Divine Mercy Catholic Church

January 25, 2015
Divine Mercy Catholic Church
2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835 | Tel: (916) 256-3134 | Fax: (916) 265-1999
[email protected] | www.divinemercynatomas.com
Rev. Soane Kaniseli
[email protected]
Rick Morales
[email protected]
James Ogbonna
[email protected]
Business Manager
Frank Cuzzo
[email protected]
Office Staff
Julie Aninzo
Linda Casarino
Michelle Ignacio
Facility Maintenance
Ramon Balaoro (Facilities Mgr, Volunteer)
Ed Pagala (Supervisor)
Jhonnie Reyes
Bulletin Coordinator
Michelle Ignacio
[email protected]
Capital Campaign
Mayet Reina
[email protected]
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 3:45 - 4:45 PM or by Appt.
Sacrament of Baptism
Every 3rd Saturday of the month at
10:00 AM. Please contact the Parish
Office to talk with the Pastor 2 months
before the Baptism day.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Please contact the Parish Office to talk
with the Pastor 6 months before the
wedding day.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Office.
English: 30 mins before every Mass
Spanish: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Immediately after every Mass
CFF Coordinator
Mayet Reina
[email protected]
RCIA Coordinator
Richard Obrecht
[email protected]
Music Ministry
Bill Carlos Marcia Pesek
Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass
Sunday Mass
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
12:30 PM
Youth Mass
Every 1st Sunday of the Month
followed by Adoration
5:00 PM
Filipino Mass
Every 2nd Saturday of the Month
Spanish Mass
Every 2nd Sunday of the Month
Tongan Mass
Every 4th Sunday of the Month
6:30 PM
5:30 PM
2:30 PM
Mon - Wed - Fri
6:30 PM
Tue - Thur - Sat
8:30 AM
Every Friday Holy Hour 3 - 4 PM
(Blessed Sacrament Exposed)
First Friday
Morning Mass
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
5:45 PM
Evening Mass
6:30 PM
*Hourly Adorers needed during Exposition
MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To
proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the
family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.
Page Two
Message From Our Deacon . . .
Today’s readings focus on repentance, obedience, detachment,
change of identities and new beginnings. It gives us an
opportunity as we start the new year to examine our relationship
with God, our trust and our commitment to the good news of the
gospel which Jesus talks to us about today. All of us, no matter how long we
have lived our faith, need to reawaken this attitude of trust and commitment to
God. We need conversion, no less than the people of Nineveh, or the people of
Galilee. Repent and believe, Jesus tells each one of us today. He wants us to
believe that God is merciful and His will is that we be saved. To be saved, He is
asking us to repent, believe and have total trust and submission to God’s love
for us. In the first reading, when the people of Nineveh heard Jonah announced
their city will be destroyed in 40 days, they obeyed God and changed their
behavior. They resorted to call upon God’s forgiveness and mercy and instead
of the curse, the 40 days turned into a time of divine blessing (Jonah 3:1-5, 10).
Like the people of Nineveh, Jesus is constantly calling us to repent, believe and
change our ways in order to enter the kingdom of God. This is the core of His
gospel message (Mark 1:15). We are given the opportunity to repent and
change our ways through the teachings of the Church and the sacraments He
left us. The Sacraments give us the grace and power to live a new way of life
as citizens of His kingdom. These God-given graces are a form of divine
intervention out of His love for us to help us make it in this life and share eternal
life with Him in His kingdom.
The Psalms reading today is a call to the Lord to teach us His ways (Ps.25:4-5,
6-7, 8-9). Teaching us His ways means that we yield ourselves completely to
the service of God. It requires that we allow God to lead, guide and direct our
steps. In order words, we must be ready to abandon ourselves to the divine
providence and allow God to do with us what He wills. It means being obedient
and yielding ourselves completely to the service of God. So it was for Simon
and Andrew, James and John the fishermen in today’s Gospel from Mark
(Mark1:14:20), whom Jesus called to leave their nets and their families, to
travel the countryside with Him, spreading His message of love and
reconciliation. The apostles’ response to the Lord reminds us of the need to be
obedient, prompt and generous in our response to the call of God.
