February 1, 2015 Rectory Office: 1380 Crystal Springs Rd. San Bruno, CA 94066 Phone: (650) 589-2800 FAX: (650) 588-9628 Web Site: www.saintroberts.org Rev. John L. Greene, Pastor Rev. Michael Konopik, Parochial Vicar Rev. Vincent Ring, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Stewart Wilber, Sunday Assistant Deacon Rusty Duffey, Pastoral Associate Deacon John Meyer, Pastoral Associate Sister Sheral Marshall, OSF, Pastoral Associate for Liturgy Sister Patricia O’Sullivan, PBVM, 589-0104 Pastoral Associate for Sick and Homebound In residence 763-8822 Sister Ita Cleary, PBVM Sister Antonio Heaphy, PBVM Sister Vianney Buckley, PBVM Ms. Rose Aragon, 589-2800 Office Administrator Mrs. Judy DeMartini, 589-2800 Parish Receptionist/Bookkeeper MASS TIMES Vigil Mass 4:30 pm (Saturday) Sundays: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am and 5:00 pm Holy Days Masses: 8:30 am and 6:00 pm PARISH SCHOOL – 583-5065 Mrs. Margo Wright, Principal SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the rectory in case of serious illness and before surgery and hospital care. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (CCD)588-0477 Ms. Joanne Bartolotti - Director Mrs. Leslie Fong, Office Manager SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION High school students call the Religious Education Office. PARISH MUSIC MINISTRY – 589-2800 Mr. Kevin Imbimbo Weekdays: Masses are on Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 6:30 a.m. and Monday through Saturday at 8:30 a.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM There is a period of preparation for the celebration of this Sacrament. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal class. Please contact the rectory in advance. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm or call 589-2800 to make an appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE There is a six month period of preparation for the celebration of this Sacrament. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. Adult confirmation is available on an individual basis. Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. AUTHORITY FROM GOD THE WEEK AHEAD According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a warning. The people had better listen to those teachers, because they spoke in God’s name. That arrangement, though, had its own problems for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and scripture to help us with those questions, but still there are always a few loose ends. That is the powerful significance of the sentence in today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew it by hearing him. Mass Intention Monday-February 2nd 6:30 8:30 Men’s Club Betty O’Mea † Watt Edwards † 6:00pm Mass Intention Hall Tuesday-February 3rd Rel Ed (Gr. 1-5) Legion of Mary Confirmation/Yr 1 6:30 8:30 Ernie Looney † Philip Monaghan † 3:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm School & Church Library Hall & Church Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Wednesday-February 4th Consolation/Grief Ministry --Valentine Session Valentine’s is a very difficult for those who have recently lost loved ones. The Consolation Committee is offering a special session on February 7, 2015 to help you on your grief journey, to share with you some helpful coping skills. We meet in the Convent, 349 Oak Ave. from 3:00 4:15 pm. This is a time to pray, reflect, to talk and share or just walk in. All are welcome. For more information e-mail Sister Patricia O’Sullivan [email protected] or call 650-763-8822 or 650-589-0104 CAREGIVING MEETING Saint Robert’s next Caregivers’ Meeting will be on Thursday, February 12, 2014 from 7:30 pm – 9:00pm. It will be held in the Mary’s Chapel (off the Church). We meet on the second Thursday of each month –September through May. This meeting is for those who care for a parent, spouse, relative or friend no matter your level of involvement. It will give you an opportunity for reflection, prayer, and sharing of the challenges, resources and blessings for caregivers. All are welcome. If you plan to attend call Sister Patricia (763-8822) or e-mail [email protected] or just “walk-in” or Sister Sheral at 589-2800 Mass Intention Grief Support Children’s Choir Youth Group Choir Practice Mass Intention Mass Intention Mass Intention 8:30 Deacon Bob Bertolani † 9:00am 3:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Church Church Hall Church Thursday-February 5th 8:30 Ramses Nassis † Friday-February 6th 6:30 8:30 Della Hackett † Gretchen Grant † Saturday-February 7th 8:30 4:30 Euch Adoration AA Meeting Grief Consolation Men’s Club Crab Dinner Tony Mallamo † John & Amelia Rudometkin † 9:00am 10:00am 3:00pm 6:00pm Church Mahoney Room Convent Hall Sunday-February 8th Sacramental Class 8:30am Mahoney Room