January Newsletter - Sayre Christian Church

A Newsletter of the Sayre Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Editor: Wendy McKeithan
Beginning on January 11, 2015, Pastor Kevin will offer a
study on Paul’s letter to the Romans. This is an exciting
study based on N.T. Wright’s commentary and study
book. Romans proclaims our faith story from Adam to
Revelation, and beyond, pulling together God’s plan for
creation, the Chosen People of Israel, sin, righteousness,
judgment, salvation, and of course, Jesus. Come and see
the big picture of what God has done and is doing in our
world. You may still sign up for a book ($8.00) and study
group which will be held on Sunday at 5:30 pm in the
Board Room and Tuesday, at 10:00 am at the home of
Helen Kelley (401 N. Lehigh Avenue.) Contact the
Church Office if you would like a book for this study.
All are welcome to come and join any group at any time.
will meet at 8:45 am on Sunday morning in the side vestry. All studies will be lead by Pastor Kevin. He will be
developing sermons on our study of Romans until Easter.
If you can not attend any of the studies, you may follow a
“tentative” schedule by reading ahead in your Bible.
January 11
Romans 1:1-17
Romans 1:18-2:16 and 2:17-3:8
Romans 3:9-31 and 4:1-25
February 1
Romans 5:1-21 and 6:1-23
Romans 7:1-25
Romans 8:1-17
Romans 8:18-39
March 1
Romans 9:1-29 and 9:30-10:21
Romans 11:1-36 and 12:1-21
Romans 13:1-14 and 14:1-23
Romans 15:1-24 and 15:25-16:27
All members of our church family are invited to join us
for a special meal on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the
Best Western Grand Victorian Inn for the brunch buffet. Special coupons are available “Buy One, Get One
Free.” We will meet at the restaurant after the worship service. Contact Sue Hurd, 570-888-1384, or the Church Office, 570-888-2683, if you plan to come. Reservations are
needed so that the restaurant can be prepared for the
January 13, 2015 at 6:00 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of December Minutes/Congregational Mtg
3. Financial Reports
Financial Secretary Reports
Treasurer’s Reports—Distribution of undesignated
funds, specifically from Don Foster estate
4. Ministry Council Report
Pastor’s Report
5. Trustees Report
6. Old Business—Insurance discussion
7. New Business—Tech team/Internet Ministry
8. Open Mic Time (Subject to available time)
9. Adjournment
10. Closing Prayer
The Church Board Meeting is an open meeting held in the
Board Room. All are invited to attend.
We express our sympathy to the family and friends of
• Bruce Harding who died on December 3 due to injuries sustained during a fall. He was the son of June
• Dorothy Williams who died on December 31 at the
age of 95 years.
May God offer peace and comfort to those who mourn
their loved ones.
It breaks my heart! As I write this, two police officers were murdered in New York City, just because they were police
officers. One was a newly wed. The other was a father of two. They were just doing their job when they were shot
down. It breaks my heart because they were human beings. I don’t know anything else about them. They may have
been good men, good officers, good citizens; or they might not have been. They didn’t know they were about to be
judged as guilty, punishable by death because they were police officers, "protectors of the peace." It breaks my heart
because a man got stirred up emotionally to the point where he decided he was in the right and all police were in the
wrong, and he was justified in carrying out the sentence for his judgment. I can’t judge this man’s mental capacity. I
don’t know him. No one will ever know fully what was going through his mind, or what experiences he had in his
past. But, I would guess that the recent outcry against the criminal justice system in America raised the emotional level in his mind to the point that his rational thinking was unable to do more than just react to the wave of emotions. It
breaks my heart because this tragedy could have been the "reality check" that brought all of us back to a more rational
frame of mind. No matter what has transpired, or what systems continue to distort the system of justice in America,
every rational person must believe that this tragedy was wrong.
