www.liwomanonline.com June 2014 FREE exclusive interview with Jane Pauley on Reimagining the Rest of Your LIfe Women’s Health Update Meet the Health Professionals what to do June Calendar plus an extensive listing of Support Groups LOSE 20–40+ POUNDS IN 40 DAYS! Good Advice GUARANTEED! Cracking the Weight Loss Code LOSE THE WEIGHT… WHERE YOU WANT! LOOK & FEEL Sexy UÊÀ«ÊÎäÊ/Ê{äÊ*Õ`ÃÊÊ{äÊ>Þà UÊ "ÊÝiÀVÃiÊ ii`i` UÊ "Ê À>Û}ÃÊUÊ "ÊÕ}iÀ UÊ "ÊÀÕ}ÃÊUÊ "ÊÀià UÊÕÀÃÊ>ÌÊUÊ,>ÃiÃÊiÌ>Là UÊ*iÀ>iÌÊ7i} ÌÊÃà UÊ/>À}iÌÃÊiÞ]ÊÕ]Ê«Ã]Ê/ } à UÊVÌÀÊ-Õ«iÀÛÃi` For Safety & Results NEW BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY “I lost 55 pounds in just 2 months” $27 Pre-Evaluation (Regularly $150) VÕ`}ÊL`ÞÊV«ÃÌÊ>`ÊiÌ>LVÊ>}iÊ>ÃÃiÃÃiÌÊ>>ÞÃà LEARN ABOUT THIS UNIQUE FAT LOSS SYSTEM THAT IS CUSTOM PLANNED JUST FOR YOU! WATCH FREE VIDEO NOW AT www.lightenupjericho.com OR CALL US TODAY AT 8 5 5 - N Y FAT L O S S (693-285677) iÀV ½ÃÊ£ÃÌÊÕ>Ê ÕÌÞÊ7iiÃÃÊ>Þ Jericho’s first annual Community Wellness Day will be held on ->ÌÕÀ`>Þ]ÊÕiÊ£{ÊvÀÊ£ÓÊÌÊ{Ê«°° >ÌÊ*ÀiÕÊÃÌV]ÊÎÓxÊ °ÊÀ>`Ü>ÞÊÊiÀV Community Wellness Day will be presented by Dr. Ray Omid of Premium Holistic and the Hicksville Chamber of Commerce. The event is free for all ages. For info on how you can get involved contact Dr. Ray Omid @ 516-433-8720 or email: DrRayOmid@Gmail. com, or visit us on the web @ www.premiumholistic.com. advertisement 2r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2104 by Dr. Ray Omid I’ve struggled with my stored instead of used for energy. The weight my entire life. I high levels of stress today are causing spent four or five days people to release high levels of cortisol at the gym each week, which is also a fat storing hormone. during which time I Our Lighten Up Program detects all would spend 30 to 40 these imbalances and formulates the minutes on either the treadmill or the right nutritional support to deactivate elliptical machine. the fat storing hormones and activate When I realized that his approach of the fat burning hormones such as exercising more and eating less was not DHEA, thyroid hormone, etc. It is like effective, I tried a different approach. putting the break pedal on fat storing This new effort allowed me to lose hormones and the gas pedal on the fat 25 pounds in 40 days. Not only was it burning hormones. Most weight-loss EASY to do, but it was FUN!” programs are not individualized, which Because of my dramatic results, my is one reason that they do not work for patients began to say “Hey, Doc, what- everyone. Lighten Up Fat Loss System, ever you’re doing I want to do it, too.” on the other hand, creates a personalTo accommodate, I became one of ized program for each participant. This only six doctors in the world to offer system addresses the hormonal imbalthe Lighten Up Fat Loss System. This ances and is totally customized. No two doctor-supervised system involves no programs are identical. The best part is hunger, no cravings, no necessary ex- that we no longer need to guess what’s ercise, no drugs, and no prepackaged causing weight loss resistance. We foods to buy, all while allowing par- have advanced computerized technoloticipants to lose 20 to 40 gy called CERF that tests pounds in 40 days. Men 5,000 variables includtypically lose 35 to 45 We no longer need to ing toxins, minerals, and pounds, while women guess what’s causing hormones to determine typically lose 27 to 35 weight loss resistance. what’s out of balance pounds. We guarantee and how to bring it back you will lose at least 20 into balance. to 40 pounds in 40 days as long as you Dr. Omid‘s practice, Advanced and adhere to the program. Premium Holistic Healthcare, is located The system’s effectiveness lies in the at 325 North Broadway, Jericho. fact that each program is customized Call today and mention Long Island for the individual. This system balances Woman to receive a FREE pre-evaluafat burning hormones. All weight gain tion, which includes metabolic age ashas a hormonal component, and ev- sessment and/or nutritional assessment. eryone has different hormonal imbal- Call NOW 516-742-8885 to schedule ances. Because the American diet is so and see how we can help you. You can high in high fructose corn syrup, most also visit our website for more informapeople have imbalanced insulin levels, tion www.lightenupjericho.com. which are undetectable with a typical Dr. Ray Omid currently speaks at supblood test. Insulin is a fat storing hor- port groups, civic groups, libraries, placmone and releasing too much insulin es of worship, corporations, clubs, and causes weight gain. Also because of organizations. He speaks on a range of the xenoestrogens present in the food topics such as stress management, disand water supply, most people have es- ease prevention, the 100 year lifestyle trogen imbalances. Xenoestrogens are and much more. As a way of giving contained in dairy products, meat prod- back to the community Dr. Omid gives ucts as well as foods containing food these talks complimentary. To schedule additives and preservatives. Estrogen is Dr. Omid to speak at your next event a fat storing hormone and having high call the event coordinator Bessi at 917levels of xenoestrogens cause fat to be 747-2795. www.advancedholistic.com advertisement To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Good Advice Look and Feel Beautiful, Both Inside and Out by Stephen T. Greenberg, M.D. Diet and exercise are always the best ways to help stay healthy, but by supplementing smart lifestyle choices with cosmetic surgery procedures, you will look and feel beautiful, both inside and out. as well as reduce wrinkles and dark spots that come with aging. The spa also offers CoolSculpting®, a bodysculpting, fat-freezing, non-surgical procedure that reduces inches quickly around the abdomen. Patients see noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction in treated areas within two months. Through the use of state-of-the-art, high-tech equipment, I can get better results with less downtime. At my office we have perfected the mini-incision, rapid recovery 24-hour breast augmentation, and liposuction procedures in which most patients can resume normal activities and return to work the next day. Coupling techniques with less bruising and a shorter recovery time, we can achieve excellent results. We have also just introduced a new, noninvasive procedure called miraDry® to help relieve the moisture and odors for people bothered and embarrassed by underarm sweat. The miraDry procedure is done in the office noninvasively and delivers precisely controlled energy to the underarm region, completely eliminating the sweat glands. The procedure lasts about an hour and immediately results in a dramatic and lasting reduction of underarm sweat. There is minimal to no downtime following the procedure and patients should be able to return to normal activities or work immediately and can typically resume exercise within a few days. Ultimate Breasts, includes breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction – separately or in combination –for the most beautiful, natural-looking results. We now offer Sientra® cutting-edge “gummy bear” breast implants recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as the Mentor® Memorygel® Ultra High Breast Implants, which combines the highest available projection with an optimal fill volume.These new implants can provide patients (including women with thinner frames) with a fuller breast shape, a choice of different shapes and a more customized augmentation. Along with the new Mentor® Volume Sizing System and 3D Breast Imaging machine,we can more accurately provide the look and feel of what a patient’s breasts will look like after surgery and patients are reporting to be happier with their results. We are the first Cosmetic Surgery office on Long Island to offer Cellulaze, the first cellulite treatment clinically proven to permanently get rid of cellulite. It is the only minimally invasive laser procedure of its kind, delivering longer-lasting results after only one procedure. New technology has also helped to prefect mini facelift procedures, which are designed for a natural and quick lift to the face. We are the first Cosmetic Surgery office on Long Island to offer Cellulaze, the first cellulite treatment clinically proven to permanently get rid of cellulite. If childbirth has made some changes to your body that you would like to correct, a Mommy Makeover package provides the right combination of tummy tuck, liposuction, Cellulaze, breast lift or implants to transform you from “new mom” to “hot mom.” The surgical package is specifically designed to target the areas of the body most affected by pregnancy. Given that more and more women are having children later in life, their bodies do not always bounce back the way they might have at a younger age. We have also just introduced a new, noninvasive procedure called miraDry® to help relieve the moisture and odors for people bothered and embarrassed by underarm sweat. I am also happy to announce my laser inject program combining Botox® and filler injections, laser skin treatments with HydraFacial™ for the newest in facial rejuvenation. HydraFacial™ is the newest resurfacing procedure providing immediate results. Adding lasers to injections is effective in getting grid of lines and wrinkles, skin tightening, treating facial scars or areas of uneven pigmentation including brown spots. All three of these treatments together to the skin reduce the signs of aging and sun damage while providing a youthful, healthy glow. In addition to Cosmetic Surgeon in a Jar ™, my anti-aging skin care line, we have developed a new product line called Saige Skin Care. Saige products are designed to enhance skin tone while tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Both product lines were developed after years of intensive research to provide the ultimate anti-aging facial remedy. I offer complimentary consultations at my Woodbury, Southampton and Park Avenue offices. To schedule an appointment, you can call 516.364.4200 or email [email protected]. Visit my website at www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com. Aside from these procedures, we have many non-surgical options for facial and body rejuvenation. In our new high-tech Glisten skin and injection spa, we offer many of the latest facial and body procedures. These non-invasive procedures can help smooth and tighten the skin, COSMETIC PLASTIC SURGERY CALL FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION Woodbury Manhattan Southampton 516.364.4200 212.319.4999 631.287.4999 w w w. G r e e n b e r g C o s m e t i c S u r g e r y. c o m advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr3 June 2014 Volume 14 Number 1 Fairmont Le Château Montebello next issue July 2014 The LONG ISLAND WOMAN 2014/2015 Survival Guide ,i>}iÊUÊ,i`ÃVÛiÀÊUÊ,iÛiÌ ,iÃiÀÛiÊÞÕÀÊ>`ÊLÞÊ`>Þ]ÊÕiÊ x£ÈxäxäxxxÊÝ£ÊUÊ>`ÃJÜ>i°V 6 FYI/Picks 10 Book Corner The Great Escape PO Box 176, Malverne, NY 11565 516-505-0555 [email protected] www.liwomanonline.com 22 Getaway Montebello 24 Catching Up with Carol Flying High at the Cradle of Aviation 14 Health Women’s Health Update 26 Meet The Health Professionals 18 The Long Island Woman Interview 28 What to Do Jane Pauly 32 Support Groups Cracking the Weight Loss Code by Dr. Ray Omid I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life. I spent four or five days at the gym each week, during which time I would spend 30 to 40 minutes on either the treadmill or the elliptical machine. more on page 2 Subscriptions: One year (12 issues) – $30 liwomanonline.com/subscriptions.html Back Issues: liwomanonline.com/backissues.html ©Copyright 2014 by Long Island Woman. All rights reserved. No portion of Long Island Woman may be reproduced without permission. Long Island Woman is published monthly by Maraj, Inc. Good Advice Advice columns from Long Island Woman advertisers get your free e-subscription to the page-flip digital edition of Long Island Woman at www.liwomanonline.com Like Long Island Woman on F acebook Were You Born with the Wrong Nose? by H. Sasson, M.D., FACS If you are one of those people who feel that your nose doesn’t really fit with your other features, you’re not alone. The nose is the most common feature people want to change about their face. more on page 17 Look and Feel Beautiful, Both Inside and Out by Stephen T. Greenberg, M.D. Diet and exercise are always the best ways to help stay healthy, but by supplementing smart lifestyle choices with cosmetic surgery procedures, you will look and feel beautiful, both inside and out. more on page 3 Practicing “Safe-Sun” by Lisa LaPlante & Donna Marie Pollina Throughout the seasons and through rain or shine, our skin is being exposed to harmful rays from the sun. Years of exposure to the sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces. more on page 12 Facial Rejuvenation with Natural Results by Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS How do we slow down the effects of Father Time and Mother Nature and age gracefully? Diet, exercise and healthy living are a great start but sometimes a little extra ‘lift’ is needed to fully accomplish our goals. more on page 23 Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS Many of my patients come seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth; a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. more on page 5 Microfat Transfer by James C. Marotta, M.D., FACS In the past 15 years there has been a veritable revolution in the way that facial plastic surgeons think about facial aging. We used to think that facial aging was only about sagging tissues and gravity, but in reality that’s only half the problem. more on page 13 Breast Reduction Using The Lollipop Scar Technique by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS The weight of large breasts can cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large breasts get in the way of physical activities, such as running.. more on page 24 Non-Surgical Facelift Versus Minimally Invasive Hybrid Facelift by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS If you wish to improve your facial appearance, but are not ready to have surgery, there are new products and devices that can deliver a facelifted appearance without incisions. more on page 9 Get Ready for Summer with CoolSculpting® by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS CoolSculpting® a new non-surgical FDA-approved device that targets one of the most troublesome issues for many people— fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise. more on page 15 Osteoporosis by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu Osteoporosis is a bone disease that leads to decreased bone mineral density and increased risk for fractures. About 10 million Americans have osteoporosis (80% are women), and around 34 million are at risk for the disease. more on page 25 Getting the Body You Want by Hilton C. Adler, M.D., FACS New advances in body-contouring surgery now make it easier than ever to get the shape you want. There are also some non-surgical, non-invasive, body-contouring treatments. more on page 11 4r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 Do You Have Good Advice for Long Island Women? If you’d like information on how you can have your own Good Advice column, call the Long Island Woman advertising department at 516-505-0555 x2 or email [email protected] Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight and Hair Loss by Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., LAC Pain Management Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for pain relief. It promotes self-healing, and has no negative side effects. more on page 25 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN A Woman Knows… Cosmetic Surgery performed by a female surgeon, committed to the quality care of women SURGERY OF THE BREAST "REAST!UGMENTATIONs"REAST5PLIFT "REAST2EDUCTION,OLLIPOP3CAR SKIN CARE -ICRODERMABRASIONs#HEMICAL0EELS 2ESTYLANE*UVEDERMs"OTOX$YSPORT COSMETIC SURGERY &ACE.ECK,IFTs%YELID3URGERYs,IPOSUCTION 4UMMY4UCKs2EPAIROF4ORN%ARLOBES Summer Specials complimentary cosmetic consultation CHARLOTTE ANN RHEE, MD, FACS FOR#OSMETIC3URGERY0ROCEDURES "REAST!UGMENTATIONs,IPOSUCTION "OARD#ERTIlED0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON 631-424-6707 Call for Details www.liplasticsurgery.com Good Advice Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, MD, F.A.C.S., P.C. Many of my patients come to me seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth. Following childbirth, a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. A woman’s breast can actually lose volume and shrink, resulting in the breast appearing “deflated.” Additionally, a large number of women come to me seeking help with the post partum changes of their abdomen. During pregnancy the skin and abdominal wall muscles are stretched. Following childbirth, the abdomen can protrude and the skin can be loose or sag. In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be so weakened that the individual may look like she is still pregnant. Despite daily workouts including sit ups and crunches, a tummy tuck may be needed to restore these muscles. ing breast reduction. Both groups of women want to have breasts that are proportional to their body size with the most natural result possible. In certain situations, a breast lift is also needed to tighten lax skin. The laxity can be the result of pregnancy or weight loss. When a breast lift is needed, I utilize the lollipop scar technique. A breast lift procedure is very similar to a breast reduction. The only difference is that with a breast reduction, breast tissue is removed. Combined Breast/Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Procedures. Many of my patients who have breast surgery also have other procedures performed at the same time. This allows for one surgery and one recovery. The most common combined procedures performed by Dr. Rhee are breast surgery, whether it is a breast reduction or augmentation, combined with tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. For those patients Breast Reduction Many of my patients who desire breast augmentation together with a tummy tuck, I am able to place Women with very large pendulous breasts may experience varied medical the breast implants through the tummy tuck incision, leaving the breasts without who have breast problems including back and neck pain. Also, the weight of large breasts can any scars. cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large surgery also have other Liposuction is also commonly performed at the same time. Despite diet and breasts get in the way of physical activities such as running, making exercise exercise, certain areas of the body are prone to carry excess fat. For these areas, liprocedures performed and weight loss very difficult if not impossible. Breast reduction (reduction posuction can help. The most common areas for liposuction are the love handles at the same time. This (upper hip area) and thighs. mammaplasty), is a surgical procedure which makes breasts smaller. There are many different breast reduction techniques. The more traditional allows for one surgery Patients who have combined procedures do surprisingly well. In addition to method (inverted T-scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical, long horizontal having the benefit of just one recovery process, there can also be a significant and one recovery. scar (along the breast crease). “I utilize the Lejour technique, which leaves savings in price. the breast with a single vertical incision (lollipop scar) and, in my opinion, To learn more, please call our Huntington office to schedule a complimentawith a rounder more natural appearing breast and a better cosmetic result.” Breast reduc- ry consultation with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. Located at 257 E. Jericho Tpke., Huntington tions are performed as an outpatient procedure and are covered by insurance. Station. www.liplasticsurgery.com. Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Breast Augmentation Women who come to me seeking breast enlargement have very similar goals to those seek- breast surgery. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr5 fyi Creative Cups by Debbi Honorof Creative Cups What to Wear to a Wedding It’s that time of year again… get out your needle and thread, glue gun, fabric, beads, and paint. Creative Cups, the popular, life-affirming fundraising event of the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program, is back! Artists, breast cancer survivors and their friends and family members, and others have used originality and creativity to transform ordinary bras into works of art. Submitted creations must be received by October 15, 2014, to be included in the auction/gala (to be held on March 19, 2015 at Adelphi University). Those wishing to create a bra are encouraged to sign up early, as entrants will be limited to 200. Creative Cups™ celebrates the lives of those living with breast cancer and those who have been lost to this terrible disease. For more information, guidelines and to register, visit adelphi.edu/creative-cups or call 800-877-8077. Explore Your Roots Conjure up images of the Lower East Side of Manhattan and you probably imagine a crowded neighborhood teeming with immigrants, pushcarts and over-crowded tenements. That is certainly the historic notion of the area, as most newly-arrived immigrants were often directed to that neighborhood. Unless your ancestors came over on the Mayflower, chances are some of them Lower East Side Michael Feinstein at Tilles Center 6r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 information, visit lowwereastsideny.com. ended up on the Lower East Side. Rich in history and culture, structures that were present 100 years ago still stand, though some are empty or in disrepair. The area has undergone a gentrification in recent years, with many young people living in renovated brownstones, eating at a wide array of hip restaurants, shopping at the new Essex Street Market and visiting the Hester Street Fair. You can get amazing pickles (as well as pickled olives, carrots, tomatoes and more) at The Pickle Guys, buy homemade Italian cheeses at DiPalo (run by the same family for five generations) and dip across the street for dim sum in Chinatown. There are walking tours led by historian Joyce Gold (joycegoldhistorytours.com) and outstanding exhibits and programs offered by The Tenement Museum (tenement.org), including their “Shop Life” exhibit, where visitors can explore the immigrant businesses once located at 97 Orchard Street, where communities worked, shopped, celebrated and struggled for more than a century. The exhibit features a re-created 1870’s German beer saloon once run by John and Caroline Schneider, as well as an interactive “sales counter” where visitors select audio and visual media clips to explore the stories of turn-of-the-century kosher butchers Israel and Goldie Lustgarten, 1930s auctioneer Max Marcus, and 1970s undergarment discounters Frances and Sidney Meda. There is plenty to explore on the Lower East Side. For more It’s that time of year when wedding invitations arrive and you agonize over what the hosts really wants you to wear. According to Long Island fashion expert Marilyn Carminio, many weddings today are semi-formal and guests have more options than ever. What to wear is always a subjective matter, but weddings are special events with their own dress codes, which deserve careful consideration. The first rule of wedding guest attire is that it’s the bride’s special day, so women guests should avoid wearing white. Beautiful pastel dresses are appropriate for spring and summer, and while black dresses are acceptable cocktail attire, consider wearing midnight blue, silver grey or cocoa brown instead. Weddings are about having fun, so be sure to wear shoes comfortable enough that you can dance the night away. Here’s what NOT to wear to a wedding: clothes that are too skimpy, too tight, too short, or too low cut, denim, flip flops, loud prints, or sequins during the daytime, and avoid business attire that looks like you just stepped out of a boardroom. WWII D-Day Auction In observance of the 70th anniversary of D-Day in 1944, Bonhams will offer rare and historic WWIIrelated items on June 5 in New York. This special auction will cover WWII in all its complexity, featuring stirring artifacts from Europe, Africa and Asia, representing conflicts in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Legendary photographs, battlefield souvenirs, authentic weaponry, crucial machinery and documents signed by world leaders are among the auction’s highlights. The sale will preview at Bonhams from May 31 to June 5. Bonhams is located at 580 Madison Ave. (56-57 Streets) in Manhattan. For hours and appointments, call 212644-9001 or visit bonhams.com. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Forceful…Effective…Caring… divorce. The Law Offices of Robert B. Pollack, P.C. Rated “Superb” by Avvo.com* and recipient of it’s 2013 “Clients’ Choice” Award. *Nationally recognized lawyer rating website The Law Offices of Please see our website for more information and client reviews. Robert B. Pollack, P.C. 350 Jericho Tpke., Suite 105, Jericho (516) 938-3330 www.LIDivorceLaw.com Call for a Complimentary Consultation M EDICAL C ENTER for F E M ALE S EXUALITY It’s Not “Just in Your Head” The Medical Center for Female Sexuality is committed to helping women solve their sexual • OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION • When you’re missed on the greens due to an unfortunate injury or illness, let the experienced rehabilitative team at Broadlawn Manor’s Outpatient Rehabilitation Center get you back in the full-swing of life. 631-608-5630 www.broadlawn.org Autograph 800-510-9871 • Leading Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Program • Innovative Technology and Proven Treatments • Certified Vital Stimulation™ Therapy Provider • Centrally Located on the Nassau/Suffolk Border approach to resolving problems that have evolved recently, or those that have lingered for years. Call for information or to schedule an appointment 516-430-5300 Westchester 914-328-3700 Manhattan 646-839-0700 Long Island A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. www.centerforfemalesexuality.com Bat Sheva Marcus, LMSW, MPH, PhD, Clinical Director Cathleen Kneidl, RPA-C, Physician Assistant Rachel Hercman, LCSW, Sexuality Counselor We Care For People. www.centerforfemalesexuality.com 399 County Line Road Amityville, NY 11701 To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr7 fyi June Picks Event Pick Keiko Matsui Saturday, June 7 at 8 p.m. / iÊÕÌÊ iÌiÀÊUÊÎÇÊ7°Ê>Ê-Ì°]Ê>ÞÊ- Ài The talented jazz pianist has worked alongside musical legends like Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder, and Hugh Masakela and her unique melting pot of musical influences has garnered a devout international following. The first Japanese musician to top the Billboard Contemporary Jazz Charts, Ms. Matsui performs across the globe, but you can catch her right here on Long Island. For tickets, visit boultoncenter.org or call 631-969-1101. Book Pick Shouting Won’t Help: Why I–and 50 Million Other Americans–Can’t Hear You by Katherine Bouton The former New York Times editor and writer has had bilateral hearing loss since 1978 and recently received a cochlear implant. She will speak at a free event hosted by Advanced Hearing Center (AHC) in Albertson on Tuesday, June 3 at 2 p.m. at the Hillside Public Library, 155 Lakeville Rd. in New Hyde Park. The first 50 registrants who attend the program will receive a free autographed copy of Ms. Bouton’s book. Reservations can be made by calling AHC at 516-484-0811 Product Pick Chalkboard T-Shirt Restaurant Pick Porto Vivo ÇÊiÀ>À`Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]ÊÕÌ}Ì ÈΣÎnxn{nÈÊUÊ«ÀÌÛÛ°V Joy Mangano, famous for selling her unique products on HSN, is the proprietor of this elegant restaurant in downtown Huntington Village. Along with Executive Chef Joseph Balbo, Joy hopes that Porto Vivo will provide the ultimate epicurean experience for every guest that walks through the door. This fun product will bring out the child in you! Chalkboard t-shirts actually have a fabric chalkboard on the front of the shirt that you can draw on and then wipe off. They come in a bunch of different styles and even have a little pocket to hold the colored chalk that comes with each T-shirt. To order, visit chalkboardtee.com. App Pick EveryTrail is a free app that allows millions of people around the world to share travel experiences and road trips, sight-seeing tours, sailing, hiking, cycling, flying, skiing, and kayaking trips and more. When planning your next trip, use EveryTrail to discover where to go and what to do in some of the best places on earth. Available for iPhones and Androids. Meet This Long Island Woman Minerva Garcia Where did you grow up? I grew up in Manhattan and have been living in Port Washington for five years. Director of Human Resources, DDB Why do you enjoy living on Long Island? I appreciate the suburban lifestyle, where the sense of community and abundance of familyoriented activities make it a great place to raise my children. I don’t even mind the commute into NYC. I have access to all the amazing restaurants on Long Island, as well as lush areas in which to enjoy outdoor activities, including fishing, which is our favorite family activity. Tell us one special thing you would like others to know about you. I am a patient listener and provide sound advice. I am also writing a book about how women in the human resources field can brand themselves. Many women in HR are so immersed in helping others in their organization that they often neglect helping themselves. Tell us about your community involvement. I love to educate high school students about careers in advertising. I visit New York inner city high schools in which the students have not been exposed to career opportunities in advertising. I’ve created programs about the different types of jobs in the advertising field and we give the students real-world experience. In 2010, I received an industry award for my work. Based on your area of specialty, what is some 8r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 advice you would give to other women? My advice to women is simple: stay humble, be informed and reach back in order to reach forward. You must have vision, always be grounded and learn from your mistakes in order to grow. It is important to remember that nothing is built in one day. Keep your vision in mind and continue to work with it … let it excite you and continue to motivate you. Never stop sharing it with everyone else. Photo: Steven Taibbi If you’d like to be considered for Meet This Long Island Woman, please go to www.liwomanonline.com/mtliw to submit your information. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN WATCH DR. JACONO’S TV SHOW Facing Trauma on READ DR. JACONO’S NEW BOOK The Face of the Future, Look Natural, Not Plastic: Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Fellowship Trained/Dual Board Certified Now Offering $500 OFF* Non-Surgical Facelifts with Available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com PLASTIC SURGERY SEMINARS Minimally Invasive Trust Your Face to a Specialist Facial Plastic Surgery & Non-Surgical Treatments Date: Wednesday, June 25 Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. RSVP: (516) 773-4646 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 990 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10075 (516) 773-4646 (212) 570-2500 Reveal the real you with CoolSculpting® A non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes and naturally eliminates fat from your body. No needles, no surgery and best of all, no downtime. A Less-Invasive Approach to Enhance Your Beauty and Reverse Facial Aging ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS SAY GOODBYE TO STUBBORN FAT! INTRODUCING An ultrasound treatment to tighten, firm and LIFT your skin! AS SEEN ON THE DR. OZ SHOW! B OTOX ® C O S M E T I C SCULPTRA® AESTHETIC RESTYLANE JUVÉDERM® J U V É D E R M ® V OLUMA RADIESSE U LT H E R A ® FRAXEL LASER *Discount for full face treatment only. LASER GENESIS L A S E R H A I R R E M OVA L LASER VEIN THERAPY LIMELIGHT LASER M AT R I X C O 2 FRACTIONAL LASER PEARL LASER T I TA N L A S E R L O CAT E D O N T H E M I R A C L E M I L E 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 [email protected] www.JSpaMedSpa.com (516) 773-2424 www.newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com Good Advice Non-Surgical Facelift Versus Minimally Invasive Hybrid Facelift (Future Lift™): What are the Advantages of Each, and When Do You Do One Over the Other? by Andrew M. Jacono, MD If you wish to improve your facial appearance, but are not ready to have ten years, requiring less maintenance and treatment sessions than the non-invasive approach. surgery, there are new products and devices that can deliver a facelifted Additionally, the cost of maintaining your appearance with multiple non-surgical treatments will appearance without incisions. With advances in technology, today’s fa- actually cost more than a minimally invasive facelift. The results of non-surgical facial tightening cial plastic surgeons have new tools to help patients look great without and injections are more subtle, so that those with more severe aging such as heavy jowls and surgery. As with all treatments there are advantages, disadvantages and a “Turkey Waddle” may not see enough of an improvement. This is when surgery becomes a limitations. better choice. I have gotten excellent results when combining two treatments, UltheThe most state-of-the-art facelift is a hybrid technique that I created called the Future Lift™. It rapy® and a new injectable product called Juvederm VOLUMA™ XC. As fuses the optimal features of older-generation, short-incision “mini” facelifts with deep plane we age two things happen to our face, it becomes loose along the jawline and neck creating facelifts. Hybrid facelifts yield superior, natural looking results with minimal scarring and a shortjowls, and our face loses volume and deflates causing flattening and drooping of the cheeks. er recovery (7-10 days). In addition, this lift restores volume to the cheekbones and smoothes Juvederm VOLUMA™ XC adds back the natural volume in the cheeks lifting them, and Ulthe- nasolabial folds, resulting in a youthful, beautiful, heart-shaped face and authentic result that rapy® lifts the hanging neck and jowls. does not appear tight or “overdone.” For years, my patients have had Ultherapy® is a non-surgical treatment for lifting and tightening the to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid facelifts, The most state-of-the-art facelift they get the best of both. jawline, neck and face. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes, requires no downtime, (no bruising or swelling) and results occur gradually over 2-3 The Future Lift™ uses a short incision, lifting the facial tissue and muscles is a hybrid technique that I simultaneously. This creates a softer look as the lift comes from undermonths. Unlike other non-surgical procedures, Ultherapy® is able to treat not only the skin itself, but the facial and neck muscles below the created called the Future Lift™. neath the muscles, unlike traditional mini-lifts that peel back the skin and skin that are addressed in surgery. I tell my patients that there is usually stretch it creating a tight or pulled look. It delivers best-in-class results, ofbetween a 25% and 30% tightening effect that requires only 1 treatfering longer-lasting results as well. The standard lifetime of a “mini lift” is ment session. The results of the treatment last approximately 3 years, and can be repeated. The between three to five years, but with newer hybrid facelifts results typically last 10 to 12 years. Just disadvantage to Ultherapy® is it cannot tighten all of the laxity of the face as surgery does. like a “mini facelift,” The Future Lift™ can be performed under local anesthesia in about an hour Juvederm VOLUMA™ XC is an injectable gel, the first and only filler FDA-approved to instantly and a half. General anesthesia is not necessary, making this a safe procedure as well. add volume to the cheek area that deflates with age. It is made of Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally To learn more, please call our New York or Great Neck offices at 212-570-2500 or 516-773occurring, hydrating substance that is found in your skin. As you age, you start to lose HA, 4646, or visit us at www.NewYorkFacialPlasticSurgery.com. casusig the skin to lose structure and volume. It is injected into the cheek region in a procedure Dr. Andrew Jacono is a Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. He is that takes just minutes. It gives you a subtle lift, helping to restore contour and a more youthful Section Head of the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at North Shore University Hospital profile, for up to 2 years. and an Assistant Professor of Facial Plastic Surgery at New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and AlSo when is a minimally invasive facelift the best option? Surgical results last usually around bert Einstein College of Medicine advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr9 Book Corner by Debbi Honorof The Great Escape O ver the last several years, a slew of memoirs by women escaping from their “real” lives to pursue searches–for self-discovery, for inner peace, for happiness–have lined the shelves in bookstores, and some of them have shot of to the top of the bestseller lists. The prime example is Elizabeth Gilbert’s smashing bestseller Eat, Pray, Love. When I picked up Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love in hardcover, very few people I knew had read the book or had even heard about it. When the book came out in paperback, it became a phenomenon. It climbed to the top of the New York Times non-fiction paperback list, and Oprah featured the author and book on her program. When she was thirty-one, Elizabeth Gilbert fell apart emotionally. Stuck in a loveless marriage, suffering from depression, and feeling at the end of her rope, she decided to spend a year traveling to three exotic locations. What emerges is a compelling and brutally honest account of the author’s journey in search of eating (in Italy, of course), praying (at an Ashram in India), and balance (with a “medicine man” in Indonesia). The “love” in the title comes from the unexpected result of finding her soulmate in Indonesia. Another fascinating and beautifully written book about a woman’s global journey is Alice Steinbach’s For those Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman. The authors’ experiences include learning to cook at The Ritz in of us who Paris, learning traditional Japanese arts in Kyoto, learning cannot put Border collie training in Scotland, and learning about art and architecture in Cuba. Ms. Steinbach not only learned many our “real” wonderful skills, but just as important, she learned to slow down and appreciate the moment. “The thing I would miss lives on hold most was this: the way the act of cooking forced you to live to travel in the present tense, something I often forgot or was unable to do.” The author allows us to tag along on her personal to exotic journey, revealing her innermost thoughts as she combines locations, her three passions: learning, traveling and writing. In A Year by the Sea, author Joan Anderson takes a year off we can from her busy life and tired marriage, retreats to her family certainly live cottage in Cape Cod to re-examine her priorities, nurture and revitalize herself, and decide what direction to take with her vicariously “unfinished” life. During the year, much of it spent in selfmeditation, Joan realizes that she has many options and posthrough sibilities. She meets and learns from intriguing new friends, these gifted including Joan Erickson, the widow of the world-renowned psychologist Erik Erikson, who is a constant source of inspirawriters. tion. “Vital lives are about action,” Joan Erickson tells me. 10r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 “You can’t feel warmth unless you create it, can’t feel delight unless you play, can’t know serendipity unless you risk.” I’m trying to bring more of the spontaneous beach back to the cottage and incorporate into my everyday life. In May Sarton’s 1977 classic The House by the Sea, the author moves from her New Hampshire home to a cottage on the Maine seacoast. Suffering from depression and writer’s block, she believes the move to such a magnificent setting will reawaken her passion, but it takes a while for her enthusiasm to return. Although overwhelmingly lonely at times, Ms. Sarton learns to appreciate the solitude. “Solitude, like a long love, deepens with time, and, I trust, will not fail me if my own powers of creation diminish.” Through her exquisite writing, we as readers experience the house by the sea almost as if we were there with her. “It is beautiful up here in my study in the afternoons, the sky over the sea reflecting the sunset and the great arc of the ocean all around me, In the mornings I have to pull the curtains, for the light dazzles.” For those of us who cannot put our “real” lives on hold to travel to exotic locations, we can certainly live vicariously through these gifted writers. At the very least, we can pick up some inspirational pointers about making the most of every day. ● Elizabeth Gilbert Brenda’s Book Briefs Momfriends by Ariella Papa Every once in a while, you read a book and it so encapsulates everything you’re feeling, everything you’ve been through, that you’d swear the author was inside your head. That’s how I felt about Momfriends (Papa Mike Publishing 2010) by Ariella Papa. Momfriends is the story of Ruth, a new mom living in Brooklyn with her colicky baby. Ruth is new to the motherhood game, and in desperate need of some help and guidance. Enter Earth mother artist, Kirsten, and overachiever working mom, Claudia, who befriend Ruth. They are just what Ruth needs—Momfriends who have been there before, who can help her navigate what’s ahead. What I loved about Momfriends is how honestly Papa tackles new motherhood. Those feelings of fear, worry, dread. Papa doesn’t shy away from any of the real stuff. Read Momfriends and you’ll find yourself feeling like you’ve got some new Momfriends of your own! Brenda Janowitz To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] 475:9=-3=%(7<2,=)#,=&%-'* '5<+$<9=&3=-:00;2:,=)#,=&%-'* <99<5$=-3=9<<66",=)#,=&%-'* '9<;9;=<740,=)# !)('*+"%&)'*+&#!) ($+&#)'* ##!)"#&+"%&)'*+*) ($+&( 8=2<;65=%/1<95;54:96 8=/11"=/06 8=&;04;7=</<9;54:9 8= 4+:6/054:9 8=)494 456 8=;9(=1:2< 8=-::760/7+549 8=75$<2;+" 8= ;6<2=;42=<1:;7 8=<7;6$;+<= *+ 8==========:7/1;=. . . 8=:5: 8=<65"7;9< 8=/<(<21 8=<27;9< 8=;9(=1:2< . . . . "$)*%'(!+ "%&#$'(')"%& (!*!*)' )%(% )% TUMMY TUCK SPECIAL! "%'$+&* )($& • RAPID RECOVERY! LIMITED . 