JON 3:1-5, 10/ PS 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
1 COR 7:29-31/ MK 1:14-20
Monday, January 26
St. Timothy* St.Titus
2 TM 1:1-8 or TI 1:1-5
PS 96:1-2A, 2B-3, 7-8A, 10/ MK 3:22-30
Tuesday, January 27
St. Angela Merici
HEB 10:1-10
PS 40:2 AND 4AB, 7-8A, 10, 11/ MK 3:31-35
Wednesday, January 28
St. Thomas Aquinas
HEB 10:11-18/ PS 110:1, 2, 3, 4/ MK 4:1-20
Thursday, January 29
St. Gildas the Wise
HEB 10:19-25/ PS 24:1-2, 3-4AB, 5-6
MK 4:21-25
Friday, January 30
St. Hyacintha of Marescotti
HEB 10:32-39/ PS 37:3-4, 5-6, 23-24, 39-40
MK 4:26-34
Saturday, January 31
St. John Bosco
HEB 11:1-2, 8-19/ LK 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75
MK 4:35-41
DT 18:15-20/ PS 95:1-2, 6-7, 7-9
1 COR 7:32-35/ MK 1:21-28
Pope Francis @Pontifex
“The family is the greatest
treasure of any country. Let
us all work to protect and
cornerstone of society.”
How often have we responded to God’s call to us? Do we recognize when God
is calling us or even give God sufficient time? Yes, the Lord is always near us
and inviting each one of us in the same way the Apostles were invited to follow
Him. He is still present in His church and in the world, constantly calling us and
meeting with us in the course of our day to day lives, as He met with the four
apostles while they were going about their work as fishermen. In our case, that
call may not mean leaving our jobs or leaving our families. Yet, the call of Jesus
to follow Him will always involve the opening up of some new horizon for us and
changing our ways.
Like the apostles, the work of bringing people to God is a work for all of us. Love
of Christ in our heart will motivate us to bear witness and share our faith with
others which will lead others to encounter and experience Him. Jesus continues
to call us today to continue His mission here on earth. This demand requires
total commitment and no place for distractions. Saint Paul in the second reading
today calls us not to become engrossed in the world, not to give ourselves over
completely to what does not endure and is not of ultimate significance. While
living in the world we are called to look beyond it towards that endless horizon
of God’s kingdom (1 Cor.7:29-31). Do you witness to those around you the joy
of the Gospel and do you pray for your neighbors, co-workers, and relatives that
they may come to know the
Lord Jesus Christ and grow in
the knowledge of his love and
itent Repentance
participate in sharing in God’s
~ Deacon James Ogbonna . . .
Saturday, February 14th at 6:30 pm
(Every 2nd Saturday of the Month)
Potluck fellowship follows after the Mass
Monday, February 2
World Day for Consecrated Life
Sunday, February 8
World Marriage Day
Monday, February 16
President’s Day
Wednesday, February 18
Ash Wednesday
Page Three
We are collecting old palm fronds from previous year’s Palm Sunday in preparation for Ash Wednesday
on February 18th. Please place them in the box provided in the Narthex. Thank you.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lenten Season. It is a season of penance, reflection, and
fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption.
Altar Servers Ministry
New Altar Servers Training for anyone who has
completed the sacrament of First Holy Communion on
Sunday, February 1st at 11:00 am (after the
9:30 am Mass). Please contact Martha Johnson at
(916) 247-3839 with any questions.
Extraordinary Ministers
calling you?
Look into your heart and listen
for God's call to become an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy
EM Training : February 8th
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in the Narthex
Please consider serving the Lord as an Extraordinary
Minister. RSVP to Kathleen Hack at (916) 419-5319.
Parish Security Ministry
Divine Mercy security will begin on Sunday,
February 1st at ALL weekend Masses. Additional
members are still needed to complete our Security
If you would like to participate and be a part of the
Divine Mercy Parish Security Ministry, please contact Frank
Cuzzo at (916) 304-6142.
Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy
Devotion Ministries
What : General Meeting - ALL are invited
When : Wednesday, January 28th, 7:15 pm
Where : Portable Room 3 (St. Faustina Room)
Discussions will include:
Bringing the enthronement process to our parishioners
Revised Information and Questionnaire for Home
Enthronement of Image
Enthronement Activities for Sacred Heart
Enthronement Activities for Divine Mercy
Preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday
Review of the study guide to the Diary of St. Faustina
Submission of bulletin announcements is due
every Monday at 4:00 pm. Please email
your announcements to
[email protected].
An Extended Invitation to
Middle School Parents - It is not too late!
n innovative program on Theology of the Body for
Middle School based on the teachings of Saint
John Paul II is still being made available at Divine Mercy
Parish. Parents are still welcome to join us at the third of the
5 parent classes on Friday, January 30, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
in the Narthex. The remainder of the parent sessions
will be on February 6 and 20.
The series is age appropriate and helps answer the
questions your middle schooler may have about sexual
morality, relationships, and how they were uniquely created
by God for greatness.
It is not too late as parents are encouraged to attend at
least one of the five parent sessions featuring an
Ascension Press DVD series and discussion on Theology of
the Body (adult version). This will help parents learn the
language of Theology of the Body to aid in those inevitable
discussions with their middle school kids.
Purchase of a student workbook at a parent class and a
signed permission slip from the parent enable their child to
be able to attend the middle school sessions (6th, 7th and
8th grade). No parent workbooks will be required but will be
available for those interested. Middle school version
workbooks will be available for sale for $14 at the parent
The kids will then attend an Ascension Press DVD age
appropriate four-part series for middle schoolers followed by
a separate discussion group, one for boys and one for girls,
from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Fridays, February 27, March
6, 13, and 20, 2015 (Girls in the Narthex; Boys in P4).
In most cases, the parent classes will take place while the
middle school kids, who are members, are in a CIA youth
meeting. The middle school sessions will often replace, for
those 6th, 7th and 8th graders only, the agenda for a planned
CIA youth group meeting. Your child, however does not
need to be a member of the CIA youth program to attend the
Theology of the Body series.
The parish CIA Youth Program and the Marriage and
important voluntary program that is not part of the parish
CFF program.
For more information or to receive a flyer - give an email
address, contact Jim & Michelle Stutz regarding the
parents sessions at [email protected], (636) 3461513 or Lidia Corpora at [email protected], (916)
216-0659 for the middle school sessions. Parents can
also just show up in the Narthex on January 30th at 7:00
pm or at any of the remaining parent session.
Page Four
Saturday, January 31st - 5:00 pm Mass
The initial inquiry (precatechumenate)
period for Divine Mercy’s group of inquirers
will be moving into the second stage, with our unbaptized
inquirers going through the Rite of Acceptance into the
Order of Catechumens, and baptized inquirers going
through the Rite of Welcoming. The first phase of
initiation has been a time for seekers to hear the mystery of
Christ proclaimed. The inquirers have consciously and
freely sought the living God and entered the way of faith
and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. This
year, KASI SMITH will be accepted into the Order of
Catechumens. Also, ARTHUR SMITH and MICHELLE
BOMBARDA will go through the Rite of Welcoming.
We ask you to please pray for the inquirers as they
continue their conversion journey and for our RCIA process
as we assist them in moving toward a closer relationship
with God. Your prayers are critical to the success of our
program. We will continue to keep you informed of the
initiation process and progress of those considering joining
the Church. We invite you to take an active role in
welcoming our soon-to-be catechumens and candidates,
and to be models of faith and Christian charity for them.
Divine Mercy RCIA is exactly what you are
looking for. The Inquiry classes, followed by
other studies of the Catholic Faith will prepare
you for your Faith Journey leading to full
communion with the Catholic Church. Classes
are every Sunday: RCIA I - 9:00 am to 10:30 am in rooms
P7/8; RCIA II - 10:00 am - 12 noon at the Rectory. Please
contact the Parish Office at (916) 256-3134 to get an
application or you can download one from our website. After
you have filled out your application, have the parish office
schedule a meeting with Father Soane.
