Hazleton Area Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting Hazleton Area School District Administration Building 6:15 P.M., Thursday, January 22, 2015 A - Call to Order by Board President B - Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence C - Attendance Roll Call D - Announcement of Executive Sessions held as follows: December 18, 2014 - Personnel & Litigation January 13, 2015 - Personnel January 22, 2015 - Personnel & Litigation E - Public Announcements and Recognition F - Public Comment Directed to the Board on Agenda Items Only G - Approve Board Mtg. Minutes: Special Board Meeting, December 18, 2014 (APPROVED) H - Treasurer Report for December, 2014 (APPROVED) Curriculum and Instruction Approve Items 1-26 With One Motion (APPROVED EXCEPT ITEMS 17, 19 & 23 THESE THREE ITEMS WERE TABLED) 1. Recommend Board approve the following college students to do observations: Olivia Wolfe Jennifer Cohn Brittany Vercusky Eliza Busher Hannah Frohman Hunter Samec Emily Betterly Victoria Freda Alexis Campbell Quinn Fohlinger Nicole Kinzinger Briana Jastrzebski Rebecca Yannes Jenna Schell Sarah Marouchoc Abby Grabowski Emily Brown Bloomsburg Misericordia Temple Ithaca College Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Misericordia Misericordia Misericordia Misericordia Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Bloomsburg Kings 40 Hours 40 Hours 40 Hours 40 Hours 10 Hours 30 Hours 30 Hours 50 Hours 50 Hours 50 Hours 30 Hours 40 Hours 30 Hours 20 Hours 20 Hours 10 Hours 20 Hours Page 1 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 2. Recommend Board approve the request to change the current HAHS Yearbook name from AMACUS (which means friendship) to ADUNATO (which is Latin for Blended or United). This is in hopes of having more of a diverse population of students working together on the yearbook. 3. Recommend Board approve the attached Affiliating Agreement with Ithaca College, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 4. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences to hold an initial focus group meeting on January 21st (snow make-up day January 28th) at 6 PM. This focus group is being assembled to address how to better serve the minority populations academically and socially. This group will serve to identify trends and issues related to the minority groups at the Academy, as well as offer solutions to make improvements in this area. Data will be analyzed to identify gaps as they directly relate to the STEM school. Special attention will be paid to information regarding application rates/acceptance rates of minority students. All stakeholders will be invited to take part in this meeting including, but not limited to, Board members, administrators, faculty, Migrant Education employees, etc. Future meetings will expand to include parents, other community members, and students. 5. Recommend Board approve an agreement with the Bloomsburg Theater Ensemble to provide two performances of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in each of the elementary/middle schools at a total cost of $4,000.00 6. Recommend Board approve students from all Hazleton Area High School buildings to participate in the MathCon 2015, an online Math Competition. The cost is $75.00 and allows for an unlimited number of students to participate per school from grades 5th-12th. Mrs. Billet will coordinate the activity with Mr. Brennan at HAHS. 7. Recommend Board approve the Hazleton Area Arts & Humanities Academy (HAAH) application for the 2015-2016 school year. 8. Recommend Board approve the World Languages curriculum as previously presented. 9. Recommend Board approve Cynthia Salnicky for the position of entering ACT 48 hours for all district faculties. The pay rate is $31.00 per hour as per the HAEA contractual agreement. 10. Recommend Board approve the use of a communication tool called “Remind”. This free app can be used on any smart phone or tablet device. App is designed specifically for use by teachers, coaches, and club advisors to communicate safely with students. App uses a code to sync students with their teachers, etc.; therefore, no phone numbers are exchanged. Also, the messages are sent by the teacher with no open replies. Meaning the students are not able to respond back to the teacher, it’s only a reminder message. Interactions can also be monitored by administration and Page 2 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 parents. Additionally, according to a study conducted by Harvard University, on average, teacher-parent communication increased by the odds a student completed their homework by 42% and decreased instances in which teachers had to redirect student’s attention to the task at hand by 25%. 