8,995 $ SPECIAL PRICING! * !3!3 ***36/:7+7;65406/2<:930:1 • MINIMAL SCARRING • VIRTUALLY PAINLESS COMPLETE TIME OFFER! !3!3 ***36+;<77<1<;(<30:1 +*$$*+*(*+++*'(#*'++ Good Advice Getting the Body You Want: Understanding Body-Contouring Treatments by Hilton C. Adler, M.D., FACS New advances in body-contouring surgery now make it easier than or awake sedation administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist. Liposuction offers ever to get the shape you want. There are also some non-surgical, rapid recovery and minimal incisions with virtually no scarring. non-invasive, body-contouring treatments for patients who qualify. What traditional surgical body-contouring procedures are offered? Many people… including men and women who have lost a significant amount of weight, So how do you know what’s best for you? A thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon about the different options is the or women who have gained weight or lost muscle tone due to pregnancy… can benefit best way to get your questions answered, ensure you make the right from either a mini-or a full- “tummy tuck” to enhance abdominal contours. “Tummy tuck”, or abdominoplasty, is performed under general anesthesia, and not only surgically removes decision, and get the results you want. excess skin and fat, but also tightens abdominal muscles distorted by pregnancy or other What non-invasive body-contouring procedures are available? While traditional surgical techniques like tummy tuck and liposuction are still widely factors, resulting in a firmer, attractive belly. These procedures are often performed at a discount when done in combination with Liposuction, breast lifts or breast utilized, many patients now qualify for non-invasive modalities such as augmentations. New advances allow for smaller incisions, less scarring, CoolSculpting™. This revolutionary, FDA-approved treatment freezes stubborn fat, usually in one treatment session, which is then naturally Looking to lose the and quicker recoveries. We offer the biggest breakthrough in pain-free surgery… new long-acting anesthetic medication that’s placed during eliminated from the body. The results are permanent and often dramatic. Looking to lose the “love handles” or get “thigh gap”? Well, this treatment “love handles” or get surgery to make your first few days of recovery comfortable and virtually painless! Our patients are often back to work in a few days. specifically targets the abdomen (belly), hips, flank, and inner thighs and “thigh gap”? the gradual reduction in contours is ongoing with the most noticeable Is there anything you can do for men? The plastic surgery options and non-invasive treatments just discussed are reduction being at approximately the three month mark. The treatment is not painful and is generally well-tolerated. There are no needles, anesthesia, or down-time. also widely used by men who want to look their best and want their old confidence back. Each region requires approximately one hour of treatment, during which you can watch TV, In addition to CoolSculpting™, liposuction, and abdominoplasty, we offer Gynecomastia read or even nap. surgery to men troubled by the appearance of their chest due to enlarged breasts. This What minimally-invasive body-contouring procedures are available? confidence-boosting procedure, done under anesthesia, results in normal contours and is One of the most popular procedures for those patients with more prominent body- virtually scarless. Down-time is minimal as well. contouring needs is advanced power-assisted Liposuction to remove fat from diet-resistant For more information on our many surgical and non-invasive treatment options, our special areas of the body and permanently shape attractive contours. Lipo is usually an office-based promotions, Care Credit financing, or to schedule a complimentary consultation, please call procedure done in our on-site, fully-accredited surgical suite, with either general anesthesia 631-751-4400 or visit suffolkplasticsurgeon.com advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr11 Get your Skin 5HDG\Iè Summer! featuring Lisa LaPlante & Donna Marie Pollina New York State Licensed Estheticians ÝFacials Ý:ULQNOH5HGXFWLRQ Ý$QWL$JLQJ Hand Treatments Ý/DVHU+DLU 5HPRYDO Ý0LFURGHUPDEUDVLRQ Ý*O\FROLF3HHOV DWWKHPHGLFDORIßFHRI Dr. Donna A. Serure, Dermatology, P.C. (631) 979-0909 to schedule a consultation 327 Middle Country Road, Smithtown www.laserderm.com Good Advice Practicing “Safe-Sun” by Lisa LaPlante and Donna Marie Pollina, N.Y. State Licensed Estheticians With summer age. Applying sunscreen 30 minutes right around the before sun exposure allows the skin corner it is es- to absorb it and create a temporary sential to make protective barrier. As a general rule, sure that before sunscreen should be reapplied every hitting the beach 2 hours. If you are outside doing any you remember activities where you may sweat or are Lisa LaPlante & Donna Marie Pollina to use sunscreen playing in the water, a waterproof with an SPF of at least 30 or higher. sunscreen should be used. Our skin is a direct reflection of Throughout the seahow we care for oursons and through rain Our skin is a direct selves. Your esthetician or shine, our skin is bereflection of how we can offer some great ing exposed to harmcare for ourselves. summer skin hygiene ful rays from the sun. protection & moisturizYears of exposure to the sun causes most of the wrinkles and ing techniques. Be sure you practice age spots on our faces. It even ac- “Safe- Sun” and take the necessary celerates the rate at which our skin steps to protect your skin everyday. Lisa LaPlante & Donna Marie Pollina ages, and worst of all, increases the risks of developing skin cancer. While are New York State Licensed Esthetithe damage to your skin caused by cians at Laserderm Dermatology lothe sun’s harmful rays might not cated at 327 Middle Country Road. be noticeable while we’re young, it Smithtown, NY. Call (631) 979-0909 definitely shows-up later in life as we to schedule a winter warm-up today! advertisement With dignity, compassion and respect since 1882. Be Lifted South Oaks Hospital Our highly regarded facility helps children, adolescents, adults and senior adults overcome the devastating effects of acute mental illness, chemical dependency and substance abuse. Our expert-level multidisciplinary healthcare team continually develops advanced treatment methods that become best practices in the healthcare industry. Reach out and we’ll be there. Call us today. • Child & Adolescent Center of Excellence º Children: Inpatient º Adolescent: Inpatient and Partial Hospitalization • Career & Educational Counseling Center º Vocational rehabilitation and career guidance • Senior Adult Inpatient Services • C.A.R.E. - Challenge Activities Ropes Experience º Project C.A.R.E.: Child & adolescent adventure experience. Summer camp open to community. º Corporate C.A.R.E.: Team-building adventure workshops Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. • Adult Services: Mental Health, Crisis Intervention and Addiction Recovery º Inpatient º Partial Hospitalization º Outpatient Ultherapy – CoolSculpting – Invisilift – Botox – Dysport – Restylane – Lashes MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting – Endermologie – Facials – Painless Laser Hair Removal A Member of the North Shore-LIJ Health System. Conveniently located on Nassau/Suffolk border. Most Insurances Accepted. Medicare and Managed Medicaid. "/.$3435)4%'2%!4.%#+ssWWWAESTHETICASSOCIATESCOM 12r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2104 400 Sunrise Highway, Amityville, NY 11701 • www.South-Oaks.org • (631) 608-5610 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN The latest addition to our award-winning facial plastic surgery practice . . . a state-of-the-art medical spa ✤ j AESTHETICS &LASER Microdermabrasion Chemical Peel Silk Peel Photofacial Hair Removal Ultherapy Non-Surgical Facelift Vascular & Rosacea Laser Treatments Medical-Grade Skin Care Products Your Face ... OurSpecialty Mineral Makeup James C. Marotta, MD FACS 20% OFF Medical Director 895 West Jericho Tpke Smithtown ✤ * Infuse Your Skin with a SilkPeel *Must be purchased & performed by 6/30/14. Not redeemable for cash value. Non-transferable. Cannot be combined with any other discount except RAF & VIP programs. 631-982-2022 j MarottaAestheticsandLaser.com Good Advice The Latest Advance In Facial Plastic Surgery: Microfat Transfer by James C. Marotta MD, FACS In the past 15 years there has been a veritable revolution in the the fat back?” That’s exactly what we do through a procedure called Facial Microfat way that facial plastic surgeons think about facial aging. We used Transfer. In this procedure, fat is gently liposuctioned through a small needle hole, to think that facial aging was only about sagging tissues and grav- typically from the abdomen but possibly also the inner or outer thighs. The fat is ity, but in reality that’s only half the problem. The other major processed to increase its survival and is made to function essentially as a transplant of tiny (micro) fat droplets. The fat is then injected into the face to refill the natural contributor to looking old is the loss of facial fat. fat pads under the eyes and in the cheeks, brows, and temples. It can also be used to FACIAL AGING - LOSING FACIAL FAT Unlike other parts of the body which seem to get heavier as we fill in smile lines and help a sagging jawline. Fat is injected wherever needed to help age, the face actually loses fat in its natural “fat pads.” Think reverse the process of facial aging. The ability to restore lost volume to the face with Microfat Transfer is arguably the greatest advance in facial plastic about the face of a baby versus that of a 90 year old. The baby’s surgery in 15 years. face is pleasingly plump and cherubic. It has “baby fat.” The 90 Microfat Transfer, when Interested, but you still have some questions? Here are answers year old’s face, on the other hand, is characteristically drawn and to the most common questions I get about Microfat Transfers: gaunt. Some elderly faces appear skeleton-like, with loss of fat in done utilizing the latest 1. Will I have a “fat” face? No just enough fat is injected to rethe temples, under the eyes, and in the cheeks. An excellent analtechniques, lasts for years store the amount you lost in the aging process. ogy I’ve heard is that when we’re born, we’re like grapes, with 2. Does it last? Microfat Transfer, when done utilizing the latest nice taught skin around a full center. But as we age, we lose our just like other facial surgery. techniques, lasts for years just like other facial surgery. “stuffing” and turn into shriveled raisins. 3. Is it smooth? Yes. The droplets of fat are tiny (“micro”) and, when injected, are Though the process of losing facial fat is gradual and slow, it unfortunately starts very early - beginning in the mid to late 20s and continuing throughout life. I com- smooth and undetectable. 4. Does that mean I won’t need an eye, face, cheek or brow lift? That depends on monly see patients in their late 20s/early 30s who complain of looking tired or of “dark” circles under their eyes. These patients are noticing the very early changes in the patient. Some patient’s facial aging can be improved with fat injections alone. facial fat. It begins with loss of fat volume around the eyes in the 20s, progressing to When necessary, lifting procedures can be combined with fat injections to achieve even better results because both the loss of facial fat and sagging that cause facial the cheeks in the 30s - 50s, and finally to the brows and temples typically after 50. aging are improved. SOLVING THE PROBLEM - RESTORING VOLUME Visit www.MarottaMD.com to learn more! You may think, “If facial aging is about losing fat in our facial fat pads, why not add advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr13 Health by Joanna Pompilio Women’s Health Update What Does Your Waistline Say About Your Health? Women are likely to gain excess belly weight as they go through perimenopause and menopause. Due to the drop in estrogen levels, body fat moves from the hips, thighs and buttocks where is used to be stored as fuel for breastfeeding, to the abdomen. This excess fat around the middle, leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer as well as other serious health issues. “Fat is an active tissue, not just an energy bank. It produces chemicals that modify metabolism of fats and sugars, and inflammation,” describes Susan Davis, Professor Susan Davis from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and International Menopause Society Board Excess fat around Member. “Estrogen acts at the cellular level to keep a break on the production of some of the detrimental the middle, chemicals made in abdominal fat tissue. When estrogen leads to an levels fall, this break is released, more fat accumulates and more detrimental chemicals are made.” increased risk of Weight is determined by the balance of calories with energy burned. Eating too much and exercising too little cardiovascular will cause weight gain. As women age, however, muscle disease, Type mass is reduced and fat production increases, therefore even exercise cannot combat this issue. 2 diabetes, Belly fat is troublesome because it is not just the extra colorectal cancer layer of fat called subcutaneous fat, below the skin. Belly fat also includes visceral fat, which is deep inside the abas well as other domen surrounding the internal organs. serious health “Increased abdominal or “belly” fat results in a change of metabolism, increasing the likelihood of high blood issues. sugar and then diabetes, high blood pressure, increased 14r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 blood fats and increased heart disease risk. Increased abdominal fat also increases the risks for breast and colon cancer, dementia, depression and sexual dysfunction,” describes Davis. How Your Period Affects Asthma Attacks Women diagnosed with asthma may not realize that their menstrual cycle and female hormones are actually triggers that affect the frequency of asthma attacks. Shifting hormone levels can impact the state of their airways. “The mechanisms of perimenstrual asthma are not completely understood,” emphasizes Dr. Chitra Rao Natalie, an allergist an immunologist. “We know there are many hormonal and non-hormonal changes prior to the onset of menses that lead to complex changes in the lungs of asthmatics and this affects some women more than others.” Most women living with asthma are conscious of the seasons and specific allergies that might trigger their symptoms. However, many women may not realize their menstrual cycle can affect the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. When estrogen levels fluctuate, they can activate proteins that produce an inflammatory response which can bring on an asthma attack. The two key hormones involved in the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen in the body increases prior to the onset of menstruation, while progesterone increases around the time of ovulation which occurs mid-cycle; but the relationship is much more complex and these hormones likely fluctuate in the lung airways and exert different effects than in other areas. The current data is limited and further studies are required to describe this relationship, according to Dr. Natalie. For those living with chronic asthma, working closely with a physician to decipher the body’s hormonal pattern may help alleviate the frequency and severity of asthma attacks during menstruation. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Attentive Compassionate OB Gyn Care Family Planning Fertility Concerns and Consultation State of the Art Ultrasonography Menopausal Treatment Uro-Gyn Hi-Risk OB COME MEET OUR EXCELLENT TEAM OF PROVIDERS AND STAFF 1476 Deer Park Ave., North Babylon 444 Merrick Rd #LL3, Lynbrook 631-462-1184 516-536-5656 www.winthropwcca.com Mon.- Fri. and Evening Hours Most Insurances Accepted Good Advice Get Ready for Summer with CoolSculpting® to Non-Surgically Reduce Stubborn Areas of Fat on Your Body by Andrew M. Jacono, MD CoolSculpting® permanently removes fat cells. Every person is born with a cerI see many clients who are at an ideal weight, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet, yet are bothered by spot deposits tain number of fat cells; once the cells are removed from the body, they do not of fat that won’t disappear, despite all their efforts. CoolSculpt- return. This principle is also an important part of why CoolSculpting® is effective at ing® is a new non-surgical FDA-approved device that targets one reducing fat bulges. Though CoolSculpting® can produce body sculpting results that are in some ways of the most troublesome issues for many people—bulges of fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise. It is completely non-surgical, similar to liposuction surgery, CoolSculpting® treatment takes only an hour per treatnon-invasive, and permanently reduces fat in problem areas such ment area, with virtually no downtime, no need for anesthesia, and optimal results are seen several months after treatment. It is designed for modas: the abdomen, love handles, saddle bags, and inner thighs. est fat bulges; liposuction may be preferable for those who The secret of success behind CoolSculpting® is a proprietary CoolSculpting® treatment takes have fat deposits in areas where CoolSculpting® can’t reach, or technology called Cryolipolysis®. Researchers at the teaching afonly an hour per treatment area, patients who need more dramatic results. Although liposuction filiate of Harvard Medical School discovered that fat cells could can be used to make more specific changes in body contour, be targeted with extreme cold to induce lipolysis, the breaking with virtually no downtime, no down of fat cells. The temperature at which the cooling takes need for anesthesia, and optimal it is an invasive procedure with a moderate recovery period. A board certified plastic surgeon can help someone identify which place is the key to the technology, because fat cells are more results are seen several months treatment is best suited for his or her needs and aesthetic goals. sensitive to cold than surrounding tissue; under tightly controlled after treatment. Our patients are thrilled with their results from CoolSculptconditions, fat cells can be frozen while other tissue, including ing® and we’re pleased to offer them a non-surgical approach surface skin, is left unharmed. Because of this, it is advancement over other methods of fat reduction that use intense heat, focused ultrasound, backed by solid science and technological innovation. Andrew Jacono, MD, FACS is the Medical Director of JSPA- a 12,000 square foot or chemical injections. This fundamental difference is important because it virtually Medical Day Spa and surgery center located on the Gold Coast of Long Island on eliminates any risk of skin, nerves, or muscles being damaged during the treatment. Another benefit to CoolSculpting® is that the targeted fat cells are destroyed by a pro- Northern Boulevard in Great Neck. JSPA focuses on non-surgical and non-invasive cess called Apoptosis-a natural and controlled cell death that does not involve inflam- procedures to enhance and improve your appearance. For more information about mation; unlike necrosis, which is a form of cell death that results from injury. After treat- CoolSculpting® or other treatments available at JSPA, visit www.jspamedspa.com or call (516)773-2424. ment, the crystallized fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body’s immune system. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr15 Health Women and Heart Attack Symptoms A recent study in JAMA Internal Medicine has shown there are significant differences between the heart attack symptoms of men and women. Women experience less obvious symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, nausea, indigestion, cold sweats, fatigue and jaw pain. The hallmark of heart attacks – chest pain – is more likely to be felt by men than women. Due to their inclination to dismiss symptoms, women are 52 percent more likely than men to have at least 15-minute delays in treatment for heart attack-related 911 calls, according to research published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Heart disease is the number one killer of women, which is why it is imperative that women learn the warning signs and symptoms, regularly see a doctor and are aware of their family history. These subtle signs can be deadly, especially if the victim does not receive immediate help. Women often dismiss symptoms to less life threatening conditions such as acid reflux, the flu or aging. Birth control About 435,000 American women have heart attacks pills and each year, and while 42 percent of women who have them die within one year, only 24 percent of men die menopause within one year of suffering a heart attack, according to raise the risk of the Women’s Heart Foundation. Estrogen promotes cardiovascular health by keeping coronary heart blood vessels flexible so that they can relax and expand disease. to accommodate blood flow. During menopause, how- A Whole Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle! ATKINS WELLNESS SOLUTIONS Integrating Homeopathic, Botanical and Nutritional Medicine ever, estrogen levels drop, raising women’s risk of heart disease. The level of fats in the bloodstream increases while the walls of the blood vessels collect an increased level of plaque. Heart Disease: The Silent Killer In the United States, 1 in 4 women die from heart disease. The most common type of heart disease is coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States. Other types of heart disease, such as coronary microvascular disease (MVD) and broken heart syndrome, also pose a risk for women. These disorders, which mainly affect women, are not as well understood as CHD. Women have similar CHD risk factors as men. Some risk factors may affect women differently than men. Diabetes raises the risk of CHD in women, as opposed to their male counterparts. Additional risk factors, such as birth control pills and menopause, only affect women. There are controllable risk factors that can help reduce the risk of contracting heart disease. Smoking is the most powerful risk factor that both women and men can control. Smoking tobacco or long term exposure to secondhand smoke raises the risk of CHD and heart attack via the exposure to carbon monoxide. Regular exercise also helps combat CHD. A lack of physical activity can worsen other CHD risk factors, such as high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, diabetes and prediabetes, and overweight and obesity. ● WHITEN & BRIGHTEN YOUR SMILE FOR THE SUMMER SEASON! COMPLIMENTARY 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION TO DETERMINE THE BEST METHOD SUITED FOR YOU! We specialize in and create programs for: U ÕÃÌÊi«>Ì VÊ,ii`ià U"«Ì>Ê ÕÌÀÌÊEÊi>Ì ÞÊ}} U7i} ÌÊEÊ iÃÌiÀÊ>>}iiÌ U ÕÌÀÌ>Ê-Õ««ÀÌÊÌÊ} ÌÊ >ViÀ UiÌÝwV>Ì U}iÃÌÛiÊÃÃÕià U`Ê-iÃÌÛÌiÃo>`ÊÀi ÕÊ`ÞÊ /,",*9 Non-invasive alternative to mammography without radiation Dr. Stephen Atkins “Good nutrition is not an alternative therapy, it is a fundamental part of health.” ÕÀÃÊLÞÊ>««ÌiÌÊUÊÈΣ{ÇäÓ{ÊUÊÌÃ7iiÃðV ÇxÊ*ÀëiVÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê-ÕÌiÊ££{]ÊÕÌ}Ì]Ê 9Ê££Ç{Î Free Yourself from aÚ4ÜÐåvÓÚìÜÚ¬¬lÚJ¨lÚE¬åÐÚ¬lîÚ aÚ¬ìÚ4vÓÜvv£ aÚ4vvvJܨÚvJë¬ÐÓÚ aÚv»ÐvÓÓ¬¨Ú¬ÐÚ¨ívÜî 30 Years of Successes Randi Realson, LCSW, PhD 1 Great Neck Road, Suite #1, Great Neck 516-487-3981 visit me at: www.drrandirealson.com 16r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 You Deserve a Healthy Smile! For over 20 years the Golden Dental Wellness Center has been an oasis in healthcare, treating every aspect of oral health using an array of noninvasive diagnostic tools with a holistic approach s3AFE-ERCURY2EMOVAL s:IRCONIA)MPLANTS s7ATERLASE,ASER s#%2%#$ sAnd more… Linda J. Golden, D.D.S. 444 Community Drive, Suite 204, ¼ mile north of the LIE (495), Manhasset 516-627-8400 s www.goldensmile.com s [email protected] To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Good Advice Were You Born With The Wrong Nose? by H. Sasson, MD, FACS There are many kinds of nose surgeries: surgery done strictly for about ethnicity? The much-favored “Aryan nose” on a face with the kind of ethnic functional reasons – to make it easier for you to breathe comfortably background that contradicts it will not always look good. It is the expertise of the – and surgery done for cosmetic reasons. In this column I’d like to plastic surgeon that does come into play to sculpt the nose that fits you best. talk about aesthetic nose surgery. Who is a good candidate for nasal surgery? If you are one of those people who feel that your nose doesn’t A good candidate is anyone who is in good health and would like to change the really fit with your other features, you’re not alone. The nose is the way their nose looks. You may also suffer from breathing problems or a nose that most common feature people want to change about their face. was broken. In the past, nasal surgery was strictly for the young women or teenagers who were unhappy with their nose. Today, women and men of all ages undergo nose Centrally Located– After all, your nose is right in the middle of your face. If it’s hooked, surgery and are very satisfied with their new and improved looks. Men too large, too small or with enlarged nostrils, it brings down your used to think that with nose surgery they may look too feminine. Male The nose is the most entire face. It can rob your eyes and your lips of their innate beauty. aesthetics require different criteria than those applied to women and a Transforming an ordinary face into a face that you can’t stop looking at common feature people well-sculpted male nose can be aesthetically appealing without looking is the key to a good nose surgery. want to change about feminine. In fact, in both men and women, nose surgery is the most Finding the Exact Right Nose for You– common type of plastic surgery done on the face, and the one most their face. During a consultation, you and your plastic surgeon will talk about the associated with highest patient satisfaction. nose that would perfectly complement your other features. S/he will When you entrust your face to an experienced, board-certified plastic listen to your concerns and apply his/her expertise to your situation. An experienced surgeon, you can dismiss nightmare scenarios of badly-done noses. Never let the surgeon who has done many nasal surgeries will have the aesthetic sense that has fear of bad results keep you from getting the natural, beautiful results a competent been honed over the years. S/he can tell from looking at you how your face would be surgeon can give you. affected by a more refined bridge, better-shaped nostrils, better proportions, and so on. Dr. Sasson is a board certified plastic surgeon trained at UCLA and Yale University Hospitals and is the chief of plastic surgery at two Long Island hospitals. He has many It’s Not Just About Being “Pretty”– An experienced surgeon will also take into account the element of character. Some years of experience in cosmetic surgery and will be happy to address your concerns and faces are already stamped with the kind of unique character that precludes adding formulate the proper plan for you. You can schedule a consultation at his Great Neck a dainty nose, an upturned nose, or something equally common to it. And what (516-487-5017) or Manhattan (212-249-0066) offices. www.sassonplasticsurgery.com advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr17 THE LONG ISLAND WOMAN INTERVIEW In1976, 26-year old Jane Pauley took Barbara Walter’s place as the coanchor (with Tom Brokaw) of NBC’s Today. For the young broadcast journalist, it was the opportunity of a lifetime. As she traveled the world interviewing world leaders, celebrities and newsmakers, it was almost a surreal experience for her. Jane Pauley would go on to experience many other opportunities in her life, and now, in her mid-60s, she has reinvented herself yet again. But this time, she has brought along many other baby boomers, and the results have taught her—and her fans—that you’re never too old to learn something new. A few years ago, Jane Pauley came up with a new concept that she sold to NBC and brought in AARP as a sponsor. It told the stories of baby boomers searching for and finding their passions in midlife. Whether it was a new interest or taking something they were already doing and putting a different spin on it, these were vibrant, engaged individuals who, unlike their parents’ generation, were just not ready to retire in the same way their parents did. The stories were so inspiring, that Ms. Pauley decided to gather them into a book, which she titled Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life. The book tells stories of individuals who have reimagined and reinvented themselves in midlife, but it also serves as an inspirational guide to others who are facing the same challenges and opportunities. “I don’t fashion myself an authority, “she writes, “Though as a journalist and storyteller I have long recognized the power of other people’s stories to help us to see our own lives in new ways.” I sat down recently with Jane Pauley to chat about midlife reinventions, reaching outside your comfort zone and finding your passion. Why did you decide to write this book? It was an idea that just seemed obvious when I started doing Your Life Calling segments on the Today show, which had been an idea that I pitched to them about 4½ years ago: people 50 and older in various modes of reinvention. It turns out that Executive Producer Jim Bell was celebrating his 40th birthday that day, and he liked the idea a lot. He totally got it, but he totally didn’t want to pay for it. So I said I would look for a sponsor and went to AARP and they were eager to do it. They were then folding baby boomers into the organization and saw it as a real opportunity. So for four seasons, we’ve been telling these stories. Every story we told was different and every person I interviewed had something uniquely insightful to say. I realized that if I had at least 20 stories, I could turn it into a book. Is the concept of reinvention something you’ve been interested in for a while? For almost 25 years, I’ve been interested in work/life balance, what motivates people and helps them find meaning in work, and why they make mid-career transitions, so these interests evolved naturally into reinvention. I found myself moving into a new phase of life and everyone else within 10 years of me was too. We look at the word retirement—we still use it, maybe we dread it, maybe we’re giddy about it—but we look at it differently than our parents did. I like to think of it, not as a door with an exit sign, but as a door that swings on a hinge, from something to something else. Sometimes it’s a different version of the work you’re currently doing, sometimes it’s a patchwork. My sister used to run a global manufacturing company. Today she still consults. If I call her, she may be on a conference call or at a meeting, but she may also be in a photography or drawing class or maybe she’s on vacation. The list of what she does is endless. She lives pretty much the same life she used to, but switched the proportions around and she’s never been happier. I have a friend who was a chaplain at a university and is in the process of retiring. He is looking for a lot more grandchildren time, but is also looking forward to teaching at the university. His motivation for retirement is that his own father waited too long to retire and then he got sick and died and didn’t get to enjoy retirement. So by Debbi Honorof he is motivated by his father’s example to not wait too long and yet his own definition of retirement includes work. So for every person thinking about reinvention or retirement, there is every different kind of iteration of what life beyond 50 could be. What about when retirement or reinvention is not a choice. At book signings, I get these “haiku” stories, and I’ve heard from many people who lost a job. In Chicago last week, one woman told me she was “riffed” (reduction in force) from her company. She is in her 50s and she’s looking at the book with a very different attitude than the next woman in line, who was giddy about retiring and deciding what to do now that she was free from a paying job. She may or may not have a clue as to what that something is, but she comes to it with optimism that there is something more—maybe even the best yet. So I’ve seen the spectrum. There was a man in St. Louis who looked to be in his 70s. He explained that he had had a stroke, and for three years he couldn’t speak. The speech returned but he still couldn’t read so was going to get the audio version of my book. He laid down a brochure for me to read later and I saw that he was starting a coffee company. Everybody coming through the line had hopes and fears, stories and questions. This isn’t a book about how to find meaning and fulfillment in life. It’s a heads-up that we are probably going to live longer than we were expecting to. We’re aging with greater health, so the question is: What are you going to do with those bonus decades? True, not everybody sees this as an opportunity; some see it as a constraint. Each of the stories in your book teaches us important lessons. My book starts with a story about one of my best friends. Meg had been a lawyer by training and had retired from the law to be a stay-at-home mom. When she was ready to re-enter the workforce, she had a resume that was way out-of-date and she felt completely unprepared. So she enrolled in a certificate program at Columbia in environmental science, which she had studied as an undergrad. She also had tremendous intelligence and life skills, and management skills from being a school volunteer. The certificate wasn’t going to get her a job, but it gave her the confidence to get a volunteer position at a museum. In the volunteer role, all her talents and skills just blossomed again. So she took those skills and a new 21st Century resume and went forth with confidence. An important point I make in the book (and I’m paraphrasing from Professor Herminia Ibbara in Harvard Business Review) is that “do” is more important than “think.” So continuing education is the “do.” It gets you out of the house and into a classroom with other people. The brain molecules are moving. You’re off your living room sofa and in active mode, and you’re more open to an opportunity or idea you never thought of before. In my book, some people went looking for something and found it. But many of the people found something they were not looking for–or something found them. It’s not as obvious as you might think. You have to be available to opportunities you encounter. We believe that if we think it through, and we’re searching for our most authentic self, the answer to the question “If you could be anything you wanted, what would it be?” should be obvious. But most people come up blank to that question–even at this age. When we were younger, we fell into careers for various reasons. Maybe you became a doctor because your father was a doctor or you became an accountant because you got A’s in accounting courses. I don’t know how I fell into my career. It had something to do with joining the speech and debate team when I was 15, but I was not looking for a career in television. It was an opportunity that presented itself and when opportunity was at the door, I always answered the door. And as inspired as I am to keep doing so in the future, I don’t presume that opportunity will always be knocking at my door. To stretch the metaphor a bit, I understand that I have to leave home to go find the opportunity. It’s not likely to come and find me. Why is stepping out of our comfort zone important? Reaching out. Stepping out frightens people. It’s like an extreme makeover. It’s paralyzing. I want to stay in my comfort zone, but I want to push the envelope a bit. The stories I tell are about people who found something entirely different within the parameters of what they had already been “We look at the word retirement differently than our parents did.” Jane Pauley guiding boomers through midlife Jane Pauley with Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Today Show THE LONG ISLAND WOMAN INTERVIEW doing. So not necessarily a complete change in career, just a change in context. One of the chapters is called “Do Something Different.” This is a story about a professional golfer that I found in the sports pages. Michael Allen was talented enough to be one of only 200 golfers on a PGA tour, but I had never heard of him. After leaving the game and trying various jobs in order to support his family, he decided to give professional golf another try, and is now playing better in his 50s than he ever played before. It was his good fortune that a dozen friends staked his comeback. He won two back-to-back tournaments and within a year, he was able to pay his friends back. The reason I did the story, however, was because of something his wife told him. When he proposed going back into professional golf, she suggested to him, “If you are going to try it again, this time do something different.” She didn’t tell him what to do, but he got her message. He hired a new swing coach, saw a sports psychologist and changed his fitness routine in order to become a better golfer. So the lesson is this: if you’re stuck or if you have a circumstance that you cannot change, think about doing something different. You’ve been very open about your bipolar disorder. How do health issues play into the theme of reinvention? Well, that‘s a very important part of this book. Life comes with surprises and not all of them are good. That’s why every one of my stories ends in a reality check. My reality check was that I had an unexpected health event, but it was still important to remain productive, creative and engaged. As I go forward in life, I don’t know what the future will bring– opportunity or something else? I hope I have the ability to work with the cards I’m dealt and I think that explains why I’m optimistic about my own life going forward. I am not by nature an optimist. But on the book tour I’ve learned so much from people sharing their own stories. Someone told me a story about a guy named Doug Smith, who headed up a large food company. When he was diagnosed with a slow-moving type of blood cancer, he resigned and then realized he needed to do something. He decided he could teach a course on leadership, but found the topic of happiness a more intriguing topic. So he taught courses on happiness. As the story was told to me, I recognized myself. According to Doug Smith, some people have the ability to Jane Pauley with husband Garry Trudeau Jane Pauley Up Close What book are you reading right now? Whenever I am between books, I always retreat to Jane Austen. So I am reading Emma for the third time. I used to read only nonfiction, but since joining a book club, I have rediscovered novels. I just finished reading The Goldfinch and The Signature of All Things. Have you been to the theater lately? Twelfth Night was the closest thing to a blissful experience I’ve ever had in the theater. Do you have a favorite television show? I love the BBC version of Sherlock, Garry (Trudeau)’s Alpha House on Amazon, Elementary, and I’m a sucker for Downton Abbey. How about favorite foods? My friends are all foodies. They cook and they love new restaurants and they take me along with them. My friend Belinda’s husband Jeffrey introduced me to truffles. So we have an annual event during truffle season. I’ve also recently discovered caviar. These are surprising late-life discoveries. THERMOGRAPHY SCANS Now Only $445 (reg $595) Offer ends June 30 Non-Invasive Full Body Scan Including The Breast Tissue FDA Approved As Adjunctive Diagnostic Tool Dr. Finker is one of a few progressive doctors who has been using this advanced technology for over ten years. Finker Wellness Specializing in Women’s Health 2308 Bellmore Ave., Bellmore 516-765-3272 [[[HV½ROIVGSQ 20r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 J A N E PA U L E Y “It’s About Wellness, Naturally” one; process past successes and challenges and learn from them and move on, two; look at the future and understand that it contains opportunities or perhaps new challenges, but know that they have the ability to adapt and, three; be at peace with the past and have confidence in the future. My career, my health crisis, I’ve processed them and learned from them, and they’ve given me the confidence that I can handle both opportunity and contingency in the future. What have you learned about yourself from this whole experience? As I’ve been on book tour speaking to audiences of 100 or 1,000, I’ve noticed something about myself: I’ve noticed a woman speaking with passion–and it has been a revelation to me. Before this, I wouldn’t have known how to fill in the blank for what my passion was. But by writing a book and going on a book tour–“doing” rather than just “thinking”–my passion was revealed. So what’s next for you? As I go forward in life, I don’t know what I’ll be doing next year. After four years of Your Life Calling segments, there is not going to be a fifth year. So I am back in reinvention mode. But as we know from every story in my book, you can take it with you … your experience, your education, your passions. They all give you more options.O From Your Life Calling by Jane Pauley Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life is neither a “must do” nor a “how to.” But I do hope to challenge some misconceptions you may have about reinvention: r5IBUZPVIBWFUPHFUJUSJHIUUIFfirst time r5IBUUIFSFJTTPNFNPTUBVUIFOUJDiZPVuXBJUJOHUP be revealed r5IBUSFJOWFOUJPOJTBtotal makeover r5IBUFWFSZPOFIBTBpassion to follow r*MMFOEPSTFBDPVQMFPGDPVOUFSJOUVJUJWFJEFBT r5SJBMBOEFSSPSBSFLFZTUPHSPXUIBOETFMGLOPXMFEHF r3FJOWFOUJPONBZSFRVJSFCFJOHSFJOUSPEVDFEUP yourself Garden Plus & Landscape Design Caring for 35 Years Licensed Contractor Landscape Design iÃ}Ê>Ìi>ViÊUÊ>ÜÊ >Ài *ÀÕ}ÊEÊ/À}ÊUÊÜiÀà /À>ë>Ì}ÊUÊÕÌÌiÀà >}ÃiÊ*>ÌÊEÊ/ÀiiÊvi -Ê/iÃÌ}ÊUÊiVÃÊEÊ*>Ìà "ÊVVÀi`Ìi`Ê"À}>V >Ìi>ViÊÛ>>Li Please call Hector or Tricia 516-457-8417 or email: [email protected] To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Bariatric surgery reversed my diabetes, my sleep apnea, my obesity, and saved my life. My only regret is not having done it earlier.” —Donald, reduced blood glucose level from 205 to 116 “There are so many things in life to enjoy. I learned to scuba dive. I went zip lining. I ride my bicycle everywhere. I fee like I’m free — free to enjoy life.” —Richard, lost 226 pounds World Class Weight Loss Surgery Reverses Diabetes, Hypertension and Sleep Apnea Arif Ahmad MD, FRCS, FACS is recognized as one of America’s top surgeons and one of the most experienced fellowship-trained bariatric surgeons on Long Island. He specializes in minimally invasive, laparoscopic surgery. This cutting edge surgery is done with small incisions and results in minimal pain and scarring. He is also trained in utilizing the da Vinci Robot®, the most advanced surgical platform in the world. Dedication to Excellence 3JDIBSE CFGPSFBOEBGUFS DIABETES RESPONDS TO BARIATRIC SURGERY “The Cleveland Clinic, reporting on its STAMPEDE* trial in the April 26, 2012 New England Journal of Medicine, found that significantly more patients experienced a reduction in blood glucose levels twelve months after bariatric surgery than patients who used glucose-balancing medications alone,” says Dr. Ahmad. Studies show that approximately 75 percent of bariatric surgery patients experience remission of their diabetes following surgery. *STAMPEDE: Surgical Therapy And Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently Dr. Ahmad’s program for surgical weight loss has partnered with John T. Mather Memorial Hospital since 2004. They have been recognized jointly as a Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric SurgeryTM continuously, since 2007. For more than twelve years, Dr. Ahmad’s primary bariatric patients have not experienced any “leaks” or mortalities. This has earned the program one of the most impressive success rates in the U.S. Dr. Ahmad specializes in laparoscopic gastric bypass, the LAP-BAND® surgery and the sleeve gastrectomy. He was the first surgeon in the area to have performed the laparoscopic gastric bypass and the Robotic Assisted gastric bypass, first surgeon in New York to perform single-incision gastric bypass and he was also the first on Long Island to perform single-incision Realize® gastric banding. Dr. Ahmad has more than 20 years surgical experience. After completing medical school and his residency, he trained in the UK and obtained the FRCS (England and Edinburgh). He then did an "SJG"INBE.