Maybe we can still learn from this tragedy, if we can choose to not escalate the emotional furor that is obviously running way too high (where it might push others beyond their emotional-reactive limits). I can’t judge the response of
police men and women who feel like they are being "thrown under the bus" for their role in carrying out the laws and
policies of governmental officials, and the "will of the people." Those of us who don’t have to put our lives on the
line, day in and day out to keep the peace, protect people and property, and maintain the stability of society, we don’t
understand what it’s like to be seen as the "bad guy" because they are keeping people from breaking the laws that are
allegedly protecting the common good of society.
I also can’t judge the response of citizens who have been abused by people of power or by a system that is weighted to
protect privilege and power over justice and human rights. As a white male in this society I just cannot understand
what it’s like to be "guilty until proven innocent," even just walking down the street with the wrong clothing on, or
speaking up out of fear or outrage at injustice. I have to admit that I too have apparently watched too much TV and
developed a fear of the "unknown person of color or different behavior." My faith walk tells me that I should not
judge and that I should not fear. And yet I do. I am guilty.
It should break my heart that I am too quick to fear and too quick to judge. It is starting to because I’m starting to
think about my own place in this mess; my own privilege and my comfort in the status quo. I need to become more
uncomfortable with people being left out and left behind in our society, while I lock my doors and keep a safe distance
from the conflict. I need to make myself uncomfortable by learning more about the injustices in society and maybe
giving my own time or resources to work for positive change. I need to make myself uncomfortable by getting outside
my own circle of "safe people" and go into the unknown circles and places where I might get to know how others experience this American life.
It breaks my heart repeatedly to see people passing judgments, reacting to fear, raising the fear level, aligning themselves with only people of "like-mind," rather than seeking to understand people who look differently, live differently,
or think differently. People in our society are becoming more polarized by the day. Less people are keeping an open
mind, trying to understand that both sides in almost every situation are more right than wrong, that every person or
institution does good and bad, that none of us has enough knowledge to always choose right.
If it was just up to us humans, I’d just give up with a broken heart. I have to believe that in the midst of this dark time
God is once again at work making good things happen for those willing to see and accept. I have to believe that God is
desiring and working for reconciliation, bringing people back together. That’s why this nation hasn’t blown apart already. I have to believe that it will make a difference if I would just stop judging others and fearing people, and institutions and powers. I have to believe that it will make a difference if more of us stop judging, fearing, and looking at
the differences, and start listening and looking for similarities and places of agreement. I have to believe that it will
make a difference if we would love first, rather than fear, beginning in our homes, our churches, our schools and businesses. It has to start somewhere. Maybe God will start with us, if we’ll let Him, if we will believe.
Blessings, Pastor Kevin Arensman
Lorraine Barten, Marlene Enlow
Robert Felt, Everett Greeno, Eva Kretsch, Wendy McKeithan
Grace Rava, Amber Edwards
Jean Stella, Barbara Lincoln
The women of the Church have an organized Prayer
Chain, which is available to all those who would like to
have others pray for those in need. In January, the
Prayer Chain is usually reorganized to include new
“links” for the chain or to remove the names of those
who do not want to be part of the chain anymore.
Traditionally, the members of the Prayer Chain relay
the prayer requests through the telephone. In the last
several years, we have had a few people ask that the
prayer requests be e-mailed to them. They are not
required to send the request on to anyone else. If you
would like to be a part of this ministry by either method, contact Wendy McKeithan in the Church
Office. The Prayer Chain is printed and available on the
bulletin boards. There are also copies placed at the back
of the sanctuary if you would like to have a copy for
your home. If you, a friend, or family member are in
need of prayer, call one of these individuals to begin
the chain of prayer.
The Seed Faith Circle will not be meeting in January. However, we will meet from February to June (February 17,
March 17, April 21, May 19, and June 16. Look for information in the February “Church Candle” for our next meeting. All women, 18 years and older, are welcome to join this
fellowship group. We usually gather for an evening meal
together, about 6:00 pm, at a local restaurant or a pot luck
meal in the Fellowship Area. Please contact Wendy if you
have any ideas for our meeting in February.
Have you ever thought of exploring the possibility of Pastoral Ministry. Here is a way you can begin that quest. The
Certificate in Pastoral Ministry (CPM) Program of MidAmerica Center for Ministry provides foundational curriculum of education and ministry formation, available online.
