Weekly Bulletin Insert - Trinity Lutheran Church

Thi s Week a t Tri nit y
Sunday, January 18 Worship Service w/Communion— Sanctuary.................. 8:15 & 9:45 am
Trinity U—Upper Room, Gathering Room ....................................................................................................... 8:15 & 9:45 am
Adult Faith Formation Forum—Lounge ............................................................................................................. 8:15 & 9:45 am
Trinity Life Group—Room 03/04 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9:45 am
Worship Service w/Communion—Fellowship Hall ...............................................................................................11:15 am
Meals of Hope— Fellowship Hall ................................................................................................................................................... 5:00 pm
Youth Gathering Meeting– Gathering Room ............................................................................................................... 7:00 pm
Monday, January 19 Prayer Group— Prayer Chapel ........................................................................... 9:00 am
Junior High– Fellowship Hall ..........................................................................................................................................................10:00 am
Senior High– Stage Room ..................................................................................................................................................................10:00 am
Personnel Commission– Conference Room .................................................................................................................. 5:30 pm
Family Commission– Lounge............................................................................................................................................................ 6:00 pm
Steele Co. Child Care Association ................................................................................................................................................ 6:00 pm
Trinity U—Room 020, 021 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7:00 pm
Tuesday, January 20
RE............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7:30 am
Staff Meeting— Gathering Room .................................................................................................................................................... 9:00 am
Bible Study— Room 035 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9:30 am
Men’s Fellowship— Lounge ................................................................................................................................................................10:00 am
Synod Renewal Table Mtg.– AV Room 210 .................................................................................................................10:00 am
Financial Peace University—Gathering Room ............................................................................................................... 6:00 pm
Bible Study—Fireside Room .................................................................................................................................................................... 6:30 pm
Bible Study– Wellness Room ............................................................................................................................................................. 6:30 pm
Sarah Circle– Lounge .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7:00 pm
Wednesday, January 21 Men’s Bible Study—Mezzanine.............................................................. 6:00 am
Dorcas Bible Study– Mezzanine.................................................................................................................................................... 9:15 am
Wednesday Night Supper—Fellowship Hall ..................................................................................................................... 4:45 pm
Cherub Choir—Gathering Room ...................................................................................................................................................... 5:30 pm
God’s Singers—AV Room 210 .............................................................................................................................................................. 5:30 pm
God’s Player’s—Sanctuary .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5:30 pm
C.H.A.O.S.—AV Room 210 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6:15 pm
Life Savers—Gathering Room .............................................................................................................................................................. 6:15 pm
God’s Puppets—Stage Room ................................................................................................................................................................. 6:15 pm
Trinity Choir—Balcony ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6:30 pm
Bible Study– Lounge ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6:30 pm
LIVE - AV Room 210....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7:00 pm
Thursday, January 22
Trinity Walking Club— Fellowship Hall ................................................................................................................................... 8:30 am
Bible Study—Lounge ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9:00 am
Guided Prayer—Gathering Room .................................................................................................................................................10:30 am
Woodcarvers—Room 203-204............................................................................................................................................................. 1:00 pm
Angelus Bells—Fireside Room ............................................................................................................................................................ 5:45 pm
BELLievers—Fireside Room ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6:30 pm
Worship Team Rehearsal—AV Room 210 ........................................................................................................................... 6:30 pm
Friday, January 23
Young Life– Fellowship Hall ............................................................................................................................................................... 7:00 pm
Saturday, January 24
Worship Service w/ Communion— Sanctuary............................................................................................................... 5:00 pm
Sunday, January 25 Worship Service — Sanctuary ................................................................. 8:15 & 9:45 am
Trinity U—Upper Room, Gathering Room ....................................................................................................... 8:15 & 9:45 am
Adult Faith Formation Forum—Lounge ............................................................................................................. 8:15 & 9:45 am
Trinity Life Group—Room 03/04 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9:45 am
Worship Service —Fellowship Hall .............................................................................................................................................11:15 am
Meals of Hope— Fellowship Hall ................................................................................................................................................... 5:00 pm
Ushers Annual Meeting
Monday, January 26
6:30 pm in sanctuary
Lay Volunteer Reminders for January 24 & 25
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church
Readers: 5:00 – Myrna Heegard 8:15 – Kristin Glynn 9:45 — Jerah
Flynn 11:15 — Bill Bernard
Nursery: 8:15 – Lana Radue, Rachel Belina* 9:45 — Lindsey Dirks*
11:15 — Joan Dotson, Anna Thevenot*, Alyssa Thevenot*
Greeters: Sat – Kyle & Samantha Hartman, Evelyn Hershberger Sun –
8:15 — Scott Mohs Family, Ken Mjoen, Ruth Russell 9:45 — Keith &
Jane Bangs, Craig & Amanda Doring 11:15 — Bob & Marlys Stark, Marjorie Zimmerman, Margo Achterkirch
Prayer Team: 5:00 – Viv Neseth 9:45 — LeAnn Fynbo
Communion Servers: 5:00 – Sharon & Barry Bishop, Ronald Lewison,
Evelyn Hershberger
Ushers: 5:00 – Curtis & Cheryl Linge 8:15 – 4A
9:45 — 4B
11:15 — 4C
Relax: You are not the only visitor here today. No one will ask you
to stand up and introduce yourself or do anything that makes you
uncomfortable. Please feel welcome here at Trinity!
