THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 OUR LADY OF PEACE PRAYER NETWORK: PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO HAVE ASKED TO BE ESPECIALLY LISTED ON OUR PARISH PRAYER LIST: Jimmy Agresta, Lucretia Aiello, Al Applegate, Pat Bakey, Loretta Iannacone Barnes, Peggy Bass, James Boylan, Mary Bradley, Geri Brocco, Donna Brotherton, Elizabeth Brotherton, Connie Buck, Darren C., Maria C., Nancy C., Susan C., Josephine Campellone, Mike Capasole, Viola Capasso, Mario & Susie Cardoso, Robert Caulfield, Mark Cenno, Dorothy Centuolo, Michelle Chism, Rita Christiansen, Mary Ciglia, Gloria Ciabatti, Rita Cipolla, Russ Cipolla, M/M Corazo, Jovenita Coronado, Florence Coyle, Mark Cuthbert, Logan DeAngelis, Sam DeBlase, Sharon DelBuno, Maryann DeLeo, Daniel DeMarco, Alexus Dick, Joeann DiNovi, Dominic DiSiro, Maryann Dymond, Roseann Elentrio, Isabella Esposito, Jennie Esposito, Sr. Pat Feeley, Elena Ferrer, Sal Fiorentino, Eleanor Flood, Keith Forsythe, Vincent & Rich Fratanduono, Deacon Ed Freed, Donna G., Maryann Gallagher, Joe Garafolo, John D. Giacomo, Claire Greenberg, William Hamilton, Mary E. Hansbury, Joseph P. Harvey, Peg Hoffman, Patrick Hogan, Taylor Hyndman, Steve Jardel, Joe Kahwaey, Brianna & Oliva Karge, Gail Keenan, Alfred Kessler, James Kiernan, Jim Lafferty, Carmine Lamagna, Tom Larkin, Vienna Leoncavallo, Sue Lewandowski, Nina Lorine, John Luby III, Judy Luby, Sandy Lyons, Patti Malloy, Nicholas Mangano, Jenny Mancini, Baby Gianna Grace Masciantonio, Barb Matos, Jean McErlain, Ida McGuire, Charlotte McCullough, James McCullough, Sheila McCullough, Diana Menna, Angela Metzger, Charles Michael, James Mihalka, Dave Miller, James Miller, Stella Mirasol, Angie Montemurro, Millie Moraca, Nancy Moran, Matt Mulee, Paul Nappi, Irma O’Donnell, Georgia Palena, Christina Pama, Ernest Palmer, Jim Palmerchuck, Cora Pantella, Lillian Paraschak, Gervin Parks, Jr., Eve Peaco, John Pendergast, Kevin Pendergast, Steve Pfersich, Theresa Pluto, Pat Porter, Megan Price, Rose Price, John Raia, Michelle Ramseepaul, Michael J. Rebecca, John Regulbuto, Irene Rein, Paul Rein, Marie Rein, Judy Rennish, Kathie Restuccio, Dolores Richardson, Dominic Rota, Eileen Russell, Wayne Russel, Hank Saia, Marie Saiia, Doreen Salimena, Anthony Salvina, Hubert Sapson, Peggy Sargent, Eleanor Schiedegg, Mark Scott, Anna Sherman, Mark Slashinski, Jessica “Purple” Sklar, Sr. Regina Smith, Gilda Stabile, Peter Staffieri, Don Stein, Bill Strang, Carmella Swipes, Steve Swipes, Betty Tallant, Robert Thomas, Sherry Toto, Frank Venticinque, Bob Verchio, Alex Veto, Jr., Officer Anthony Vezza, James Visceglia, Gail Vita, Ann Wade, Linda Waterhouse, Keith Weikel, Lisa Whitely, Warren Wisdom, Carol & Fred Yates, Dan Ziegler. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH Mary Yurkosky, Martin Pendergast, Irene V. Schiepan, Catherine Peacock, Helen Craig O sing a new song to the Lord; sing to the Lord, all the earth. In his presence are majesty and splendor, strength and honor in his holy place. OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH FAMILY STEWARDSHIP: Please make your checks payable to: “Our Lady of Peace Parish” “Thank You for Your Generosity” Collection 1/17//2015……….................................$ 17,645.89 Egiving....................................................................$ 1,055.00 Weekly total.........................................................$ 18,700.89 Collection 1/19/2014..............................................$ 19,547.01 Egiving....................................................................$ 1,050.00 Weekly Total..........................................................$ 20,597.01 Mary Meals……………………….……………...$ 64.50 SANCTUARY LIGHT For the week of January 24, 2015 In Memory of: Donata Britton Requested by: Barbara & Debbie The Sanctuary Light will burn in St. John Neumann Adoration Chapel For the week of January 24, 2015 In Memory of: Matthew McCloskey Requested by: Paul & Irene Rein Our Lady of Peace Parish Holy Hour with Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament from 7pm till 8pm every First Friday of the month. We encourage as many people as possible to come and spend an hour with the Lord in Prayer. February 6, 2015 ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a Loved One who is seriously ill, or if you are going in for surgery, please call the Parish Center for arrangement for a priest to anoint you. The homebound, elderly, infirmed or recuperating parishioners should make arrangements through the Parish Center, 856-629-6142. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH MINISTRIES There are many activities, programs and opportunities offered at Our Lady of Peace to support members of all ages and stages of life on their faith journey. We strive, as well, to reach out beyond our parish boundaries to help others and do our part to make our world a reflection of Christ’s presence. There are many needs and opportunities. We need you and want you to both give and receive as you enter into the life of Our Lady of Peace. Adopt a Shrine Ministry Deacon John & Irene Kacy 629-3510 Altar Servers Loren Laughlin 629-6142 Athletic Activities Teresa Dramesi 629-6190 Bereavement Support Grp. Toni Donnelly 629-0248 Betania X Prayer Grp. Carmela Valeno 863-1926 Catholic Daughters Kathie Restuccio 629-8547 Catholic Divorce Ministry Debbie Wolk 881-4133 Catholic Sports Ministry Bob Gilkin 863-2271 Children’s Liturgy Gloria Battista 218-1195 Elizabeth Ministry Elaina Judge 677-7180 Evangelization Rick Bruce 982-7582 Extraordinary Minister of Communion Sr. Rita 629-6142 Filipino Ministry Yolanda Ramirez 201-850-3854 FOCCUS (Pre Marriage Communication) Donna LaMonaca 629-4852 Fund Raising Committee Joyce Hyndman 629-6142 Knights of Columbus Joe Brocco 466-2837 Lazarus Ministry (Funeral Mass) Sally Kingston 629-0479 Lectors Jackie Greer 728-4103 Legion of Mary Michael McQueen 264-1202 Lifelong Formation Sr. Rita 629-6142 Liturgical Committee Jon Agresta 589-3228 Marriage Prep (PreCana) John/Monica Erhard 629-7612 Ministers of Hospitality Ushers Joe Bochanski 243-5471 Music Ministry (Music Director) Jon Agresta 589-3228 Choir Jon Agresta 589-3228 Folk Group Toni McCann 728-1294 Nursing Ministry Donna Callaghan 875-7511 Pastoral Care Ministry Sr. Rita 629-6142 Juniper Assisted Living Joan Schnatterer 728-2317 Meadow View Nursing Home Deacon Jim Hallman 629-6142 Carino Park Peg Hoffman 629-6023 Prayer Network Betty Smith 629-6142 Prayer Shawl Ministry Inez Troiano 875-9509 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon John Kacy 629-6142 Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (RCIT) Kari Janisse 629-6142 Religious Education Deacon Al LaMonaca 629-6142 Respect Life Linda Pesotski 863-8832 Scouting Mark Candidi 728-8861 Senior Companion Judy Unick 629-1405 Senior Social Club Toni Donnelly 629-0248 Singles & Singles Anew Barbara Hoover 417-4887 Social Concerns Rose Otto 629-6142 x39 Social Life Donna Ordille 262-4768 Spirituality Committee Sr. Rita 629-6142 Retreats Barbara Bailey 904-6786 St. John Neumann Eucharistic Adoration Kim Fahy 264-6712 St. Mary School Jackie Kern 629-6190 x34 Stewardship/Tithing Comm. Mary Baron 629-6142 Vocation Committee Sr. Rita 629-6142 Wedding Rehearsal Linda Guenther 875-8987 Youth and Young Adult Kari Janisse 629-6142 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE SAT 1/24 8:00 AM Patrick Moyer Req: Wife, Jeanette 4:00 PM Sr. M. Redempta Kowalska, CSFN Req: Garczynski Family 5:30 PM AnnaRose Albano Req: Anthony, Terri & Jenna Fratterelli SUN. 1/25 7:30 AM Gertrude Carroll Req: Donna Ordille 9:00 AM Richard and Emma Taylor Req: Joyce and Tom Hyndman 10:30 AM Donata Britton Req: Barbara and Debbie 12:00 PM Mary and John Tighe, Sr. Req: Pam and John Tighe, Jr. 6:00 PM Dr. Curtis Burger Req: Barbara and Bill Easterday and Family MON 1/26 6:45 AM Mary McDonald Req: Joyce and Tom Hyndman 8:00 AM Walt Blatz Req: Regina DiVirgilio TUE 1/27 6:45 AM Edward Abbazio Req: Stephen and MaryAnn Joseph 8:00 AM Jim Dzomba Req: Regina DiVirgilio and Family WED 1/28 6:45 AM Jean Dillin Req: Family 8:00 AM Nicholas DiVirgilio Req: Jim and Mary O’Toole 6:30 PM Janet E. Dwyer Req: Bernadette and Joe Moreno THURS 1/29 6:45 AM Marianne Sullivan Req: Joe Bochanski 8:00 AM Charles Mazzarella Req: Regina DiVirgilio and Family FRI 1/30 6:45 AM Doris DelConte Req: Donna and Fred Bekowski 8:00 AM Robert Pendergast Req: Mom and Dad SAT 1/31 8:00 AM Anthony and Mildred Incudine Req: Family 4:00 PM Charles “Bud” Smith Req: Wife and Daughters 5:30 PM Nicholas Ingargiolas Req: Wagenbaur Family SUN. 2/01 7:30 AM Joseph Francis Culkin Req: Dawn Ciccarelli and Lenny Tench 9:00 AM Irene Bochanski Req: Joe, Joey and Eddie 10:30 AM Perpetual Remembrance/People of Parish