The program was revised in 2013 to align with the Sixteen
Areas of Ministerial Practice established by the Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ). An introductory course will be
offered in January online. Talk with Pastor Kevin if you
have interest or questions.
During our Christmas Eve Service, we received an
offering which was designated for the Baby Box
Program at the Christian Hospital in Mungeli India.
Krystle Garrison and others of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) traveled to this hospital this past
October/November to participate in mission work.
Due to conditions and culture in India many babies are
born at low birth weight or die unnecessarily. In an effort to limit these statistics, the staff at Christian Hospital developed the Baby Box Program which is an incentive for the mothers to complete four prenatal visits.
The box includes diapers, blankets, sleepers, baby bath,
and shampoo. The empty box will often serve as a bed
for the baby. One baby box costs $25.00. The gifts received on Christmas Eve will impact the life of a family in India. $393.00 was received on Christmas Eve.
The Local and Global Outreach Committee would like
to thank you for your generous support for this offering. This monetary donation should be sufficient for 15
baby boxes. If you would like to know more about this
program or the hospital in Mungeli, India, visit
As we begin 2015 with a new budget we, as a church, are
always looking for ways to be good stewards of what God
has given us and stay within budget while maintaining a truly meaningful worship experience. Currently our church
subscribes to The Secret Place to help us worship individually. We pay a yearly fee of $118.75 for a total of 100 copies per year. Our contract is due for renewal in August of
this year. At the last Church Board meeting, the possibility
of going with a different devotional guide was discussed
and some of the board members recommended Our Daily
Bread as an alternative. In their experience, it is a very good
devotional and the price is much more reasonable. All that
is asked from the publishers of Our Daily Bread is a yearly
donation of any amount. We would probably donate $50.00
per year for 100 copies. We have decided to order Our Daily Bread on a quarterly basis and provide them side by side
with The Secret Place. We ask the congregation to evaluate
both devotionals. We will conduct this evaluation until the
time of the contract renewal for The Secret Place. We, the
church leadership, would like your opinions as to which you
like best. Please do not hesitate to let us know what you
Oliver McKeithan, Treasurer
THOUGHTS FROM PAULA . . . The holiday season is over but we have more celebrating to do! January 6th
marks the Epiphany or day 12 of the Twelve days of Christmas. Did you know that it is thought the song ”Twelve
Days of Christmas” originated as a coded song for Catholics to learn the tenets of their faith when Catholicism was
outlawed in England from 1558 to 1829. Here is the supposed symbolism included within this song:
*A Partridge in a Pear Tree - Jesus Christ
*Two Turtle Doves - The Old and New Testament
*Three French Hens - The Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity
*Four Calling Birds - The Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
*Five Golden Rings - The First Five Books of the Old Testament
*Six Geese-a-Laying - Six Days of Creation before God’s Rest on the Seventh Day.
*Seven Swans-a-Swimming - Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
*Eight Maids-a-Milking - The Eight Beatitudes
*Nine Ladies Dancing - Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
*Ten Lords-a-Dancing - The Ten Commandments
*Eleven Pipers Piping - Eleven Faithful Disciples
*Twelve Drummers Drumming - Twelve Points of Belief in the Apostles’ Creed
So when we sing this song as a secular and non-Christian Christmas carol we can secretly smile and know that indeed
it is a song with deep Christian roots. Hope your celebration of the Twelve Days of Christmas is full of the gifts of
Jesus Christ.
Blessings, Paula Kraus, Board Chairperson
A Prayer from the Northeastern Conference of the United Christian Church in Japan
The following prayer was sent to us from Rev. Jeffrey Mensendiek, a missionary of Global Ministries. Rev. Mensendiek
visited our church in November 2013. In the past two years our church has participated in a Christmas Card project,
sending Christmas blessings to several churches in Japan. (This is a prayer that was shared among the Christian Churches in Japan on March 11.) Please continue to pray for these people who continue to recover from natural disaster.
When in times of chaos we fail to find the words to pray, and sadness and despair cause us to lose sight of you.
