Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Mila Eminović [ mila.eminovic Sex Female | Date of birth 14.08.1987 | Nationality B&H JOB APPLIED FOR POSITION PREFERRED JOB STUDIES APPLIED FOR Teaching assistant Lecturing European Private Law and International Private Law University of Travnik Law Faculty WORK EXPERIENCE 2011 --2013 - 2014 2012- 2013 2011-2012 Lecturing European Private Law and International private law, University of Travnik, Law Faculty Expert assistant in notary office Vesna Softić Internship in Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Project assistant EURAC Research Representation Office in Sarajevo © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 1 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) from 2002. to 2006. from 1997. to 2002. from 1995. to 1997. from 1994. to 1995. from 1992. to 1994. from 1981. to 1992. from 2000. to 2005. from 2005. to 2013. © European Union, 2002-2013 | from 2013. to 2015. Page 2 / 6 Curriculum Vitae 2012 2010 EDUCATION AND TRAINING MA study in European Civil Law, University of Sarajevo, Law Faculty. The title of my master thesis is: “The concept of Fundamental Breach of the Contract according to CISG” Institute in International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution“, University of Pittsburgh, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, Univerity of Zagreb, Law faculty. 2009. Legal Clinic in Refugee Law ,The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2008. Project „Legal counceling center“, University of Sarajevo, Law Faculty 2006-2010. Bachelor of Law, University of Sarajevo, Law Faculty 2002-2006 High school/Gymnasium „Druga gimnazija“ Sarajevo Mother tongue(s) bosnian language Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING Listening English C1/2 SPEAKING Reading C1/2 Spoken interaction C1/2 WRITING Spoken production C1/2 C1/2 English language Advanced Level, Soros Foreign Language School . French B1/2 B1/2 B1/2 B1/2 B1/2 Institut Français Bosnie-Herzégovine Communication skills Excellent communication skills, eloquence, the ability of constructive dialogue, negotiation and achieve the desired agreement, the interpretation of knowledge and opinions. Organisational / managerial skills The ability of constructive dialogue, negotiation and achieve the desired agreement, expressed teamwork skills to plan and organize work, coordinate with the working collective . Job-related skills The ability of job deducation, teamwork, creativity, the ability to overcome tasks under pressure, enthusiastic, focused on the result Computer skills Other skills Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools The ability to moderate different social events. 1994-2002 Elementary school „Isak Samokovlija“, Sarajevo Driving licence PERSONAL SKILLS B © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 3 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) NAL IN © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 4 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Publications Presentations Projects Conferences Seminars Honours and awards Memberships References "The functioning of the forms of direct democracy in the political system of socialist self-management" master thesis Faculty of Law, Banja Luka in 1990. - "Protected persons in the conflict, with special reference to their protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1992-1995. year, "doctoral thesis Faculty of Law in Sarajevo in 1999. - "The human rights situation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina since gaining its independence in 1992 until now", my article from 1995. - "The protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Geneva Conventions and additional protocols for dealing with war and armed conflict, with reference to the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992nd to 1995th year ", my article in 1996. - "The new organization of the judiciary in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article from 1997. - "Judicial Information System of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article in 1998. - "50 Years of the Council of Europe, with emphasis on the relationship between the Council of Europe to Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article in 1999. - "Inspection under the administrative supervision of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, my article in 1999. - "The international aspect of the protection of cultural property in armed conflict", my article from the 2,001th - Strengthening the link between Parliament and national human rights institutions ", my article in 2002. - "Modern social functions of the state", my article in 2002. - "Freedom of religion in international and domestic regulations with particular reference to the Law on Freedom of Religion and Legal Position of Churches and Religious Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article from 2004. - "Uniform Rules for Legislative Drafting in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina-way to modern legislation", my article from 2004. - "Uniform Rules for Legislative Drafting in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina-quality, faster and usklađenmiji way to regulations",, my article from 2005. - "The legal status of foreigners in international and domestic law", my article from 2005. - "Authentic Interpretation as a safe and effective way of interpreting the law and its application in Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article from 2007. - "The legal nature of the authentic interpretation of legal norms and its application in Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article from 2007. - "Contemporary State, Adjustment to Globalization and other Processes in Today's World", my article of 2009. - "The role of the state in regulating the institutional and legal framework of competition law in some developed countries and in Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article of 2010. - "The international aspect of the judgment of the International Court of Justice on genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina" my article from 2011. - "Citizenship as a point of attachment for the private law cases with an international element", my article from 2011. - "Administrative supervision as a condition sine qua non of public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina", my article from 2012. © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 5 / 6 Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) - "Contribution opinions of the Badinter Commission theory elements of the state", my article from 2012. - "Values and news messages of the book" Foundations of wisdom on the regulation of the world "Hassan Kafi Pruščaka", my article from 2012. Books: "Basics of Law - Introduction to the Study of State and Law", my textbooks from 2004. - "International humanitarian law", my textbook from 2005. - "Country", my textbook, 2009. - "The structure of law, Introduction to the Study of State and Law" my textbook, 2010. ANNEXES Replace with list of documents annexed to your CV. Examples: ▪ copies of degrees and qualifications; ▪ testimonial of employment or work placement; ▪ publications or research. © European Union, 2002-2013 | Page 6 / 6
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