February 1 - St. Dunstan Catholic Church

Rev. Diarmuid Casey, C.S.Sp.—Pastor
Rev. Joseph Glynn, C.S.Sp.—Associate Pastor
Rev. Brendan Hally, C.S.Sp.—Associate Pastor
Rev. Alwyn Furtado, C.S.Sp.—In Residence
Dr. Bruce Colville — Principal
Cindy Bruni — Music Director
Sheree Leone — Religious Education Coordinator
Ann Woolen — Office Manager
FAX 650-697-5203
Religious Education
Extended Care: Mary Anne Anderegg
Music Director
6:30 am, 8:00 a.m. & 5:10 pm
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (Vigil Mass)
7:00, 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m
Holy Days:
6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m, 5:10, & 7:00 p.m.
RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30-9 a.m. & 3:30-4:30 p.m.
BAPTISM: Sundays at 12:30 pm preceded by instruction for
the parents and godparents. Please call the rectory to register
for classes.
MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the marriage preparation
program must be made at least six months prior to the
date of marriage. Call the Rectory for an appointment.
ANOINTING THE SICK: Call the rectory when you know
of anyone who is ill at home, in the hospital, scheduled
for surgery or homebound.
DEVOTIONS: Morning Prayer Monday through Saturday
at 7:15 am. The Rosary will be recited in the church Monday through Friday at 7:40 am. The novena in honor of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help is held every Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass, followed by Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament, First Friday devotions include a
Holy Hour from 7:00—8:00 am, followed by Mass. First
Friday Eucharistic Adoration devotion will be held in
the church from 3-5 pm. Please join us.
Come and let our parish pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
to all who worship in our community. If you are not
registered in the parish, stop in or call the Rectory.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us
— Psalm 95:6
According to Moses, the people decided they didn’t
want to hear God’s voice directly any more. It was
much too frightening. Why couldn’t God send human
teachers, prophets, instead? God agreed, but with a
warning. The people had better listen to those teachers,
because they spoke in God’s name.
That arrangement, though, had its own problems,
for them and for us. How do I know this teacher is truly
from God? And if the teacher is from God, are all parts
of the teaching meant for me? We have the Church and
scripture to help us with those questions, but still there
are always a few loose ends.
That is the powerful significance of the sentence in
today’s Gospel: “The people were astonished at his
teaching, for he taught them as one having authority
and not as the scribes.” The people knew that this Jesus
was authentic—truly a teacher sent by God. They knew
it by hearing him.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
San Mateo Pro Life will meet:
Thursday, Feb 12, 2015 @ 7:30pm
Worner Center of St. Gregory parish
138 28th Ave, San Mateo (cross street Hacienda)
~ Discussing:
~ Upcoming: 40 Days for Life
~ Current: Mustard Seed; Legislative update
Let’s defend all people from conception
to natural death.
All welcomeFor more info, call Jessica 650-572-1468
Make a serious sacrifice this Lent:
From Feb 18 - Mar 29 commit yourself to
one (or more) hours weekly (or even daily!) to the
40 Days for Life peaceful sidewalk prayer vigil
in front of the abortion business at
35 Baywood Ave, San Mateo.
Make this Lenten commitment in several ways:
contact Jessica at 650-572-1468 or [email protected]
or go to: www.40daysforlife.com/sanmateo
God will surely bless you for it –
And you may save a life!
As the season of Lent approaches, Catholic Charities is
offering one-time volunteer opportunities for you to put your
faith into action during the 6 weeks of Lent. There are many
volunteer activities; serving brunch to homeless families,
distributing food and reading to children. Call 415-972-1297.
Tuesday, February 3
Thursday, February 5
Friday, February 6
Saturday, February 7
Novena in honor of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help, Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament after
the 8 am Mass
Blessing of Throats at all masses
CCD at 3:45 pm
Prayer Group meets at
Marymount Green Hills at 7pm
First Friday holy hour at 7am &
Eucharistic Adoration at 3 pm
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Prayer Group meets at 8:45 am
in the Convent
Legion of Mary meets in the
convent at 10 am
Monday thru Saturday Morning Prayer in the church
at 7:15 am
Monday thru Friday
Rosary recited in the church at
7:40 am
Fr. Casey would like to lead a group in a study of St.
