St.Mary’sRomanCatholicChurchJanuary 11, 2015 10-0849thAvenue,LongIslandCity,NY11101 718-786-0705EMAIL:[email protected] Event Schedule for January “Mary, Model of Faith” Talk - Sat. Jan. 10 6:00 pm - in the Church “God’s Precious Infants” Mass & Procession - Sat. Jan 17 7:30 am St. Mary’s “Messiah” was on TV If you missed it we are sure you have already heard by now how wonderful "Messiah" was on December 7th. Our diocese TV was here and recorded interviews and singing that was aired on NetTV. Another brief vocal closed the half-hour news segment. You may now view the main portion by typing the following link in your internet address area or going to the parish blog and clicking on the hyperlink "Click to watch Handel's Messiah" Markyourcalendar! OnlyFIVEmonthuntilIrisHarris,Soprano returnsinconcert!Sunday,May31stat5pm! ShewillbejoinedbyJasonBrown,Tenor.Eric Birk,F.A.G.O.,Organistreturnstoaccompany them. Mary, Model of Faith Talk Our January event will be a talk on Mary Model of Faith on Saturday, January 10 at 6 pm. The gu est speaker will be Ana Puente. Afterwards there will be refreshments served. Please bring sandwiches, desserts and we will supply the coffee and drinks. Thank you. God’s Precious Infants Saturday, January 17th, at 7:30 am, Monsignor Philip J. Reilly, Executive Director of “Helpers of God’s Precious Infants” will celebrate a Mass at St. Mary. After the Mass the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed. Those who desire to remain in private prayer will stay. The remaining group will walk in procession reciting the Rosary to the site of a new chapter of Planned Parenthood at 21-41 45th Road. The group will then return to Saint Mary’s where Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will take place.” Religious Education Classes & Bible Story Time are fromPre-Kto12thgradeat10:30a.m. AdultReligionclassesareavailabletooformoreinfo. Pleasecometotherectoryoremailmeat [email protected]. Thankyou,Giovanna CHOIRREHEARSALS St.Mary'sChoirrehearsalshaveresumed.Rehearsals arebetweenthetwoSundaymasses.Thereareafew additionalrehearsalsforthemajorfeastdays.IfinterestedinbecomingmoreinvolvedinSt.Mary'sMusic Ministry,pleasespeakwithapriestorMr.Vogel. THE BAPTISM OF JESUS JOHN: ONE MIGHTIER THAN I IS COMING AFTER ME GOD THE FATHER: AND IT IS MY BELOVED SON. HE IS GOING TO START TEACHING YOU. LISTEN TO WHAT HE HAS TO SAY. JCM, 2015 THE END OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON AND THE BAPTISM OF JESUS About a year ago I met someone who came in and admired the Christmas decorations. The guy said: I’ve been away from Church for a long time. But something attracted me. I think it was the decorations. I answered: Welcome home. Welcome to your Father’s house. It is the Sacred Season that has brought you home. Then he added: It’s too bad that the decorations have to be taken down. They are so nice. I nodded and didn’t say anything. But I will share with you what I was thinking. The Christmas Season is over. The decorations come down. Jesus is baptized. Jesus goes to work. And for us, life must also go on. The taking down of Christmas decorations is not an end. It is a beginning. For Jesus it was the beginning of his public life. And, if we may be allowed a little liberty, maybe that is what God the Father was telling us when he spoke from the clouds. © J. C. Mulqueen, 2015 Welcome to Our Parish - RegistraƟon Form ___ Please Yes send me envelopes and register me ___ Please No envelopes, but register me. ___ Please contact me I would like to Volunteer as: ___ an Usher ___ Lector ___ Catechist teacher ___ Please contact me; I would like to join the Choir. ___ Please register me for Adult Religion program. ___ Please contact me about Children Religion class Name: _______________________________ Address: ____________________Apt. #____ City: ____ ZIP:____ Phone:___________ Email ___________________________ The Baptism of The Lord SATURDAY, 10 January 5:00 p.m. (L) Blessings to Rev. James Ferreira Req. by Kathy & Dave Wither Danny Padula Req. by Josephine Lombardi; Giuseppe & Debra Evangelista SUNDAY, 11 January 9:30 a.m. Frankie Brunette Req. by the Francis Family (D) Anniv. Ignacia Rivera Req. by her daughter Aurora Trinidad 12:00 pm Rose Fazio Req. by her daughters Carmela & Annette (D) 40th Day Anniv. Rustico Manalang Req. by his daughter Diana Hytinen (D) 48th Anniv. Katherine & Carlos Wong Req. by their daughter Michelle Koutsoubelis (L) B’day Blessing Rita Cozzi Req. by Michelle Koutsoubelis (L) B’day Blessing Sandra Small Req. by Michelle Koutsoubelis MONDAY, 12 January 12:15 p.m. (L) Blessings Mr & Mrs William Nagle & Family Req. by Kathy & Dave Wither (L) Healing Mass—Guy Gabriel Req. by Cathy Scar ito TUESDAY, 13 January 12:15 p.m. Edward Fitzsimmons Req. by David Haggerty WEDNESDAY, 14 January 12:15 p.m. Kitty O’Sullivan Req. by H elen O’Sullivan THURSDAY, 15 January 7:00 a.m. Will resume during the Season of Lent FRIDAY, 16 January 12:15 p.m. John Mellet Req. by Aishling SATURDAY, 17 January 5:00 p.m. Fif & Roccp Giannatasio Req. by Jo SUNDAY, 18 January 9:30 a.m. Josephine & Gino Crosara Req. by Maria Carotenuto 12:00 pm Emma Manetta Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Erasmo Lombardi 150th Anniversary Meeting….. Please join us at our next meeting which is scheduled for Thursday January 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Mass Intentions, Sanctuary Lamp and Bread & Wine for 2015 are still available. The Bread and Wine The Bread and Wine is offered for the week of January 11 - January 17, 2015 Birthday Blessings to Michael Barile Goldie Cancro Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for the week of January 11 - January 17, 2015 In Loving Memory of my mother, Rita Recine Vanier req. by John H. Vanier StaƟsƟcs - January 3 and 4, 2014 AƩendance 370 1st Coll. $ 1,820.00 Monthly Commitment $ $754.00 Thank you for your conƟnued generosity. Happy Birthday & Blessings Alicia Tellez, Michael Wither, Marisa Varlese, Sr. Eileen Reilly, OP, Iris Harris, Lorraine Devine Michael Barile, Goldie Cancro We Pray for Healing Gentel Cabrera, Harold Walford Thomas, (infant)Liam Glorioso, MaryAnn Tobon, Iris Harris, Emilia Chimienti, Teresa Ortiz, Nova Bermudez, Daniel Brown, Joe Sullivan, Daisey Warren, Eloise Jordon, Joseph Warren, Bill Weber, Frances Melendez, Robert Rohan, Victoria Shore PRAY FOR THE SICK Millie Ciangiola, Teodora Tamburello, Fr. Pat Laghezza,Dominick Calisto, Vincenza A. Rios,Ellen Trambone, Fr.Charles Keough, Mary DePinto, Charlotte S. Parker, Dominick Caiaccia, Rose Francis, Catherine O’Keeffe, Jeanette Falcone, Fernando & Nancy Angeles, Joan Forhane, Catherine Roeder, Bob Ruiz, Donna McGuinness, George Burst, Mark Etskovitz, Julie Schnurr, Donna Cultrera, Olivia Nicole Ashton, Joseph Coughlin, Terry Devine, Sean Dugan, Victoria Shore, Pamala Riley, Risa Sanchez, Gentel Cabrera, Victor Silva, James Doran, Kathleen Nero, Fr. Joseph Rosa, Andrew Sharetta, Mary De Pinto, Jay Paul Tinio, Sonny Francis, Anthony Savino, Sr. Patricia Ann Reilly, OP, Guy Gabriel, Guido Bussani PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Hazbi Tierney, Howard Pooler, August Pedota, Clarita Ganit, Alan Bucknam, Jerome Dunn, Jeanne Giordano, Sr. Theresa Dodd, OP, Delao Santizo Perez, Dolly De Thomas, Joseph Natale, Louis Gonslaves, John Dougherty, BabyJoseph Ordenez, Zita Lina Kuusemegh Undecorating Gathering Monday January 12 at 6:30 p.m. Join us as we take down all the Christmas Decoration inside the Church. Thank you March for Life Free Roundtrip to Washington DC Thursday January 22 Bus leaving from Immaculate Conception in Astoria at 6:30 a.m. for more info call Ann at 718-651-9017 HOLY HOUR First Friday each month at 12:45 p.m. Month Dec.50/50 Raffle winner Mr &Mrs Joseph Romano $60.00 The 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal “When We Give, We Share the Light of Faith” St. Mary’s goal is $15,100.00. Please consider making a pledge. All monies received above our goal goes directly for the renovation of the new St. Mary’s Parish Center. Thank you for your generous support. Fr. Ralph Would you like to become a Lector, Choir Member, Catechist Teacher or an Usher? We need your help! Please email us at [email protected], phone 718-786-0705 or introduce yourself after Mass Thank you, Fr. Ralph Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE For further information, please call the Parish Office. PUSH AVENUE CHEMISTS ................... FREE DELIVERY ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, ITALIANO, ESPAÑOL 45-01 30TH AVENUE, ASTORIA TEL 718.545.1010 • FAX 718.545.1542 24/7 HELP ................... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH We can fill your prescriptions while you wait... Bring in your prescription bottle for a refill today! ALL MAJOR INSURANCES ACCEPTED TALK 718.752.0345 718.424.8649 13-17 Jackson Avenue, L.I.C. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Thomas M. 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