Vol. 148-05 Saturday, 31 January 2015 Toronto Ontario Highway Transport Board ISSN 00302937 Le samedi 31 janvier 2015 Kingston Party Bus Inc O/A Marshall Limo Bus Service 47620 327 Boxwood St. Kingston, ON K7M 0B3 Applies for an extra provincial operating licence as follows: For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip, from points in the County of Frontenac to the Ontario/Quebec, and the Ontario/USA border crossings for furtherance to points as authorized by the relevant jurisdiction and for the return of the same passengers on the same chartered trip to point of origin. PROVIDED THAT there be no pick up or drop off of passengers except at point of origin. PROVIDED FURTHER THAT the licensee by restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles as defined in paragraph (a) (iv) of subsection 1 of Section 7 of the Public Vehicles Act, RSO 1009, Chapter 54 with a maximum seating capacity of 12 passengers exclusive of the driver. Periodically, temporary applications are filed with the Board. Details of these applications can be made available at anytime to any interested parties by calling (416) 326-6732. The following are applications for extra-provincial and public vehicle operating licenses filed under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, and the Public Vehicles Act. All information pertaining to the applicant i.e. business plan, supporting evidence, etc. is on file at the Board and is available upon request. Any interested person who has an economic interest in the outcome of these applications may serve and file an objection within 29 days of this publication. The objector shall: 47620-A Applies for a public vehicle operating licence as follows: For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip, from points in the County of Frontenac. PROVIDED THAT the licensee by restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles as defined in paragraph (a) (iv) of subsection 1 of Section 7 of the Public Vehicles Act, RSO 1009, Chapter 54 with a maximum seating capacity of twelve (12) passengers exclusive of the driver. 1. complete a Notice of Objection Form, 2. serve the applicant with the objection, 3. file a copy of the objection and provide proof of service of the objection on the applicant with the Board, 4. pay the appropriate fee. 2064027 Ontario Inc. O/A “White Car” 47624 & 47624-A 8195 County Road 18, Fergus ON N1M 2W5 Applies for the approval of transfer of extra provincial operating licence X-3574 and public vehicle operating licence PV-5454, both now in the name of Albert G. And Sandra M. Diehl Carrying on business under the firm name and style of “Stagecoach Limousine Services”, 49 Ebycrest Road, R.R. #1, Breslau Ontario N0B 1M0 Serving and filing an objection may be effected by hand delivery, mail, courier or facsimile. Serving means the date received by a party and filing means the date received by the Board. LES LIBELLÉS DÉS DEMANDES PUBLIÉES CI-DESSOUS SONT AUSSI DISPONIBLES EN FRANÇAIS SUR DEMANDE. Pour obtenir de l’information en français, veuillez communiquer avec la Commission des transports routiers au 416-326-6732. (148-G046) Published by Ministry of Government Services Publié par le ministère des Services gouvernementaux Felix D’mello Board Secretary/Secrétaire de la Commission © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2015 © Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario, 2015 253 254 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Government Notices Respecting Corporations Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Tax Act Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés The Director has been notified by the Minister of Finance that the following corporations are in default in complying with the Corporations Tax Act. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under subsection 241(1) of the Business Corporations Act, that unless the corporations listed hereunder comply with the requirements of the Corporations Tax Act within 90 days of this notice, orders will be made dissolving the defaulting corporations. All enquiries concerning this notice are to be directed to Ministry of Finance, Corporations Tax, 33 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8H6. Le ministre des Finances a informé le directeur que les sociétés suivantes n’avaient pas respecté la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(1) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, si les sociétés citées ci-dessous ne se conforment pas aux prescriptions énoncées par la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés dans un délai de 90 jours suivant la réception du présent avis, lesdites sociétés se verront dissoutes par décision. Pour tout renseignement relatif au présent avis, veuillez vous adresser à l’Imposition des sociétés, ministère des Finances, 33, rue King ouest, Oshawa ON L1H 8H6. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2015-01-31 AARIF PATHAN MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002154318 ALBRO FARMS LTD. 001625005 ALL INCLUSIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES INC. 001140559 AMBASSADOR LIMOUSINES INC. 001706359 AMISK CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PARTNER INC. 001698370 APEX GO-KARTING INCORPORATED 001744440 ASTEBRO BERNHARDT LTD. 001293825 ATRAX CAPITAL CORPORATION 001745876 AXIOMEDIA INC. 001148130 AZEROTH 555 LIMITED 002115377 BACKYARDS AND BASEMENTS INCORPORATED 002134066 BRIGHT GARMENT INC. 000903900 C.A.N. MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. 000435177 CANADIAN CUSTOM SLITTING INC. 001263818 CITIZEN FASHIONS INC. 001200754 COUNTRY BULK (KITCHENER) INC. 001117677 CUT-RITE METALS INDUSTRIES INC. 000965758 DANIEL CAPITAL VENTURES INC. 002148091 DARMAC MCDANIEL INC. 002093761 DE LA CRUZ SYSTEMS INC. 001471006 DEXI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 002076417 DYMON HOLDINGS INC. 002035363 EEE-ZEE ENTERPRISES INC. 001736116 EVADOM PRODUCTIONS INC. 001090661 FULTON FORWARDERS INC. 001428406 FUNLAND OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS LTD. 001126090 GHH INC. 001171563 GLEN HULSE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 000471656 GREENLINE MANUFACTURING INC. 001250394 GUILDWOOD FURNITURE COMPANY INC. 001346533 HARLEY PUBLISHING INC. 001216227 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario I B WES CORPORATION/ CORPORATION I B WES 000870772 JANQUINN SEARCH GROUP INC. 002086102 KANCO-961 WONDERLAND LTD. 001527798 KENARD LEASING INC. 000671333 KINZ RENOVATION.COM INC. 001713914 KOLLER SALES & SERVICES INC. 002142523 LLOYD BRISTOW CONSTRUCTION INC 000638237 LONG LASTING NOODLES CO. LTD. 001092397 MISTY VENTURES & DEVELOPMENTS INC. 001605427 MRAD INVESTMENTS INC. 000618493 NANNY TIME CANADA INC. 001730332 NARCOMM INC. 001278040 NETLOG CANADA COPORATION 001120817 NEXT HOUSEBUILDING CORPORATION 001393870 ONEIRRA TECHNOLOGIES INC. 001556677 ONTARIO WEIGHT LOSS CENTRES INC. 002117216 P.B. METAL INC. 001735177 P.I.E. CARPENTRY LTD. 001740167 PRIME EMPLOYMENT SERVICES INC. 001695104 QUANTUM DATA SYSTEMS (CANADA) LTD. 001454089 QUASARTS INC. 001249841 RAPID TRUCK TRAILER SERVICES INC. 002071003 ROCKSOLIDRESULTS INC. 002131717 ROSINA’S SWEET CREATIONS INC. 001738996 ROYALPASSPORT.COM INC. 001145140 RUSSELL INC. 000860539 SAN-MAR EMPLOYMENT SERVICES LTD. 002072962 SERENE MOMENTS LTD. 002141987 SHORT & SWEET INC. 001504799 SMK SPEEDY INTERNATIONAL INC. 001599345 SOCCER MAGIC (KINGSTON)INC. 001238077 STAR PICTURE VEHICLES INC. 001261137 SUSIE CUE’S BILLIARDS INC. 001164726 T.J.R. TERMINALS INC. 000967173 THE CANADIAN CENTRE FOR ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT LTD. 000881125 THE ELECTRONIC SHOPPE INC. 000923489 TSP HOLDINGS LIMITED 001250254 VIVID CLEANERS INC. 001747297 WORLD BEAT INC. 001662802 YOUNGHART GLOBAL INC. 001671330 1017753 ONTARIO INC. 001017753 1022010 ONTARIO INC. 001022010 1101498 ONTARIO LTD. 001101498 1146695 ONTARIO INC. 001146695 1155065 ONTARIO LTD. 001155065 1160218 ONTARIO INC. 001160218 1187863 ONTARIO LIMITED 001187863 1207678 ONTARIO LIMITED 001207678 1232259 ONTARIO LIMITED 001232259 1268559 ONTARIO LIMITED 001268559 1274700 ONTARIO INC. 001274700 1312334 ONTARIO INC. 001312334 1353055 ONTARIO INC. 001353055 1361281 ONTARIO INC. 001361281 1393553 ONTARIO INC. 001393553 1410845 ONTARIO INC. 001410845 1411314 ONTARIO INC. 001411314 1430842 ONTARIO INC. 001430842 1477984 ONTARIO LIMITED 001477984 1585641 ONTARIO INC. 001585641 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO255 Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : 1601677 ONTARIO LTD. 1679026 ONTARIO INC. 1698550 ONTARIO LTD. 1713896 ONTARIO INC. 1725623 ONTARIO INC. 1726158 ONTARIO CORP. 1745347 ONTARIO INC. 1754682 ONTARIO INC. 2053389 ONTARIO INC. 2074466 ONTARIO INC. 2088232 ONTARIO LTD. 2113003 ONTARIO INC. 2123661 ONTARIO INC. 2141763 ONTARIO INC. 2142538 ONTARIO LIMITED 2151014 ONTARIO LIMITED 2152968 ONTARIO INC. 2156244 ONTARIO INC. 2156573 ONTARIO INC. 220 MARKETING INC. 45 ARKLEDUN HOLDINGS INC. 484269 ONTARIO INC. 520245 ONTARIO LTD. 731800 ONTARIO LIMITED 751617 ONTARIO LTD. 824637 ONTARIO LIMITED 939724 ONTARIO LIMITED 976597 ONTARIO LIMITED (148-G047) Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 001601677 001679026 001698550 001713896 001725623 001726158 001745347 001754682 002053389 002074466 002088232 002113003 002123661 002141763 002142538 002151014 002152968 002156244 002156573 002119868 001738966 000484269 000520245 000731800 000751617 000824637 000939724 000976597 William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters) Annulation de certificat de constitution (Non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, under subsection 241(4) of the Business Corporations Act, the Certificate of Incorporation of the corporations named hereunder have been cancelled by an Order for default in complying with the provisions of the Corporations Tax Act, and the said corporations have been dissolved on that date. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, le certificat de constitution de la société sous-nommé a été annulée par Ordre pour nonobservation des dispositions de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés et que la dissolution de la société concernée prend effet à la date susmentionnée. Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : 2015-01-05 A.B.C. FOOD EQUIPMENT INC. AA&B AUTO PARTS LTD. ADMIRALTY YACHTS INC AM SPORTS NUTRITION INC. ANIMAL KINGDOM INCORPORATED ASIAN EXPORT CORPORATION AUTO EXHIBITION INC. Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 000997260 002114970 000729992 001578517 000962604 001680226 000668901 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario B.S.A. BUSINESS SYSTEMS ANALYSTS INC. 001718263 BADER’S SYMPHONY SHOPPE INC. 000547144 BLUE LAGOON SPORTS BAR INC. 001725914 BMJ EXTRUSIONS INC. 002144175 BOSKI LTD. 000413173 BREN-SAND FLEXIBLE METAL PRODUCTS INC. 000578220 BRUNDEL’S FINE SHOES INC. 000950850 BRYANT WALKER & ASSOCIATES INC. 000714821 CCMI CONTRACTING LTD. 002089358 CHAROD CORPORATION 000251540 CITY HEALTH AND BEAUTY PRODUCTS INC. 002123017 COOKIE CAPTIONS INC. 002141144 COUNTRY TREES INC. 002131399 CROSS LTD. 001070940 DADDY’S PHOTO CENTRE LTD. 001294895 DAN ZARRELLO CORPORATION 001567943 DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING CONSTRUCTION INC. 001708431 DOMINANT MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT INC. 002130491 EARLE CARR CONTRACTING LTD. 000387460 F. ATTWELL CONSULTANTS INC. 000946425 FILM BAND PRODUCTIONS INC. 001666469 GENGA INTERNATIONAL INC. 001718329 GOLDYUAN INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.,LTD. 002056740 HANDEGORD INC. 000800984 JAYSEE INTERNATIONAL LTD. 000453775 KARLANE SALES INC. 000930909 KINO INVESTMENTS INC. 001186399 LANE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LTD. 001053816 LEGAL TURN INC. 001754367 LU’S VERIFICATION SERVICES LTD. 001027745 MAJESTIC HOLIDAYS INC. 001685631 MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. 001093196 MARLCAII INC. 001720091 MICHAEL COLE PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 000708389 MICROTAINMENT PLUS PRODUCTIONS INC. 001249449 MULTI C.N.C. PRODUCTS INC. 000856508 NORTHERN PEST CONTROL INC. 001694341 NORTHERN SPIRIT VENTURES INC. 001035547 OLYMPIC FOODS (THUNDER BAY) LTD. 000062915 ON THE WINGS OF THE DOVE MESSENGER INC. 001334174 PAJELLE INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000752654 PARMAR AUTO REPAIR & SALES LTD. 000928708 PATH LANE DEVELOPMENTS INC. 000755431 PERRY’S AUTO SHOP INC. 001650701 PINE VALLEY INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 000302687 PINES INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL INC. 001699292 PREMIER GLOBAL MERCANTILE INC. 000733171 ROCOL INVESTMENTS LTD. 000481748 ROSTO CONSTRUCTION LTD. 000249452 SINO-CAN CONSULTING SERVICES (HAMILTON) LTD. 001121348 SOLE ENTERPRISE INC. 001717125 TESO INTERNATIONAL INC. 000938876 TFGI (CALEDONIA) INC. 002113450 THE BRICK FURNITURE LAND CORP. 000686393 THE SOUND ACCOUNTING GROUP INC. 002124298 TOPCLIFFE INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000226611 TRI-LAKE CARPENTRY LIMITED 000661448 TUNE-UP UNLIMITED GORDON D. PRENTICE LTD. 000408768 UP TO SPEED COMMUNICATIONS INC. 001471411 VALEO CLOTHING (PETERBOROUGH) LIMITED 000272742 VIVA FOODS INC. 001709327 WALTERHOUSE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT INC. 000845757 WHITBURN CONTRACTING LTD. 001710346 ZHONG’S BBQ & NOODLE HOUSE LTD. 001300571 256 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : 1118936 ONTARIO LIMITED 1119862 ONTARIO INC. 1121685 ONTARIO LIMITED 1131412 ONTARIO LIMITED 1155356 ONTARIO INC. 1192963 ONTARIO INC. 1205295 ONTARIO INC. 1208274 ONTARIO INC. 1210356 ONTARIO LIMITED 1217270 ONTARIO INC. 1282874 ONTARIO LIMITED 1365819 ONTARIO LIMITED 1393282 ONTARIO LTD. 1431078 ONTARIO LTD. 1548141 ONTARIO LIMITED 1550499 ONTARIO LIMITED 1664591 ONTARIO INC. 1704519 ONTARIO LTD. 1711543 ONTARIO INC. 1713274 ONTARIO INC. 1713813 ONTARIO INC. 1715043 ONTARIO INC. 1726547 ONTARIO INC. 1745847 ONTARIO INC. 2081651 ONTARIO INC. 2091833 ONTARIO INC. 2121652 ONTARIO LIMITED 2145075 ONTARIO LTD. 344944 ONTARIO LIMITED 543484 ONTARIO INC 554464 ONTARIO LIMITED 559857 ONTARIO LIMITED 638624 ONTARIO INC. 644671 ONTARIO LIMITED 703611 ONTARIO LTD. 709151 ONTARIO LIMITED 737565 ONTARIO LIMITED 741229 ONTARIO LIMITED 746576 ONTARIO LIMITED 746696 ONTARIO LTD. 752360 ONTARIO INC. 772471 ONTARIO LIMITED 824824 ONTARIO LTD. 830712 ONTARIO LIMITED 925025 ONTARIO INC. 953529 ONTARIO LIMITED 960272 ONTARIO INC. 969185 ONTARIO INC. 990489 ONTARIO INC. (148-G048) Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 001118936 001119862 001121685 001131412 001155356 001192963 001205295 001208274 001210356 001217270 001282874 001365819 001393282 001431078 001548141 001550499 001664591 001704519 001711543 001713274 001713813 001715043 001726547 001745847 002081651 002091833 002121652 002145075 000344944 000543484 000554464 000559857 000638624 000644671 000703611 000709151 000737565 000741229 000746576 000746696 000752360 000772471 000824824 000830712 000925025 000953529 000960272 000969185 000990489 William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Certificate of Dissolution Certificat de dissolution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a certificate of dissolution under the Business Corporations Act, has been endorsed. The effective date of dissolution precedes the corporation listings. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément à la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, un certificat de dissolution a été inscrit pour les compagnies suivantes : la date d’entrée en vigueur précède la liste des compagnies visées. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2014-12-04 BARKEN CONSULTING GROUP CORP. 002092621 BLUE LEAF CONSULTING INC. 002011245 CHAMNEY INVESTMENTS LTD. 001368169 JENDE LIMITED 000266518 JP MEDICAL INC. 001777458 KAS INNOVATIVE CONSULTANTS INC. 002287851 NETCO TRUCKING LTD. 001624973 NORTH STAR YOGA INC. 002218696 R.M. BERTRAM AND ASSOCIATES INC. 000718860 RED FRONT DEPARTMENT STORES LIMITED 001210922 S-TECH SOLUTIONS LTD. 002201122 TRISTAN EQUITY HOLDINGS INC. 001229286 1527320 ONTARIO LTD. 001527320 1662019 ONTARIO INC. 001662019 1695782 ONTARIO CORPORATION 001695782 1713717 ONTARIO INC. 001713717 1734549 ONTARIO LIMITED 001734549 1739682 ONTARIO LTD. 001739682 1872495 ONTARIO INC. 001872495 2182784 ONTARIO INC. 002182784 2240352 ONTARIO LTD. 002240352 751712 ONTARIO LIMITED 000751712 2014-12-05 A-1 IMPORTING COMPANY LTD. 001321633 BATTERY CITY LTD. 001775767 BMG TRUCK & AUTO REPAIR COLLISION CENTRE LTD. 002209926 DIXIE PARK INC. 000739462 M. CARDOSO HAULAGE INC. 001636889 META PUBLICATIONS LTD. 000432808 MILTON WASTE DISPOSAL INC. 001844688 NEW PIZZA CITY INC. 001856396 OTORP ELECTRIC LTD. 001051247 RAD MONTEIRO INVESTMENTS LTD. 002303848 ROSEMOUNT CENTRE FOR SENIORS LTD. 000994702 UPTOWN UNIQUE CONSTRUCTION INC. 002083246 1494066 ONTARIO INC. 001494066 1496949 ONTARIO INC. 001496949 1695875 ONTARIO LTD. 001695875 2072898 ONTARIO INC. 002072898 2131559 ONTARIO INC. 002131559 585725 ONTARIO LIMITED 000585725 2014-12-06 TOWN OF WINDOWS INC. 002284682 2014-12-08 ABOHAR TRANSPORT INC. 002017187 APPLIED LIGHT MEDIA INC. 002263741 BLUETIFUL INC. 002073359 BROTHERS INSTALLATION SERVICES INC. 002111664 CANFEX INTL LTD. 002137232 DESERT ROSE FLOWERS AND GIFTS INC. 001547159 HUMMEL DESIGN - BUILD INC. 001174709 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario MANAGEMENT SUPPORT NETWORK (2002) LTD. 002009716 PERSFX CORPORATION 002087576 RON SINGER SERVICES LTD. 001597565 ROYAL CURRENCY EXCHANGE LTD. 001402342 SHAVER AND SCANLAN LIMITED 000073943 VAL-AIR REFRIGERATION SUPPLY LTD. 000820411 WAGA INVESTMENTS LIMITED 001521831 WALKCO HOLDINGS LIMITED 000410160 WILLIAM WILTSHIRE LIMITED 000371488 1006136 ONTARIO INC. 001006136 1135377 ONTARIO LTD. 001135377 1310099 ONTARIO INC. 001310099 1314456 ONTARIO INC. 001314456 1509817 ONTARIO INC. 001509817 1607214 ONTARIO INC. 001607214 1761899 ONTARIO INC. 001761899 2070495 ONTARIO INC. 002070495 2161766 ONTARIO INC. 002161766 2286057 ONTARIO LIMITED 002286057 973843 ONTARIO LTD. 000973843 2014-12-09 BLING BLING ON QUEEN LTD. 001680015 BLING BLING WHOLESALE LTD. 001747636 KATA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS INC. 002233907 KJZ BROWN INC. 001752532 MURDOCH HEADSETS INC. 001292263 TACHIBANA INC. 000540256 WAYNE BISHOP ELECTRIC LTD. 001402987 WEST BALSAM SUNRISE HOLDINGS LIMITED 000984519 1211368 ONTARIO INC. 001211368 1512851 ONTARIO INC. 001512851 1571641 ONTARIO LIMITED 001571641 1750666 ONTARIO INC. 001750666 1791061 ONTARIO INC. 001791061 1812316 ONTARIO INC. 001812316 1823656 ONTARI INC. 001823656 1901354 ONTARIO LTD. 001901354 2044527 ONTARIO LTD. 002044527 2098540 ONTARIO INC. 002098540 2113614 ONTARIO LIMITED 002113614 2239914 ONTARIO INC. 002239914 2296275 ONTARIO LIMITED 002296275 451676 ONTARIO LIMITED 000451676 2014-12-10 ASJ CORPORATION INC. 002087203 BELLY BUTTONS BATH SHOP LTD. 002229314 CANFLOYD TRADING LIMITED 001456851 D. & L. CONCRETE CONSULTING INC. 002242135 DENMAR CONSTRUCTION & MASONRY INC. 001351392 J & D COOPER OIL LIMITED 000418954 LAVICON LIMITED 001410234 LIBRA ACCOUNTING INC. 001533837 LINH LAN ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION 002397404 MANES RENOVATION & CUSTOM WOODWORKING INC. 001295513 MAPLE CLEANING INC. 002252968 MATTHEW MULTISERVICES INC. 001909363 MEDALLION PROPERTY SERVICES LTD. 002087278 MUNICIPAL TAX RECOVERY INC. 001468623 STEALTHCON INC. 001725634 ZEMARS CARPENTRY LTD. 000673264 1453187 ONTARIO INC. 001453187 1814030 ONTARIO LIMITED 001814030 2087204 ONTARIO INC. 002087204 2157543 ONTARIO LTD. 002157543 2216725 ONTARIO INC. 002216725 257 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 428628 ONTARIO LIMITED 000428628 643315 ONTARIO LIMITED 000643315 771357 ONTARIO LIMITED 000771357 821716 ONTARIO INC. 000821716 2014-12-11 BURLINGTON SOUND CENTRE LIMITED 000285883 CAREEONBAGS INC. 002220939 FORTRESS PUBLISHING GROUP INC. 001639922 GILLES TANGUAY DRAFTING & DESIGNS LTD. 000575507 GLOBAL COMMUNICATION NETWORK INC. 002264139 ICEBERG NAVIGATION INC. 002243123 JULIUS DENTAL LABORATORIES INC. 000457595 LEGOU CHINA INC. 002288561 MARJO GORDON INVESTMENTS INC. 000559501 MERYL SCOTT INTERIOR DESIGN & DECOR INC. 001451149 ORACLEPSYCH CORPORATION 001400712 RASKY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 000554689 STENIC PRODUCTS INC. 000699956 TREES FOR CLEAN AIR INC. 002185608 WALTER LONG PLUMBING LIMITED 000306757 WILKINSON FRESH PACK LTD. 001869129 1317450 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 001317450 1791083 ONTARIO LIMITED 001791083 1844811 ONTARIO INC. 001844811 205332 ONTARIO LIMITED 000205332 2212826 ONTARIO INC. 002212826 2014-12-12 AGGARWAL COMMUNICATION INC. 002101431 BILL’S PIZZAHOUSE INC. 001496923 C & R MARINE TRANSPORT INC. 001384743 CARRONSHORE INC. 001166948 J-STAR INC. 002301381 KEN HEWITT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 000368922 MARLBOROUGH ELECTRIC LIMITED 000453884 N\A BEAUTY GROUP & SALONI 1988 LIMITED 000732977 SR&ED MAGIC SOLUTIONS INC. 002232848 2033798 ONTARIO INC. 002033798 2264258 ONTARIO INC. 002264258 2266199 ONTARIO INC. 002266199 2341669 ONTARIO INC. 002341669 2014-12-13 SECURE GLASS & ALUMINUM INC. 002293326 2014-12-15 ABADPOUR TRANSPORT INC. 001577109 ANGLES HAIR CARE INC. 001683631 BOOMLAND INC. 002392049 CANADA-CHINA RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT INC. 002234704 CATHERINE BUSINESS CONSULTING INC. 001178794 CEP - SCEP HOLDINGS LTD. 001550524 DSG ELECTRONICS DIRECT INC. 001415934 GERAEDTS CANADA LIMITED 002125465 GREYSTONE COUNTRY PROPERTIES LIMITED 001194501 GRVTY INC. 002195800 JANLORIL MANAGEMENT INC. 000480572 JESSICA MANAGEMENT CONSULTING INC. 002235947 KANSON PREMIUM INDUSTRIAL LTD. 001751974 LYN-RICK HOLDINGS LTD. 000847977 MARA MECHANICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED 000283419 MULLAN CANADA INC. 001431146 NELLES ESTATES LIMITED 002065281 SAMU MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002241481 SHORELINE MEMORY INC. 002331334 SUNSTAR MASONRY INC. 001274305 WALTER HOMBURGER LIMITED 001060293 WILL-POWER MANAGEMENT INC. 001776557 258 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 1223402 ONTARIO INC. 001223402 1862308 ONTARIO LIMITED 001862308 2147294 ONTARIO INC. 002147294 736353 ONTARIO LTD. 000736353 757366 ONTARIO LIMITED 000757366 806732 ONTARIO INC. 000806732 2014-12-16 ALMARWAH TRAVEL INC. 001742212 BUDD CONSULTING GROUP INC. 001026016 CANDURIS DISTRIBUTIONS INC. 002212332 GIBBONS CYCLE & SPORTS LTD. 000271805 INDO HOLDINGS INC. 001722737 MILLER & MILLER FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 000811420 RIDGESTONE BUILDERS INC. 001529328 TRIFECTA MEDIA GROUP INC. 001819246 VENTURE TRUCK LINES INC. 002142308 1475691 ONTARIO INC. 001475691 2312934 ONTARIO INC. 002312934 2014-12-17 CORPORATE EVENT SERVICES INC. 001173727 FARADALE FARMS LTD. 000415415 FEBOYA LTD. 002398659 ORRIS POOL SERVICE LIMITED 000289903 R-CHAD PLAZA INC. 002436523 RADHE KRISHNA ENTERPRISE INC. 002165170 RUSSO APPAREL MFG. INC. 001136472 SHE’S THE MAYOR PRODUCTIONS INC. 002225386 SHERE-CON INC. 002005376 SWISS CONSULTING INC. 002084940 XPERT COPPER CONSULTANTS CORP. 001249669 1278969 ONTARIO LTD. 001278969 1285806 ONTARIO INC. 001285806 1808721 ONTARIO INC. 001808721 2115478 ONTARIO INC. 002115478 2284824 ONTARIO INC. 002284824 940461 ONTARIO INC. 000940461 2014-12-20 SANAFAFE LIMITED 002347424 2014-12-22 ELAL COMPUTER SERVICES INC. 001318688 HACHE HOLDINGS INC. 002239260 LONDON ECONOMIC ACCELERATION FUNDING CORPORATION 002311871 WALK THE LINE PAVEMENT MARKING LTD. 001720775 2014-12-23 2125127 ONTARIO INC. 002125127 2014-12-24 SAVILLE’S RUSTY NAIL RESTAURANT LTD. 001812633 2014-12-27 NILE SUPERSTORE INC. 002316955 2014-12-29 ARKADIA CAPITAL CORP. 002248718 CNJ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING INC. 002096352 2014-12-30 1691791 ONTARIO LTD. 001691791 2014-12-31 NAPENAS DENTISTRY PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 002343945 1715252 ONTARIO INC. 001715252 2234536 ONTARIO INC. 002234536 894695 ONTARIO LIMITED 000894695 2015-01-05 CLASSIC HOME INSPECTOR OTTAWA INC./ INSPECTEUR RESIDENTIEL CLASSIQUE DE L’OUTAOUAIS INC. 001823352 2015-01-06 BELMONT REALTY HOLDINGS LIMITED 001462007 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario CARMAN’S FAMILY CORPORATION 001378612 JWC TRUCKING LTD. 001468040 LA VIE WILDLIFE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES LTD. 000566925 PORTLOCK INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000120550 1386211 ONTARIO LIMITED 001386211 1716827 ONTARIO LTD. 001716827 2398002 ONTARIO INC. 002398002 2015-01-07 DATABASE CODERS INC. 002286871 GREEN APRON RESTAURANT INC. 002121249 KAFE INC. 002268674 NATCO ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL LTD. 001070428 R. J. MCKEE ELECTRICAL LTD. 000743200 TIM CARSON INC. 001474493 1581353 ONTARIO INC. 001581353 1887462 ONTARIO INC. 001887462 2393688 ONTARIO INC. 002393688 2015-01-08 CRS TELECOM INTERNATIONAL INC. 001245153 HYGIENE MASTER LTD. 002315601 PROJECT MANAGEMENT WITH PROJECT SOLUTIONS INC. 002370685 SMC AHL HOLDINGS LTD. 002228122 1278647 ONTARIO INC. 001278647 1443116 ONTARIO INC. 001443116 1559981 ONTARIO INC. 001559981 2437330 ONTARIO INC. 002437330 997034 ONTARIO INC. 000997034 2015-01-09 ADLAUNCHERS INC. 002223774 BLUEFIELD DEVELOPMENT INC. 001807960 BOVE AESTHETICS LIMITED 000672441 BRIAN GULLEDGE INVESTMENTS INC. 000645539 CPR TORONTO INC. 001668187 EURO ESPRESSO BAR LTD. 001824235 EXCHANGE TOWER (BOPC) INC. 002158468 FRONT STREET (BOPC) INC. 001814305 GTA YORK CLOSING CENTRE INC. 002099933 KEN BEATTY HOLDING COMPANY INC. 001119858 KING EAST INVESTMENTS INC. 001667822 LABBZ LOGISTICS LTD. 001663270 LESLIE’S FOOD FOR THOUGHT INC. 002054660 LUMINARA HEALTHCARE ADVISORS INC. 002251556 MIUCO INC. 002357004 NIWAN ROLLS KING INC. 002427913 STRYBOSCH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED 000200758 THE FILTER FACTORY LTD. 001622036 TOP QUALITY HOME INSPECTIONS INC. 001715736 YOMTOV INVESTMENTS INC. 000734185 1001622 ONTARIO INC 001001622 105 ADELAIDE (BOPC) INC. 002158466 2020549 ONTARIO LIMITED 002020549 2218431 ONTARIO INC. 002218431 2258382 ONTARIO INC. 002258382 2268117 ONTARIO INC. 002268117 2416398 ONTARIO INC. 002416398 314876 ONTARIO LTD. 000314876 567119 ONTARIO LIMITED 000567119 676596 ONTARIO LIMITED 000676596 2015-01-12 BELLA 55 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC. 001787435 EXECU-AIR INC. 000890448 GENERAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT INC. 001754342 HTW CONSULTING INC. 001155257 JENKINS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LTD. 000381627 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario KEVIN-JAMES FOOTWEAR LTD. 000301437 LIKELY STORIES PRODUCTIONS INC. 001283539 NEWPORT ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. 001659921 PRECIOU’S HAIR & BEAUTY SALON LTD. 001815238 ROYAL OAK VENTURES INC. 001908681 SENDERS FAMILY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 001595265 SKY RIVER INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL GROUP CORPORATION 001884748 TRI-QUEST DEVELOPMENTS INC. 001616904 1057203 ONTARIO INC. 001057203 1057204 ONTARIO INC. 001057204 1175721 ONTARIO INC. 001175721 1689236 ONTARIO INC. 001689236 1702641 ONTARIO INC. 001702641 1770971 ONTARIO INC. 001770971 1784424 ONTARIO INC. 001784424 1908222 ONTARIO INC. 001908222 1921752 ONTARIO LIMITED 001921752 2156111 ONTARIO INC. 002156111 2179609 ONTARIO INC. 002179609 2281002 ONTARIO INC. 002281002 351260 ONTARIO INC. 000351260 735743 ONTARIO INC. 000735743 2015-01-13 A & A TRADE PRINT INC. 002043143 ALT ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. 