God you never fail to call us back to you. We pray for your Word to fill us with new hope. We pray that even through
this disaster we will be able to discern your will. We know that your grace for us is unchanging, whether in times of crisis or not. We pray for your will to be done. We have so many prayers in our hearts. Please hear those prayers that are
too deep for words. Receive and listen to our laments.
May a quick recovery be granted to all those devastated by earthquake and tsunami. Some people lost their
homes. Others lost loved ones. Some people are forced to live in isolating situations. Please shed your light upon these
people, and give them comfort. Guide the hands of all who are working for recovery. We pray that you will bless all
those suffering on account of the nuclear disaster. We are the ones who allowed that disaster to happen. We are the
ones who have ruined your creation. Please have mercy upon us; the sinners that we are. We pray that you will guide us
so that the next generation will not have to relive the same suffering and sadness. Please protect our children, their
heirs to our future. We pray also for all leaders in the government, that you will bless them with your wisdom. May we
be able to rejoice in the life that you have given us. May your blessing be upon our lives as we begin again today to take
a new step forward. Use us as instruments for your peace. We pray this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
Shawn Shaw, a student at Athens High School,
took second place in the 100 breaststroke and
third place with the relay team at the Williamsport
Swim Meet on December 19, 2014. Shawn has been
recovering from a concussion since the fall season
of soccer. This was his first meet without a
concussion. We are glad you are feeling better!
Zachary Anderson, a member of the student council
at Harlan Rowe Middle School, and third-grader,
Nate Polzella were spotted working at the local
event, Christmas Is For Kids, coordinated by the
Salvation Army on December 21, 2014
In the year 2013, a Benevolence Fund was created to offer
financial assistance to individuals of our church and community who have not been able to receive assistance from
other organizations (such as The Bridge) for various reasons. This fund is supported by individual giving. Since
its inception the fund has been a resource for both church
members and others of the community who are in need. A
donation to this fund can be accepted at any time. Please
note that your gift is to be given to the Benevolence Fund
on your check or on the envelope.
For the month of January, the collection from “Coins For
a Cause” will be given to the Benevolence Fund. As of
this writing, the amount in our Benevolence Fund is approximately $70.00. Thank you for your continued support for our “Coins for a Cause!”
I want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and well
wishes during my recovery from injuries due to my fall.
It’s good to be back singing in the choir!
Laurel Mareck
I would like to recognize Marlene Enlow who has been a
member of the Local and Global Outreach Committee for
many years. In recent years she has served as a cochairperson of this committee. Marlene has decided not to
continue as a committee member. I would like to express
my gratitude to Marlene for her dedication and support to
this ministry.
Wendy McKeithan
The Local and Global Outreach Committee would like to
thank all those who contributed to the holiday bags
which were prepared for the homebound individuals of our
church. Thank you to Julie Allis, Gilberta Corneby, Marlene Enlow, and Pastor Kevin for delivering them. Thank
you cards for the bags have been received by Joyce Lord,
Helen Minard, and Betty Bradley.
The Area Agency on Aging (serving Bradford, Sullivan,
Susquehanna, and Tioga counties) is seeking volunteers to
deliver meals to local seniors who continue to live in their
homes. The agency delivers meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There is a 50 cents a mile reimbursement.
For more information, contact Robin Van Valkenburg,
Volunteer Coordinator located in Towanda PA , 570265,6121 or 1-800-982-4346.
Local & Global Outreach Committee
Before we delivered our shoeboxes to the local collection
center, we were able to tag them so we would be able to
determine the destination of our shoeboxes. We have received notice that at least one of our boxes arrived in
Zimbabwe. If any of the other boxes went to another
country, we will be notified. If not, it may be assumed that
all of our boxes arrived in Zimbabwe. Information from
Samaritan’s Purse concerning Operation Christmas Child
included this amazing story . . .