Please be considerate of others who are worshipping—We ask you
to silence your cell phones, pagers and electronic devices. Thank you!
Parents with young children: Children are always welcome in worship! There
are activity bags in the narthex for your children to use. If they get too loud,
please don’t hesitate to use the nursery; ushers can direct you.
Trinity Online: You will find current Trinity announcements, the Messenger,
videos of Trinity’s sermons, Pastor Todd’s blog, calendars, events, youth
information and more: www.tlcowatonna.org. Videos of our full service can
be found at www.OwatonnaLive.com or by viewing cable TV channel 181 on
Monday at 10am, Wednesday at 6pm and next Sunday at 11am.
In your red friendship pads, you will find our new “Connections” brochure. If
you are interested in becoming a member or if you are already a member
wanting to become more involved, please complete the attached card and
drop it in the offering plate or at the church office.
New member welcome class: For more information on our next new member
welcome class on April 12, please e-mail Tanyia at [email protected]
or call 451-4520. New members are received into membership 2-3 weeks
following their welcome class. Please note our new format with just one class.
Come for coffee & donuts on Sunday between the services in the Fellowship
Hall Come and meet people; it is a good chance to make new friends.
Keep up with the COUNCIL. Minutes are published on our website:
www.tlcowatonna.org. You can email the council at: [email protected].
Our pastors are: Todd Buegler, Dean Smith, Ron Barth, Dick Steffen
& Chris Leach. Please introduce yourself to one of them!
1st Monday Bunco & Coffee Time
Trinity in partnership with Healthy Seniors invite all
seniors to play Bunco, have coffee and enjoy a treat!
February 2 (and the first Monday of each month to follow). Games
will begin at 2 pm in the Narthex at Trinity and coffee will be served at
2:45. Bunco is a very simple dice game that is easy to learn or feel
free to just come for the coffee. Call Healthy Seniors (774-7648) if you
need a ride or can provide a ride. Don’t miss this afternoon of FUN!
Let the Good Times Roll!
Looking for a new opportunity in 2015?
Meals of Hope is looking for more volunteers to help with their Sunday night ministry of providing complimentary meals and fellowship to
the community. The first and third Sundays of the month have server
openings from 4:30-6:30 pm. Please prayerfully consider volunteering,
as this ministry continues to grow, and provides a valuable resource
to our community. If interested, please call Kristin Glynn at 507-4468485 or [email protected].
Senior Adult Luncheon
Monday, February 9
12:00 Noon in the Fellowship Hall
Darlene Schmidt, Vocalist
Senior adult friends, please join us for a time of food, friendship,
faith & fun! Please sign up in the church office. Cost is $7.00.
Upcoming Events
January 23—Cannon River Watershed Partnership Wild & Scenic Film Festival
on Tour: 6—10 pm at Paradise Center for the Arts in Faribault.
January 29—WOW! Wholehearted Living Women’s Workshop—Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church—Owatonna 6-8:30p
Congregational Annual Meeting
February 8, 2015
12:00 Lunch in the Fellowship Hall
1:00 pm Annual Meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Notice is hereby given of the Annual Meeting of Trinity
Lutheran Church.
Lent 2015: Let’s Take a Walk Together…
You are invited to go for a walk– an unforgettable walk! Take a STEP
OUT in faith and experience the power and presence of God. There is
some aspect of your life in which God is calling you to walk with him.
Say yes!
Sunday, February 22 Trinity will begin a small groups
six week book study. Our Trinity Family will “be on
the same page” focusing on the incredible potential
that awaits us outside our comfort zone. Out on the
risky water of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in
ways that will change you forever. Look for more details on this exciting congregational journey!
Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation Forums
8:15 am & 9:45 am in the Lounge
Trinity’s Attendance and Giving Numbers
Date & Time
Jan 10 & 11
Jan 18 Pastor Todd
“What’s Next at Trinity?”