11. Recommend Board approve Joseph Chicalese, Precision Machine Instructor, to hold the regional Skills USA competition on January 26, 2015 (Act 80 Day) at the Hazleton Area Career Center form 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. 12. Recommend Board approve the request of CAS 100 Effective Speech Course to be taught as a dual enrollment course by Penn State University in the Hazleton Area High School beginning in the Fall of 2015. 13. Recommend Board approve an event for our Coaches vs. Cancer 2015 Campaign starting the end of January. We have done great things over the years and our school consistently is in the top 5 of nearly 50 schools in District 2. Would like our efforts to be district wide this year. Mr. Mike Joseph is proposing to sell Coaches vs. Cancer t-shirts in all district schools over the next 3 weeks. Inquiring the School Board make Friday, Jan. 30th as “Coaches vs. Cancer” Day in our district. This will allow all those that bought shirts a chance to wear them to school & show their support. Mr. Joseph would like to reach out to Ryan Lechy and Channel 16 to see if they would come to our school on Jan. 30th for the morning show segment. Mr. Joseph plans on reaching out to our Spirit Club for help to get a huge crowd of students at the Jan. 30th game vs. Crestwood. The t-shirt sale will be part of our campaign, along with a canister drive at games in January and memory card donations from students, faculty, and staff. 14. Recommend Board approve Maple Manor Builder’s Club to hold a “Super Bowl Thursday Jersey Day”. Students will be able to wear a football jersey/shirt Thursday before The Super Bowl, Jan. 29th, if they bring in an item to be donated to the Hazleton Animal Shelter. A list of suggested items to be donated will be provided to the students. 15. Recommend Board approve a field trip run by the physical education teachers at Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences. The 10th grade students from the current semester and students taking an elective PE course will travel to Stony Acres located in East Stroudsburg, PA. This field trip would promote leadership, trust, and practice problem-solving in low element rope challenges. The cost would be $20.00 per student; they are responsible for that cost. Three substitutes would be needed to cover for teacher chaperones, as well as 2 buses for transportation. The trip would take place on May 20, 2015 during the school day leaving at 8 AM and returning by 2:15 PM for dismissal. Page 3 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 16. Recommend Board approve the novel, In The Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez. This is an important novel to add to the ELA exemplar list, not only because it is aligned with the Core, but also because it is written by a Dominican Author and set in the Dominican Republic. The cost 200 copies with free shipping = $3,143.36 #15SS-65129764. 17. Recommend Board approve the purchase of classroom sets of textbooks aligned with the HASD ELA curriculum and the PA Core. The textbooks will be purchased from Pearson Inc. for the 2015-2016 Budget. These texts will be extremely beneficial to our students and their acquisition of the ELA standards. (TABLED) Grade 10 – 250 copies - $90.97/each = $22,742.50 Grade 9 – 250 copies - $90.97/each = $22,742.50 ISBN #13-9780133195569 ISBN #13-9780133195552 18. Recommend Board approve a request for 51 students, 3 advisors, and one administrator from the Hazleton Area FBLA Chapter to attend and compete at the 2015 State Leadership Conference on 4/12/15-4/15/15 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center in Hershey, PA. The total cost of the conference is $22,744. 19. Recommend Board approve the adoption of Algebra I textbooks as a resource aligned with the PA Core of middle and high school students enrolled in Algebra I in eleven buildings. The textbooks will be purchased from Pearson Inc. for the 2015-2016 Budget. The cost to include 800 textbooks @ $112.00 each = $89,600.00 (TABLED) 20. Recommend Board approve the following students from Misericordia University to perform student observations within the Special Education Department: Jacqueline Paluszek Rose Siciliano Joanna Szeliga Erin Baker Sarah Ickes Kristi Maas Carly Zaklukiewicz Kara Yozwiak Leah Davis Bethany Empfield Kristi Cianfichi Emily Iseminger Maria Weidemoyer Erin McGreal Alyssa Leonard 21. Recommend Board approve Jennifer Mason as