Horry Chapter WLA P.0. Box 682 Aynor, SC 29511

Horry Chapter WLA
Non Profit Org
P.0. Box 682
US Postage Paid
Aynor, SC 29511
South Carolina
Permit N0. 224
Or Current Resident
The Horry Pride
Horry Chapter, Wildlife Action, P.O. Box 682: Aynor, SC 29511
WLA Motto “Local Folks Solving Local Problems”
WLA SLOGAN “To Put Back More Than We Take”
February 2015
President: Pete Taylor Vice President: Brian Koller
V/P Hunting: Kevin Tovornik
Senior V/P Fishing: Clyde Capps
V/P Education: Pete Taylor
V/P Environment: Roy Evans
Secretary: Lou Gowers
Treasurer: Johnny Goebel
Chaplain: Cecil Ward
Board of Directors
Marlow Ubl, Ed Whitner, Mac Altman, Bobby Stubbs, Frank Passantino, Barbara Tyndall
Director of Pioneer Activities: Frank Passantino Range Masters: Eddie Whitner & Barry
WEBSITE: www.horrychapterwildlifeaction.com Coordinator: Roy Evans
Newsletter Editor: Lou Gowers Send Input & Comments to: [email protected]
Horry Chapter Contacts
Pete Taylor: (843-236-3230) Ed Whitner: (843-283-8074)
Lou Gowers: (843-390-1715) Frank Passantino: (843-399-7524)
WLA National Headquarters: (843-464-8473) www.wildlifeaction.com (Join Now With PayPal)
Calendar of Events
Monthly: 1st Saturday: Trap Shoot 9AM, Steel shooting 9:30 AM
3rd Saturday: SASS Cowboy Action 9:30 AM
1st Sunday: WLA Bowling Pin Fun Match 9:30 AM, 4th Thursday: Monthly Meeting 7:00PM
Skeet and Trap Ranges are opened Thursdays 10am-2pm.
Mandatory range safety class will be given at 5:00 PM sharp on the 4th Thursday, monthly.
1. Up Coming Events “Mark Your Calendars”: February 26th “Meeting Night” 7:00 PM.
Range Safety Course will be given at 5:00 PM on Meeting Night. All Regularly Monthly
Scheduled Events as Usual. Also, Remember Fatz Breakfast on March 21st 7:30 AM to
10: AM and the Hot Dog Meeting Night on the 26th.
2. Fall/Winter Season: Range Times: Hunting Season is Over resume 9:00AM to
9:00 PM Hours. Tuesday and Thursday are Trap and Skeet Range Days. All Members
are Reminded, that they are to sign in for insurance Purposes. Pistol and Rifle use can be
paid in advance. Please Print Name on Envelope along with amount enclosed and place
in Drop Box. As a reminder, SASS on the 3rd Saturday of each Month has total use
of Berms #1, #2, #3. Members not participating in the SASS Match cannot use those
pistol ranges until after The SASS Match has released the Berms.
3. FYI: Any Member who uses the Range Facilities at Horry WLA is required to
attend the Range Safety Course for Insurance Purposes. Which means if you have a
Family Membership your Family Members must also attend the Safety Course.
Bob McIntyre has volunteered to give the Range Safety Course on an as need basis.
If you are unable to make, the Meeting Night course, Contact Bob at 843-390-2659.
He will set up a time and date with you for the course. If you have already taken the
course it is not required to attend again______________________________________
4. Advance Notice: On March 14th The South Carolina High School Rodeo
Association will be sponsoring a Rifle and Trap shoot at the Horry WLA Facility.
The shoot is only for SCHSRA members only but spectators are welcome. For
further information please contact Stacy Smith at 843-241-3155 or via e-mail at
[email protected]. The SCHSRA on the 13th of March will be
holding a sanctioned Rodeo at RES-LES Farms, 1208 Gilbert Road, Conway, SC
29527. Stacy will also be glad to provide information on becoming a member of
SCHSRA and with the upcoming Rodeo….
Preservation, Conservation, Education
Sportsmanship, Fellowship