Sunday Bulletin Jan. 25, 2015

Saints Peter & Paul UOC
8410 West 131st St. Palos Park, IL60464
Fr. Vasyl Sendeha - Rector
Deacon John Charest
Rectory Phone/Fax: (708) 361-5165
Hall Phone: (708) 448-1350
[email protected]
Parish Council
Noreen Neswick
Sisterhood of St.
Anne President
Josephine Hobert
Church School
Victoria Rak
Church Choir
George Cepynsky
Sr. UOL President
Harry Oryhon
Caregiving Com.
Harry Oryhon
Seraphim Group
Howard Brooks
50/50 Club
Michael Gbur
Food for the thought
“Sinful Leaders”
by James Emery White
Posted at Church and
Culture on 24 November
There is only one kind
of leader. “Sinful.”
I’ve often told folks at the church I
serve that a sinner has to lead the church, so
I might as well be honest about it, and to
make sure they know that’s what they’ve
got. To fail to do so would only add
“deceit” to my list of sins.
Now, by “sinful” I don’t mean disqualifying patterns of public sin. Yet nondisqualifying sin abounds.
Don’t get me wrong.
The vast majority of pastors are good people. Very good people. They have deep
consciences and wrestle with their sins and
inadequacies more than anyone needs to
point out for their benefit.
But yes, they are sinful.
Which means sinful people have to lead the church. Not formerly
sinful, but currently sinful.
So what does that mean for the health and well-being of the
Four things come to mind:
1 – You need to be a sinful leader who is continually seeking
forgiveness and striving for repentance. The Bible is full of
habitual sinners, often in the same areas over and over again, but
what marked God’s ability to use them tended to be their equally
habitual contrition.
2 – You need to be a sinful leader who does not boast about
things you have neither achieved nor maintained. Notice my
language. Every leader will have to teach biblical truth about virtues they do not maintain. What is key is that there is not the
heartbeat of hypocrisy which boasts as if you are above the fray.
3 – You need to be a sinful leader who works diligently to protect your life from the kinds of public sins that would shame
the church and hurt her witness. Ask the family of any pastor
to name that pastor’s sins, and they could. And no pastor would
ask that such sins be excused. But what is essential is that the sins
of that pastor are not the kind that will find their way into the
news. I’m not talking about a cover-up, I’m talking about a wiseup. To be “above reproach” does not mean to be “above sin.” It
means to live in such a way that you fight the hardest, and are disciplined the most, against the sins that are most prone for public
display. And you do it not for the sake of your reputation, but for
the sake of the church.
4 – You need to be a sinful leader who knows that it is only by
the grace of God you are able to sustain another day of leadership. So you lean on God, depend on God, drink deeply from
God. You know you are a sin-stained, sin-soaked person, so you
pray like a drowning man to God for rescue. In other words, your
sin leaves a deep mark of humility.
So let’s recap:
You have a sinful leader.
Pray they are the kind of sinful leader God wants.
James Emery White
33rd Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 8
Sunday after Theophany. Afterfeast of the Theophany. Martyr Tatiana of Rome (226-235).
Sunday aft Theophany: Eph. 4:7-13; Mt. 4:12-17
Of the Day: 1 Tim. 4:9-15; Lk. 19:1-10
To Saint: Heb. 7:26–8:2; Jn. 10:9-16
Reader of the Hours - Dr. Gayle Woloschak
Reader of the Eng.Epistle – Dr. Gayle Woloschak
Reader of Ukr. Epistle-Halyna Kashpar
January 31
February 1
No Vespers
Sunday of the Publican and the PhariseeTone 1
St. Macarius the Great of Egypt (390). Virginmartyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia (303). Ven. Macarius of Alexandria (394). St. Arsenius, archbishop of Kerkyra (Corfu) (953). Ven. Macarius of the
Kiev Caves (12th c.). Ven. Macarius, deacon of
the Kiev Caves (13th-l4th c.).
2 Tim. 3:10-15
Lk. 18:10-14
Reader of the Hours - PM Gina
Reader of the Eng. Epistle – PM Gina
Reader of Ukr. Epistle-Dr. Natalie Cepynsky
The Suggestion Box: To implement a more accessible communication strategy, a suggestion box has been placed at the back
of the church. All parishioners are invited to provide feedback,
suggestions and also caregiving needs/ideas. Please fill out the
slip provided by the suggestion box. You may sign your name
or leave it anonymous. The Board will formally review all suggestions collected during monthly board meetings.
