St. Martin de Porres Parish 118 Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 845.473.4222 845.473.4223 FAX email: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Msgr. James P. Sullivan Rev. Abraham K. George, M.C.B.S. Rev. Daniel Tuite Deacons: Victor Salamone, Franklin Hung, David Nash, James Fiorio, Michael Correale William Kennedy, Parish Finance Director Kathleen Davis, Administrative Assistant Patti Norman, Administrative Assistant Jackie Hourani, Music Coordinator Karen Hansen Simon, Trustee PJ Darcy, Trustee MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 PM SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:45 AM & 12:15 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS: Consult Parish Bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:45—4:45 PM and other times, please call the rectory. SCHOOL 845.452.4428 Mrs. Kathleen Leahy, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 845.471.8728 Mrs. Janet McGuirk, Coordinator Mrs. Ellen Farina, Assistant Coordinator Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9:30—1:30 PM PARISH CEMETERY Call 473-4222 BAPTISM: Celebrated on Sundays at 2:00 PM. Please contact the rectory well in advance of the Sacrament. Baptismal preparation class is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Church. MARRIAGES: Couples should contact one of the priests or deacons at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. A marriage preparation program is required. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory if you wish to receive the Sacraments at home. Notify us of any hospitalization so that we may be of assistance. NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you and would like to meet you. Please introduce yourself to one of our priests, deacons or call the rectory. Please consult the bulletin for registration information. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday 9:30 AM—3:30 PM JANUARY 18, 2015, SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Lord was with him, not permitting any word of his to be without effect. (1 Samuel 3:19) Learning how to listen to the voice of the Lord is key to spiritual growth. Every saint’s life illustrates this point in one way or another. Francis of Assisi heard the Lord say, “Rebuild my Church,” and even though it took him some time to understand what God meant, Francis was faithful to that command. Mother Teresa felt God ask her to leave her order and care for the poorest of the poor. These saints, and so many others, responded because these words had a powerful effect on them. But it isn’t just in the deep, life-changing moments that God wants to speak to us. In fact, these saints could hear these “big” messages because they had experience discerning the quieter messages that Jesus put in their hearts. And that’s how it can happen for us. When we sense God telling us, “Come to me, and I will give you peace,” we can stop for a moment and turn our hearts to him. Or when we hear “Come and confess your sins,” we can make a quick examination of conscience and ask for his mercy. Responding to these small promptings will bring us closer to the Lord—and they’ll help us hear him in the bigger areas of our lives! The Holy Spirit never tires of telling us that Jesus has redeemed us and is offering us new life. He never tires of nudging us toward more virtuous behavior so that we can become more like Christ. He never tires of helping us find the way to peace, the peace that comes from aligning ourselves with his will. Yielding to the Lord and letting him have an effect on us—this is our great challenge. It’s easy to go our own way without listening for God’s word. But when we see the fruit of hearing and following him, we know it is the greatest treasure we can possibly have. “Open my ears, Lord, to hear your word. Give me the courage to follow you wherever you lead.” With permission of the Word Among Us, Copyright 2014 Saturday January 17 5:00 Deacon Patrick Hogan Sunday January 18 7:30 James C. Daly 9:30 John “Jack” Kehoe 11:30 Raymond Mandra 5:00 Mary Ellen & John Hibbard Monday January 19 9:00 Edward Wtulich Tuesday January 20 6:45 Fr. John Flattery 12:15 Chuck Wolff Wednesday January 21 6:45 The People of St. Martin de Porres 12:15 Margaret Morse Thursday January 22 6:45 Cliff Andrews 12:15 Louis Tomaine Friday January 23 6:45 Michael Legari 12:15 Ronald Goulding Saturday January 24 8:00 Ronald Goulding 5:00 Lou & Joyce Evangelista Sunday January 25 7:30 Margaret Milford 9:30 Melissa Nussbickel 11:30 Joseph DiDomenico 5:00 Mary Ellen & John Hibbard PLEASE NOTE there is only ONE MASS on MONDAY, JANUARY 19th at 9:00am. