Newsletter - Bellevue Presbyterian

Bellevue Presbyterian Church
Bellevue is a family of faith who lifts up the name of Jesus Christ in Worship,
teaches the Truth of Christ to those who follow Him, and shows the Way to Christ to those who do not know Him, all for the glory of God.
Purpose Statement of Bellevue Presbyterian Church
Volume XLVIII, Issue 3
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th \.
This is a special time of the church year when we
remember the passion and death of Jesus and
prepare for the celebration of His resurrection on
Easter Sunday.
Once again this year we will be hosting the
Midweek Lenten Luncheon services beginning
Wednesday, February 18th. This half-hour service
begins at 12:10 p.m. and is followed by a light
lunch in Fellowship Hall. Our study this year will
be on the “Sounds of the Passion.” Meditation
during the services will be on the following:
February 18
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
“The Crowing of the Rooster”
“The Clatter of the Coins”
“The Shout of the Crowd”
“The Splash of Water”
“The Sound of Weeping”
“The Thud of the Hammer”
Please share the news of this service with all
who are free during the day. A Nursery will be
provided for the service.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
1:15 P.M.
The Annual Congregational Meeting of
Bellevue Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday,
February 8, 2015 at 1:15 p.m. The 2014 Annual
Report will be available on Sunday, February 1st.
February, 8, 2015,
12:05 p.m.
Prior to the meeting why not join others in
Fellowship Hall at 12:05 p.m. for a light lunch
served by the Youth Ministry. Funds raised will go
towards Youth Ministry events, e.g. Winter Retreat,
Jr & Sr Hi Mission Trips, Summer Fest etc, to help
offset expenses for the youth. Everyone is invited to
attend and a signup sheet can be found in the
notebook at the Welcome Center for you to reserve
a spot.
This will also help provide some
information on how much to prepare.
The pastor will hold a Confirmation Class this
winter/spring for those in grades 7 and up, who are
interested in uniting with the church in membership.
The class will hold its first meeting on Sunday,
February 8th at 5:00 p.m. in the Library/Conference
Room. Please let the pastor know if you are
planning on being a part of the class.
accountability and responsibility. Just as individual
Christians are connected to one another as members
of the body of Christ, so also individual
congregations are connected under Christ as the
great Head of the Church.
William S. Davies, Jr.
February 4th will mark our fourth anniversary of
Bellevue being a part of the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church. We continue to feel blessed
and privileged to be part of this wonderful assembly
of God’s people. The E.P.C. holds the following
four distinctives as being characteristics of our
Reformed in Theology
Presbyterian in Polity
Evangelical in spirit
Missional in purpose
Over the next few months I want to highlight
these distintives. Below you will find brief
summaries of what it means to be Reformed in
Theology and Presbyterian in Polity. (Following are
based on E.P.C. material found on their website)
To be "Reformed" means several things.
Historically, it means that we trace our roots to the
Reformation, when John Calvin and others led the
movement to reform the Church according to
Scripture. Theologically, it means belief in the
absolute sovereignty of God and that the highest
good is God's glory. This historical and theological
heritage is often expressed in the "solas" of the
Reformation - God's grace alone as the only way to
be reconciled to God, faith alone as the only means
of receiving God's grace, Christ alone as the ground
of God's saving grace, Scripture alone as the only
infallible authority for belief and God's glory alone
as the ultimate purpose for the lives of men and
To be Presbyterian is to be governed according
to the pattern of elders seen in the Old and New
Testaments. We are ruled neither by bishops in a
hierarchical model nor by members in a
congregational model. Biblically qualified elders
are recognized through congregational election and,
along with ministers, rule the church corporately. It
also means being connected in mutual
It is one thing to hold these distintives as being
important and quite another thing to live them out
as a part of our fellowship together. The fact that we
are called by God to be God’s people and that He is
in control of all things should bring value and order
to our daily living and faith. Our Presbyterian
polity reminds us that as members of Christ’s
church we are not only brothers and sisters but that
we are to live mutually submissive to one another
and under the spiritual authority of those called by
God (and elected by God’s people) to be shepherds
of the flock of God.
March 22nd, 29th & April 12th
New Member Classes will be held this spring
for those individuals who are interested in uniting
with Bellevue Church in membership or simply
wish to know more about the life and ministry of
our church. The three-week New Member Classes
will be held on Sunday, March 22nd & 29th and
April 12th. These classes will be held at 9:30 a.m.
during the Sunday School hour in the church
Library. If you are interested in attending the class
or have any questions about this opportunity please
speak to Pastor Davies.