%'"$4'3$4'"4.#4 eighteen month advanced training (fellowship) in Harvard Medical School. This was followed by another five year residency at the University of Connecticut. He spent a year mastering advanced training in Laparoscopic Surgery (fellowship) at the University of Virginia. He was appointed Director of Laparoscopic Surgery at Stony Brook University in 2001, where he taught other doctors to perform laparoscopic surgery, including laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Free Surgical Weight Loss Seminar 5VFTEBZ+VOFUIBU1.r.BUIFS)PTQJUBM$POGFSFODF3PPNT Registration Required. Call 631.689.0220 or visit: drahmadmd.com for more information. Operators available 24/7 to register. Arif Ahmad, MD, FACS, FRCS 631-689-0220 drahmadmd.com Office Locations: 1PSU+FíFSTPOr#FMMF5FSSF3PBE4VJUF 3JWFSIFBEr&BTU.BJO4USFFU TM Center of Excellence in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery TM, COEMBSTM, and the COEMBSTM seal are trademarks of Surgical Review Corporation. All rights reserved. advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr21 Getaway by Lee Hitraot Montebello, Quebec T he main reason to visit Montebello The lobby at Fairmont is it’s crowned jewel, the Fairmont Le Château Montebello Le Château Montebello. At the center of this sleepy town is this magnificent year-round upscale resort located in the midst of the wilderness of French speaking Quebec. Its an architectural wonder that is guaranteed to keep you busy with a variety of seasonal activities, or you can just luxuriate in the trademark Fairmont services, amenities and excellent cuisine. The Fairmont Le Château was built in 1930. 3,500 craftsmen used 10,000 red-cedar logs to build this “log chateau,” all cut and set by hand, in just four months. The result is a magnificent combination of rustic luxury and the largest log structure in the world. The resort has hosted a number of historic meetings, including a G-7 International Economic Summit, attended by political figures including Ronald Reagan, François Mitterand, Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Thatcher as well as NATO meetings. More recently, the Quebec luxury resort hosted the North American Leaders Summit welcoming President Bush, President Calderon of Mexico and Prime Minister Stephen Harper. But you don’t need to run a country to visit this highly recommended resort. The resort is also popular for a variety of winter activities including, cross country skiing, dog sledding and curling. There’s plenty to do The result is in summer as well, including a magnificent fishing, swimming, hiking, biking and golfing on and combination award wining course. Nearby Attractions Include: of rustic Parc Omega, where visitors luxury and drive along designated trails the largest log to view animals roaming free in their beautiful natural structure in environment. These include bear, Alpine ibexes, buffalo, wolves, elk, and more. Elk will the world. stop at your car window requesting (rather insistently) that 22r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rMay 2014 you share your bag of carrots purchased at the welcome area with them. There are also walking trails and scenic picnic areas. The Manoir Papineau National Historic Site of Canada sits alongside the Fairmont. It includes the original manor house of Louis-Joseph Papineau, (a leading figure in Canadian politics during the 19th century) as well as its outbuildings and grounds. The Manor House, built by LouisJoseph Papineau between 1848 and 1850, occupies a prominent spot overlooking the Ottawa River. The building’s architecture, according to Parks Canada, “represents a blend of stylistic influences similar in many respects to that which is encountered in contemporaneous neoclassical villas. Its sculpted decor recalls the Greek Revival style.” At the time, The Fairmont also offered a unique nature retreat at the Fairmont Kenauk (It’s no longer part of the Fairmont family and is now know as the Keanuk Nature.) in the isolation of your own cabin deep inside the Canadian wilderness. Each private and secluded cabin comes equipped with propane lights, fully equipped kitchen, outside barbecue, furnace and hot water tank fueled by propane gas, A secluded cabin at complete bathroom and a spacious Kenauk Nature screened porch or a large balcony plus your own dock. Its just you and nature at its finest and quietest. (Is it secluded? They provide you with a whistle, in the hopes someone can hear if you are in need of help.) Montebello is a ten mile drive from Long Island (stop off in Saratoga Springs National Park on the way), about an hour from a more bustling popular vacation spot, Mt. Tremblant and 90 minutes from Montreal. ● UThe Fairmont Le Château: www.fairmont.com/montebello U*>ÀVÊ"i}>\Êparcomega.ca U/ iÊ>ÀÊ*>«i>ÕÊ >Ì>ÊÃÌÀVÊ-Ìi\Êwww.pc.gc.ca Ui>ÕÊ >ÌÕÀi\Êwww.kenauk.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Featuring Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS TM Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Rejuvenate, Renew & Restore s%9%,)$2EJUVENATION s&!#%,IFT s6/,5-):).'0ROCEDURES s.%#+,IFT s#/3-%4)#)NJECTABLES s3+).2ESURFACING Wednesday, June 25th, 6:00–7:00pm Join us to hear Dr. Madnani discuss and answer questions on facial rejuvenation “As a facial plastic surgeon, meticulous attention to detail and natural aesthetics define my work... From the initial consultation to the final results, my patients belong to me; ensuring their safety, comfort and results are all that I am focused upon.” (631) 979-0909 to schedule a consultation Email: [email protected] with any questions www.drmadnani.com swww.laserderm.com 327 Middle Country Road, Smithtown, NY Good Advice Facial Rejuvenation with Natural Results by Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS How do we slow down the effects of Father Time and and jowls tighten, that is the type of natural result I can obtain for you! Mother Nature and age gracefully? Diet, exercise and healthy Tired eyes? living are a great start but sometimes a little extra ‘lift’ is needDoes excess skin hanging from the upper eyelids hide your bright eyes or do heavy ed to fully accomplish our goals. As a dual board certified facial bags and lines under your eyes make you appear tired all the time? Eyelid rejuvenaplastic surgeon, I offer solutions for facial rejuvenation that range tion procedures are available that remove excess skin and ‘bags’ to awaken and from maintenance treatments, such as skin care, laser skin resur- brighten the eyes. These procedures are performed under local anesthesia with minifacing and injectable fillers to surgical options such as face and mal discomfort and downtime. neck lifts, lipo-filling and eyelid procedures. Dull skin or lines and wrinkles getting deeper? Sagging neck and jowls? Laser skin resurfacing combined with a good skin care regimen is a The earliest signs of aging begin in our 30’s - 40’s, where we start to “Even though we wonderful start. Resurfacing improves fine lines and freshens dull skin. lose volume under our eyes and around our cheeks, the ‘apple-of-the- can’t stop the aging Fillers are used to soften the lines around the mouth (nasolabial and cheeks’ starts to deflate, our eyes start to look tired and the lines around marionette lines), to volumize the cheeks or under the eyes to soften process, certain the mouth (nasolabial and marionette lines) appear deeper. As our skin dark lines. Denervating agents (such as Dysport & Botox) are used to ages, our jowls become more prominent and our neck starts to sag. procedures help slow soften forehead lines, crows feet (around the eyes) and the glabella or These signs have become more obvious as we take more smart phone “11” lines between the eyebrows. down the clock.” ‘selfies’ and as we spend more time chatting on webcams. Trying to How do you know what’s right for you? find a forgiving pose by lifting our chins, strategically placing our hands to hide our As a surgeon who only specializes in facial rejuvenation, a consultation to discuss necks can be difficult. your areas of concern would be the first step. An additional bonus is if the fear of genThe ideal procedure combination for this is a face/neck lift with lipo-filling. This eral anesthesia has kept you away from considering your options, then you need not tightens the jaw line and neck profile and returns volume to the cheeks, removing to worry. I am able to perform all these procedures without the use of general anestheyears from your appearance. sia, I find that this further hastens your recovery and provides an added level of safety. Many of us already look in the mirror and perform the ‘finger lift’; using our fingers Dilip Madnani, M.D., FACS is a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon working to lift excess skin from our necks and faces, to reveal a younger looking you. If you at Laserderm Dermatology located at 327 Middle Country Road in Smithtown. Call perform the ‘finger lift’ with a smile, you will see that your cheeks fill and your neck (631) 979-0909 to schedule your consultation today! www.drmadnani.com advertisement To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr23 Catching Up with Carol by Carol Silva Flying High at the Cradle of Aviation Museum 1 50 girls’ hands recently flew up at once, each student bursting to tell me where she had been on a plane. “The Caribbean! California! Disney!” Then I interrupted their teenaged enthusiasm with this, “Did you ever consider what was behind your ability to sit down in a metal tube the length of two and a half football fields, pierce the clouds and ride six miles high at nearly 600 miles an hour, while snacking on pretzels and soda? What made that possible?” They got mighty quiet until I said, “It’s possible because of STEM. Science, technology, engineering and math! And with the efforts of women like these!” 150 middle and high school students leaned in from their seats at the Cradle of Aviation Museum’s Dome Theatre in Garden City, where I emceed their annual Girls STEM event. They wanted a closer look at three aviation greats: Haze Gal, Jessica Daisy and Lysa Scully. Haze, one of the first U.S. Air Force female officers to control nuclear missiles. Jessica, a United Airlines pilot turned Pepsi-Co corporate pilot. Lysa, the Deputy Director of one of the world’s busiest airports; LaGuardia. I Some men turned to these aviation and aerospace pioneering women and asked, “So where have science, technology, engineering and math taken weren’t you?” Speeding in fighter jets. Traveling through the most futuristic ready to airports around the world. Standing on the Great Wall of China. Impressive. share the And that was just the first two minutes of an incredible two hours. These aviation giants shared their stories at the Museum’s Women’s skies with History Month Salute to Women in STEM. To teach girls the value a woman of science, technology, engineering and math, they broke through classroom walls. Haze took these girls back to her childhood with 14 pilot. brothers and sisters on an upstate onion farm. They were shocked to Good Advice Breast Reduction – The Lollipop Scar Technique hear Haze was punished in third grade for deciding she’d go to college someday. Jessica explained the self-doubt that clouded her earliest flights, when college flight instructors told her, “You just aren’t good enough.” Finally one instructor admitted, some men weren’t ready to share the skies with a woman pilot. Lysa had the blessing of her immigrant parents who wanted her to have a life beyond their long hours in a pizzeria. They offered Lysa hard work and an education. She had to find her way and her mentors. Today Lysa supervises the shepherding of 27-million passengers through LaGuardia Airport every year, while also shepherding life for her husband and four sons. I promised those girls that they’ll eventually have far more control over where and how they work, if today they resist “dummying down” to impress boys. Then those hands shot back up when I closed by asking what they’d learned. The girls stood and in strong voices faced each other. “That I can’t give up; that I have to work even harder when life is hard! That I have to find my own mentors. That we girls have to help each other!” Here’s some simple math. 150 girls blossomed in three hours in a theatre that holds 300. That meant 150 girls missed a free program where they also meet female fighter pilots and astronauts. It makes me hope that this summer every school calculates a way to get more girls there next year, to start flight plans for their futures. The Cradle of Aviation also offers summer programs for students and for teachers. www.cradleofaviation.org. ● News 12’s Carol Silva has been bringing Long Islanders their local news for more than 25 years, weekdays starting at 5 AM on News 12 Long Island. Good Advice Osteoporosis by Dr. Charlotte Rhee by Dr. Alex Rosioreanu Women with very scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical large pendulous and a long horizontal scar (along the breasts may experi- breast crease). I utilize the LeJour techence a variety of nique which leaves the breast with a medical problems single vertical incision (lollipop scar) including back and neck pain. Also, and in my opinion, with a rounder the weight of large breasts can cause and more naturally appearing breast the bra straps to dig into the shoul- with a better cosmetic result. ders leaving groove Breast reductions are markings. Large breasts performed as an outpaThe LeJour technique tient procedure and are get in the way of physical activities such as leaves the breast with covered by insurance. If running and other a single vertical incision you would like to learn sports which can make more about this proce(lollipop scar). exercise and weight dure, please call our loss very difficult if not Huntington office to impossible. schedule a complimentary consultaBreast Reduction, also known as tion with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a Board procedure undertaken to make the Certified Plastic and Reconstructive breasts smaller. There are many differ- Surgeon who specializes in surgery ent breast reduction techniques. The of the breast. Visit www.liplastic surmore traditional method (inverted T- gery.com. Osteoporosis is a After menopause, estrogen deficiency bone disease that leads results in a rapid reduction of bone to decreased bone density. (In men, a decrease in testostermineral density and one has a similar, but less pronounced, increased risk for frac- effect.) While osteoporosis occurs in all tures. About 10 million ethnic groups, those of European or Americans have osteo- Asian ancestry have a greater risk, as porosis (80% are women), and around do those with a family history of frac34 million are at risk for the disease. ture or osteoporosis. A small stature is also a risk factor associSome estimates suggest that about half of all The biggest risk factors ated with the development of osteoporosis. In women over the age of for osteoporosis are addition, smoking and 50 will fracture a bone because of osteoporosis. advanced age and being excessive alcohol consumption can accelerate Osteoporosis is usually female. bone loss. diagnosed using a DualFactors that may help energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) bone density scan. The protect against osteoporosis include quick and painless scan uses two kinds regular weight-bearing exercises (walkof low-energy X-rays that produce im- ing, dancing, running), and eating a ages showing bone mineral density. diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Dr. Alex Rosioreanu is a board certiFrom this scan, doctors are able to estimate how likely it is that a patient will fied radiologist with a subspecialty in Musculoskeletal Imaging. For more suffer a bone fracture. The biggest risk factors for osteoporo- information, please visit www.zprad. sis are advanced age and being female. com. advertisement 24r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Good Advice Acupuncture for Pain, Diabetes, Weight & Hair Loss by Dr. Dazhi Chen, PhD, LAc, credentialed at North Shore Hospital You choose your pharmacy Pain Management Acu- proach, you will not gain back the weight puncture is a very effective you lost, can see results as early as the FIRST treatment for pain relief. WEEK, food cravings and appetite will be It promotes self-healing, reduced, you’ll have better self-control and and has no negative side your metabolic function will improve. effects. In 70% of cases, Hair Loss: Both men and women sufferers back, neck, sciatica, knee may notice that their hair has stopped falling and shoulder pain will be SIGNIFICANTLY out after the first four to six weeks, and afREDUCED after three to ter 8-12 weeks, patients four treatments. may see their hair start Diabetes: With acu- s"LOODSUGARLEVELDOWNAFTER to grow back. puncture, blood sugar Other Health BenHOURTREATMENT levels can drop most of efits: Acupuncture dis$ONOTGAINBACKWEIGHT minishes stress, insomthe time after only one to two hours. s0AINMAYBERELIEVED nia, depression, fatigue, Weight Loss: Being allergies, constipation, AFTERTHREETREATMENTS overweight or obese can menopausal symptoms, increase the risk for de- s(AIRSTOPSFALLINGOUTINSIX headaches and improves veloping many diseases. fertility. You will experiWEEKS Unfortunately, popular ence an increased sense weight-loss programs of well-being. Acupuncmay work in the short-term but most dieters ture is a safe alternative treatment. gain back the weight they lost almost imIf you would like to discuss your spemediately after discontinuing the program. cific concerns, call Dr. Chen at 516-562Numerous factors contribute to weight gain 9221 or email [email protected]. 277 and difficulty in losing weight, including Northern Blvd, Suite 306, Great Neck. stress and metabolism. I have developed www.camtherapycenter.com a healthy, successful treatment for losing Dr. Chen is a credentialed acupuncturist at weight with acupuncture. With my apNorth Shore-LIJ Health System. so why not your lab? Medical tests are a fact of life ... but high costs and inconvenience don’t have to be. Sunrise Medical Laboratories is an independent lab providing a full range of testing services to meet the healthcare needs of the entire family. Our extensive network of neighborhood patient service center locations offers convenient hours and friendly, personalized service. The next time your doctor orders laboratory testing, choose Sunrise. For more information call 800.782.0282 or go to www.sunriselab.com The Choice Is Yours advertisement Great Neck Medical Spa Let Us Beautify You! Try Specializing in: s3MART,IPO4RIPLEX s#ELLULAZE#ELLULITE2EDUCTION s"OTOX s$ERMAL&ILLERS s3KIN4IGHTENING s,ASER2EJUVENATION s(AIR2EMOVAL s020&ACE,IFTS and more CELLULAZE the only long term treatment for cellulite $2,500 per area for limited time only Dr. Deborah Marciano 770 Middle Neck Road, Suite P2 Great Neck Call to schedule a complimentary consultation! 516-439-5075 www.greatneckmedicalspa.com To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr25 Meet The Health Professionals Hilton C. Adler, M.D., FACS Arif Ahmad M.D., FRCS, FACS Dr. Stephen Atkins, PhD Dr. Michael Berlin Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., La.C Suffolk Plastic Surgeons, P.C. and Spa Belle Meade 179 Belle Meade Rd., East Setauket 631-751-4400 suffolkplasticsurgeon.com see ad on page 11 Dr. Adler is a “Top Doctor” recipient and the co-founder of Suffolk Plastic Surgeons, P.C. and Spa Belle Meade. With nearly 30 years of experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon, he’s also an associate clinical professor at SUNY Stony Brook and head of the Quality Assurance Committee – Ambulatory Surgery Center since 2005. He also founded the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center at St. Charles Hospital. He’s experienced in all areas of body and facial plastic surgery, injectables/fillers, and non-invasive body-contouring and skin-tightening treatments. Also fluent in Spanish, he offers thorough, complimentary consultations to answer all your questions. Long Island Laparoscopic Surgery 625 Belle Terre Rd., Ste. 202, Port Jefferson, 631-689 0220 drahmadmd.com see ad on page 21 Atkins Wellness Solutions 75 Prospect St., Ste. 114, Huntington 200 East 15th St., Ste. 1A, Manhattan 631-470-2499 Atkinswellness.com see ad on page 16 Dr. Stephen H. Atkins has 30 years of experience in holistic medicine. He is owner and clinical director of Atkins Wellness Solutions, located in Huntington. Dr. Atkins received his PhD in Integrative Medicine in 2001 and is Board Certified in Holistic Health. He has worked in and has directed clinical services for medical facilities in both the United States and Mexico. He brings with him an exhaustive body of knowledge in nutrition, digestion, oral nutritional therapies, integrative cancer therapies, detoxification, bio-energetic assessments and treatment, homeopathy and Restoring the Cellular Communication Pathways. Dr. Atkins is also trained in Regulation Thermography. The Family Wellness Center 641-B Old Country Rd. Plainview 516-822-8499 networkwellnesscenter.com 277 Northern Blvd., Ste. 306, Great Neck 516-562-9221 camtherapycenter.com see ad on page 25 Well known as a gentle, intuitive, and gifted healer, Dr. Berlin brings over 20 years experience in the holistic health field. He is a key note speaker and educator, and has been a wellness coach for thousands of people. Through extensive additional training, Dr. Berlin with his partner Dr. Fred Blum, practice breakthrough all-natural weight loss, hold many lifestyle education classes, and utilize a unique and very gentle form of holistic Chiropractic that resolves stress and improves the health of your nervous system to truly help families heal their bodies...and their lives. Dr. Dazhi Chen, a credentialed acupuncturist at North Shore Hospital, graduated from Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and received his master’s degree in acupuncture. He then worked as an Assistant Professor in the Acupuncture Department at his college as well as The Beijing College of Acupuncture and Osteopathy, Beijing. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in Japan. He has trained and practiced traditional Chinese Medicine, specializing in acupuncture for more than 30 years and has helped many people live painfree and healthier lives. Dr. Ahmad is one of “America’s Top Surgeons.” He specializes in the Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, the Sleeve Gastrectomy and the Lap Band. Dr. Ahmad is trained in utilizing the da Vinci Robot, the most advanced surgical platform in the world. Dr. Ahmad has more than 20 years of surgical experience and has performed over 4,000 minimally invasive procedures. He is currently the Director of Bariatric surgery at John T. Mather Memorial Hospital with a Center of Excellence status. He is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, fellow of the American College of Surgeons as well as a member of the Society of American Gastroendoscopic Surgeons. Bethany DeVito, MD Dr. Jillian Finker, ND, CNS Linda J. Golden, DDS Stephen T. Greenberg, MD Andrew A. Jacono, MD, FACS GI Health Center for Women North Shore University Hospital 300 Community Drive, 4 Levitt, Manhasset 516-562-4281 see ad on page 35 Finker Wellness 2308 Bellmore Ave., Bellmore 516-765-3272 drfinker.com see ad on page 20 Golden Dental Wellness 444 Community Drive, Manhasset 516-627-8400 goldensmile.com see ad on page 16 Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery 516-364-4200 See ad on page 3 for locations GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com see ad on page 3 Bethany DeVito, MD is Director of the GI Health Center for Women at North Shore University Hospital and Director of the Video Capsule Endoscopy Program. She is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hofstra North ShoreLIJ School of Medicine. Dr. DeVito is a frequent lecturer in the community on women’s GI issues. She directs the yearly GI symposium for both North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center. Dr. DeVito’s primary interests include general gastroenterology with a special interest in Women’s Health, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, colon cancer screening and small intestine diseases. Dr. Finker is trained as a primary care doctor with her undergraduate degree from Stony Brook University and her naturopathic medical degree from SCNM. She specializes in women’s health treating various hormonal problems ranging from PMS to infertility. Dr. Finker also helps her patients with thyroid issues, gastrointestinal problems, and anxiety. She utilizes nutrition, supplements, homeopathy and various other healing techniques to help heal her patient’s health problems. Dr. Finker has over ten years of clinical experience and compassionately guides her patients back onto their path of wellness. It’s About Wellness, Naturally her latest publication is available on Amazon. Linda J. Golden, D.D.S. has extensive experience in general, cosmetic, and biological dentistry. Dr. Golden has spent countless hours educating herself in the newest technologies such as: laser therapies, digital radiography, CEREC technology, ozone therapy, and much more. She is dedicated to working closely with her patients and their health care professionals such as: nutritionists, naturopaths, and general practitioners to ensure a patient’s optimal wellness. As a biological & integrative dental practitioner Dr. Golden’s utmost importance is treating the entire patient, and not just their teeth. Simply put, when you leave Golden Dental you leave with a smile! One of NY’s most well-known Board Certified cosmetic plastic surgeons and radio show talk host, Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg offers a full range of cosmetic surgical and non-invasive procedures in a beautifully-appointed environment. Whether your interest is breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, injections or lasers, Dr. Greenberg is a perfectionist who strives for beautiful, naturallooking results and can meet the needs of anyone from today’s top movie star to the ‘soccer mom’ next door. First on Long Island to offer Cellulazethe newest technology in cellulite reduction! Call for a complimentary consultation in the Southampton, Woodbury or Manhattan offices. The New York Center for Facial, Plastic and Laser Surgery 440 Northern Blvd., Great Neck 516-773-4646 newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com see ads on pages 9 & 15 Dr. Andrew Jacono is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon practicing in Great Neck and Manhattan. He is Section Head of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at North Shore Univ. Hospital, Assistant Clinical Professor at The NY Eye and Ear Infirmary and Albert Einstein College of Medicine; and author of the book The Face Of The Future, Look Natural, Not Plastic. He has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, USA Today and has his own television show on Discovery Channel called Facing Trauma! He specializes in minimally invasive facelifts, eyelid lifts, browlifts, rhinoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse and more. The information in Meet The Health Professionals is provided by the advertisers, who are responsible for its accuracy. 26r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] Meet The Health Professionals Elana Kastner, M.D. Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS Bat Sheva Marcus, LMSW, MPH, PhD James C. Marotta, MD FACS Kelly O’Malley-Mattone, MD Women’s Contemporary Care Associates 444 Merrick Rd., Lynbrook 516-536-5656 winthropwcca.com see ad on page 15 Laserderm Center of Long Island 327 Middle Country Rd, Smithtown 820 Second Ave, Ste. 3A, New York 631-979-0909 LASERDERMCOMsDRMADNANICOM see ad on page 23 Medical Center for Female Sexuality 70 Glen Cove Rd., Ste. LL2, Roslyn Heights see ad for two other locations. 516-430-5300 centerforfemalesexuality.com see ad on page 7 Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery, P.C. 895 West Jericho Tpke., Smithtown 631-982-2022 MarottaMD.com see ad on pages 13 Aesthetic Medical Studio "OND3T'REAT.ECKs aestheticmedicalstudio.com see ad on page 12 Elana Kastner, M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist at Women’s Contemporary Care Associates and Winthrop-University Hospital, on staff since 1994 (graduated from Cornell University Medical College) Diplomate American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assistant Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine and active with North American Society for pediatric and adolescent gynecology; awarded the Patients’ Choice Award by the American Registry annually since 2008. Her practice consists of pre-conceptual counseling, obstetrics, gynecology and preventive healthcare. She is fluent in Hebrew and has expertise in the special issues pertaining to Jewish ritual laws of marital intimacy. Dr. Madnani is a dual board certified Facial Plastic surgeon. He specializes in facial cosmetic surgery including facelifts, neck-lifts, eye-lifts and lipofilling for facial rejuvenation as well as the latest fillers and injectables. With a natural aesthetic and eye for detail, Dr Madnani’s special training allows him to perform all his procedures without the use of general anesthesia, maximizing patient safety and comfort. Dr Madnani is also cofounder of purehealplus.com, a line of post surgical skin care. Call or email his office to attend their monthly ‘Evenings of Beauty’ to learn about the Aging Face and Facial Plastic Surgery. Bat Sheva Marcus, LMSW, MPH, PhD, a licensed social worker with master’s degrees from Columbia University and a PhD in Human Sexuality is one of the founders of the Medical Center for Female Sexuality and has served as its director since the launch of the Center in 2000. Opened over 13 years ago in Purchase, and with a location in Manhattan, the Medical Center for Female Sexuality opened a new practice in Long Island. It is one of the few places in the country that provides medical, psychological, behavioral, and emotional support for patients with sexual issues. Dr. Marotta is a dual Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with expertise in facial rejuvenation and anti-aging procedures. He has trained at the prestigious Yale and Columbia Universities and is highly regarded for his notable contributions to medical journals on facial aging & rhinoplasty. He has performed medical missions overseas and continues to donate his time to local and national charities as well as teaching as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Stony Brook. As Medical Director of Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery and its subdivisions, Dr. Marotta and his staff are committed to providing patients specialized care with compassion and respect. Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. is a Mount Sinai trained physician and anatomy expert who received her Medical Degree in 1989 and served as Chief Resident and Gross Anatomy Teaching Assistant. Dr. O’Malley Mattone continued at Mount Sinai Hospital as an Attending Physician, Clinical Residency Instructor and Associate Professor of Gross Anatomy. At her practice, Aesthetic Medical Studio, she will erase years from your face and take inches off your body without pain, surgery or downtime. During your private complimentary consultation, you will see unretouched photo albums of Dr. O’Malley Mattone’s work that undeniably confirm her state-of-theart non-surgical procedures yield visible and measurable results. Steven Mendelsohn, MD Dr. Ray Omid Randi Realson, LCSW, PhD Charlotte Ann Rhee, MD H. Sasson, MD, FACS Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology 12 locations throughout Long Island 516/631- Z-W-A-N-G-E-R zprad.com see ads on page 24 and back cover Advanced Holistic Healthcare 901 Stewart Ave., Garden City 516 742-5715 Premium Holistic Healthcare 325 N. Broadway, Jericho 516 433-8720 advancedholistic.com see ad on page 2 Aesthetic Medical Studio 1 Great Neck Rd., Ste. #1, Great Neck 516-487-3981 drrandirealson.com see ad on page 16 257 East Jericho Tpke., Huntington Station 631-424-6707 liplasticsurgery.com see ads on pages 5 & 25 For the past 30 years, Dr. Randi Realson has helped people overcome various eating, weight, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal issues. From simple overeating and binge eating to anorexia and bulimia, her approach has succeeded where diets, bariatric surgery and other methods fall short. Her multi-faceted therapy, including EMDR and hypnotherapy, combined with a solid psychotherapeutic foundation and eating awareness training when dealing with eating issues, enables patients to free themselves from the suffering created by struggles with self-esteem, food, weight, and body issues, depression and anxiety. Hope and help are truly available, as is a fulfilling and healthy life. Dr. Charlotte Ann Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Rhee specializes in surgery of the breast; Lejour (lollipop scar) breast reduction/lifts and mommy makeovers. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). Her in-office surgical facility is fully accredited by the Joint Commission (JCAHO). If you would like to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation with Dr. Rhee, please call her Huntington office at 631-424-6707. Please feel free to visit her web site at www.liplasticsurgery.com. Sasson Plastic Surgery 1000 Northern Blvd, Ste. 370, 'REAT.ECKs 0ARK!VE-ANHATTANs sassonplasticsurgery.com see ad on page 17 Dr. Sasson is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 16 years of experience. A graduate from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Dr. Sasson trained at the worldrenowned UCLA and Yale University Hospitals. He is currently the Chief of Plastic Surgery at two North Shore-LIJ Hospitals and is a Clinical Professor at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine. As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Sasson is committed to restoring the quality of life to underserved communities around the globe. He frequently travels to third world countries to conduct and teach reconstructive surgeries where he has performed hundreds of pro-bono surgeries. Steven Mendelsohn, M.D., Medical Director of Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology, has been practicing his philosophy of “patients first” for the past 29 years. This attitude has helped him grow one of the largest radiology practices in the tri-state area. He was the first to introduce advancedlevel radiology technology to Long Island, such as the Low-Dose CT, 3T Open Skyra MRI and 3D mammography to every office. Dr. Mendelsohn is responsible for providing free radiology testing to Long Islanders who do not have health insurance, through a program he developed called “Give Back Sunday.” Dr. Mendelsohn is a member of the Long Island Radiological Society and The Nassau County Medical Society. Dr. Ray Omid is the founder and creator of Advanced Holistic and Premium Holistic Healthcare Centers Dr. Ray is an expert in health and wellness and has spent more than a decade helping people take back ownership of their health and has helped over 20,00 patients become even more healthy. He is a graduate of Life University and specializes in using over 70 different techniques and methods designed to remove interference so the body can function properly. Holistic techniques are designed to address the structural, chemical and emotional components to health and well-being. The information in Meet The Health Professionals is provided by the advertisers, who are responsible for its accuracy. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or [email protected] June 2014 r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r 27 what to do SPOTLIGHT 10 s,OVE3TORIES&OR"ETTEROF&OR7ORSE 2pm. 111 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7200. longbeachlibrary. org. With Elizabeth Rowe. s/LIVER.ORTH7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his novel; Counterfeit Lies. 11 s!MARE 3TOUDEMIRE 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new cookbook; Cooking With Amar’e. 18 Evening of Beauty Current Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation Have questions about tired looking eyes? Frown lines? Sagging neck and jaw line? Ever consider a facial rejuvenation procedure? Dilip D. Madnani, MD, FACS, a double board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, will be speaking and answering questions on Current Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation. Dr. Madnani is the facial plastic surgeon for the dermatology offices of Dr. Donna A. Serure at Laserderm Center of Smithtown. Dr. Madnani is also co-founder of purehealplus.com scar care available at Laserderm. Join us for a free personal facial analysis. When: Wednesday, June 25 from 6-7pm Where: Laserderm Center of Smithtown Tickets: Seating is limited. Please RSVP by calling (631) 979-0909 or email us at [email protected]. www.laserderm.com www.drmadnani.com advertisement Classes, Lectures & Seminars 2 s#OMPLIMENTARY $INNER (EALTH 4ALK 6:30pm. Umberto’s Italian Restaurant. 633 Jericho Tpke., New Hyde Park. RSVP to Bessi at 917-747-2795. Dr. Ray will speak about discovering the three components to a 100 year lifestyle; how to regain health and vitality, how to have more energy and less stress, and how to prevent medical debt and protect your #1 asset. 3 s4HE 'RATEFUL $EAD 2ARE 0ERFORMANCES 7:30pm. Every other Monday. Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. With guest speaker, Bill Shelley. s!SK THE %XPERTS "REAST #ANCER -EDICAL 5PDATE 7pm. Adelphi University’s University Center. Garden City. 516-877-4325. Registration required. s,ISA 3EE 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her novel; China Dolls. s7HEN #OMEDY 7ENT TO 3CHOOL 1-2:30pm. Friedberg JCC. 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. Lecture by Joseph Dorinson. 19 s#HARLES *AMES "EYOND &ASHION 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-2393262. peninsulapublic.org. Illustrated lecture with Vivian Gordon. 20 s,INDA &AIRSTEIN 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her new novel; Terminal City. 23 s3USAN 3ETTENBRINO 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her book; The New York State Court System: A Look at the Entrenched Power, Politics and Over $2 Billion of NY State Funding- Comprising JUSTICE for “JUST US”. 25 s3EMINAR ON -INIMALLY )NVASIVE &ACIAL 0LASTIC 3URGERYAND.ON3URGICAL4REATMENTS 5-6pm. With Dr. yofg. RSVP to 516-773-4646. s0AOLA 6ERONESE 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic. org. With historian and educator, Ines Powell. 26 s,IZA ,UGO 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. She will speak about and sign her book; How Do Hurricane Katrina’s Winds Blow: Racism in Twenty-First Century New Orleans. 5 28 9 29 s"RIAN7HITE7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his novel; Cuba After Dark. s!3ALUTETO(OAGY#ARMICHAEL 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. Performance/lecture with Harvey Granat. 28r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 s7ELCOME TO THE 0OLLENNATION 12pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org. s! 4RIBUTE TO ,ONG )SLANDS &AVORITE 3ON "ILLY *OEL 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. June 30 SPOTLIGHT s#OMPLIMENTARY $INNER (EALTH 4ALK 6:30pm. See June 2nd. ONGOING s"ALLROOM ,ATIN $ANCE ,ESSONS Mondays 8:309:45pm. Suffolk Y JCC. 74 Happauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. suffolkyjcc.org. $9. s#HAIR 9OGA3TRESS 2EDUCTION Tuesdays 12:45– 1:45pm. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. No need to be flexible, strong, or even ambulatory to participate. For all cancer-related illness. s#ROCHET#LASS Thursday 12:30-3pm. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. The group is designed to help cancer patients draw strength from each other and enjoy togetherness in this circle of friendship. s&ITNESS FOR /LDER !DULTS 9:05am. Fridays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. s(OW 4O -EDITATE 5 week course, Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30pm. Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakenings7.com. s)NTRODUCTIONTO#OMPUTERS 1:30-3:30pm. Tuesdays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/longbeach. s*APANESE #LASSICAL $ANCE: 4:30-7pm. Tuesdays. Long Island Japanese Culture Center. 2 Haven Ave., Suite 236, Port Washington. 917-226-1195. takahashi. [email protected]. Learn to wear kimono and dance with a fan in the elegant Soke Fujima style. Beginners of all ages. For free trial lesson, contact the instructor. s-ARRIAGE %NHANCEMENT 7ORKSHOP 9 week workshop starts January 2nd. 7-8pm. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. Pre-registration required. s-AT9OGA-ONDAYS 9:15-10:30am Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. Yoga Instructor Sandy Pinz. s0AINTING WITH 0ASTELS Fridays through June 13th. Cold Spring Harbor Library and Environmental Center. 95 Harbor Rd., Cold Spring Harbor. 631-692-6820. cshlibrary.org. Registration required. s3CREENWRITERS $ISCUSSION 'ROUP 7:30pm. Every other Monday. Cinema Arts Centre Sky Room. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. s3ILVER3NEAKERS%XERCISE#LASSES Monday through Saturday. Paula S. Metrolopitan Physical Therapy. Garden City, Roslyn, and Great Neck. To help balance, agility, strengthening, endurance, and osteoperosis for eligible seniors. Call for details 516-745-8050. Free. s4HRIVING 4HROUGH AND "EYOND "REAST #ANCER Tuesdays, 11am-12:15pm. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator: Dr. Ronald I Cohen, specializes in Psychotherapeutic Oncology. s7HAT IS 3PIRITUAL $IRECTION By appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator: Charlie Roemer. Spiritual direction has no agenda; it’s not therapy and not about religious doctrine or training. Entertainment 1 s"ILLY)DOL 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury.com. s,IBBY AND #O *AZZ %NSEMBLE 2:30pm. Peninsula Surgical Weight Loss Seminar Are traditional methods of weight loss, such as diet and exercise not working for you? Dr. Arif Ahmad and Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson have been jointly recognized as a Bariatric Center of Excellence since 2007 and now offer a comprehensive program including nutritional support, psychological help, exercise programs and surgery. Thousands of patients have benefited from this program which is recognized as a premier program in Long Island. Physicians, nutritionists and staff provide the support and help you need to be successful and get your life back! Informational seminars are given regularly by Dr. Ahmad at Mather Hospital. When: Tuesday, June 10th at 6:30 PM Where: Mather Hospital, Conference Rooms 1 & 2 Tickets: Free Seminar. Registration Required. Call: 631.689.0220 or visit: drahmadmd.com for more information. Operators available 24/7 to register. advertisement Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-2393262. peninsulapublic.org. 6 s"ERNIE7ILLIAMS 8pm. The Madison Theatre at Molloy College. 1000 Hempstead Ave., Rockville Centre. 516-678-5000 x7715. madisontheatreny.org. s*OE3ATRIANI 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury. com. s-ATTHEW0IERCE 7pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s4HE 0LASTIC #UP "OYZ 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s05",)1UARTET 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. 