www.liwomanonline.com November 2013 FREE Andie MacDowell exclusive interview what to do November Calendar plus an extensive listing of Support Groups Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipes Covered by Most Medical Insurance Plans with Little or No Out-of-Pocket to Patient Medicare Accepted Alternative Therapy to a CPAP Machine Dr. Barry Chase, DDS, PC, D. ACSDD Headquarters 324 S. Service Road, Suite 116 Melville, NY 11747 (631) 393-6888 Dr. Robert Bergida, DDS Chase Dental SleepCare of Kew Gardens 116-14 Metropolitan Ave. Kew Gardens, NY 11418 (718) 849-9472 Dr. Theodore Field, DMD Chase Dental SleepCare of Boca Raton 3020 N. Military Trl., Suite 250 Boca Raton, Fl 33431 (561) 443-4133 Dr. Barry Chase, DDS, PC, D. ACSDD Dr. Gregory P. Doroski DMD Dr. Elizabeth A. Doroski, DDS Chase Dental SleepCare of Riverhead 887 Old Country Rd., Suite B Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 727-0770 Dr. Randy L. Furshman, DDS & Associates Chase Dental SleepCare of South Miami 7800 SW 87th Ave., Suite A-140 Miami, Fl 33173 (305) 598-2622 Chase Dental SleepCare of Manhattan 65 Broadway, Suite 901 New York, NY 10003 (631) 393-6888 More Locations Coming Soon! 2r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN The Perfect Cosmetic Surgery Package Can Help Create The Perfect You. R .%.%.' / (!/ -'./ ,(+/ -)(,./ *,/ +"./ $"-)).,./(#/&.)#*%'(.%.,+/./-))/-,+ +(/ )((/ +"./ .&+/ +"-+/ ./ $-,/ -,/ '.+-*,/ (!' 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(603904*54+4/7539280,130! )*#$*'(*($'*'#!(*')*('*#%')*)" ($'*)$$#(*$&(*)"*'(* )!#% )#&$*&%*$)*)*&*)%("*&% !)"(*#"&%'*)**)("* )!#!(%'&" )%$'&'#)%$* &'* !* ))" )'&!')%*&%*&%&''&%*)# ($ )* $ ((* &%* &)#%'!(%'* )* &%* &* * )"* (!&#* ) $'&) )!*#$#'* !* ($#'(* &' "((%(")$!('# "(" )! COSMETIC PLASTIC SURGERY ADVERTORIAL To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr3 November 2013 Volume 13 Number 6 Good Advice Advice columns from Long Island Woman advertisers Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS Many of my patients come seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth; a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. more on page 5 The Future Lift: A New Hybrid Facelift Technique by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS For years, my patients have had to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid face lifts, they get the best of both worlds. more on page 11 Mercury Removal - The Ultimate Detox Abnormalities by Linda J. Golden DDS Removing mercury dental fillings is a powerful and necessary step for dentists dedicated to protecting the health and vitality of their patients. more on page 13 page 20 Winter Break Rhinoplasty 6 FYI/Picks 10 Book Corner Cooking it Up with Cookstr 14 Meet These Long Island Women Silver Screen, Gold Leaf, Brass Tacks 22 Sustenance Thanksgiving Side Dishes 26 Catching Up with Carol News 12’s Carol Silva’s Monthly Column 29 What to Do November Calendar of Events 20 Health Caffeine and Incontinence 32 Support Groups 18 Exclusive Interview Andie MacDowell by James C. Marotta, MD FACS With a week or more off from school or work, it’s no surprise that a lot of people considering cosmetic surgery opt to undergo the procedure during their vacation. more on page 17 Got Blue-Tooth??? by Alex Shvartsman, DDS, MAGD, AIAOMT The trouble with the most widely used filling material, mercurysilver amalgam, is that it is the exact opposite of how the tooth is naturally designed. more on page 21 Elder Law Crisis Planning by Marc Alhonte, Esq. Sometimes an elderly spouse has suffered catastrophic illness (a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia), and must be cared for in a nursing home facility. The cost of care there may be $450 a day. Will the family’s finances be decimated? more on page 26 Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight & Hair Loss 0/"OX-ALVERNE.9ssINFO LIWOMANONLINECOMsWWWLIWOMANONLINECOM 3UBSCRIPTIONS/NEYEARISSUESnVISITWWWLIWOMANONLINECOMSUBSCRIPTIONSHTML ¹#OPYRIGHTBY,ONG)SLAND7OMAN!LLRIGHTSRESERVED.OPORTIONOF,ONG)SLAND7OMANMAYBEREPRODUCEDWITHOUTPERMISSION ,ONG)SLAND7OMANISPUBLISHEDMONTHLYBY-ARAJ)NC Get your free e-subscription to the page-flip digital edition of Long Island Woman at www.liwomanonline.com Like Us on Facebook 4r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 coming next issue December 2013 The Long Island Woman (exclusive) interview with Dionne Warwick Reserve your ad by Friday, November 8th call 516-505-0555 x1 [email protected] by Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., LAC Pain Management Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for pain relief. It promotes self-healing, and has no negative side effects. In 70% of cases, back, neck, sciatica, knee and shoulder pain will be significantly reduced after three to four treatments. more on page 26 Breast Reduction Using The Lollipop Scar Technique by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS The weight of large breasts can cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large breasts get in the way of physical activities, such as running.. more on page 27 Osteoporosis by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to decreased bone mineral density and increased risk for fractures. About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis (80% are women), and around 34 million are at risk for the disease. more on page 27 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Our Day of Beauty Join us at Saturday, November 16 U 10:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served. RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON BOTOX, DYSPORT, JUVEDERM TEETH WHITENING, & MICRO DERMABRASION Free Gift Bags with Discounts toward future treatments Call to R.S.V.P. and for more info CHARLOTTE ANN RHEE, M.D. BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGEON 257 E. JERICHO TPKE., HUNTINGTON STATION 631-424-6707 WWW.LIPLASTICSURGERY.COM Good Advice Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, MD, F.A.C.S., P.C. Many of my patients come to me seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth. Following childbirth, a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. A woman’s breast can actually lose volume and shrink, resulting in the breast appearing “deflated.” Additionally, a large number of women come to me seeking help with the post partum changes of their abdomen. During pregnancy the skin and abdominal wall muscles are stretched. Following childbirth, the abdomen can protrude and the skin can be loose or sag. In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be so weakened that the individual may look like she is still pregnant. Despite daily workouts including sit ups and crunches, a tummy tuck may be needed to restore these muscles. ing breast reduction. Both groups of women want to have breasts that are proportional to their body size with the most natural result possible. In certain situations, a breast lift is also needed to tighten lax skin. The laxity can be the result of pregnancy or weight loss. When a breast lift is needed, I utilize the lollipop scar technique. A breast lift procedure is very similar to a breast reduction. The only difference is that with a breast reduction, breast tissue is removed. Combined Breast/Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Procedures. Many of my patients who have breast surgery also have other procedures performed at the same time. This allows for one surgery and one recovery. The most common combined procedures performed by Dr. Rhee are breast surgery, whether it is a breast reduction or augmentation, combined with tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. For those patients Breast Reduction Many of my patients who desire breast augmentation together with a tummy tuck, I am able to place Women with very large pendulous breasts may experience varied medical the breast implants through the tummy tuck incision, leaving the breasts without who have breast problems including back and neck pain. Also, the weight of large breasts can any scars. cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large surgery also have other Liposuction is also commonly performed at the same time. Despite diet and breasts get in the way of physical activities such as running, making exercise exercise, certain areas of the body are prone to carry excess fat. For these areas, liprocedures performed and weight loss very difficult if not impossible. Breast reduction (reduction posuction can help. The most common areas for liposuction are the love handles at the same time. This (upper hip area) and thighs. mammaplasty), is a surgical procedure which makes breasts smaller. There are many different breast reduction techniques. The more traditional allows for one surgery Patients who have combined procedures do surprisingly well. In addition to method (inverted T-scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical, long horizontal having the benefit of just one recovery process, there can also be a significant and one recovery. scar (along the breast crease). “I utilize the Lejour technique, which leaves savings in price. the breast with a single vertical incision (lollipop scar) and, in my opinion, To learn more, please call our Huntington office to schedule a complimentawith a rounder more natural appearing breast and a better cosmetic result.” Breast reduc- ry consultation with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. Located at 257 E. Jericho Tpke., Huntington tions are performed as an outpatient procedure and are covered by insurance. Station. www.liplasticsurgery.com. Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Breast Augmentation Women who come to me seeking breast enlargement have very similar goals to those seek- breast surgery. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr5 fyi Peter Max Exhibition by Debbi Honorof Through February 23, 2014, the Nassau County Museum of Art presents Peter Max, a solo exhibition of works by the iconic Pop artist. The exhibition of work by the lauded Pop artist juxtaposes portfolios of his mostly black-and-white drawings on paper against many of his larger and more color-saturated works in a variety of media. The showing at Nassau County Museum of Art is the first in-depth look at this well-known artist’s original drawings, which cover a wide range of subjects; sunsets over oceans and undulating landscapes, angels and other winged apparitions, boats sailing through idyllic harbors, cosmic imagery of planets and celestial bodies in space, portraits in profile and figures drawn from life, spiritual teachers such as swamis or gurus or sages, and flowers and other exotic plant life, to name only a few. These never-beforeseen drawings add to one of the most recognizable and commercially successful artistic practices of our times. Just as the Beatles transformed the music of the 60s, Peter Max revolutionized the art of the decade. From visionary pop artist to master of dynamic neo Expressionism, Peter Max is an inextricable part of the fabric of contemporary American culture. The museum is located at One Museum Drive in Roslyn. For more information, visit nassaumuseum.org or call 516-484-9338. Cosmic Runner by Peter Max to feed the hungry through our network of community-based member agencies just in time for the holiday season when the need for food is at high demand.” Since 2007, the participants of Canstruction Long Island have donated more than 236,000 cans of food and thousands of dollars to help feed the hungry on Long Island. For more information, visit canstructionli.org or licares.org. Enjoy Stress Free Holidays and a new ending. From the dusty archives of the Vatican to the overgrown jungles of Ethiopia, an unlikely crew of four begins a deadly search for the Holy Grail. In the best DeMille tradition, readers take a thrilling ride where good eventually triumphs, but at a steep price. Both events are free and open to the public. The library is located at One Library Drive. For more information, visit pwpl.org or call 516-883-4400. Hanukah Pendants Canstruction Nelson Demille Authors DeMille and Rosdeblatt at Port Washington Library November is a reader’s dream at the Port Washington library as two well-known Long Island-based authors visit to discuss their books. On Tuesday, November 12 at 7:30 p.m., Roger Rosenblatt discusses his new memoir, The Boy Detective: A New York Childhood , a moving meditation that is both an homage to and an elegy for the city he loves. On Monday, November 18 at 7:30 p.m., Nelson DeMille discusses The Quest, which was originally released as a mass-market paperback in 1975 as DeMille’s first full-length novel. The Quest has now been entirely rewritten and greatly expanded with new characters 6r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 Want to take the stress out of your holiday season? The Katz Institute for Women’s Health at North Shore-LIJ can help! They’ll present a program on Wednesday, November 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Long Island Marriott. Speakers Tina J. Walch, MD, Medical Director of South Oaks Hospital and Joseph A. Diamond, MD, Director of Nuclear Cardiology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center will help you understand what triggers stress, how it affects your overall well-being and effective strategies to manage stress, including mindful meditation. Bring your friends and enjoy healthy refreshments. The fee to attend is $20 per person and registration is required. The Long Island Marriott is located at 101 James Doolittle Boulevard in Uniondale. To register or for more information, visit kiwh.northshorelij.com (search under events) or call 1-855-850-KIWH (5494). Through November 6 at RXR Plaza in Uniondale, you can view amazing “canstructions” created by competing teams of design and construction professionals, college students, and middle and high school students led by architects and engineers. The teams will showcase their talent and creativity by designing and building giant self-supporting sculptures out of cans of non-perishable food. The cans will later be donated to Long Island Cares, Inc.–The Harry Chapin Food Bank to feed the more than 300,000 Long Islanders who are affected by hunger and/or food insecurity. “Canstruction Long Island is one of the most unique and creative events to support Long Island Cares,” said Paule Pachter, Executive Director. ”It brings together an extremely talented group of professionals whose talents are only matched by their concern for people in need. All of the food used in building the structures is distributed A few years ago, artist/illustrator Beth Nadler discovered a way to turn her artwork into glass pendants. She now has a full line of colorful pendants, including a Stars of David and menorahs. With the first night of Hanukah arriving so early this year (on the night before Thanksgiving), don’t get caught short. Order these wonderful, whimsical pendants for all the women and girls on your gift list! To view the full product line and to order online, visit etsy.com/ shop/BethsPendants. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Women’s Wellness Enjoying Stress Free Holidays Wednesday, November 13, 2013 7:00 – 9:00pm Long Island Marriott 101 James Doolittle Blvd. Uniondale, NY Join us… Understand what triggers stress and how it affects your overall well-being Learn effective strategies to manage stress, including mindful meditation Enjoy healthy food choices and refreshments with friends $20 admission fee. Registration is required: Online: kiwh.northshorelij.com (search under events) Phone: 1-855-850-KIWH (5494) Presenters: Tina J. Walch, MD Medical Director, South Oaks Hospital Joseph A. Diamond, MD Director, Nuclear Cardiology Long Island Jewish Medical Center Attendees will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a gift basket. To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN For more informaton or to register, click the QR code here. GS/17259c-9-13 We look forward to seeing you there! November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr7 Picks fyi Book Pick November The The Kingdom of the Kid: Growing Up in the Long-Lost Hamptons By Geoff Gehman This absolutely delightful memoir explores the Hamptons during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when it was still mostly a middle-class community. The author rubbed shoulders with the likes of Paul Newman and Mario Andretti, but mostly he explored, experienced and savored life in a youngster’s paradise. Kingdom Kid of the Growing Up in the Long-Lost Hamptons Geoff Gehman Restaurant Pick Does Mom need to Move? Enlist the help of your very own move concierge. Call Moves for Seniors — we take care of every detail. Skorpios .EW9ORK!VE(UNTINGTONssSKORPIOSLONGISLANDCOM Skorpios is a mainstay of downtown Huntington. They serve authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine at very reasonable prices, plus they’re convenient to cultural venues like Huntington Arts Council, Heckscher Museum, Cinema Arts Center and The Paramount. Product Pick Eye-Hole Are you always losing your glasses? Well, Eye-Hole is your solution! Kate Berger and Ann Lightfoot, a mother-daughter design team, came up with the concept for Eye-Holes after Ann said to Kate for the millionth time, “Where are my glasses?” Eye-Holes are both stylish and affordable, and in addition to 15 styles, limited editions are released each month. To order, visit eye-hole.com. Click Pick We help with: ✔ Difficult downsizing decisions like what to keep, sell or give away. ✔ Annoying tasks like transferring utilities. ✔ Packing, moving and unpacking. ✔ Arranging everything in Mom’s new home– from hanging clothes in her closet to placing her favorite pictures on the nightstand. We’re caring professionals here for you when you need it, so you can be there for her. Call 1-888-508-3484 today for your FREE Move Consultation 8r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 uncommongoods.com Uncommon goods is an online marketplace that offers creativelydesigned, high-quality merchandise at affordable prices. They also post surprisingly uncommon information and facts related to product categories or featured items, and they donate a portion of each order to a choice of non-profit organizations. Event Pick Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi perform Klezmer music 3UNDAY.OVEMBERATPM ,ONG"EACH0UBLIC,IBRARYs&REE Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi will perform klezmer music obtained from Strom’s many ethnographic treks throughout Eastern Europe. Hot Pstromi plays with an authentic feel spiced with exhilarating improvisation. For more information, visit longbeachlibrary.org. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN EnhancetRefinetRestore the Youthful Contours of Your Face Roger B. Katz, M.D., Medical Director MASTER INJECTION TECHNIQUE s"OTOX s*UVEDERM s$YSPORT s0ERLANE s%YELID3URGERY s"REAST!UGMENTATION s4UMMY4UCK s0ERMANENT-AKE5P s"ELOTERO s2ESTYLANE s&RAXEL,ASER 3KIN2EJUVENATION s&ACE,IFT s,ASER s#HEMICAL Peels SMOOTH LIFT Erase Signs of aging. Eliminates Glabella Lines, Lip Lines, Cheek Lines, Chin Lines and Lines around Eyes. Long Lasting, Affordable and Beautiful Results Call for a SMOOTH LIFT Consultation Look Refreshed - Not Frozen One Area of Botox® $175 Includes initial treatment and 2 week follow up. We do not limit units New patients only. Expires 11/30/13. Not to be combined with other offers. $100 Off Any Treatment Expires 11/30/13. Not to be combined with other offers. Eliminate Wrinkles, Enhance Your Lips Restore Your Jawline, Sculpt Your Cheekbones Roger B. Katz, M.D. CALL TODAY FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION The North Shore Cosmetic Medical Center 239 JERICHO TURNPIKE, SYOSSETs516-496-9797 northshorecosmeticmedicalcenter.com Hablamos Español Attentive Compassionate OB Gyn Care Family Planning Fertility Concerns and Consultation State of the Art Ultrasonography Menopausal Treatment Uro-Gyn Hi-Risk OB COME MEET OUR EXCELLENT TEAM OF PROVIDERS AND STAFF 444 Merrick Rd #LL3, Lynbrook 1175 West Broadway, Suite #33, Hewlett 516-536-5656 516-616-4522 OPEN SUNDAY www.winthropwcca.com Mon.- Fri. and Evening Hours -OST)NSURANCES!CCEPTEDs+NOWLEDGEABLEONLAWSOF4AHARAT(AMISHPACHA+ALLAHS To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr9 Book Corner by Debbi Honorof Cooking it Up with Cookstr It’s November and the holidays are right around the corner … which means it’s time for my annual column about food and cooking. I decided to go straight to the experts at Cookstr.com, which has become my favorite cooking website. I spoke with Kara Rota, Cookstr’s Director of Editorial and Partnerships. In that role, she works closely with cookbook authors and publishers and also writes Cookstr’s weekly newsletter. Cookstr’s Kara Rota Tell me about Cookstr and your interest in cooking and food. Cookstr has a few core values with which I identify very strongly: that anyone and everyone can and should cook, and that cooking is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being. My dad is Italian and my mom is a macrobiotic chef turned raw vegan, so I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t keenly aware of the cultural, social and nutritional aspects of eating. If there’s anything I love even more than food, it’s books, and at Cookstr we’re foevolution. But the rediscovery of these old recipes is being undertaken cused on supporting and promoting chefs and cookbook with a real irreverence, a sense of remaking those family recipes into authors who are creating amazing content. When you look something new. It’s exciting. I think Jewish cuisine is being explored at a recipe on Cookstr, you are directly supporting authors in some really interesting ways; food producers like Mile End and The and publishers, the content creators who we deeply believe Gefilteria are playing a huge role in this. It’s an exercise in taking trashould be compensated for their work. That’s why we’re ditional foods and infusing them with food values that are important able to display thousands of recipes that don’t appear anytoday: making things from scratch, preserving and curing and pickling where else on the web. at home. What are some current trends in food and cooking? What are some books that reflect those trends? I don’t know if I’d call it a trend, but I’m very vocal about Recently published in America, Ottolenghi: the Cookbook by Yotam a shift towards vegetarian-ish eating, which moves meat Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi, draws on cuisines from regions includaway from the center of the plate and begins to treat it as ing Lebanon, Italy, North Africa, and the authors’ childhoods in West just another optional ingredient in dishes that rely more on and East Jerusalem. The innovative recipes are heavy on the vegetaseasonal produce, herbs and spices for depth and flavor. bles but are not necessarily vegetarian. Michael Ruhlman’s The Book Focusing on the quality and provenance of meat instead of Schmaltz: Love Song to a Forgotten Fat is a must-read reminder of of the quantity. As home cooks, when we go beyond the why we can’t just cook everything in olive oil. The Mile End Cookbook protein-vegetable-starch plate paradigm, we’re forced to by Noah and Rae Bermanoff has been out for over a year, but I’ll menthink more creatively tion it here anyway: the pictures and about what a meal stories are worth buying it even if should look like. you aren’t likely to smoke your own Perfect Timing Comfort food is being meat or pickle your own eggs. by Laura Spinella redefined as food that Mr. Wilkinson’s Vegetables by As an author, I know first-hand how difficult it is to get attention for your novels. feels good—it’s not just Matt Wilkinson does a spot-on job That’s why I’ll be using this column to cover books that you may not be aware of, about vats of macaroni of showing cooks how to build a authors you’ve never heard of. This month, I’d like to introduce you to an author and cheese anymore plate where seasonal produce plays who I met over on my group blog, Girlfriends Book Club (http://girlfriendbooks. (although I will never turn a starring role. Alex Guarnaschelli’s blogspot.com). down a lovingly-homeOld-School Comfort Food: The Way I adored Perfect Timing (Berkley, Nov. 2013) by Laura Spinella. Isabella Lang made vat of mac and I Learned to Cook is obviously full of is hiding her past from everyone she works with at the local radio station. But cheese!). Younger cooks crave-worthy recipes that work, but you can never really run from where you came from, can you? When her station are diving into ancestral also loveable illustrations and valumanager demands a huge ratings grab, Isabella must call on Aidan Roycroft, cuisine—foods from the able sidebars that tell you not just her first love, who is now re-branded as sexy Aiden Royce, the world’s biggest homeland—when a genwhat to do, but why. Einat Admony’s rock star. eration ago the American Balaboosta reinvents standard MediPerfect Timing is a story of love, lost chances, and family. This romantic pagediet of processed and terranean fare, influenced by the auturner will grab you and refuse to let go. packaged foods was seen thor’s Persian and Yemenite heritage. Brenda Janowitz as the pinnacle of culinary Balaboosta is a Yiddish word mean- Brenda’s Book Briefs “Cooking is one of the best things you can do for your health and well-being.” 10r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Watch Dr. Jacono’s TV Show Facing Trauma on $UAL"OARD#ERTIkED&ACIAL 0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS Read Dr. Jacono’s New Book The Face of the Future, Look Natural, Not Plastic: B OTOX ® C O S M E T I C RESTYLANE JUVÉDERM® RADIESSE U LT H E R A ® SCULPTRA® FRAXEL LASER LASER GENESIS A Less-Invasive Approach to Enhance Your Beauty and Reverse Facial Aging ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS !VAILABLEAT"ARNES.OBLE AND!MAZONCOM &ACIAL0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON &ELLOWSHIP4RAINED$UAL"OARD#ERTIFIED Plastic Surgery Seminars Now Offering $500 OFF* Non-Surgical Facelifts with Minimally Invasive Facial Plastic Surgery & Non-Surgical Treatments Date: Wednesday, November 13 Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. RSVP: (516) 773-4646 Trust Your Face to a Specialist L A S E R H A I R R E M O VA L LASER VEIN THERAPY LIMELIGHT LASER M AT R I X C O 2 FRACTIONAL LASER PEARL LASER T I TA N L A S E R An ultrasound treatment to tighten, firm and LIFT your skin! AS SEEN ON THE DR. OZ SHOW! *Discount for full face treatment only. 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 990 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10075 (516) 773-4646 (212) 570-2500 L O CAT E D O N T H E M I R A C L E M I L E 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 [email protected] www.JSpaMedSpa.com (516) 773-2424 www.newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com Good Advice The Future Lift: A New Hybrid Facelift Technique by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS The aging process, if you haven’t noticed, has a wear-and-tear effect on Future Lift, which fuses the optimal features of older-generation, short-incision “mini” face our skin and our bodies. As we enter our forties and early fifties the jaw line lifts with deep plane face lifts. Hybrid face lifts yield superior, natural looking results with minand neck begin to loosen, creating jowls, neck laxity, vertical bands in the imal scarring and a shorter recovery (7-10 days). In addition, this lift restores volume to the neck, and that much dreaded “turkey neck.” In recent years we have cheekbones and smoothes nasolabial folds, resulting in a youthful, beautiful, heart- shaped become intolerant of these consequences, and more of us are seeking to face and authentic result that does not appear tight or “overdone.” For years, my patients rewind the clock and revitalize our physical being. have had to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid face lifts, they get the There were over 100,000 facelifts performed in 2009 according to the best of both worlds. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, but the techniques used vary widely. There are corporate The Future Lift uses a short incision, while lifting the facial tissue and muscles simultaneoussponsored face lifts that are advertised on television claiming no downtime, trademarked lifts, ly so patients get the superior results of a deep plane face lift, combined with the minimal scarmini lifts, S-lifts, MACS lifts, and deep plane lifts. This is all very confusing, ring of a “mini lift.” It is not only an option that delivers best-in-class and most of us do not understand the vital differences. How do you decide results, but a procedure that offers longer-lasting results as well. The stanThe most state-of-the-art what procedure gives the best results, with minimal scarring and downdard lifetime of a “mini lift” is between three to five years, but with newer face lift is a recently time, and the longest lasting results? This is the most commonly asked hybrid face lifts results typically last 12 to 15 years. question by my patients. developed hybrid technique, Just like a “mini face lift,” The Future Lift can be performed under local Short-incision “mini” face lifts, often the ones advertised on television, anesthesia in about an hour and a half. General anesthesia is not necesthat I call the Future Lift. utilize an abbreviated incision to lift the skin. While the incision is small sary, making this a safe procedure as well. Given the level of difficulty in (hidden inside the ear) leaving minimal scarring, post-operative bleeding performing this procedure, as a more detailed understanding of the anatoand bruising is a trademark of these procedures. They typically tighten only the skin and do my is required, I encourage any patient considering this procedure to seek a physician who spenot lift and tighten the muscles. As a result, they can leave patients with a windswept, cializes in facial plastic surgery and possesses the level of expertise required to perform a hybrid “pulled” appearance, and the results last only three to five years, as the underlying facial musface lift. As a committed facial plastic surgeon, I assure that all of my patients have a clear cles are not tightened. The facial muscles are the structure of the face, the beams that hold up understanding of the different types of procedures. Any patient considering a face lift should the face lift if you will; and if not treated the lifted face will fall earlier than desired. be aware of all of their options. Compared to “mini” face lifts, a deep plane face lift yields more effective, longer lasting To learn more about this innovative procedure, please call our New York or Great Neck offices at results with my patient population. It is a procedure that lifts the skin and muscle as one unit, 212-570-2500 or 516-773-4646, or you may visit us at www.NewYorkFacialPlasticSurgery.com. as well as lifting the mid-face and cheek area. On the downside, deep plane face lifts require Dr. Andrew Jacono is a Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is a very large incision, resulting in more noticeable scarring which makes hiding your procedure Section Head of the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at North Shore University Hospital virtually impossible. and an Assistant Professor of Facial Plastic Surgery at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and The most state-of-the-art face lift is a recently developed hybrid technique, that I call the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr11 Laser Hair Removal Linchitz Medical Wellness 70 Glen Street Suite 300 Glen Cove 516-759-4200 www.linchitzwellness.com FREE Laser Hair Removal of Underarms with ANY Package Body Parts Per Session Package of 5 Upper Lip or Chin $29 $145 Upper Neck $80 $400 Full Neck $90 $450 Full Face $99 $495 Full Beard $189 $945 Sideburns $60 $300 Underarms $55 $275 Underarms (male) $75 $375 Lower Arm $99 $495 Lower Arms (Male) $150 $750 Full Arms $175 $875 Full Arms (Male) $250 $1250 Full Stomach $150 $750 Shoulders (Male) $150 $750 Chest (Male) $180 $900 Bikini Plus $89 $445 Brazilian Bikini $129 $645 Upper Legs $200 $1000 Lower Legs $150 $750 Full Legs $250 + $1250 + Full Legs (Male) $350 + $1750 + Full Feet (Male) $65 $325 Lower Back $99 $495 Abdomen $90 $450 Back (Male) $250 $1250 2!0)$s0(93)#)!.350%26)3%$s3!&% hCG Protocol for WEIGHT LOSS Linchitz Medical Wellness is a physician’s medical practice that follows the industry leading IAPAM hCG Protocols for safe weight loss. Benefits of our hCG Program: s Rapid Weight Loss (.5-1/lb per day). s Targets “problem” fat around your abdomen, hips and thighs. s Resets your metabolism to help maintain your weight loss. s Reduces your appetite. s We only use pharmaceutical strength hCG. The hCG Weight Loss Program includes: s Detailed medical history assessment and lab testing. s Weekly private consultations with our experienced staff. s “Fat Burning” injections to promote the breakdown of fat. Call today to schedule your consultation: Linchitz Medical Wellness, PLLC 'LEN3TREET3UITE'LEN#OVE sLINCHITZWELLNESSCOM 12r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 Book Corner Cooking it Up with Cookstr ing “perfect housewife,” and it’s also the name of the author’s New York restaurant. Written by a wife, mother, entrepreneur, professional chef and author, the title takes on a pretty relevant modern definition. Something I’m consistently aware of is that, especially for women, the pressure to cook (in addition to working at a career, parenting effectively and maintaining thriving adult relationships) is weighted with a lot of social baggage. The restaurant scene was dominated by rock star male chefs for a long time, and home cooking was the less glamorous, less impressive realm of women. Bake And Destroy: Good Food For Bad Vegans by Natalie Slater is an approach to cooking at home that’s more punk rock and less pie plates, a heavily tattooed approach to domesticity making the case that cooking is supposed to be fun. Why the growth of cooking shows on TV? Any personal favorites? For a while there, a lot of food television was not really for cooks but for food tourists. Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern and Adam Richman are, at varying levels, teaching viewers how to eat, how to appreciate the extremes of cuisine. That’s valuable; many people come to cooking through restaurant culture. I’m a big fan of Nadia G’s Bitchin’ Kitchen. This extremely goofy Italian-Canadian girl wearing sequins and neon heels got her start with a web series and stays totally loyal to the campy Internet mentality of singing, dancing, making up words, doing whatever you have to do to keep your viewers engaged. The show themes are based on “life situations” like hangovers or impressing your in-laws. I think Julia Child would have loved Nadia G. Any advice for readers to reduce holiday cooking stress? When you’re planning a large meal, it’s key to do as much work as possible in the days leading up to the occasion. I’ve heard Melissa Clark compare it to training for a marathon—which I also do, so I can relate. When I cook for Thanksgiving, I make a five-day chart and schedule as many tasks as possible for earlier on in the week like making bread to cube The restaurant for stuffing, assembling the casseroles, and freezing pie crusts. Something else that’s becoming more and scene was more common is needing to cook for different diets. My family includes eaters who are vegan, gluten-free, dominated by kosher, raw, Italian, and meat-and-potatoes Midwestrock star male ern, so there are usually multiple variations on a dish floating around the Thanksgiving table. Delegation is chefs for a huge, whether it’s to sous-chef siblings or to a local long time, and bakery that can make better pies. You don’t have to do everything … just the things you want to do. home cooking Can you share a holiday recipe with readers? Rick Rodgers’ Cranberry and Sage Cornbread is fanwas the less tastic! I use it to make stuffing and also bake an extra glamorous, loaf to serve at the table. Bread is one of my favorite things to bring along when I’m going to someone else’s less impressive party; it’s portable, mysteriously impressive and goes with everything. realm of For this recipe and much more, visit Cookstr.com or women. visit their page on Facebook. O To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Great Neck Medical Spa Let Us Beautify You! Try Specializing in: s3MART,IPO4RIPLEX s#ELLULAZE#ELLULITE2EDUCTION s"OTOX s$ERMAL&ILLERS s3KIN4IGHTENING s,ASER2EJUVENATION s(AIR2EMOVAL s020&ACE,IFTS and more CELLULAZE the only long term treatment for cellulite $2,500 per area for limited time only Dr. Deborah Marciano 770 Middle Neck Road, Suite P2 Great Neck Call to schedule a complimentary consultation! 516-439-5075 www.greatneckmedicalspa.com Good Advice Mercury Removal - The Ultimate Detox by Linda J. Golden, DDS Removing mercury organs and intestines, therefore comdental fillings is a pow- prising the health of the brain, tissues, erful and necessary and nervous system. step for dentists dediBiocompatible composite fillings are cated to protecting the a healthy and affordable alternative to health and vitality of mercury amalgams. They are also natutheir patients. Although mercury fillings ral looking, metal free, and durable. The are comprised of approximately 30% International Academy of Oral Medicine silver, unfortunately the and Toxicology (www. remaining 70% is geniaomt.org) established Although mercury uine mercury. Back in guidelines for minimizing fillings are comprised 1988 dental amalgams mercury exposure during of approximately 30% the removal of amalgam received a ‘toxic’ classification from the EPA silver, unfortunately the fillings. It is most impor(Environmental Protectant to choose a pracremaining 70% is genuine tion Agency). The EPA titioner who is knowlmercury. mandated that they edgeable and skilled in and their byproducts be following them. handled in accordance with the laws Linda J. Golden, DDS. Golden Dental governing hazardous waste. Wellness Center, 444 Community Drive, One can’t see, taste, or smell mercury, Suite 204, Manhasset, NY 11030. For but when its vapor is released via brush- more information or to schedule an ing, chewing, eating, or grinding teeth, appointment: call 516.627.8400, or it can be inhaled into one’s lungs and E-mail: [email protected]. passed into the cellular structure of the www.goldensmile.com. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN ,INDA*'OLDEN$$3 You Deserve a Healthy Smile For over 20 years, our wellness center has been an oasis in healthcare, treating every aspect of oral health with an array of non-invasive diagnostic tools with a holistic approach. s3AFE-ERCURY2EMOVAL s:IRCONIA)MPLANTS s7ATERLASE,ASER s#%2%# 3D 444 Community Drive, Suite 204, ¼ mile north of the LIE (495), Manhasset sWWWGOLDENSMILECOM November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr13 Meet These Long Island Women by Vivian Swift Silver Screen, Gold Leaf, Brass Tacks Debra Markowitz Ellen Frank Naomi Gordon Debra Markowitz lives in a Long Island that most of us don’t even know exists. As the Director of the Nassau County Film Office, Debra lives in a land that major movie studios call Hollywood East. Last year movie, TV, and video crews logged 650 production days here, boosting the local economy by about $70 million. Debra Markowitz and the Nassau County Film Office are well known to the likes of Angelina Jolie, Michael Douglas, and Sara Jessica Parker. If their film projects need some Long Island ooomph – a scenic roadway to stage a car crash, a breathtaking beach for a romantic backdrop, a gleaming industrial park for a sophisticated workplace drama – they call Debra and she makes it happen. Now, after 26 years on the job, Debra has finally been tempted out of the office and onto the movie set. This fall Debra signed on as Producer and Casting Director for an independent film called Living With the Dead, an intimate character-driven film about a journey through loss, love, and a library. The film has already earned great buzz on the Kickstarter website, where innovative start-ups reach out into the vastness of the internet to find investors for creative projects. Living With the Dead successfully raised 140% of its goal to fund its filming, which finished in November. But Debra’s more than just a film industry financial and logistical management expert. In addition to her network of A-list connections, Debra brings a special creative insight to her movie-making roles through her second calling as a writer. Debra has just published the concluding novel in her Karmic Wind trilogy, a multigenerational time-traveling love story. All three books are available in e-book or print at Amazon and at outskirtspress.com. If the art of manuscript illumination had not already existed for a thousand years, Ellen Frank would have invented it on her own. As a visual artist, Ellen Frank is driven by her love of words. So it is only natural that her paintings incorporate text much in the tradition of those ancient monks who transcribed and illustrated holy books. But Ellen Frank has taken the ancient practice to a whole new level as part of her mission to re-imagine the illuminated manuscript as a modern work of art, and as a portal to world peace. Ellen Frank came to Long Island thirty years ago as the first woman to have resigned a tenure-track professorship at the University of California at Berkley. She had been a star within the university system as a prodigy, the first scholar to have earned an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in literature and esthetic theory. But a moment of truth turned her against a career in academia and she lit out for the east coast to immerse herself in the avant-garde abstract art culture of East Hampton. In 2004, having achieved critical success for her distinctive canvases, Ellen Frank established her humanitarian Ellen Frank Illumination Arts Foundation in East Hampton. Each year, Ellen opens her studio to a few select interns (many of them graduate students in fine art or technology) to train them in the techniques of manuscript illumination, particularly in the delicate art of silver, copper, and 22-kt gold leaf. This unique atelier attracts interns from around the world, and the transformative art it creates is supported by more than a dozen international philanthropic and civic partnerships from Sweden to Sri Lanka. The foundation’s most recent project, The Book of Judith, and Ellen’s other visionary works are on display at efiaf.org. Everyone who knows Naomi Gordon says she should write a book, and illuminate it with the life lessons she learned during the mania of the 1990s craze for all things Beanie Baby. Naomi was the sole Long Island sales rep for Beanie Babies when demand for these cute little animal-shaped beanbags went insane. She has a juicy, first-person, behind-the-scenes tale of the madness that made Beanie Babies a billion-dollar bubble that burst in 1999, when this $5 toy that once fetched $3,000 in a red-hot collectors’ market was suddenly worth only its $5 price tag once more. She could tell you stories… Beanie Babies made Naomi a very successful businesswoman, and the most important thing that she learned from those wild boom years was all about taking ownership of her prosperity and her accomplishments. Once you’ve been that successful, she says, you give yourself permission to truly own and deserve the rewards of personal and professional achievement. That’s the spirit that led Naomi to create her own line of home and personal accessories called Le Coterie. Her business and design instincts told her that there was a void in the marketplace that she could fulfill with a line of fun and fabulous high-end leather and hide products. So in 2008 Naomi took her start-up inventory of five pillows to a furniture industry trade show in North Carolina and now her company produces over 100 SKUs in pillows, rugs, totes, tabletop, pet and personal accouterments. Naomi’s zesty life philosophy is found in Le Coterie’s dazzling signature style that combines rustic materials (cow hides, metal studs, fleece) with a super-sophisticated esthetic. The line is sold through exclusive Long Island boutiques and also through the website le-coterie.com. To suggest someone for Meet These Long Island Women, email [email protected] To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] 14r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 )NTRODUCING$"REAST4OMOSYNTHESIS North Shore-LIJ Imaging now offers 3D Breast Tomosynthesis as part of its comprehensive breast imaging services. Our staff of dedicated, board-certified mammographers ensure the highest level of interpretive skills with expertise you can count on. Other benefits include: s0RODUCESAMOREDETAILEDTHREEDIMENSIONALIMAGE s%NHANCESACCURACY s4HEPATIENTEXPERIENCEISEXACTLYTHESAMEASA standard mammogram Schlanger, Gottlieb, Partners Council Breast Imaging Center at the Center for Advanced Medicine ,AKEVILLE2OAD Lake Success, NY 11042 (516) 734-8600 .OADDITIONALCOSTs.OSPECIALIZEDPRESCRIPTIONREQUIRED Additional specialized imaging services include: s$IGITAL-AMMOGRAPHYINCLUDING$4OMOSYNTHESIS s"REAST5LTRASOUND s"REAST-2) s"REAST"IOPSIES – Stereotactic n-2)GUIDED n5LTRASOUNDGUIDED The Bohlsen Women’s Imaging Center at North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Great South Bay -AIN3TREET Islip, NY 11751 (631) 439-7237 North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Syosset 100 Lafayette Drive Syosset, NY 11791 (516) 622-3456 2APIDRESULTS5NCOMPROMISEDQUALITY North Shore-LIJ Imaging To schedule an appointment or learn more about the services we offer, call the location nearest you or visit us at northshorelij.com/imaging. -EDICAL0LAZA at Glen Cove Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 674-0500 North Shore-LIJ Imaging at Great Neck 935 Northern Blvd., Ste. 200 Great Neck, NY 11021 (516) 829-4414 To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr15 IS YOUR BLADDER KEEPING YOU DOWN? Health by Kelly James-Enger Dr. Press has the answers to help you regain your life again n!LWAYSAFRAIDOFEXERCISEORLAUGHING BECAUSEOFLEAKINGURINE n#ANTGOTOAMOVIEORDINNERWITHOUTA HUNDREDBATHROOMTRIPS n%MBARRASSEDBYURINELEAKORODORDURING INTIMACY YOU ARE NOT ALONE! These are some common female pelvic health problems that Dr. Press treats Every Day: s5RINE,OSS&ROM%XERCISE!CTIVITY s/VERACTIVE"LADDER s$ROPPED"LADDER!ND/THER0ELVIC/RGANS s&REQUENT5RINARY4RACT)NFECTIONS s5RINE,OSS$URING3EX s6AGINAL,OOSENESS NO NEED FOR A HYSTERECTOMY!!! 3COTT-0RESS-$0# Board Certified Urologist 3UFFOLK#OUNTYSONLY5ROLOGISTWHOIS"OARD#ERTIlED IN&EMALE0ELVIC-EDICINEAND2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGERY&0-23 Member of American Urogynecology Society, Fellow of the American Urological Association, Fellow of American College of Surgeons Director of Robotic Urology at Peconic Bay Medical Center 3%%7(!49/5#!.$/4/&)89/527%!+",!$$%24/$!9 #ALL4ODAYTO3CHEDULEAN!PPOINTMENT %AST3ETAUKET\2IVERHEAD\'REENPORT WWWSCOTTPRESSUROLOGYCOM Serving Long Island since 1997 John T. Mather Hospital St. Charles Hospital Huntington Hospital Caffeine and Incontinence D o you rely on a cup of French roast to start your day, or enjoy a nonfat latte as an afternoon pickup? If you’re one of the millions of women with urinary incontinence, you should know that coffee can make your symptoms worse. What’s the connection? And what can you do if you’re hooked on your morning mocha? The Caffeine Connection While coffee is often singled out as the culprit for triggering urinary problems, it’s actually the caffeine that’s the problem. “Caffeine is a diuretic (which makes you produce more urine) and women who have overactive bladder symptoms tend to have more symptoms if their bladders fill quickly,” explains Mary McLennan, M.D., associate professor and director of the division of urogynecology at St. Louis University School of Medicine. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant that affects the bladder itself. While women with overactive bladders may be more sensitive to caffeine, women with stress incontinence may also notice effects from consuming it. Because your kidneys are producing more urine and your bladder is stimulated, you’re more likely to have that feeling of having to “go” right away or having to urinate more frequently. To top it off, coffee’s acidity can irritate your bladder too. Studies examining urinary symptoms and lifestyle factors reveal a connection between caffeine and incontinence complaints. “Regular caffeine drinkers tend to have more complaints of urinary urgency, frequency and a sense of incomplete bladder emptying,” says Dr. McLennan. However, not every woman who consumes caffeine will have problems, and there are women with stress incontinence or overactive bladder symptoms who don’t use caffeine at all. How Much Coffee Can you Consume? • SKILLED NURSING & REHABILITATION CENTER • Nobody shares more in your desire for the best care of your loved one than the experienced medical and rehabilitative team at Broadlawn Manor. Providing the highest level of medical care and therapeutic treatments, our Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center will keep them healthy, happy and socially active. • Board Certified and Licensed Medical Professionals • 24-Hour Skilled Nursing Care • Leading Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Program • Dedicated Alzheimer’s Unit and Family Support Groups • Innovative Technology and Proven Treatments • Certified Vital Stimulation™ Therapy Provider 631-608-5600 www.broadlawn.org 399 County Line Road Amityville, NY 11701 A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. We Care For People. 