a substitute Science teacher for the HAAO paid at the contracted rate of $31.00 per hour. 22. Recommend Board approve Mr. Thomas Fadden, Instrumental Music Teacher and Band Director at Valley Elementary/Middle School, is volunteering his time to start a Jazz Lab Ensemble on Fridays after school. Rehearsals will be from 3:30-5:00. Parents will be required to pick students up @ 5:00. The ensemble will perform at the Spring Concert at Valley School on May 22nd. Jazz Lab is open to any band student in grades 5-8th who participate in concert band with Mr. Fadden. Students will be exposed to playing swing, jazz, Latin and contemporary music styles. They will also learn basic improvisation skills needed to construct soloing skills. 23. Recommend Board approve the purchase of new textbooks for American Studies (formerly US History grades 10-12) to align with the PA Core curriculum. The cost to include 1500 textbooks @ $90.00 per textbook = $135,000.00 (TABLED) Page 4 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 24. Recommend Board approve doctoral research in the HASD for doctoral candidate Angela Mooney. Ms. Mooney will be studying how teachers of English Language Learners grapple with the Common Core standards. Her research will be a great benefit to the district. 25. Recommend Board approve the addition of a part-time instrumental music teacher, effective the 2015-16 school year, to replace Neil Forte who is needed full time at the high school for the Hazleton Area Arts and Humanities Academy. 26. Recommend Board approve an agreement with Bloomsburg University to partner with them on a Pre-Service Differently Grant. This is a no cost opportunity for the district to enhance teacher development by offering professional growth opportunities to participating teachers and student teachers. Participation is pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 27. Recommend Board approve Dr. Butler to explore possible alternative sites for the (HAAO) Hazleton Area Alternative Opportunities Program with the goal of maintaining the lease amount at or below $2,500.00 per month, including little or no renovation costs. (APPROVED) FYI The Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences will be video conferencing CAD from Mr. Robert Hebel’s class at the Career Center during period 1-2 of semester two. Student-Teacher Placement: Eliza Busher (Ithaca College) with Lisa Latoski, HAHS Student-Teacher Placement: Carmella Ruby (Misericordia University) with HASD School Nursing Staff Student-Teacher Placements: Bloomsburg University (Please see attached list) Special Education, ESL, Alternative Education Approve Items 28-31 With One Motion (APPROVED) 28. Recommend Board approve the renewal of IEP Writer and Child Count with Leader Services for Special Education from the period of February 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016 at $22,219.00 per year. 29. Recommend Board approve HAHS/HAAS and middle school Science Olympiad teams to attend the Science Olympiad Competition at PSU Wilkes-Barre Campus on Wednesday, March 11, 2015. 30. Recommend Board approve the Winter Olympics for Special Education students to be held at Eagle Rock Resort on Friday, January 30, 2015. Snow date would be Friday, February 6, 2015. At no cost to the district. 31. Recommend Board approve an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) to be conducted by Dr. Kara Schmidt at a cost not to exceed $4,400.00. Per settlement agreement. Page 5 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 Security 32. Recommend Board approve the resignation of Joseph Tomcheck, part-time seasonal security officer effective January 5, 2015. (APPROVED) Nutrition Approve Items 33-34 With One Motion (APPROVED) 33. Recommend Board approve the cafeteria transfers-new hires as listed below. These are all open positions and rate is based on the HAESPA contract. A - Nancy Prokopick B - Anna Rodriguez C - Deborah Ayala D - Kristen Vajda HAHS HACC HACC FEMS 4.75 hours 4.50 hours 3.50 hours 4.50 hours 34. Recommend Board approve a change in hours for cafeteria employee Janice Moyer (FEMS) from 6.5 to 4.5 hours per day effective 1-19-2015. Transportation Approve Items 35-36 With One Motion (APPROVED) 35. Recommend Board approve school bus route changes. (See attached) 36. Recommend Board approve the following Contracted School Bus Drivers & Van Drivers: All driver information is on file and available in the Routing Department Office. Evancho Bus Co., Inc. Francis Burchanowski George Bindus Martini School Busing Inc. Andrea Dillman Student Activities, Athletics and Extra Curricular 37. Recommend Board approve the following coaching appointments: (APPROVED) A - Jason Smolinsky - Hazleton Junior High Boys Track and Field Head Coach Salary, $2,586 B - Kayla Mantush - Hazleton Middle School Girls Basketball Assistant Coach Salary, $1,498 C - Dannon Tihansky - Freeland Middle School Girls Basketball Head Coach Salary, $3,001 Page 6 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 Facilities & Capital Projects Approve Items 38-46 With One Motion (APPROVED) 38. Recommend Board approve Hazleton Public Transit Authority to install antenna on Hazleton Elementary/Middle School at no cost to the district. 