As A Parish Community, we pray for families. May they listen closely to God’s word and experience peace and wholeness in their relationships with one another. WE CONGRATULATE THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Annabel Katherine Fuell Mia Elizabeth Fuell Olivia Catherine House Lucillia Rosalina Veronica Lopez Mia Olivia Madaline Lopez Our sincere sympathy to the family of Primo Astesano who died recently We continue to ask each week that parishioners pray for the chronically ill of our parish. If you have a friend or loved one in need of our parish prayers, please call the Rectory at 589-2800 This week we pray for Henry Aragon Break Ins We have had a series of break-ins in the parking lot during school days and weekend Masses. Please make sure that your car is locked and all valuables are out of sight. Save the Date Men's Club Crab Dinner - everyone welcome February 7th - doors open at 6 PM For reservations please call Dan Uroz at 650-740-4141. Lost and Found In the last six months, we have had 3 lost rings turned into the rectory. If you lost a ring, please call the rectory at 589-2800 and leave your phone number and a description of the ring. IF YOU ARE NEW TO ST. ROBERT’S Fill out a registration form and drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups. If you chose, you can register online at: www.saintroberts.org. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS July 1st to January 25th (goal) July 1st to January 25th (actual), (including E Contributions) 7/1/14—6/30/15 Weekly (Goal) Weekly Collection (actual 1/25) E Cont for month of December Thank you for your generosity 291,000.00 278,849.89 9,700.00 8,862.34 7,206.00 Thank you for your generous donation of $2,479.34 to St. Patrick’s Seminary. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL As of 1/27/15 $6,874.32 has been pledged. Our Archdiocese tax for 2015 is $95,600 Thank you in advance for your generous donation Please remember Saint Robert’s Church when making a will or trust. Paul & Marites Escarpe Jane & Richard Daniels Paula & Gary Byrne Daniel & Jennifer Wilson GIVE ELECTRONICALLY St. Roberts relies on the financial support of its parishioners and the electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our Parish. To give electronically, visit www.saintroberts.org and click on the link to sign up. 2014 TAXES If you would like a letter regarding your 2014 donations, please call the Rectory at (650) 589-2800. Saturday/4:30 P.M. Mass Presider: Fr. Greene Eucharistic Ministers: R. Aveson A. Ciraulo, C. Holland, J. Waldvogel, S. Chester Lectors: B. Rudometkin and C. Clarke Altar Servers: M. Cava and A. Herrara Sunday/7:30 A.M. Mass Presider: Fr. Greene Eucharistic Ministers: A. Buelow B. Mullins, E. Ruggiero, R. Vassallo, T. Montross Lectors: T. Clifford and S. Tay-Kelley Altar Servers: D. Caoili and S. Sinks Sunday/9:30 A.M. Mass Presider: Fr. Mike Eucharistic Ministers: T. Jones A. Lemanski, E. Garcia, L. Cesca, S. Murray Lectors: J. Co and K. Lemanski Children’s Liturgy: Esperanza & Nubia and Terry Altar Servers: J. Lucas, K. Martinez and K. McHale Sunday/11:30 A.M. Mass Presider: Fr. Mike Eucharistic Ministers: C. Morgan J. Mallia, M. Giusti, R. Benavente, V. Valle Lectors: C. Pisani and R. Hill Altar Servers: C. Kalagayan and C. Madrigal Sunday/5:00 P.M. Mass Presider: Fr. Stewart Eucharistic Ministers: M. Salvato C. Innes, K. Sweeney, M. Elmore, T. Estelita Lectors: N. Buencamino and B. Torres Altar Servers: J. Marty and N. Estelita WEEKLY READINGS Monday-February 2nd Readings: Mal 3:1-4 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 Tuesday-February 3rd Readings: Heb 12:1-4 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday-February 4th Readings: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15 Mk 6:1-6 Thursday-February 5th Readings: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24 Mk 6:7-13 Friday-February 6th Readings: Heb 13:1-8 Mk 6:14-29 Saturday-February 7th Readings: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21 Mk 6:30-34 Sunday-February 18th Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Mk 1:29-39 REMEMBERING THEM WITH FLOWERS In Memory of Carmen De Guara from Mary & Charles Abela In Memory of the Aliotos, Durantes and Dykemans families from Darlene Alioto In Memory of Joseph Arsenault from Nancy Arsenault In Memory of Pat Forbush and Jim Diggins from Rob & Cathy Aveson In Memory of James & Carmen Borg from Mary Ann & Diane Borg In Memory of Donna Glass & Julio Borruso from Josie Borruso In Memory of Sal Canjura Jr., Jesus Valdez, Froylan Martinez and Robert Flores, Carlotta & Gregorio Cardona from Maria Canjura In Memory of Dennis Campbell from Gertie Campbell In Memory of Carmen Capella from Walter Capella In Memory of Ralph Carrillo, Thelma & Bernie