St. Mark’s Episcopal 901 W. Emery St. Dalton, GA 30720 OFFICE: 706-278-8857 WEBSITE: January 29, 2015 CONTACT INFO FOR PRIEST-IN- CHARGE: Rev. Beth Royalty 651-253-5920 cell 706-229-0425 home [email protected] From the Priest-in Charge Dear Friends: Thanks to all of you who attended last Sunday's Annual Meeting. The turnout was great, the potluck lunch was delicious, and the fellowship was full of laughter and a positive, optimistic vibe. We had a slate of five wonderful candidates for the next Vestry class. Our new Vestry members are Mike Andersen, Cindy Michaels, Tom Miner, and John Schwenn. Many thanks also to Ben Blackburn who put his name in the election as well. All five of these fine folks will be involved in leadership in the months ahead. What's going on now at St. Marks? As we move into February, we are preparing for the season of Lent. Staff meetings about liturgy, music, and different programs are happening a couple of times a week as we get ready for this church season that starts with Ash Wednesday on February 18. A few things to put on your calendar: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and the Burning of the Palms will start at 5:30pm on Tuesday, February 17. If you have saved your palms or palm crosses from last year's Palm Sunday, bring them that evening and we will add them to the fire to prepare ashes for Ash Wednesday. This supper is especially interesting to children, as we will burn the palms, and bury the Alleluias in preparation for Lent. On Ash Wednesday we will have services at 7am, 12:15 and 7pm, with a brand new service that will be particularly meaningful for children, with the Imposition of Ashes only, at 6pm. The week of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday falls in Winter Break for the local school systems, but if you are in town, come and join the fun! We have several Lenten programs that we are preparing: a book study on Thursday mornings with Barbara Brown Taylor's, "Learning to Walk in the Dark", a Sunday morning Adult Formation series called "Letting Go", and a Sunday evening series called "Shalom" that will include a simple supper. We will be looking for volunteers to help prepare soup and bread for this program. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 7 when the next Run for Peter, "Peter's Free Wheelin' 5K Run", will occur. As you probably know, this is an important community event that benefits our wonderful preschool. If you can volunteer to help with this run, please let Ellen Andersen know. The Vestry will be planning their Vestry retreat soon. And, as I have referenced several times in sermons and at the Annual Meeting, we will be planning a program for all members of St. Mark’s to connect into discussions about mission and vision. Blessings for the end of January and the start of February for you and your loved ones. In faith, Beth+ THE BULLETIN BOARD PAGE 2 Christian Formation Children and Youth Formation Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade children are using the Whirl curriculum. This week’s lesson is “Healing in the Synagogue - Power” based on Mark 1:21-28. The Sixth through Eighth grade students will continue lessons in the re:form – Ancestors curriculum. The Senior High Class will continue a series of lessons focusing on: “Characteristics (Values) of a Spiritual Life”. EYC will meet at 5:00 pm. on Sunday, February 1. The Youth Prayer Breakfast will meet Friday, January 30 at Panera’s at 7:15 am. Keurig Chronicles Keurig Chronicles will meet in the library - all adults are invited and welcomed. Preschool News Peter's Free Wheelin’ 5K will be held Saturday, March 7 at St. Mark’s Church. Last year, the event brought the community together to celebrate not only the life of Peter Andersen but to celebrate all children. It was a very joyous occasion. This year we have added a 1 mile fun run that takes place before the 5K. My Team Triumph will participate again- pairing disabled individuals with able bodied "angels". We are currently looking for sponsors for the 2015 race. We accept any amount but sponsors with donations $100 or over will be listed on the t-shirts. Sponsorship forms are available at the church or from Ellen. It is very easy to sign up to participate in the race and we welcome all ages and ability levels. We have forms at the church or sign-up is available using the link found on Facebook or the church website: Registration is at 7:30 am; Fun Run, 8:30; and 5K, 9:00. If you would like to volunteer to help the day of the race, please contact Thierry Urbain - [email protected] or Phil Reisz - [email protected]. Preregistration for the 2015-2016 school year for church members, siblings and present students began on Friday, January 16. Preregistration for the community will begin Friday, Feb. 13. If you need more information, please contact