GCF&G ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2016 ARE DUE 0N 12/31/15. YOUR RENEWAL DUES FOR 2016 CAN BEEN PAID STARTING ON 10/01/15. A RENEWAL FORM WILL BE MAILED OUT FIRST CLASS TO EACH GCF&G MEMBER IN SEPTEMBER. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE…. PRESIDENT’S COLUMN Another New Member Day has come and gone. I am always amazed at the awesome turnout that we consistently have of folks that want to be part of our club. It is a living testimony to how we are viewed in our community, but the thing that makes that happen is our awesome members. It’s a natural thing that we talk about the things that mean the most to us and by our consistent turnout…… Well enough said. You all are great! There is however a measure of responsibility that goes with that. When we have new folks that become a part of what we do, we as experienced members need to make ourselves available to help the new members. Answer questions and encourage participation. We hear many times that folks don’t come out to many of our activities because they don’t know what they need to do or “I would like to participate, but I don’t know who to ask or talk to”. This should never happen! We have activities going all the time, let’s help our new members find their place. One of the best ways I can think of is simply make it a priority to come to a meeting! Meet others, see who the chairman of your interest group is and talk to them. We are off and running to a great year! Read your ground rules, practice safety and participate in your club! — Greg Beasley (937)-750-2398 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY The women’s next monthly meeting will be at House of Thai on Seajay Dr. in Beavercreek on February 4th at 6:30 PM. Euchre resumed in January and is always the third Saturday. Doors open at 6 PM, cards start at 7 PM. This event is open to the public, you need not be a members to join the activity. Cost is $6 per person and includes the 12 GUN GIVEAWAY MONTHLY WINNER The winning ticket number for the January drawing was # 0279. The lucky winner was David Miller of Middletown, Ohio. Congratulations go out to David! The Line Formed Early - Eager new member applicants began lining up early on Sunday, January 18th, with hopes of being accepted as part of this year’s group of Newbies. The club accepted 158 New Members during the three hour long open enrollment process. New Members can pickup their 2015 Membership packages at monthly meetings beginning with the March Meeting. (Fish & Game Photo by Toni Dobbs). entrée, cash and door prizes. D.O.W. OPEN HOUSE The Division of Wildlife Open House will be held in the GCF&G clubhouse on Saturday, March 7th, 2015 from noon until 3 PM. Sportsmen don’t miss this annual event. Your input is important. Preview changes in fishing & hunting regulations. HELP WANTED (PART-TIME CARETAKER) We are looking to hire a part-time caretaker. All applicants are required to be a current GCF&G member in good standing. They should also be very focused, organized and versatile. Some knowledge of farm / lawn care tools and equipment is also a must. If you like animals, the outdoors and people, this part-time May - August position could be for you. The duties will vary slightly. For an application and more information including salary and a list of duties contact Ken Mitch at (937) 372-8261 or contact Greg Beasley at any Membership Meeting to obtain an application. All applications must be submitted prior to April 1st in order to be considered. Give the Division your thoughts about any possible changes for 2015 - 2016. Some interesting rule changes are in the works, including some that you might like to see and maybe some that you might not want to see. A VERY IMPORTANT WINTER WEATHER NOTICE! The arrival of winter weather brings with it the realistic possibility that events at the club could be affected by hazardous winter weather conditions. Since January 1st, 2000 we have used the following weather policy: If Greene County has declared a level 1 or higher snow emergency and is listed as such in TV, radio, and news broadcasts at 3 pm the day of any board or membership meeting, that meeting will be postponed and rescheduled to the same day and time the following week unless otherwise indicated. Common sense should always be used when deciding whether or not to attend any club activity during inclement weather. To further determine the status of other scheduled events at the club contact the chairperson in charge of that activity or refer to our website at www.gcfng.com. Greene County Fish & Game ASSOCIATION CLUB IS LOCATED AT: 1538 UNION RD., XENIA, OHIO MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX # 64, XENIA, OHIO 45385 FEBRUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER Visit our Website @ WWW.GCFNG.COM President: Greg Beasley (937) 750 - 2398 Club House: (937) 372 - 8261 ABSOLUTELY NO GUESTS ARE PERMITTED TO HUNT OR FISH WITHOUT EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THESE PRIVILEGES ARE RESERVED FOR OUR MEMBERS, THEIR SPOUSES, MINOR CHILDREN & GRANDCHILDREN! THANK