Req: Fr. Mazz and Our Lady of Peace Parish 12:00 PM Cheryl A. Rothwell Req: Patti and Tom Eliason 6:00 PM Delores McCabe Req: Marie and Bert Bauer MINISTRY CORNER SATURDAY, January 31, 2015 4:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Mazz Deacon: John Kacy Lectors: Walt Litwinczuk, Helen Cesare EMC: Penny Gabriel, Rose Graham, Kathy Graham, Lou Lalli Altar Servers: Matthew Houck, Robert Houck, Brett Gaidis, Peter Gaidis, Christopher Rein 5:30 PM Celebrant: Fr. Chris Bakey Deacon: John Kacy Lectors: William Hurley, Jean McErlain EMC: Nancy Baker, Stephen Baker, Dolores Carney, Michael Kushner Altar Servers: Nathaniel DiIenno, Zachary DiIenno, Will Shaffer, Camille Shaffer, Eddie Wiechecki SUNDAY, February 1, 2015 7:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Lectors: Sam Miles, Mike Moran EMC: Annette Robinson, Marlene Slimm, John Giacobbe, Jean Giacobbe Altar Servers: Marcello Oliveto, John Paccione, Michael Paccione, John Armano, Jake Armano 9:00 AM Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Lectors: Mike Fiore, Kathryn Minder EMC: Paula Fiore, Joe Bochanski, Walt Bryson, Norma Baker, Elena Heffner, Frank Hutchinson Altar Servers: Michael Palazzo, John Palazzo, Samantha McGlynn, Xavier Ernest, Sal Lopresti 10:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Chris Bakey Lectors: Jack Mohr, Marge Mohr EMC: Wendy Harris, Marlyn Felix, Kim Fahy, Mark Pesotski, Linda Pesotski, Joseph Janocha Altar Servers: Emily Simon, Carrie Harris, Joseph Murphy, Seamus Murphy, Chris Fallows 12:00 NOON Celebrant: Fr. Kevin Mohan Lectors: Zach Brooks, Marita Marcionese EMC: Rocco Taraborrelli, Gloryvie Reyes, Barb Matos, Sally Kingston Altar Servers: Grant Ezbicki, Elizabeth Grant, Madeline Grant, Emily Bonfigli, Victoria Anyiam 6:00 PM Celebrant: Fr.Mazz Lectors: Joe Kern, Jared Kern EMC: George Raia, Rosemarie Raia, Marita Marcionese, Antonia Garczynski Altar Servers: Jesse Garczynski, Jade Kern, Janelle Kern, Kayla Mazzarelli, Tony Mazzarelli, CJ Mazzarelli THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 St. Mary School News REGISTRATION FOR 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Registration for kindergarten, new students entering Grades 1- 8, 3 year old preschool and new 4 year old preschool students will take place on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.—Assumption Hall/Gym 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.—Science Lab/Please enter through front entrance of school 6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m.--Science Lab/Please enter through side door across from parish center. EVENING OPEN HOUSES/TOURS FOR ALL th GRADES (Preschool-8 grade) February 4, 2015 All Open Houses are from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Applications for admission will be accepted during all Open Houses and Tours. Required documents needed include: Baptismal and Birth Certificates, latest immunization records, sacramental information, and most current report cards (when applicable). Additional information about St. Mary School and admission requirements may be found on our website at To register for an Open House or for a tour and for more information, please call Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office at 856-629-6190 Ext. 34 or by email at [email protected] SMS 100 CLUB St. Mary School would like to invite Our Lady of Peace parishioners, as well as family and friends, who are business owners to participate in our SMS 100 Club. This program enables local businesses to donate a tax-deductible gift of $100 to the St. Mary School Annual Fund. Your business' generosity will be acknowledged on our website, in our Annual Report, and in a variety of written communication to our school families during the 2014-2015 school year. Your business name will be seen by close to 400 school families as well as the hundreds of visitors to our website and recipients of our Annual Report. We welcome our local businesses to take part in this initiative which greatly supports our school. Our goal is to have at least 100 businesses participate in our program. For more information and the required SMS 100 club form, please visit our website at Forms may also be found in the information racks at the entrance of the Church. You may also mail in your payment and business name and contact to St. Mary School, SMS 100 Club, 32A Carroll