002348762 BERGEN DOOR & CABINET LTD. 000702871 CCWIPP INVESTMENT (PIA) CORP. 002134785 CLEANSWEEP & SHINE INC. 002041347 DHC SYSTEM LIMITED 001487952 NEW TYPROS PRINTING LTD. 001793102 NORM MIDDLETON PROPERTIES LTD. 000554617 R. M. ELLIOTT CONSTRUCTION SAULT STE. MARIE LIMITED 000071400 SEAN CULLEN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL LTD. 002031887 SOUTHSTAR INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC. 002201808 SUPER FORTUNE ENTERPRISE CO. LTD. 001415997 1624270 ONTARIO INC. 001624270 1630203 ONTARIO INC. 001630203 2177600 ONTARIO LIMITED 002177600 2204677 ONTARIO INC. 002204677 2368788 ONTARIO INC. 002368788 2393258 ONTARIO INC. 002393258 538003 ONTARIO LIMITED 000538003 929742 ONTARIO INC. 000929742 2015-01-14 AMADEUS GP INC. 002078014 CHAMPLAIN WOOD HOMES LIMITED 000292554 HI-LEVEL P.R. INC. 001864257 HIGHLINE HOLDINGS INC. 001336411 IMRAN GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. 001854834 KEOFFERAM HOLDINGS INC. 002146563 PRINCE TILE INC. 001835945 4 SOFT-DATA SERVICES INC. 000700940 (148-G049) William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux 259 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act) Annulation de certificat de constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by orders under subsection 241(4) of the Business Corporations Act, the certificates of incorporation set out hereunder have been cancelled and corporation(s) have been dissolved. The effective date of cancellation precedes the corporation listing. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, les certificats présentés ci-dessous ont été annulés et les sociétés ont été dissoutes. La dénomination sociale des sociétés concernées est précédée de la date de prise d’effet de l’annulation. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2015-01-15 ACTIV MD INC. 2179735 ARGON CONCEPTS CORP. 1900194 CYMAK TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2127325 HIPPO TOURS INC. 1680811 MYSTICAL MOON CREATIONS INC. 1556200 SMUKCREATIVE INC. 1795888 TEAM ATOMIC INC. 2383800 TOUCH 4 TOUCH ENTERTAINMENT INC. 2275148 UNIQUE CARPET CLEANING INC. 1264544 590585 ONTARIO INC. 590585 1258097 ONTARIO INC. 1258097 1303066 ONTARIO LTD. 1303066 1329051 ONTARIO LTD. 1329051 1443867 ONTARIO INC. 1443867 1616311 ONTARIO INC. 1616311 1745816 ONTARIO INC. 1745816 1899048 ONTARIO INC. 1899048 2175147 ONTARIO LIMITED 2175147 (148-G050) William D. Snell Director/Directeur Cancellation for Filing Default (Corporations Act) Annulation pour omission de se conformer à une obligation de dépôt (Loi sur les personnes morales) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that orders under Section 317(9) of the Corporations Act have been made cancelling the Letters Patent of the following corporations and declaring them to be dissolved. The date of the order of dissolution precedes the name of the corporation. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, les décrets émis en vertu de l’article 317 (9) de la Loi sur les personnes morales ont été émis pour annuler les lettres patentes des personnes morales suivantes et les déclarer dissoutes. La date du décret de la dissolution précède le nom de la personne morale. 260 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2015-01-20 A.W.M ATHLETIC CLUB (AKILA WIMALASOORIYA MEMORIAL ATHLETIC CLUB) 1866728 AFFORDABLE HOUSING HALTON 1614469 CANADA LOW CARBON DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH GROUP INC. 1844222 CANADIAN ARAB FAMILIES FOUNDATION 1788873 FONTHILL ROTARY CLUB FOUNDATION, ONTARIO, CANADA 1139531 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario INSPIRATION POINT YOUTH ORGANIZATION INC. 1905920 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN AMBASSADORS MINISTRIES INC. 1871143 TENMA FOUNDATION 1857873 WALKERTON & DISTRICT OPTIMIST CLUB, ONTARIO 1836114 WENJINISHKAYUN - THE AWAKENING 1871029 William D. Snell Director/Directeur (148-G051) Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act Determination Pursuant to delegated authority and in accordance with subsection 1(1) of the Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F-23, the works of art or objects of cultural significance listed in Schedule “A” attached hereto, which works or objects are to be on temporary exhibit during the Visions of Mughal India: The Collection of Howard Hodgkin exhibition at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, Ontario pursuant to a loan agreement between the Aga Khan Museum, Oxford, United Kingdom, and the lender listed in the attached Schedule “A” are hereby determined to be of cultural significance and the temporary exhibition of these works or objects in Ontario is in the interest of the people of Ontario. DATE: January 21, 2015 Determined by Kevin Finnerty, Assistant Deputy Minister Culture Division Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport SCHEDULE “A” – LIST OF WORKS Visions of Mughal India: The Collection of Howard Hodgkin The Aga Khan Museum LENDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ARTIST OBJECT DATE MEDIUM Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Possibly Hunhar Attendants at an imperial durbar c. 1645 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Music party on a riverside terrace c. 1670 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Kalyan Das (Chitarman) Prince Azam Shah enters Ahmedabad 1701 Brush drawing with colour and gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Marriage procession in a bazaar c.16401650 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharao Ram Singh II’s marriage celebrations at Udaipur c. 1851 Gouache with gold on cotton cloth Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown The gopis dance in the forest, or Sarat Purnima c. 1720 1725 Gouache on cotton cloth Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Possibly Bhavani Das A lady singing c. 1740 1745 Gouache with gold on paper DIMENSIONS Frame: 50.4 x 40.4 x 1.9cm (h x w x d) Painting: 36.1 x 26.4 cm (h x w) Frame: 46.9 x 39.2 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 33.5 x 25.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 47.2 x 73.5 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 33.1 x 59 cm (h x w) Frame: 47.5 x 64 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 35 x 52 cm (h x w) Frame: 107.8 x 83.8 x 2.6 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 89 x 68 cm (h x w) Frame: 202.5 x 186 x 5 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 186.5 x 170 cm (h x w) Frame: 52.5 x 39.8 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 36.5 x 25 cm (h x w) INVENTORY NO. LI118.14 LI118.21 LI118.22 LI118.28 LI118.29 LI118.30 LI118.31 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO LENDER 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ARTIST OBJECT DATE MEDIUM Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Chokha A court beauty c. 1805 1810 Gouache with gold and silver on cotton cloth Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Chand Maharaja Raj Singh of Junia c. 1698 Brush drawing with gold and pigment on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharaja Dhiraj Singh riding c. 1700 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Head of the courtier Iltifat Khan c. 1640 Brush drawing with gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharaja Bakhat Singh of c. 1735 Nagaur Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Probably Kishangarh School Muslim nobleman c. 17001750 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharaja Dhiraj Singh watches a nautch c. 1700 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Sahib Ram Maharaja Pratap Singh c. 1790 Brush drawing on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Sultan Ali Adil Shah II in camp c. 1656 1659 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Enraged elephant c. 1690 Brush drawing with gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Probably Chand Elephant and keeper c. 1650 1660 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Royal elephant with mahout c. 1660 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Young elephant eating c. 1650 Gouache on paper 261 DIMENSIONS Frame: 139.8 x 82 x 4 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 124 x 60 cm (h x w) Frame: 63.9 x 58.1 x 1.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 53.4 x 47.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 69.9 x 48.5 x 1.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 56.5 x 36.2 cm (h x w) Frame: 57.4 x 45.9 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 43 x 31.6 cm (h x w) Frame: 58.6 x 45 x 3.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 42.6 x 29.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 43.2 x 38 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 25.5 x 30 cm (h x w) Frame: 37.9 x 32 x 1.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 27 x 19.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 86.7 x 73.4 x 2.6 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 72.3 x 58.7 cm (h x w) Frame: 31.1 x 27.8 x 1.4 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 20 x 16.6 cm (h x w) Frame: 37.5 x 51.8 x 1.9 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 24 x 38 cm (h x w) Frame: 29.2 x 33.5 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 18 x 22.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 35.9 x 40.6 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 24 x 28.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 37 x 39.8 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 24.3 x 26.7 cm (h x w) INVENTORY NO. LI118.32 LI118.33 LI118.34 LI118.35 LI118.36 LI118.39 LI118.40 LI118.43 LI118.44 LI118.45 LI118.46 LI118.47 LI118.48 262 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO LENDER 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ARTIST OBJECT Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Marbled elephant at a trot Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK DATE MEDIUM DIMENSIONS c. 1640 Brush drawing with gold and silver on marbled paper Elephant with howdah c. 1680 Charcoal on paper Artist unknown Head of an elephant c.17001710 Brush drawing on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Fallen elephant c. 1700 Brush drawing on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Elephant at a gallop c. 1710 1720 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown The elephant Ganesh Gaj and rider c. 1660 1670 Gouache with ink and gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Elephant and rider c. 1640 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown The elephant Khushi Khan c. 1650 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Elephant eating a tree c. 1700 Brush drawing with colour on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Elephants fighting c.1655 1660 Brush drawing with gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Two orioles c. 1610 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Three bamboo shoots, 1595 from a De Materia Medica manuscript Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Sheet of flower studies c.1650 Brush drawing on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Botanical study of a geranium c. 1630 Gouache on paper Frame: 22 x 30.4 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 13 x 22.2 cm (h x w) Frame: 55.5 x 66 x 2.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 40.6 x 51.2 cm (h x w) Frame: 37.2 x 37 x 1.9 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 23.8 x 23.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 35.1 x 39 x 1.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 21.2 x 26 cm (h x w) Frame: 47.1 x 54.6 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 33.6 x 41 cm (h x w) Frame: 45 x 61.7 x 2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 32.3 x 48.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 43.9 x 52.7 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 32.5 x 40.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 40 x 49.2 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 26.6 x 35.3 cm (h x w) Frame: 48.5 x 48.5 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 38 x 38 cm (h x w) Frame: 48.5 x 83.5 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 34.2 x 69 cm (h x w) Frame: 22.1 x 15.6 x 1.4 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 15.2 x 8.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 51.5 x 37.7 x 1.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 39.9 x 26.2 cm (h x w) Frame: 28.8 x 35 x 1.5 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 20.8 x 26.8 cm (h x w) Frame: 31.4 x 25.4 x 1.5 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 23.5 x 17.8 cm (h x w) INVENTORY NO. LI118.49 LI118.50 LI118.51 LI118.52 LI118.53 LI118.55 LI118.56 LI118.58 LI118.59 LI118.62 LI118.65 LI118.67 LI118.69 LI118.70 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO LENDER 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ARTIST OBJECT DATE MEDIUM Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Botanical study of a carnation c. 1630 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Pink composite flower with leaves c.1630 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharaja Raj Singh of Sawar and his elephants c. 1710 1715 Brush drawing with gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Shri Brijnathji and Maharao Durjan Sal hunting c. 1730 1740 Gouache with gold on cotton cloth Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Royal lion hunt c. 1640 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Possibly Niju Elephant hunt c. 1730 1740 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Sangram Singh Ranawat of Mewar Sangram Singh Ranawat hawking c.1705 1708 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Bakhta Rawat Gokul Das at the Singh Sagar 1806 Gouache with gold and silver on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Hunter shooting a leopard c. 1570 1575 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Two pigeons c. 1650 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Durbar of Emperor Akbar Shah II c. 1820 1830 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Khurshid Banu Elephants fighting c. 1600 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown A prince and a lady, illustrating the musical mode Kusuma Raga c. 1730 Gouache with gold on paper 263 DIMENSIONS Frame: 27.3 x 22.2 x 1.6 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 19 x 14 cm (h x w) Frame: 27.6 x 20.7 x 1.