1st February, 2015 St JoSEPH’S CAtHoLIC PArISH, NAMBoUr 4th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME—cycle B “Building a community of Jesus’ disciples” We welcome you—We are one family Readings: Deut 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 Next Weekend: 5th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Readings: Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39 Christ, the prophet…. We need men on our way to God. God will raise up prophets who speak clearly and with authority of him. The reason is simple: if we saw or heard God himself, face to face, we would die. But Christ is greater than any prophet for he speaks with a Son’s authority all his own. He has power too over evil which cannot stand against him. Christ casts out evil. We must bow down before the holiness of God, our creator and protector. We must listen to him and neither harden our hearts nor harbour any doubts. Taken from “The Veritas Missal” © Parish Priest & Nambour Hospital Chaplain: Fr Graham Gatehouse EMERGENCY Number for Priest (serious illness/accident): Phone: 3836 3221 Parish Office Hours: 8:30-2pm (Closed Tuesday) Phone: 5441 1034 Fax: 5441 7632 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nambourcatholics.net Parish Secretary: Cecilia Denny Admin. Assistant: Julia Quinn Music Co-ordinator: Darlene Malone Finance Manager: Michael Randall St. Vincent de Paul: Support/aid: 5459 5202 (Phone Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-12noon for appointment) 12A Rigby Street, Nambour Shop: 5459 5206 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm W/House Office: 5459 5205 St Joseph’s Primary Office: Annette/Debbie: 5441 9222 St Joseph’s Playgroup C/- Parish Office 5441 1034 Outside School Hours Care: Debbie: 5441 7646 St John’s College Office: 5441 5666 Prayer Requests Please pray for Isabella Harry who is a year 7 student at St John’s. She is struggling with a serious illness. Let us support her and her family by our prayers. Political campaigns always raise conflicting ideas, opinions and emotions. It can be difficult to find one's way in it all. Yet it is important that we do contribute as best we can to the process as our elected representatives are given an enormous responsibility. Let us pray for them this weekend. Reminder Please keep access at the front entrance to the Church clear. It is important that we provide space for Ambulance and disabled access to the Church. Please be considerate. Masses This Week On Wednesday we celebrate the first Anointing Mass for the Year followed by the Seniors Morning tea. Then on Thursday St John's College Opening Mass will be celebrated at 8.30am welcoming the first intake of Year 7 students. Lastly on Friday St Joseph's School celebrates the Opening Mass for the year at 8.45am. With one less year level we should all fit in the Church comfortably. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Seminar Next Saturday this Seminar will be held at the Ryan Room from 9.30am. All who work in ministry are encouraged to attend. Please bring a shared plate to help with catering for morning tea. Fr Graham WEEKLY DIARY Saturday 31st January St John Bosco State Election 4:30-4:50 Reconciliation 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Children’s Liturgy: T. Heaps Sunday 1st February 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy: A. Eldridge 9:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy: S.A. Kinsella 5:30pm Mass at Yandina Monday 2nd February 8:00am Mass 5:00pm Liturgy meeting 7:30pm Baptism Preparation for Parents Wednesday 4th February 10:00am Anointing Mass for Seniors 10:30am Seniors Gathering Thursday 5th February 8:30am St John’s Opening Mass 11:15am Mass Nambour Nursing Home Friday 6th February 6:30am Mass 8:45am St Joseph’s School Opening Mass Saturday 7th February 9:30am Safeguarding Children Seminar (Ryan Room) 4:30pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Candle Presentation: BarbaraRose Malone Ross (Laura & Callum) Children’s Liturgy: S. Diggines Sunday 8th February 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass; Children’s Liturgy: M. Daveson 9:00am Mass; Children’s Liturgy: J. Quinn 