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Miller Greeters 4:00 PM Volunteer 8:00AM Volunteer 10:00AM Volunteer Mass Intentions Week 1 - Ordinary Time Mon, Jan 12th - Weekday - No Mass 4:00PM Lou Ann Roskowski 8:00 AM Sharon Van Ooyen 10:00 AM Tina Pallini Tues, Jan 13th - St. Hilary, Bp. & Doctor 8:00 AM Mass Leo & Rosemary Wald Wed, Jan 14th - Weekday 8:00 AM Mass Mr & Mrs Frank Rass Family Servers 4:00 PM J. & A. Stoa 8:00 AM A. Gehring / open 10:00 AM V. & M. Pallini C. Peterson Thurs, Jan 15th - Weekday 8:00 AM Mass Lloyd Schulz Greeters 4:00 PM Volunteer 8:00AM Volunteer 10:00AM Volunteer Fri, Jan 16th - Weekday 8:00 AM Mass †Al De Noble Sat, Jan 17th - St. Anthony, Abbot 8:00 AM Mass Chester Ball, and Living & Deceased Members of Ball & Beitel Families Week ending Jan. 4, 2015 BUDGET $8,431 Needed weekly This week Collected $5,171 Stewardship + 765 New Year's Day Collections + $246 Repair Fund = $6,182 4:00 PM Mass ~ 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time †Bill & †Violet Englebert $227,637. YTD Budget Needed (week #27) - 221,469. collected YTD $ 6,168 Short Fiscal YTD Sun, Jan 18th - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM Mass Ida Mae De Bauche With the New Year it is a good time to reassess our priorities in life. We should also strive for a greater understanding and appreciation for the ministries in our parish, and look within our hearts to determine what role stewardship plays in our lives. 10:00 AM Mass †Bernard Van Pay 12:30 PM Mass Pro Populo This season, we trust that you will give financial stewardship prayerful consideration. Our parish has been using an Online Giving system that is strengthening stewardship, while making it easier for members to support our parish. Your regular contributions support the operation of the church and all of our ministries. Sign up today by visiting our parish website: http:// www.sspeterpaulgb.org/, and click “ONLINE GIVING SsPP” on the left Side Menu. If you have any questions or concerns about the program, or would like help setting up your account, please call the parish office at 920-435-7548. On behalf of the entire staff, we want to thank you for the contributions you continually provide to our parish. "“Give, and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” -Luke 6:38 Knights of Columbus Free-Throw Championship This event is open to Boys and Girls from Age 9 to Age 14 (age as of Jan. 1, 2015), and will take place on Saturday, January 31st, in our Ss. Peter & Paul Gym, at 10:00 AM. Registration Forms, which the children bring with them to the competition, may be obtained at the desk by the elevator in Church, or from the parish office. Forms will also be made available to Religious Education Students. For more information, call Mike Bors at 920. 819. 0903. 2 " % !"#$%&'!("#%')%*+,&%$! !! !" #$%#&' Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2014 was a very active year for our Parish SVdP Conference. Our 7 active members grew spiritually, praying together, and reading scriptures at our monthly conference meetings. During 2014,172 home visits were made, providing 690 family members within our parish neighborhood with assistance in housing, food, furniture, transportation, and educational needs. In addition, 23 associate members of our conference provided hundreds of hours volunteering their time at our SVdP Thrift Stores, Paul’s Pantry, and our shelter for women with children – the House of Hope. During 2014, parish members provided us with $6,250 to support our efforts to help our neighbors – our friends in need, and we thank you very much for your support. In addition, profits from our thrift stores provided us with an additional $9,000. Conference members also helped distribute $67,000 worth of clothing, furniture, and household items to our neighbors, and we sent Paul’s Pantry over 1,200 lbs. of food items. Please continue to provide SVdP with your donations of money, food, clothing, furniture, and household items. Our Conference members thank you for this support, and want to assure you that your donations go directly to people in need. As Pope Francis would say, "Love for others is a wonderful thing.” If you are interested in joining us in 2015, please call 437-8865for more information. LITURGICAL UPDATE 2015 It's time for updating and renewing your preferred ministry. Fr. Tony will be offering a renewal event for all current lay ministers. Someone