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 19.5 x 12.4 cm (h x w) Frame: 64 x 72.6 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 51.5 x 60.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 117 x 206.3 x 4 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 102.5 x 191 cm (h x w) Frame: 53.3 x 122.7 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 36.5 x 106 cm (h x w) Frame: 60.7 x 66.2 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 61 x 45.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 42.8 x 54.8 x 1.8 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 28 x 45.7 cm (h x w) Frame: 69.6 x 94.5 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 55 x 80 cm (h x w) Frame: 21.7 x 25.9 x 1.9 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 13.5 x 18 cm (h x w) Frame: 37.2 x 26.9 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 22.5 x 12.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 91.3 x 77.7 x 2.5cm (h x w x d) Painting: 75.1 x 61.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 33.6 x 38.9 x 2.1 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 22.5 x 27.7 cm (h x w) Frame: 34.4 x 31.2 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 16.9 x 15.6 cm (h x w) INVENTORY NO. LI118.71 LI118.72 LI118.73 LI118.74 LI118.75 LI118.77 LI118.78 LI118.80 LI118.81 LI118.92 LI118.93 LI118.97 LI118.104 264 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO LENDER 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ARTIST OBJECT DATE MEDIUM Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown A goshawk drinking c. 1750 1760 Gouache with gold and silver on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Nainsukh Maharaja Balwant Singh and a goose c. 1750 Brush drawing with colour on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Attributed to Nainsukh Maharaja Balwant Singh hunts a tiger c. 1750 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Maharaja Ranjit Singh in a bazaar c. 1840 1845 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown The emperor Bahadur Shah c. 1855 1858 Gouache on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Ali Reza Nobleman smoking on a terrace c. 1670 Gouache with gold on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Drawing of a boar Unknown Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Two panels with flower designs, possibly from a box c. 1650 Wood, painted, covered with gold, and lacquered Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown A lady in an interior c. 1810 1820 Gouache with gold and silver on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown c. 1720 1725 Gouache on cloth Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Temple hanging (pichhavai): The gopis dance in the forest (Sarat Purnima) Cockerel c. 1601 1700 Gouache on paper, mounted on Awadh-style album leaf Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Floral arabesque drawing c. 1601 1700 Pen on paper Ashmolean Museum, Oxford UK Artist unknown Drawing of tigers hunting deer c. 1801 1900 Pen on paper 55 56 57 58 59 60 (148-G052) DIMENSIONS INVENTORY NO. Frame: 24.4 x 30.4 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 11.6 x 17.1 cm (h x w) Frame: 37.9 x 49 x 2.1 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 27.6 x 38.8 cm (h x w) Frame: 32 x 55 x 2.1 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 20 x 42.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 28.3 x 31.5 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 16.7 x 20.2 cm (h x w) Frame: 49.7 x 37.2 x 2.5 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 36 x 24 cm (h x w) Frame: 48.7 x 40.5 x 2.1 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 22 x 18.3 cm (h x w) Frame: 28.3 x 28.3 x 2.5 cm (h x w x d) Painting 10.7 x 11.9 cm (h x w) Frame: 19 x 50 x 2.7 cm (h x w x d) Left Panel: 7.3 x 22.4 x 0.8 cm approx (h x w x d) Right panel: 7.3 x 14.5 x 0.8 cm approx (h x w x d) Frame: 38 x 29.6 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 20.3 x 13.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 218.3 x 201.8 x 4.4 cm (h x w x d) LI118.106 Frame: 40 x 32 x 2.2 (estimate) (h x w x d) Painting: 14 x 14.5 cm (h x w) Frame: 43.4 x 52.9 x 2.2 cm (h x w x d) Painting: 33 x 42.1 cm (h x w) Frame: 40.3 x 81.2 x 2.2 c, (h x w x d) Painting: 29.9 x 70.3 cm (h x w) LI118.129 LI118.108 LI118.109 LI118.110 LI118.111 LI118.112 LI118.116 LI118.117 LI118.118 LI118.128 LI118.130 LI118.131 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Applications to Provincial Parliament — Private Bills Demandes au Parlement provincial — Projets de loi d’intérêt privé PUBLIC NOTICE The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly's Internet site at http://www.ontla.on.ca or from: Procedural Services Branch Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2 Telephone: 416/325-3500 (Collect calls will be accepted) Applicants should note that consideration of applications for Private Bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next following calendar year. (8699) T.F.N NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behalf of Kenneth G. Fisher, an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive Robe Investments & Consulting Services Limited (corporate #000311816), whose charter was cancelled by the Companies & Personal Property Security Branch for the Province of Ontario on the 18th day of June, 1994. The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A2. Dated at Cambridge, Ontario this 19th day of January, 2015. (148-P032) 05, 06, 07, 08 Deborah Deller, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Applications to Provincial Parliament Demandes au Parlement provincial NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behalf of Estelle Gotfrit application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive Larry Blake Limited. The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2. Kenneth G Fisher by their solicitors, Matlow, Miller, Cummins, Thrasher LLP Per: Myron Matlow NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behalf of Suzanne Masil, application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive the corporation namely 839255 Ontario Inc. (Ontario Corporation No. 839255). The applicant will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A2. Dated at Cobourg, this 14th day of January, 2015. (148-P033) 05, 06, 07, 08 DATED at Toronto this 31st day of December, 2014. (148-P007) 03, 04, 05, 06 265 Suzanne Masil Corporation Notices Avis relatifs aux compagnies Estelle Gotfrit 2043155 ONTARIO LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behalf of Adelchi Franzolini application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive 563523 Ontario Limited. The application will be considered by the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Committee on Regulations and Private Bills should notify, in writing , the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1A2. Dated at Vaughan, this 8th day of January, 2015. (148-P009) 03, 04, 05, 06 Adelchi Franzolini, by his solicitors Piccin, Bottos NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF LIQUIDATORS’ REPORT TAKE NOTICE that the shareholder of 2043155 Ontario limited at a special meeting duly called for the purpose and held on the 30th day of November, 2014, passed a special resolution requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporation Act and appointing Wayne Arnott of the Township of Springwater, in the County of Simcoe, as liquidator. And TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that publication of Notice of the wind up of the said Corporation was published in the Ontario Gazette on December 20, 2014 as required by the Act. And TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a report of the liquidator of the Corporation was made to the shareholders on January 21, 2015 and approved. DATED at the City of Barrie, this 21st day of January, 2015 (148-P034) HGR Graham Partners LLP Barristers and Solicitors, 190 Cundles Road East BARRIE, Ontario L4M 4S5 266 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO SAPIR HOLDINGS LIMITED TAKE NOTICE that the shareholders of SAPIR HOLDINGS LIMITED passed a Special Resolution on November 30, 2014 requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). Sale of Land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender Ventes de terrains par appel d'offres pour arriéré d'impôt DATED December 12, 2014. MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Andrew Tylman, President SAPIR HOLDINGS LIMITED TAKE NOTICE a Plan of Liquidation was signed by the liquidator and consented to by the shareholders of the above Corporation on November 30, 2014, at which time the Liquidator of the above Corporation presented his plan of liquidation regarding the voluntary winding up of SAPIR HOLDINGS LIMITED. DATED December 12, 2014. (148-P035) Andrew Tylman, Liquidator TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to an Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice dated December 23, 2014 in Ontario Superior Court of Justice Court File No. 53066/11 (St. Catharines) 1448157 Ontario Inc. was dissolved effective December 31, 2014. THIS NOTICE is filed pursuant to subsection 218(2) of the Business Corporations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.16. DATED December 31, 2014 Peter A. Mahoney Solicitor THE ROCK & DIRT DEPOT INC. NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF LIQUIDATORS’ REPORT TAKE NOTICE that the shareholder of THE ROCK & DIRT DEPOT INC., at a special meeting duly called for the purpose and held on the 30th day of November, 2014, passed a special resolution requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporation Act and appointing Nigel Shaw and Todd Arnott of the Township of Springwater, in the County of Simcoe, as liquidators. And take further notice that publication of Notice of the wind up of the said Corporation was published in the Ontario Gazette on December 20, 2014 as required by the Act. And take further notice that a report of the liquidators of the Corporation was made to the shareholders on January 21, 2015 and approved. DATED at the City of Barrie, this 21st day of January, 2015 (148-P037) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MACDONALD, MEREDITH & ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Monday March 2, 2015. Description of Land(s): Lot 10, RCP H-777, Township of Macdonald, District of Algoma Minimum Tender Amount: $17,151.89 Lot 8, RCP H-765, Township of Macdonald, District of Algoma 1448157 ONTARIO INC. (148-P036) SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER HGR Graham Partners LLP Barristers and Solicitors, 190 Cundles Road East BARRIE, Ontario L4M 4S5 Minimum Tender Amount: $6,166.06 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: (148-P038) Ms. Lynne Duguay Tax Collector The Corporation of the Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen Additional 208 Church St. P.O. Box 10 705-248-2441 Echo Bay, Ontario P0S 1C0 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRUCE MINES TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time February 23, 2015. Description of Land(s): Plan 625 Lot 288; Bruce Mines PIN 31453-0300 Minimum Tender Amount: $13,856.35 Plan 625 Lot 159; Bruce Mines PIN 31453-0097 Minimum Tender Amount: $13,125.82 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: (148-P039) Donna Brunke, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Bruce Mines 9126 Highway 17 East P.O. Box 220 Bruce Mines, Ontario P0R 1C0 267 This page intentionally left blank Cette page est volontairement laissée en blanc THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 269 Publications under Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006 Règlements publiés en application de la partie III (Règlements) de la Loi de 2006 sur la législation 2015—01—31 ONTARIO REGULATION 5/15 made under the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT Made: November 28, 2014 Filed: January 12, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 12, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending O. Reg. 510/99 (COMMUNITY SAFETY ZONES) 1. Subsection 1 (1) of Schedule 21 to Ontario Regulation 510/99 is amended by striking out “110 metres” and substituting “340 metres”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Yasir Naqvi Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services Date made: November 28, 2014. 