"The Holy Scriptures were not given to us that we
should enclose them in books, but that we should engrave them upon our hearts." — St. John Chrysostom
Sunday School Blog
Christ is Baptized…. Wow what a Sunday the
weather was great and we had some many happy
faces. You are all doing great. As a reminder..
church does start at 9:30am it is really important to listen to the
Epistle Reading and the Gospel Readings for the day. I think I
might have some quizzes each Sunday for everyone. Also we
don’t leave for Sunday School including teachers until Father
says “Depart in Peace”. We should all be leaving at the same
time and entering our classes at the same time. Since it has
been cold it will also help keep the heat in the church with the
door opening once. Thank you again for all your love and support for each other. Looking forward to a great 2015.
Love, Miss Vicki (director)
Adult Bible & Faith Study Group
The next meeting date and location TBA. We will
start with the Book “Wisdom for today from the
early Church” by David C. Ford. If you are interested in joining the study, please see Fr. Vasyl
Sisterhood of St. Anne
May God bless all of our volunteers.
Next Perogy working days are
Monday, February 2:
From 9:00am-11:00am Filling cheese vareniky
Tuesday, February 3:
From 9:00am– 12:00 pm making Potato & SK balls
Wednesday , February 4:
From 9:00 am-1:00pm filling potato & SK
Thursday February5 - sale 12:00– 4:00pm
Soup-er Bowl Sunday
Soup-er bowl Sunday, known as Sunday of
Soups in our parish is coming up. We are turning
to our talented Chefs of the parish; please create and donate your
best recipe soup for the event.
The sign up sheet is on the Coffee table at the Church Hall.
Sign up today!
Don’t know how to cook soup? Would like to help out
with the event? Sign up to donate bread or bowls,
spoons or napkins for the event. If you would like to
volunteer for this even, please see PM Olenka or
Nick Slobidsky. Email: [email protected],
[email protected]. All proceeds go to Soup Kitchen in Kiev
Words of wisdom
“Souls that love truth and God, that long with much hope and
faith to put on Christ completely, do not need so much to be put
in remembrance by others, nor do they endure, even for a while,
to be deprived of the heavenly desire and of passionate affection
to the Lord; but being wholly and entirely nailed to the cross of
Christ, they perceive in themselves day by day a sense of spiritual advance towards the spiritual Bridegroom.”
St. Macarius the Great
“When we do good, do it only because we love it and prefer it to
evil, and not because we seek reward. This way we will become
children of God and not His hired workers.”
Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain
“You cannot destroy the passions on your own, but ask God, and
He will destroy them, if this is profitable for you.”
St. Anatoly of Optima
Remember Our Shut-ins
Daria Masur, Gerald Nemeth, Irene Beck,
John Spivak, Helen Wolsko, Lillian Swick, Stephanie Luchyn,
Susanna Jemec, Tony Zerebny.
Seven Day Vigil Candles
For the health of Mary & Nick Kapusta by Andrea Manson
For the health of Janet and Monte Milton by Fr. Vasyl
For the health of Carol Redmerski as she recovers after the
surgery by Fr. Vasyl
For the health of Mary Kapusta by Pm Olenka
For the health of Wally Naumenko by PM Olenka
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
In memory of husband John by Barbara Patronik
In memory of Grandma Anastazia Grod on the 63rd anniversary of her repose by Barbara Patronik
In memory of my father, Stephen Kuzemka on the anniversary of his repose in the Lord by Karen Larson
In memory of our Late Father Borys James Czornyj & Anna Mr. Czornyj with love from daughter Laryssa & son
Donation to Building Fund
In memory of Olga (Ollie) Kuzanek on what would have been
her 98th Birthday on Saturday Jan. 24th
Dr. Rudy & Mrs. Sharon Burger-Zellinger - $200.00
Friend of the family - $100.00
Donation to polish/clean the church dome
Self Reliance-$1000.00
Prayer Corner for the Month of January
We ask all of you to remember in your prayers the
following individuals who are in need of God's healing
and grace:
Rich Bendy, Helen Wolsko, Stephanie, Nick Kocelko, Dean
Manson, Toni Marie Klavin, Noreen Neswick, Daria Masur,
Michael Kimak, Yuriy Zmysly, Monte Milton, Gloria
Kuzemka, Paul Jr & Dorothy Seliga, Wally Naumenko, Wally
Thompson, Michael, Sherry Howard, Wolodymer Kashpar,
Nick & Mary Kapusta, Frankie, Rose, Zachary, Michael, Paul
and Alexander. If there is anyone who is in need of prayers,
and you want to add them to the prayer corner, please notify
Fr. Vasyl.