7 s"EN%+ING 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. s+EIKO-ATSUI 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s4HE -USIC OF 'EORGE (ARRISON 7:30pm. Dix Hills Performing Arts Center. 305 North Service Rd., Dix Hills. 631-656-2148. dhpac.org. With Tom Cavanagh and Something. s2OBERT %ARL +EEN 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN what to do SPOTLIGHT Exclusively at Long Island Hearing org. s'EORGIA3ATELLITES 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. s'UITAR 'ODS 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s+IRK&RANKLIN 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. Now thru June 30, 2014 “Hear The Difference” SPRING HEARING AID TUNE-UP 14 Smokey Joe’s Cafe featuring The Coasters In the late 1950s, The Coasters created good-humored “storytelling” hits that are some of the most entertaining from the original era of rock and roll. This Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame musical group is best known for songs like “Yakety Yak,” “Young Blood” & “Charlie Brown,” that reflected the life of the American teenager with keen wit and hot, rocking harmonies. For a limited time, The Coasters will be performing many of their hit songs in Smokey Joe’s Cafe. Directed and choreographed by Tony Award nominee, Chet Walker (Pippin, Fosse), this show can only be seen at The Gateway. When: June 11 - June 28 Where: The Gateway Playhouse, 215 South Country Rd., Bellport Tickets: Purchase tickets by calling 631-286-1133 or 1-888-TIX-NOW, or online at www.GatewayPlayhouse.com. Matinee & evening performances available.. advertisement York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. s7OODLANDS &OLK &ESTIVAL 11:30am-7pm. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Stony Brook. 631569-5552. woodlandsfolkfest.org. 8 s"UDDY-ERRIAMS"ACK2OADS4RIO 2pm. 111 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7200. longbeachlibrary.org. s4UCK AND 0ATTI *AZZ $UO 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater. com. 11 s"UDDY'UY 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s2INGO3TARRAND(IS!LL3TARR"AND 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 12 s,YNYRD 3KYNYRD 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s9OU 3HOULD "E $ANCIN "EE'EES 4RIBUTE 3HOW 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. 13 s"ENJAMIN6ERDERY 7pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher. s*ARROD 3PECTOR 8pm. Landmark on Main Street. 232 Main St., Suite 1. Port Washington. 516-767-1384. landmarkonmainstreet.org. s,ISA-ARIE0RESLEY 8pm. The Y Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631969-1101. boultoncenter.org. s7ANDA3YKES 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. !/-)$/%/ )."*#"/-++.)*.(/-&&/(*.( !/%" &.+./.-)*,/,(+)#".,+/ !/.(+/&*(+., '&.-,*,/*,(*$./-,$/%#+ !/,./%)/+%/-*$(/(-"./ )*'. !/-'##"/*,+.),-&/).'.*.)/ -,$/.+.),-&/"*' '&86895,9749-8,254792&32 !/#/-,$/ %&*(/.+.)*%)/'-(*, #35728737894794-69 !/$#(+/-,$/'&.-,/-++.)/'%,+-'+( &83657%957,26-#872,9 5))98287*952,9)5$8 """ "!! "" ! ! "!"!!"" "" !" ! #." "!" ! "! INSTANT REBATE 16 s#ALL-E7ILLIAMTHE,IFEAND,OVESOF7ILLA#ATHER 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulapublic.org. $ 18 s!LWAYS0ATSY#LINE 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. s(OT4UNAAND,EON2USSELL 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-7453000. livenation.com. s,INDSEY 3TIRLING 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury.com. $ 500 ,<,07<#57;:1% 9624083;1<$792;<,8< #55<";'<&;:798)<#916 $%&#$&!!"&%%&!%# #" $& #&$&!%#$&$%"&!"&" 19 20 REPAIR SAVINGS Per Aid s#ONEY)SLAND"URLESQUE 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. s,UCINDA7ILLIAMS 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury.com. s+ENNY 7AYNE 3HEPHERD AND 2OBERT 2ANDOLPH AND4HE&AMILY"AND 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny. com. 50 OFF Hearing Aid Repairs #55<:;6<41;56 (<:598<+;7 92; (<:<48<$7;/96;6 $& #&$&!%#$&$%"&!"&" BATTERIES BY THE CARTON NEW HEARING INSTRUMENTS +)-/ .'*-& Payments % 12 No Interest <#,"+<, $ 3490 $9500 !:2- !:2- +477%.<"4<:95<,71;76<$5;:6; !"&" 0 TRADE IN YOUR OLD HEARING AID .89.37294-69")*983657%9/5*, .4657%9469(42 "*..- #- '*.*(,'-*,( ## %&$%& #& %#&!%&% &%& #&! %" #&$!$&$"&$& !!# %&$&!%#$&$%" !"&"&#&$%& & %&# & &#%&#$&$#%" Owned and Operated by The Kent Family Since 1985 21 s!LWAYS0ATSY#LINE 8pm. See June 20th. s$ANA #ARVEY 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. s(APPY4OGETHER4OUR 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s-IDSUMMER .IGHT 6-9pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens. org. 22 s"LOCK " 6:30pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. s4HE 3PIRIT OF THE 'ARDEN 3pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org. Music by Rose and the Nightingale. s4HE 3UMMERLAND 4OUR 7:30pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN w SPRING TUNE-UP June Long Island Hearing, Inc. TM “Helping People Hear Better”™ Since 1985™ LEVITTOWN NESCONSET HICKSVILLE 3475 Hempstead Tpke. 55 Southern Blvd. 388 South Oyster Bay Rd. 631.972.5211 ( By Appt. ) 516.933.HEAR (Between Wantagh Ave & Jerusalem Ave.) 516.735.9191 (Inside Primary Medical Care of Sufolk County) (1/10 Mile North of Woodbury Rd.) ( 4327 ) 1SPWJEFSTGPS.FEJDBSF/:4&NQJSF)*1()*#$#4&NCMFN)FBMUI6OJUFE)FBMUI$BSF6OJPO1MBOTBOEPUIFSTt8PSLNBOT$PNQFOTBUJPO0VS4QFDJBMUZt8FTFSWJDFBMMNBLFTBOENPEFMTt3FQBJSMBCPOQSFNJTFT 4FSWJDFT)FBSJOH*OTUSVNFOUTZPVDBODPVOUPOt0QFOEBZTBXFFLt"VEJPMPHJDBM5FTUJOH'BDJMJUZ Offer expires June 30th, 2014 t8"-,*/48&-$0.&t)0.&7*4*54"7"*-"#-&t8)&3&1"5*&/544&/%5)&*3'3*&/%4 See us on the web @ www.lihearing.com 037 June 2014r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r29 9 what to do 23 s"EN&OLDS 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury.com. 25 s))6OLO 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 26 s)RONAND7INE 8pm. The Space at Westbury. 250 Post Ave., Westbury. 516-283-5566. thespaceatwestbury. com. s-AMBO,OCO 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. Summer Dance Thursday. 27 s-ALLET-AN4ITO0UENTE*RAND"ERNARD0URDIE*AZZ 3UMMIT 8pm. The Suffolk Theater. 118 E. Main St., Riverhead. 631-727-4343. suffolktheater.com. s3TEVEN7RIGHT 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 28 s$RIVE"Y4RUCKERS4HE(OLD3TEADY 8pm. The Paramount. 370 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-673-7300. paramountny.com. 29 s"ILL-AHER 8pm. NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. ONGOING sND3TREET Through June 8th. Gateway Playhouse. 215 S. Country Rd., Bellport. 631-286-1133. gatewayplayhouse.com. See Spotlight on page 28. s0LAZA 3UITE Through July 13th. John W. Engeman Theater. 250 Main St., Northport. 631-261-2900. engemantheater.com. s3HUT5P3IT$OWNAND%AT June 18th through 29th. John W. Engeman Theater. 250 Main St., Northport. 631-261-2900. engemantheater.com. s3INGININTHE2AIN Through July 20th. CM Performing Arts Center. 931 Montauk Hwy., Oakdale. 631-2182810. cmpac.com. s3MOKEY *OES #AFE June 11th through 28th. Gateway Playhouse. 215 S. Country Rd., Bellport. 631-2861133. gatewayplayhouse.com. s3PRING!WAKENING Through June 15th. CM Performing Arts Center. 931 Montauk Hwy., Oakdale. 631-2182810. cmpac.com. Events & Exhibits 1 s!NTIQUE#AR3HOW 9am-3pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens. org. s&)NE!RTAND#RAFT&AIR 10am-5pm. Heckscher Park. 164 Main St., Huntington. artleagueli.org. s3TEPPING /UT TO #URE 3CLERODERMA 9am. Wantagh Park. 1 King Rd., Wantagh. 800-867-0885. sclerodermatristate.org. Walk to raise awareness and money needed June to deal with scleroderma. s0LANTING AN %NCHANTED 'ARDEN 12pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org. 3 s4ALES)NSPIRE 7-9pm. Huntington Public Library. 338 Main St., Huntington. 631-427-5165. thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Multimedia presentation with Lois W. Stern presenting how to structure your stories effectively, preserve them for posterity and make them available in soft cover and e-book formats using CreateSpace, a free internet tool. 15 7 s3TRAWBERRY0ICKING&ESTIVAL Call for time. Malverne Village. 516-308-1794. nassaulandtrust.org. sTH !NNUAL 'OLF 4OURNAMENT AND #OCKTAIL 0ARTY &UNDRAISER 11am. Westhampton Country Club. 35 Potunk Ln., Westhampton Beach. 631-288-2350. xt. 117. Reply to Roberta Shoten at [email protected]. 8 19 s"IRDSOFTHE-EADOWAND7OODS 8am. South Fork History Museum. 377 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Tpke., Bridgehampton. 631-537-9735. easternlongislandaudubonsociety.org. s9OGA AND 7ELLNESS %VENT 9am. Yoga, meditation and wellness speakers. The Old Field Club. East Setauket. 631-672-9613. mhasuffolk.org. 14 s"IRDINGAT(EMPSTEAD,AKE3TATE0ARK 7am. Hempstead Lake State Park. 631-219-8947. easternlongislandaudubonsociety.org. s#OMMUNITY7ELLNESS$AY 12-4pm. 516-433-8720. Dr. Ray Omid will be sharing information on health and safety, environmental and financial awareness. There will also be free health screenings. Proceeds to benefit the Jericho Fire Department. s2OSESINTHE7ALLED'ARDEN 2pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org. With Kim Johnson. 16 s,IVINGWITH7ILDLIFEON,ONG)SLAND 6pm. Brookside County Park. 59 Brook St., Sayville. 631-563-7716. gsbas.org. 28 s4HE -EN AND !CTIVITIES THAT $EVELOPED ,ONG )S LANDS /RIGINAL 'OLD #OAST 1:30-2:30pm. Connetquot River State Park Preserve. Sunrise Hwy., Oakdale. 631-581-1072. friendsofconnetquot.org. With docent, Mark Romaine. 29 s#LASSICAL -OTIFS IN THE 'ARDENS 9am-3pm. 71 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury. 516-333-0048. oldwestburygardens.org. Garden tour with docent Gene Lanzaro. EVERY SUNDAY IS A FAMILY SUNDAY *"% $"$ $! $#) *&'(#$!"#$ # *#% $ ##!#$'$"$ 30r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN what to do SPOTLIGHT Holistic Complimentary Dinner Health Talk Dr. Ray Omid invites you and up to four guests to come dine with us and enjoy an informative complimentary health talk about the three components to a 100 year lifestyle, how to regain health and vitality, how to have more energy and less stress and how to prevent medical debt and protect your #1 asset. A 3 course dinner will be served and Dinner Talk starts at 7 sharp, no one allowed in after 7:10. When: June 2nd and June 30th at 6:30 PM Where: Umbertos Italian Restaurant- 633 Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park Tickets: RSVP by May 30th for June 2nd talk and/or June 28th for June 30th talk to [email protected] or 917 747-2795. advertisement ONGOING s!FTERMODERNIS- 3PRING Through July 6th. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s#ONNECTIONS 7-8:15pm, second and fourth Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Widow and widowers group for ages 50 and up. $9. s%XPOSED %ADWEARD -UYBRIDGE AND THE 3TUDY OF -OTION Through August 3rd. The Heckscher Museum *HOW TO MEDITATE 5 WEEK COURSE REGISTER NOW: Last Session until Fall 2014 *ONGOING MEDITATION INTUITION DEVELOPMENT GROUP Access your inner light, improve your life *ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS Charts: Individual / Relationships **Chart Interpretation *PRIVATE SESSIONS Past Life Regressions/Guided Meditations *ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS *Smithtown Prepaid discounts & sliding scales available Information / Registration: JUDITH S. GIANNOTTI, M.A., R.HY. 631-724-9733 www.lightawakenings7.com of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s&AMILY3UNDAYATTHE-USEUM 1pm, Sundays. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. Docent-led family walk-through of the exhibition and, beginning at 1:30 pm, supervised art activities for the whole family. Special family guides of the main exhibition are available in the galleries. Museum admission required. s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE 12:30-3pm. 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s&OUR #ORNERS#ELEBRATE THE $IASPORA Sundays 1-4pm. Suffolk Y JCC, Alan and Helene Rosenberg Discovery Museum. 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x140. suffolkyjcc.org. $5. s'ARDEN0ARTY Through July 6th. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. s'IVE "ACK 3UNDAYS Once a month Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology provides free radiological exams (MRI, CT SCAN, X-ray, Mammography, etc.) for uninsured Nassau and Suffolk County residents. For more information, upcoming dates, and phone numbers, visit ZPgivebacksundays.org. s,EARN TO 0LAY -AH *ONG Thursdays. 10am-12pm. June 19th-31st. Friedberg JCC. 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. s-ARVELSAND-ONSTERS5NMASKING!SIAN)MAGES IN53#OMICS Through July 27th. Charles B. Wang Center Theatre Lobby Gallery. Stony Brook University. 631-632-4400. wangcenter@ stonybrook.edu. s-ASH5P#OLLAGESIN-IXED-EDIA June 29th through September 14th. Islip Art Museum. 50 Irish Lane., East Islip. 631-224-5402. islipartmuseum.org. Curated by Stephen Lamia, Ph.D. s.#-!S 3CULPTURE 0ARK Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. More than 50 works by renowned artists set amidst the 145-acre property. s.#-!S 7ALKING 4RAILS AND 'ARDENS Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. The museum’s 145 acres include many marked nature trails through the woods. Experience the many lush examples of horticultural arts. s/RCHID*OURNEYS June 7th-12th. Bayard Cutting Arboretum. 631-581-1002. bayardcuttingarboretum.com. $10. s2!$)3( (Reserve a Day for Interesting Social Distinctive Window Fashions Expert Shop At Home Service 516 594-6100 June Happenings): 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesdays, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s2!02ETIREES!CTIVITY0ROGRAM: 12:30-3pm, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 55 and up. $6. s2HYTHM2EPETITIONINTHETH#ENTURY Through August 10th. The Heckscher Museum of Art. 2 Prime Ave., Huntington. 631-351-3250. heckscher.org. s3EASOF"LUE!SIAN)NDIGO$YE Through July 27th. Charles B. Wang Center Skylight Gallery. Stony Brook University. 631-632-4400. wangcenter@stonybrook. edu. s3INGLES #HAT #HEW 7:45-9:30pm, Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-4629800 x139. syjcc.org. Group for all singles facilitated by a certified social worker. Refreshments served. $9. s3OCIABLE 3INGLES 3-5pm, first and third ahursdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-4629800 x121. syjcc.org. Group for active, single seniors ages 60 and up. $4. Registration required. s3OPHISTICATED 3INGLES 7:30-9:30pm, Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. Conract Lisa Charschan at 516-766-4341 x133. friedbergjcc.org. Singles ages 50 and up meet weekly. $8. s4RANSENDENCE Through June 21st. Art League of Long Island. 107 E. Deer Park Rd., Dix Hills. 631-462-5400. artleagueofli.org. s4HE 7AR 9EARS 4HROUGH 4HE %YES OF AN !RTIST Through June 30th. Brookwood Hall History Exhibit Room. 50 Irish Ln., East Islip. isliparts.org. s7EDNESDAY #LUB 10:30am-1:30pm, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 70 and up. $6. s9OUNG.ATURALISTS#LUB 1-3pm. Meets the 1st Sunday of every month. Brookside County Park. 59 Brook St., Sayville. 631-581-1731. gsbas.org. This club focuses on creating interest in the natural world around us and becoming stewards of a natural area. !LL LISTINGS FOR What to Do CONSIDERATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY EMAIL CALENDAR LIWOMANONLINECOMBYTHEFIRSTOFTHEMONTH FORTHEFOLLOWINGMONTH*UNEFORTHE*ULY ISSUE .OINFORMATIONWILLBEACCEPTEDBYTELEPHONE ,ISTINGS ARE PUBLISHED ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS To Spotlight your Event call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 email: [email protected] The Coasters! Featuring JUNE 11–JUNE 28 at the GATEWAY PLAYHOUSE Directed & choreographed by TONY AWARD NOMINEE CHET WALKER Words and Music by JERRY LEIBER & MIKE STOLLER Smokey Joe’s USE CODE 14WOMAN1F Must present at purchase. Not to be combined with other offers. Not valid on special events. Expires 7/19/14. 4PVUI$PVOUSZ3PBEt#FMMQPSU/: t5*9/08 XXXHBUFXBZQMBZIPVTFPSH www.distinctivewindowfashions.com To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r31 X T Support Groups Addictions s!!!L!NON-EETINGS ....... *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s!LCOHOLICS!NONYMOUS..... "AY3HORE ......................................................... 516-435-2863 &REEPORT ........................................................... 516-223-9590 NASSAUNYAAORGSUFFOLKNYAAORG s#HILDRENOF!LCOHOLICS'ROUP ................... 516-378-2992 s$EBTORS!NONYMOUS ................................... 212-969-8111 !SCENSTION,UTHERAN#HURCH"AYSHORE2D$EER0ARK DANYCINFO s&AMILIES!NONYMOUS ........ FAMILIESANONYMOUSORG s&OOD!DDICTS!NONYMOUS ,AKE'ROVE..................................................... 631-338-9059 )SLIP ................................................................... 516-220-3232 FOODADDICTSANONYMOUSORG s'AMBLERS!NONYMOUS .... s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS .............................. 631-473-1320 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3EXUAL!DDICTIONS!NONYMOUS3!./.3! #/50,%3 ......................................................... 347-531-5977 s7OMENFOR3OBRIETY ....................................215-536-8026 WOMENFORSOBRIETYORG Alzheimers s!DULT#HILDRENOF)NDIVIDUALSWITH!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ................................................,)!& ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION LIAFORG s!LZHEIMERS!SSOCIATION .. 2ONKONKOMAALZORGLONGISLAND s!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ...........,)!& ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION LIAFORG s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS .....................X #OMMUNITY0ROGRAMS#ENTEROF,)2ONKONKOMA s!LZHEIMERS&AMILY#AREGIVERS ............... 516-593-2424 "RISTAL!SSISTEDAT,YNBROOK s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP ................... 516-432-0570 4EMPLE%MANU%LOF,ONG"EACH,ONG"EACH s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP*!3! ..... 516-432-0570 &RIEDBERG*##.EIL#T/CEANSIDE JASAORG s%ARLY/NSET!LZHEIMERS ....,)!& ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATION LIAFORG s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE ........................................... 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,ETS$O,UNCH9OUNG/NSET .................. 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3HABBAT2ESPITE0ROGRAM ................ X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMYJCCORG s3POUSESOF!LZHEIMERS$EMENTIA0ATIENTS ..........................................................................631-264-0222 "ROADLAWN-ANOR!MITYVILLE Bereavement s!NIMAL"EREAVEMENT'ROUP .......................516-785-6416 ,ONG)SLAND6ETERINARY3PECIALIST#ENTER0LAINVIEW s"EREAVEMENT ..................................................631-259-2018 %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME /LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO COPEFOUNDATIONORG s"EREAVEMENT .................................................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s"EREAVEMENT ................................................. 516-465-2500 32r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEM NORTHSHORELIJEDU s"EREAVEMENT ....................... 3T,OUISDE-ONTFORT2##HURCH s"EREAVEMENT ........................................ X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s"EREAVEMENT .....................................X 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s"EREAVEMENT ....................................... X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s"EREAVEMENT .....................................X /UR,ADYOF#ONSOLATION-ELVILLE OLCCHSLIORG s"EREAVEMENT ........................................X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s"EREAVEMENT ....................................... X 3T-ARYS#HURCH(ARRISON!VE%)SLIP MARYSEASTISLIPORG s"EREAVEMENT ......................................X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE ................. 631-687-2960 "ROOKHAVEN(OSPICE s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE ....................631-259-2018 %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO COPEFOUNDATIONORG s"EREAVEMENTON.................................. 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSFOR#HILDRENAND&AMILIES ........................................................................... 516-626-1971 .ORTH3HORE#HILDAND&AMILY'UIDANCE#ENTER s$ROP)N"EREAVEMENT'ROUP.....................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s$EATHOFA#HILD3UPPORT'ROUP ..............631-738-0809 3T3YLVESTERS#HURCH-EDFORD s'RIEF3HARE ......................................................516-731-6736 0LAINEDGE"APTIST#HURCH"ETHPAGE s(%!,(ELP%ASE!,OSS ............................................... 3T4HOMASOF#ANTERBURY#HURCH3MITHTOWN s(OLOCAUST3URVIVORSAND&RIENDS .... X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s,OSSOFA"ABY ...............................................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s,OSSOFA#HILD..................................... X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s,OSSOFA3IBLING .................................. X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s,OSSOF3POUSE ...............................................516-634-4190 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s2ECENT7IDOW7IDOWER .................... X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s2ECENTLY"EREAVED'ROUP.......................... 866-789-5423 3UNRISEOF.,YNBROOK.,YNBROOK s3IBLING"EREAVEMENT'ROUP........................631-259-2018 %LIAS(ICKS(ISTORICAL(OME/LD*ERICHO4PKE*ERICHO COPEFOUNDATIONORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERS ............X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWER.................................. X *##OF7EST(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD &%'30ARTNERSIN#ARING&RIEDBERG*## s7IDOW7IDOWER..................................X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESANDUP ........ 