Jan 25 Chuck Jamison
“Spiritual Formation”
Feb 1
Al Smith
“Forgiveness & Reconciliation”
Feb 8
Sem. Pastor Chris Leach
“Hymns & Their Stories”
Feb 15 Mike Jensen “Release the Power of Prayer– Psalm 91”
Last Week’s Offering
Ministry Support $10,688
5:00 pm
8:15 am
9:45 am
11:15 am
Building Debt Reduction: $10,652
“The Me I Want to Be” by John Ortberg
Taught by: Dean Smith
Come & Enjoy Wednesday Meals at Trinity!
JA NUARY 21 4:45 PM—6:15 PM
Champagne Chicken with Rice or Grilled Cheese with Tator Tots
Glazed Carrots, Dinner Roll, Salad Bar & Dessert
Tuesday Beth Moore Bible Study
Fireside Room at 6:30 pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Led by Pastor Todd
January – February 11 in the Lounge
6:30—7: 30 pm
No sign up necessary. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Watch your mailbox for your 2014 year end
statement arriving later this week!
8th Grade Confirmation Retreat to Wisconsin!
January 23-25
Registrations due today– January 18
Monday, January 19
High School Coffee & a Movie “How to Train Your Dragon & #2”
10:00 am—3:00 pm Stage Room
Junior High Whiffle Ball
10:00 am—1:00 pm Fellowship Hall
*Must bring Trinity Medical Release form*
“Calling all women: ages 15-?”
Friday February 6 5:30 - 10:00 pm
~Please bring snacks to share or we’ll order pizza.~
Saturday February 7: 9 am – Noon & 2 pm - 5 pm
~Coffee provided, please bring snacks &/or plan on going out for lunch.~
Please join us in the Gathering Room for the 2nd annual IF Gathering!
Our live stream webcast is open to all community members. Wear comfortable clothing & be ready to worship/praise/listen/discuss and be inspired! No sign-up necessary….please just show up when you can & bring
some friends! Questions? Call Polly in the church office 451-4520.
Wildcat Pantry Needs List
Financial Peace University is a 9-week DVD-led course in financial management that has changed the lives of millions of people who have made life-changing decisions to pay off debt, invest wisely, and plan for a future they hadn’t imagined before.
You could be among those people who see a new way to control your money and change your family! Financial Peace University begins on Tuesday, Jan. 6 @ 6:00. You can still register
with Pastor Dean at [email protected] if you’re interested
in a new way of financial life!
Sundays - 8:15 & 9:45 am in January
Mondays - 7:00 pm
Taught by: Ken Kern
$5 each with a $15 maximum per family
“The Book of Galatians- Freed to Live”
Welcome to Trinity U!
World Views of Jesus
Join us for these inspiring & thought provoking forums!
Thursdays 9 am Beth Moore Bible Study
“Jesus the One and Only”
Y o ut h Ne ws
Thanks for considering a donation to Wildcat Pantry! Below is a
list of items currently needed & when the food must be delivered. Kwik Trip
gift cards are ALWAYS needed for the purchase of milk and eggs. Likewise,
gift cards to Hy-Vee/Cashwise/Walmart are also welcome for the purchase of
produce and other perishables. THANK YOU!
January 22
Peanut Butter
Cheddar Cheese Condensed Soup
Tomato Soup
Shell or Macaroni Noodles
January 29
Muffin Mixes
Egg Noodles
Dried Fruits (Raisins, dried apricots, dried
apples, etc.)
Chicken Bouillon Cubes
Bay Leaves
Open House & Registration
January 26, 8:30—10:30 am and 6:00—7:30 pm
January 28, 8:30—10:30 am
Make SCRIP your New Year’s Resolution!
The $4,000 Challenge: The 2014-2015 school year $4,000 challenge is
currently underway. Who can reach $4,000 in profit first? Our TNS
families, the Trinity Congregation or our participating business partners.. Current totals as of December 31: TNS Families--$2913.66
Trinity Congregation—$1904.93 Business Partners--$1107.07
Stop by the Information Desk every Sunday to purchase SCRIP or
contact Brenda at 451-8247 if you would like to make a purchase or
become a participating business partner.
Food Shelf Update
The Steele County Food Shelf item for the month of
January is soups. Items may be put in the bin in the
narthex anytime during the month. Thank you!
Help serve coffee & rolls on Sunday morning!
Ask a friend to join you—you’ll enjoy fellowship and meeting
others from Trinity. Just let us know if you can help!.