Catholics In
Action (CIA)
Our first ever Candlelight Living Rosary was
both beautiful and spiritual as we came
together to pray for life. THANK YOU to all
the youth, families and parishioners who became the Living
Rosary, and especially to those who helped make this
happen: Patrick Schroeder, Dave Leahy, Pete Hernandez,
Vincent Payne, Michael Anway, Gladys Resuello, Dianne
Rosario, Helina Ebuenga, the CIA, Young Adults,
Squires, Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation classes, and
especially Deacon Rick Morales and Fr. Soane Kaniseli.
Tuesday, January 27th - Let’s get “Battle Ready”
with Doug Barry 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Church
Doug speaks on being prepared for the spiritual fight, by
keeping ourselves strong through prayer, sacraments, and
scripture. We must know our Faith and know what we
believe. We only fight the way we train, and if we do not train
ourselves spiritually then we cannot fight well spiritually.
Saturday, January 31st - Scouts Mass at 5:00 pm
Divine Mercy parishioners who are Boy, Girl, and Cub
Scouts along with their families are invited to attend this
special mass. We encourage the Scouts to participate in the
Mass as greeters, ushers and to bring up the gifts.
Sunday, February 1st - 5:00 pm Youth Mass followed
by fellowship and adoration at 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 7th - Unplugged 5 at St. Lawrence
Catholic Church from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
“Unplugged” is a retreat for high school teens; it’s a day
to UNPLUG from the distractions in the world around us
and to focus on our relationship with God through
prayer, fasting and almsgiving.”
Saturday, April 18th - Altar Server Olympics at St.
Clare Catholic Church from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Our
Altar Servers are the best!
For more information contact: Lillian Hernandez at
[email protected] or (916) 307-7577.
CIA is a community of youth who desire to become closer to God by
living the faith through prayer, study and service. “We put these works
into acon.”
"The Rosary is a magnificent and universal prayer for the needs of the Church, the na ons and the en re world" (Pope John XXIII)
Being a part of the Living Rosary…
A shout out to our awesome CIA team members who came out to pray and become part of the Living Rosary! Julina Grace, Holly
Jace, Helina, Markisha, Mark, Owen, Rosanna, Ethan, Grace, MaAhew, Patrick, and Alina, THANK YOU so much!
Connue to pray the 9 Days for Life Novena
Tuesday, January 27th - “Bale Ready” with guest
speaker Doug Barry, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the Church
Sunday, February 1st - 5:00 pm Youth Mass, Fellowship
and 7:00 pm Adora.on
Friday, February 13th - Family Mardi Gras Party, 6:30
pm - 8:30 pm in rooms P1/2/3
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram…
Like us on Facebook: Divine Mercy CIA Youth Group
Follow us on Twier: @DivineMercyCIA
Follow us on Instagram: @dmccia
Interested in joining the CIA Youth Group? Contact Pete
Hernandez (916) 307-7576 [email protected]
Page Five
Divine Mercy Parish now provides ONLINE GIVING - a
convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring
donation. Getting started is easy - just visit our website,
www.divinemercynatomas.com, and click our Online
Giving link. When you participate, your gift will be securely
transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you
won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays!
Did You
tradition that connects us to thousands of people who
need our help every day. This year, our Appeal
Weekend takes place two weeks from now on the
weekend of February 7 - 8. Last year, through your
generosity, our parish contributed over $30,000.00 to
the Appeal. Our 25% was used to support the Angels
of Mercy Ministry for the poor. This year, funds from the Annual Catholic
Appeal will allow us to continue to support the Angels of Mercy Ministry.
Through our support, we can assure that many vital social service programs
continue to assist tens of thousands of people in need, assist with the formation
of diocesan seminarians, and provide need-based tuition assistance to deserving
families in our most economically-challenged communities. Your gift makes a
difference in someone's life. Please prayerfully consider what you can give.
World Youth Day
Mission: To share a common mission with youth around
the world - to evangelize, catechize, and change lives. We
create opportunities for young people to open their hearts
to Grace of God on pilgrimages.
orders. We will give you a courtesy reminder via phone or email
prior to our delivery date - Saturday, January 31st and
Sunday, February 1st after ALL Masses.
• WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER: We are still selling World’s
Finest Chocolates for $1 a bar. You can purchase these chocolate bars
from any WYD delegate or from the Parish Office.
• BABY BOTTLE PROJECT: We are continuing the Baby Bottle Project
that will benefit the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home until February 1st.
THANK YOU to all the WYD delegates/families who are participating.
• WYD SOCIAL EVENT: Join us for a movie night featuring “God is Not Dead”
on January 31st, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm in rooms P7/8. Pizza, popcorn and other
snacks will be served.
• NEXT MEETING: February 1st at 3:30 pm in the Narthex
January 31 - February 1, 2015
July 2014 - June 2015
January 2015
Annual Goal 52 Weeks
Monthly Goal January
Weekly Goal 52 Week Avg.
$ 531,173
$ 51,074
$ 10,215
Week of :
04-Jan wk 27
Week of:
11-Jan wk 28
Week of:
18-Jan wk 29
Week of:
25-Jan wk 30
Total Collections This Month
Year-to-Date Collections
-$ 23,328
$ 233,785
Number of ePay/
Online Givers This Week
ePay Online Giving This Week $
Collected This Month
Year-to-Date Collections
Current Mort. Loan Bal 12/30
Annual Goal
52 Weeks
Monthly Goal
$ 360,000
$ 30,000
Week of:
04-Jan wk 27
Week of:
11-Jan wk 28
Week of:
18-Jan wk 29
Week of:
25-Jan wk 30
Total Collections This Month
Year-to-Date Collections
Actual Payments to Date
$ 10,770
$ 1,158
$ 1,525
-$ 13,453
$ 156,816
$ 180,000
• JOIN US FOR YOUTH MASS – WYD is hosting next month’s Youth Mass on
Sunday, February 1st at 5:00 pm followed by a potluck fellowship. Adoration
will be at 7:00 pm.
Core Committee: Gladys Resuello, Dianne Rosario, Gilani Resuello, Vincent
Payne, Christine Dacpano, and Gellimy Sescon. For any questions or concerns,
email us at [email protected].
Solemnity of Mary
Mortgage Reduction
Ministries & Outreach
wk 27
wk 27
wk 29
Knights of Columbus
• Saturday, February 7 (5:00 pm -10:00 pm)
Valentine’s Dinner at Frasinetti’s Winery;
Tickets will be sold in the Narthex after Masses
THIS WEEKEND, January 24 and 25
January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2014
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,007,224
$ 803,570
Page Six
Week At A Glance
Mass Intentions
Jan 24 Saturday
Keith Logsdon Fr. Soane
(10th Year Death Anniversary)
Joseph Nguyen Lap Fr. Kiernan
Jan 25 Sunday
Julian Cempron Fr. Soane
Olympia Pojas Fr. Soane
Thelma Laquindanum Dimailig Ruth Jocson (Death Anniversary)
12:30pm Victoria Gonzales Fr. Soane
Emy Sescon (Thanksgiving)
Teorica Botones-Norbraten (61st Birthday)
Fr. Soane
Jan 26 Monday
Ronnie Pasumbal Fr. Kiernan
Alberto Plantilla, Jr. (3rd Yr. Death Anniversary)
Jan 27 Tuesday
Felisa H. Garcia Fr. Soane
Joseph Nguyen Lap Jan 28 Wednesday
Enrico Belen Fr. Soane
Jan 29 Thursday
Natalie Tamondong (Birthday)
Fr. Soane
Jan 30 Friday
Rolando Delfin, Sr. Fr. Soane
Papal Visit - Jan. 15-19, 2015
Jan 26 Monday
CFF (Narthex and Portable Classrooms)
Sto. Niño Novena (After the 6:30 pm Mass)
Jan 27 Tuesday
Bible Study - Galatians (Narthex)
Staff Meeting (Narthex)
Youth Ministry’s “Battle Ready”
Jan 28 Wednesday
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Prayer and Life Workshop (P9)
Pastoral Council Meeting (Narthex)
SHDMDM General Meeting (P3)
Jan 29 Thursday
10:00am Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (P1/3)
Sacred Heart Enthronement Ministry Meeting (P5)
Spanish Rosary (Church)
Jan 30 Friday
Altar Society - Flower Arrangement (Narthex)
Holy Hour
Youth CIA Group (P1/2/3)
Theology of the Body for Teens (Narthex)
Adult Choir Practice (Church)
Jan 31 Saturday