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion on
Sunday, February 1, 2015 at the 8:00 and 10:45
a.m. worship services.
We will celebrate the
Sacrament on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 8:00 and
10:45 a.m. worship services. In April will will serve
the Sacrament of Communion on Maundy
Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Every Member Asking
(Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
On Sunday, March 15th we invite you to join us
for Coffee Talk in Friendship Hall. That morning
you will have an opportunity to pick up an Easter
Bag to fill for either area school children or a
member of our own congregation. It has proven to
be a wonderful way to share the love of Christ at
Easter. We ask that you return your Easter Bag by
Sunday, March 29th (Palm Sunday). We are very
blessed to have a caring and generous congregation
to support this ministry. If you have any questions,
please contact any member of the Board of
FEBRUARY 6-7, 2015
The 102nd Stated Meeting of the POTE will be
held Friday and Saturday, February 6-7, 2015 at
Grace Covenant EPC, Exton.
Attending this
meeting as Ruling Elder (RE) Commissioners are
Hank Cochran, Phil Castor, Scott Grimes, Denise
Byler and Frank Rotella and Teaching Elders (TE)
Bud Davies and JT Holderman.
Bellevue will again sponsor a Lenten Offering,
February 22 through April 5, 2015. This year funds
raised will be donated to the EPC Emergency Fund
working with Christian Aid Missions to help
displaced and persecuted Christians by providing
food, clothing, medical assistance and shelter to
refugees. If you wish to contribute to this relief
effort, please make your check payable to Bellevue
Presbyterian Church. The funds will be collected
and sent by the church to the EPC. Banks will be
available for the children and anyone on Sunday
February 22nd.
Just like the local church the Presbytery and the
General Assembly needs funds to run their offices
and carry out their ministries. We are blessed to be
a part of a Biblically based, theologically sound
denomination and thus it is with joy that the Session
invites you to share in this giving opportunity.
While “Every Member Asking” offering of the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church is similar to the
per capita offering of the PCUSA it is solicited in a
completely different spirit. The offering is not
mandatory but a completely voluntary opportunity
to support a growing and fruit bearing
The “Every Member Asking” for 2015 is $33.00
a member. A part of this ($23.00) is given to the
General Assembly of the E.P.C. and another part
($10.00) is given to the Presbytery of the East of the
E. P.C.
We are asking every Bellevue member, who is
able, to consider making an extra gift to help cover
this expense. You may place your gift in the church
offering plate using one of the pew envelopes
marking it E.P.C. or mailing it to the church office
at Bellevue Presbyterian Church, 810 Newport Ave.
Gap, PA with the notation E.P.C.
Meets the first and third Thursday
mornings of each month
at 10:00 a.m.
February 5th & 19th
March 5th & 19th
If you have any questions you can speak to Kim
Holderman, Gwenyth Perella, Carol Shaubach or
Paige Knepp. We invite you to join us for this time
of fellowship and refreshment.
Family Easter Celebration
March 25th
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Calling all children! Children from
Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to come
join us every Wednesday night from 6:30-7:30 for
our midweek outreach and fellowship time! Come
play crazy games, hear age appropriate teaching,
sing songs and have fun. Bring friends and
neighbors, too! This is an excellent chance to gently
introduce whole families to the joy found in Jesus.
Any questions? Contact Falon Doutrich or call the
church office.
Calling all families! Come join us in
celebrating the resurrection of our Lord at the
Family Easter Celebration held this year on March
25th from 6:30-8:00 pm. There will be music,
storytelling, crafts, snacks (of course!) and everyone
goes home with a new devotional book. This is an
event for whole families, so come join your kids
during this extended Kingdom Kids hour!
Vacation Bible School week
CLUB 425
Calling all 4th and 5th graders…
We have some great activities
planned for Club 425 during the next few months!
Join us on February 15th from 6-7:30 p.m. for a
time of fun and fellowship at Bellevue. You just
never quite know what we might get into.
Then on March 22nd, hold onto your sky socks,
because Club 425 is heading to Sky Zone. Keep an
eye on the bulletin for more details.
Sunday mornings during the 10:45 a.m. service
If you come to the 10:45 am worship service and
your child is between four years old and 2nd grade
you can let them join us in Children’s Church. This
is a time immediately following the Children’s
Sermon where we go and sing, hear a Bible story
and learn about what Worship is.