39. Recommend Board approve change order for Lobar, Inc. to remove and replace unsuitable soil at Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School at a cost of $114,226.14. 40. Recommend Board approve change order for Spec Restoration Company, Inc. for the pool project at Hazleton Area High School at a cost of $320.00. 41. Recommend Board approve the solicitation of bid for replacing HVAC units in swimming pool area at Hazleton Area High School. 42. Recommend Board approve moving forward with design of Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School site improvements with Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $10,850.00. 43. Recommend Board approve American Tennis Courts, Inc. for repair and restoration of the tennis courts at Hazleton Area High School at a cost of $180,600 as per NCPA contract pricing. This is to be paid from GOB 2013. 44. Recommend Board approve permission to obtain architectural or engineering pricing to design the visitor’s locker room at Harman Geist Stadium. 45. Recommend Board approve permission to obtain bids on Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School façade’ restoration as per Crabtree Rohrbaugh’s design and specifications. 46. Recommend Board approve the advertisement of a Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services for projects with an estimated cost of $1,000,000 or less. Finance 47. Recommend Board approve the agreement between HASD and the SPO employees for the period of 7/1/2014 to 6/30/2017. (APPROVED) Approve Items 48-58 With One Motion (APPROVED) 48. Recommend Board approve the Property Tax Refunds. 49. Recommend Board approve the January surplus list. Page 7 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 50. Recommend Board accept the PPL Services Corporation Empowered Grant to the Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences in the amount of $2,000.00. 51. Recommend Board authorize the School District’s finance team to take preliminary steps for one or two bond issues to finance ongoing capital projects and refund the 2010 general obligation bonds if a minimum savings can be achieved. 52. Recommend Board approve the intent to reimburse its general fund for capital expenditures paid prior to the issuance of bonds later in 2015. 53. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive the rental fee for the Luzerne County Council’s Public Meeting held December 8, 2014 at the Hazleton Area Career Center, Large Group Instruction Room. (See Attached) 54. Recommend Board approve the annual maintenance renewal of Jet Reports - K12 Enterprise, LLC - for the period of 2/16/2015 to 2/16/2016 in the amount of $1,547.20. 55. Recommend Board approve the K12 Enterprise, LLC - Customer Care Plus (CCP) Annual Agreement 2/1/2015 to 2/1/2016 in the amount of $6,600.00 (Option 1). 56. Recommend Board approve the NAV Annual Maintenance Renewal on 1/28/2015 to 1/27/2016 in the amount of $15,351.94 with Microsoft to be paid through K12 Enterprise LLC. 57. Recommend Board approve the annual fee of TalentEd Recruit & Hire Professional and TalentEd Records Professional (Human Resource Software) from Netchemia in the amount of $16,483.00, for the period of 1/28/2015-1/28/2016. 58. Recommend Board approve the Bylaws for the Hazleton Area Education Foundation. (As per review and approval by Attorney Slusser). 59. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for Making A Difference Foundation to sponsor a concert by Liam Lis at West Hazleton El./Middle School Auditorium & Cafeteria on Friday, January 23, 2015. The proceeds of the concert are to benefit Aubrielle Marsicano. Aubrielle, at just 6 months old, contracted meningococcemia meningitis and was hospitalized for several weeks. (APPROVED) 60. Recommend Board approve the Tax Assessment Settlement Proposal between Schuylkill County, East Union Township, Hazleton Area School District and 60 Green Mountain LLC. (APPROVED) Page 8 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 61. Recommend Board approve the Tax Assessment Settlement Proposal between Schuylkill County, East Union Township, Hazleton Area School District and 63 Green Mountain LLC. (APPROVED) 62. Bills (ALL BILLS WERE APPROVED EXCEPT ITEM A) A - Andrews & Beard - Attorney Carl Beard - Legal Services - Invoice No. 328991 – $4,500.00 - Invoice No. 329249 - $45.00 - Invoice No. 329250 - $60.00 (NOT APPROVED) B - C.M. Eichenlaub Company - Maple Manor El./Middle School – Furnish Only All American Scoreboards Score Table - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 1407498 - $4,069.00 C - Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP - Legal Services - Invoice No. 92051 - $296.00 Invoice No. 92052 - $1,091.50 D - Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. - HASD - HACC Classroom Fit-Out - 11/1/2014 to 11/30/2014 - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 0095899 - $210.00 - HAHS Pool Water Testing 11/1/2014 to 11/30/2014 - General Fund - $2,995.69 - HAHS & 9th Grade Center (HTELC) 11/1/2014 to 11/30/2014 - General Fund - $8,050.00 E - Gillespie, Miscavige, Ferdinand, & Baranko, LLC - Legal Services - Attorney Miscavige Invoice No. 231956 - $4,075.00 F - Quality Assurance Plus - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 11/1/14 to 11/30/14 - Invoice No. 13 - $836.20 G - Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 16 - $10,174.03 H - Lobar, Inc. - General Construction - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 Payment Application No. 18 - $208,057.13 I - CMG of Easton, Inc. – General Construction – HASD – HACC (C) Wing Fit-Out – GOB 2013 - Payment Application No. 4 - $12,118.20 - Payment Application No. 5 $13,393.80 J - Spec Restoration Company, Inc. - HASD HAHS Pool Repair Project - General Fund Payment Application No. 1 - $6,571.53 K - Apollo Group, Inc. - Electrical Construction - STEM Lighting & Power – GOB 2013 Payment Application No. 1 - $19,177.92 - Payment Application No. 2 - $1,089.00 Payment Application No. 3 (Retainage) – $2,251.88 L - Yannuzzi, Inc. – HVAC Construction – HASD 9th Grade Center (HTELC) - GOB 2013 Payment Application No. 1 - $3,600.00 Payment Application No. 2 - $68,220.00 M - Tremco Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc. - HACC Roof - GOB 2013 - Invoice No. 93259884 - $85,554.14 N - Follett Library Resources - HASD Library Trust Fund - $677.55 O - Michelle Miller-Kotula - Arbitrator - SPFPA 10/1/2014 Hearing - Case Number 553000023510RVB - $2,372.27 P - Attorney Christopher Slusser - Legal Services - Invoice No. 9272 - $15,885.41 Q - General Fund - Monthly - $415,434.78 - Weekly - $1,262,865.31 - Activities - $36,300.83 Athletics - $37,675.41 - Cafeteria - $23,212.27 – Tax Refunds - $15,133.85 FYI Treasurer Report Investment Report Budget Report Rental Requests Student Activities Page 9 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 Superintendent’s Agenda 63. Recommend Board approve Randy Teter for the position of secondary school guidance counselor at a salary of $85,062.92 prorated for the balance of the 2014-2015 school year. (APPROVED) 64. Recommend Board approve the donation of sick days from within the HAESPA Union to Denise Jones, Paraprofessional at Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School. (APPROVED) 65. Recommend Board reappoint Robert Mehalick, HASD Board of Directors Representative for Greater Hazleton CAN DO. (APPROVED) 66. Recommend Board approve Casey Herseim, Cathy Colangelo and Anna Rainey for community and business representation on the District Comprehensive Planning Committee. (APPROVED) Approve Items 67-104 With One Motion (APPROVED) 67. Recommend Board approve the attached conference request list. 68. Recommend Board approve the attached list of substitutes. 69. Recommend Board approve the attached school functions list. 70. Recommend Board approve the settlement agreement between the HASD and Student ID #70443. 71. Recommend Board approve the settlement agreement between the HASD and Student ID #82042. 72. Recommend Board approve the expulsion with contract for student #15-13. 73. Recommend Board approve the signed expulsion waiver for student #15-14. 74. Recommend Board approve Mayra Castro, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional, WHEMS, at a salary of $11.05 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances. 