January 18, 2015 11:00 A.M. Welcome! The Color is Green, symbolizing our growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. We are especially glad to have all visitors and guests worshipping with us today. Your presence with us is a blessing! Please be sure to let us know who you are by registering your attendance on the yellow card located in the pew rack and placing it in the offering plate. Visitors, be sure to pick up our informational pamphlet (pew rack), and check out our website, www.bethelmethodistcolumbia.com for more great information about Bethel. If you would like to talk with the Pastor about church membership, please contact Rev. Todd Davis at [email protected] or 787-3058. Chiming of Trinity—At this time please quietly take your seats. Welcome and Announcements Prelude “Psalm XIX” Marcello *Choral Call to Worship *Opening Hymn #145 “Morning Has Broken” Parent & Youth Meeting Tonight. Youth are asked to bring a parent and come ready to hear about Summer Mission Opportunities (6pm in the Youth Zone). Questions, contact Lucy at [email protected] or Michelle at 843.368.2817. Volunteers Needed. Looking for a place to serve? We are currently seeking Safe Sanctuary adults to serve as a Youth (8th-12th grades) Sunday School teacher (every 4th week). Curriculum provided. Please call the church office or send an email to [email protected] to inquire. Youth Lock In begins Friday night, January 23rd @ 8pm in the Youth Zone. Youth must RSVP to Lucy or Michelle by TONIGHT at Youth (1/18) so we can ensure we have enough Safe Sanctuary adults for the event. Friends are welcome, but we need an RSVP for them and they need paperwork signed by their parent! Short Term Study on Acts. Continues today during the Sunday School hour in the New Life Sunday School room (E-261). You are invited to attend all or any of the sessions. For additional information, contact Kate at [email protected] or call the church office. Keep It Shut! Join Bethel ladies (& many others) in an online study led by Karen Ehman of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Let’s face it. We’ve all had days when we want to hide after saying something permanently painful, just because we were temporarily ticked off. What if we could somehow learn what to say, how to say it, and when to say nothing at all? Sign up for this 6-week study before January 26th at http:// proverbs31.org/online-bible-studies. We want to be in prayer for each other here at Bethel during the study, so please email [email protected] if you are participating! BUMS January Outing to the new State Museum Planetarium will be Thursday, January 22nd. Cost is $10.95 per person. Lunch @ Cowboy-Brazilian Steakhouse. Reserve your place by calling Walter Speas at 736-3068 or completing a reservation form that may be found on the office hallway table no later than January 20th. Our Youth will be collecting a special Souper Bowl of Caring offering on February 1st to benefit Harvest Hope Food Bank. A Service of Worship for Ash Wednesday will be held on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary of St. James UMC located at 3390 Pine Belt Road, 29204. The season of Lent in the church is a period of 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday, through Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer. Through prayer, repentance, and self-evaluation, we prepare to especially remember Jesus’ death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, and the Good News of God’s promise of eternal life to all who trust in Christ for salvation. Ash Wednesday emphasizes a dual encounter: we confront our own mortality, and confess our sin before God within the community of faith. During our worship, you will have the opportunity to receive the Imposition of Ashes. Please invite a friend to join you to experience this special service of worship as we begin the season of Lent together. If you would like to serve on a hospitality team of the Bereavement Committee helping to provide a meal for a family at the death of a loved one, please see the signup sheet in the Narthex or contact Anne Mathis at 360-2307. BUNESSAN *Call to Worship – Responsive Leader: We gather for worship, frazzled from running errands and running committees, running out of energy and running out of time, running from problems and running from uncomfortable truths. People: Let us open our hearts to the possible: that we might be renewed in spirit and in our desire to be a people of inclusion and love. All: To the God who leads us through uncertain times and challenges us to risk all, let us lift our voices in praise. *Affirmation