16r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 If you think caffeine may be aggravating your urinary symptoms, McLennan recommends keeping an “in-and-out diary” to determine how much caffeine you’re consuming and identify any related effects. Chart how much you drink, when you drink—and how frequently and how much you urinate. If you notice Studies that you have to urinate more frequently or have wetting accidents when you drink coffee but still want your java, try examining reducing the amount you consume at one time—say, have urinary a cup of coffee in the morning and one at lunch rather than having two or three cups in the morning. symptoms If symptoms are still problematic, look for ways to decrease your caffeine intake. Switch to decaf (keep in mind that and lifestyle brands vary in their caffeine content) or drink half-caf (half factors reveal regular coffee, half decaf); that may make a difference. “People don’t realize they drink so much caffeine,” says a connection McLennan. “When they look at their caffeine intake inbetween cluding tea, coffee, dark beverages, and chocolate as well, they may find that they could cut out any of those and caffeine and then they’re going to be OK.” Cutting back on caffeinated beverages and drinking more water, herbal non-caffeinatincontinence ed teas, and other caffeine-free beverages can make the complaints. transition easier. O To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] A M A Z I N G I M M E D I A T E R E S U L T S YOUTHerapy ™ T he Ultimate Non-Surgical Facelift Lifts, Tightens & Tones Loose Skin Reduces Wrinkles — Adds Volume Improves Skintone 1 Hour Treatment — No Downtime Perfect Pre-Holiday Treatment Our Thanks To YOU This Thanksgiving* 15% OFF YOUTHerapy ™ *Must be purchased & performed by 12/15/13. Not redeemable for cash value. Non-transferable. Cannot be combined with any other discount except RAF & VIP programs. Leading Facial Rejuvenation Specialist u Injectable Treatment Expert James C. Marotta, MD FACS FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Smithtown | 631-982-2022 | MarottaMD.com Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Good Advice Winter Break Rhinoplasty by James C. Marotta, MD FACS The holiday season is finally here! Students and teachers, alike, are appointment after that is usually scheduled for 6 weeks after the surgery. If a student has already happily making plans for the upcoming winter break. And had their surgery while home on break, they can easily come for their 6 month check-up with a week or more off from school or work, it’s no surprise that a when home again on Mid-winter break (typically sometime in February). In other words, lot of people considering cosmetic surgery opt to undergo the pro- they don’t have to miss any school to travel home for appropriate follow-up treatment. cedure during their vacation. Every December and January I perform AFFORDABLITY: Rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic surgery and affordably priced. many rhinoplasty surgeries on students and teachers precisely be- Because I perform the procedure in my on-site, state of the art, AAAHC accredited opcause they have a natural break in their schedule to allow for recov- erating room, as opposed to at a hospital or surgery center, there are no additional ery. If you or someone you know is considering rhifees tacked on to the price. Additionally, there is no charge at my pracnoplasty surgery, here’s some advice to help you determine if scheduling tice for any of the follow-up visits. Patients are brought back for many a winter break procedure is right for you. The primary reason why follow-up visits in the 1st year after surgery to ensure the highest level RECOVERY TIME: The primary reason why rhinoplasty surgery is so medical care. The price quoted for surgery (including anesthesia) is rhinoplasty surgery is so of popular with students and teachers during winter break is the time they the only amount the patient will be asked to pay. If payment for surgery popular with students is burdensome as a lump sum, financing is available to help break up have for recovery. The average recovery time after a nose job is about 7 days. Within a week, most bruising and swelling is gone and you can payments on a monthly basis into amounts that are reasonable even for and teachers during return to a fairly regular routine. And because all bandages are removed college students and young adults who may be paying for the surgery in the first 7 days, you can go out in public without it being obvious that winter break is the time on their own. A lot of my winter break rhinoplasty patients ask for gift you’ve had something done. So even if you only have a week off from they have for recovery. certificates to the practice as a holiday gift to apply toward their surgery school or work, you can go back to your routine in a timely fashion. For cost. the average college student who may have as much as 4 to 5 weeks NEW YOU FOR THE NEW YEAR: Having surgery over the winter of break (lasting into mid January), a surgery scheduled after the New Year is still quite break allows patients to return from their vacation with a new look as well as a new convenient. attitude. They haven’t missed any school or work and are able to quickly return to their CONVENIENT FOLLOW-UPS: Follow-up appointments are essential after any proce- normal routine. In sum, it’s a great way to start the New Year on a positive note. dure, as they allow me to properly monitor the healing process and respond to any quesDr. Marotta is a dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with extensive experience tions the patient may have. The bulk of the follow-up appointments after a rhinoplasty in mini-facelifts, endoscopic forehead and midface lifts, as well as deep-plane facetake place within the first week of the surgery – typically on the day immediately after lifts. He operates out of his office in Smithtown which is an AAAHC accredited facility. the surgery, the 3rd day, and finally on the 7th day after the surgery. The next follow-up Visit www.MarottaMD.com to learn more! Call 631-982-2022. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr17 Andie MacDowell THE LONG ISLAND WOMAN INTERVIEW C ertain mysteries of the universe can never be solved, such as how the Egyptians built the Pyramids, or how the Drake’s people got cream filling into Yodels. But a few legitimate explanations do exist for one cosmic mystery: how can actress Andie MacDowell still be so stunningly beautiful at age 55? Genetics would be the first answer, of course, borne out by the fact that MacDowell’s two grown daughters, Rainey and (Sarah) Margaret Qualley, are both gorgeous actressmodels themselves. Another answer might be MacDowell’s workout regimen. She’s at the gym daily, doing at least 30 minutes when she’s working and 90 when not. “I do it for pleasure,” the actress says – and on a day when she started the morning on a row machine, followed by the elliptical and capped by a yoga class. “The endorphins kick in, I lose my stress, and I relax. I feel healthy and alive. One guy I hike with – he’s 82, and he’s amazing. He does these long hikes and stays in great shape. For me, I like the opportunity to walk in the woods; it’s my favorite thing to do. Or if I was in California, I’d walk on the beach.” MacDowell does live on the West Coast, but not at the moment. Instead, she’s in Vancouver shooting the Hallmark Channel TV series, Cedar Cove, based on books by Debbie Macomber. “Hallmark has done a couple of TV movies from her books,” notes MacDowell. “And the town is actually a character. We’re shooting in an amazing location. It’s a pristine area, very clean. A healthy, salubrious place with interesting people. And the show is very relationship-based.” Doing what you love is another way to feel beautiful, and MacDowell explains that Cedar Cove came along at just the right time in her life, since the kids are now out of the house. “Yes,” the actress says, “(Sarah) finished up NYU Tisch – and you have to be quite bright to get in there, so I’m very proud of her. The most important job I’ve had is being a mom. I wanted to get that right.” Asked if she had any qualms about her Qualleys going into showbiz, the L’Oréal spokeswoman (since 1986!) replied that her three children grew up surrounded by the business. “Rainey would have liked to act as a child, but I wouldn’t let her. I made her wait until she was over 18 to make that decision. Margaret went to professional school in the 11th grade, and she just wore me down,” MacDowell laughs. “It’s a great business,” she continues, “and you never stop learning. It’s an ongoing process. Being famous is the biggest deal. Are you prepared to do that? Because it comes with the territory. You have to give a hundred percent and always be prepared, and care about the work. You have to be thankful and respectful and have a generous spirit. It helps that I enjoy people. Like signing autographs – I don’t mind. It’s part of what’s expected if you decide to do this for a living. The hardest part is rejection, though. You have to be willing to take it and work through it.” Hard to believe, but MacDowell has had her share of hard times and rejection. When her dad abandoned the by David Lefkowitz family at age six, her mother slid into alcoholism, leaving young Andie to care for her until her mom’s death of a heart attack at age 53. “There were years when I tortured myself about what I could have done,” the actress told the UK’s Daily Mail in 2011, “(but) it made me who I am – independent, driven and motivated. It taught me not to rely on anybody else. “So these were tough lessons early on,” MacDowell continues. “Not much more could happen to a person than happened to me, so I’ve had to overcome some obstacles. But people respect that. I’m still working, and that says something. I’m a hard worker, and I have fortitude.” An example of that would be the actress helping publicize Cedar Cove when the show was first revealed. “I tore my meniscus,” she recalls. “And I had surgery the day before the Hallmark announcement and was on crutches the next day. Still, I went to a cocktail party for Hallmark. I’d put (the surgery) off for two years, and woke up feeling better – without pain pills.” MacDowell’s early life and grit also gave her the backbone to deal with the vicissitudes of Hollywood, such as when, for her first major film role, her voice was dubbed. In 1984’s Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, the producers thought the South Carolina-born MacDowell sounded too southern to be believable, so it’s Glenn Close’s voice you hear in the movie. Still, MacDowell took acting lessons, and her career recovered to the point where her resume includes the popular hits Green Card and Four Weddings and a Funeral, Steven Soderbergh’s seminal indie calling card, Sex, Lies and Videotape, and the comedy classic Groundhog Day. Asked at what point she knew that film would be special, MacDowell replies, “When I read the script. You can tell right from a script; you can read it and go, `that was perfect.’ You didn’t leave it for a second. And I loved working with (director) Harold Ramis. He’s one of the nicest people, and there’s nothing about the experience I would change. In fact, we also did the film, Multiplicity, which I think is really underrated.” Asked about working with other great directors, MacDowell recalled 1997’s The End of Violence, helmed by Wim Wenders. “It’s like he’s making a painting. With major directors, you can see while watching their movies that it’s them, without even seeing their name on the credits. They are artists.” The actress also calls the late Robert Altman (with whom she worked on Short Cuts) “incredible.” In a 2012 chat with The Hollywood Interview, MacDowell noted that Altman would “set things up with his cameras on big cranes which would then track through all the actors and just sort of pick up bits and pieces of them as it moved. He just had incredible fluidity with the camera. Then he’d put everything together in one take. You know, I heard he smoked pot, but I don’t see how he did that and still was able to do such great work. I’m sorry, but most of the people I know who smoke marijuana are not very bright, and what they talk about when they’re stoned, they think they’re being really smart and insightful, but they just sound idiotic.” To my own question about whether her mom’s drinking problem was a factor in being able to avoid the everavailable party accoutrements of L.A. during the 80s and 90s, MacDowell responds, “I had no desire. I just don’t have that gene because I’m a nerd. I truly am. And my kids are nerds, too – which is great! Margaret was a bookworm at NYU, very analytical. And me? I hike, exercise, do yoga. Super-healthy things. I go to bed early. I’m just not a party girl. Having to go out and party is miserable to us. Instead, the idea of bird-watching appeals to me. Things other people may think are not cool, but all that stuff is cool: reading, studying, learning, traveling, being healthy. I’m even doing handstands now. And I was thinking today how I want to try cartwheels – to be upside down and hold yourself that way. I wonder how long I can do cartwheels.” To an extent, religion also contributes to MacDowell’s holistic lifestyle. “I pray every day,” she notes. “I’m a faithful person. It’s part of just who I am, although right now, I’m not in a church. I was just talking to Rainey about acclimating myself in L.A. to get connected. I haven’t had a chance to because it’s so big, but I’m contemplating joining a church, because it’s a good way to get a sense of the community. I like (writer) Anne Lamott’s idea of a church in that it’s not a place to be judgmental. It’s just people being there for each other.” MacDowell also tries not to judge other folks on how they get by. Websites speculate on whether the actress has had work done – be it botox or plastic surgery – and while MacDowell doesn’t quite answer definitively, she does say, “I don’t have issues with it. And I wonder how many people who ask me if I’ve done that have done it themselves? Everyone does it in Middle America. In Asheville (South Carolina), most do it, because it’s easy and it’s accessible. As far as plastic surgery, though, because I act, I have to be able to move my face. And there are all kinds of new choices out there for people who want to keep their skin looking healthy and strong.” Health and strength are recurring themes throughout the interview and, obviously, in MacDowell’s life. Which invariably leads to the question of whether she’s sharing that life with someone? In 2012, the twice-divorced actress told Town & Country magazine, “I’m in an unusual stage right now, because I haven’t dated in so long. The sense of isolation turns it all into a bigger deal. Just taking the risk of opening that door is really hard for me right now.” That said, between being a mom and a working actress, life is pretty full and fine on her terms. “I’m free to do whatever I want,” she says, “I am independent, driven and motivated.” ANDIE MACDOWELL TRIPADVISOR TRAVELERS’CHOICE ® 2013 Active Vacations Nov 1st - 3rd with Kids’ Fitness Expert Steve Ettinger Italian Festival Nov 15th - 17th with Special Guest Joseph Gannascoli of the Sopranos Record Breakers Nov 22nd - 24th Get Thursday night free when you book this Weekend! Be a part of HUNGER RELIEF and break a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD! NOVEMBER IS FINALLY HERE with new themed packages... Weekend rates starting at $176 per adult, per night! www.Woodloch.com|800.Woodloch Option #1 20r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 David Lefkowitz co-publishes Performing Arts Insider (TotalTheater. com) and hosts Dave’s Gone By (davesgoneby.org) on UNC Radio (uncradio.com). He is also the co-creator and director “Shalom Dammit! An Evening with Rabbi Sol Solomon” (shalomdammit.com). short cuts “One of America’s Ten Best Resorts for Families” wrapping up our chat. “I’m a free woman and able to create my own life independently. I now have a four-day week of long days. But I like to work and be creative; it’s what I love to do.” Still, the actress also indulges her playful side, at least mentally. In the previously-mentioned Town & Country interview, MacDowell half-joked that her current fantasy involves getting into elevators – “those oldfashioned, really beautiful ones in Paris, and (to) start hitting on men. It didn’t matter what they looked like or how old they were. In some sort of sensual way I would hit on them. But only as long as they were in the elevator. And as soon as the doors would open, it would be over.” No doubt, soon after her exit, the men would be turning cartwheels. X What are recent books you’ve read?: A lot of Debbie Macomber. Rick Hanson’s Buddha’s Brain. Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl. What are some songs on your iPod?: Anything Beatles Do you have a guilty-pleasure snack? Chocolate What actresses did you admire early on? Elizabeth Taylor. Diane Keaton. Are there any film roles you were up for that you wished you’d gotten? That’s a stupid question that I hear a lot. I just don’t go there, I’m sorry. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Dread the Dentist? We Are Committed to your Comfort ”Laser & Drill-Free Icon Dentistry #%2%#CROWNINONEVISIT .O.EEDLE)NJECTIONSs4RANQUILATMOSPHERE #OMFORT'AS.ITROUS/XIDE)63EDATION Dear Dr. Shvartsman, It was a blessing to work with you, here is why: I came to your clinic for amalgam fillings removal and it was extremely important for me that the procedure will be done safely and properly. The consultation with you was very thorough and you addressed all my concerns and special needs. The treatment was unparalleled to any dental work I had experienced in the past. The treatment was professional, safe and AMAZINGLY PAINLESS! And one more thing - everybody made sure that I was comfortable and relaxed throughout the treatment, and you took the time to explain everything you were doing. My experience really exceeded my expectations! Thank you so much. — Orly K The DENTIST that other dentists TRUST with their SMILE! mention this ad and receive Dr. Alex Shvartsman $ 100 savings initial exam %-AIN3TREET3TE3MITHTOWN 631-361-3577 NEWPATIENTSONLYs%XPIRES WWWSMITHTOWNSMILESCOM Good Advice Got Blue-Tooth??? by Alex Shvartsman, DDS, MAGD, AIAOMT Today’s American society prizes the smile. Recent studies show enamel, the more likely the tooth will break. This brings us back to your blue-tooth that people with straight, white teeth are perceived as more intel- situation. If the amalgam filling is showing through your enamel, giving it a grey-blue ligent, and teeth are the major feature men look at when evaluat- hue, your tooth is highly structurally compromised because you have lost most of ing a woman’s face. Millions of people have their teeth restored your enamel reinforcing dentin. This occurs due to a large cavity or a very aggressive with mercury-silver amalgam fillings and as a consequence may dentist who does not respect for the natural tooth. To add insult to injury mercury filldisplay the “blue-tooth” that is not only unattractive but has far ings do nothing to reinforce the tooth (they are just space fillers), have internal sharp reaching consequences in tooth longevity. So why are your teeth angles, which act as stress points, and are locked into teeth by widening the base like a dove-tail joint (trapezoid) . Combined, all these factors result in blue? The simple answer is that the walls of your teeth are so thin that a brittle tooth that cracks easily. the black metal-amalgam filling is showing through the translucent Most people with Most people with amalgam fillings have experienced at least one enamel. This has dire ramification on your tooth’s structural integrity and longevity. amalgam fillings have broken tooth in their lifetime. The chance for catastrophic fracture increases as the size of the metal filling increases. Having a grey-blue In order to appreciate what happens in a blue-tooth it is important experienced at least tooth is a sure sign of a weak tooth that is prone to fracture. Dentists to understand some fundamental facts about how nature has deone broken tooth in are taught to drill the already weakened tooth down to a stump. signed our teeth. The tooth is essentially hollow on the inside: this is Most leave the rigid metal fillings in the center of the tooth resulting where the nerve lives. 