Children’s Library Day
Did you know that the first
Sunday of each month when
the children are at Sunday
School they spend time in the Children’s Library
looking for books to read? Are you looking for
some good books for them? Come to Sunday
School and the first Sunday and let them spend time
in the library with Mrs. Perella looking for a new
adventure or story to read! And don’t forget, that is
the time to return your books that you took out the
month before!
Sunday, February 1st, 2015
Proceeds will go towards Power Pak Program
Kevin Sheahan, Director of Youth Ministries
In recent months, I have been meeting with
youth leaders from different area churches. In some
measure, we all desire to work together for the sake
of unity and more effective ministry. In our age,
when the Church is often divisive, we desire to
work against that trend -- firm in the essentials of
the faith, but charitable in all things, and zealous for
each other.
To that end, Bellevue will be joining forces with
Upper Octorara, a fellow EPC church in our area,
for various youth activities, including our 30-Hour
Famine (January 30-31) and several social events.
Our hope is that we can do more together than we
can apart, and we will all benefit from gathering as
a larger body of Christ from time to time.
As another example of inter-church unity,
Bellevue will be joining Calvary Monument and
other churches, and participating in a Game Night at
First Baptist Church of Pequea on Friday, February
6th. All youth are encouraged to attend FBC Pequea
from 6-9 p.m. on the 6th. We want Team Bellevue
to win the highly-anticipated floor hockey match (of
course!), but we also want to fellowship with our
brothers and sisters across denominational lines.
“9 at a Time”
Beginning in January, the Bellevue youth have
undertaken a challenge to read through the entire
Bible – from Genesis to Revelation. I have been
encouraging them to go “9 at a time”; that is, to read
nine minutes a day, which is sufficient to finish the
whole Bible by the end of the 2016 school year.
Despite overwhelming resources, Biblical
literacy in the American church is alarmingly low.
The Bible is our guide, our only objective means to
understand who God is, who we are, how He
interacts with us, and what He expects of us. It tells
us what to think and how to act with regard to our
relationships, finances, marriages, and our lives.
Without an understanding of the Bible, we are lost
and just guessing in the dark.
Would you encourage the youth to read, study,
and to treasure the Word of God? Pray for them.
Ask them questions. Listen to their questions, and
be willing to investigate further. Maybe even read
alongside with them! There are reading schedules
outside Kevin’s office for those who would like to
participate in “9aaT”; it’s not too late to jump in!
Youth Ski Day
Camelback Mountain
Friday, February 13, 2015
3:00 p.m.
February 27th through March 1st
February 8th
February 15th
February 22
March 8th
March 15th
March 22nd
March 29
The youth will be traveling to Tel Hai Camp for this
year's Winter Retreat. The retreat will run from
Friday evening, February 27th, until Sunday, March
1st. All youth are encouraged to attend, and invite a
friend, and together enjoy a time of worship,
teaching, playing, and staying up much too late.
The cost is $60, but there are scholarships available
(PLEASE talk to Kevin). The sign-up deadline is
February 15th.
Meets Wednesday evenings from 6:15- 7:15 p.m.
Join us for a time of study and growth
Begins Sunday, March 1st
Adult electives will be as follows:
Option 1: "Everyone’s A Theologian."
This class began last quarter and continues into
the spring. Many of us react negatively to the word
theology, believing that it involves dry, fruitless
arguments about minute points of doctrine. Yet
everyone is a theologian because any time we think
about the teachings of the Bible we are engaging in
theology and the enterprise of being a theologian.
Our course aims to equip you in the practical nature
of Theology for your everyday life as a theologian.
The course has four instructors, Adam Snyder,
Gary Snyder, Phil Castor, and Ron DiNunzio
rotating lessons. We believe deeply that thorough
education in theology, knowledge of God, will lead
you to a vibrant relationship with God. Join us!
Option 2: “The Letters of John and Jude.”
Join us as we dive into a study and discussion on
four short letters in the New Testament: 1, 2, 3
John, and Jude. These letters can often be neglected,
as they sit towards the very end of our Bibles, but
that would be a gross disservice to God’s Word.
These letters are jam packed with gold for the life of
the Christian and we will be using NT Wright’s
study guide as a guiding text for discussion. We
therefore invite you to study with us as we unpack
the reality of God’s Word for our lives today
through the Letters of John and Jude.
Option 3: “The Pilgrim’s Progress.”