Coffee Hour Schedule
Today -- PM OLenka
February 1 -- “SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY” - Nick & Johanna Slobidsky dessert table PLUS GREAT SOUP MAKERS
Saturday, February 7 -- TRIVA NIGHT – Get your table of
friends & have a great fun night!
February 8 -- Czerniak Family–In memory of Michael Czerniak
February 15 -- Donna Nevels & Christine Thompson
February 22 – Sr. UOL Cheesefare Sunday
March 1 - Sunday of Orthodoxy – Sr. UOL Pot Luck (Lenten)
1st Sunday of Great Fast
8 -- ANNUAL MEETING – Sisterhood Luncheon
UOL Chapter – Soup-er Bowl
Sunday February 1, 2015!
Once again this year, Senior UOL
chapter is sponsoring and organizing Soup-er
Bowl on Sunday February 1 after Divine Liturgy.
Please come and share a bowl of soup for a good cause.
All proceeds will be donated to Soup Kitchen in Ukraine.
All you can eat — $10.00 . Kids eat free.
Our talented Chefs of the parish please create and donate soups for
the event. If you would like to volunteer for this even, please see
PM Olena or Nick Slobidsky. Email: [email protected]
Memorial Service Panahyda
In memory of +Dorothy & +Michael Bruce
Requested by Barbara & Katie Bruce
In memory of +Joseph Mielnik
Requested by Josephine Hobert
In memory of Olga Kuzanek on her 98th Birthday January 24,
2015 requested by a friend of the family
In memory of +John Batura who reposed in the Lord on December 28, 2014. Requested by Elena Batura
In memory of +Albina Batura, who reposed in the Lord
on January 26, 1976. Requested by Elena Batura
Church Humor
Did you hear about the about the Southern Baptist who was in the
habit of sneaking to the race track to bet on the horses?
One day he was losing badly when he saw a priest step onto the
track, walk up to line-up and bless one of the horses on the forehead. The horse was a long shot, but the Southern Baptist thought,
"With the priest's blessing, surely this horse will win." He placed a
small bet and, sure enough, the horse came in first.
At the next race, the priest stepped onto the track and blessed another horse's forehead. Even though this horse was also a long
shot, the Southern Baptist was a little bolder this time and placed a
larger bet on that horse. Again, it won. A third time, the priest
stepped onto the track and blessed a horse on the forehead. Like
the others, this horse was also a long shot. The Southern Baptist
placed an even larger bet this time and, sure enough the horse won.
This pattern continued throughout the day with the priest blessing
the forehead of a long shot horse, the Southern Baptist placing
larger and larger bets and the horse always winning.
At the last race of the day, the Southern Baptist thought, "I have
got to go for broke here." With great anticipation, he watched as
the priest stepped onto the field one more time, walked up to the
line-up and blessed the forehead, eyes, ears and hooves of one of
the horses. The Southern Baptist ran to the ticket counter and bet
all he had on that horse. The horse came in dead last! As he was
walking out, he saw the priest. Walking up to him, he demanded,
"What happened? All day long you blessed horses and they won,
even though they were long shots. Then at the last race you blessed
a horse, I bet everything and the horse lost." "That's the problem
with you” ,said the priest. "You can't tell the difference between a
simple blessing and the Last Rites."
Snow Removal Schedule
Week of 01/25 thru 01/31 --Fr. Vasyl Sendeha
Week of 02/01 thru 02/07 -- John Policzszuk
Week of 02/08 thru 02/14 -- Harry Oryhon
If you are unable to make your schedule week,
please find a replacement and let Fr. Vasyl know.
Keep in mind, if over 2” of snow, the snow service will remove it. You only need to come out if 2” or less.