99% of the root and the 90% of the top of the their lifetime. in an unnatural tooth reconstruction. However, mounting research tooth (the part we see) is made of dentin: a hard, yet resilient mateover the past 30 years in the field of dental bio-mimicry (Biomimetic rial that acts like a shock absorber during chewing and clenching. Laminated over the dentin is a rigid, wear resistant rock hard layer called the enamel, Dentistry) shows that restoring teeth with tooth conserving, bonded resin-composite and ceramic restorations can save your teeth from catastrophic failure and tooth loss. which is 99% crystal. By itself enamel is fragile, it needs dentin to support it. The more that dentin is reDr. Shvartsman is a biomimetic dentist who focuses on minimally invasive and moved the less support the enamel has. The trouble with the most widely used filling tooth conserving dentistry. material, mercury-silver amalgam, is that it is the exact opposite of how the tooth For more information contact Dr. Shvartsman at State of the Art Comfort Denis naturally designed: it is rigid and inflexible. The less dentin supporting the brittle tistry, 260 E. Main St., Smithtown. 631-361-3577. www.smithtownsmiles.com. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr21 Sustenance by Lyn Dobrin Thanksgiving Sides: Try Something New This Year A lthough it wouldn’t be a proper thanksgiving in my house without cornbread, carrots and pecan stuffing (for my husband and son), buttermilk biscuits (for my daughter) and sweet potato, lemon and brown sugar casserole (for me), it’s always nice to add some new side dishes to keep things interesting. I asked three Long Island chefs to come up with some suggestions from their tables. 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (optional) Parsley sprigs for garnish 1. Trim and halve Brussels sprouts; quarter them if they are large. Cut cauliflower into 2-inch florets. Peel carrots and cut into 2-inch pieces. Smash,peel and chop the garlic. 2. Heat oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add Brussels sprouts, along with cauliflower, carrots and garlic. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables begin to brown, 8 to 10 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, thinly slice and seed one lemon. Remove the zest and squeeze the juice from the other; and reserve the zest for garnish. Add wine to skillet and cook about 2 minutes. Gently stir in lemon slices, lemon juice, stock, coriander seeds and olives. Tuck the bouquet garni down into the center of the vegetables. 4. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; cover and simmer until vegetables are tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Taste and adjust for salt and pepper. Remove from heat and remove the bouquet garni. Cut butter into pieces and gently stir into hot vegetables. The butter is optional, but it makes the sauce nice and silky. 5. Place in a serving dish and garnish with reserved zest and the parsley (chop the parsley if you like). To make ahead: Prepare through removing the bouquet garni in step four. Reheat and stir in butter just before serving. MEDITERRANEAN FIG CHUTNEY FROM LIA FALLON AUTUMN VEGETABLES FROM POLLY TALBOT Polly Talbot, CCP, the owner and director of A la Carte Cooking School in Lynbrook, is constantly developing new recipes for her students. Here’s one that she will be teaching in her “All But the Turkey” class in November. Polly’s Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower and Carrots Simmered in a White Wine Olive Sauce Makes 12 or so servings 2 pints fresh Brussels sprouts 1 head cauliflower 6 small carrots 6 cloves garlic ½ cup olive oil Salt and freshly grounded black pepper, to taste It’s always nice 1 bouquet garni (2 bay leaves, 2 each - rosemary, thyme and to add some parsley sprigs) 2 lemons new side dishes ½ cup dry white wine to keep things ½ cup vegetable stock ½ teaspoon cracked coriander seeds interesting. ½ cup oil-cured olives, pitted 22r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 Lia Fallon, chef at The Riverhead Project, worked for the California fig advisory board about six years ago, developing recipes and new concepts on how to incorporate figs into our lives. She’s been a real fan of the fruit since childhood where fresh figs off the tree in the backyard are still part of her family’s life. “Figs are known for their fiber content and also contain more calcium, potassium and iron than many other common fruits,” she says. Lia Fallon’ Mediterranean Fig Chutney 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon butter 1 onion, quartered and thinly sliced 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar ½ cup dried California Mission figs, quartered ½ cup dried California Calimyrna figs, quartered 2 cups port wine 1½ cups water ¼ cup sliced kalamata olives 1 navel orange, juice and zest only Sea salt and fresh ground pepper; to taste 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano leaves In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, heat oil and butter, sauté onion until translucent, add brown sugar and balsamic vinegar. Cook over low To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] “WE NEVER FORGET THE PERSON BEHIND THE SCAN.” Glenn Gray, M. D. BOARD-CERTIFIED Radiologist NEURORADIOLOGY From x-rays to MRIs, and mammography to ultrasound, our board-certified radiologists are with you every step of the way. They take pride in helping you navigate the intricacies of modern imaging technology so that you receive the best medical care possible. Plus, though collaboration with other physicians our efforts lead to optimized care and better recommendations. Contact one of our convenient locations for more information. We’re eager to help. Bay Shore Commack Huntington Patchogue Plainview West Islip 631.655.2261 631.462.0525 631.427.8860 631.475.5300 516.822.3600 631.422.4474 MedArtsRad.com Sustenance Thanksgiving Sides heat, stirring frequently for 20 to 30 minutes until onions are very soft, caramelized and jam-like. Stir in figs, water and wine; heat to boil, lower to a simmer, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon, until reduced and liquid is syrupy. Stir in olives, oregano, orange zest and juice. Simmer five minutes more. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Turn into storage container; let stand. When cool, stir in zest of orange and oregano. Cover and store in refrigerator. Serve with crostini and a favorite cheese and top with fresh oregano. It also can be used as an accompaniment to duck, lamb, pork, turkey or chicken. SAUSAGE STUFFING FROM CAROLE OLKOSKI I expected something spicy from Carole Olkoski who prepares Cajunstyle food at her restaurant, RS Jones, in Merrick, but instead was treated to her mother’s sausage stuffing. Carole says her mother taught her two valuable things about cooking: It is always easier to add something to a recipe than to subtract it and how to make her Thanksgiving sausage stuffing. Peggy (and Carole’s) Sausage Stuffing enough for a 15-18 lb turkey 1 1/2 lb bulk breakfast sausage meat (preferably Jones, but do buy good the good stuff) S 1/2 stalk celery 1 large onion 10 quarts stale bread (any kind you like, you can even mix them) 4 whole eggs about 2 quarts of liquid (see below) Boil turkey neck and gizzards when you rinse your turkey (reserve liquid). Render sausage meat until crispy, but not dry, remove from the pan leaving fat behind. Lightly brown chopped celery and onion in pork fat (add bacon fat, if need be). Break bread with your hands–plain white bread works fine, Italian bread or rolls are great too; any combination you like. Beat eggs with cooled turkey stock. Mix everything in a large bowl. The amount of liquid you’ll need to achieve the right consistency will vary. You’ll want your stuffing to be moist but not soggy (add a little more liquid if you like to cook it outside of the bird). Here is where my recipe differs from Mom’s; where mom would add chicken stock or milk to make up this difference, I prefer juice, apple or cranberry work great. Although uncooked eggs are a risk, I always do take just a taste to check the seasoning. The sausage lends so much flavor usually not much else is needed. Don’t forget to sit down and pick the sweet tender meat from the turkey neck, Mom’s favorite part. 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Sunrise Medical Laboratories is an independent lab providing a full range of testing services to meet the healthcare needs of the entire family. Our extensive network of neighborhood patient service center locations offers convenient hours and friendly, personalized service. The next time your doctor orders laboratory testing, choose Sunrise. For more information call 800.782.0282 or go to www.sunriselab.com Lovelier Legs at… The Varicose Vein Center Jerry G. Ninia, MD, RVT, FACPH Fellow American College of Surgeons We provide Non-Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Specializing in: s)NJECTION#OMPRESSION3CLEROTHERAPY s5LTRASOUND'UIDED3CLEROTHERAPY s#UTANEOUS3KIN,ASER4HERAPY s&OAM3CLEROTHERAPY s!MBULATORY0HLEBECTOMY s%NDOLASER6EIN4HERAPY Plus ELVeS™ (Endo Laser Vein System) The latest procedure for minimally invasive varicose vein treatment Uniquely Effective for Replacing Vein Stripping Most Medical Insurances Accepted %AST-AIN3T0ORT*EFFERSON 631-474-1414 www.mdvein.com The Choice Is Yours To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr25 Catching Up with Carol by Carol Silva The Grand Dame of TV News T he farewell tour is on. The year-long, farewell tour for Barbara Walters. She’s leaving The View, a panel of women of different generations, who share different perspectives on home, our world, tabloid stories and celebrities. Seventeen years ago Barbara went in just hoping The View would last a few seasons. Some feel the long farewell tour is overdone, like the day Barbara Walters was swooning, while Michael Buble was crooning his salute to her historic career. But she’s endured criticism before. Others have called The View loud, obnoxious, trite, or full of unnecessary conflict. However in her rearview mirror, Barbara sees much further back, to those days when no station would have allowed a daily women’s conversation. Barbara Walters’ first TV jobs were in the 1950s, writing for stations along the East Coast, until she landed at the CBS Morning Show. In 1961 The Today Show hired her to develop “women slanted” Seventeen stories. But the day she insisted on traveling with First Lady, Jackie Kennedy, Barbara Walters kicked open a years ago door to a new frontier. Since then she has interviewed every American President since Richard Nixon, taken Barbara went us inside the private worlds of Cuban President Castro, in just hoping Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Barbra Steisand, Bing Crosby, John Wayne, Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, The View Justin Bieber. She was the first woman to ever cohost a network show (1962,) or co-anchor a network newscast would last a (1976.) And I barely scratch the surface. few seasons. I hosted the 1996 international lecture series “Unique Live & Experiences” at the Tilles Center. Barbara Walters spoke opening night about her journey which started when she was born in Boston, September 25, 1929. She didn’t complain about the early TV jobs, when she had to wait for her male cohosts to ask their first four interview questions, before she could ask her first. Or that in 1971 Frank McGee was hired as her new Today cohost, at twice her salary. But in Brookville that 1996 night, she had an unforgettable answer to the question: How’d you get so far? “I worked my ass off.” Barbara almost surprised herself when it came out. But she didn’t apologize. She had gotten to that Brookville stage the old fashioned way. She had worked her ass off. I had interviewed another journalism icon in 1980, when Walter Cronkite was covering his final Democratic National Convention. Then, a few months later, a 1981 article described Cronkite’s replacement as bringing a fresh, young face to the CBS Evening News.” That “young” face was Dan Rather’s. In another article that same month, Barbara Walters was described as “The Grand Dame of TV News.” “Grand Dame” or “Old Lady.” In March of 1981 Dan Rather was 50 years old. In March of 1981 Barbara Walters was 51. You do the math. Thank you Barbara Walters, for kicking open a door for so many of us. And enjoy the view from your farewell tour. O News 12’s Carol Silva has been bringing Long Islanders their local news for more than 25 years weekdays starting at 5:00AM on News 12 Long Island. Good Advice Good Advice Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight & Hair Loss Elder Law Crisis Planning by Dr. Dazhi Chen, PhD, NYS Licensed Acupuncturist Pain Management Acu- proach, you will not gain back the weight puncture is a very effective you lost, can see results as early as the FIRST treatment for pain relief. WEEK, food cravings and appetite will be It promotes self-healing, reduced, you’ll have better self-control and and has no negative side your metabolic function will improve. effects. In 70% of cases, Hair Loss: Both men and women sufferers back, neck, sciatica, knee may notice that their hair has stopped falling and shoulder pain will be SIGNIFICANTLY out after the first four to six weeks, and afREDUCED after three to ter 8-12 weeks, patients four treatments. may see their hair start Diabetes: With acu- s"LOODSUGARLEVELDOWNAFTER to grow back. puncture, blood sugar Other Health BenHOURTREATMENT levels can drop most of efits: Acupuncture dis$ONOTGAINBACKWEIGHT minishes stress, insomthe time after only one to two hours. s0AINMAYBERELIEVED nia, depression, fatigue, Weight Loss: Being allergies, constipation, AFTERTHREETREATMENTS overweight or obese can menopausal symptoms, increase the risk for de- s(AIRSTOPSFALLINGOUTINSIX headaches and improves veloping many diseases. fertility. You will experiWEEKS Unfortunately, popular ence an increased sense weight-loss programs of well-being. Acupuncmay work in the short-term but most dieters ture is a safe alternative treatment. gain back the weight they lost almost imIf you would like to discuss your spemediately after discontinuing the program. cific concerns, call Dr. Chen at 516-562Numerous factors contribute to weight gain 9221 or email [email protected]. 