The Bible has sold more copies than any other book
in all of history. But closely behind it is a book that
has also exhausted printing presses, John Bunyan’s
The Pilgrim’s Progress. In this class each member
will receive a copy of the book and will walk
through the chapters together as we explore
Bunyan’s grand narrative of the life and battle of
the Christian in the world. It is a wonderfully fun
read and will undoubtedly spark many discussions
over the nature of our purpose and life as Christians.
The chapters are short and read like a novel, but the
meat is rich and will be of great benefit to your life.
Easter Lily Order Form for
Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015
You can order your Easter lily to be placed in the
sanctuary for Easter Sunday April 5th . The cost of
the lilies is $7.25 and the deadline for ordering is
Sunday, March 8th. Please use this form to place
your order and forward it to the church office with
your check, payable to Bellevue Pres. Church, or
cash. If you have any questions please call the
church office.
_______# of plants ordered ______Amt. enclosed
In memory of _____________________________
In Honor of
Please pick up your lily following the 10:45 a.m. service
on Sunday, April 5th.
2015 Session Committees
Clerk of Session
Linda Perella
Building Committee
Hank Cochran – CH
Rob Bitts
Grounds Committee
Buzz Holton–CH
Rob Shaubach
Christian Education
Elise Roelands - CH
Adam Snyder
Missions & Stewardship
Gary Snyder- CH
Denise Byler
Membership and Evangelism
Paul Burns - CH
Andrew Johnson
Worship Committee
Scott Grimes - CH
Mary Ann Berthoud
Memorial Committee
Nominating Committee
Mary Ann Berthoud – CH
Rob Shaubach – CH
Robb Bitts
Gary Snyder
Personnel Committee
Budget Committee
Linda Perella – CH
Denise Byler – CH
Frank Rotella
Buzz Holton
Anita Grimes
John Perella – ex-officio Session liaise
Anytime is a great time to join a Sunday School
We greatly appreciate recognizing us with the Christmas gifts
that were given to us on Sunday, December 21,
2014. Your love and generosity is felt by all of us
and we feel privileged to minister alongside of
each of you. We wish you a blessed and very
faith filled New Year!
The Bellevue Church Staff
Dear Church friends,
Thank you so much for the cards and a surprise Wal-Mart card.
We are doing ok adjusting to our new home.
Blessings, Bob & Shirley Williams
To the Deacons and my friends at Bellevue Church, Many thanks
for the gifts and cards that I received over the holidays. Much
Vera Graham
Dear Bellevue Church,
Thank you with sincere appreciation for your thoughtfulness.
Thank you for your prayers cards and visits.
Martha S. Walker
Dear Bellevue Church members,
Many thanks for all of your kindness to me and to my family on
my grandson’s tragic death. Thank you all for your prayers.
With blessings, Sally Slaymaker
Thank you for the lovely poinsettia delivered by Phyllis Stauffer
and I enjoyed our visit together. I also appreciated visits from
Pastor Bud.
Betty Pickel
Thank You Bellevue for your thoughtfulness and gift card from
the Deacons tree. The eat-out gift is great. A special thanks to
the one who chose it. In God's Love we give thanks.
Babe & Lee Coates
Dear Congregation and Church Leadership,
Thank you for your December gift to Water Street Ministries! It
means so much that you would remember the hungry and
homeless. Because of you, men, women and families with
nowhere else to go had a home for the holidays and help to find a
forever home. Please pray that hearts will be open to receive
God’s love.
Gratefully, Maria Schaszberger
Thank you to Bellevue and the Deacons for your thoughtful gift
card. It is always a treat to enjoy a meal someone else has cooked.
We will enjoy that.
Blessings! John & Joan Esworthy
Friends of Bellevue,
Thanks so much for the lovely container of delicious cookies for
Christmas. They were really appreciated.
Happy New Year to all, Dorothy Wissler
Thank you so much for your prayers for my mother Grace Myer.
Phyllis Clark
Thanks you for the cookies and candy we received as part of the
Deacon Gift Tag Tree, and thanks to the one who delivered them.
Don and Lois Ostertag
Dear Bellevue Friends,
Thanks for all the many acts of kindness shown to us these past
several months. The cards, gifts, phone calls and visits have been
greatly appreciated, and we are especially grateful for all the
prayers offered on our behalf.