from the Diocesan Worship Office will conduct the 2 hr. session for all interested people. It is highly recommended that if you have been in a particular ministry for over three years you are asked to consider stepping out for a year in order to foster new talent and renew your heartfelt dedication and spirit of service. Currently we are calling all interested persons 18yrs and older who have received their adult sacraments to one of a variety of ministries. Such ministries include: lectors/readers at weekend or weekday masses, extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion for weekends and special events, ministry of hospitality/ushers, ministry of music/instrumentalist, singers under the direction of Roger Bader, Ministry of Care; visits to the home bound, nursing and assisted living facilities under the direction of Barb Van Den Busch. Please call the office if you are interested in any of these ministries. We will be scheduling training sessions coming this January. New Ministries for 2015 -Men or women willing to share your decorating talents for the parish environment group please contact the office for more details. This group will help more than just Christmas and Easter seasons. Please call the parish office for more details on any or all of these new ministries and opportunities. Sunday: Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Lecturas para la semana del 11 de enero de 2015 Domingo: Is 55, 1-11 o Is 42, 1-4. 6-7/1 Jn 5, 1-9 o Hch 10, 3438/Mc 1, 7-11 Lunes: Heb 1, 1-6/Mc 1, 14-20 Martes: Heb 2, 5-12/Mc 1, 21-28 Miércoles: Heb 2, 14-18/Mc 1, 29-39 Jueves: Heb 3, 7-14/Mc 1, 40-45 Viernes: Heb 4, 1-5. 11/Mc 2, 1-12 Sábado: Heb 4, 12-16/Mc 2, 13-17 ACTUALIZACIÓN LITÚRGICO 2015 Es hora de actualizar y renovar su ministerio preferido. Padre Tony estará ofreciendo un evento de renovación para todos los ministros laicos actuales. Alguien de la Oficina de Culto Diocesano realizará el 2 hr. sesión para todas las personas interesadas. Es muy recomendable que si usted ha estado en un ministerio en particular más de tres años se le pide que considere saliendo durante un año con el fin de fomentar nuevos talentos y renovar su sincera dedicación y espíritu de servicio. Actualmente estamos llamando a todas las personas interesadas 18 anos de edad y mayores que han recibido sus sacramentos adultos a uno de una variedad de ministerios. Estos ministerios incluyen: lectores / lectores en fin de semana o entre semana masas, ministros extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión para los fines de semana y eventos especiales, el ministerio de hostelería / ujieres, ministerio de la música / instrumentista, cantantes, bajo la dirección de Roger Bader, Ministerio de Asistencia; visitas a la casa atados, enfermería y centros de vida asistida bajo la dirección de Barb Van Den Busch. Por favor, llame a la oficina si usted está interesado en alguno de estos ministerios. Programaremos sesiones de formación que vienen este mes de enero. Nuevos Ministerios para 2015 -Los Hombres o mujeres que estén dispuestos a compartir sus talentos de decoración para el grupo de medio ambiente de la parroquia por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina para más detalles. Este grupo ayudará más que Navidad y Semana Santa temporadas. Por favor, llame a la oficina para más detalles sobre cualquiera o todos estos nuevos ministerios y oportunidades. 3 Dear Parish Family ~ Today, we celebrate the final feast of the Christmas Season, with the Baptism of the Lord. When we think of Baptism, we usually think of the Sacrament that washes away sin, and begins our New Life in Christ. Jesus did not need either of these effects; since He is Christ - and He never sinned. Yet, He chose to be baptized anyway! At first, it might seem a bit odd that He does this, so some insight is helpful: Our Lord voluntarily submitted himself to the Baptism of John, intended for sinners, in order to “fulfill all righteousness,” Jesus’ gesture is a manifestation of his self-emptying. The Spirit Who had hovered over the waters at the first creation, descended then on the Christ as a prelude of the New Creation, and the Father revealed Jesus as His “Beloved Son.” As we conclude our Christmas celebrations, allow me to thank all of you who sent gifts, and various goodies to me, and to the staff. We are all very grateful for your prayers and your loving support. May this