1 MOOSE NEWS DOLLARS CORNER MOOSE LODGE DOLLARS CORNER MOOSE LODGE #2423 LOOM #2423 WOTM #2119 P.O. BOX 116 6719 N.E. 219TH ST. BATTLE GROUND, WA 98604 PHONE: (360)666-8508 FAX: (360)666-5642 VOLUME 10 ISSUE 12 January 2015 Lodge2423 @ mooseunits.org ON THE INSIDE: Governors Message 2 LOOM Business Sr. Regent Message 3 WOTM Business Lodge Activities 4 Member News/ Birthdays 5 Advertisers 6 Random 7 Monthly Calendar 8 All right everyone, it is the month for the annual chili cookoff. Start getting your chili ready. Last years winners were . Best tasting-Bob White Peoples Choice– Bob White Spiciest– Jim Owens Most Original– Bob White This year it looks like we need more challengers. We are looking for judges who are not in the contest. Chili entries must be brought in by 4 PM January 16th, Judging will start shortly after, We will be selling cups of chili afterwards for $3.50, until 7:30 or until the chili is gone. Good luck and may the best chili win…. WANT TO CONTACT MOOSE INTERNATIONAL OR OUR REGIONAL OFFICERS? STATE: WSNIMA.org INTERNATIONAL: Mooseintl.org Dollars Corner Moose Lodge #2423 Hours of Operation: Monday Noon –10PM Tuesday - Saturday Noon-11:00 PM Sunday- We open at 9:30 AM offering breakfast until 11:30 And remain open until 11 PM. MEETINGS AND EVENTS WOTM REG. MEETING January 6th @ 6:30 PM WOTM OFFICIERS MEETING January 13th @ 6PM Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in the boat all day and drink beer. JOINT BOARD MEETING January 15th @ 5:30:PM WOTM BAKED POTATO NIGHT January 9th 5:30 – 7:30pm LOOM MEETING January 8th & 22nd @ 6 PM WOTM BUSINESS MEETING January 20th @ 6:30 PM MOOSE LEGION MEETING January 22ndh @ 5:30 PM LOOM STEAK NIGHT January 30th @ 5:30 PM WOTM ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFFF January 6th from 4-7:30PM WOTM SUPER BOWL BASKET January 16 –31st 2 MOOSE NEWS LOOM CHAPTER #2423 OFFICERS 2013-2014 Thoughts, Prayers and wishing you well Governor...Jay Sadler Jr. Past Governor..Rod Logue .Jr. Governor...Dan Andrews Family of Stew Willis Kent Barry getting better Greg Ross loss of his mother Family of June Parris Prelate...Pinky Fuller Administrator...George Espinosa Treasurer...Steve Rowe Trustee 3 year...Brian Dollar 2 year...Larry Raley 1 year...Tim Brusseau Sgt. At Arms Audit… MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR Wow! Another year has flown by and we face a new one ready or not. First in my priorities is to thank all of you who have stepped up to meet the task that came to us. It seem to me that a few more members are getting involved not only in Lodge activities, but in the community in the name of our lodge as evidenced by the certificate on the wall. Robin and I are especially grateful for the act of brotherhood, ladies included, that brought a band of brothers to our rescue after the big wind storm. Now for the challenges that come with the New Year. The life blood of any fraternity is membership and we need all members looking for new members all the time, whether there are any special incentives offered or not, the reward for bringing in new members a healthy active lodge for all to enjoy. The only thing I can think of more important is maintaining our current members. I think most, if not all of us have sponsored at least one member. I would like to ask of each of you is; if someone you sponsored hasn’t been in, or better yet check the list of members who are past due and if you see a member of that list give them a call. Find out why they are not coming around and learn what we can do to peak their interest again. Each month the LOOM meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays. THIS MONTHS MEETING DATES ARE January 8th and 22nd @ 6 PM. Join us! Joint Officers Meeting January 15thth @ 5:30 PM Moose Legion Meeting January 22nd @ 5:30 LOVE Remember Brothers and Sisters, We give so much so that those who may not have much or anything can