5/15 177 270 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 6/15 made under the FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT Made: January 8, 2015 Filed: January 14, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 14, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending Reg. 402 of R.R.O. 1990 (CHICKENS - MARKETING) 1. (1) Subsection 18 (1) of Regulation 402 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted: (1) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the negotiating agency may adopt or settle by agreement the minimum live prices for chickens or for any class, variety, grade or size of chickens in accordance with this section. (1.1) In this section, “chick” means a chicken that is less than seven days of age; (“poussin”) “feed” means broiler chicken feed; (“nourriture”) “quota period” means a quota period established by the local board for the purposes of sections 10 and 11. (“exercice contingentaire”) (2) Subsections 18 (2) to (5.1) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: (2) Beginning with quota period A129 in 2015, the negotiating agency shall negotiate the minimum live prices for chickens by applying the following formula and negotiating adjustments to the various components of the formula in accordance with subsections (3), (4), (5), (5.2) and (5.3): MLP = (CP + FP + PM) − AA Where, MLP means the minimum live price for chickens; CP means the live chick price for sexed mixed chicks established by the Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Commission for each quota period, expressed in dollars per kilogram of live chicken, and adjusted as necessary by the negotiating agency each quota period; FP means the weighted average feed price derived from at least three independent Ontario feed mills with the largest volume of sales of chicken broiler feed that is reported by the Ontario Agri Business Association for each quota period, expressed in dollars per kilogram of live chicken, and adjusted as necessary by the negotiating agency each quota period; PM means the producer margin, being the sum of the costs and expenses described in Column 2 of Table 1 of this section, as those costs and expenses are valued by the negotiating agency annually under subsection (4); and AA means the three annual adjustments described in Schedule 1. (3) The negotiating agency shall negotiate the chick price and feed price each quota period. (4) Each year, the negotiating agency shall negotiate the value of each of the costs and expenses described in Column 2 of Table 1 of this section, other than the costs and expenses referred to in items 9, 10 and 11 of the Table that have a fixed value set out in Column 3 of the Table, and the renegotiated values shall take effect at the beginning of the first full quota period of the year. (5) Despite subsection (4), the values of any costs and expenses that are to be negotiated annually under that subsection may be negotiated more frequently than annually if exceptional and unforeseen circumstances exist. (5.1) If the values of any costs and expenses are negotiated more frequently than annually in accordance with subsection (5), the renegotiated values shall take effect at the beginning of the quota period that follows the conclusion of the negotiations and shall remain in effect until the beginning of the first full quota period of the following calendar year. (5.2) The three annual adjustments described in Schedule 1 shall be agreed to by the negotiating agency each year and shall take effect at the beginning of the first full quota period of the year. 178 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 271 (5.3) Despite subsections (2) to (5.2), the negotiating agency shall negotiate the minimum live prices for chickens for quota period A129 by applying the formula set out in subsection (2), subject to the following rules: 1. The chick price shall be determined by using the amount of $0.3275 as the chick price for quota period A121 and negotiating adjustments to that amount to reflect the changes from quota period A121 to quota period A129. 2. The feed price shall be determined by using the amount of $0.7094 as the feed price for quota period A121 and negotiating adjustments to that amount to reflect the changes from quota period A121 to quota period A129. 3. The producer margin shall be determined by using the sum of the values set out in Column 3 of Table 1 of this section as the producer margin for quota period A121 and negotiating adjustments to those values, other than the values set out in items 9, 10 and 11 of Column 3 of the Table that are fixed values, to reflect the changes from quota period A121 to quota period A129. 4. The negotiating agency shall determine the volume adjustment for quota period A129, in the following manner: i. Determine the volume adjustment for quota period A129 in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of section 1 of Schedule 1. ii. Determine the volume adjustment for quota period A122 in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of section 1 of Schedule 1, using the values set out in Column 3 of Table 1 of this section for the purposes of the multiplication required under paragraph 3 of section 1 of Schedule 1. iii. Determine the sum of the amounts determined under subparagraphs i and ii. 5. The negotiating agency shall determine the feed efficiency adjustment for quota period A129 in the following manner: i. Determine the average of the feed prices, expressed in dollars per tonne, that were used to determine the minimum live prices for chickens during the previous 12-month period and multiply that average feed price by 0.000014. ii. Determine the average of the feed prices, expressed in dollars per tonne, that were used to determine the minimum live prices for chickens during the 12-month period that preceded the 12-month period referred to in subparagraph i and multiply that average feed price by 0.000014. iii. Determine the sum of the amounts determined under subparagraphs i and ii. (3) Subsection 18 (6) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the Canadian Restaurants and Foodservices Association” and substituting “Restaurants Canada”. (4) Subsection 18 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the Canadian Restaurants and Foodservices Association” and substituting “Restaurants Canada”. (5) Section 18 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Table: TABLE 1 COSTS AND EXPENSES INCLUDED IN PRODUCER MARGIN Column 1 Item Column 2 Costs and Expenses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Energy Repairs and Maintenance Property Taxes and Insurance Office and Overhead Contract Services Labour - General Management Return on Capital Working Capital Interest Farm Vehicle Levies and licence fees Depreciation of assets Column 3 Value of Costs and Expenses as of Quota Period A121 (expressed in dollars per kilogram of live chicken) 0.0517 0.0228 0.0122 0.0255 0.0815 0.1325 0.0713 0.0012 0.0080 0.0204 0.0694 2. (1) Subsection 19 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 18 (2), (3) or (4)” and substituting “subsection 18 (3), (4), (5), (5.2) or (5.3)”. (2) Clause 19 (2) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 18 (2)” and substituting “subsection 18 (3) or (5.3)”. (3) Clauses 19 (2) (b) and (c) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: 179 272 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO (b) in the case of a negotiation under subsection 18 (4) or (5.2), the day that is seven weeks before the beginning of the first full quota period in the calendar year; or (c) in the case of a negotiation under subsection 18 (5), the day that is seven weeks before the beginning of the next quota period. (4) Subsection 19 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 18 (2), (3) or (4)” and substituting “subsection 18 (3), (4), (5), (5.2) or (5.3)”. (5) Clause 19 (5) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 18 (2)” and substituting “subsection 18 (3) or (5.3)”. (6) Clauses 19 (5) (b) and (c) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: (b) in the case of an arbitration relating to a negotiation under subsection 18 (4) or (5.2), at least six weeks before the beginning of the first full quota period in the calendar year; or (c) in the case of an arbitration relating to a negotiation under subsection 18 (5), at least six weeks before the beginning of the next quota period. (7) Clause 19 (8) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 18 (2)” and substituting “subsection 18 (3) or (5.3)”. (8) Clauses 19 (8) (b) and (c) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: (b) in the case of an arbitration relating to a negotiation under subsection 18 (4) or (5.2), the day that is two weeks before the beginning of the first full quota period in the calendar year; or (c) in the case of an arbitration relating to a negotiation under subsection 18 (5), the day that is two weeks before the beginning of the next quota period. (9) Subsection 19 (10) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (10) In an award or agreement made under this section in relation to a negotiation under subsection 18 (5), any revised or renegotiated producer margin shall take effect at the beginning of the quota period that follows the conclusion of the negotiations and shall remain in effect until the first full quota period of the following calendar year. (10) Subsection 19 (11) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “in the Schedule” at the end and substituting “set out in subsection 18 (2)”. 3. The Schedule to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: SCHEDULE 1 ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS TO THE MINIMUM LIVE PRICE FOR CHICKENS 1. A volume adjustment to reflect the annual changes in the authorized volume of domestic production of chicken allocated to Ontario by Chicken Farmers of Canada shall be determined in the following manner: 1. Determine the percentage change in the authorized volume of domestic production of chicken allocated to Ontario between the two previous 12-month periods. 2. Reduce the percentage determined under paragraph 1 by half. 3. Multiply the percentage determined under paragraph 2 by the sum of current value of the costs and expenses set out in Column 2 of Table 1 of section 18, other than items 8 and 10 of the Table. 4. Add the amount of the volume adjustment of the previous year to the amount determined under paragraph 3. 2. A feed efficiency adjustment, to reflect ongoing improvements in the amount of feed it takes to produce one kilogram of live chicken, shall be determined in the following manner: 1. Determine the average of the feed prices, expressed in dollars per tonne, that were used to determine the minimum live prices for chickens during the previous 12-month period. 2. Multiply the average feed price determined under paragraph 1 by 0.000014. 3. Add the amount of the feed efficiency adjustment of the previous year to the amount determined under paragraph 2. 3. A producer efficiency adjustment to reflect the exclusion of high costs of production, as follows: 1. In 2015, the efficiency adjustment shall be $0.0070. 2. In 2016, the efficiency adjustment shall be $0.0139. 3. In 2017, the efficiency adjustment shall be $0.0208. 4. In 2018 and in every subsequent year, the efficiency adjustment shall be $0.0277. 180 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 273 Commencement 4. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary to the Commission Date made:January 8, 2015. Pris le : 8 janvier 2015. 5/15 181 274 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 6/15 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES pris le 8 janvier 2015 déposé le 14 janvier 2015 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 14 janvier 2015 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 31 janvier 2015 modifiant le Règl. 402 des R.R.O. de 1990 (POULETS - COMMERCIALISATION) 1. (1) Le paragraphe 18 (1) du Règlement 402 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : (1) Sous réserve des paragraphes (6) et (7), l’organisme de négociation peut décider ou régler par accord les prix vifs minimums des poulets ou de toute catégorie, variété, qualité ou grosseur de ceux-ci conformément au présent article. (1.1) Les définitions qui suivent s’appliquent au présent article. «exercice contingentaire» Exercice contingentaire déterminé par la commission locale pour l’application des articles 10 et 11. («quota period») «nourriture» Nourriture pour poulet à griller. («feed») «poussin» Poulet âgé de moins de sept jours. («chick») (2) Les paragraphes 18 (2) à (5.1) du Règlement sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : (2) À compter de l’exercice contingentaire A129 en 2015, l’organisme de négociation négocie les prix vifs minimums des poulets en appliquant la formule suivante et en négociant des ajustements de divers éléments de la formule conformément aux paragraphes (3), (4), (5), (5.2) et (5.3) : PVM = (PP + PN + MP) – AA où : PVM représente le prix vif minimum des poulets; PP représente le prix vif du poussin pour les poussins des deux sexes fixé par la commission appelée «Ontario Broiler Hatching Egg and Chick Commission» pour chaque exercice contingentaire, exprimé en dollars par kilogramme de poulet vivant et ajusté au besoin par l’organisme de négociation à chaque exercice contingentaire; PN représente le prix pondéré moyen de la nourriture qui est en vigueur dans au moins trois des provenderies indépendantes de l’Ontario qui enregistrent le plus gros volume de ventes de nourriture pour poulet à griller et qui est rendu public par l’Ontario Agri Business Association pour chaque exercice contingentaire, exprimé en dollars par kilogramme de poulet vivant et ajusté au besoin par l’organisme de négociation à chaque exercice contingentaire; MP représente la marge de profit du producteur, à savoir la somme des coûts et dépenses indiqués à la colonne 2 du tableau 1 du présent article, tel que leur valeur est négociée chaque année par l’organisme de négociation en application du paragraphe (4); AA représente les trois ajustements annuels visés dans l’annexe 1. (3) L’organisme de négociation négocie le prix du poussin et celui de la nourriture à chaque exercice contingentaire. (4) Chaque année, l’organisme de négociation négocie la valeur de chacun des coûts et dépenses indiqués à la colonne 2 du tableau 1 du présent article, sauf ceux indiqués aux points 9, 10 et 11 du tableau qui ont la valeur fixe indiquée à la colonne 3 du tableau. Les valeurs renégociées entrent en vigueur au début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année. (5) Malgré le paragraphe (4), les valeurs des coûts et dépenses qui doivent être négociés chaque année en application de ce paragraphe peuvent être négociées plus fréquemment qu’une fois par année en cas de circonstances exceptionnelles et imprévisibles. (5.1) Si les valeurs des coûts et dépenses sont négociées plus fréquemment qu’une fois par année conformément au paragraphe (5), les valeurs renégociées entrent en vigueur au début de l’exercice contingentaire qui suit la conclusion des négociations et demeurent en vigueur jusqu’au début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année civile suivante. (5.2) Les trois ajustements annuels visés à l’annexe 1 sont acceptés chaque année par l’organisme de négociation et entrent en vigueur au début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année. 