New Year of 2015 bring many gifts, good health, and peace to you and your families. God Bless You All With His Peace and Love, Fr. Tony Cirignani, O.F.M. Pastor Querida familia parroquial ~ Hoy dia, celebremos la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Cuando pensamos en el bautismo, solemos pensar en el Sacramento que lava el pecado, y comienza nuestra nueva vida en Cristo. Pero, el Señor no tiene pecado, asi pues, no necesita este bautismo de Juan. Nuestro Señor se sometió voluntariamente al Bautismo de Juan, destinado a los pecadores, para "cumplir toda justicia." El gesto de Jesús es una manifestación de su anonadamiento. Al concluir las celebraciones de Navidad, permítanme agradecer a todos los que enviaron regalos y varias cosas para mí, y para los trabajadores de neustra parroquia. Todos estamos muy agradecidos por sus oraciones y su apoyo amoroso. Que este Año Nuevo de 2015 traiga muchos regalos, buena salud, y paz a ustedes y sus familias. Que les Dios bendiga con su Paz y Amor, Padre Tony Cirignani, O.F.M. Pastor 4 Bautizos Platicas Pre bautismal: El segundo martes de cada mes hay preparación para bautismo a las 5:30pm. Los requisitos: Deben de asistir las clases de preparación. Favor de pasar al la Oficina del Centro de Madre Teresa los miércoles o jueves para confirmar la fecha elegida. Traer el comprobante de plática, acta de nacimiento. Para información llamen al (920) 435 – 7548. Intenciones En La Misa: Si desea pedir por una Misa para una intención especial, puede ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Parroquia una semana antes. El estipendio para la Misa es $10.00. If there would be any interest in a women’s prayer and textile crafting group (affectionately called Sip and Sew), please contact Red in the office. **Sip and Sew will begin January 21, 2015! Please join us at the Mother Theresa Center (Parish Office) at 6:30pm. We will be crafting and praying together, so please bring your prayerful hearts and busy hands. 6:30-8:00pm. Two Adult Study Opportunities Food From Heaven ~ The Eucharist in Scripture This study is from “The Word Among Us,” and is a 6 week program beginning on January 15th, and continuing (for the 6 sessions) on Thursday mornings, from 6:30am to 7:30am, in our Fr. Schuh Hall. The cost of the program is only $10 for the study guide. Please Pre-Register so that we can order a sufficient number of books. To pre-register: Call Julie Froelich at 920.639.2655, or via email: [email protected] Or call Mike Bors at 920.819.0903, or email him: [email protected] Parish Life & New Evangelization Study/Prayer Group “Mary, the Mother of God,” from Stephen Ray’s “The Footprints of God” video series, is being presented in the Father Schuh Hall on Thursday evenings, beginning January 8th, and continuing January 15th, 22nd, and 26th, from 6:30- 8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. For more information, please call Bob or Josey Kanzenbach at 920.437.3183. Thank You from A.&A. Alexandrina: “God Bless all of you for your generous donations, gift cards, baby items, and other wonderful donations. We really appreciate your support!” Thank you for your generosity on behalf of the mothers and their babies - born & pre-born – and on behalf of the staff of A. & A. Alexandrina Center. 5 (920) 498-8600 Libertas Treatment Center 1701 Dousman Street Green Bay, WI 54303-3282 CLIFF YOUNG Electrical Contractors LLC RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Ken Young - Owner 469-0111 Parish Member Alcohol/Drug Abuse Treatment for Teens & Adults JOSEPH H. PEOT Painting * Wallpapering Contracting 920-435-0455 ROLA-RENA JAUQUET Roller Skating Rink 731 Morris Ave., Green Bay, WI LUMBER CO., INC. 494-6152 Quality Building Material Mary and John Dollar www.gorollerskating.com 1613 Main St. 468-6651 Compliments Of RJ Jacques Inc. 1476 University Ave. (920) 617-3000 Green Bay, WI 435-2287 1751 University Ave., Green Bay, WI 920-965-0233 DEDE RIFE GRI, SRES - REALTOR® Dr. Nicole Gardner www.mrappliance.com www.mycatcareclinic.com MALCORE FUNERAL HOME Each office independently owned and operated Dan Malcore Parish Member 2270 Holmgren Way • Green Bay, WI 54304 (920) 593-4132 Office • (877) 202-8918 Toll Free (920) 593-4179 Fax • (920) 655-0359 Mobile [email protected] • www.shorewest.com JEFF’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE JEFFERY J. 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