277 and difficulty in losing weight, including Northern Blvd, Suite 306, Great Neck. stress and metabolism. I have developed www.camtherapycenter.com a healthy, successful treatment for losing Dr. Chen is a credentialed acupuncturist at weight with acupuncture. With my apNorth Shore-LIJ Health System. advertisement 26r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 by Marc Alhonte, Esq. Sometimes an elderly the healthy spouse holding the assets spouse has suffered will file a Spousal Refusal. A Spousal catastrophic illness (a Refusal states that the healthy spouse stroke, Parkinson’s dis- refuses to contribute their assets to the ease, dementia), and nursing home’s cost. It allows the ill must be cared for in a spouse to get Medicaid. There will be nursing home facility. The cost of care no requirement to spend down the asthere may be $450.00/day. Will the sets. Later, the Medicaid agency may defamily’s finances be decimated? Assuming no insurance is in place, the cide that the healthy spouse can afford to contribute to the cost of ill spouse will need Medicfacility care. Whether this aid to cover the cost of care. What is happens and how much of a Being eligible for Medicaid means having very few as- spousal refusal? contribution is requested is a case-by-case determination. sets. But, an ill spouse can transfer their assets to a healthy spouse But, the healthier spouse in the comand may become eligible without munity is always better off, because spending down all the marital assets. they have avoided total impoverishment, thanks to New York’s law allowHow? If there have been no other gifts with- ing Spousal Refusal. For a free consultation contact Marc in the last five years, transferring the assets between spouses creates no penal- Alhonte at Karol, Hausman and Sosnik, ties that disqualify Medicaid eligibility. P.C. in Garden City at (516) 745-0066. When the Medicaid application is filed, www.khspc.com advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] A Whole Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle! ATKINS WELLNESS SOLUTIONS Integrating Homeopathic Medicine & Clinical Nutrition We Specialize in and create programs for: &XVWRP+RPHRSDWKLF5HPHGLHV 2SWLPDO1XWULWLRQ+HDOWK\$JLQJ :HLJKW&KROHVWHURO0DQDJHPHQW 1XWULWLRQDO6XSSRUWWR)LJKW&DQFHU 'HWR[LILFDWLRQ 'LJHVWLYH,VVXHV )RRG6HQVLWLYLWLHV«DQGPXFKPRUH ÕÊ`ÞÊ/,",*9 Non-invasive alternative to mammography without radiation Be Lifted Dr. Stephen Atkins, Ph.D “Good nutrition is not an alternative therapy, it is a fundamental part of health.” ÕÀÃÊLÞÊ>««ÌiÌÊUÊÈΣ{ÇäÓ{ÊUÊÌÃ7iiÃðV ÇxÊ*ÀëiVÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê-ÕÌiÊ££{]ÊÕÌ}Ì Win a pair of tickets to see Bryan Adams at the Tilles Center on December 12th courtesy of To enter to win your pair of tickets: Like us on our Long Island Woman Facebook page and send the message “Bryan Adams tix” and include your email address. Or email [email protected] with your contact info. Three winners will be chosen at random and will be notified by email. Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. Ultherapy – CoolSculpting – Invisilift – Botox – Dysport – Restylane – Lashes MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting – Endermologie – Facials – Painless Laser Hair Removal "/.$3435)4%'2%!4.%#+ssWWWAESTHETICASSOCIATESCOM Good Advice Good Advice Osteoporosis Breast Reduction – The Lollipop Scar Technique by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu by Dr. Charlotte Rhee Osteoporosis is a After menopause, estrogen deficiency bone disease that leads results in a rapid reduction of bone to decreased bone density. (In men, a decrease in testostermineral density and one has a similar, but less pronounced, increased risk for frac- effect.) While osteoporosis occurs in all tures. About 10 million ethnic groups, those of European or Americans have osteo- Asian ancestry have a greater risk, as porosis (80% are women), and around do those with a family history of frac34 million are at risk for the disease. ture or osteoporosis. A small stature is also a risk factor associSome estimates suggest that about half of all The biggest risk factors ated with the development of osteoporosis. In women over the age of for osteoporosis are addition, smoking and 50 will fracture a bone because of osteoporosis. advanced age and being excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate Osteoporosis is usually female. bone loss. diagnosed using a DualFactors that may help energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) bone density scan. The protect against osteoporosis include quick and painless scan uses two kinds regular weight-bearing exercises (walkof low-energy X-rays that produce im- ing, dancing, running), and eating a ages showing bone mineral density. diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Dr. Alex Rosioreanu is a board certiFrom this scan, doctors are able to estimate how likely it is that a patient will fied radiologist with a subspecialty in Musculoskeletal Imaging. For more suffer a bone fracture. The biggest risk factors for osteoporo- information, please visit www.zprad. sis are advanced age and being female. com. Women with very scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical large pendulous and a long horizontal scar (along the breasts may experi- breast crease). I utilize the LeJour techence a variety of nique which leaves the breast with a medical problems single vertical incision (lollipop scar) including back and neck pain. Also, and in my opinion, with a rounder the weight of large breasts can cause and more naturally appearing breast the bra straps to dig into the shoul- with a better cosmetic result. ders leaving groove Breast reductions are markings. Large breasts performed as an outpaThe LeJour technique tient procedure and are get in the way of physical activities such as leaves the breast with covered by insurance. If running and other a single vertical incision you would like to learn sports which can make more about this proce(lollipop scar). exercise and weight dure, please call our loss very difficult if not Huntington office to impossible. schedule a complimentary consultaBreast Reduction, also known as tion with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a Board procedure undertaken to make the Certified Plastic and Reconstructive breasts smaller. There are many differ- Surgeon who specializes in surgery ent breast reduction techniques. The of the breast. Visit www.liplastic surmore traditional method (inverted T- gery.com. advertisement advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr27 With dignity, compassion and respect since 1882. South Oaks Hospital Our highly regarded facility helps children, adolescents, adults and senior adults overcome the devastating effects of acute mental illness, chemical dependency and substance abuse. Our expert-level multidisciplinary healthcare team continually develops advanced treatment methods that become best practices in the healthcare industry. Reach out and we’ll be there. Call us today. • Child & Adolescent Center of Excellence º Children: Inpatient º Adolescent: Inpatient and Partial Hospitalization • Career & Educational Counseling Center º Vocational rehabilitation and career guidance • Senior Adult Inpatient Services ON SALE NOW! December 12 - Tilles Center 5*$,&540/4"-&/08t5JDLFUNBTUFSDPNtt : A B E A V E R P R O D U C T I O N : • Adult Services: Mental Health, Crisis Intervention and Addiction Recovery º Inpatient º Partial Hospitalization º Outpatient A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Conveniently located on Nassau/Suffolk border. Most Insurances Accepted. Medicare and Managed Medicaid. 400 Sunrise Highway, Amityville, NY 11701 • www.South-Oaks.org • Distribute Free Copies of www.liwomanonline.com January 2012 FREE • C.A.R.E. - Challenge Activities Ropes Experience º Project C.A.R.E.: Child & adolescent adventure experience. Summer camp open to community. º Corporate C.A.R.E.: Team-building adventure workshops (631) 608-5610 Meet the Health Professional At Your Upcoming Event At Your Business or Office in the December issue of exclusive interview with Susan Lucci Win an autographed copy of Susan Lucci’s new book Your Diet Questions Answered January Calendar of Events plus an extensive listing of Call 516-505-0555 x2 to have Long Island Woman delivered to your business (for your customers and employees) at no charge. Support Groups A Balanced Approach to Exercise and Nutrition for Women Undergoing and Emerging from Treatment for Breast Cancer s)MPROVEOVERALLFEELINGSOFWELLNESSs-INIMIZETHESIDEEFFECTSOFTREATMENTS s2ETURNTOORIMPROVEYOURFORMERLEVELOFlTNESSs,EARNSTRATEGIESTOACHIEVEAND MAINTAINHEALTHYWEIGHTANDGOODNUTRITIONDURINGANDAFTERTREATMENT s2EPAIRANDENHANCEYOURSELFIMAGE Journey to Wellness LLC 516.314.3355 One Wendy Road, Syosset, NY 11791 JourneytoWellnessLLC.com 28r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 Bonnie J. Oringer, CPT, CES, LWMC, JD Bonnie is a certified personal trainer, a cancer-exercise specialist and a breast cancer survivor. The unique combination of her personal training background and personal experiences lends a valued perspective to the needs of fellow breast cancer patients. Susan Smith, M.D. 123 Business St., Smithtown 631-555-1234 www.website.com see ad on page 13 This is a sample of a Meet The Health Professional listing. It includes a color photo of the health professional, contact information and 100 words of copy about the health professional describing his or her background, qualifications, achievements and the services offered by the practice. Long Island Woman reaches over 140,000 health-minded Long Island women at over 1,000 convenient locations throughout Long Island. ong Island Woman health professional advertisers will be included for free in Meet The Health Professional in the December issue. Reservation deadline is Nov. 8th. For more information, call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 or email [email protected]. Reach Long Island’s Primary Healthcare Decision-Makers Over 140,000 health-minded women look to Long Island Woman for useful information when choosing a health professional. If you’re a health professional and would like to join other Long Island health professionals in this useful guide for Long Island women that highlights your background, qualifications and services, then call or email Long Island Woman to find out how advertisers can be featured for free in Meet the Health Professional. Reserve Your Space & Copy by Friday, November 8th For more Information call 516-505-0555 x1 or email: [email protected] sample/actual size To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN what to do SPOTLIGHT 6 s! 0LACE AT THE 4ABLE 7:30pm. Every other Monday. Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Film and discussion. 7 s3YOSSET #AMERA #LUB 7:30-10pm. Town of Oyster Bay Community Center. Hypath Road, Hypath Park. Old Bethpage. 516-528-0421. syossetcc.org. 12 s-EDITATION 'ROUP 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. Women’s Wellness: Enjoying Stress Free Holidays The Katz Institute for Women’s Health at North Shore-LIJ Health System invites you to a Women’s Wellness event entitled “Enjoying Stress Free Holidays”. Understand what triggers stress and how it affects your overall well-being. Learn effective strategies to manage stress, including mindful meditation Enjoy healthy food choices and refreshments with friends. We look forward to seeing you there! When: November 13, 2013 at 7pm Where: L.I. Marriott Conference Center, Uniondale Tickets: $20. To register, please call 855-850KIWH (5494) or visit www.northshorelij.com/ kiwh (search under events) advertisement Classes, Lectures & Seminars 1 s4AYLOR-ALI%DUCATION,ECTURE8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s5SER0#4ECHNOLOGY6:45-8:30pm. Brentwood Public Library. Second Ave., Brentwood. Learn about Windows 8 and 8.1. 2 s/NLINE )NTRODUCTIONS 4HE .EW "LIND $ATE 2pm. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/ longbeach. Constance Hallinan Lagan informs singles about online dating. 5 s/VERCOMING THE 0OOWER OF (ABIT 6pm. Bertucci’s. 881 Walt Whitman Rd., Melville. twfg.org. The Women’s Finanical Group will host a lecture on strategies to break free of repetitive behaviors that hold women back from their professional goals and greatest desires with Ellen Cooperperson. 13 s"OOK2EVUE"OOK#LUB7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. The book Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingslover will be discussed. s7OMENS7ELLNESS3TRESS-ANAGMENT3EMINAR 7-9pm. Long Island Marriott. 101 James Doolittle Blvd., Uniondale. 855-850-5494. kiwh. northshorelij.com. Enjoying stress free holidays with presenters, Tina J. Walch, MD and Joseph A. Diamond, MD. $20 Admission. 14 s0HOTOGRAPHY ,ECTURE 7:30-10pm. Town of Oyster Bay Community Center. Hypath Road, Hypath Park. Old Bethpage. 516-528-0421. syossetcc.org. On the topic; Still Photography. 19 s!!20-ATURE!LIVE$RIVING#OURSE 9am-4pm. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. 21 s4HE%VOLUTIONOF"IRD'UIDE"OOKS7pm. Connetquot River State Park and Preserve. Sunrise Highway, Oakdale. 631-563-7716. gsbas.org. With Ken Thompson. s0HOTOGRAPHY #RITIQUE AND ,ECTURE 7:3010pm. Town of Oyster Bay Community Center. Hypath Road, Hypath Park. Old Bethpage. 516528-0421. syossetcc.org. ONGOING sTH!NNUAL-EMBERS%XHIBITION Nov. 10th to Dec. 1st. Art League of Long Island. Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. 631-462-5400. artleagueli. org. s!DOLESCENT3UPPORT-ENTORING By appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator: Marlene Natalie. For adolescents with cancerrelated illnesses. s"ALLROOM ,ATIN $ANCE ,ESSONS Mondays 8:30-9:45pm. Suffolk Y JCC. 74 Happauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. suffolkyjcc.org. $9. s"REAST #ANCER %XERCISE 0ROGRAM Noon-1pm, Saturdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. For breast cancer patients who are finished with treatment. s#ANCER $ISCUSSION 1-2:30pm, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN november 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Geri Barish. An informal, ongoing chat for people whose lives have been touched by cancer. s#ARDIO "ALLROOM: Sundays at 10:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516-678-9400. skyathletic.com. Fast paced cardio dance class, all levels, no partner needed. s#ROCHET#LASS noon-1:30pm, Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-3743190. 1in9.org. The group is designed to help cancer patients draw strength from each other and enjoy togetherness in this circle of friendship. s$ECOUPAGE !RT #LASS: 12:30-2:30pm. Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Reformatting paper images to create something else. s$IABETES%DUCATION0ROGRAM Thursdays from 12:30-2:30pm through December 2013. Tower Conference Room at North Shore University Hospital. 300 Community Dr., Manhasset. 855-36-GOALS. [email protected]. Geared towards people with diabetes but also open to family members who want to learn more about diabetes and helping their loved one cope with the disease. Free. s&ITNESS FOR /LDER !DULTS 9:05am. Fridays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. s(OW 4O -EDITATE 5 week course, Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. s)TALIAN#LASSES 10am-12pm. Through April 5th. Saturdays. Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-7444. stonybrook.edy/italianstudies. s)NTRODUCTION TO #OMPUTERS 1:30-3:30pm. Tuesdays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary. org/longbeach. s*APANESE #LASSICAL $ANCE: 4:30-7pm. Tuesdays. Long Island Japanese Culture Center. 2 Haven Ave., Suite 236, Port Washington. 917226-1195. [email protected]. Learn to wear kimono and dance with a fan in the elegant Soke Fujima style. Beginners of all ages. For free trial lesson, contact the instructor. s+OGA: Wednesdays at 9:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516678-9400. skyathletic.com. Fusion fitness class that combines kickboxing and yoga with instructor Jon Koga. s-AT9OGA-ONDAYS 9:15-10:30am Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-7664341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. Yoga Instructor Sandy Pinz. s0OTS OF (OPE: Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. An innovative art class for cancer patients, using terra cotta flowerpots. s4HE 2ED %XCHANGE &RANKLIN 3QUARE #HAPTER "USINESS .ETWORKING 'ROUP Wednesdays in November. 7:30pm. The Alpine Restaurant. 11 Franklin Ave., Franklin Square. s2EIKI #LINIC Wednesdays by appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Learn about and experience this simple healing technique. For all cancer-related illness. s3CREENWRITERS$ISCUSSION'ROUP 7:30pm. Every other Monday. Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cin- emaartscentre.org. s4HAI 3TRIKE: Tuesdays at 7:15am and Fridays at 10:30am. Sky Athletic Club. 310 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre. 516-678-9400. skyathletic. com. Muay Thai kick boxing class mixed with kettle bell training. s7RITERS 2OUND 4ABLE 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Freelance writer and author Lyna Caruso facilitates this creative writing workshop for those affected by cancer. Eight-week program. Registration required. Free. s9OGA3TRESS 2EDUCTION 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm. 6-week program. For all cancerrelated illness. Entertainment 1 s!MERICA8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s#HAZZ0ALMINTERIn!"RONX4ALE 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-6737300. paramountny.com. s4HE #OUNTERCLOCKWISE %NSEMBLE 4-8:30pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s4INSLEY%LLIS8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s4RIBUTETO*AZZ0IANO 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. 2 s 53! VS %NGLAND 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s4HE!RCOS/RCHESTRA8-10pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s#HAZZ0ALMINTERIn!"RONX4ALE 8pm. See November 1st. s4HE,IVERPOOL3HUFFLE 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s2OSANNE#ASH8pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. 