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH IN OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY. Day of Prayer for the Unborn A Holy Hour on the occasion of this anniversary will be held on Thursday, January 22nd at 7 PM in St. Martin de Porres Church. Come and encourage a friend to join to give thanks to “God for the Gift of Human Life”. Local Rosary for Life For those not traveling to Washington D.C. on January 22nd please join us for Rosary’s for Life at Poughkeepsie Planned Parenthood starting after 8:00am Mass at St. Mary’s, Poughkeepsie. Exposition will be available for those selecting to stay in church. Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place when the rosary procession returns to church. All are invited. page1 PARISH INFORMATION Calvary Cemetery 62 Lagrange Avenue, Poughkeepsie 473-4222 Parish Office at 473-4222 Caring Committee Charismatic Prayer Group Meetings Monday-7:30 PM Bill Haag C. Y. O. Chris Fields Knights of Columbus Peter Stafford 462-3669 462-8790 462-2110 Parish Council William Kennedy 462-4717 Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in The Nativity Center Health Care Ministry Doris Kennedy 462-4717 Senior Program Val Brown 471-7567 Youth Ministry Grace McNamara 636-0514 Music Ministry Jackie Hourani 223-3439 Catholic Charities 452-1400 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday from 7:30 AM-12:00 noon. ROSARY (Mon.-Sat.) after the First Mass of the day. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Monday after the 12:15 PM Mass ST. MARTIN de PORRES NOVENA Wednesday after the 12:15 PM Mass CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER 845-471-9284 HOPE & HEALING AFTER ABORTION 212-750-3967/ [email protected] SEPARATED & DIVORCED –1st & 3rd Thursday in the Nativity Center, 7-8:30pm. For info call Fran @ 914-522-5928 or Cathy @ 845-546-0268. PARISH PAY-To make contributions on-line go to FLOCKNOTE-Stay connected to the Parish and the Archdiocese. Text Martin to 8457 or go to to sign up. PASTORAL INFORMATION If you are new to the parish and would like to register you may do so by filling out the registration form in the vestibule of the church or printing a form off the parish web site and returning it to the parish office via collection basket or mailing it to 118 Cedar Valley Rd. Poughkeepsie NY, 12603, or stop by the parish office. If you are a parishioner & need to update your information, please e-mail updates to [email protected]. Please let us know if you have an address, phone # or e-mail address change; are moving out of the parish; or if a family member is sick and would like to be visited by a priest or a deacon. REMEMBER OUR SICK Daniel Kelleher, Dennis Lengyel, Christopher LaFalce, Jeanette Iulo, Robert Stoutenburgh, Peter Cavaliere, Pat Drain, Cathie Geerlings, Francesco Ramirez, Stephanie & Kevin Gieseler, Anthony Coviello, Matthew Bisanz, Bridie Craig, George Salchert, Josephine Bohac, Mary Peluse, Flo Nopolitano, Mary Trabucco, Mary Marquardt, Peggy O’Neil, Frank Hartenfels, Margaret Trojan , Tom George, Robert Belmonte, Sherry Fanelli, Catherine Gary Stuewer, Genie Rudmann, Beth Dziminowicz, Michael Micik, Katherine Murry, Janet & Gordon Gray, Arnold Barber, Robert Palmieri, Marie Tedone, Connie Marcela & Madeline Neenan. MILITARY SERVICE We would like to remember all of our parishioners serving in the Armed Forces, at home, but especially those serving overseas. Please remember especially: Pvt. 1st Class Evan Simeon; LT. Ryan Henebery; Sgt. Christopher Wilks; Arm. Robert Wilks; Pvt. Donald Schneider; Sgt. Philip D. Percesepe, USMC; Sr. Airman Anthony DiMase; Corey R. Tag; E-4 James LeRoy, US Army; Ens. Kathryn Munson; Sgt. Vincent A. Fiorillo; Airman Frank Lauria; LT. Eric Hung, USN; Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert J. LaBarbera, III U.S.N.; PVT2 Ronald D. Biro; Sgt. Marc Coviello; Michael Wagner, Army; Pvt. Nathan Wentworth; Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian Brandon USN; Sgt. Levi Santagate, USMC; AM2 (AW) Bridgit Stratton; Capt. Eddie Preisser, US