of Faith We believe in God, whose love for us is sure, steadfast and unconditional. We believe in Jesus Christ, who came that we might know what a life of love looks like and who assured us that where two or three gather in his name, there also is he. We believe in the Holy Spirit, which sustains us in times of trouble and nudges us to rise to our greater selves. We believe in hope which triumphs over despair and in the grace of God, which will lead us home. Amen. *Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Anthem “For the Beauty of the Earth” Kirk For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise. Lord of all to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise! For the wonders of the earth, of the day and of the night; hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of night; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise. Lord of all to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise! For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child; friends on earth, and friends above, pleasures pure and undefiled; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise. Lord of all to thee we raise this our grateful psalm of praise! Special Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen. | Serving the Congregation Today Church Nursery w/Verta: Debbie Farmer Greeters: Connie Fowke, Lisa Wood, Ken Wood Sound System Operator/Backup/Trainee: Brian Kelly Acolyte: Abbie Bowman Children’s Moment: Abbie Bowman Children’s Church: Martie Walker, Louise Smith Head Usher: Tom Elliott Offering Counters: Kimberly Wilson, Rebecca Bennett Sanctuary Preparers: Jim & Marion Wilson Presence January 11th Church School 67; Reach! 30; Traditional 129 May God bless you for your support of Bethel’s ministries! Budget Needed Weekly Received (1/11) Needed to Date Received to Date Difference 407,307.00 7,832.83 15,799.20 15,665.66 24,256.20 8,590.54 Income (YTD) Expenses (YTD) Difference Roof Loan Roof Donations (2014) Roof Donations (2015) 24,256.20 11,210.64 13,045.56 75,000.00 17,937.44 745.00 Hearing Assistance Devices are available in the Narthex. If you should need help finding or operating a device an Usher will be happy to assist you. For Your Convenience... A Nursery for Infants thru 3 yr. olds is available in Rm. #108 of the Education Bldg. If children are joining you in worship "Fun Bags” and children’s bulletins are located in the Narthex. A "Cry Room" with toys/rocking chairs/ changing table and full view/sound of worship is also located just off the Narthex. Special Prayers for those in Hospitals/Rehab Jean Smith—NHC 101B Jean Tolbert—Wildewood Downs #23 Tom Walker—Lexington Medical Room #634 Sarah Walker—Wildewood Downs 5B Recycling and Shred Event Coming!! January 24, 2015 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Forest Lake Presbyterian Church 6500 North Trenholm Road The following materials will be accepted—Residental Materials only · Paper shredding – sponsored by - Shred With US · Computers and computer accessories (keyboards, monitors, printers, scanners) TVs, Stereos- Household electronics including VCRs, DVD players, power tools, radios, fax machines, and small appliances- Microwave ovens, any other household items with power cords-Telephones, pagers and answering machines Sponsored by - eCycle Secure · Scrap metal—stoves, washers, dryers, bicycles, metal door frames, metal chairs, and shelves, lawn mowers (must be free of gas and oil)-Refrigerators & Air Conditioners will be accepted -sponsored by - CMC Recycling · Tires -car and light truck tires or smaller, small tires (bike or wheel barrow); limit of 8 per family. Prayer of Dedication We give our gifts with gratitude, loving God, in response to all that we have been given. And yet, we would ask you to stretch our giving. Help us to have the courage to change the rules and give even more, in thanks giving to Christ who gave his all. As we dedicate our offering to you, we dedicate our lives anew to picking up the cross and following Jesus. Amen. Offertory “Be Thou My Vision” Broughton Please help the Ushers by passing the offering plate down each pew so all worshippers have an opportunity to present their gifts to God. You may also place attendance registration cards in the plate at this time. *Presentation of Gifts and Tithes Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Children’s Moment Abbie Bowman Martie Walker, Louise Smith *Hymn #186 “Alleluia” Scripture ALLELUIA John 1:43-50 Sermon “Rules of the Road” *Hymn #/185 Rev. Davis “When Morning Gilds the Skies” LAUDES DOMINI *Benediction Friday, January 23 Sunday, January 