Summary Sheet: Governing Body Date 14 January 2015 Title of paper CWHHE Quality and Safety Committee revised terms of reference Presenter & Organisation Trish Longdon for HFCCG Jonathan Webster for CL, WL, H and ECCG Author Joanna Daffurn Responsible Director Jonathan Webster Clinical Lead Jonathan Webster Confidential Yes No (items are only confidential if it is in the public interest for them to be so) The Governing body is asked to: Approve the revised terms of reference for the CWHHE quality and safety committee. Summary of purpose and scope of report The CWHHE quality and safety committee has revised its terms of reference to reflect the current arrangements across the five CCGs. Quality & Safety/ Patient Engagement/ Impact on patient services: The committee reviews both quality improvement and clinical assurance on issues affecting the quality of all services commissioned across the CCGs within the collaborative encompassing: - Patient Safety, - Clinical effectiveness and - Patient experience Financial and resource implications No financial implications Equality / Human Rights / Privacy impact analysis The equalities reference group is accountable to the collaborative quality and safety committee Risk This committee receives assurances for the key risks to securing high quality services and improved outcomes for patients. Supporting documents The terms of reference are attached. Governance and reporting (list committees, groups, or other bodies that have discussed the paper) Committee name CWHHE Quality and Safety Committee Date discussed 27/11/2014 Outcome The committee approved the revised terms of reference Quality and Patient Safety Committee Terms of reference Title: Quality and Patient Safety Committee Date approved and approving body: Revised terms of reference to be approved by the governing bodies. Purpose: The committee will foster and facilitate a culture of learning and ongoing quality improvement across the collaborative. It will do this by keeping under review both quality improvement and clinical assurance on issues affecting the quality of all services commissioned across the CCGs in the collaborative, encompassing: ▪ ▪ ▪ Patient safety, Clinical effectiveness and Patient experience. The committee will also be the health and safety committee for each CCG and assure the governing bodies on compliance with the Health and safety at work act 1974. Membership: • • • • • • • In Attendance • • • Lay member (Chair) Director of quality, nursing & patient safety Secondary care consultant governing body member(s) Chair of each CCG in the collaborative or their nominated deputy (must be a clinical member of the governing body) Chief officer Director of compliance Representative from the committee responsible for quality in each CCG in the collaborative CCG quality leads CCG managing directors Designated lead for safeguarding CWHHE is a collaborative between Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Groups Page 1 of 5 Chair: A lay member from one of the CCGs. In the absence of the lay chair, one of the secondary care consultants will act as the deputy chair. Advisors (in attendance): Only members of the committee have the right to attend committee meetings. However, other individuals, including external advisers, may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting as and when appropriate. Secretary: Provided by the governance and compliance team Quorum: At least one lay member or secondary care consultant, and at least one representative from each CCG. For the sake of clarity, no-one can count more than once when making the quorum. Frequency of meetings: Monthly. Operation of the committee: The secretary will prepare an agenda for meetings with the chair. The secretary will collate papers and circulate papers to those required to be at the meeting no less than 5 days before the meeting. Late papers will not be permitted except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the meeting chair. Minutes will be drafted by the secretary for approval by the chair within seven days of the meeting. Once approved by the chair, minutes will be circulated to members and the CCG committee responsible for quality for information. Minutes will be ratified at the following meeting and signed by the chair. The committee will seek assurance from the CCG committees with responsibility for quality, through highlight and exception reporting. Areas of specific concern that might affect more than one CCG in the collaborative will be discussed at the meeting. Outcomes from the meeting will be fed back to the constituent CCG committees with responsibility for quality via the CCG quality leads. CWHHE is a collaborative between Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Groups Page 2 of 5 Duties: advisory The committee will: advise on priorities for quality and patient safety (local and national) within the framework and guidance set by the governing bodies; advise governing bodies on the effectiveness of clinical governance, clinical risk management and quality reporting systems; promote the consistency of reporting systems across the collaborative in order to simplify their production, highlight common and specific issues, and facilitate sharing of good practice; advise governing bodies on the key clinical and quality risks advise CCG quality committees on the content of provider quality accounts with respect to any strategic developments that impact more than one CCG in the collaborative, advise on quality information that should be used to support the case for change; review and advise the governing bodies on policies relating to compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and national guidance (where they relate to the remit of this committee); advise governing bodies on the robustness of safeguarding arrangements within commissioned services. advise the governing bodies on compliance with the Equality act 2010, Human rights act 1998, and the Health and safety at work act 1974; advise governing bodies on emergency preparedness, response and resilience plans and business continuity plans. CWHHE is a collaborative between Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Groups Page 3 of 5 Duties: monitoring The committee will: review the establishment and maintenance of effective clinical governance, clinical risk management and quality reporting systems to support the governing bodies’ objectives in relation to the duties of quality including involvement and engagement; review the adequacy of the underlying quality improvement and clinical assurance processes that indicate the degree of achievement of corporate objectives on clinical quality and patient safety identify the key risks in terms of quality, and monitor and report progress on these themes to the governing body review findings of Care quality commission reports, serious incidents, never events, mental health incidents, independent inquiries, internal audit, complaints and other relevant sources, and recommend any improvements to current processes and procedures, and seek assurance about the delivery of subsequent actions; review the quality of the main providers that operate across the collaboration including: acute, mental health and community providers, ensure that services that are commissioned meet the CCG’s requirements under the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998; to review arrangements for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and seek assurances that systems and processes are fit for purpose; monitor the effectiveness of emergency preparedness, response and resilience plans and business continuity plans. Subgroups: The following groups are accountable to the committee: Equalities reference group; Buildings User Group (on issues relating to health and safety) Accountability: The committee is accountable to the respective governing bodies of which it is a committee. CWHHE is a collaborative between Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Groups Page 4 of 5 Reporting responsibilities: The approved minutes will be presented to the each CCG’s governing body for information. This may be supplemented with a verbal or written report from the chair on the proceedings of the committee. The committee shall make whatever recommendations to the governing body it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed. The minutes will also be circulated for information to each CCG’s committee with responsibility for quality. Conduct of committee: The committee shall, at least annually, review its own performance, membership and terms of reference. Any resulting changes to the terms of reference should be approved by the four governing bodies. CWHHE is a collaborative between Central London, West London, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hounslow and Ealing Clinical Commissioning Groups Page 5 of 5
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