Army; Sgt. William Haas, USMC; Airman 1st Class Preston David Wtulich, USAF; Richard Milliot, 2nd Mate. Busses for March for Life January 22nd The March for Life in Washington, D.C., is scheduled for Thursday, January 22nd. This is the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court making it legal to kill babies out of the shadows of the Declaration of Independence. St. Columba busses will depart at 5:00am after 4:30am Mass; St. Mary’s Bus will depart from Holy Trinity Church (new location) at 5:00am after 4:30am Mass there. For reservations and or information on the St. Columba buses contact George Morton @ 226-6896 and for the St Mary’s bus contact Rich @ 297-7930. Prices are adults $35.00 and students $25.00 (adjusted by need). World Marriage Day The search is on for the longest married couple in the Archdiocese of NY. To enter couples must be sacramentally married for a minimum of 65 years & reside in the Archdiocese of NY. The longest married couple(s) will be honored Sunday, February 8th at the Church of St. Patrick, 26 Hunter St., Highland Mills at 12:00pm Mass with reception to follow. Mail entries that include couples name, address and date of marriage to: Family Life/Respect Life Office, 1011 First Ave., New York, NY 10022 attention Izabella Nagle by January 30th, 2015. For more info or reservations contact Izabella at 646-794-3190 or e-mail [email protected]. page2 "A Scout is Reverent." A Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Recognizing Boy Scout Sunday 2015 will take place Sunday, February 8, at the 9:30am Mass. Scouts, Scouting parents, and leaders from any Troop or Pack are welcome to attend in uniform and to take part in this recognition of the development of our Faith through Scouting. Parents who are interested in having their son achieve the Religious Award, visit, or you can contact PJ Darcy, Pack 223 Poughkeepsie, with questions at [email protected]. K of C Free Throw Competition The K of C, council #7551, is sponsoring a free throw competition for boys & girls-ages 9-14 (age as of 1/1/2015). The event will take place on Mon., Jan. 19th, in the St. Martin de Porres school gym. Registration will be from 6:30-7pm & the competition from 7-8:30pm. Please bring proof of age to registration. The winning boy & girl, from each age group, will receive a basketball & earn the chance to compete in the District competition. If you have any questions, please call Rick Schultz at 845-489-7362 or [email protected]. ECUMENISM: WEEK OF PRAYER 2015 The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25. This year's theme, "Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink' (John 4:7),” was chosen & developed by the Christians of Brazil. Although our local observance will not take place until Pentecost Sunday, at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Poughkeepsie, you are invited this month to join Christians around the world in our prayer for unity, even as we rejoice in the rich diversity of the global Christian community. Catholic Widows & Widowers The Catholic Widow & Widowers of Dutchess & Putnam will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the parish meeting room at St. Kateri, Lagrangeville. 845-223-3097. Camp Veritas 2015 Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away summer camp for Teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It will be held at three USA locations in 2015; July 19th-25th at Mount St. Mary College in Newburgh, NY, July 26th-Aug. 1st at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg, MD and Aug. 16th -22nd at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro, NY. Enrollment opens 1/1/2015 and the enrollment price for each week is $400 per camper. Early bird rates (if paid in full by 4/1/2015) are $370 for all sites. More details can be found at World Wide Marriage Encounter “Speak for your servant is listening” Samuel was open to listening to the Lord. Learn to listen to each other and learn God’s desire for your marriage on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For information call 877-NYS-WWME ext 3. page3 Ways to support St. Martin de Porres School The PSA will be selling gift cards after 5:00pm Saturday and 9:30 & 11:30am Sunday Masses next weekend. Target- Take Charge of Education: Register your card designating SMDPS School code 10910). The school will