18 Reach Team Meeting (PAB) 7:25-8 AM Reach! Service (PAB) 9-9:40 AM Nursery (EB-108) 9-12 Noon Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45-10 AM Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 9:45-11 AM Worship (SAN) 11-12 Noon Children’s Church (EB-101) 11:30-12 N Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM Youth Group—Mission Trip Meeting with Parents (Zone) 6-7:30 PM Hulbert Neighborhood Group (Home of Hulberts) 7-8 PM McNair Neighborhood Group (Home of Gordons) 7-8 PM Monday, January 19 Preschool Holiday—MLK Day Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM *Choral Response *Chiming of the Trinity *Postlude Publication Submission Deadlines The deadline for the Bulletin is 9:00 am on the preceding Wednesday. The deadline for The Messenger is 9:00 am on the 25th of each month. Calendar Scheduling Please contact the Church Secretary as soon as possible to get your upcoming events on the calendar. Rooms are scheduled on a first-come basis. With the new year beginning, please be sure all meeting times, dates & locations are correct on the church calendar. If you see an error or omission, please do not hesitate to give the office a call. Upcoming Events at Bethel *Doxology #95 Children’s Church Church Office Hours Monday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday, January 20 “Immortal, Invisible” ST. DENIO *All who are able are invited to stand. Invitation to Christian Discipleship Those who would like to become a member of the Bethel UMC family, by profession of faith or transfer of church membership, are invited to speak with the minister at your convenience. The flower schedule for 2015 is open and available for sign-up. If you would like to dedicate/donate the flowers for the traditional worship service many dates are still available. The cost of a standard arrangement is $54. Reserve by contacting Frances Cox by email (lighthousefrances @gmail.com) or phone (427-7070) or call the Church Office. Saturday, January 24 Youth Lock-In (PAB, Zone) til 9 AM K. Wilson Neighborhood Group (CVC) 9 -10 AM Sunday, January 25 Reach! Service (PAB) 9-9:40 AM Nursery (EB-108) 9-12 Noon Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45-10 AM Sunday School (EB) 9:45-10:45 AM Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 9:45-11 AM Worship (SAN) 11-12 Noon Children’s Church (EB-101) 11:30-12 N Holroyd Class Lunch (PAB) 12-1 PM Cub Scout Pack Meeting (PAB 4-6 PM Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 4:15-5:15 PM Wolves (Hut) 5-6 PM Sunday, January 18, 2015 Second Sunday after Epiphany Monday, January 26 Tuesday, January 27 Wednesday, January 21 Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Preschool Chapel (SAN) 9:30-9:45 AM Pray for Bethel (CR) 2-3 PM Tigers (Hut) 6-7 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) 7:30-8:30 P Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM BUMS Outing to Planetarium 11-3 PM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM Disciple I Bible Study (NLC) 6-7:30 PM CR—Conference Room NLC—New Life Class PAB—Pool Activities Building Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM Wednesday, January 28 Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Preschool Chapel (SAN) 9:30-9:45 AM Pray for Bethel (CR) 2-3 PM Tigers (Hut) 6-7 PM In Ministry with the Congregation Reverend Todd Davis, Pastor Michelle Keiffer, Director of Christian Education and Family Ministries Marian Scullion, Director of Music Ministries Bill Webb, Organist Sylvia Hulbert, Director of Handbell Choir EB—Education Building CVC—Christian Voyager’s Class SAN—Sanctuary Carol Barnett, Administrative Assistant Contact Us Memory Verse for week of January 18th In Need of Prayer? Simply use the Prayer Request Card found in your pew. You may place it in a Prayer Request Box (located in the narthex and office hallway) or fold and place in the offering plate. Or, you may call Iva Dell Griffin at 782-5032. ...so the world will experience Christ’s love! Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Church Council (PAB) 6-7 PM Webelos II (Hut) 6-7 PM Boy Scouts (Hut) 7-8 PM Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Yoga (PAB) 1:15-2:15 PM Webelos I (Hut) 6-7 PM PPRC (CR) 6-7 PM Thurday, January 22 The plant in the Sanctuary is given in honor of Michelle Keiffer. Preschool (EB) 8:30-1 PM Bears (Hut) 6:30-7:30 PM Youth Lock-In (PAB, Zone) 8 PM-9 AM Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.” 4600 Daniel Drive, Columbia, SC 29206 www.bethelmethodistcolumbia.com [email protected] phone 803.787.3058
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