75. Recommend Board approve Susan Karchner, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, HTEMS, effective January 23, 2015 at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 76. Recommend Board approve Susan Leonard, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, HEMS, effective January 23, 2015 at a salary of $11.05 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. Page 10 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 77. Recommend Board approve Rachel Ferry, 4.5 hour Paraprofessional, DEMS, at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 78. Recommend Board approve Julianne Mears, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, DEMS, at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 79. Recommend Board approve Melissa Perchansky, 4.5 hour Intervention Aide, MKEMS, at a salary of $11.05 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 80. Recommend Board approve Esther Kipa, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, John Heinz Wilkes-Barre, at a salary of $13.05 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 81. Recommend Board approve Christina Ferdinand, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, HACC, at a salary of $14.71 per hour as per the HAESPA contract. 82. Recommend Board approve Dora Foderaro, Speech-Language Pathologist, at a salary of $43,538.00, in accordance with the HAEA contract, pending release from present position and receipt of Act 168 disclosure form. This is a replacement position. 83. Recommend Board approve Michele Balliet, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, John Heinz Wilkes-Barre, at a salary of $11.81 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 84. Recommend Board approve Judith Kranyak, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, DEMS, at a salary of $10.81 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending completion of Credentials of Competency and receipt of Act 168 disclosure form. 85. Recommend Board approve Francis Padilla, 4.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, MKEMS, at a salary of $10.81 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending completion of Credentials of Competency and receipt of Act 168 disclosure form. 86. Recommend Board approve Margaret Littleton, 4.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, HAHS Campus, at a salary of $11.81 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 87. Recommend Board approve Alejandra Gallardo, 6.5 hour Bilingual Paraprofessional, at a salary of $10.55 per hour as per the HAESPA contract, pending completion of Credentials of Competency and receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. Page 11 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 88. Recommend Board approve Anna Chyko, 4.5 hour Math/Literacy Intervention Paraprofessional at HEMS for the 2014-2015 school year, at a salary of $10.55 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending completion of Credentials of Competency and receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 89. Recommend Board deny SPFPA Grievance No. 04-2014. 90. Recommend Board accept the resignation of Shannon Kapes, 6.5 hour Special Education Paraprofessional, DEMS, effective 1/9/15. 91. Recommend Board approve a military leave of absence for MAL005, effective 1/10/15-2/16/15. 92. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for BEN005, Teacher, HTELC, effective approximately 2/5/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick and personal days, followed by an unpaid leave of absence. 93. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for CUR004, Technical Curriculum Specialist, HACC, effective approximately 12/22/2014 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 94. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for DEA003, Teacher, MKEMS, effective approximately 1/12/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 95. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for HOL002, Teacher, ASES, effective approximately 1/14/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days. 96. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for JAI001, Teacher, HAHS, effective approximately 12/22/2014 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 97. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for KLI003, Paraprofessional, ASES, effective approximately 1/07/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days, followed by an unpaid leave of absence. 98. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for MEN003, Paraprofessional, HTELC, effective approximately 2/2/2015. It is understood the leave will consist of the utilization of sick days, followed by an unpaid leave of absence. 