COUPLE FLEES CHINA, LAND OF NO-CHOICE An Mu LI, baby May Li and mnm Bai-zban wany hnpe to make w new nfe I. America. One child is the limit so they're fighting to stay in U.S. EIGHT-month-old May Li Is the baby China couldn't klll - but her future Is stil] under a cloud as her parents fight to stzy I. the U.S. sn they can live a normal family life. The baby gur8line haPPey 1n the arrns of her mwn, Sai-zhen NanB. shau]d n er have been barn, accnrding to the Cltinese government. China's bid to limit the slxe of femllles meant that when Sai-aen, b1, became pregnant with her eecond child - she would luse the economic benefits given onechild famtlles. "Another abortion wnuld kin me," the tearful woman told STAft through an Interyreter. It would have been her fifth. A Buddhist. be rlusea to practice contraception tar rellgm s re5he and her huaband ]in Mu Li. 37. a factory worker, decided to Nee China from their hometnwn NO milea northeast of Canton.. Flrst they got permiwon to visit tiong Kong. where they atowed away on s ahip to Canada. They croased into the U.S. but were caught. They're n w in New York's Chinatown, with tempo[ary work permib, waiting for a landark hearing which will determine If they can a a The Immigmtion and Ivafuralizetinn Service says it's the first case under a new orLer allowing asylum for people fieein8 familNPlxnnmg laws. "My life wuuidn't have any meaning if I went back to Chinaj' says Li. "It would be like going to a death camp. The cwuple le[t thelr 10.yearold Gaughter J. China with her grandmother to avoid arousiqg ^ uaptclon when they 1e[t STAR FACTS The taste breaks through. 'u..^ 71 -1ESYMBOLOF OUALITY SURGEON GEN ERAI'S WARNING: Uuitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. THE fuat footp[ints outaide Grauman'a 9hineee Theater lreu Norma llelrmged to '1Ahuadge, who accldentally steppM In wet caocnt on May 18, 1BE9. That gave owner proprietor Sid Grauman the idea to preserve stars' hand- and footprinb oufaide his Hollyood nwvle honse. ft¢e are amne dal9er printa John Barryuwree proflle Jimmy 1Ttiante's noac Betty Grablea leg Al ]oleon's knee Harold Lloyd'e glasxs Eleanor Powcu's taP A. WIN Cr..,., .q rd ll mni.i IGns A1 t1°>n Sl.rr ROCTORS a e JeVveloPin6 a ci ne that could va out a macOr can ein[ ce l The ca vaccine is be. ing tested to prevent pillo aTts. whlch ea ause a lignaney ° ` v A scrceNn g wo u ld identlfy womenwho have the wartvr , in t14 rns In test shots na^^^e^that P^,eni they c hope develop a slmilar vaccine to prevent for hnmans. T are similaritiex be, • tweon the fonn of vifaund in cows eervIeal and in humans(' says Dr. Campo. who estimateW that the vacill take anothbe given the shols. At poesent, the or five years to develop and test. disease Is treated by surgery or Death rates for uterine cancer, inradiatton. eluding cervical cancer, have fallen Cervical cancer, which strikes by 70 percent over the tast 40 years. about 13,000 American women primarily because of widespread year. caused 7,000 deaths last year us of the Pap test. and is striking more and more Survival rates for patienls diag sed and treated early are between yoSome doctors are linking the r 80 and of percent. ing disease rate to a near-eptdem'e Now that bright light in drower Lpread of h ^ransmlRed virus, which research is being threatened by the spread of papilloma v Dr%Saveria Campo, a reher The American Cancer Society says at the eeatson Ins4tute in Glasgow. the number of precancerous cervical Scotland, Is working with Dr. Wilproblems has risen dramaRCattp In tlam Jarrett, a professor of veterirecent years. ❑ cancer Perfect Bt. Paddy's Day: Lynda Day George weds Doug Cronin. HE mourning of Idi.s.sian fmpnssible beauty Lynda Day George, 45. gave way to joy she married her late husband's best friend, ca-football pro Doug Cronin. After not Patrol star Christnpher George died of a heart attack at age 54 in 1983. iynda - who plaved M1fission's Casey - was devastated Crooln, 56, a businessman and former Washington ReASkins plapeq coaxe'd her back to happlness. They married on SL Pahiek'a Day at the Odyssey restaurant, Crenada Hills. Calif. The wedding party 'nchrdiog Lynda's children Chrisynda. O. and Nicky, 24 - donned St. Patrick's hats for a high-spirited buffet recepHOn with 250 guests. ❑ Lyndawentintoadeepdepresslon when her first husband, Hat Pntrolatar Christopher George (ebove), died In 1983. Now ahe's a brlde egeln. STAR APRIL 3.1990 3 In contrast to the interior, the exterior styling of both cars shouts for attention and certainly sets them apart from anything else on the road. While Mitsubishi receives full credit for the mechanicals and interior design. exterior stvling was verv much a cooperative efTort between Chrvsler's Highland Park International Design Studio and Mitsubishi's design facility in Okasaki. The result is two distinct-looking cars with different inspirations-the Stealth shares certain design elements with the Intrepid show car (styled at Chrysler s Pacifica studio in California), and the 3000GT was influenced by Mitsubishi's HSR-Ir development vehicle. As limited as our test-drive experience was at Kitsuregawa. there's no doubt the newcomers are w'orld-class contenders. Mitsubishi arranged to have some prime competitors on hand-Toyota's Supra Turbo, Porsche's 944 Turbo and Nissan's 300ZX Twin Turbo-for back-to-back comparison drives. At speeds over 120 mph on the highbanked, bumpy test track. the Autobalmborn-and-bred Porsche felt the most reassuring. Only a bit of steering twitchinass relegated the 3000GT and Stealth to a shared second place. The Nissan and Toyota? The ZX had commendable steering feel but its stiff suspension made it feel a little skittish over the bumpy sections, and the Supra's softer springs and shocks allowed it to wallow a touch. Two other tests devised were a highspeed slalom and standing- start acceleration over a low-friction surface, specifically plastic sheets awash in soap suds. This last test was no contest; it came as no surprise that the all-wheel-drive 3000GT and Stealth bested their rear-wheel-drive competitors. Through the slalom, the 3000GT/ Stealth duo lacked the razor-crispness of the 300ZX's chassis but had commendable balance and agility; it'll be telling to see what the production version will do in the capable hands of our Road Test Editoc Impressive pieces of work, these cars. But at what price? Of course, actual figures haven't been set, but estimates from the Dodge camp were just less than 530,000: Mitsubishi representatives hinted at slightly more than that same tigure. (Both Dodge and Mitsubishi will otler less expensive. normally aspirated fwd versions as well.) "Howcan vou hang all this technology on the carand still sell it for less than the competition?" queried onejournalist. "That.` said Ron Kusumi, Mitsubishi's product marketing and development manager. "is our secret." .^©
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