YOU. PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 2015 FISH FRY TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Tickets for the 2015 Fish Fry on Tuesday, May 12th are available now and they are going fast. So get yours now! Admission is $8 per person and tickets are available now from all the usual club sources; Greg Beasley, Ed Rauch and of course “Tater” in the kitchen. Doors will open at 5 PM, serving will begin at 6 PM This year’s menu includes; French Fries, Onion Rings, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Dinner Rolls, Beverage, Dessert, and all the Fish You Can Eat! NEW MEMBER MATTERS…. New member day was a success! The club took in 158 new members. For all the new members, the best line on getting work hours is to look at the calendar and see what you want to work. Maybe try something you don’t normally do and see what it is all about while you’re helping! www.gcfng.com is your lifeline; all the club news will be there. Every month I post the hours worked and the meetings attended at the clubhouse. I also post them online at the web address listed just below in the gray box. Take a look at the sheet and make sure that I have your meetings and work hour accounted for. It’s up to you the Members to ensure the data is correct. Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 8 PM, except for the month of May, when no meeting is held because of the Annual Fish Fry. I hope to see a lot of you at the February 10th meeting! The sign up sheet will be on the table in the back of the room. You need to sign into (2) meetings to complete that part of your membership obligation. You new member packets should be available for pickup at the March 10th meeting. It’s never too soon to get your hours in, so start looking for those opportunities now! If you complete your hours and attend (2) meetings by the end of the Greene County Fair, your name will be put in a hat and we will draw one name out and award them by paying their dues for next year! So get here early and often so you can take advantage of the drawing…….. You never know; you may just win! — Brad Sabo New Member Chairman 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER BLACK POWDER EGG SHOOT - 2/1. ARCHERY ORG. MEETING -2/7. COWBOY ACTION SHOOT - 3/1. DOW OPEN HOUSE - 3/7. ANNUAL CAMPGOUND MTG - 3/14. ARCHERY CLEAN-UP - 3/21. HUNTER ED. HOME STUDY - 3/21. ARCHERY BALE COURSE - 4/1. W/A EASTER EGG HUNT - 4/4. ANNUAL CLEAN-UP WEEKEND 4/18 & 4/19. B.P. SPRING RENDEZVOUS 5/1, 5/2 & 5/3. M-1 GARAND CLINIC - 5/1. ARCHERY 3-D COURSE - 5/6. ANNUAL FISH FRY - 5/12. ALL-NIGHT CATFISH TOURN. - 5/23. CAMPGROUND PICNIC - 5/30. http://www.gcfng.com/membership/memberhours.html FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 TRAPSHOOT P & C 12-4 PM GROUNDHOG DAY - B.P. EGG SHOOT 8 TRAPSHOOT 9 P & C 12-4 PM B.P. LEAGUE #5 Thursday 4 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY MEETING 6:30 PM 5 TRAPSHOOT 11 12 TRAPSHOOT Friday 6 P & C 5:30 - 10 PM 7 ARCHERY ORG. MEETING 12 PM 13 14 20 21 WOMEN’S AUXILIARY EUCHRE PARTY P & C 5:30 - 10 PM 16 17 18 P & C 12-4 PM 19 TRAPSHOOT P & C 5:30 - 10 PM B.P. LEAGUE #6 10 AM 22 Saturday 6 & 8 PM 10 AM 15 TRAPSHOOT 10 BOARD & MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Wednesday 7 PM 23 24 25 TRAPSHOOT P & C 12-4 PM B.P. LEAGUE #7 10 AM GUN RANGES RE-OPEN FOR DAILY USE ON MONDAY 2/2/15. 26 TRAPSHOOT P & C 5:30 - 10 PM 27 28 PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 2015 Support the NRA…... Join or Renew Today! We’re making it even easier for you. Just fill out the NRA Join / Renewal form at the bottom of this page. Simply mark the membership type you would like, pick out your magazine choice and complete the form. Once completed give a copy of the form to our club NRA Recruiter or click onto our new direct link to the NRA and join now! RON CLARK - (937) 426-8889 ** It is important that you join or renew through the GCF&G, so contact Ron Today! Reduced membership rates are available to all Greene County Fish & Game Members. JUST A FEW GOOD REASONS TO JOIN THE NRA: The National Rifle Association does more to protect the rights of all sportsmen and gun owners than any other single organization in the world. To receive important legislative alerts that will keep you apprised of potential threats to your 2nd Amendment Rights. To become a working part of the most recognized and influential gun owners group in the world today and make your voice heard. To help promote Youth & Adult Firearms Education Programs. To receive additional Insurance coverage for you and your guns. To receive an official “Members Only” shooter’s cap. To receive your choice of (3) monthly NRA Magazines. Here are two easy ways for you to join the fight to protect your Second Amendment Rights! You can click on this Direct Link to the NRA: http://membership.nrahq.org/default.asp?campaignid=XC020263 Or You Can: Fill out the Membership Application below and forward it to Club Representative Ron Clark: XC020263 NRA RECRUITER ID# NRA MEMBERSHIP DEPT. COPY
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