182 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 275 (5.3) Malgré les paragraphes (2) à (5.2), l’organisme de négociation négocie les prix vifs minimums des poulets pour l’exercice contingentaire A129 en appliquant la formule énoncée au paragraphe (2), sous réserve des règles suivantes : 1. Le prix du poussin est établi en utilisant le prix de 0,3275 $ comme prix du poussin pour l’exercice contingentaire A121 et en négociant des ajustements de ce prix pour refléter les variations de l’exercice contingentaire A121 à l’exercice contingentaire A129. 2. Le prix de la nourriture est établi en utilisant le prix de 0,7094 $ comme prix de la nourriture pour l’exercice contingentaire A121 et en négociant des ajustements de ce prix pour refléter les variations de l’exercice contingentaire A121 à l’exercice contingentaire A129. 3. La marge de profit du producteur est établie en utilisant la somme des valeurs indiquées à la colonne 3 du tableau 1 du présent article comme marge de profit du producteur pour l’exercice contingentaire A121 et en négociant des ajustements de ces valeurs, sauf celles indiquées aux points 9, 10 et 11 de la colonne 3 du tableau, qui sont des valeurs fixes, pour refléter les variations de l’exercice contingentaire A121 à l’exercice contingentaire A129. 4. L’organisme de négociation établit l’ajustement du volume pour l’exercice contingentaire A129 comme suit : i. Établir l’ajustement du volume pour l’exercice contingentaire A129 conformément aux dispositions 1, 2 et 3 de l’article 1 de l’annexe 1. ii. Établir l’ajustement du volume pour l’exercice contingentaire A122 conformément aux dispositions 1, 2 et 3 de l’article 1 de l’annexe 1 en utilisant les valeurs indiquées à la colonne 3 du tableau 1 du présent article pour la multiplication exigée à la disposition 3 de l’article 1 de l’annexe 1. iii. Établir la somme des montants obtenus en application des sous-dispositions i et ii. 5. L’organisme de négociation établit l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité alimentaire pour l’exercice contingentaire A129 comme suit : i. Établir la moyenne des prix de la nourriture, exprimés en dollars par tonne, qui ont été utilisés pour établir les prix vifs minimums des poulets pendant les 12 mois précédents et multiplier le prix moyen de la nourriture ainsi établi par 0,000014. ii. Établir la moyenne des prix de la nourriture, exprimés en dollars par tonne, qui ont été utilisés pour établir les prix vifs minimums des poulets pendant les 12 mois précédant la période de 12 mois visée à la sous-disposition i et multiplier le prix moyen de la nourriture ainsi établi par 0,000014. iii. Établir la somme des montants obtenus en application des sous-dispositions i et ii. (3) Le paragraphe 18 (6) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «l’Association canadienne des restaurateurs et des services alimentaires» par «Restaurants Canada». (4) Le paragraphe 18 (7) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «l’Association canadienne des restaurateurs et des services alimentaires» par «Restaurants Canada». (5) L’article 18 du Règlement est modifié par adjonction du tableau suivant : TABLEAU 1 COÛTS ET DÉPENSES COMPRIS DANS LA MARGE DE PROFIT DU PRODUCTEUR Colonne 1 Point Colonne 2 Coûts et dépenses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Énergie Réparations et entretien Impôts fonciers et assurance Frais de bureau et frais généraux Services contractuels Main d’oeuvre – gestion générale Rendement du capital Intérêt sur le fonds de roulement Véhicule agricole Taxes et droits de permis Dépréciation des actifs Colonne 3 Valeur des coûts et des dépenses à compter de l’exercice contingentaire A121, exprimée en dollars par kilogramme de poulet vivant 0,0517 0,0228 0,0122 0,0255 0,0815 0,1325 0,0713 0,0012 0,0080 0,0204 0,0694 2. (1) Le paragraphe 19 (1) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «du paragraphe 18 (2), (3) ou (4)» par «du paragraphe 18 (3), (4), (5), (5.2) ou (5.3)». 183 276 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO (2) L’alinéa 19 (2) a) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «au paragraphe 18 (2)» par «au paragraphe 18 (3) ou (5.3)». (3) Les alinéas 19 (2) b) et c) du Règlement sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : b) dans le cas des négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (4) ou (5.2), le jour qui tombe sept semaines avant le début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année civile; c) dans le cas des négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (5), le jour qui tombe sept semaines avant le début de l’exercice contingentaire suivant. (4) Le paragraphe 19 (3) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «au paragraphe 18 (2), (3) ou (4)» par «au paragraphe 18 (3), (4), (5), (5.2) ou (5.3)». (5) L’alinéa 19 (5) a) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «au paragraphe 18 (2)» par «au paragraphe 18 (3) ou (5.3)». (6) Les alinéas 19 (5) b) et c) du Règlement sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : b) dans le cas d’un arbitrage concernant les négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (4) ou (5.2), au moins six semaines avant le début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année civile; c) dans le cas d’un arbitrage concernant les négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (5), au moins six semaines avant le début du prochain exercice contingentaire. (7) L’alinéa 19 (8) a) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «au paragraphe 18 (2)» par «au paragraphe 18 (3) ou (5.3)». (8) Les alinéas 19 (8) b) et c) du Règlement sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : b) dans le cas d’un arbitrage concernant les négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (4) ou (5.2), le jour qui tombe deux semaines avant le début du premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année civile; c) dans le cas d’un arbitrage concernant les négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (5), le jour qui tombe deux semaines avant le début du prochain exercice contingentaire. (9) Le paragraphe 19 (10) du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : (10) Dans une sentence rendue ou un accord conclu aux termes du présent article relativement aux négociations prévues au paragraphe 18 (5), toute marge de profit du producteur qui est révisée ou renégociée entre en vigueur au début de l’exercice contingentaire qui suit la conclusion des négociations et demeure en vigueur jusqu’au premier exercice contingentaire complet de l’année civile suivante. (10) Le paragraphe 19 (11) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «prévue à l’annexe» par «énoncée au paragraphe 18 (2)». 3. L’annexe du Règlement est abrogée et remplacée par ce qui suit : ANNEXE 1 AJUSTEMENTS ANNUELS DU PRIX VIF MINIMUM DES POULETS 1. L’ajustement du volume visant à refléter les variations annuelles du volume autorisé de production nationale de poulets alloué à l’Ontario par Les producteurs de poulet du Canada est établi comme suit : 1. Établir la variation en pourcentage du volume autorisé de production nationale de poulets alloué à l’Ontario entre les deux périodes de 12 mois précédentes. 2. Réduire de moitié le pourcentage obtenu en application de la disposition 1. 3. Multiplier le pourcentage obtenu en application de la disposition 2 par la somme de la valeur actuelle des coûts et des dépenses indiqués à la colonne 2 du tableau 1 de l’article 18, sauf ceux indiqués aux points 8 et 10 du tableau. 4. Ajouter le montant de l’ajustement du volume de l’année précédente au montant obtenu en application de la disposition 3. 2. L’ajustement lié à l’efficacité alimentaire visant à refléter les améliorations continues en ce qui concerne la quantité de nourriture nécessaire à la production d’un kilogramme de poulet vivant est établi comme suit : 1. Établir la moyenne des prix de la nourriture, exprimés en dollars par tonne, qui ont été utilisés pour établir les prix vifs minimums des poulets pendant les 12 mois précédents. 2. Multiplier le prix moyen de la nourriture obtenu en application de la disposition 1 par 0,000014. 3. Ajouter le montant de l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité alimentaire de l’année précédente au montant obtenu en application de la disposition 2. 184 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 277 3. L’ajustement lié à l’efficacité des producteurs visant à refléter l’exclusion des coûts de production élevés, comme suit : 1. En 2015, l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité sera de 0,0070 $. 2. En 2016, l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité sera de 0,0139 $. 3. En 2017, l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité sera de 0,0208 $. 4. En 2018 et chaque année subséquente, l’ajustement lié à l’efficacité sera de 0,0277 $. Entrée en vigueur 4. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary to the Commission Date made:January 8, 2015. Pris le : 8 janvier 2015. 5/15 185 278 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 7/15 made under the FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT Made: December 10, 2014 Approved: January 13, 2015 Filed: January 14, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 14, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending Reg. 411 of R.R.O. 1990 (FRESH GRAPES - PLAN) 1. Paragraphs 2 to 5 of section 5 of Regulation 411 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 are revoked and the following substituted: 2. District 2, consisting of the rest of Ontario. 2. (1) Subsection 6 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (2) Each committee shall consist of five members. (2) Subsection 6 (5) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “all of the district fresh grape growers’ committees” and substituting “the district fresh grape growers’ committees”. 3. (1) Subsection 7 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Election of local board (1) At a meeting of the members of the district fresh grape growers’ committees elected in accordance with section 6 to be held on a day to be determined under subsection (2), the newly elected committee members shall elect the local board members in accordance with the following rules: 1. The members of the district fresh grape growers’ committee for District 1 shall elect three local board members from among themselves. 2. The members of the district fresh grape growers’ committee for District 2 shall elect three local board members from among themselves. 3. The members of the fresh grape growers’ committees shall elect one local board member, as member-at-large, from among the combined membership of the committees. (2) Subsection 7 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the members of all five district fresh grape growers’ committees may, later at the meeting, elect a member to the local board from among the members of all five committees” at the end and substituting “the members of the fresh grape growers’ committees may elect a member to the local board from among the combined membership of the committees”. 186 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 279 Commencement 4. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2014. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. I approve this Regulation. J’approuve le présent règlement. Le ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, Jeff Leal Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Date approved: January 13, 2015. Approuvé le : 13 janvier 2015. 5/15 187 280 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 7/15 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES pris le 10 décembre 2014 approuvé le 13 janvier 2015 déposé le 14 janvier 2015 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 14 janvier 2015 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 31 janvier 2015 modifiant le Règl. 411 des R.R.O. de 1990 (RAISIN FRAIS - PLAN) 1. Les dispositions 2 à 5 de l’article 5 du Règlement 411 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 sont abrogées et remplacées par ce qui suit : 2. Le district 2, qui comprend le reste de l’Ontario. 2. (1) Le paragraphe 6 (2) du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : (2) Chaque comité est constitué de cinq membres. (2) Le paragraphe 6 (5) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «de tous les comités» par «des comités». 3. (1) Le paragraphe 7 (1) du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : Élection des membres de la commission locale (1) Lors d’une réunion des membres des comités des producteurs de raisin frais élus conformément à l’article 6, qui doit se tenir à la date fixée conformément au paragraphe (2), les membres qui viennent d’être élus aux comités élisent les membres de la commission locale conformément aux règles suivantes : 1. Les membres du comité du district 1 élisent parmi eux trois membres à la commission locale. 2. Les membres du comité du district 2 élisent parmi eux trois membres à la commission locale. 3. L’ensemble des membres des comités élisent parmi eux un membre supplémentaire à la commission locale. (2) Le paragraphe 7 (3) du Règlement est modifié par remplacement de «l’ensemble des membres des cinq comités peuvent, plus tard au cours de la réunion, élire parmi eux un membre à la commission locale» par «l’ensemble des membres des comités peuvent élire parmi eux un membre à la commission locale» à la fin du paragraphe. 