have a little something. I am looking for a few people or more who would like to make a difference in the lives of others… Weather it be 2, 3, 5 or 10 of us who donate each month $20.00 to the Susan B Davis foundation or sponsor a child who is in need of food. With the little money we can give some one a much better life. Please contact Amy if you are interested and see where we, Moose Lodge, Moose Chapter of Dollars corner can make a MEMBER William Boyce Richard Frank David Hunsinger Brandon Paolo Christopher Rice Josh Rockett VE (Bud) Seager SPONSOR Vern Dollar Kenneth McMillen Rick Hughes Brett Grinde Amy Caffrey Vern Dollar Fen Hartley difference. Just like your dues you pay yearly that helps those at MooseHeart Moosehaven, We are, weather you know it or not are making a difference, NOTE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS BOTH CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED AND SHALL ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO AND USED BY GOOD STANDING MEMBERS OF THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE FOR FRATERNAL PURPOSES. ANY USE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN FOR PRIVATE GAIN OR FOR ANY COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL OR BUSINESS PURPOSES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 3 MOOSE NEWS WOTM CHAPTER #2119 OFFICERS 2014-2015 Senior Regent…Dawn Johnston Jr. Graduate Regent…Lisa Amick Junior Regent...Denise Snyder Chaplain...Vancant Secretary/Treasurer...Delores Hollister Recorder...Juanita Hubler Guide…Meg Veith Asst. Guide...Stacy Owens Audit ...Sherri Cardoza WOMEN OF THE MOOSE: Happy New Year to all of you. I sure love this lodge/chapter of ours. I have met so many interesting people from all walks of life. Each of you have something to contribute and continue to do so whether it be volunteer hours given, increasing and maintaining membership, attending regular meetings, committee chairman planning or donating to fundraising efforts. THANK YOU! Beginning in late January and over the next couple of months it will be time for you to consider thinking about the election of new officers. Your Board of Officers are responsible and necessary for the Chapter to continue. If you are considering one of the four positions or want to nominate someone who you think will be an assett to the continued success of this Chapter please attend an important meeting on January 20th at 6:30 p.m. We have all heard the saying there is no "I" in team. Officers from earlier years continue to guide, support, teach and mentor to keep this Chapter going for many years to come. These fine women will continue to share strength building tools if you choose to become an officer and help you along your path just as they have done for me; you will not have to do it all alone because of their devotion and enthusiasm. Bragging rights! The Women of the Moose will be holding there yearly Chili Cookoff on January 16th. There will be four catagories judged and the winner will have their name engraved on a plaque. Look for more information on flyers in the lodge. It's the big one- we will also start our annual Super Bowl Raffle that evening as well. February brings out the romance-we will be having a Spaghetti Dinner on February 13th. Salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and sweetheart dessert all for $10.00. There will also be a $50.00 gift certificate to McMennimen's raffled off. There will be other surprises as well so come enjoy a special evening out at your Moose lodge. It's time to sign up new members and to pay your dues forward! For the month's of January and February only the Women of the Moose will waive the $20.00 application fee for new members being signed up. Now is the the time to encourage those who have procrastinated in joining. And as of May 1st, dues will be going up for WOTM to $30.00. Now is the time to go online to Moose International and pay your dues forward. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN 2014-2015 Academy of Friendship….......Joyce Watson Membership/Retention......….Barb Fuller Publicity………………………............Michele Anderson Youth Involvement……….........Gloria Mielke. Moose Charities……………….......Stacie Johnson. Mooseheart/Moosehaven.....Michelle Sadler. Community Service………...…...Shelly Boyd Educational Advancement….Delpha Schmidt Health Awareness……….....……Kathy Huss. College of Regents……………..…Sandy Ruff Family Involvement…….….…....Vancant Star Recorder……….................….Sharon Cardoza Kids Party Coordinator……..….Vancant Each month the WOTM meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM. Next meetings are January. Come share your ideas! WOTM Board Meeting TUESDAY January 13th @ 6 PM Joint Officers Meeting January 15th @ 5:30 PM 1st meeting January 6th & second meeting January 20th @ @6:30 PM Our next regular meeting is Tuesday January 6th at 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there to start off the new year continuing with our efforts to help others through faith, hope and charity. Thank you. Dawn Johnston RECORDERS ARTICLE It has come to my attention that filling out applications is complicated. So please ask the Bar Staff or any Officer of the Men or Women Boards who can help to properly fill out the application. This would help get your candidates enrolled sooner and they will start to enjoy the many events here at MEMBER SPONSOR the lodge. After filling out your application, and you haven’t received your card in the mail in 3 weeks, please contact the Board of Officers in which division of the Moose that you had applied Karol Falk Bob Falk for. They will check on the status of your application. Sponsors be sure to enter all the informaAnne Lindberg Candia Tingley tion including your Moose I D number, to ensure you receive credit. If you missed getting your friends, family members and co-workers signed up for Christmas, here’s your chance to offer them a discount on the application fees of $20.00. The Women of the Moose will be having a campaign to waive the application fees in January and February 2015. This will help to jump start our membership before the new raised dues go in to effect, on May 1, 2015. All applications must be completely filled out with the information of the new applicant and the sponsors. This will guarantee your applicant will be processed in time and their card mailed to them sooner. This is for January 1, 2015 to February 28, 2015 only; there will be no exceptions. Dianna Perry Lyle Perry Brooke Pope Candia Tingley Theresa Royle Kathy Huss Beth Weston Kristine Huston Verna White Walt Garrison Erica Wright Juanita Hubler 4 MOOSE NEWS SUNDAY BREAKFAST SERVED 9:30-11:30 AM Come down Friday nights for the QUEEN OF HEARTS 1st drawing 6:30 pm second drawing 8:00 THE MOOSE ARE NOSE TO NOSE, WHICH ONE IS GOING TO WIN?? MOOSE RACES 6 PM 1st & 3rd MONDAYS ATTENTION ALL MOOSE Members IN ORDER TO PLAY POKER, BINGO OR PULL TANS YOU MUST HAVE A CURRENT MOOSE CARD. WHILE PLAYING POKER IT SHALL BE LEFT ON THE TABLE WHILE YOU ARE PLAYING> ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE SEE JAY SADLER< GEORGE ESPINOSA OR AMY CAFFREY. THANK YOU> Lindy Lou was the winner of $1137.00.. B I G $$$ BINGO SUNDAYS 6PM Every Sunday is your chance to win $500.00 CRIBBAGE 2nd and the 16th @ 2 PM .. Come play!!! We are Starting a little happy hour munch menu for Mondays & Saturdays from 4-6 PM . We will be offering mini pizzas or 10 Mini Tacos $3.00 each. Let us know what you think….. Texas Hold’em (Tournament Rules) MEXICAN TRAIN TUESDAY @ 2:00 & 6:30 pm DOMINOS WEDNESDAYS 2 PM ALSO ON WEDNESDAYS $2.25 TACO BURGER $3.00 TACO SALAD $4.00 Tuesdays at 2:00. Come learn how to play. This is a casual game for beginners. THURSDAY @ 2:00 & 6:30 pm SUNDAY @ 12:45 pm. No Limit. Note: If you can’t be there