3 s"ROADWAY "OUND FOR 3TROUSE 2pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s,ILLIAS7HITEh-Y'UY#Yv3pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s+AMIKAZE&IREFLIES4pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-ARTS. stallercenter.com. s-AUREEN-C'OVERN3-5pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s2OCK/UT(UNGER)63pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. November 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r29 what to do SPOTLIGHT Mark Morris Dance Group The Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG) has the distinction of being the only modern dance company in the country with a commitment to live music, a feature of every performance on its international touring schedule since 1996. The program at Staller Center includes “Excursions”, with music by Samuel Barber, “Excursions for the Piano,” with six dancers; “Crosswalk”, with music by Carl Maria von Weber, “Grand Duo Concertant” for clarinet and piano with eleven dancers, “A Wooden Tree,” with music by Ivor Cutler, with eight dancers; and “Grand Duo,” with music by Lou Harrison, “Grand Duo for Violin and Piano” with fourteen dancers. When: Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 8pm Where: Staller Center for the Arts, Stony Brook University Tickets: $40 available online at stallercenter.com or call 631-632-ARTS (2787) advertisement 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. To benefirt St. Mary’s food pantry. 5 s.OISES/FF7:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. 6 s.OISES/FF6:30pm. See November 5th. 7 s-ICHAEL .ESMITH 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s.OISES/FF7:30pm. See November 5th. s4HIRD%YE"LIND 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 8 s!L3TEWART8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s"ERNADETTE0ETERSAT4HE!NNUAL'ALA6:30pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s'ODSPELL 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming 30r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 november Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s.OISES/FF7:30pm. See November 5th. s3TEVE 0ERRILLO AND 4HE .EW -ILLENIUM *AZZ "AND 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s"OBTOWN 8pm. The American Legion Hall. 22 Grove Pl., Babylon Village. 631-669-1810. babylonvillagearts.org. Part of Babylon Village Arts Council’s 2nd Thursday concerts. s*ONNY,ANG8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 9 15 s,UCY+APLANSKY8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s.EW&OUND'LORYAND!LKALINE4RIO 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631673-7300. paramountny.com. s.OISES /FF 2pm and 7:30pm. See November 5th. s/NE (OT .IGHT .EIL $IAMOND 4RIBUTE "AND 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac. org. A Neil Diamond tribute. s0ATTI,ABELLEAND%L$EBARGE8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s2UNTOFTHE,ITTER6pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny. org. s3INGER0UR7ORKSHOP10am-12pm. See November 8th. s3POTLIGHT 'ALA 3TARRING 2ITA 7ILSON 7pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s5KULELE/RCHESTRAOF'REAT"RITAIN 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. 10 s!MPHION 1UARTET 3pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516299-3100. tillescenter.org. s"UDDY6ALASTRO 3pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-7453000. livenation.com. s#ARBON,EAF7pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s,)50OST7IND%NSEMBLEAND3YMPHONY7pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-ARTS. stallercenter.com. s.OISES/FF2pm. See November 5th. s!0EGGY,EE4RIBUTE 2pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631656-2148. dhpac.org. A Neil Diamond tribute. 13 s4HE "S 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s#HRISTOPHER 'OTZEN"ERG 1:30-4pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s2EEL"IG&ISH'OLDFINGER 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 14 s#AROLINE$OCTOROW 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.org. s4HE$OO7OP0ROJECT 7:30pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s*AKE-ILLER 7pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s,EON2EDBONE8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s3TYX 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 16 s$AVID"ROMBERG"AND8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-7676444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s-ARK-ORRIS$ANCE'ROUP8pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632ARTS. stallercenter.com. s2OCK@N2OLLTHE/PPOSITESAND/UR'REATEST (OPES! #ELEBRATION 2pm. Elmont Public Library. 700 Hempstead Tpke., Elmont. aestheticrealismtheatreco.org. s3TYX 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s:: 4OP 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. 17 s!MERICAS 'OT4ALENT 5pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800745-3000. livenation.com. s:: 4OP 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. 20 s"ONNIE2AITT8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s2ICKY 3KAGGS AND "RUCE (ORNSBY 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631673-7300. paramountny.com. s3TARRY .IGHTS 8pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-ARTS. stallercenter.com. 21 s!LIVE)NSIDE3PECIAL3CREENING7:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi. edu. s(OW TO 3UCCEED IN "USINESS 7ITHOUT 2EALLY 4RYING 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. s,E!NN 2IMES 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. para- mountny.com. 22 s(AMMEROFTHE'ODS8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800745-3000. livenation.com. s(OW TO 3UCCEED IN "USINESS 7ITHOUT 2EALLY 4RYING 7:30pm. See Nov. 21st. s2OCKIN&IGHTS 7:30pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s4HE2UDESS-ORGENSTEIN0ROJECT8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 23 s!DELPHI /PERA4HEATRE 8-10pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s!NDREA -ARCOVICCI -OONLIGHT #OCKTAIL 8pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi. edu. s!UDRA-C$ONALD8pm. Staller Center at Stony Brook University. Stony Brook. 631-632-ARTS. stallercenter.com. s!ZTEC4WO3TEP8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s(OW TO 3UCCEED IN "USINESS 7ITHOUT 2EALLY 4RYING 7:30pm. See Nov. 21st. s'IUSEPPE6ERDIS 2IGOLETTO 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. s4HE-ACHINE8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s3OUTH 3HORE 3YMPHONY 8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. 24 s!DELPHI #HAMBER %NSEMBLE 4-6pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s!#HRISTMAS#AROL2pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. s(OW TO 3UCCEED IN "USINESS 7ITHOUT 2EALLY 4RYING 2pm. See Nov. 21st. 29 s"IG,AUGHSIN"AY3HORE8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s'LASSJAW 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s4HE -USICAL "OX 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 30 s#OLLIN 1UINNS 5NCONSTITUTIONAL 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s-AINHEIM 3TEAMROLLER #HRISTMAS 4pm and To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN r N what to do SPOTLIGHT Northport. 631-757-9859. northporthistorical. org. 3 A Crosby Christmas…. Starring Kathryn Crosby and other guest stars Based on the classic Bing Crosby Christmas Specials, host Kathryn Crosby will lead an evening filled with performances by Broadway’s Frank Basile, David Hibbard, Donna McKechnie, and Christopher Sieber, as well as a local children’s chorus & members of the Children’s Orchestra Society.With a special appearance by Bob Spiotto. Proceeds from this event will go to support scholarships for Vocal Performance majors at Molloy College. When: Saturday, December 21 @ 4 p.m.. Where: The Madison Theatre at Molloy College, 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. Tickets: Call 516-323-4444 or go online at www. madisontheatreny.org advertisement 8pm. Tilles Center for the Perfoming Arts. L.I.U. C.W. Post. Brookville. 516-299-3100. tillescenter. org. s4HE -USICAL "OX 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. ONGOING s,ES -ISERABLES Through Nov. 24th. CM Performing Arts Center. 931 Montauk Hwy., Oakdale. 631-218-2810. cmpac.com. s4WELVE !NGRY -EN Through Nov. 3. John W. Engeman Theater. 250 Main St., Northport. 631261-2900. engemantheater.com. Events & Exhibits 1 s4IM/-ARA7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; Crooked Numbers. 2 s.ORTHPORT(EIRLOOM!NTIQUES7EEKEND9am5pm. Northport Village Hall. 224 Main St., sND!NNUAL7ALK/N&OR(OPE9am. 200 Belle Terre Rd., Port Jefferson. 631-465-6350. islandrunning.net. 4.5 mile run/walk to benefit the Child Life program at Good Shepherd Hospice. s(ECKSCHER&AMILY(OUR1-2pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631351-3250. heckscher.org. With Tami Wood. s+LEZMER -USIC 2pm. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-4327201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. Performance by Yale Strom and Hot Pstromi. s.ORTHPORT (EIRLOOM !NTIQUES 7EEKEND 10am-5pm. William J. Brosnan Building. 158 Laurel Ave., Northport. 631-757-9859. northporthistorical.org. 4 s*ULIUS%RVING6pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new autobiography; Dr. J: The Autobiography. 5 s/LIVER.ORTH7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; American Heroes: On the Homefront. 7 s3UE2OSTAN7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. She will speak about and sign her new book; Digging. 8 s#ASINO .IGHT &UNDRAISER FOR $IABETES #OMMUNITY%DUCATIONAND3CREENINGS7pm-12am. North Hills Country Club, Manhasset. 855-3646257. [email protected]. s-ERCY#ENTER-INISTRIES#ELEBRATINGYEARS 6:30pm. Land’s End, Sayville. 631-447-3978. mercycenterministries.org. Honoring Ric Rose, the donor of the first residence for homeless teen girls and teen mothers in Patchogue. 12 s"RIAN +LIMEADE 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new book; George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution. 14 s2OGER2OSENBLATT7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new book; The Boy Detective. 15 s-ICHAEL -ALONE 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new book; No Never No More. 19 s0ETER -AX 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN november Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; The Universe of Peter Max. 20 s+ENNY ,OGGINS 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new children’s book; Frosty the Snowman. 21 s!RTIE,ANGE7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue. com. He will speak about and sign his new book; Crash and Burn. s4HE &OURTH !NNUAL (ARVEST 3UNSET $INNER 6-9pm. Villa Lombardi’s, Holbrook. 631-4441454. dominique.stanley@stonybrookmedicine. edu. Raising funds for the Lourie Center for Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis at Stony Brook Long Island Children’s Hospital. ONGOING s!NGELA3TRATTON4HROUGHTHE%YESOFTHE!RTISTOct. 5th to Nov. 10th. Huntington Public Library. 338 Main St., Huntington. strattongallery. com. s!DULT #ONNECTIONS 7:30pm, Thursdays. Friedberg JCC. 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. $7 dues per month. Additional fees apply occasionally for theme dinners. s4HE !LEF "ET OF "EING A -ENSCH Sundays 1-4pm. Suffolk Y JCC, Alan and Helene Rosenberg Discovery Museum. 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x140. suffolkyjcc.org s#ONNECTIONS 7-8:15pm, second and fourth Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Widow and widowers group for ages 50 and up. $9. s&AMILY3UNDAYATTHE-USEUM 1pm, Sundays. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-4849337. nassaumuseum.org. Docent-led family walk-through of the exhibition and, beginning at 1:30 pm, supervised art activities for the whole family. Special family guides of the main exhibition are available in the galleries. Museum admission required. s&ARMERS-ARKET Wednesdays through November. Christopher Morley Park. 516-571-8113. nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/parks s&EASTOR&AMINEThrough November 3rd. Jeanie Tengelsen Gallery. 107 Deer Park Rd., Dix Hills. 631-462-5400. artleagueli.org. Exhibit by the Long Island Craft Guild. s&ROM 3HORE TO 3HORE Throughout November. Sachem Public Library. 150 Holbrook Rd., Holbrook. 631-588-5024. sachemlibrary.org. s&RIENDSHIP #IRCLE 12:30-3pm. 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s'IVE "ACK 3UNDAYS Once a month ZwangerPesiri Radiology provides free radiological exams (MRI, CT SCAN, X-ray, Mammography, etc.) for uninsured Nassau and Suffolk County residents. For more information, upcoming dates, and phone numbers, visit ZPgivebacksundays.org. s.#-!S 3CULPTURE 0ARK Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. More than 50 works by renowned artists set amidst the 145-acre property. s.#-!S7ALKING4RAILS AND 'ARDENS Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. The museum’s 145 acres include many marked nature trails through the woods. Experience the many lush examples of horticultural arts. s0ETER-AX Through Feb. 23rd. Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s2!$)3( (Reserve a Day for Interesting Social Happenings): 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesdays, MidIsland Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s2!02ETIREES!CTIVITY0ROGRAM: 12:30-3pm, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-8223535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 55 and up. $6. s2ECENT!CQUISITIONSThrough November 24th. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s4HE 2ISE OF THE *ACK /,ANTERNS 2ETURNS Through Nov. 3rd. Old Westbury Gardens. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org or therise.org. Tickets must be purchased in advance. s3INGLES#HAT#HEW 7:45-9:30pm, Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Group for all singles facilitated by a certified social worker. Refreshments served. $9. s3OCIABLE3INGLES 3-5pm, first and third ahursdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x121. syjcc.org. Group for active, single seniors ages 60 and up. $4. Registration required. s3OPHISTICATED3INGLES 7:30-9:30pm, Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. Conract Lisa Charschan at 516-766-4341 x133. friedbergjcc.org. Singles ages 50 and up meet weekly. $8. s3TAN"RODSKY2ETROSPECTIVEThrough December 1st. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s7EDNESDAY #LUB 10:30am-1:30pm, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-8223535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 70 and up. $6. s9OUNG.ATURALISTS#LUB 1-3pm. Meets the 1st of every month. Brookside County Park. 59 Brook St., Sayville. 631-581-1731. gsbas.org. This club focuses on creating interest in the natural world around us and becoming stewards of a natural area. !LLLISTINGSFORWhat to DoCONSIDERATIONMUSTBE SUBMITTED BY EMAIL CALENDAR LIWOMANONLINE COMBYTHEFIRSTOFTHEMONTHFORTHEFOLLOWING MONTH.OVFORTHE$ECEMBERISSUE .O INFORMATION WILL BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE ,ISTINGSAREPUBLISHEDONASPACEAVAILABLE BASIS To Spotlight your Event call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 email: [email protected] November 2013r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r31 Support Groups COPEFOUNDATIONORG s!!!L!NON-EETINGS s"EREAVEMENT *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP MATHERHOSPITALORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s!LCOHOLICS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENT "AY3HORE .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEM &REEPORT NORTHSHORELIJEDU NASSAUNYAAORGSUFFOLKNYAAORG s"EREAVEMENT s#HILDRENOF!LCOHOLICS'ROUP 516-378-2992 3T,OUISDE-ONTFORT2##HURCH s$EBTORS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX !SCENSTION,UTHERAN#HURCH"AYSHORE2D$EER0ARK &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE DANYCINFO FRIEDBERGJCCORG s&AMILIES!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE MATHERHOSPITALORG GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s&OOD!DDICTS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX ,AKE'ROVE -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW )SLIP MIYJCCORG s'AMBLERS!NONYMOUS s"EREAVEMENTX s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS /UR,ADYOF#ONSOLATION-ELVILLE OLCCHSLIORG *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s"EREAVEMENTX s3EXUAL!DDICTIONS!NONYMOUS3!./.3!#/50,%3 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS 347-531-5977 SJJCCORG FRIEDBERGJCCORG s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP*!3! s$EATHOFA#HILD3UPPORT'ROUP &RIEDBERG*##.EIL#T/CEANSIDE 3T3YLVESTERS#HURCH-EDFORD JASAORG s'RIEF3HARE s%ARLY/NSET!LZHEIMERS'ROUP 0LAINEDGE"APTIST#HURCH"ETHPAGE ,)!& s(%!,(ELP%ASE!,OSS ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION LIAFORG 3T4HOMASOF#ANTERBURY#HURCH3MITHTOWN s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE s(OLOCAUST3URVIVORSAND&RIENDSX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s,ETS$O,UNCH9OUNG/NSET SUFFOLKYJCCORG 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,OSSOFA"ABY s3HABBAT2ESPITE0ROGRAMX 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMYJCCORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3POUSESOF!LZHEIMERS$EMENTIA0ATIENTS s,OSSOFA#HILDX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW "ROADLAWN-ANOR!MITYVILLE MIYJCCORG s"REAST#ANCER&AMILYAND&RIENDS !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH s3OUTH&ORK"REAST(EALTH#OALITION #ENTER7)SLIP SOUTHFORKBREASTCOM GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3PANISH3PEAKING7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER s#ANCER'ROUP 516-877-4314 &RANKLIN(OSPITAL6ALLEY3TREAM s#ANCER0ATIENTAND3URVIVOR'ROUP s3POUSESAND0ARTNERSOF4HOSEWITH"REAST#ANCER ,ONG)SLAND#ANCER(ELPAND7ELLNESS#ENTER"AY3HORE 516-877-4314 Addictions s$AY4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER s2ECENT7IDOW7IDOWERX !