John’s Gospel during Lent (February 18-April 1). If you
are interested in joining this group study, please contact
Ann or Fr. Casey at 650.697.4730 or email
[email protected].
Prayers of Protection for Our
Men and Woman in the Service
In continued prayerful support of our men and women in the
military, please call the rectory with name, rank, and branch
of service and location (if allowed) of your loved ones who
are serving our country.
Richard “Nacho” Munoz Munoz E6 US Navy Seal
Gerald Ryan, CWO4, USCG
Edward Cardon, Lieutenant Ge., US Army
Michael Grogan, CWO2, US Army CID
Christopher Bruzzone, SPC, Army Combat Medic
1LT Daniel Realini, US Army
Daniel Mazzoni, USMC
Eric M. Warren, US Air Force
Major Deron T Warren, DO, US Air Force, MC
Patrick Constantino, Capt. US Army 448th Civil Affairs
Tom Harold Purple, US Army
Adam J Helmers, US Navy
Elizabeth Constantino, LT 173rd Airborne Brigade
Gregory M Grogan, LCPL, US Marine Corps
PV2 Joseph Rogers, US Army Cavalry
Michael Obregon, CPL, USMC
February 1 , 2015
Would you like to try a faith-sharing group that includes a
blend of praise, song, scripture, petitions, talk, etc? This
group meets Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at
Marymount Green Hills Retirement Center. Call Fran or Joe
Sigona at 650.692.2466 for more information.
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone Principal Celebrant
Saturday, February 7 at 11 am, St Mary of the
Assumption Cathedral, San Francisco
A “special time of prayer and sharing, of offering one’s
suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding
everyone to see in his brother or sister the face of
Christ, who, by suffering, dying, and rising, achieved
the salvation of mankind.” ~ John Paul II
Tuesday, February 3rd is the Feast of St. Blaise.
Blessing of throats will take place at all Masses that
Please Join Us ~
February 6th is the First Friday of the month. There
will be a Holy Hour at 7 am in the church.
Eucharistic Adoration will be held at 3 pm until 5
pm. All parishioners are encouraged to attend!
February 7th St Dunstan Church at 6:10 pm - 7:00
pm First Saturday Devotion; Sponsored by the
Legion of Mary.
Parishioners, be considerate of others, please silence
your cell phones during Mass. Thank you.
ENVELOPE USERS Please pick up your box of
envelopes for the new year in the back of the church .
They are in numerical order. If you do not know your
envelope number, a list is available. We request that you
please put your name and the amount of your donation on
each and every envelope as you use them. Thank You.
St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Orientation 2015
at St. Dunstan Parish ~ Saturday, February 7
8 am Parish Liturgy in the church
9 am - 4 pm Orientation in the Parish Center
Have you ever considered becoming a Vincentian? This is a
great experience for growth, renewal and fellowship. It will
be a fun and informative day focused on the great work
that Vincentians do now and will do in the future!
Mandatory RSVP by January 30. Call Carlos at
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Regular Collection 1/25: $7,583.00
Last Weekend’s St. Patrick’s Seminary
Collection: $3,548.00
Thank you for all your support
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Boy Scout Sunday
Monday: The Presentation of the Lord;
World Day for Consecrated Life;
Blessing of Candles; Groundhog Day
Tuesday: St. Blaise; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats;
Tu B’Shvat (Jewish new year of trees)
begins at sunset
Thursday: St. Agatha
St. Paul Miki and companions; First Friday
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
Many thanks to those who served as Lectors,
Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Services this
Sat., January 31
5:00 PM Lector: J Ryan
Eucharistic Ministers: F Coh, G Tantillo, F Axiaq, S
Vaz, E Danli
Altar Servers: Bangcong, Kinnaman, Lumanlan
Sun. February 1
7:00 AM Lector: B Penner
Eucharistic Ministers: S Bosso, B Rogers, M
Altar Servers: Bosso, Bosso, Eidson
8:30 AM Lector: D Capodanno
Eucharistic Ministers: A Bartoli, M Cownan, V
Rapues, M Muzzi, M Ocafrain
Altar Servers: Pantig, O’Neil, Martinez
10:00 AM Lector: F Sigona
Eucharistic Ministers: F Bertin, L Low, R Dueri, J
Sigona, L Borromeo, T Herbeck
Altar Servers: Laubacher, Laubacher, Bertin
11:30 AM Lector: P Hain
Eucharistic Ministers: R Balagot, A Cook, J
McDermott, B Santos, B Cappel
Altar Servers: Hain, Hain, O’Brien
Special thanks to all of our ushers for their
dedicated service at our weekend Masses.