Ave., Williamstown, NJ 08094. For further information, please contact Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office at [email protected] or 856-629-6190 ext. 34. St. Mary School is located at 32A Carroll Ave., Williamstown, NJ. Our main phone number is 856-629-6190. Teac h me your wa ys. O Lord. Thank you to our local Williamstown chapter of the Knights of Columbus for giving a donation to our youth present at our Spiritual Guidance Group for the Youth & Young Adults who attended the March for Life on Thursday, January 22nd. The check was for: $1040.50 and helps cover the cost of the bus to DC to the Youth Rally & March for Life. We are so grateful to the Knights! THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 YOUTH GROUP Jesus' Fish Jr. Youth Group 6-8th grade Jan. 25th: Meeting with guest speakers from the high school CORE Team talking about different topics of prayer & faith. 7-9pm in Marian Hall. SAVE THE DATES...The Jesus fish 8th grade (only) over night retreat is March 6-7th at THE John Paul II retreat house in Vineland. More details to follow. There will be an optional parent info night on Feb. 3rd from 6-7pm in St. Joseph's Room. SAVE THE DATES... The JP2 high school weekend retreat is Feb. 20th - 22nd at THE John Paul II Retreat House in Vineland. You don’t want to miss this awesome experience!!! More details to follow. There will be an optional parent info night on Feb. 3rd from 6-7pm in St. Joseph's Room. ACTS Young Adults, 18-28 years old January 26th: We will be going to serve those guests who stay at the Joseph’s House in Camden. Meet to pray the rosary at 7pm in St. Joseph’s Room. Drivers will be needed to go to Camden at 8pm. We will be back around 11pm. NO gym tonight. Please bring a blanket or toiletry donation for the guests. February 2nd, 9th & 16th we will have a 3 Part Series on Spiritual Warfare with presenter Barbara Bailey. All 3 meetings will be in the St. Joseph room from 7-9pm. A brief description of Barbara’s presentation is below: In this presentation Barbara will point out the subtlety of Satan in entering people’s lives and especially his desire to lead young people away from God at every opportunity. She will also present those things that can combat him and help us draw closer to God in all aspects of our lives. It's especially important today to understand that we are fighting a battle that we must win. Never before, have Christians been so openly discriminated against. More Christians were martyred in the 20th century than through all of history. The massacres continue today all over the world and in our own country, Christians are threatened every day in the workplace, schools etc. because of their refusal to deny Christ and His teachings. We know that God will be victorious, but we need to be prepared on all fronts to fight the enemy. YOUTH GROUP (Continued) February 23rd: We will begin a new Fr. Baron Series, “Priest, Prophet, and King” in the St. Joseph room from 7-9pm. +he ROCK at St. Joe's High School: Meets after school in the Red Brick Building on January 26th and February 9th +he ROCK at Williamstown High School: Meets after school in D214 on February 19th Your Help is needed to Feed the Hungry in Camden The ACTS Young Adult Group will be serving the guests at the Joseph's House in Camden on Monday night, January 26th. Help is needed by our parishioners to make casserole & ziti dishes as well as a dessert to be dropped off to our parish office between 9am-4pm or 6-7pm. Additionally we are excepting donations of warm blankets & any toiletries (NO clothing). Please contact Kari Janisse to sign up for a dish or dessert...856-629-6142 x 20 or [email protected] Sign ups are now available for the upcoming "Raging Fire" retreats held at the John Paul II Retreat House in Vineland, NJ. The JP2 high school weekend retreat is February 20th-22nd. The Jesus' Fish 8th grade over night retreat is March 6-7th. There will be an optional retreat information parent meeting on Tuesday, February 3rd from 6-7pm in the St. Joseph's room. Information and forms can also be found on TAX LETTER Anyone who would like a letter stating their contributions for 2014 call the Parish Office at 629-6142 and leave your name and number. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 Frozen Movie Night with Elsa, Anna & Olaf! th Sunday, February 15 from 6-9pm (doors will not open before 6pm) Held in Assumption Hall (St. Mary’s school gym) Proceeds help support the Youth and Young Adult’s attending the Betania Venezuela Pilgrimage this August. $10 for children (ages 2-14 yrs old) Infants 1 and under are free! Adult admission free with a paid child’s admission COST INCLUDES: • Meet and greet with Elsa, Anna & Olaf from 6-7pm only (Bring your camera) • A Frozen Tattoo • Color page competition with Prizes • Unlimited popcorn & drinks • Viewing of the Frozen movie (Movie starts @7:15pm) Pre-purchasing tickets is strongly encouraged. To purchase tickets drop in the collection basket at Mass or bring to the parish offices attn: Kari Janisse. Tickets will be held at the door for you to pick up on 2/15. Tickets will also be sold at the door that night. Name________________________________ Phone #_____________________________ # of Kids ticket(s) ____ #of Adult ticket(s) ____ Total enclosed $ ____________ *Please make checks payable to “Our Lady of Peace”. Questions email: [email protected] STEWARDSHIP Stewards Follow “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” - MARK 1:17B Jesus’ call to “Follow me” is a call to all His Stewards! Jesus asks us to help Him build his church on earth by generously sharing all our gifts of prayer, talent and treasure. Remember, Jesus calls us to generously develop and share all our gifts, not just the ones we pick and choose. FAMILY CORNER Jon 3:1-5.10, 1 Cor 7:29-31, Mk 1:14-20 "They immediately abandoned their nets and became His follower." Mk 1:18 Today's gospel reminds us of the process of "letting go". Throughout the life cycle of the family we are constantly challenged to "let go" as we try to "hold on". Of what is the Lord asking you to let go? Control? Possessions? Judgements of other? Adolescent children? Self-centeredness? Adults: What can I do this week to invite a friend or neighbor to follow Christ? Children: How can I help a friend or classmate feel invited to follow Christ? PLEASE HELP!! We wish to thank all of those who have given to our Food Pantry. We are very grateful for the help you have already given us, but unfortunately the need is ongoing. The Pantry has plenty of canned corn, green beans and pasta, if you can supply Canned fruit, boxed rice and canned pasta (Chef Boyardee, spaghetti o’s. You may give a monetary donation place in an envelope marked Social Concerns and drop in the Offertory. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated. The Social Concerns Ministry thanks you and May God Bless you. DIVORCE AND BEYOND2/11/2015 to 4/29/2015 Contact: Debbie Wolk, 856-881-4133 or [email protected] Divorce and Beyond is for people who are already divorced or have filed for divorce. It helps participants understand what they are going through and that others have gone through the same things. Finally, it suggests activities for making divorce a growth experience. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 Registration will take place in the St. Joseph Room, 7:00 PM, Our Lady of Peace Parish on 2/11/2015. A fee of $20.00 for the class and book will be collected. Support Group Guidelines will be outlined. Group will end by 9:00 PM each evening reality through active participation of Filipinos in the parish life. Building bridges among various constituents in order to bring the gifts of the Filipino Community to the growing multi-cultural face of the parish. Provide lay leadership formation/programs for Filipinos to be more active in leadership roles in the parish. Promoting the rich Filipino heritage and values through cultural-religious celebrations and other related activities. Strengthened, nurtured and transformed by God’s life and love, we respond to the call and challenges of our time to become Christ’s disciples, building up God’s Kingdom here and now. 2015 Liturgical Year B Month Day Time Venue Feast/Celebrations 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time March 1 3PM MH 2nd Sunday of Lent March 25 7PM 9 Days Novena & April 2 Residence Feast of San Pedro Calungsod April 5 3PM MH Easter Sunday May 3 3PM MH 5th Sunday of Easter May 17 3PM AH 4th Santacruzan Festival At Our Lady of Peace Parish June 7 3PM MH The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 22/27 5-10PM Carnival Week at OLOPP July 5 3PM MH 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 2 3PM MH 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16 