1 Counselors Mrs. Costlow A-DEL Mrs. Sadikot DEM-HOP Ms. Cadwell HOQ-MIK Mrs. Schneider MIL-SG Dr. Drouillard SH-Z Class of 2016 Sophomore Registration Meeting 2 3 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Registration Packet Contents: • Registration Checklist Form • Graduation Requirements • College Statistics • Information on Student Connect • Student Questionaire 4 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year I. Registration Deadlines: • Submit your signed course request sheet to your counselor’s black bin in the counseling office and complete Student Connect online registration by February 28, 2014. • If you have any questions regarding class selection, make sure to speak with teachers & secure teacher signatures for academic course selections. 5 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year • Be sure to identify your career pathway on the course selection sheet and select electives in this pathway. (See student handbook for a description of each.) Arts & Communication Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Health Sciences Human Services Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Natural Resources & Agriscience • Northville High Graduation Requirements: (Check transcript before registering to be sure you are meeting graduation requirements.) English 4 credits (including Eng. 9 & 10) Math 4 credits (including Alg. 1, Geometry, & Alg. 2) Science 3 credits (including Biology, Chemistry or Physics + Science Elective) Social Studies 3 credits (including U.S. History (1.0), Civics (.5), Economics (.5), World History/Geography (1.0)) World Language 2 credits (of the same world language) Physical Education/Health .5 credit each Visual, Performing, & Applied Arts 1 credit (includes art, music, business, and Industrial Tech courses) Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Course Selection: • Selections made now are considered final unless classes are cancelled or full; so, make informed, wise decisions. • Student requests determine the number of sections for courses, so if you do not register for it, you might not be able to get into the class later. • List alternates for your elective choices on your course selection sheet, but DO NOT put these in the computer. Enter the sixteen course identification numbers (INCLUDING SEMINAR) on Student Connect carefully. • Discuss classes with your teachers to ensure appropriate placement and that prerequisites are met & secure teacher signature for academic courses. • Remember that according to school policy, you select classes- not teachers 7 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year College-bound Students: • Colleges want to know that you are challenging yourself. • Most universities expect students to complete 4 years of each of the following academics: math, social studies, English, and science. • Talk with AP & IB teachers to understand the content and rigor of the course: (Remember that these are college level classes- balance your schedule) English: Mr. Cronin Science: Mr. Silak, Ms. Bull, Ms. Nelson, Ms. Obrigkeit , Mr. Polanski, and Mr. Szukaitis, Ms. Ooms Math: Mr. Schembri, Mr. Kinney Social Studies: Mr. Dent, Mr. Cislo , Ms .Chrzanowski, Ms. Kahn, Ms. Calabrese, Mr. Ford, Mr. Ortopan, Mr. Turner, and Ms. O’Leary Foreign Language: Mr. Long and Ms. Motz Art: Mr. Balcoff Music: Ms. Ray-Hepp Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year FYI: The freshman class of 2014 at MSU will need a minimum ACT score of 25/26 and a GPA of 3.6/3.7 The Freshman class of 2014 at U of M will require a minimum ACT score of 30 and a GPA of 3.9 Highly competitive schools in Michigan such as the University of Michigan, Hillsdale College, and Kettering University prefer students who have taken 5-6 AP/IB/Honors classes , starting at least by Junior year. Also, they expect students to have completed a minimum of 2 -3 years of the same world language. 9 Northville High School Sophomore Registration 2014-2015 school year II. Course Selections English Selections: Graduation Requirements: 4 Credits (including Eng. 9 & Eng. 10) Select one of the following full-year classes: • English 11: Creative Expressions • English 11: Multi-Genre See Handbook for descriptions • Honors English 11: Multi-Genre • Honors English 11: Philosophy Talk with your current English teacher for recommendations for which class to take & secure teacher signature. The following courses are only open to seniors: AP English, Humanities, Analyzing Lit. and Film, and English Lit and Research 10 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Math Selections: Graduation Requirements: 4 credits including Alg. 1 (1.0), Geometry (1.0), Alg. 2 (1.0) and a 4th math credit. Concepts & Skills classes will meet the graduation requirements, but will NOT meet Div. 1 or Div. 2 NCAA eligibility standards. Honors Calculus 2: • Prerequisite: AP Calculus AP Calculus • Prerequisite: Honors Precalc If you are currently in Geometry: Con. & Skills--- register for Alg. 2:Con. & Skills If you are currently in Geometry---register for Algebra 2 Calculus: If you are currently in Alg. 1: Con. & Skills-register for Geometry: Concepts & Skills If you are currently in Algebra 1---register • Prerequisite: Honors Precalc or a “B” or above in Precalc Honors Pre calculus: • Prerequisite: (H)Geometry Pre-calculus: for Geometry If you are currently in (H)Geometry--register for (H)Precalculus or Precalc • Prerequisite: Algebra II Statistics (.5) *Speak to your math teacher for a recommendation & secure teacher signature. 