right on time, please call the lodge & let them know you are coming and a spot will be held for you. 5 MOOSE NEWS MEMBER NEWS Thanks BIRTHDAYS 1– Mike Lease, Julie McAdams, Natalie Sequeira 2– Fen Hartley, Scott Unholz, Michelle JOnes 3– Larry Eiesland, Curt Goldsmith, Roger Parson, John VanVessen, Ruth Alaniz 4– Roger Heasley, Teresa Stillson 5– Mar Bright, Larry Wyre, John Zesinger, Patricia Julian, Dorthy Meracos 6– Ray Jara, Marita Bay 7– Nick Chavez, James Sutton 8– Kyle Thorson Jr 9– Dawn Blankenship, Debbie Parks, Kim Scarbrough 10– John Holewa, William Mero, James Sadler, Glen Zimmerly, Mary Kor 11– Bruce Atterberry, Mike Shaffer, Sandra Miser 12– Fred Chruch, Larry Slattery, Retta Hammack 13– Harold Lysne, Shirley Becker, Shauna Vaighn 14– Wesley Johnson, John Risi, Nichole Jack, Colleen McLaughin, Toni Swoyer 15– Kris Bishop, Brett Grinde, Parker Harris, Lyle Perry, Theresa Phipps 16– Greg Thorton 17– Donald Gosch, James Schlessinger, Laurie Gosch 19– Robert Goodpaster, David Manly 20– Melivin Douglass, Brian Haas 21– Vern Balkoitsch, Rob Christensen, Arnie Turner, Rhonda Mills I wanted to extend a special THANK YOU to all the people who through out the year have gone above and beyond their membership here… First off Thank you to Bob White, Denise Snyder, Kent Berry, Jim Owens, Carol Andrews, for all you did for the Christmas dinner.. Through the year we ask for help with many projects around the quarters, inside & out and we always seem to have a great group of people that are JUST there. Thank you, Steve Rowe, Jay Sadler, Lee Mattson Kenny Pearson Michelle Sadler, Jason Mittman George Espinoza & Robyn Espinoza for all the Steak night dinners you have helped with. Thank you Kenny Pearson and your crew for doing the parking lot when ever it is needed. Thank you Bill Tingley, Greg Ross, Jim Owens, Kenny Pearson, Jay Sadler, Steve Rowe, Bob Monfort & Morgan Bender for always willing to gave a hand when it comes to the have to around here.. Weather it be a light bulb, take out garbage, Build a rack, clean out a shed, You guys are here and willing….. Thank you to those that gave so much during the Holidays.. Kenny Pearson, You are an amazing gentleman and are forever thanked for all the MONEY you give to the children. Thank you Ladies, Juanita Hubler, Denise Snyder, Deloris Hollister, Dawn Johnston & Linda Haas for all the events you do that help our lodge promote goodness. Thank you Michelle Sadler, Robin Espinosa, George Espinosa for all you do during Bingo. Denise Snyder & Deloris Hollister for Monday Moose Races & Charlie Krossman for being Vanna When someone is out. Thank you to all the Volunteers, Sharry Lynn, Denise Snyder, Mike Cook, Wendi Monfort, & Carol Andrews for always willing to jump in when we need an extra person. 24– Randy Adams, Morry Stover, Keith Wilbur, Sue Chicks, Brooke Pope, Betty Wright I want to SAY THANK YOU TO A GREAT CREW I HAVE HAD THIS YEAR……. Colleen Tabor, Candia Tingley, Jim Ownes, Melissa Bartow, Bobbi Brown, Fen Hartley, Delpha Schmidt, Sherry Knight, Greg Ross & Breanna Padilla… You guys ALWAYS work together and make things happen, for this I am forever Grateful…… I am lucky to have such wonderful people. If I forgot someone I am sorry. 25– Dan Andrews, Glenn Fordyce XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXO 26– Lee Davis, Micael Horn, Larry Slattery, Dani Newton Amy ~~~~~ 22– Ken Hudson, James Wall, Lynda Greene 23– James Henderson, Cheryl Crosley, LornaSmallum 27– Gary Abraham, David Wyre, Andrea King, Sandra Ruff 28– Jeff Bolling, Brian Halvorson 29– Mike Stewart 30– Mike Dollar. Dale Hansen, Alvira Grubbs 31– Ted Hauser, Bill Tingley Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. ====Winston Churchill====== 6 MOOSE NEWS Chili Cook off is January 16th, Bring in your best dish and may the best chili Win…. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS! AUTO SERVICE AND TRUCKING COAST 2 COAST CDL TRAINING LLC 9110 NE HWY 99 VANCOUVER, WA 98665 WOTM are during this years Super Bowl Basket, Tickets will be on sale from January 16th through January 31st. Come down and support your woman of the Moose and your Lodge. 360/513-4134 360/433-1826 www.coast2coastcdl.com FOOD AND HEALTH CARE HOME REPAIR AND HEATING SEASONED FIREWOOD GO SEAHAWKS COME WATCH THE OREGON GAME NEW YEARS @ 2pm Darrin Erickson 360.907.6096 Bob White 360.901.5960 HOME SERVICES Your business ad here! Call Amy for more info. 666-8508 7 MOOSE NEWS Good Stuff here: With 2014 behind us it is time to start looking ahead at 2015 and sticking with the New Year resolution you made. Get involved with your community, Take the dog for a walk, Take time for you, Go on more family outings, Love more and give more. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL OF YOU, THIS YEAR BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND DO ANYTHING YOU DESERVE!!! Razor Clam Digs start Dec 31st on ocean beaches, Dec 31st 3:05 pm , 0.6 feet, Long beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis January 1st 4:01 pm, 0.2 Feet Long beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis January 2nd 4:49 PM –0.2 feet Long beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis January 3rd 5:32 pm, -.05 feet Long beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis January 4th 6:12 pm, -0.5 feet Long beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks, Copalis January 5th, 6:48 pm, -0.5 feet, Long beach, Twin Harbors, January 6th 7:23 pm, -0.3 feet, Long beach, Twin Harbors, January 7th, 7:57 pm, -0.1 feet, Long beach, Twin Harbors, Tentative upcoming digs after that, You can go online and look up current razor clam season information and it will bring you to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for the rest of the schedule. Good Luck and safe clamming…. 8 MOOSE NEWS January Sun 4) BREAKFAST 9:30-11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM 11) Breakfast 9:30—11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM 18) BREAKFAST 9:30-11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM 25) BREAKFAST 9:30-11:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 12:45 BINGO 6 PM Mon 5) Turkey & Dumplings Moose Races 6 PM Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 12) Chicken Cordon Bleu 2015 Tue 6) Meat Loaf Music Night 5:30 Wed 7) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM WOTM officers mtg @ 6PM Hot Roast Beef Sandwich Music Night 5:30 14) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM Moose Races 6 PM Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 26) BBQ Beef Sandwich Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 20) Mushroom Burger WOTM BUS. MTG 6:00 PM Music Night 5:30 21) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM TEXAS HOLD EM 2 & 6:30 27) Hot Turkey Sandwich Music Night 5:30 28) Tacos DOMINOS 2 PM Sat 2) 3) Chicken Fried Toast Sandwich Fish & Shrimp Basket Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 8) 9) French Dip LOOM 1st MTG 6:00 PM 15) Ham & Scallops Joint MTG 5:30 Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 19) Liver & Onions Fri 1) TEXAS HOLD EM 2 & 6:30 TEXAS HOLD EM 2 & 6:30 13) Thu 22) Pork Stroganoff Legion MTG 5:30 Pm LOOM 2nd MTG 6:00 PM 29) Chicken Wrap Queen of Hearts 6:30 PM & 8Pm 10) Tuna Melt WOTM Bake Potato Night 5:30-7:30 Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM 16) Fish Sandwich WOTM meat Drawing @ 5-7 17) Queen of Happy Hour pizza or Mini hearts 6:30 Tacos 4-6 & 8 PM Chili Cook off 4-7:30 PM 23) Clam Strip Basket Night WOTM Meat draw 5-7pm Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM 24) Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 30) 31) Shrimp Basket Queen of hearts 6:30 & 8 PM Happy Hour pizza or Mini Tacos 4-6 LOOM Steak
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