In Christian love, Bud & Judy See
Dear Deacons and Bellevue family,
I want to thank the Deacons for the wonderful box of Elmer’s
chocolates. They are delicious! I also want to thank the Bellevue
family for the cards and phone calls I received at Christmas. It is
so nice to be part of a great church family! May God bless all of
Bill Kauffman
Dear Bellevue,
Thank you so much for the lovely ornament celebrating the birth
of Sophia in 2014! We had a lovely first Christmas with her! We
hope you each had a beautiful Christmas as well. Thank you
Love, Kim, JT & Sophia
Thank you so much for the prayers, cards and visits we received
during our recovery from the bus accident. Thanks to whoever
gave us the beautiful fruit basket from the Deacon's Tree. Thanks
to Bud for his prayers and calls and visits. A special thanks to
Darlene and Norris Shirk for their faithful support with visits,
cards, food and for sending us the bulletin every week. They
always lifted our spirits just when we needed it most. May God
bless them for their devotion to us through this difficult time.
This has been a long painful journey and your support means a lot
to us.
Barb and Quickie
I appreciate the visits from Pastor Bud and JT as well as others.
The prayers, cards and phone calls from our church family have
been very comforting. In times like these it means so much that
others are supporting us.
Dick and Louise Stauffer
Dear Bellevue Family,
I want to express my appreciation for all your thoughts and
prayers during Jeri’s recent illness. Your offers of help and
caring were a blessing. Jeri was thankful for your cards and
prayers. I want to thank the ladies for serving a very nice
luncheon after the funeral. I ask for your continued prayers and
support as I face my loss.
Kerm Summers
Thank you to our brothers and sisters in Christ for the many
prayers, cards, and meals that we received during my recovery
from back surgery. The blessings of prepared meals helped us
make it through the difficult days. Thank you to Bud and J.T. for
being with me on the day of surgery. It meant a lot to both Andy
and I for your visitation and prayers. The Bellevue church is truly
a compassionate and caring congregation. Your love is
reflected by God's word.
Blessings to all, Linda Kinkaid
Deacons & Bellevue church family.
Thank you so very much for the generous gift card and candy
from the Deacons tree. We enjoyed the candy and will spend the
gift card for needed items for our new apt. when we move to VA.
In God's love, Stan & Nancy Weimer.
New Address: We are moving Jan. 24, 2015
Stan & Nancy Weimer
7412 Spring Village Drive
Apt. 204
Springfield, VA. 22150
Bellevue Presbyterian Church
(We celebrate with those who have reached 80 years!)
Dolly Wissler- February 8th
Gordon McCallum – February 18th
Maynard Engel – March 6th
Mary Diem – March 12th
Joan Esworthy – March 25th
Ruth Hohenstein – March 25th
Kerm Summer- March 31st
We extend our sincere sympathy to:
Sally Slaymaker on the passing of her grandson, Richard
Lee Burger, Jr. on November 25, 2014.
Dick and Louise Stauffer on the passing of Dick’s
brother, Gerald Stauffer on December 8, 2014.
Duane and Elise Roelands on the passing of Duane’s
mother, Linda L. Roelands, on December 21, 2014.
Marie Bassett and family on the passing of her motherin-law, Esther Bassett on January 11, 2015.
All articles for the APRIL/MAY 2015 newsletter
are due in the office By March 12, 2015 If you
have anything you would like included in the newsletter,
please forward to Louise Quillin or leave it in her
mailbox at the church. Articles can also be forwarded via
e-mail to [email protected] . Thank you.
Bud Davies
JT Holderman
Elise Roelands
Trudy Ardrey
John Harsh
Sherlyn Gregg
Kim Holderman
Howard Parmer
Kevin Sheahan
Cristi Hahn
Vera Graham
Louise Quillin
810 Newport Avenue
Gap, PA 17527
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Bud Davies e-mail
JT Holderman email
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kevin Sheahan
[email protected]
Office e-mail
[email protected]
for information
Contact: George Labiak
Cemetery Supervisor
In the event of inclement weather please tune in your
radio to WDAC, FM94.5 or WJTL, FM90.3, TV
station WGAL–Lancaster, or call the church office at
442-4077 for cancellation information. Should we need
to cancel we will normally cancel the 8:00 a.m. service
and Sunday school and hopefully have the 10:45 a.m.
service. You can also check on the church website for updated information.
In the event of inclement weather – if school dismisses
the students early or is closed due to bad weather (we
will follow the Pequea Valley School schedule due to
EVENING ACTIVITIES. If you have any questions
you may call the church office and either someone will
be there or the voicemail system will have information.
We will also try to get this information to the above
radio and television stations.
Our thanks to the Jim Lyle for sponsoring
this issue of the Bellevue Tidings
7:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
(Evening hours may vary)
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
(Evening hours may vary)
Friday & Saturday
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon