JANUARY • FEBRUARY 2 0 1 5 SOUTHPORT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTHPORT HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION www.villagesofsouthportorlando.com LUZ TEJEDA Vice-President Malibu Village Director Villages of Southport is a MANDATORY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). That means that every month every Homeowner pays dues $105.35. OSCAR OBANDO Treasurer Portsmouth Village Director to the Association in the amount of There is a 10 day grace period, after which a late fee of $10.00is applied. If no payments are received for 90 days, your account will be turned over to our attorney (no exceptions) for collection — this could lead to a foreclosure of your home. Once the account is in the attorney’s hands, the HOA has no further involvement. It’s the responsibility of the homeowner to make payments on time. JORGE RODRIGUEZ Secretary At Large Director BHOJ S. CHATTERPAUL Island Village Director ANGEL MARTINEZ Bermuda Village Director MICHAEL KERN At Large Director EL PAGO DE LA COMUNIDAD DE PROPIETARIOS ES OBLIGATORIO. Usted debe pagar $105.35 al mes y lo debe hacerse antes de los días 10 de cada mes. Hay un periodo de gracia de 10 días y la cuota si se paga tarde de $10.00. Si no se recibe ningún pago durante 90 días, su cuenta será enviada a nuestro abogado (sin ninguna excepción) para poder cobrarlo - esto podría llevar a un embargo (foreclosure) de su casa. Una vez la cuenta está en las manos del abogado, el HOA no tiene en sus manos poder para resolverlo. El propietario es responsable de hacer el pago a tiempo. ALEX VELOZ At Large Director HECTOR RIVERA At Large Director PROPERTY MANAGER Emma Olavarria, LCAM® [email protected] ACCOUNTANT Lori If you have questions or concerns regarding your monthly statement, you must contact LORI via email: [email protected] OFFICE Open: M — F: 8AM-4PM Phone: 407-251-0544 or 407-251-0245 Office Fax: 407-251-1771 e-mail: [email protected] V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T 1 HOMEOWNERS COMPLAINTS PLEASE REMEMBER: RULES & REGULATIONS 4. Noise: Radios, televisions and other instruments which may create noise should be turned down to a minimum volume between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. All other unnecessary noise, such as bidding good night to a departing guest and slamming car doors between these hours should be avoided. HOME SAFETY RESPONDING TO PEOPLE AT THE DOOR -MALE OR FEMALE · Don’t open your door without using the DOORSTOP code. · Observe first. Always check by looking through a window or door viewer. · Only open your door partly with security chain connected. · Refuse entry if in doubt and telephone the police. · Switch on outside lights when dark to see who is there. · Think “suspicious”. Strangers may be thieves trying to gain entry. · Only open the door after examining identification and are sure it is genuine. · Protect your family as well. Make sure children know the code. People may try to gain entry by asking to use the telephone, asking for a glass of water, asking for donations, impersonating sales representative, officials, trades people and others. 2 V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY January 19, 2015 in the USA Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a United States holiday marking the birthdate of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., observed on the third Monday of January each year, around the time of King’s birthday, January 15. It is one of four United States federal holidays to commemorate an individual person. King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. He was assassinated in 1968. The campaign for a federal holiday in King’s honor began soon after his assassination. Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed in 1986. At first, some states resisted observing the holiday as such, giving it alternative names or combining it with other holidays. It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000. Disclaimer: The Villages of Southport newsletter is published for the Villages of Southport Homeowners Association by Focus Community Publications & Printing, Inc. as a courtesy to all property owners and residents. Focus nor the Association assume any responsibility for article content or advertising message as submitted for inclusion in the newsletter. Advertising and articles are not endorsed by the Association, nor is there any implied warranty by the Association or its staff. Statement of Business Support: When patronizing any of the businesses advertising in our newsletter, whether or not for the first time, it is helpful if you tell them you saw their ad in your community newsletter. The Villages of Southport newsletter is published by Focus Community Publications and Printing, Inc. of Saint Cloud at no charge to our association. Costs of development and printing are underwritten through the sale of advertising. These advertisers pay for their ads to reach you and they have no other way of knowing if their ad attracts your attention or business unless you mention that you heard about them through the Villages of Southport newsletter. PUBLISHED BY FOCUS C OMMUNITY PUBLICATIONS& P RINTING, I NC . 2008 JAFFA DRIVE • UNIT H ST. CLOUD, FL 34771 PHONE: 407.892.0019 FAX: 407.957.0057 E-MAIL: [email protected] V I L L A G E S O F ACTIVITY CENTER AND TEEN ACTIVITY CENTER RENTAL THE ACTIVITY CENTER - 8740 Wichita Pl. THE TEEN ACTIVITY CENTER - 8760 Wichita Pl. -Rent only to Homeowners.$25.00 per hour. 9:00am to11:30pm, Closed and Clean. ACTIVITY PARKING IS IN BACK OF THIS BUILDING. EL CENTRO DE ACTIVIDADES en el 8740 de Wichita PL. EL TEEN ACTIVITY CENTER en el 8760 Wichita PL. -Solo se renta a los dueños de casa.$25.00 por hora de 9:00am a 11:30pm cerrado y limpio. El PARKING durante la actividad se hará en la PARTE DE ATRÁS DE LOS CENTROS CITY OF ORLANDO DISTRICT 1 FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS Code Enforcement Consumer Services Crime Line Discrimination Fire Department Emergencies Fire Department non-emergencies Garbage Collection Graffiti on public property Graffiti on private property (OPD) Job Line Lake Alerts Mosquito Control Emergencies Police Non-Emergency Number Police Information Desk Potholes Power Outage (OUC) Railroad Crossing Signals Recycling SeniorLinks Sewer Bills Sidewalks Streets Street Lights Traffic Calming Traffic Light Problems Trees on City right-of-way Yard Waste Collection Animal Control S O U T H P O R T 407.246.2686 1.800.425.7352 1.800.423.8477 407.246.2122 911 321.235.5200 407.246.2314 407.254.4723 321.235.5300 407.246.2178 407.246.2220 407.254.9120 911 321.235.5300 407.246.2470 407.246.2238 407.423.9018 1.877.235.7245 407.246.2314 407.246.2500 407.246.2662 407.246.2238 407.246.2238 407.737.4222 407.246.2281 312.235.5361 407.246.2283 407.246.2314 407.254.9140 3 RULES & REGULATIONS REMEMBER: FOR 2015, WHAT IS NEW? 10. PET REGULATIONS: A. All dogs shall be on a leash or carried at all times when they are outside. We can look on the world stage and become very disappointed in what we see. We can condemn our station in life, fault our government, fault our schools, fault our churches, and even fault our neighbors. But we cannot escape our responsibility to make our world a little bit nicer place to live. An act of kindness here, a soft spoken word there, a willing heart and a forgiving spirit can add immeasurable light and joy to someone's daily existence. With whatever graces God has visited on you, to that extent are you obliged to pass it on. Don't look to the next person to do it. You are the next person. All is vanity only if we live an earthly life in a worldly environment: pleasing to ourselves, gratifying our own interests and solving only those problems that benefit us to solve. Somebody, somewhere is waiting for a helping hand. Somebody, somewhere has been encumbered with burdens so heavy that they cannot lift them alone. Somebody, somewhere is wondering if anyone cares. Who is that somebody and where is that somewhere? I don't know but I challenge you to do this in our community. Go beyond the doorway of your home to that somewhere. Go look for that somebody. For 2015, what is new? Hopefully it will be a new attitude, a new mind-set, and where necessary, a new heart. A renewed vigor and zeal for charitable work. This challenge goes especially for the teenagers and young adults in our community (although it applies to all ages, young and old alike). Youthful energies are never wasted when you reach out to help someone else. No, life is not always fair, but it doesn't have to be bitter either. Enjoy it and share its goodness. 7. MAINTENANCE, TRASH DISPOSAL AND CLEANLINESS: A. All garbage and refuse shall be put in the proper bags and containers and only put out the day of pickup which is Tuesday and Friday. The waste recycling should be on Wednesday. B. Each lot, all improvements, including landscaping shall at all times be kept and maintained in a safe, clean, wholesome and attractive condition and shall not be allowed to deteriorate, fall into disrepair or become unsafe or unsightly. C. No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growth and no trash, rubbish, refuse, debris or unsightly objects of any kind shall be permitted or allowed to accumulate on Residential Property. 8. PORCHES: Only plants and outdoor furniture are allowed at the front entrance. No toys, garbage containers, recycling bins or other articles shall be kept at the front of the house. 9. YARD AREA: The front yard area is to be kept free of any articles other than plants. 4 B. Owners must at all times clean up after their pets. C. If a pet becomes obnoxious because of barking, mischief or otherwise, the association has the right to require the owner or resident to remove the pet. D. Any owner or occupant harboring any pet shall indemnify and hold harmless the association against any loss or liability of any kind arising out of having an animal on the property. 14. GAMES, PLAY AND PET STRUCTURES: A. All play structures (except basketball backboards) shall be located at the rear of the dwelling, or on the inside portion of corner lots within the setback lines. B. No platform, doghouse playhouse or structure of a similar kind or nature (expect basketball backboards) shall be constructed on any part of a lot located in front of the rear line of the residence constructed on the lot. C. No basketball backboards may be installed adjacent to, or within ten (10) feet of, the street or on any cul-de-sac. V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T · Estos tips te ayudarán a proteger debidamente tu casa contra un hurto, porque no hay nada más importante que sentirnos seguros en el lugar donde vivimos · Cómo evitar el robo en tu casa o Coloca chapas y cerraduras de alta seguridad. o Cuida el buen estado de las chapas, marcos de puertas y ventanas o De ser posible, instala un intercomunicador en tu puerta. rutas por las que te transportas. Al salir de tu casa o Usa todas las medidas de seguridad disponibles (por ejemplo cerrar bien todas las chapas), aunque sólo sea por algunos minutos. o Al dejar sola tu casa, procura que algún familiar o persona de confianza la cuide. o No dejes mensajes en la puerta que indiquen tu ausencia. o Si estás por llegar a tu casa y o Desconfía de los desconocidos que llaman a tu puerta. Antes de abrir, mira por la mirilla, y pregunta quién llama antes de abrir. o NO HAY OBLIGACION -SI TOCAN EL TIMBRE- DE TENER QUE ABRIR LA PUERTA. MIRA ANTES QUIEN ES. SI ES UN DESCONOCIDO NO ABRAS. EDUCA A TUS HIJOS PARA HACER LO MISMO. o No permitas la entrada de personas extrañas a tu casa sin justificación. o Si vienen a tu casa a reparar algo,-ANTES DE DEJARLOS ENTRAR- verifica que el servicio fue solicitado y pídeles identificación. o Si ves a alguien extraño merodeando tu casa, llama a la Policía. MEJOR LLAMAR A LA POLICIA Y QUE NO PASE NADA (LA POLICIA LO ENTIENDE PERFECTAMENTE) QUE NO LLAMAR Y QUE PASE. o Cambia de vez en cuando las notas que alguien te está siguiendo, prosigue tu camino, así evitarás un asalto mientras buscas la llave o intentas abrir la puerta. o Si al llegar a tu casa encuentras la puerta forzada o abierta, NO ENTRES y comunícate inmediatamente con la Policía. · Si vives en casa o Que el número de tu casa sea visible tanto de día como de noche, así la Policía y los servicios de seguridad no perderían tiempo buscando el número del lugar en caso de una emergencia. o Ilumina toda la casa, particularmente el exterior, evitando dejar rincones oscuros que permitan a los delincuentes ocultarse. o En caso de tener árboles, pódalos periódicamente para evitar que alguien se oculte en estos. o Reduce al máximo el tiempo de apertura y cierre de puertas y portones. o Cuando sean puertas automáticas de garaje, siempre V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T espera hasta que ésta se cierre completamente antes de irte o bajarte del vehículo (en caso de que vayas llegando). Es importante mencionar que no pretendemos fomentar el miedo colectivo ni mucho menos, sin embargo es importante conocer y seguir estas recomendaciones para sentirnos protegidos y seguros en nuestra propia casa. COMO PREVENIR ROBOS EN LAS CASAS Al margen de la importancia de contar con un seguro de hogar, es importante que pongas en marcha todos los medios necesarios para intentar evitar que te roben en casa, aun cuando cuentas con un seguro de hogar que se hará cargo de todos los gastos en el caso de que ocurra algún robo. Esto es importante por diferentes motivos; si el seguro ve que tomas o que estás tomando medidas para prevenir un robo y que has puesto en marcha las medidas necesarias para evitarlos, seguramente obtendrás un descuento en el coste del seguro ya que la empresa aseguradora considerará que tienes menos probabilidades de ser víctima de un robo. Por otro lado, hay cosas que el seguro CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 5 A LIST OF FEDERAL HOLIDAYS IN THE YEAR 2015 Federal holidays are public holidays established for federal employees in the Federal law (5 United States Code 6103) by the United States Congress. Employees are paid for the holidays. Most of them work Monday to Friday and when a holiday falls on Saturday it is usually observed on Friday (the day before), and when it falls on Sunday it is observed the following Monday. New Year’s Day 2015 Thursday, January 1 Memorial Day 2015 Monday, May 25 Veterans Day 2015 Wednesday, November 11 ~ Independence Day (observed) 2015 Friday, July 3 Thanksgiving 2015 Thursday, November 26 ~ Independence Day 2015 Saturday, July 4 Christmas 2015 Friday, December 25 ~ Martin Luther King Day 2015 Monday, January 19 Presidents’ Day 2015 Monday, February 16 6 “RUN TO THE BEAT” Labor Day 2015 Monday, September 7 ~ Join Osceola County School for the Arts First Annual 5K Run/ Walk on Saturday, January 17, 2015; race time 8:00 am. Enjoy live entertainment as you race across the Osceola County School for the Arts Campus and Tupperware Complex. Registration is $20.00, Race Shirt Guaranteed to all that Preregister prior to race day. Register today on our website @ thearts.osceola.k12.fl.us or call Laurie Smith at 407-931-4803 for more information. Columbus Day 2015 Monday, October 12 ~ V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T COMO PREVENIR EN LA CASA CONTINUED no puede reponer, como son los efectos personales sin valor o los recuerdos cuyo valor es muy superior al valor material de los mismos. Algunos ejemplos podrían ser los objetos coleccionables que puedan no tener un valor económico importante pero que te hayan llevado años y mucho esfuerzo coleccionar, tales como adornos, objetos, cuadros o cualquier cosa que tenga un valor sentimental para ti. De la misma forma, si bien el seguro podrá reponer los objetos de valor económico, no podrá reponerte del disgusto que conlleva y estrés que supone la situación y todos los trastornos y tramites que hay que hacer. Por este motivo, lo mejor es intentar prevenir los robos en el hogar. A continuación te damos algunos consejos que podrían ayudarte. · Instala alarmas, cámara o algún tipo de sistema de seguridad. Estos medios de seguridad no son infalibles pero son disuasorios para que los ladrones no entren en tu casa o para evitar que el robo pase a mayores una vez que han conseguido entrar en tu hogar. · Evita dejar la casa sola durante periodos prolongados de tiempo y si lo haces, intenta enviar a alguien a que vea que todo esta en orden o al menos simular que hay gente en el interior de la vivienda. Una casa totalmente a oscuras con las ventanas cerradas durante un par de días, llamará más la atención de los ladrones. · Evita la ostentación exagerada ya que ésta atrae a los ladrones. · Ilumina bien las entradas de la vivienda. De esta manera, los ladrones estarían totalmente expuestos si quisieran entrar en tu casa y alguien pasa por el lugar · Usa cerrojos en las puertas además de cerraduras, para mayor seguridad. · Utiliza las mirillas que hay en las puertas y NUNCA abras sin preguntar solo porque esperas a alguien o pensaste que era algún conocido. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Second Monday monthly, 7:00PM @ Activity Center • 8740 Wichita Place NEW COMMUNITY CHANNELS: 732 (English) & 733 (Spanish) NEWSLETTER INPUT The last day we can send the information of the Newsletter corresponding for the months, March-April 2015 is February 16, 2015. All the information that should be send to Southport office Please do it before the dead line day by email: [email protected] and in Word text. El último día para que podamos enviar la información correspondiente a los meses de Marzo- Abril 2015 a la compañía que hace el Newsletter (Boletín de noticias) es el día, Febrero 16, 2015 hasta las 12:00 del mediodía. Toda la información, favor de enviarla a la oficina de Southport, antes de ese día por email: [email protected] y escrito en Word. V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T DISTRICT 1 COMMISSIONER JIM GRAY 407.246.2001 407.246.3010 Fax [email protected] 400 S. Orange Avenue P.O. Box 4990 Orlando, FL 32802-4990 ORLANDO FIRE DEPARTMENT Station 13 • 3465 5th St Orlando, FL 32827 (407) 246-4413 Richard Lamm, Lieutenant/PM [email protected] CITY HALL, 7TH FLOOR 24 hour line (321) 235-5200 Records Dept. (407) 246-2166 or 407246-2033 Fire Prevention (407) 246-2386 Public Education (407) 246-3128 Training Division (407) 246-2786 Emergency Medical Services Division (407)-246-2135 Fire Chief Offices/Administration (407) 246-2390 Deputy Chiefs Office (407) 246-2392 To get help with information regarding the closest firehouse to your residence or business, please call OFD's nonemergency phone number: 321-235-5200 Officer Edgar Malave Orlando Police Department Downtown Community Policing Division District 1 Liaison Officer Office: (407) 246-2513 Cell: (407) 808-5110 Email [email protected] POLICE * FIRE * AMBULANCE DIAL 911 Non-emergency phone # (321)235-5300 Citizens for Neighborhood Watch (407)246-2461 Crimeline/Illegal Gun Bounty (407)423-8477 Drug Hotline (407)246-2725 Solid Waste (garbage pickup only) (407)246-2314 Graffiti Hotline (407)254-4723 Code Enforcement (407)246-4444 Traffic Hotline (407)246-2906 USMC -- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome Like Us! https://www.facebook.com/ orlandopolicedepartment Follow Us! https://twitter.com/OrlandoPolice Watch Us! http://www.youtube.com/ channel/ UCJLfRUgwfgPpo3HJApUW4uw 7 REMEMBER TO REMOVE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS AND DECORATIONS RECUERDE REMOVER LUCES DE NAVIDAD Y DECORACIÓN DOG WASTE LEASH, CURB AND CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG. IT'S REQUIRED BY LAW! ORDINANCE # 95-32 • FINE $500 TO REPORT ANY ANIMAL VIOLATION, CALL 407-836-3111. THANK YOU. 8 V I L L A G E S O F S O U T H P O R T
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