Back in 2000, an 8 year old girl named Joana in the Philippines got a shoebox packed by a 7-year-old boy named
Tyrel in Idaho. Through that box, Joana heard the Gospel
and gave her heart to the Lord. So did her father, who is
now a pastor. In 2011, Joana wanted to thank the little boy
whose gifts transformed her life. The only clue she had
was the name on a picture she had kept from her shoebox
showing a blond boy in a cowboy shirt, holding a lariat:
Tyrel Wolfe. She found him on facebook, and they became such great friends online that Tyrel traveled to the
Philippines to meet her. Then they fell in love, and guess
what? In October, they were married. For wedding gifts,
they asked their guests to bring shoeboxes. Tyrel said, “I
remember as a little boy, I was so excited to know the toys
and other items I put in the box would bring joy to another
child somewhere else in the world. I just didn’t know the
joy it would bring back to me one day.”
January 1 - Jordan Mensch
Blake Saxon
Kevin Platt
2 - Maureen Lee
4 - Helen Kelley
Terry Polzella
Mike Saxon
Wanetta Clark
5 - Debbie Glose
Sarah Heveland
7 - Zachary Yale
Cody Weed
8 - Anson Hawkins
Gene Smith
Holly Kline
9 - Juanita Cron
Jona Donovan
11 - Chad Garrison
12 - Susan Eldridge
Brooke Johnson
Jamie Howard
13 - Calvin Smith
15 - Darci Baird
Rick Rava
16 - Mary Ann Musto
Kathi Hunsinger
Mark Allis
17 - Logan Anderson
Terry Thompson
18 - Jon Lincoln
20 - Jeffrey Robert
Beverly Bleiler
Art Johnston
Wendy Shaw
21 - Lee Diehl
Barb Lincoln
Ruth Cole
24 - Lorie Anderson
26 - Devin Hawkins
Terry Jean Wayman
Patrick Musto
28 - Courtney Stanton
Justine Case
Laurel Mareck
Kathy Dutcher
29 - Ryan Stanton
Shane McCutcheon
Tessa Crum
Cathy Teeter
30 - Heather Basinger
January 6 - John & Cori Belles
8 - Glenn & Cheryl Hunsinger
12 - Jim Jr. & Shannon Donahoo
26 - Wade & Jennifer Van Zile
A NOTE to the CHOIR . . .
Many thanks to the members of the choir and all those who
had special parts and added to our music through the Christmas season: Julie and Mark Allis, Zachary Anderson, Pastor
Arensman, Lorraine Barten, Phyllis and Bob Felt, Allan
Frisk, Teresa Griffin, Casey Leed, Laurel Mareck. Shawn
Shaw, Oliver McKeithan, Kathy and Rick Rava, Sarah
Rava, and Don Valentine.
Janet Frisk, Pianist/Interim Choir Director
And, SPECIAL THANKS to Janet Frisk for her dedication
to our music ministry.
As a follower of Jesus, you are a leader for making a better
world. As a church member, you are a leader for making a
better church, to make a better world. You should attend the
Leadership Retreat on February 7th, to learn how you can
make a difference and to let our elected leaders know your
ideas. Please mark February 7 on your calendar!
Slow Me Down Lord,
Lord, this year teach me the art of taking minute vacations of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a
friend, to pat a dog, to read from the Bible.
Remind me each day that the race is not always to
the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed.
Let me look upward into the branches of the towering oak
and know that it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord, and inspire me to send my
roots deep into the soil of eternal values, that I may grow
toward my eternal home. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Copyright © Sermons4Kids, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Sayre Christian Church
427 South Keystone Avenue
Sayre, PA 18840-1527
Kevin Arensman, Pastor
Church 1-570-888-2683
E-Mail: [email protected]
SAYRE, PA 18840
Dated Material
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Sayre Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Mission Statement
The mission of the Sayre Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) is to honor God, share the love of
Christ, and change lives ministering grace and peace.”
UPCOMING EVENTS - January 2015
1 New Year’s Day Party - noon-4 pm
in the side vestry
4 Food Pantry Sunday
10 Elders Meeting at 9:00 am
Memorial Service for Bruce Harding at 11 am
13 Church Board Meeting at 6 pm
This is an open meeting. All are welcome.
25 Brunch at the Best Western Grand Victorian Inn
After worship/Buy One, Get One Free