Hentschell from the Carrillo Family and Tony & Therese In Memory of Sophia & Bob Conley, John Paul Marra Jr. & Sr., Marie, Cliff and Craig Chester, Donna Cavallini and Mell Cammisa from Bruce and Sophia Chester In Memory of Argonti & Mary Cima, Amedeo and Mary Pariani from Don & Donna Cima In Memory of Thomas DeLaTorre from The Marshall and DeLaTorre Families In Memory of Dellegrazie, Felice & Carmela, Giovanni & Angela Foti from the Dellegrazie Family In Memory of Aquino, Esperanza, Cabais Families from Marie Esperanza In Memory of Our Parents from Bobby and Alice Foster In Memory of Albert Mariucci, Odda Mariucci Del Bianco, Anchise DelBianco, Louis and Louise Franceschi from Rose & Steve Franceschi In Memory of Clara & Ray Gillette from Evelyn Gillette In Memory of Perry Gonis from Nancy & Mark Gonis In Memory Doris Elmore from Fr. John L. Greene In Memory of Pat & Mary Greene from Fr. John L. Greene In Memory of James W. Handley Jr. from Jim & Jeanne Handley In Memory of Anne Cordes from Patricia Harders In Memory of the Hart and Galluzzo Family from Evelyn Hart In Memory of Dominique & Marie Jambon from Therese Jambon Idiart In Memory of Keersten Juarez Anguiano from Ray & Joann Juarez In Memory of Kenneth & Mary Kenyon from Pat & Linda Kenyon In Memory of Marsilia Santarelli and in Honor of St. Anthony from Pina Malatesta In Memory of Edward J. Mantler, Jeaness & Robert McKenna from Helen Mantler In Memory of Michael & Diana Martinez from Florence Martinez In Memory of Middendorf & Salazar Families from Leo & Marina Middendorf In Memory of Alexander Moniz from Bunny Moniz In Memory of Earl Kalal & Maude & Bill Morgan from Cynthia & Dave Morgan In Memory of Madeline and Norma from Anita L. Motta In Memory of Albert & Mary Munich from Jeanie Munich In Memory of Phil Murphy from Diane Murphy In Memory of Joe & Nancy Cereghino from Mary Nunnery In Memory of Fr. Jose Arong and In Honor of Lagula-Polaris Family From Oblatess of Mary Immaculate Associates In Memory of Vernon Olson, Bill and Nancy Curtis from the Olson Family In Memory of Giuseppe Pelligrini, Alice Speranza, Pauline and Gregory Speranza from Robert & Rhonda Pelligrini In Memory of Jack Renault from Margie Renault & Family In Memory of Karin Williams, Elsie Rolfes, Darlene Steene, Bill Steen, Kahuna From the Rolfes Family In Memory of Agnes Dempsey from Alfred and Josephine Romine In Memory of Louis Ross and Lena Lippi from Eleanor Ross In Memory of Rudometkin and Morena Families from Barbara Rudometkin REMEMBERING THEM WITH FLOWERS In Memory of Vasco Giannini & Norma Ruggiero from Paul, Linda & Michael Ruggiero In Memory of Walter Santilli from Vivian & Family In Memory of Timothy & Eileen Scannell, David & Marie Dunn, Joanne Dunne Labbe and Adrienne Moore From Judy & Paul Scannell In Memory of Ben & Rosina Young from Joe & Jeanne Schaukowitch In Memory of Pat & Vic Schaukowitch from Joe & Jeanne Schaukowitch In Memory of Michael Shanahan from Ellen Shanahan In Memory of Ronald Sinclair from Rita Sinclair In Memory of Mary Shick from Jim Shick and Her Loving Children George & Jackie Mitchell from Mary Ann Smiley In Memory of Bill Strehl and in Honor of Berthe Berge from Rita Strehl In Memory of Peg Testa and Louisa Vivian Wonenberg from Larry & Joy Testa Ernest & Margaret Pruckner from the Tuhacek Family In Memory of George & Alice Tuhacek from the Tuhacek Family In Memory of Ralph W. Arbeloa from Glen, Lena Joey and Travis Family In Memory of Frank Waldvogel, Adolph & Rita Fambrini from Bob and Jean Waldvogel In Memory of Jim Whooley, Bob & Marge Owen, Bob Owen Jr. and the Whooley Family from Candie Whooley In Memory of Bill Wilson from Sharon Wilson In honor of our Priests, Sisters and Lay Ministers and Staff PASSION PLAY AUDITIONS The Saint Robert’s Youth Ministry invites all the teenagers of our parish to join in the presentation of our 20th Annual Passion Play. Auditions will be held in Saint Robert’s Church on: Monday ~ Feb. 2, 2015 ~ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Sunday ~ Feb. 8, 2015 ~ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Monday ~ Feb. 9, 2015 ~ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The Passion Play will be performed twice. The first performance will be on Holy Thursday (April 2nd) at 10:30 am for the Students and Faculty of Saint Robert School. The second performance will be on Good Friday (April 3rd) at 7:30 pm, for the entire parish and any guests. All performances will be held in Saint Robert's Church. We are also looking for Singers, Musicians and Stage Crew, please come to one of the auditions, casting night or call one of us to sign up for any of these positions. You may call: Ben Baldonado at 650-589-8519 or Collin Tullius at 650-270-1444
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