99. Recommend Board approve an unpaid leave of absence for MIL008, Teacher, MKEMS, effective approximately 12/23/2014. 100. Recommend Board approve an unpaid leave of absence for SIN002, Custodian, HTELC, effective approximately 12/18/2014. Page 12 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 101. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for WAR004, Teacher, MKEMS, effective approximately 1/12/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 102. Recommend Board approve Olga A. Papa, School Counselor to complete her internship hours with Michele Planutis for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Papa is currently enrolled in Bloomsburg University’s School Counseling program to obtain her Elementary School Counselor Certificate. 103. Recommend Board approve Caryn Lutz, a doctoral student at Capella University to complete her dissertation, entitled, “Implementation of Dance by Pennsylvania Physical Education (PE) Teachers.” Her research will be overseen by a faculty mentor, Dr. Amy Williamson with Capella University. Her anticipated projected date will start early Spring 2015. 104. Recommend Board approve the HACC Broadcast communications class participate in the CNN News affiliate program with approval from Att. Slusser. The program enables students to have the same news access as a broadcasting station. NEW MOTIONS 1. Recommend Board accept the letter of retirement from Dr. Francis X. Antonelli, D.Ed., Superintendent of Schools. (APPROVED) 2. Recommend Board approve to advertise and post for the position of Superintendent of Schools. (APPROVED) Page 13 of 13 Regular Monthly Board Meeting January 22, 2015 Conference Request for Board Approval 1/22/2015 Pg. 1 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Crystal Lyons Hazleton Area Career Center U Penn Mock Trial Tournament Philadelphia, PA 1/16 through 1/18/2015 $205.00 Pat Cannon Hazleton Area Career Center U Penn Mock Trial Tournament Philadelphia, PA 1/16 through 1/18/2015 $205.00 Lucy Valente Sound Management Heights-Terrace Elementary Kingston, PA Middle School & Maple 2/20/2015 Manor Elementary/Middle School $ 18.97 (if driving) Karen Vino McAdoo Kelaryes Elementary/Middle School 2015 Conference for PA Kindergarten Teachers Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $659.25 Joseph Chicalese Hazleton Area Center Center Master Cam Mill Allentown, PA 2/2 through 2/4/2015 $1,396.45 (Perkins Grant) Patricia Craig Administration Building PA ELPS Harrisburg, PA 1/15 & 1/16/2015 $-0- John Bereznak Hazleton Area Career Center Temple – New Teacher Workshop Philadelphia, PA 1/5 through 1/8/2015 $340.00 (Cost of Substitute 4 days) Michael Pozzessere Hazleton Area Career Center PILS #1 Schnecksville, PA 2/18 & 2/19/2015 $91.31 Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 Pg. 2 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Tara Senape McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School 2015 – PA Kindergarten Teachers Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $438.00 Tammy Skotek McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School 2015 – PA Kindergarten Teachers Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $195.00 Sara Higgs McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School 2015 – PA Kindergarten Teachers Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $524.25 Anella Cera Valley Elementary/ Middle School Sound Management It’s About Time White Haven, PA 2/20/2015 $-0(Access) Paulette Belusko Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School Really Great Reading Kingston, PA 1/20/2015 $38.75 Jacqueline McHale Administration Building PASPA Annual Conference Harrisburg, PA 2/25 through 2/27/2015 $753.83 Kimberly Sharonoff PMEA District Chorus Hazleton Area High School Tunkhannock, PA 1/21 through 1/23/2015 Christopher Yourechko Drums Elementary/ Middle School PILS/NISL Course #1 Schnecksville, PA 2/18, 2/19, 3/25, 3/26 5/12, 5/13, 6/25 & 6/26/2015 Jennifer Gerhard HAHS Band Trip Heights-Terrace Elementary/ Nashville, TN Middle School 4/30 through 5/1/2015 $237.62 $381.80 (cost for 8 days) $-0- Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 Pg. 3 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Mary Makuta Hazleton Area Career Center HOSA States Lancaster, PA 3/11 through 3/13/2015 $-0- Neil Forte Hazleton Area High School PMEA D 9 Orchestra Festival Factoryville, PA 2/5 & 2/6/2015 $-0- Neil Forte Hazleton Area High School PMEA Region 4 Band Festival Williamsport, PA 2/12 & 2/13/2015 $-0- Tara Werner Beekman Head Start Wilkes Barre Sound Management: It’s About Time Kingston, PA 2/20/2015 $-0(Access) Elizabeth