Receive 1% of your total bill. Tools for School: Register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card designating SMDPS (School code 16284). Box Top for Education & Campbell Soup Labels: Send in box tops and labels for the school to receive credit for supplies. A+ Bonus Bucks: Register your S&S card designating SMDPS (school code 07838) and the school will earn money based. All you have to do is: Log on to to register online OR Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card over the phone. Please visit the PSA website for all information regarding our committee and events. FILM NITE Presents Babette's Feast (102 min) This Danish film, won the 1987 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, is based on a short story by Isak Dinesen. Written and directed by Gabriel Axel, this literate & lovely-tolook-at film compels us to meditate upon the needs of the flesh & the needs of the spirit. It is also about choices, talent, gratitude, friendship, grace, & hope. In the 1800s, two elderly maiden ladies (Birgitte Federspiel & Bodil Kjer) reside in remote Jutland, where they have sacrificed their lives, romantic possibilities, & personal happiness in order to continue their long-dead father's religious ministry to the small flock he served. One of the women's youthful admirers sends to them a Frenchwoman, Babette (Stéphane Audran), whose husband & son have been killed in France & who has fled her homeland lest she meet the same fate. One day, however, Babette receives a letter: she has won a lottery and is now, by village standards, a wealthy woman. Knowing that her new wealth will mean her return to France, the sisters grant her wish that she be allowed to prepare a truly French meal for them & the members of their tiny congregation. The meal & the evening it is served is indeed a night to remember--but not for reasons that might be expected, for Babette's feast proves to be food for both body & soul, & is ultimately her gift of love to the women who took her in & the villagers who have been so kind to her. The film is extraordinary in every way, meticulous in detail yet not overpowering in its presentation of them. Countless physical things lift us up and help us to better recognize the higher things of God. We cannot dismiss that we are both material and eternal, in the world and hopeful for Heaven, breaking bread and meeting Christ. This is one of the favorite movies of Pope Francis. February 5th, 7.00 PM: Nativity Center. SUNDAY FAMILY BREAKFAST Hosted by St. Martin de Porres PSA JANUARY 25, 2015 Kick-Off to Catholic Schools Week 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM MENU Scrambled Eggs French Toast and Pancakes Crispy Bacon Country Link Sausage Hash Brown Potatoes Refreshments Fresh Brewed Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa & Juice Tickets: Adults- $9.00 / Seniors and 8th grade or younger $5.00 Children under 3 Free!! Please complete the form below to purchase tickets in advance. Name: ________________________________________________________________ No. of Adults______________________ X $9.00 each $_______________ No. of Seniors_________________ X $5.00 each $_______________ No. of Children ____________________ X $5.00 each $_______________ Please make checks payable to St. Martin de Porres PSA and Return in an envelope addressed PSA Breakfast. For Information contact: Chuck Whitesell @ [email protected] page4 TOURING TUESDAY DURING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! The theme for the 2015 National Catholic Schools Week is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The annual observance starts on Sunday, January 25th and runs until Saturday, January 31st. Our schools celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open houses, and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and the community at large. This year, the Archdiocese is holding Touring Tuesday at all Dutchess Catholic elementary schools which will allow visitors to see our schools in action. Please stop by on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 between 9am and 11am. Or you may visit during Catholic Schools Week Open Houses – locations, dates, and times are listed below. We hope to see you there! Holy Trinity School 20 Springside Avenue, Poughkeepsie 845-471-0520 January 24, from 5pm–7pm January 25, from 9am–2pm