516-395-8303 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE s7IDOW7IDOWERAGES ........ X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s7IDOWS'ROUP .....................................X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSTO!GE .X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG Breast and other Cancers s!DELPHI.EW9ORK3TATE7IDE"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE ..........................................................................800-877-8077 s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY ...........................!#3 CANCERORG s"2#!.............................................................. 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REAST#ANCER ................................................. 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REASTAND/VARIAN#ANCER ..............X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s"REAST#ANCER ................................................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH #ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s"REAST#ANCER&AMILYAND&RIENDS ............631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER"REAST(EALTH #ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s#ANCER'ROUP..................... &RANKLIN(OSPITAL6ALLEY3TREAM s#ANCER0ATIENTAND3URVIVOR'ROUP .........631-675-9003 ,ONG)SLAND#ANCER(ELPAND7ELLNESS#ENTER"AY3HORE BREASTCANCERHELPINCORG s#ANCER'ROUPS .............................................. 516-465-2500 .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEMNORTHSHORELIJEDU s#ANCER3URVIVORS........................................... 631-473-1320 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s#ANCER3UPPORT .............................................. 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUPFOR7OMENWITH"ILATERAL -ASECTOMIES .................................................... 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG s#IRCLEOF(OPE ............................................... 516-833-3057 -ERRICK CIRCLEOFHOPEMERRICKORG s$AY4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER ........... 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s&AMILY3UPPORT ............................................... 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG s(EADAND.ECK#ANCER3UPPORT ............... 516-759-5333 3YOSSET(OSPITAL#ONFERENCE2OOM!" s(UNTINGTON"REAST#ANCER!CTION#OALITION ...........................................................................631-547-1518 HBCACORG s)SLIP"REAST#ANCER#OALITION ......................631-968-7424 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s,IFE'OES/N .................................................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s,IVE,OVE,AUGH!GAINBREASTCANCER631-476-2776 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s,OOK'OOD&EEL"ETTER ...............................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s-ETASTATIC"REAST#ANCER.............................. 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s-ID)SLAND3KIN#ANCER .............................. 516-352-4227 CCMACORG s.ATIONAL/VARIAN#ANCER#OALITION./## ..........................................................................631-672-2027 ,ONG)SLAND#HAPTER(UNTINGTON3TATION OVARIANORG s"REAST#ANCER ................................................. 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT INORG s.EWLY$IAGNOSED"REAST#ANCER .......................................... 631-476-2776 or 631-689-1854 -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s.IGHT4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER ........ 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s#LOSE+NIT'ROUPKNITANDTALKGROUPFORWOMENWITH BREASTCANCER .................................................. 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s3OUTH&ORK"REAST(EALTH#OALITION ..........631-726-8606 SOUTHFORKBREASTCOM s3PANISH3PEAKING7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER ........................................................................... 516-877-4314 s3POUSESAND0ARTNERSOF4HOSEWITH"REAST#ANCER ........................................................................... 516-877-4314 s3TRENGTHFOR,IFEEXERCISECLASSES ............631-675-6513 6ARIOUSLOCATIONS STREGTHFORLIFE.9ORG s3TRENGTHTO3TRENGTHWELLNESSPROGRAMS ................................................................X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3UPPORTFOR0EOPLE7ITH/RAL(EADAND.ECK#ANCER . ............................................... 3YOSSET3TONY"ROOK SPOHNCORG s4HYROID#ANCER3URVIVORS(OTLINE ............ 877-588-7904 s9OUNG7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER............ 516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE..................................800-877-8077 Caregivers U!DULT#HILDREN#AREGIVERS .......................... 516-742-2050 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER MIYJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP .........................................516-227-8945 %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ................................X &%'33YOSSET FEGSORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ............................ X To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Support Groups 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s3EPARATED$IVORCED#OUNSELING ............... 516-599-1181 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ............................... X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s3EPARATION$IVORCE ............................. X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ......................................... 516-742-2050 4EMPLE%MANUEL,ONG"EACH s3INGLES ...................................................X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s*!3!#AREGIVERS'ROUPS..................X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK AND"RISTTOL!SSISTED,IVING.ORTHPORT BSIGNORE JASAORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ............................. X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP .........................................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3INGLES'ROUP................................................ 516-822-3535 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s3INGLES'ROUP ........................................516-766-4341 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s3INGLES3UPPORTAND$ISCUSSION .............. 516-395-8303 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE s#AREGIVERS'ROUP .........................................516-227-8945 3HELTER2OCK0UBLIC,IBRARY s7OMEN3EPARATINGAND$IVORCING ...........631-525-3646 s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ........ 0AULETTE$EMATO 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG Domestic Violence, Rape and Sexual Abuse s#AREGIVERS'ROUP ...............................X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s#ARING&OR9OUR3POUSE*!3! ................. 516-742-2050 *##OF7(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD JASAORG s'RANDPARENTS'ROUP ..................................516-227-8945 %LMONT0UBLIC,IBRARY s,ETS$O$INNERSPOUSESOF9OUNG/NSET!LZHEIMERS PATIENTS ........................................................... 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,ETS$O0IZZAKIDSWITHPARENTSWITH9OUNG/NSET !LZHEIMERS..................................................... 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s3ANDWICH'ENERATION .................................. 516-742-2050 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE FRIEDBERGJCCORG s3POUSES#HILDREN3IBLINGS ..................... 516-742-2050 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s7ELL3POUSESOR0ARTNERSOFTHE#HRONICALLY)LLAND $ISABLED ........................................................... 516-829-8740 3T#HARLES2EHAB#ENTER!LBERTSON Divorce and Separation s$IVORCE#ARE ...................................................516-731-6736 ,IFE#ENTEROF"ETHPAGE s$IVORCE3UPPORT'ROUP .............................. 516-992-2873 !LLIANCETO2ESTORE)NTEGRITYIN$IVORCE!2)$ s$IVORCED3EPARATED.........................X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED3TEP'ROUP .718-740-1684 #OMMUNITY#HURCHOF%AST7ILLISTON s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED ....................X 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS SJJCCORG s$IVORCED3EPARATED..................................631-462-9800 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s$IVORCED3EPARATED..................................631-462-9800 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACK SUFFOLKYJCCORG s$IVORCED3EPARATEDAND7IDOWED .......... 516-551-9143 3T+ILIAN#HURCH#ONKLIN3T&ARMINGDALE s"RIGHTER4OMORROWS ..................................... 631-395-1800 BRIGHTERTOMORROWSINCORG s#HILD!BUSE-ALTREATMENT2EFERRALS ...800-342-3720 s%LDER!BUSE ....................................................516-542-0404 #OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE(EMPSTEAD s&AMILY6IOLENCEAND#HILD!BUSE .............. 516-485-5710 &%'3 FEGSORG s.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC 6IOLENCEHRHOTLINE ..................................516-542-0404 CADVNCORG s0ROTECTIONOF#HILDRENAND9OUNG0EOPLE ................................................................ X $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s2APE3EXUAL!SSAULT(OTLINE.ASSAU#OUNTY#OALITION !GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE .........................516-542-0404 s3ELF%STEEMIN2ELATIONSHIPS ..................... 631-667-4188 !SCENSION,UTHERAN#HURCH$EER0ARK s3EXUAL!BUSE3URVIVORS .................... X $IOCESEOF2OCKVILLE#ENTRE2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s3UFFOLK#OUNTY#OALITION!GAINST$OMESTIC6IOLENCE ............................................... SCCADVORG s4HE2ETREAT$OMESTIC6IOLENCEHOTLINE631-329-2200 s6ICTIMS)NFORMATION"UREAU6)"3OF3UFFOLK#OUNTY ..........................................................................631-360-3606 Health Related ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,) LMNIORG s"RAIN!NEURYSM ............................................516-562-3815 4HE"RAIN!NEURYSM#ENTERAT.ORTH3HORE5NIV (OSPITAL-ANHASSET NSALANT NSHSEDU s"RAIN!6-AND!NEURYSM ......................... 516-442-3527 ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,ONG)SLANDMNI ORG s"RAIN)NJURY .........................+ATIE-ETZGER 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s"RAIN4UMOR0ATIENTSAND4HEIR&AMILIES ............................................... ."ELLMOREAND#OMMACK GUARDIANBRAINORG s#OMA4RAUMATIC"RIAN)NJURY2ECOVERY!SSOCIATION .......................................................................... 631-756-1826 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITY(OSPITAL/CEANSIDE s#ROHNS#OLITIS'ROUP .............................. 516-222-5530 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s#HRONIC&ATIGUE&IBROMYALGIA ................631-548-8237 s$IABETES(EART#LUB .......................... 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'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP s!DHESIONSSCARTISSUEPAIN..................... 631-921-7426 3TONY"ROOK5NIVERSITY(OSPITAL3TONY"ROOK ADHESIONSFOUNDATIONORG s!LOPECIA ............................... NAAFORG s!MPUTEE .......................................2OB-OY 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s!RTHRITIS ......................................................... 631-427-8272 ARTHRITISORG s!STHMA ..................................$R(ARVEY-ILLER 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s"ARIATRIC ..........................................................631-258-7530 ,)0/,ONG)SLAND0OST/PS LIPONATIONORG s"ENIGN%SSENTIAL"LEPHAROSPASM(EMIFACIAL3PASM ............................................................................... 516-442-3527 To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN June 2014r-0/(*4-"/%80."/r33 6 Support Groups GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3LEEP$ISORDERS..............................................631-476-2721 -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3TROKE3UPPORT .............................................. 516-562-4947 .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL#OMMUNITY$RIVE %NTRANCE!PT-ANHASSET s3TROKE3URVIVORS#AREGIVERS ................................................. 0LAINVIEW(OSPITAL0LAINVIEW s3TROKE .............................................................. 631-807-6819 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s3TROKE4")#AREGIVERS'ROUP .....................516-586-4480 #OMMON'ROUND!LLIANCE0LAINVIEW COMMONGROUNDALLCOM Mental Health s!NXIETYAND0ANIC'ROUP ............................631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s#OUNSELING ..................................................... 631-691-3347 &%'3 FEGSORG s$EPRESSION ..................................................... 516-496-2743 3YOSSET(OSPITAL$OCTORS,OUNGE s%MOTIONS!NONYMOUS ................................ 631-584-5604 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s-ENTAL)LLNESS&AMILY3UPPORT .................. (%,0 -ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONOF.ASSAU#OUNTY (EMPSTEAD s-ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATION3UFFOLK .......631-226-3900 ,INDENHURST MHASUFFOLKORG s-OOD$ISORDERS ............................................631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s-OOD$ISORDER'ROUP .................................516-546-1370 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL/UTPATIENT#LINIC "ALDWIN s.ATIONAL!LLIANCEON-ENTAL)LLNESS.!-) .............................................. .!-),ONG)SLAND/LD"ETHPAGE NAMIORG s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION ..............................631-226-3900 PFALICOM s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION ......................................... 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK POSTPARTUM.9ORG s0OST4RAUMATIC3TRESS$ISORDER ..................631-226-3900 PFALICOM s2ELATIVESAND&RIENDSOFPERSONSWITHA-ENTAL)LLNESS ..........................................................................631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s3UICIDE0REVENTION(OTLINE .......................... 35)#)$% 0ARENTING&AMILY)SSUES s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION ..............................631-422-2255 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK POSTPARTUM.9ORG Smoking Cessation s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY ..........................!#3 ORCANCERORG s'REEN3EMINARS ............................................800-342-1303 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s.ICOTINE!NONYMOUS ........ NICOTINEANONYMOUSORG s3TOP3MOKING ...............$ONNALY-URINO 3OUTHSIDE(OSPITAL%-AIN3T"AY3HORE NORTHSHORELIJORG s4OBACCO#ESSATION....................................... 866-946-8476 &RANKLIN!VE-,'ARDEN#ITYWINTHROPORG Weight Loss s"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP ..............................631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s'REEN3EMINARS ............................................800-342-1303 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s0OST"ARIATRIC3UPPORT'ROUP.....................-%2#9 -ERCY-EDICAL#ENTER2OCKVILLE#ENTRE s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS .............................. 631-473-1320 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s/VERWEIGHT7OMEN ....................................631-525-3646 s0ARENTSOF#HILDREN7ITH!UTISM ................................................................ X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW MIYJCCORG s0ARENTSOF,ESBIANAND'AY#HILDREN ......516-569-6600 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s0ARENTSOF3PECIAL.EEDS#HILDREN .X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG Women’s Issues s7).'37OMEN)N.ETWORK'IVING3UPPORT s0ARENTSOF9OUNG#HILDREN"IRTHTO&IVE ..........................................................................516-334-8985 .................................................................X $ARTMOUTH3T7ESTBURY &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE s7OMENS3ELF!WARENESS3ELF#AREAND3ELF2EALIZATION 0ARENTING2ESOURCE.ETWORKORG .......................................................................... 516-794-7328 s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS ........................516-562-8422 %$!#OUNSELING#ENTER7ESTBURY .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL ........631-853-3033 s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUP .......... X Miscellaneous s!DOPTION(OTLINE .......................................... 516-799-7445 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG *##! s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS ........................516-562-8422 s$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITIES)NSTITUTE.........631-360-4600 .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET 3MITHTOWNFAMILYSUPPORTSERVICES s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL ........631-853-3033 DDIINFOORG s0RISON&AMILIES!NONYMOUS.......................631-943-0441 s'RANDPARENTS2AISING'RANDCHILDREN ......516-569-6600 #OMMUNITY0RESBYTERIAN#HURCH 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER7OODMERE $EER0ARK!VE$EER0ARK s,AWYER!SSISTANCE0ROGRAM,!0 ...........888-408-6222 PFALIORG s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUP .......... X s,ONG)SLAND)NFANT$EVELOPMENTAL0ROGRAM .......................................................................... 516-546-2333 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s.!-)(UNTIGTON ................ !LL LISTINGS FOR 3UPPORT 'ROUP CONSIDERATION MUST BE s.ATIONAL)NFERTILITY.ETWORK%XCHANGE.).% SUBMITTED BY THE lRST OF THE MONTH FOR THE FOLLOWING .......................................................................... 516-794-5772 MONTH (June 1 for July issue) BY EMAIL SUPPORT s.EW-OTHERS'ROUP...................................631-376-4444 LIWOMANONLINECOM 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP .O INFORMATION WILL BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE ,ISTINGS GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG AREPUBLISHEDONASPACEAVAILABLEBASIS s0ARENTING3PECIAL.EEDS ................ X If you have a support group listed in this 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLS guide that no longer exists or requires SJJCCORG updated information, please email us at s0ARENTING9OUNG#HILDREN...........................631-376-4444 [email protected]. 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP To advertise a for-profit support group GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG call 516-505-0555 x1 s0ARENTSOF!DULT#HILDREN7ITHA$EVELOPMENTAL$ISor email [email protected] ABILITY ................................................................. 516-822-0028 coming in the August issue of Survival Guide You’ve Got To Be In It! A very special issue that our readers keep and refer to throughout the year. Distribution begins June 24th and also at special women’s events throughout the year. Advertising Reservation Deadline: Monday, June 9th For advertising information call 516-505-0555 x 1 or email [email protected] 34r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rJune 2014 Health & Wellness Guide Health & Wellness advertisers receive a FREE* write-up in this special guide. Women are Responsible for 85% of Healthcare Purchases. Reach Long Island’s Healthcare Decision-Makers in this special issue and every month in Long Island Woman. Long Island’s original and only Island-wide award-winning monthly woman’s publication reaching over 125,000 women throughout Long Island. (since 2001) Reserve Your Space & Copy by Thursday, July 3rd. For more information call 516-505-0555 x1 or email: [email protected] *Health & Wellness write-up is $195 or FREE with a display ad in the August issue. To advertise: YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Women’s Wellness Healthy Eating in the Digital Age: There’s an App for That! Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:00 – 9:00pm Long Island Marriott 101 James Doolittle Blvd. Uniondale, NY If you are looking to stay healthy, manage your weight and improve your diet, create a healthy eating plan that’s right for you. Join us… Understand your diet habits and develop an eating plan to meet your nutritional needs Navigate through some of the best (and free) nutrition apps – from calorie trackers, recipe finders and grocery list planners Enjoy healthy food choices and refreshments with friends $20 admission fee. Registration is required. Online: kiwh.northshorelij.com (search under events) Phone: 1-855-850-KIWH (5494) To advertise:YrBET!MJXPNBOPOMJOFDPN Presenter: Sotiria Everett, RD Registered Dietitian The Katz Institute for Women’s Health For more informaton or to register, click the QR code here. TJE-17831a-3-14 Attendees will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win a gift basket. We look forward to seeing you there! June 2014rLONG ISLAND WOMANr35 3D Mammography increases cancer detection by as much as 40% Results of a new, large-scale study have revealed that adding 3D mammography to conventional 2D mammography increases the detection of the most serious forms of cancer by as much as 40%, while lowering false-positive results by 15%. The results were published in the journal, Radiology. ZWANGER-PESIRI 516 6 31 With 16 systems, Zwanger-Pesiri has the most experience with 3D mammography in the tri-state area, offering the study on every unit in every office. Z -W -A -N -G -E -R Schedule online at zprad.com Elmont Hicksville Plainview Merrick Massapequa Lindenhurst West Islip Patchogue Medford Smithtown Stony Brook East Setauket
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