We take an uncommon satisfaction in helping people make difficult decisions that are good for them. Confidential Worksheet for _____________________________________________ and ______________________________________ Name Name Return completed worksheet to Common Sense Companies Phone ▪ Fax [Type text] Common Sense Companies www.Commonsensecompanies.com Confidential Personal Information Client Name Spouse Name Questions/Goals √ Check all that apply and we will get you the information at no cost. Determine if we can afford long-term care protection Information on long term care where our premiums get returned if I (we) never make a claim? Information on IRAs and 401K rollovers Assistance in qualifying for VA Aid & Attendance benefits to pay for all forms of care. Find out how much of our assets can be protected or saved by pre-planning for Medicaid. Help setting aside guaranteed money to pay for funeral expenses. Determine if I (we) need to continue paying life insurance premiums. Protect assets from lawsuits, creditors, or from liens. Protect assets for my/our children to receive after I/we pass on. Help avoiding going through probate Safest methods of passing assets on, tax tree Do you have children or grandchildren for whom you would like to set up a college tuition fund at no out-of-pocket money from you? Other Please return to: Cell: Fax: Email: Common Sense Companies www.commonsensecompanies.com Confidential Personal Information Client Name Spouse Name Client Date of Birth Spouse Date of Birth Client Cell Phone Spouse Cell Phone Home Phone Home Address City State/Zip Veteran Yes No Veteran Yes No Health Questions Client Spouse Please circle or underline all conditions that apply. Have you ever had, do you currently have, have you been medically diagnosed as having or have you been treated for Stroke/TIA (within the last 5 years), multiple strokes/TIAs, stroke with residual impairment; Alzheimer’s disease; dementia/organic brain syndrome, memory loss and/or persistent forgetfulness that is progressive or treated with prescription medication; mental retardation; schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease/syndrome; multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); or Huntington’s disease, agent orange? Yes No Yes No Have you been medically diagnosed as having or have you been treated for AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)/AIDS related conditions; or have you tested positive for antibodies to the AIDS virus? Yes No Yes No Do you require supervision or human assistance with: bathing; dressing; eating; walking; getting in/out of bed or a chair; use of toilet; or bowel/bladder control? Yes No Yes No Do you use or have you been advised to use any of the following medical equipment: wheelchair; motorized scooter; walker; stair lift; quad cane; dialysis; or oxygen (except for sleep apnea)? Yes No Yes No Do you currently reside in, or have been advised to enter or use a nursing home; an assisted living facility; adult day care; any other type of long-term care facility; or home health care services? Yes No Yes No Do any of your children help you with household chores, your medical care, or help you with your business affairs? Yes No Yes No Have you been diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or Melanoma Cancer within the last 3 years? Yes No Yes No Please return to: Cell: Fax: Email: Common Sense Companies www.commonsensecompanies.com Coonfidential Peersonal Infformation Client Nam me Spou use Name e Cash C Flow w ation: Pleas se enter the type of MON NTHLY INCO OME. Exam mple: Sociall Security, Disability Financial informa n or a descriptive catego ory. Please enter only M MEDICAL co osts, no houssehold expe enses. Income, Pension Montthly Incom me Client Spous se Inco ome Gross Inco me Gross Wag ges $ Wag es $ Social Security $ Socia al Security $ Penssion $ Penssion $ Disa ability $ Disab bility $ IRA Distribution $ IRA D Distribution $ Renttal Income $ Renttal Income $ Othe er __________ ___________ _____ $ Otherr __________ ___________ _____ $ Total In ncome $ Total In ncome $ Monthly M Me edical Care e Costs Client Spous se Nurssing Home $ Nurssing Home $ Assisted Living $ Assissted Living $ Therrapy $ Therrapy $ Medicare B $ Mediicare B $ Medicare C & D $ Mediicare C & D $ Priva ate Medical Ins/Supplem mental $ Priva ate Medical IIns/Supplem mental $ Hom me Health Aid d $ Hom e Health Aid d $ Medications $ Mediications $ Misccellaneous $ Misc ellaneous $ Gran nd Totals Pleaase return to o: Celll: Faxx: Emaiil: Total Costs $ Total Costs $ In ncome $ Medical C Costs $ Com mmon Sen nse Comp panies www w.commonssensecompanies.com Coonfidential Peersonal Infformation Client Nam me Spou use Name e ASSETS ase do NOT include acco ount numberrs, but the ty ype of accou unt is importa ant to fully e evaluate your eligibility Plea for d different plan ns. Round account balan nces to the nearest n thou usand. It is o okay to lump p same type es of invesstments toge ether. We d do not need to know the e names of banks b or inve estment com mpanies. Client/Joint Spouse e To otal Check iif you have the √ followinng documennts in place Checcking/Saving gs/MM $ $ $ CD’ss IRA’ss/401K’s $ $ $ Type e __________ _______ $ $ $ POA – P Property/Financial Type e __________ _______ $ $ $ Living W Will Annu uities Cash h Value of Life L Insurance Policie es $ $ $ $ $ $ Hom me Othe er Real Estate $ $ $ Type e __________ _______ $ $ $ Vehiicles $ $ $ Othe er __________ _______ $ $ $ $` $ POA – H Health Care Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Invesstment Acco ounts Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Total $ Last Willl & Testame ent Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Revocab ble (Living) T Trust Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Irrevoca able Trust Dated _ ____________ _____________ _ Prepaid Funeral Pla an Amount $__________ _____ With W Whom ________ ___________ U Use back of this fhis form fo or additional in nformation Family Child dren's Name Addres ss/Phone N Number Age A Email, if known Ple ease enter any y additional children c on a separate s piecce of paper orr in your e-ma ail response. Pleaase return to o: Celll: Faxx: Emaiil: Com mmon Sen nse Comp panies www w.commonssensecompanies.com Confidential Personal Information Client Name Spouse Name VA AID and ATTENDANCE Don’t allow a deserving veteran to be denied a tax-free pension! To determine if you or your spouse could be eligible for VA pension with Aid and Attendance Pension benefits, you need to know/do the following: 1. Do you have the original or a certified copy of the military discharge papers (DD214 or equivalent)? Yes □ No □ 2. If No, you will need to order the discharge papers from www.vetrecs.archives.gov/ or call the Veteran Records Center 314-801-0800. 3. Was the term of service during a War Time Period listed below? Yes □ No □ Please provide Branch of Service: ____________________________________ Service dates: ________________________________________ World War II: December 7, 1941 thru December 31, 1946 Korean War: June 27, 1950 thru January 31, 1955 Vietnam Era: August 5, 1964 thru May 7, 1975 (if serving anywhere) February 28, 1961 thru May 7, 1975 (if in the country of Vietnam) Persian Gulf: August 2, 1980 thru present 4. Does the Veteran or widow need assistance with any of the following activities of daily living? Check all that apply □ Driving □ Toileting □ Veteran □ Walking □ Bathing □ Eating □ Transferring from bed or chair □ Widow/Spouse or □ Both □ Dressing Applies to: 5. What is the total Gross Monthly household income of the veteran, spouse or widow? $____________ 6. Are you currently registered with the Veterans Administration (VA)? 7. Are you currently receiving other Veterans Benefits? 8. □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Are you or your spouse currently on Medicaid or have applied for Medicaid? If yes, ______________________________ □ Yes □ No 9. Do you have a disabled child that resides in your home with you or your spouse? □ Yes □ No Please return to: Cell: Fax: Email: Common Sense Companies www.commonsensecompanies.com
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