11 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Science Selections: Graduation Requirements: 3 Credits including Biology (1.0) and Chemistry (1.0) OR Physics (1.0) + Science Electives (1.0). AP Classes: • • • • AP Biology AP Physics AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science *See prerequisites for each and talk with your science teacher. (H) Anatomy and Physiology • Prerequisite: Biology (1.0) and Chemistry/Gen. Chemistry (1.0) If you are currently in Biology- Consider Chemistry/College Prep Chemistry If you are currently in Chemistry /CP Chem. ---consider Physics/College Prep Physics One Semester Classes: • • • Opposing Viewpoints in Science (Biology (BSCS) recommended) Michigan Natural Resources (Not recommended for students who are in AP Envir. Science) Human Biology (Not recommended for students who are in or are taking (H) Anatomy & Physiology) 12 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Social Studies Selections: Graduation Requirements: 3 Credits including U.S. History (1.0), Civics (.5), Economics (.5), and World History/Geography (1.0) **Juniors should sign up for World History/Geography or AP World History (1.0 cr.) AP Courses: (Check prerequisites in the handbook) • AP European History • AP United States History • AP Gov’t & Politics • AP Economics (macro & micro economics) • AP Psychology • AP World History There are many other choices for students not interested in AP classes. 13 IB DP Courses Available to Sophomores Notes: all individual courses will require IB DP teacher recommendation form(s); full Diploma Program candidates need completed and approved application • HL English (two-year HL course) • HL and SL French, German, or Spanish (two-year HL and SL courses) • HL [History of the Americas] and SL History [World Studies] (year one = SL; year two = HL) • HL and SL Psychology (year one = SL course; year two = HL) • HL Biology, SL Chemistry, or SL Environmental Systems and Societies (two-year HL and SL courses) • HL Math, SL Math, and SL Math Studies (two-year HL and SL courses) • HL and SL Art (year one = SL course; year two = HL or SL; note: preferably two-year SL and HL courses) • TOK (for Full IB Diploma students only) 14 Speak to IB teachers •Arts – Mr. Hoffman •Humanities/Individuals and Societies – Mr. Cislo, Mr. Turner, Ms. Chrzanowski •Language A/Language and Literature – Ms. Couchman, Mr. Stetson •Mathematics – Ms. Apostolovski, Ms. Pheiffer •Sciences – Ms.Ooms, Ms. Seifert-Rea, Mr. Polanski • World Languages – Mr. Long, Mr. Rast & Ms. Motz •CAS – Mr. Cronin •TOK – Mr. Davis •EE – Mr. Ortopan 15 IB Diploma Program Registration • For students accepted into the IB DP program, you must meet with Mr. James Davis to discuss your courses for next year. • E-mail him at [email protected] to set up an appointment prior to February 28th. 16 IB (a la carte) • Students approved to take IB courses a la carte should enroll in the courses like the other courses. • Forms are available the Counseling Lobby, if you still want to apply for IB a la carte courses. • Students may need to follow up with Dr. Davis after teacher recommendation has been submitted. • We will double check course selection for accuracy. 17 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Business Selections: There are many courses available; check prerequisites carefully. Internships: Are available in every career pathway. Business Placement Tests for Business Tech I & Business Tech II are on May 29th from 3:30 – 5:00 PM in Room 202. Contact Ms. Stamoulis by May 28th to sign up. 18 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Business Selections (Continued): Work-based Learning: Co-Op • Must have transportation to and from job • Must work a minimum of 10 hours and a maximum of 20 hours a week • Must submit weekly time sheets and pay stubs • Must have a job before school starts and maintain the same job throughout the semester 19 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 Family and Consumer Sciences: • Health- Required •Food for Thought •Celebrations: (Prereq: Food for Thought) •Parenting Decisions •Parenting Preschoolers: (Prereq: Parenting Decisions) (must have a driver’s license and transportation – open to seniors only.) 20 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Livonia Career Technical Center (LCTC) If you are interested in one of the Technical fields below, read the course catalog & see your counselor for more information. Clusters: Arts & Humanities Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology Health Sciences Human Services Engineering and Emerging Technology 21 LCTC Program Options • • • • • • • • Fashion Merchandising Business Management & Administration Mobile Applications & Game Development Medical Assisting & Occupations Sports Medicine Building Trades Automotive Technology Architectural & Engineering Design 22 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Dual Enrollment (for college classes) Must meet the following requirements: 1. Must be in grades 11 or 12 2. Must have achieved endorsement in all subject areas (met graduation requirements & exhausted the curriculum at NHS) 3. Must be enrolled in at least one high school class and the college class(es) 4. The college course must not be offered by the district 5. The college course must not be a hobby or craft or in the area of physical education, theology, divinity or religious education 6. The college course must not be a “continuing education/lifelong learning” class *Dual enrollment requires counselor and administrative approval. http://www.northvilleschools.org/node/5841 http://www.northvilleschools.org/node/5841 http://www.northvilleschools.org/node/5841 23 Online Courses • For information regarding online course options, please visit http://www.northvilleschools.org/node/5841 24 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year III. Post-Secondary Planning Work Force Community College Military High School Graduation Trade School 4-year University 25 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Beginning the College Search What factors determine where I can attend college? Activities, majors, programs, and athletics Cost The rigor of your high school classes Location GPA Standardized test scores (ACT and/or SAT) Support Services 26 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year What should I be doing now to prepare? • Select classes that will prepare you for the rigor of college • Talk to your parents • Talk to your counselor • Talk to teachers in your career pathway • Talk to people employed in your field of interest • Use counseling office resources such as Barron’s Profiles of American Colleges and Collegeboard’s Book of Majors • Visit colleges before your senior year • Use college and career internet programs such as Career Cruising • Compare colleges using the College Comparison Chart Every college has a personality- ask yourself if you can live here for 4-5 years… 27 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year National College Fair at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi (Hall C) Monday, March 31 from 6-8 PM & Tuesday, April 1 from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, Register at http://www.gotomyncf.com Schoolcraft Community College Career Fair In Vista Tech Center Wednesday. April 16 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM 28 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Career Cruising The following are all possible on Career Cruising: • Take an online survey to help match your interests and abilities to particular careers • Explore careers • Research colleges/universities and trade school • Investigate scholarship opportunities • Create a resume • Update EDP’s yearly 29 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year Career Cruising (continued) Each year, you must update your EDP. • • • • • • • • • • • Login to Career Cruising: www.careercruising.com Username: northville Password: mustangs Login to EDP section which is titled EDP Login (on the left hand side, middle of the page) Input username and password (your personal password/see your counselor if you have forgotten) . From the EDP Homepage, inside the Quick Links box (in the middle of the page), click on Update your Personal Profile. Make sure to include your address, phone number and e-mail address. PRESS SAVE BUTTON. Click on the Career Preparation link on the left hand side, select Career Pathways and enter your two career choices from your career exploration last year. You will be able to update this in the future if you change your mind. PRESS SAVE BUTTON. Also in the Career Preparation link, select Career and Life goals and type in your short and long term goals. PRESS SAVE BUTTON Click on Education link and update courses for 9th and 10th grade. Change password to your school windows login password so that you will remember it. 30 Northville High School Sophomore Registration for 2014-2015 school year IV. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) If you are considering competing in Athletics at the college level (Div. I or II), you must: • Satisfy the requirements of the NCAA by successfully completing 16 specific core classes (see our handbook and the NCAA Eligibility Center website www.ncaaclearinghouse.net for approved courses). Alg. 1: Con. & Skills and Geometry: Con. & Skills are NOT approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center. • Register with the NCAA at the above website during your junior year ($50.00 registration fee). • Send ACT/SAT scores directly from the testing center to the NCAA Clearinghouse (code to use on the ACT: 9999). Visit their website for more information. 31 Northville High School Sophomore Registration 2013-2014
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