January 27, from 9am-11am Regina Coeli School 4337 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park 845-229-8589 January, 25, from 12:30pm-2pm January 27, from 9am-11am St. Denis-St. Columba School 849 Route 82, Hopewell Junction 845-227-7777 January 25, from 10am-1pm January 27, from 9am-11am St. Martin de Porres School 122 Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie 845-452-4428 January 27, from 9am-2pm St. Mary School 106 Jackson Street, Fishkill 845-896-9561 January 27, from 9am-11am January 28, from 9am–10am St. Mary’s School 2 Convent Avenue, Wappingers Falls 845-297-7500 January 25, from 10am-11am January 27, from 9am-11am St. Peter School 12 Father Cody Plaza, Poughkeepsie 845-471-6600, ext. 200 January 25, 10am-2pm January 27, from 9am-11am The Ark & The Dove at St. Denis 602 Beekman Road, Hopewell Junction 845-227-5232 January 27, from 9am-11am “Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenges of their future by developing their mind, yes, but also their body and their soul and spirit.” ~David Vitter~ 426 deporrespage5 Vincent J. Miller Miller,, Funeral Director Pre-Need, Traditional & Cremation Services • At Home Counseling Not Affiliated With Any Other Area Funeral Homes 3rd Generation Family Owned & Operated Parishioners 485-0241 371 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie Hunt Travel Agency For All Your Travel Needs! 845-462-1447 132 Spackenkill Road Matt Swanson, Certified Arborist Office (845) 635-8858 Joseph M. Prisco, D.D.S. • Joseph Arcuri, II, D.D.S. Diplomates American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 845-471-5202 Tub Grinding Natural & Colored Mulch Snow Plowing Richard G. Rosenbloom D.M.D. Specialists for Children, Teens & Adults 1145 Route 55, Lexington Park LaGrangeville, NY 12540 (845) 471-1186 1491 Route 52, Suite 45 Fishkill, NY 12524 (845) 897-5500 Pete’s Paint Work Inc. Quality Job-Fair Price Peter Dahowski 914-456-5915 [email protected] Calvary Cemetery St. Martin’s Rectory 118 Cedar Valley Road Law Office Of Cemetery: 62 LaGrange Avenue 845-473-4222 Thomas M. Gambino St. Martin’s Parish Cemetery Christenings • Communions • Confirmation Lunch & Dinner • Closed Monday ~ Sunday Brunch ~ 11:30 - 3:00 1820 New Hackensack Road (Rt. 376) Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 845.849.3565 • Pregnant? Need someone to talk to? BIRTHRIGHT can help! 473-1300 1-800-550-4900 National 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline 845.297.3994 Open 7 Days a Week 43 Vassar Road and ernity too! MENTION THIS AD Mat s e iz S for 20% OFF Teen Regular Priced Items FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Marius Suditu, DDS 1289 RT. 9, STE. 8 WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY (845) 632-6613 Fax: (845) 632-6614 Philip Maiorana, D.D.S. • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management Parishioner • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Real Estate, Ltd. Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Maternal Child Services Licensed Sales Person Wound & Ostomy 823 Main St. • Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Social Work • Pastoral Care (914) 204-0412 Cell • (845) 473-4240 Office 1-855-488-2149 [email protected] McNiff Matt Doherty NEW Merchandise Added DAILY! CHILDRENS RESALE BOUTIQUE Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! (845) 462-2009 & Associates, P.C. Quality Clothing, Toys, & Baby Equipment, and more! Poughkeepsie “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Family Dentistry 182 Spackenkill Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 Tree Removal Skidsteer Work Land Clearing Stump Grinding Civil • Criminal Family Retired NYPD 473-0427 222 Church St., Poughkeepsie $69 ADULT EXAM, X-RAYS & BASIC CLEANING Value $199 - Cannot be combined with any other offers or insurance. Basic cleaning in absence of periodontal disease. $39 CHILD EXAM, X-RAYS & BASIC CLEANING Value $159 - Cannot be combined with any other offers or insurance. Basic cleaning in absence of periodontal disease. Hobnobbin’ Pub NEIGHBORHOOD SPORTS PUB Happily Serving Poughkeepsie for 25 Years! Lunch & Dinner 7 Days • Private Parties Welcome 462-6810 11 VASSAR RD. • POUGHKEEPSIE, NY Join Us On Facebook! 