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel St. Joseph's Senior's Gathering following the 10.am Anointing Mass on Wednesday, Feb 4. Enjoy the friendly company of parishioners & visitors over a delicious morning tea, while celebrating Saint Valentine; honouring marriage as lifelong romantic love. In keeping with the theme, you are invited to bring along your engagement / wedding mementos for display. World Marriage Day is February 8th 2015. Monthly Raffle-Library Access Everyone is most welcome ! Please pray for the Sick and needy: Isabella Harry, Catherine Maddison, Mary Wright, Ed McKenzie, Tony Urbancik, Leonie Leck, Paddy Bonser, Fay & Toby Rigg, Stan Denman, Gerald East, Vicky Twaddell, John Carr, Patricia Royds, and all the sick of the Parish, particularly those remaining in the Journal of the Sick. The Petition Journal for the sick is carried forward in the procession at the preparation of the Offerings. Thank you Lord for those who have recovered this week especially Lyn Richardson, who is thankful to Parishioners for their prayers and concern. Please pray for those who are ill and suffering in hospital including, Hanny Huppelschoten, Frank Hartman, Sr. Majella, Pat Anderson, along with all those who work and serve in hospitals, in any capacity. Please pray for all Parishioners & Friends in residential or home care and those who care for them including Vince Plumber, Frank Phillips, Irene Dubnyckyj, Rita Van Der Beek, Trish Page, Patrick Page, Joseph Quigley, Mary Eves, Mike Hennessey, Vince Dennehy, William Turner (12 year old), Jim Benesovsky, Celena McGovern, Val Bourke, Cecily Woodgate, Peg DiCerto, Vince Currie, Elizabeth Knowlton, Betty Mifsud, Gwen Street, Noni Colette Chapman, Wunda Whelan, Joan Paulger, Peter and Desleigh Christensen. Anniversaries: Remember in your prayers Rene Vanden Berghe 27/02, George Rutledge 14/01, Cyril Cox 28/01. Please join your prayers for the families and loved ones of those whose Anniversaries we remember. Deceased: Please pray for the repose of the souls of all those recently deceased especially Vince Carroll, William (Bill Bradford), Peter Crosby, William Eustace-Earle, Mary Thrupp, Amelia Constance, Jim Chapman, June Hall, Paul Young 27/12, Ivy Smith 29/12. Parish Lenten Program 2015 Lent commences on Ash Wednesday 18th Feb. This year the program for individuals and groups is focused on the second readings for the Sundays of Lent. On the Fourth Sunday of Lent we hear of God’s great love –‘rich in mercy’! Through this abundant and everflowing mercy we have been made ‘alive together with Christ’ (Ephesians 2:5). The six scripture reflections in the book have been written by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. These eloquent and insightful commentaries emphasise ‘the power of mercy that leads us out of a merciless world into a world where mercy has the last word’. The six sessions of Rich in Mercy will provide: opening prayers; the second readings for each Sunday; scripture reflections; discussion questions; closing prayers; and suggestions for works of mercy in daily life. To assist group discussions there is a set of 1 DVD and 2 CDs. The DVD has videos of the six scripture reflections by Archbishop Mark Coleridge. The CDs contain audio recordings of the hymns for opening prayers and closing prayers; scripture readings and scripture reflections. During the next few weeks you are invited to form groups by placing your names on the charts at the entrance of the Church and call the Parish Office to let us know how many booklets are needed. Cost of the books and sharing of the CD and DVD sets is $10 per person. Confirmation 2015 Enrolment forms are now available (from St Joseph’s Parish office or www.nambourcatholics.net) For 2015 Confirmation & 1st Communion for children already Baptised, made 1st Reconciliation, and are at least in Year 4 and at least 8 years old. Enrolments close Friday 20th March, 2015. The World Marriage Day Mass will be celebrated on the Sunshine Coast in St. Mary's Church, Buderim at 2pm on Sunday, February 8th with Fr.Geoff Baron presiding. Sunshine Coast WMD organizers, Giles & Roselyn Mamet invite all couples and supporters