 10 and 11, 2015 AƩendance 385 1st Coll. $ 1,882.00 Diocesan Mission $ 742.00 Thank you for your conƟnued generosity. Happy Birthday & Blessings Alicia Tellez, Michael Wither, Marisa Varlese, Sr. Eileen Reilly, OP, Iris Harris, Lorraine Devine Michael Barile, Goldie Cancro, Wayne Beebe We Pray for Healing Gentel Cabrera, Harold Walford Thomas, (infant)Liam Glorioso, MaryAnn Tobon, Iris Harris, Emilia Chimienti, Teresa Ortiz, Nova Bermudez, Daniel Brown, Joe Sullivan, Daisey Warren, Eloise Jordon, Joseph Warren, Bill Weber, Frances Melendez, Robert Rohan, Victoria Shore PRAY FOR THE SICK Millie Ciangiola, Teodora Tamburello, Fr. Pat Laghezza, Dominick Calisto, Vincenza A. Rios,Ellen Trambone, Fr.Charles Keough, Mary DePinto, Charlotte S. Parker, Dominick Caiaccia, Rose Francis, Catherine O’Keeffe, Jeanette Falcone, Fernando & Nancy Angeles, Joan Forhane, Catherine Roeder, Bob Ruiz, Donna McGuinness, George Burst, Mark Etskovitz, Julie Schnurr, Donna Cultrera, Olivia Nicole Ashton, Joseph Coughlin, Terry Devine, Sean Dugan, Victoria Shore, Pamala Riley, Risa Sanchez, Gentel Cabrera, Victor Silva, James Doran, Kathleen Nero, Fr. Joseph Rosa, Andrew Sharetta, Mary De Pinto, Jay Paul Tinio, Sonny Francis, Anthony Savino, Sr. Patricia Ann Reilly, OP, Guy Gabriel, Guido Bussani, Dr. Sara Saltieri PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Lawrence McCarthy, Hazbi Tierney, Howard Pooler, August Pedota, Clarita Ganit, Alan Bucknam, Jerome Dunn, Jeanne Giordano, Sr. Theresa Dodd, OP, Delao Santizo Perez, Dolly De Thomas, Joseph Natale, Louis Gonslaves, John Dougherty, Baby Joseph Ordenez, Zita Lina Kuusemegh March for Life Free Roundtrip to Washington DC Thursday January 22 Bus leaving from Immaculate Conception in Astoria at 6:30 a.m. for more info call Ann at 718-651-9017 HOLY HOUR First Friday each month at 12:45 p.m. Month Dec.50/50 Raffle winner Mr &Mrs Joseph Romano $60.00 Volunteers Needed….. Would you like to become a Lector, Choir Member, Catechist Teacher or an Usher? We need your help! Please email us at [email protected], phone 718-786-0705 or introduce yourself after Mass Thank you, Fr. Ralph St. Mary’s “Messiah” was on TV If you missed it we are sure you have already heard by now how wonderful "Messiah" was on December 7th. Our diocese TV was here and recorded interviews and singing that was aired on NetTV. Another brief vocal closed the half-hour news segment. You may now view the main portion by typing the following link in your internet address area or going to the parish blog and clicking on the hyperlink "Click to watch Handel's Messiah" Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE For further information, please call the Parish Office. PUSH AVENUE CHEMISTS ................... FREE DELIVERY ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, ITALIANO, ESPAÑOL 45-01 30TH AVENUE, ASTORIA TEL 718.545.1010 • FAX 718.545.1542 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH We can fill your prescriptions while you wait... Bring in your prescription bottle for a refill today! ALL MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED TALK 718.752.0345 718.424.8649 13-17 Jackson Avenue, L.I.C. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Thomas M. Quinn & Sons Funeral Home David Funeral Home Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 35-20 Broadway ~ Long Island City 11106 718-721-9200 ~ 718-729-3400 Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Sr. Citizen Discounts Fax Service Available Kevin R. Mack ~ Michael Heredia ~ George L. Stamatiades VERNON BLVD. PHARMACY Complete Traditional Funeral & Cremation Services Advance Planning Monument and Inscription Services Medicaid ~ All Unions 48-15 Vernon Blvd. Joshua Schipper, Reg. Pharmicist Free Deliveries 361-7390 Owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. International 1929 Allen Pkwy, Houston, TX 77019 7135225141 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • Pre-Arrangement Specialist ★ Services Available In All Communities ★ Handicap Accessible 1-718-383-8600 Peter A. Rago, Jr., President 131 Nassau Avenue 570250 St Mary Church EVERGREEN Funeral Home Inc. "Serving L.I.C. & Greenpoint Over Half A Century" Just Minutes Over The Pulaski Bridge Alternate No. 1-718-383-0320 Leslie P. 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