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE s&AMILY3UPPORT FRIEDBERGJCCORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s2ECENTLY"EREAVED'ROUP INORG 3UNRISEOF.,YNBROOK.,YNBROOK s(EADAND.ECK#ANCER3UPPORT s3IBLING"EREAVEMENT'ROUP 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#ONFERENCE2OOM!" %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO s(UNTINGTON"REAST#ANCER!CTION#OALITION COPEFOUNDATIONORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSX HBCACORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s,EAN/N-E SUFFOLKYJCCORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s7IDOW7IDOWERX INORG *##OF7EST(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD s,IFE'OES/N &%'30ARTNERSIN#ARING&RIEDBERG*## 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP s7IDOW7IDOWERX GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS s,IVE,OVE,AUGH!GAINBREASTCANCER SJJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESANDUP *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE MATHERHOSPITALORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESX s,OOK'OOD&EEL"ETTER &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER FRIEDBERGJCCORG "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP s7IDOWS'ROUPX GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s7OMENFOR3OBRIETY s"EREAVEMENTX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s-ETASTATIC"REAST#ANCER 3T-ARYS#HURCH(ARRISON!VE%)SLIP MIYJCCORG WOMENFORSOBRIETYORG !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY MARYSEASTISLIPORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSTO!GE Alzheimers s"EREAVEMENTX X s-ID)SLAND3KIN#ANCER CCMACORG s!DULT#HILDRENOF)NDIVIDUALSWITH!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK ,)!& SUFFOLKYJCCORG SUFFOLKYJCCORG s.ATIONAL/VARIAN#ANCER#OALITION./## ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION 631-672-2027 s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE LIAFORG Breast and other Cancers ,ONG)SLAND#HAPTER(UNTINGTON3TATION "ROOKHAVEN(OSPICE OVARIANORG s!LZHEIMERS!SSOCIATION s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE s!DELPHI.EW9ORK3TATE7IDE"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE 800-877-8077 s"REAST#ANCER 516-374-3190 %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO 2ONKONKOMAALZORGLONGISLAND s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY!#3 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT COPEFOUNDATIONORG s!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ,)!& INORG s"EREAVEMENTON CANCERORG ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION s"REAST#ANCER s.EWLY$IAGNOSED"REAST#ANCER (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT LIAFORG !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY INORG OR s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERSX s"REASTAND/VARIAN#ANCERX -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSFOR#HILDRENAND&AMILIES #OMMUNITY0ROGRAMS#ENTEROF,)2ONKONKOMA MATHERHOSPITALORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s!LZHEIMERS&AMILY#AREGIVERS .ORTH3HORE#HILDAND&AMILY'UIDANCE#ENTER s"REAST#ANCER s.IGHT4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER "RISTAL!SSISTEDAT,YNBROOK s$ROP)N"EREAVEMENT'ROUP 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP #ENTER7)SLIP s#LOSE+NIT'ROUPKNITANDTALKGROUPFORWOMENWITH 4EMPLE%MANU%LOF,ONG"EACH,ONG"EACH GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG BREASTCANCER BREASTCANCERHELPINCORG s3TRENGTHFOR,IFEEXERCISECLASSES 631-675-6513 s#ANCER'ROUPS 6ARIOUSLOCATIONS STREGTHFORLIFE.9ORG .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEMNORTHSHORELIJEDU s3TRENGTHTO3TRENGTHWELLNESSPROGRAMS s#ANCER3URVIVORS X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3UPPORTFOR0EOPLE7ITH/RAL(EADAND.ECK#ANCER s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUP 3YOSSET3TONY"ROOK s,OSSOFA3IBLINGX (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT Bereavement SPOHNCORG INORG -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s!NIMAL"EREAVEMENT'ROUP MIYJCCORG s4HRIVING4HROUGHAND"EYOND#ANCER 516-374-3190 s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUPFOR7OMENWITH"ILATERAL ,ONG)SLAND6ETERINARY3PECIALIST#ENTER0LAINVIEW s,OSSOF3POUSE -ASECTOMIES (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s"EREAVEMENT INORG (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO INORG To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN 32r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 Support Groups s4HYROID#ANCER3URVIVORS(OTLINE 877-588-7904 s$IVORCE#ARE s9OUNG7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER s%LDER!BUSE ,IFE#ENTEROF"ETHPAGE !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY #OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE(EMPSTEAD s$IVORCE3UPPORT'ROUP s"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE 800-877-8077 s&AMILY6IOLENCEAND#HILD!BUSE !LLIANCETO2ESTORE)NTEGRITYIN$IVORCE!2)$ &%'3 Caregivers s$IVORCED3EPARATEDX FEGSORG s!DULT#HILDREN#AREGIVERS -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW s.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG 6IOLENCEHRHOTLINE *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER CADVNCORG s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED3TEP'ROUP MIYJCCORG s0ROTECTIONOF#HILDRENAND9OUNG0EOPLE s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 516-227-8945 #OMMUNITY#HURCHOF%AST7ILLISTON X %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATEDX $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS s2APE3EXUAL!SSAULT(OTLINE.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION &%'33YOSSET SJJCCORG !GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE 516-542-0404 FEGSORG s$IVORCED3EPARATED s3ELF%STEEMIN2ELATIONSHIPS s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK !SCENSION,UTHERAN#HURCH$EER0ARK 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE SUFFOLKYJCCORG s3EXUAL!BUSE3URVIVORSX GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s$IVORCED3EPARATED $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK s3UFFOLK#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW SUFFOLKYJCCORG MIYJCCORG s$IVORCED3EPARATEDAND7IDOWED 516-551-9143 SCCADVORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 3T+ILIAN#HURCH#ONKLIN3T(EMPSTEAD s4HE2ETREATHOTLINEFOR$OMESTIC6IOLENCE 4EMPLE%MANUEL,ONG"EACH s3EPARATED$IVORCED#OUNSELING 631-329-2200 s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s6ICTIMS)NFORMATION"UREAU6)"3OF3UFFOLK#OUNTY #AREGIVERS'ROUPS s3EPARATION$IVORCEX 631-360-3606 DAYHAVENORG &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX FRIEDBERGJCCORG Health Related 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3INGLESX s!DHESIONSSCARTISSUEPAIN s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK 3TONY"ROOK5NIVERSITY(OSPITAL3TONY"ROOK 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP ADHESIONSFOUNDATIONORG SUFFOLKYJCCORG GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3INGLES'ROUP s!LOPECIA s#AREGIVERS'ROUP 516-227-8945 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW NAAFORG 3HELTER2OCK0UBLIC,IBRARY MIYJCCORG s!RTHRITIS s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX s3INGLES'ROUP ARTHRITISORG 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE s"ARIATRIC SUFFOLKYJCCORG FRIEDBERGJCCORG ,)0/,ONG)SLAND0OST/PS s#ARING&OR9OUR3POUSE*!3! s3INGLES3UPPORTAND$ISCUSSION LIPONATIONORG *##OF7(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE s"ENIGN%SSENTIAL"LEPHAROSPASM(EMIFACIAL3PASM JASAORG s7OMEN3EPARATINGAND$IVORCING 631-525-3646 s'RANDPARENTS'ROUP 516-227-8945 ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,) %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY Domestic Violence, Rape and LMNIORG Divorce and Separation s,ETS$O$INNERSPOUSESOF9OUNG/NSET!LZHEIMERS Sexual Abuse PATIENTS s"RIGHTER4OMORROWS 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG BRIGHTERTOMORROWSINCORG s,ETS$O0IZZAKIDSWITHPARENTSWITH9OUNG/NSET s+IDS+IDS 631-439-0480 !LZHEIMERS s#HILD!BUSE-ALTREATMENT2EFERRALS 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s3ANDWICH'ENERATION &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG PATRICIA BONO ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR PSYCHIC s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER 3POUSES3IBLINGS 4EMPLE#HAVERIM0LAINVIEW JASAORG s3POUSES#HILDREN3IBLINGS -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s7ELL3POUSESOR0ARTNERSOFTHE#HRONICALLY)LLAND $ISABLED 3T#HARLES2EHAB#ENTER!LBERTSON ROSEBIRDLADY AOLCOM To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Gain insight into the physical, mental emotional and spiritual aspects of your animal friends. 516-922-7574 [email protected] www.patriciabono.com s"RAIN!NEURYSM 4HE"RAIN!NEURYSM#ENTERAT.ORTH3HORE5NIV (OSPITAL-ANHASSET NSALANT NSHSEDU ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,ONG)SLANDMNI ORG s"RAIN4UMOR0ATIENTSAND4HEIR&AMILIES ."ELLMOREAND#OMMACK GUARDIANBRAINORG s#OMA4RAUMATIC"RIAN)NJURY2ECOVERY!SSOCIATION 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITY(OSPITAL/CEANSIDE s#ROHNS#OLITIS'ROUP *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s#HRONIC&ATIGUE&IBROMYALGIA $IABETES(EART#LUB 'LEN#OVE(OSPITAL'LEN#OVE s$IABETES'ROUP (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s),OVEA0ERSONWITH$IABETES 3YOSSET(OSPITAL s%ATING$ISORDERS 2EACHING/UT!GAINST%ATING$ISORDERS"ALDWIN ROAEDORG s%PILEPSY 3T#HARLES(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s%PILEPSY3EIZURE$ISORDER %PILEPSY&OUNDATIONOF,ONG)SLAND'ARDEN#ITY EPICLIORG s&ACE0AINAND4RIGEMINAL.EURALGIA ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,) LMNIORG s&IBROMYALGIA CONTACT!NTONELLA#AIZZA .ELLAC YAHOOCOM s(EARING)MPAIREDAND#OCHLEAR)MPLANT0ATIENTS .ORTH3HORE,)*(EALTH3YSTEM(EARINGAND3PEECH #ENTER.EW(YDE0ARK s3OUTH3HORE7OMENS(EART 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIPGOOD SAMARITANHOSPITALORG s(EPATITIS#3UPPORT'ROUP!MERICAN,IVER&OUNDATION 631-754-4795 s()6!)$3 &%'3#OPIAGUE FEGSORG s)RRITABLE"OWEL3YNDROME s"RAIN!6-AND!NEURYSM 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL#OUNSELING#ENTER "ALDWIN HOW TO MEDITATE – 5 WEEK COURSE Everything you need to know to successfully Meditate ONGOING MEDITATION GROUP Achieve Inner Peace & Understanding Psychic Development ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS Individual / Relationships Interpretive Session Available PRIVATE SESSIONS: REIKI, SIGNATURE CELL HEALING Past Life Regressions/ Meditations Prepaid discounts & sliding scales available Information / Registration: JUDITH S. GIANNOTTI, M.A., R.HY. 631-724-9733 www.lightawakenings7.com Buy this Space and reach over 140,000 Long Island women for as low as $145 a month For more information: 516-505-0555 x1 [email protected] November 2013rLONG ISLAND WOMANr33 Support Groups s,UPUS MHASUFFOLKORG ,UPUS&OUNDATIONOF,ONG)SLAND"ELLMORE s#OUNSELING s,YMPHEDEMA &%'3 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT FEGSORG INORG s$EPRESSION s-ELANOMA0ATIENTS#AREGIVERS 3YOSSET(OSPITAL$OCTORS,OUNGE CMBC OPTONLINENET s%MOTIONS!NONYMOUS s-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS.ATIONAL 631-864-8337 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON ,ONG)SLANDOFlCE MATHERHOSPITALORG s-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS 631-694-4370 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#ONFERENCE2OOM!" s-YASTHENIA'RAVIS %MMA3#LARK-EMORIAL,IBRARY3ETAUKET s.ATIONAL&EDERATIONOFTHE"LIND 516-868-8718 s.ATIONAL-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS3OCIETY -ELVILLE s/STOMY!SSOCIATIONOF,).ASSAU 516-759-0734 s0AIN-ANAGEMENT3UPPORT 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIPGOOD SAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARKINSONS3UPPORT 3MITHTOWN0ARKINSON4HERAPY#ENTER 3MITHTOWN-ETHODIST#HURCH3MITHTOWN s0ARKINSONS3UPPORT 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#AFETERIA s0ARKINSON$ISEASE3UPPORT 631-862-3560 LIAPDAORG s3LEEP!PNEA 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3LEEP$ISORDERS -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG 516-546-2333 s.!-)(UNTIGTON s.ICOTINE!NONYMOUS s.ATIONAL)NFERTILITY.ETWORK%XCHANGE.).% NICOTINEANONYMOUSORG 516-794-5772 Weight Loss s.EW-OTHERS'ROUP s"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARENTING3PECIAL.EEDSX s'REEN3EMINARS 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s-ENTAL)LLNESS&AMILY3UPPORT (%,0 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON -ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONOF.ASSAU#OUNTY MATHERHOSPITALORG s0ARENTING9OUNG#HILDREN (EMPSTEAD s0OST"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP -%2#9 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s-ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONIN3UFFOLK#OUNTY -ERCY-EDICAL#ENTER2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s0ARENTSOF!DULT#HILDREN7ITHA$EVELOPMENTAL$ISs/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS ,INDENHURST ABILITY *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MHASUFFOLKORG MATHERHOSPITALORG s-OOD$ISORDERS s/VERWEIGHT7OMEN s0ARENTSOF#HILDREN7ITH!UTISM MHASUFFOLKORG X s-OOD$ISORDER'ROUP Women’s Issues -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL/UTPATIENT#LINIC s,ESBIAN'ROUP MIYJCCORG "ALDWIN (ENRIETTA!COMPORA#OMMUNITY#ENTER"LUE0OINT s0ARENTSOF,ESBIANAND'AY#HILDREN s.ATIONAL!LLIANCEON-ENTAL)LLNESS.!-) s7).'37OMEN)N.ETWORK'IVING3UPPORT 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s0ARENTSOF3PECIAL.EEDS#HILDREN .!-),ONG)SLAND/LD"ETHPAGE $ARTMOUTH3T7ESTBURY X NAMIORG s7OMENS3ELF!WARENESS3ELF#AREAND3ELF2EALIZA&RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION TION s0ARENTSOF9OUNG#HILDREN"IRTHTO&IVE PFALICOM %$!#OUNSELING#ENTER7ESTBURY X s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION s7OMEN(EARTOF.ASSAU1UEENS &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE ,)*-EDICAL#ENTER.EW(YDE0ARK 0ARENTING2ESOURCE.ETWORKORG 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK s7OMEN(EARTOFTHE3OUTH3HORE s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS POSTPARTUM.9ORG 3OUTHSIDE(OPITAL.AYSHORE .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET s0OST4RAUMATIC3TRESS$ISORDER s7OMEN(EARTOF(UNTINGTON 631-271-3766 s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL 631-853-3033 PFALICOM 4HE(UNTINGTON(EART#ENTER(UNTINGTON s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUPX s2ELATIVESAND&RIENDSOFPERSONSWITHA-ENTAL)LLNESS -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG MHASUFFOLKORG s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS Miscellaneous s3TROKE3UPPORT .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL#OMMUNITY$RIVE s3UICIDE0REVENTION(OTLINE35)#)$% s!DOPTION(OTLINE .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET *##! %NTRANCE!PT-ANHASSET 0ARENTING&AMILY)SSUES s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL 631-853-3033 s3TROKE3URVIVORS#AREGIVERS s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION s$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITIES)NSTITUTE s0RISON&AMILIES!NONYMOUS 3MITHTOWNFAMILYSUPPORTSERVICES 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK #OMMUNITY0RESBYTERIAN#HURCH DDIINFOORG 0LAINVIEW(OSPITAL0LAINVIEW POSTPARTUM.9ORG $EER0ARK!VE$EER0ARK PFALIORG s'RANDPARENTS2AISING'RANDCHILDREN s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUPX 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER7OODMERE -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s,AWYER!SSISTANCE0ROGRAM,!0 888-408-6222 Mental Health !LL LISTINGS FOR 3UPPORT 'ROUP CONSIDERATION MUST BE s'REEN3EMINARS s,ONG)SLAND)NFANT$EVELOPMENTAL0ROGRAM s!NXIETYAND0ANIC'ROUP SUBMITTEDBYTHElRSTOFTHEMONTHFORTHEFOLLOWING MONTH .OVEMBER FOR $ECEMBER ISSUE BY EMAIL SUPPORT LIWOMANONLINECOM Laura Livov 310 Merrick Road Rockville Centre .OINFORMATIONWILLBEACCEPTEDBYTELEPHONE,ISTINGS 516-678-9400 AREPUBLISHEDONASPACEAVAILABLEBASIS Did you know that illness shows up in your energy s3TROKE4")#AREGIVERS'ROUP #OMMON'ROUND!LLIANCE0LAINVIEW Smoking Cessation COMMONGROUNDALLCOM s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY!#3 ORCANCERORG Integrated Systems of Healing skyathletic.com Mention Long Island Woman for a Free Month South Shore’s leading club for Women with over 100 Fitness Classes and Free Childcare WINNER 34r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rNovember 2013 before it manifests in the physical body? Get your energy balanced to relieve stress and improve health and well-being in your life. Contact Laura today! Eden Energy Medicine Quantum Biofeedback Past Life Regression 631-241-4507 [email protected] www.LauraLivov.com TAROT PSYCHIC-MEDIUM READINGS IN PERSON - BY PHONE AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES: 02)6!4%s"53).%33s#/20/2!4% 535)+!25.!2%)+)-!34%2 4%!#(%202!#4)4)/.%2 02)6!4%$)34!.#%3%33)/.3 #,!33%3/&&%2%$ PATRICIA BONO 516-922-7574 If you a support group listed in this guide no longer exists or has updated information, please email us at [email protected]. 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