to share in this annual celebration of "Marriage as Sacrament" quoting St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians , comparing Christ's love for His Church (us) as the love of husband and wife. Couples may also choose to collectively renew their vows during the mass. Giles & Roslyn would very much like to hear from couples celebrating a special anniversary in 2015 on (07) 5442 1790 to share in the celebration with the wider WMD Community. Care & Concern Volunteers are invited to reflect on their role and service to the community When: 10:00 am Thursday 5 February 2015 Where: Centacare, 58 Morgan St, Fortitude Valley Our Facilitator: Fr John Chalmers, Director, Mission and Formation Topic: Dealing with the Losses that Care & Concern groups encounter The Program: 10:00 – 11:00 am Session One followed by Morning Tea 11:30 – 1:00 pm Session Two followed by Lunch Name Tags: Please wear your group identification name tags RSVP: Wednesday 28 January 2015 Melissa Gannon - Care & Concern Project Worker Phone: 3399 5671 Email: [email protected] Starts: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 @ 12:00. Ends: Saturday, April 11, 2015 @ 12:00. Venue: James Byrne Centre, Toowoomba Movers & Shakers is a week-long Christian Leadership training program for young people aged 16-19. It is organised and sponsored by the Queensland Catholic Diocesan Youth Coordinators. Movers and Shakers has been running for 20 years and in that time it has developed into a key strategy in the development of young leaders within the Catholic Church in Queensland and beyond. It plays an important role in youth ministry training as it addresses the Christian leadership training needs of many parishes and schools. Over a thousand young people have come through the program developing leadership skills and building confidence to use back in their parishes, schools and communities. The Parish has a policy to support young people who wish to take part. Please see the Movers and Shakers site for details of the week: www.moversandshakers.org.au AGLOW INTERNATIONAL SUNSHINE COAST BRANCH Aglow international - Sunshine Coast Branch will meet at Flame Tree Baptist Church hall, 27 Coes Creek Road, Nambour, on Friday 13th February commencing at 9.30am. Come along, bring a friend and enjoy worship and an inspirational message. Entry $8 includes a delicious morning tea. Aglow International is a non-denominational Christian organisation and has branches in 172 nations and on 6 continents. Men and women are made welcome. For further information contact Dorothy: 5476 4190. Parish Ministries & Coordinators Pastoral Council: Dave Cuskelly, Barbara Krebs, Marie Lynch, Colin Allen, Bernadette Natoli, Susan Brinnand, Lisa McNicol, and Paul De Wolfe Liturgy Committee: Maureen Murphy. Liturgical Music: Darlene Malone. Liturgical Art & Environment: Joan Pobjoy. Communion to the Sick: Mary Juratowitch. Funeral Coordinator: Darlene Malone. Funeral Hospitality: Linda McCorley. Rosters: Lynette Purssell & Annette Baker. Servers: Carmel Donahoe & Maureen Murphy. Readers: Barbara Krebs. Children's Liturgy: Fiona Simm. Sacramental Program: Rosanna Tumelty. RCIA: Darlene Malone. Baptism Ministry: Rosanna Tumelty. Eucharistic Adoration: Carmel Donahoe. Ecumenical Ministry: Joan Pobjoy. Helping Hands: Jan Imarisio. Youth Group: C/- Parish Office Contact all Ministry Coordinators or any other Parish Ministry C/Parish Office 54411034 St. Joseph’s Parish Helping Hands Are you struggling with illness, lonely, or elderly, and need a helping hand? A visit, a meal, a phone call or a small gesture of help is available through our parish ‘Helping Hands’ group. Please Contact the Parish Office for support of the Helping Hands group co-ordinated by Jan Imarisio Counters: This week: Group 1: E. Lawrence, T. McCorley, B. Gordon, A. Suhr, L. Fernando Next week: Group 2: T. & O. Linedale, H. Pearson, B. & M. Cull, M. Murphy, T. Ryan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Workshop: The Archbishop has approved the new Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy. Training in this policy is mandatory and part of our strategy for educating and reducing risk for all