Ellen at [email protected]. Family Promise Update Dear St. Mark's Family Promise volunteers, There are no families in the program right now, so we did not host this week. Our local Family Promise network stays busy helping families in our community even when there are no families staying at the churches; this is known as "out of network service." Below is a statement from Amy Kleem, Director: Out of Network service continues to be busy. Out of Network spending was $21,046.22 for 2014. We were able to assist over 40 families (106 adults and 133 children). Through a relationship with one of the social workers at TC Thompson, we have been able to help 4 families in Whitfield County that are struggling due to the medical expenses of children with cancer. In addition to medical expenses, help is given in the areas of rent assistance, gasoline expenses, temporary housing help, and food assistance. Once again, thank you for supporting such a worthwhile ministry in our community! Our next possibility to host families at St. Mark's will be April 12-19; please note those dates in your calendars. Blessings-Mary Squires THE BULLETIN BOARD PAGE 3 Second Sunday, February 8 A- F Meat G-N Vegetable O-Z Dessert STEWARDSHIP REPORT Giving for January as of 1/25/2015: Pledge: Plate: Total giving for Jan. M-T-D Budgeted: Difference: $ 21,103.00 $ 949.77 $ 22,052.77 $ 22,799.00 $ 746.23 Y-T-D Budgeted: Y-T-D Received: Difference: Line of Credit: $ 22,799.00 $ 22,052.77 $ 746.23 $ 5,000.00 Thank you for your generosity and support for the work of God here at St. Mark’s! St. Mark’s Website Facebook site: St. Mark’s Dalton Women’s Lenten Retreat Plans are beginning for a St. Mark’s Women’s Retreat in March. If you would like to help plan the retreat, please contact Rev. Beth. [email protected] February 1-7 Virginia Weaver Martha M oses Tina Caggiano Scott Hamlin Nathaniel Sosebee Drew Michaels Marilyn Lance Steve Jordan Meg Smith Angie Potts Catherine Caylor PAGE 4 THE BULLETIN BOARD Church Staff Sunday, February 1 - Epiphany 4 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 am Christian Formation 11:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 pm EYC Wednesday, February 4 11:00 am Bible Study 12:00 pm Healing/Holy Eucharist 5:00 pm Canterbury Ringers 6:00 pm St. Cecilia Choir 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Sunday, February 8 - Epiphany 5 8:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite I 10:00 am Christian Formation 11:00 am Holy Eucharist: Rite II 5:00 pm EYC St. Mark’s Website: Facebook site: St. Mark’s Dalton Priest-in-Charge The Rev. V. Beth Royalty Director of Music/Organist Adam Burnette Financial Administrator Angela Palmer Parish Administrator Nancy Bell Preschool Director Ellen Andersen Webmaster Sue Killcreas Vestry Administration Alicia Alderman - Sr. Warden [email protected] Building & Grounds Andrew Hull [email protected] Christian Education Brenda Hoffmeyer [email protected] Communications Evangelism/Newcomers Finance Outreach Chris Stearns [email protected] Parish Life Beth Haney Bennett [email protected] Pastoral Care Alicia Alderman Stewardship Chris Stearns Worship NEW VESTRY MEMBERS Mike Andersen Cindy Michaels Tom Minor John Schwenn (Their area of service will be published when available.) PAGE 5 Intercessory Prayer List – January 2015 (Parishioners indicated by *) *Geneva Albertson Estrella Avila Jim Lord *Walter Arms Lynn Bailey Hannah Locke and family *Ben Blackburn Teresa Bennett Ann Lumpkin *David Blackburn Mae Blessing Bridget McClure *William Brammer Angie Boykin Vikki Brown McMillan *Charlotte Bryant Ava Bramlett Bud McNally *Jon Burchfield Margie Bruner Debbie Melton *Patti Cole Mary Bucy Esme Miller *Cathie Cope Eva Burchfield Teresa Mitchell *Carey Craig Mark Burnette Martha Painter *Melba Greene Marita Cantrell Tim Palmer *Bowen Halverson Richard Carvajal Mary Elizabeth Paris *Jake Harrison Judith Catalano Susan Phinney *Martha Hoole Linda Chase Merilyn Ridley *Cathy & John Houser Jeri Cotnam Larry Roth *Josephine Jaconetti Mindy Cox Rosa Sanderson *Bill Jenkins Virginia Cross Alice Sarrett *Debbie Jones Jaye Anne Creswell Davis Sarrett *Phyllis & Steve Jordan Faith Cuaresma John Sewell *Mallory Jordan Fran Ellis Betty & Jim Smoot *Alec Jordan Turner Fordham Travis Stewart *Judy Knight Evie Gadette Terese *Tess Little Betty Garman Bailey Underwood *Kim Miller Janet Goodroe Justin Watson *Alice Oosterhoudt Dinkins Grange David Whittle *Ethel Rutledge Shirley Gribble John Wild *Norma Sanders Chase Hair Kathy Williams *Bernadette Smith Grayson Hall Hugh Wilson *Meg & Pete Smith Edward C. Hoy Joanne Yorgen *Pat and John Sportiello Howard Hull *Virginia Weaver Hyde Family *Andrew Wood Billy Jones Tian Justman Katherine Kelehear Jim Killcreas Peggy Krumlinde
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