St. Dunstan Church
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February 1 - February 7, 2015
7:00 am
6:30 am
For Parish
8:00 am
5:10 pm
Dolly Magsaysay (liv) & Charito
Antaran (liv)
Frank Camilleri
Pietro & Voghera Pignati
6:30 am
8:00 am
5:10 pm
Charito Antaran & Family (living)
Charles & Josephine Sherry
Jeannette Lestrade
Wednesday 6:30 am
8:00 am
5:10 pm
Ava Mae Belton (living)
John Agius
Robert Newman
6:30 am
8:00 am
5:10 pm
Sienna Grace Lagomarsino (living)
Fina Gattuso
Barbara Nicholson (living)
6:30 am
8:00 am
5:10 pm
Howard Connolly (living)
Carlos Poza
Rosellini Opalenik Family
8:00 am
5:00 pm
Pam Patterson
John Mezzetta Family (liv/dec)
We pray for the sick members of our parish family and
for those who care for them: Madison Kitz, Lisa Kitz, William Dill,
Ted & Eileen Damian, Pat Saracini, Helen & Vicky Noceti, Elsie Noceti,
Pauline & Joseph Burgio, Susan Silvera-Dunn, George Rodriguez Jr,
Nafal Jweinat, Michael Coffaro, Irma Sweeny, Helen Maternia, Wayne
Devora, Judy Marks, Richard Castro, Rene Tiamson, Robert Weldon,
Joseph Conrad Rodriguez, Raymond Reudy, Mona Pasco, Emily
Marshall, Joseph Caruana, Mrs. Lina U. Dowell, Ursula & Greg
Mendoza, John Fuste, Phyllis Perez, Jim Gallagher, Mary Spiteri, Annie
O’Sullivan, Maria Rodriguez, Mrs. Aponte, George Aponte, Donald “Doc”
Jepson, Wilma & Heather Aragon, MJ Leachman, Marge Pipal, Joe Pipal,
Frank Pipal, Mary Pipal-Martin, Julie Montiel, Maria, Francisco & Kasey
Breiz, Lourdes Poquiz, Donna Cambruzzi, Mark Moressi, Grace Moressi,
Peter MacDonnell, Kathleen Corry, Barry O’Neill, Vonnie Spencer, Frank
Sanchez, Maria Teresa Rosario, Jose Magsaysay, Emer O’Keefe, Dotty
Mandiloff, Nico Castro, John Regal, Kathy Montiel, Loraine Koel, Cathy
Prince, Chris Sevieri, Gaspare Bernardo, Gloria & Ralph Fernandez,
Heather Fiske, Mike Phipps, Mark Domenico, Sue Joseph, Mr & Mrs
Figenbaum, Michael J Fetterman, Cristie Arguel, Olga Petrella, Jeffrey
Kollmann, Lisa Charney , Gil Chacon, Peter De Souza, Penny
Costamagna, Ida Marinaro, Barbara Nicholson, Robert Deshaies,
Benjamin Ready, Kay Foreman, Frances Chetcuti, Anita Shoop Komula,
Charito Antaran, Arnette & Marie Martman, Mary Cuneo, Arnette
Bonzani-Borla, Iris & Roger Presa, Cathy Schwarz, Anita Verdugo, Melba
Sweeny, Linda Starrh, Fred Starrh, Jr, Doug Uthman, Letty Santa Cruz,
Gladys Todaro, Marie Parashis, Ann Heersink, Pauline Bertolino, Lillian
Levine, Melanie Kukk, Nancy Kukk, Karen Neal, Fr. Francis Mulloy, Bob
Newsom, Nancy Grainger, Amber Grainger, Alice Grainger, Irene Salvi
We pray for the deceased members of our parish family:
Rosario Cepriano & Mary Delfino