World Youth Day Movie Night (P7/8)
RCIA’s Rite of Welcoming & Acceptance/
Scout Mass
Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Group (P7/8)
Feb 01 Sunday
RCIA I (P7/8)
10:00am RCIA II (Rectory)
11:00am CFF (Narthex & Portable Classrooms)
11:00pm Altar Servers’ Training (Church)
WYD Ministry Meeting (Narthex)
Youth Ministry 1st Sunday Adoration/Potluck
Fellowship (Narthex)
We Pray For Our Military
Inquirer Photo/Marianne Bermudez
Remembering the Sick in Our Thoughts & Prayers
Consolatrix Ageas
Adam Agot
Oma Alice
Lorna Casarino
Bess Dagcasin
Edyline Del Rosario
Ernesto Del Rosario
Evelyn Del Rosario
Charles Mahews
Ryumi Metcalf
Thelma Miller
Le.cia Mostajo
Joseph D. Quaile
Roland D. Quaile
Lisa Quisisem
Glen Shaffer
Alice G. Start
Marlyn Q. Uy
Robert Uy
Prayers for the sick can be requested by a direct family member
only. To add your family member’s name to the prayer list, please
stop in to the Parish Office and fill out the Prayer for the Sick form.
Those names listed in our bullen will remain there for up to 3
weeks, unless the staff is nofied, and a new form is filled out.
Divine Mercy Catholic Church is not liable to users of the data or
informaon provided herein, or to any other party, for any loss or
damage, consequenal or otherwise, including but not limited to me,
money or goodwill, arising from the use, operaon or modificaon of
the data or informaon.
Do you have a family member currently serving in the
military? Please forward their name, rank and branch of
service to [email protected], or bring the
name to the Parish Office.
Lord God,
creator of
and author of peace, as we are
ever mindful of the cost paid for the
liberty we possess, we ask you to
bless the members of our armed
forces. Give them courage, hope
and strength. May they ever
experience your firm support,
gentle love and compassionate
healing. Be their power and
protector, leading them from
darkness to light. To you be all
glory, honor and praise, now and
forever. Amen.
• Pfc Justin Evangelista,
• Pfc Alexander Penick,
• Pfc Michael Rojas,
US Army Ranger
• SN Stephen J. Ramirez,
US Navy
• Spc Kevin Francis Movido,
US Army
• A1C Christian Watson,
US Air Force
Do you have a family member
currently serving in the military?
Please forward their name, rank
and branch of service to
[email protected],
or bring the name to the Parish
Page Seven
Prayer and Life Workshops
7:00 pm in Portable Room P9
Would you like to have a PERSONAL, RELATIONSHIP with
the Lord?
• To learn and to deepen your PRAYER with the Word of God?
• To learn and to practice SEVERAL PRAYER METHODS?
• To learn and to practice SILENCE, FORGIVENESS…?
TOOLS. The PLW is not a prayer group or a Bible study.
There is no registration required; however, we recommend that
you sign up. Please contact Josie Rivera at (916) 223-4348 for
more information.
New Bible Study Class
Tuesday Morning Class - January 27 - March 17
9:30 am -11:30 am in the Narthex
Galatians: Set Free to Live
by Jeff Cavins and Gayle Somers
Paul’s letter to the Galatians speaks directly to
the heart of Christians and addresses the most
important question we can ask: “What must we
do to be saved?” This fascinating letter reveals
the merciful love that God the Father has for us, his
children. It speaks of the extraordinary gift of salvation that
Jesus has won for us, and it explains how we can unite
ourselves to Christ’s redeeming sacrifice through faith and
love. Galatians is a study that will reignite your love for God
as you learn of the astonishing love God has for you.
The study guide is available at the Parish office for
$24. ISBN 978-1-935940-50-0