10% OFF TOTAL BILL With this Ad • Exp 12/31/14 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 426 St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY (i) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Mid Hudson Podiatry Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Andrew S. Wilantewicz, DPM Board Certified in Podiatric Medicine & Orthopedics 282 New Hackensack Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-462-8637 • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available The Avalon Assisted Living & Wellness Center (845) 463-0500 1629 Rte 376 Wappingers Falls, NY ADAM AND EVE HAIRSTYLISTS 30 Vassar Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Phone: 845-462-3299 Michael J. Sontheimer, Lic. Manager 845-452-0790 armele Fulton Avenue uneral Home 110 Poughkeepsie, NY Peter C. McGinnis, Esq. Attorney at Law Elder Law, Medicaid, Wills & Estates 515 Haight Ave. 845-471-5721 BAPTISM • COMMUNION CONFIRMATION FINE JEWELRY AND GIFTS POUGHKEEPSIE PLAZA (845)452-0026 Restaurant & Bar Sunday Brunch 11-3 Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days 10% Discount 46 Vassar Rd. Poughkeepsie, NY 845-214-0000 845.849.2839 Italian Specialties • Bronx Breads • Hot & Cold Catering 2521 C South Road (Rte 9) Poughkeepsie Fresh Mozzarella • Homemade Sausage Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 8am-3pm Route 55, Apple Valley Plaza 483-9600 John J. Gadonniex, CFP® Vice President Wealth Management Advisor (845) 431-2205 2649 South Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 ROSE AND KIERNAN, INC. INSURANCE, SURETY & BENEFIT SERVICES 60 Merritt Blvd., Ste. 202, Fishkill, NY 12524 ROBERT J. RANIERI, JR. Vice President Phone: (845) 350-3816 e-mail: [email protected] ROSE BURNS Dr. Mary Rita Sheehy Optometrist Comprehensive Pediatric & Adult Vision Care 297-4444 187 New Hackensack Rd., Wappingers Falls REALTOR® Parishioner Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith Incorporated, member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value ©2011 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. Installation Service Cellular 845.518.9147 Business 845.297.4700 ext. 308 [email protected] Quality You Can Stand On! Residential • Commercial Shop At Home Service Available Boilers • Furnaces • Water Heaters • Hydroair Central Air • Duct Work • Oil Burners • Piping Radiant Heat 845-463-2071 ALLIANCE REALTY GROUP WE SELL IT! WE INSTALL IT! WE REPAIR IT! WE GUARANTEE IT! HEATING AND COOLING Carpet Installations • Vinyl/Tile Laminates/Hardwood • Carpet Removal Carpet Repair & Restretching WE INSTALL YOURS OR OURS Fully Insured • Free Estimates Fully Insured • Senior Discounts Stephen Shanley, Parish Member Martin Law, P.C. 2644 East Main Street Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Estate Planning 845-440-8594 Accidents FREE CONSULTATION Real Estate Transactions Melville H. Hughes, MD, PC Tania Cohen, PA-C, MPAS Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic DERMATOLOGY Residential Commercial SHANLEY Michael A. Martin, Esq. 845-463-4279 Serving The Tri-County Region For Over 24 Years [email protected] 1 Bushwick Rd, Ste. D • Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 471-5095 7 Pine Woods Rd, Ste. 5 • Hyde Park, NY 12538 (845) 229-3376 BARRE MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED 1958 MONUMENTS - CEMETERY LETTERING Bernard F. Potrzeba - owner 229-2304 223-3830 Hyde Park Hopewell Jct. Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Dutchess Home Inspection LLC Protecting Peace of Mind Bruce Peterson, Owner/Head Inspector 20 Miller Rd.,Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Phone: 845-475-8767 [email protected] Proprietors: Roger & Dawn Haight Du l oo m 845-454-4930 273 Titusville Road • Poughkeepsie $5 OFFtchess Sch o Happy Holidays SUNDAY BREAKFAST 8AM-12NOON DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (845) 226-6700 fD 653 Route 82 co Hopewell Jct, NY 12533 r iv i ng. NOW OPEN! M-F: 10:30-7 Sa: 11-7 Su: 12-6 REFUSE REMOVAL SYSTEMS Quality Service Since 1955 (845) 896-6000 • (800) 522-7235 Unisex Salon Hair & Nails • Waxing 1821 Rt. 376, Poughkeepsie 845-463-2449 • Open Tues.-Sat. A Nu Do Revue 426 St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY (b) 15% OFF 12 BOTTLE CASES OF WINE EVERYDAY 1955 South Road • Poughkeepsie Next to Bugaboo Creek 845-218-9044 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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