people, our volunteers as well as those whom we serve. All parishioners who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults are invited to attend training in this policy and the associated procedures. Priests, religious and parish staff must also attend training. Training will be offered at St Joseph’s Parish (The Ryan Room) 177 Currie St, Nambour on Saturday 7th February, 2015, 9:30am-12:30pm .. Please advise our parish office on 5441 1034 of your attendance. To assist us with catering please bring a shared plate for morning tea. Encounter Mission and Development, Encounter Love and Justice, Encounter humble volunteers, Encounter faith, Encounter God. Palms Australia will be conducting a guided tour of the communities in which their global volunteers are working in East Timor from April 6 - 18. There are limited places. Enquires need to be processed by February 28th so call 02 9518 9551 or register interest online: www.palms.org.au/Encounters Future diary dates: TAIZE Brisbane - 8 February, 2015 Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane This event is for everyone who enjoys music, prayer and silence. 2:30pm Young Adult (16-35) Workshop 1 "Taize: Becoming Salt of the Earth” in the Francis Rush Centre 2:30pm Workshop 2 - "Come and Sing" learning songs for the prayer, in St Stephen's Chapel 4:00pm Evening prayer in the Cathedral of St Stephen 6:00pm Light meal and hospitality All are welcome to be a part of the worldwide celebration! For more details visit 222.facebook.com/taizebrisbane Friday 13th February commencing at 9.30am: Aglow international - Sunshine Coast Branch will meet at Flame Tree Baptist Church hall, 27 Coes Creek Road, Nambour. Come along, bring a friend and enjoy worship and an inspirational message. Entry $8 includes a delicious morning tea. Aglow International is a non-denominational Christian organisation and has branches in 172 nations and on 6 continents. Men and women are made welcome. For further information contact Dorothy: 5476 4190. Sunday 15th February 2015 at 1:00pm: All Cursillistas are invited to Cursillo Ultreya which will be held at Stella Maris Church, Beach Rd, Maroochydore Friday 6th March at 9:30am: 2015 World Day of Prayer, The Salvation Army, Nambour. “They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority...” Just as the crowds were amazed by the authority with which Jesus cured the sick and the possessed (see today’s Gospel from Mark 1:21-28), so you can experience, first-hand, the healing power of the Good News, through a Catholic Mission immersion trip. There are various places you can visit; I would love you to join me on a visit to parts of India, scheduled for October. For a FREE information sheet about this trip, please contact our office, during business hours on (07) 3336 9239 or email me at [email protected] David McGovern, Director Look for me on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/brodie306/ MONTHLY DIARY 1st & 3rd Saturdays: 2014—7pm-8:30pm Youth Group 1st Monday: 5:00pm Liturgy Meeting 7.30pm Baptism Preparation 1st Wednesday: after 10am Mass Seniors M/Tea 1st Thursday: 11.15am Mass Nam Nursing Home 2nd Sunday: 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 4pm Ukrainian Mass 2nd Monday: 7.30pm Pastoral Council 2nd Thursday: 11am Mass Sundale 4th Sunday: 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 5.30pm Palmwoods Mass Last Monday: 6pm Helping Hands Into the Wilderness Wednesday 11th February, 6-9pm Dr. Claire Renkin Stella Maris Church, Maroochydore The focus is “Into the Wilderness” breaking open the scripture and movement of the season of Lent. Teachers may receive a certificate of attendance if requested. Please reply by Monday 9th Feb…. 54433488 Looking forward to seeing you at the talk. Pastoral Associate, BYO notebook, $5 includes light snack. RSVP: Monday 9th February Ph: 54433488 [email protected] House sitter Required: A house sitter is required in Dulong (this side of Mapleton), to ‘dog sit’ one loveable Labrador from April 23rd until May 30th, 2015. Please contact the Parish Office on 54411034 if you are interested in this short term role.
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