Starrick Hazleton Area High School 2015 FBLA State Leadership $785.00 Conference (10.3210.581.000.30.820.000) Hershey, PA 4/12 through 4/15/2015 Laura Barletta Hazleton Area High School 2015 FBLA State Leadership $75.00 Conference (10.3210.581.000.30.820.000) Hershey, PA 4/12 through 4/15/2015 Michelle Chyko Hazleton Area Career Center 2015 FBLA State Leadership $785.00 Conference (10.3210.581.000.30.820.000) Hershey, PA 4/12 through 4/15/2015 Joseph Gavio Chaperone 2015 FBLA State Leadership $702.00 Conference (10.3210.581.000.30.820.000) Hershey, PA 4/12 through 4/15/2015 Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE Pg. 4 COST/FUND Lea Bognet Sound Management: It’s About Time West Hazleton Elementary/ Kingston, PA Middle School 2/20/2014 $15.81 (Access) Kathleen Zehner Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School Really Great Reading Kingston, PA 1/20/2015 $38.75 Kelly Guyette Lynwood Elementary Sound Management: It’s About Time Kingston, PA 2/20/2015 $-0(EI Access) Annie Moran Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School PSSA TBA Kingston, PA 2/3/2015 $-0- Sharon Sharp Hazleton Elementary/ Middle School Gifted Network Kingston, PA 1/30/2015 $28.75 (Access) Sandra Berta McAdoo Kelayres Elementary Middle School Sound Management: It’s About Time Kingston, PA 2/20/2014 $-0(Access) Cynthia Racho Freeland Elementary/ Middle School Sound Management: It’s About Time Kingston, PA 2/20/2015 $-0(Access) Ann Franzosa Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $376.00 Cassandra Catania Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $376.00 Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 Pg. 5 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Melissa Ferguson Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $560.00 Catherine Frumkin Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $560.00 Heather Stefanik Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $376.00 Lori Price Hazle Township Early Learning Center SDE 2015 Kindergarten Conference Harrisburg, PA 3/2 & 3/3/2015 $376.00 Regina Ercolani Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Jessica Dolon McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $185.25 Jacqueline Merrick McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Heather Zazycki McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $185.25 Stephen Lucas McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 Pg. 6 NAME CONF/CLINIC/DATE COST/FUND Melanie Hunsicker McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $185.25 Debra Marchetta McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Christina Kurtz McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Regina Grimm McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School Response to Instruction & Intervention Harrisburg, PA 3/18/2015 $99.00 Allyson Correale PSSA ELA Text Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Wilkes-Barre, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Cory Koziel PSSA ELA Text Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Wilkes-Barre, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Lindsay Barkanic PSSA ELA Text Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Wilkes-Barre, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Tracy Wisdo PSSA ELA Text Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Wilkes-Barre, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Conference Request for Board Approval January 22, 2015 Pg. 7 Kelly Fegley PSSA ELA Text Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Wilkes-Barre, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Debbie Faith Kupsho Drums Elementary/ Middle School PILS/NISL Course #1 Schnecksville, PA 2/18, 2/19, 3/25, 3/26, 5/12, 5/13, 6/25 & 6/26/2015 $-0- Patricia Johnson McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School G 364-Muilti Hazard Planning for Schools Hershey, PA 2/17 & 2/18/2015 $-0- Tammy Skotek McAdoo Kelayres Elementary/Middle School G 364-Muilti Hazard Planning for Schools Hershey, PA 2/17 & 2/18/2015 $-0- Terri Smith ELA Test Dependent Analysis West Hazleton Elementary/ Kingston, PA Middle School 2/3/2015 $-0- Patricia Matz Arthur Street Elementary/ Middle School Sound Management: It’s About Time Kingston, PA 2/20/2015 $23.00 (Access) Board Agenda January 22, 2015 Food Service Gortva, Barbara Perhonitch, Carolyn Leon, Sonia Teachers Harter, Devon Kovalik, Lindsey Smith, Holly Substitute Secretary Thomas, Nancy Certification Elementary K-6 Math 7-12 (Pending Clearances) Emergency
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