188 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 281 Entrée en vigueur 4. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2014. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. I approve this Regulation. J’approuve le présent règlement. Le ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, Jeff Leal Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Date approved: January 13, 2015. Approuvé le : 13 janvier 2015. 5/15 189 282 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 8/15 made under the FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT Made: December 10, 2014 Filed: January 14, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 14, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending Reg. 433 of R.R.O. 1990 (TENDER FRUIT - MARKETING) 1. (1) The definition of “local board” in section 1 of Regulation 433 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted: “local board” means the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers; (“commission locale”) (2) The definition of “plan” in section 1 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: “plan” means the Ontario Tender Fruit Growers’ Marketing Plan; (“plan”) 2. (1) The French version of clause 7 (d) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “paiements immédiats” and substituting “paiements rapides”. (2) The French version of clause 7 (j) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (j) exiger et prévoir que toute personne ou catégorie de personnes se livrant à la commercialisation des fruits tendres fournisse une sûreté, une preuve de solvabilité ou un cautionnement d’exécution et prévoir l’administration, la confiscation et l’emploi des sommes ou des sûretés concernées et de leur produit; (3) Section 7 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following clause: (l.1) subject to section 14, providing for the establishment, in respect of the processing of one or more types of tender fruit, of one or more advisory committees that may be empowered to advise and make recommendations to the local board or to the processors of the particular type of tender fruit in respect of, i. the promotion of harmonious relationships between persons engaged in the production and marketing of the particular tender fruit, ii. the promotion of greater efficiency in the production and marketing of the particular tender fruit, iii. the prevention and correction of irregularities and inequities in the marketing of the particular tender fruit, iv. the improvement of the quality and variety of the particular tender fruit, v. the improvement of the circulation of market information respecting the particular tender fruit, and vi. any matter in respect of which the Commission or the local board is empowered to make regulations under the Act as they relate to the particular tender fruit; 3. Section 13 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: 13. (1) The advisory committee established under the name “Fresh Market Advisory Committee” is continued under the same name in English and under the name “Comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais” in French. (2) The Fresh Market Advisory Committee is empowered, respecting tender fruit that is sold for a purpose other than processing, to advise and make recommendations to the local board or to the Canadian Produce Marketing Association in respect of, (a) the promotion of harmonious relationships between persons engaged in the marketing of tender fruit; (b) the promotion of greater efficiency in the production and marketing of tender fruit; (c) the prevention and correction of irregularities and inequities in the marketing of tender fruit; (d) the improvement of the quality and variety of tender fruit; (e) the improvement of the circulation of market information respecting tender fruit; and (f) any matter in respect of which the Commission or the local board is empowered to make regulations under the Act. (3) After April 1 and before May 15 in each year, appointments shall be made to the Fresh Market Advisory Committee as follows: 190 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 283 1. The chair and three producer members shall be appointed by the local board. 2. One member shall be appointed by each dealer-shipper that is a party to a dealer-shipper agreement with the local board. (4) Members of the Fresh Market Advisory Committee remain members until the day before the first meeting of the committee in the year following the year in which they are appointed. (5) If for any reason a member of the Fresh Market Advisory Committee is unable or unwilling to act, the body that appointed the member shall appoint a person to replace the member for the remainder of the member’s term. 14. (1) If the local board makes a regulation under clause 7 (l.1) establishing a processing advisory committee for a particular type of tender fruit, appointments shall be made to that committee in accordance with the following rules: 1. A processing advisory committee shall consist of a chair and no more than eight other members. 2. The local board shall appoint the chair and three producer members. 3. Each processor of the particular type of tender fruit shall appoint one member to the advisory committee or, if there are more than five processors of that type of tender fruit, the local board may appoint up to five members from among the nominees recommended by the processors of that type of tender fruit. 4. Appointments shall be made, i. in the case of a newly established processing advisory committee, within 14 days after the local board establishes the committee, or ii. in the case of any other processing advisory committee, within 14 days after the first meeting of the local board after elections to the local board. (2) Members of a processing advisory committee remain members until the day before the first meeting of that advisory committee in the year following the year in which they are appointed or until the local board dissolves that advisory committee, whichever is earlier. (3) If for any reason a member of a processing advisory committee is unable or unwilling to act, the body that appointed the member shall appoint a person to replace the member for the remainder of the member’s term. Commencement 4. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2104. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. 5/15 191 284 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 8/15 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES pris le 10 décembre 2014 déposé le 14 janvier 2015 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 14 janvier 2015 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 31 janvier 2015 modifiant le Règl. 433 des R.R.O. de 1990 (FRUITS TENDRES - COMMERCIALISATION) 1. (1) La définition de «commission locale» à l’article 1 du Règlement 433 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 est abrogée et remplacée par ce qui suit : «commission locale» La commission appelée «Producteurs de fruits tendres de l’Ontario». («local board») (2) La définition de «plan» à l’article 1 du Règlement est abrogée et remplacée par ce qui suit : «plan» Le plan appelé «Plan de commercialisation des Producteurs de fruits tendres de l’Ontario». («plan») 2. (1) La version française de l’alinéa 7 d) du Règlement est modifiée par remplacement de «paiements immédiats» par «paiements rapides». (2) La version française de l’alinéa 7 j) du Règlement est abrogée et remplacée par ce qui suit : j) exiger et prévoir que toute personne ou catégorie de personnes se livrant à la commercialisation des fruits tendres fournisse une sûreté, une preuve de solvabilité ou un cautionnement d’exécution et prévoir l’administration, la confiscation et l’emploi des sommes ou des sûretés concernées et de leur produit; (3) L’article 7 du Règlement est modifié par adjonction de l’alinéa suivant : l.1) sous réserve de l’article 14, en ce qui concerne la transformation d’un ou plusieurs types de fruits tendres, prévoir la création d’un ou plusieurs comités consultatifs qui peuvent être chargés d’adresser à la commission locale ou aux transformateurs du type particulier de fruits tendres des conseils et des recommandations visant à : i. promouvoir de bonnes relations entre les personnes qui se livrent à la production et à la commercialisation du type particulier de fruits tendres, ii. favoriser une meilleure efficacité de la production et de la commercialisation du type particulier de fruits tendres, iii. empêcher et corriger les irrégularités et les injustices dans la commercialisation du type particulier de fruits tendres, iv. améliorer la qualité et la variété du type particulier de fruits tendres, v. améliorer la diffusion des renseignements relatifs au marché du type particulier de fruits tendres, vi. décider de toute question à l’égard de laquelle la Commission ou la commission locale est chargée de prendre des règlements en vertu de la Loi qui concernant ce type particulier de fruits tendres; 3. L’article 13 du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : 13. (1) Le comité consultatif créé sous le nom «Fresh Market Advisory Committee» est prorogé sous ce même nom en anglais et sous le nom «Comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais» en français. (2) Le Comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais est chargé, à l’égard des fruits tendres qui sont vendus à une autre fin que la transformation, d’adresser à la commission locale ou à l’Association canadienne de la distribution de fruits et légumes des conseils et des recommandations visant à : a) promouvoir de bonnes relations entre les personnes qui se livrent à la commercialisation de fruits tendres; b) favoriser une meilleure efficacité de la production et de la commercialisation de fruits tendres; c) empêcher et corriger les irrégularités et les injustices dans la commercialisation des fruits tendres; d) améliorer la qualité et la variété des fruits tendres; e) améliorer la diffusion des renseignements relatifs au marché des fruits tendres; f) décider de toute question à l’égard de laquelle la Commission ou la commission locale est chargée de prendre des règlements en vertu de la Loi. 192 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 285 (3) Chaque année, entre le 1er avril et le 15 mai, la nomination des membres au Comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais se fait comme suit : 1. Le président et trois membres producteurs sont nommés par la commission locale. 2. Un membre est nommé par chaque négociant-expéditeur qui a conclu un accord de négociant-expéditeur avec la commission locale. (4) Les membres du Comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais demeurent en poste jusqu’à la veille de la première réunion du comité tenue l’année suivant celle de leur nomination. (5) Si, pour quelque motif que ce soit, un membre du comité consultatif sur les fruits à consommer en frais ne peut pas ou ne veut pas exercer ses fonctions, l’entité qui l’a nommé nomme un remplaçant pour le reste de son mandat. 14. (1) Si la commission locale prend en vertu de l’alinéa 7 l.1) un règlement qui crée un comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation pour un type particulier de fruits tendres, les nominations y sont faites selon les règles suivantes : 1. Un comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation est constitué d’un président et de huit autres membres au plus. 2. La commission locale nomme le président et trois membres producteurs. 3. Chaque transformateur du type particulier de fruits tendres nomme un membre ou, s’il y a plus de cinq transformateurs de ce type de fruits tendres, la commission locale peut nommer jusqu’à cinq membres parmi les candidats recommandés par ces transformateurs. 4. Les nominations sont faites : i. s’il s’agit d’un comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation nouvellement créé, dans les 14 jours qui suivent sa création par la commission locale, ii. s’il s’agit d’un autre comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation, dans les 14 jours qui suivent la première réunion de la commission locale après les élections à celle-ci. (2) Les membres d’un comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation demeurent en poste jusqu’à la veille de la première réunion du comité tenue l’année suivant celle de leur nomination ou jusqu’à la dissolution du comité par la commission locale, selon la première de ces éventualités. (3) Si, pour quelque motif que ce soit, un membre d’un comité consultatif sur les fruits de transformation ne peut pas ou ne veut pas exercer ses fonctions, l’entité qui l’a nommé nomme un remplaçant pour le reste de son mandat. Entrée en vigueur 4. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du 1er janvier 2015 et du jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2104. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. 5/15 193 286 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 9/15 made under the FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT Made: December 10, 2014 Approved: January 13, 2015 Filed: January 14, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 14, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending Reg. 434 of R.R.O. 1990 (TENDER FRUIT - PLAN) 1. Section 1 of the Schedule to Regulation 434 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted: 1. This plan may be cited as the “Ontario Tender Fruit Growers’ Marketing Plan”. 2. Subsection 4 (1) of the Schedule to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: (1) There shall be a local board to be known as the “Ontario Tender Fruit Growers” in English and “Producteurs de fruits tendres de l’Ontario” in French. Commencement 3. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2014. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. I approve this Regulation. J’approuve le présent règlement. Le ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, Jeff Leal Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Date approved: January 13, 2015. Approuvé le : 13 janvier 2015. 5/15 194 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 287 RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 9/15 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA COMMERCIALISATION DES PRODUITS AGRICOLES pris le 10 décembre 2014 approuvé le 13 janvier 2015 déposé le 14 janvier 2015 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 14 janvier 2015 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 31 janvier 2015 modifiant le Règl. 434 des R.R.O. de 1990 (FRUITS TENDRES - PLAN) 1. L’article 1 de l’annexe du Règlement 434 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : 1. Le présent plan peut être appelé «Plan de commercialisation des Producteurs de fruits tendres de l’Ontario». 2. Le paragraphe 4 (1) de l’annexe du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : (1) Est constituée une commission locale appelée «Producteurs de fruits tendres de l’Ontario» en français et «Ontario Tender Fruit Growers» en anglais. Entrée en vigueur 3. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du 1er janvier 2015 et du jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission: La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario : Geri Kamenz Chair Mike Relf Secretary Date made: December 10, 2014. Pris le : 10 décembre 2014. I approve this Regulation. J’approuve le présent règlement. Le ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales, Jeff Leal Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Date approved: January 13, 2015. Approuvé le : 13 janvier 2015. 5/15 195 288 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 10/15 made under the ONTARIO MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION ACT Made: December 10, 2014 Filed: January 15, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 15, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 PRESCRIBED HOUSING PROGRAMS - SUBSECTION 6.2 (2) OF THE ACT Prescribed housing programs 1. The housing programs and parts of housing programs that the Ontario Mortgage Corporation manages, administers or delivers immediately before the day section 13 of Schedule 25 to the Building Opportunity and Securing Our Future Act (Budget Measures), 2014 comes into force, including the parts of the following housing programs that the Ontario Mortgage Corporation manages, administers or delivers immediately before that day, are prescribed for the purposes of subsection 6.2 (2) of the Act: 1. Capital for Permanent Housing for the Homeless Program. 2. Low-Rise Jobs Ontario Program. 3. Low-Rise Rehabilitation Program. 4. Low-Rise Rupert House Program. 5. Low-Rise Anti-Recession Program. 6. Project 3600 Ontario Non-Profit Housing Program. 7. Home Ownership Made Easy Program. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of the day section 13 of Schedule 25 to the Building Opportunity and Securing Our Future Act (Budget Measures), 2014 comes into force and the day this Regulation is filed. 5/15 196 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 289 RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 10/15 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LA SOCIÉTÉ ONTARIENNE D’HYPOTHÈQUES ET DE LOGEMENT pris le 10 décembre 2014 déposé le 15 janvier 2015 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 15 janvier 2015 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 31 janvier 2015 PROGRAMMES DE LOGEMENT PRESCRITS - PARAGRAPHE 6.2 (2) DE LA LOI Programmes de logement prescrits 1. Les programmes de logement et éléments de programmes de logement que la Société d’hypothèques de l’Ontario gère, administre ou offre immédiatement avant le jour de l’entrée en vigueur de l’article 13 de l’annexe 25 de la Loi de 2014 ouvrant des perspectives et assurant notre avenir (mesures budgétaires), y compris les éléments des programmes de logement suivants qu’elle gère, administre ou offre immédiatement avant ce jour, sont prescrits pour l’application du paragraphe 6.2 (2) de la Loi : 1. Capital for Permanent Housing for the Homeless Program. 2. Low-Rise Jobs Ontario Program. 3. Low-Rise Rehabilitation Program. 4. Low-Rise Rupert House Program. 5. Low-Rise Anti-Recession Program. 6. Project 3600 Ontario Non-Profit Housing Program. 7. Home Ownership Made Easy Program. Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du jour de l’entrée en vigueur de l’article 13 de l’annexe 25 de la Loi de 2014 ouvrant des perspectives et assurant notre avenir (mesures budgétaires) et du jour du dépôt du présent règlement. 5/15 197 290 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 11/15 made under the CITY OF TORONTO ACT, 2006 Made: January 15, 2015 Filed: January 16, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 16, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending O. Reg. 121/07 (TRADITIONAL MUNICIPAL TAXES, LIMITS AND COLLECTION) 1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 121/07 is amended by striking out “2014” and substituting “2015”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Charles Sousa Minister of Finance Date made: January 15, 2015. 5/15 198 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 291 ONTARIO REGULATION 12/15 made under the MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Made: January 15, 2015 Filed: January 16, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 16, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending O. Reg. 73/03 (TAX MATTERS - SPECIAL TAX RATES AND LIMITS) 1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 73/03 is amended by striking out “2014” and substituting “2015”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Charles Sousa Minister of Finance Date made: January 15, 2015. 5/15 199 292 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 13/15 made under the MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Made: January 15, 2015 Filed: January 16, 2015 Published on e-Laws: January 16, 2015 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 31, 2015 Amending O. Reg. 385/98 (TAX MATTERS - TRANSITION RATIOS AND AVERAGE TRANSITION RATIOS) 1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in section 0.1 of Ontario Regulation 385/98 is amended by striking out “2014” and substituting “2015”. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Charles Sousa Minister of Finance Date made: January 15, 2015. 5/15 NOTE: Consolidated regulations and various legislative tables pertaining to regulations can be found on the e-Laws website (www.e-Laws.gov.on.ca). REMARQUE : Les règlements codifiés et diverses tables concernant les règlements se trouvent sur le site Lois-en-ligne (www.lois-en-ligne.gouv.on.ca). 200 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 293 INDEX 05 Ontario Highway Transport Board....................................................................................................................................................................................................253 Government Notices Respecting Corporations.................................................................................................................................................................................254 Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies...........................................................................................................................................................................254 Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Tax Act......................................................................................................................................................254 Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés.................................................................................................................................................254 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters)..............................................................................................................................255 Annulation de certificat de constitution (Non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés)...........................................................................................255 Certificate of Dissolution..................................................................................................................................................................................................................256 Certificat de dissolution................................................................................................................................................................................................................256 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act).......................................................................................................................................259 Annulation de certificat de constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions)...................................................................................................259 Cancellation for Filing Default (Corporations Act)..........................................................................................................................................................................259 Annulation pour omission de se conformer à une obligation de dépôt (Loi sur les personnes morales).....................................................................................259 Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity from Seizure Act Determination..............................................................................................................................................260 Applications to Provincial Parliament — Private Bills....................................................................................................................................................................265 Demandes au Parlement provincial — Projets de loi d’intérêt privé...........................................................................................................................................265 Applications to Provincial Parliament..............................................................................................................................................................................................265 Demandes au Parlement provincial..............................................................................................................................................................................................265 Corporation Notices..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................265 Avis relatifs aux compagnies........................................................................................................................................................................................................265 SALE OF LAND FOR TAX ARREARS BY PUBLIC TENDER VENTES DE TERRAINS PAR APPEL D'OFFRES POUR ARRIÉRÉ D'IMPÔT.....................................................................................................................266 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MACDONALD, MEREDITH & ABERDEEN ADDITIONAL..................................................................266 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BRUCE MINES....................................................................................................................................................267 PUBLICATIONS UNDER PART III (REGULATIONS) OF THE LEGISLATION ACT, 2006 RÈGLEMENTS PUBLIÉS EN APPLICATION DE LA PARTIE III (RÈGLEMENTS) DE LA LOI DE 2006 SUR LA LÉGISLATION..............................269 CITY OF TORONTO ACT, 2006 FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING ACT HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 ONTARIO MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION ACT O. Reg. 11/15............................................................................290 O. Reg. 6/15..............................................................................270 O. Reg. 7/15..............................................................................278 O. Reg. 8/15..............................................................................282 O. Reg. 9/15..............................................................................286 O. Reg. 5/15..............................................................................269 O. Reg. 12/15............................................................................291 O. Reg. 13/15............................................................................292 O. Reg. 10/15............................................................................288 Texte d’information pour la Gazette de l’Ontario.............................................................................................................................................................................295 Information Text for Ontario Gazette...............................................................................................................................................................................................296 This page intentionally left blank Cette page est volontairement laissée en blanc THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 295 Texte d’information pour la Gazette de l’Ontario La Gazette de l’Ontario paraît chaque samedi, et les annonces à y insérer doivent parvenir à ses bureaux le jeudi à 15h au plus tard, soit au moins neuf jours avant la parution du numéro dans lequel elles figureront. 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