1-7PM Park 4th Filipino & Friends Parish Picnic February 1 The Filipino Ministry “ Believe, Unite and Share our Faith” Ou r L ady of P eace Pa ris h Wi lli a mst own, N J U.S. A. The Filipino Ministry – aims to evangelize our local community by proclaiming God’s presence in today’s 3PM MH San Alfonso Retreat March 27 to March 29, 2015 Spiritual Retreat For Women Long Branch, New Jersey 3/27 to 3/29/2015 $200 per person(meals included) Deposit of $50.00 due 2/27/2015 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 Balance $150.00 due upon arrival PLEASE FILL OUT THE COUPON BELOW AND RETURN WITH YOUR DEPOSIT OF $50.00 PER PERSON NO LATER THAN 2/27/2015 PLEASE MAKE DEPOSIT CHECK OUT TO San Alfonso Retreat House AND SEND TO Linda DiCugno 344 Aldeberan Dr Sewell , NJ 08080 ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 856-304-5447 San Alfonso Retreat March 27 to March 29, 2015 DEPOSIT--- $50.00 BALANCE --UPON ARRIVAL $150.00 “YOU ARE THE CHRIST”, a musical Cantata WILL BE PRESENTED BY OUR CHOIR at 7:30pm on Saturday, March 21, 2015, under the direction of Jon Agresta, and live Tableau, directed by Nancy Fleck and Irene Kacy. The choir will entertain with a full array of songs that tell the Easter story through Peter’s reflection on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. All are invited to attend. Admission is free. Donations of any non-perishable food item for our food pantry are requested. Refreshments will be served after the event in Marian Hall. Please come out and support our music ministry while enjoying a beautiful cantata that is sure to move your spirit and guide you toward the Risen Christ during this holiest of seasons. It is a great way to get ready for Holy Week and Easter. NAME___________________ ADDRESS________________ TABLEAU PHONE_______________ ALL ARE WELCOME SPECIAL NEEDS__________ PLEASE CUT THIS HALF AND SEND WITH YOUR DEPOSIT TO MY ADDRESS ABOVE For the Cantata Tableau all cast members (Actors) and anyone that wish to participate (all are welcome). We are especially in need of male Actors because at Easter we need the 12 Apostles, Herod, Pontius Pilate, Roman guards, etc. Our first practice is on Sunday, February 1, 2015 in the 8B classroom at 2PM. The rest of the dates will be given to all at the February 1st practice. Our Lady of Peace Parish St. Mary’s Church Choir If you cannot make the first practice and would like to participate please call 856-629-6142 x38. Thank you Nancy Fleck and Irene Kacy SPIRITUAL ADOPTION THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 25, 2015 Today is the Day that the Lord has made, Let us Rejoice and be Glad in It. Let us rejoice today in our Sixth Spiritual Adoption of God’s Children that are Wonderfully made in His Image and Likeness. With Great Enthusiasm, we celebrate the life of our already adopted children in the past, and now, in keeping with the sanctity of life, we are welcoming you to adopt yet another child of God. The Life Ministry is sponsoring our Sixth Parish-Wide Spiritual Adoption beginning this week-end. Its purpose is threefold: First - To Pray for Unborn Babies in danger of abortion. Second - To Educate people about the Development of the Unborn child over the nine months of pregnancy. Third - To influence the Hearts and Minds of all to Value Live. Please join in spiritually adopting a baby into your heart so that your child may be protected from the danger of abortion. There are Pink and Blue Spiritual Adoption Pledge Cards available to each of you. Please name your baby and pray daily for your baby. Please drop these pledge cards in the collection basket and they will be placed at the feet of Our Blessed Mother for Protection. There are Prayer Cards available, also, for each and everyone. Please KEEP this prayer card and put your baby’s name on the back of the card. This will remind you to pray daily for your adopted child. You will receive weekly reports in the church bulletin on your adopted baby’s development during the next nine months. This is a perfect way to instruct your children in the development of a child in the womb. Allow them to share in the spiritual adoption and prayers for your very special child. Mother Teresa: “without prayer there is no faith; without faith - no love; without love - no service and without service - no joy, no peace.”
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