FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GREETERS/USHERS SATURDAY, Feb 14 5:00 PM - Tom Davis SUNDAY, FEB 15 MONDAY, Feb 9 8:40 AM - Morning Prayer 9:00 AM - Morning Mass 6:30 PM - Evening Mass TUESDAY, Feb 10 8:40 AM - Morning Prayer 9:00 AM - Mary Smullen - David & Janice Holmquist & Family 6:30 PM - No Knights of Columbus Mass 2:00 - 3:00 - Cenacle of Prayer (in the Chapel) WEDNESDAY, Feb 11 8:40 AM - Morning Prayer 9:00 AM - Joan Adamson - Marj Behan 6:30 PM - Evening Mass THURSDAY, Feb 12 8:40 AM - Morning Prayer 9:00 AM - Pat Sexton - George Cull Novena For The Rights of the Unborn (after 9:00 Mass FRIDAY, Feb 13 8:40 AM - Morning Prayer 9:00 AM - Living & Deceased Members of Jean Taylor Family - Joseph & Shenton Taylor & Family SATURDAY, Feb 14 9:00 AM - Morning Mass 5:00 PM - Colleen Breakspear - Imelda & Frank Collins SUNDAY, FEB 15 9:00 AM - Richard Boileau - Ghislain & Mary Rioux 11:00 AM - Mary Smullen - St. Anne's 11:00 Choir 7:00 PM - Evening Mass ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, Feb 14 5:00 PM - Meghen Foley, Mandy Foley, Danielle Malloy SUNDAY, FEB 15 9:00 AM - Elle Issa, Joey Issa, Tracey Issa 11:00 AM - Rileigh Darling, Cecilia Darling, Samantha Lehmann 7:00 PM - Abby Jinkerson, Cassie Jinkerson 9:00 AM - Deanna & Leo Shannon 11:00 AM - Ann & John Ellis 7:00 PM - Angie & Ryan Brooks READERS SATURDAY, Feb 14 5:00 PM - Jo Ann Caskey, Suzanne Gagne SUNDAY, FEB 8 9:00 AM - Oliver Flis, Jim Coghlan 11:00 AM - Denise Howran, Karen Reeves 7:00 PM - Steve Stanlick, Virginia Marini EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY, Feb 14 5:00 PM - Lisa Killen, Brigitte Kurowski-Wilson, Inge Buck SUNDAY, FEB 15 9:00 AM - Donna O'Brien, Volunteers Needed 11:00 AM - Lina DeMarchi, Joan Higgins, John Ellis 7:00 PM - Angie Brooks, Ryan Brooks, Jennifer Mai NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS - FEB 8 - SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: 1st Reading - Leviticus 13:1-3, 45-46 2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 10:31 - 11:1; Gospel - Mark 1:40-45 FEAST DAYS & DATES TO REMEMBER THIS WEEK Tues. Feb 11 - St. Scholastica - World Day of the Sick Sat. Feb 14 - St Cyril & St Methodius PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Join with us as we pray for the sick & ask Jesus to relieve them of their suffering, Patricia Basciano, Sharon Birch, Lionel Bourque, Susan Coady, Mary Cooper, Bryant Frank, Karen Frost, Doug Frost, Marion Gallant, Mary Giardino, Tony Giardino, Shelley Giardino, Carole GilbertPaszkowski, Olive Gagliardi, Rev. Reg Haines, Charles Hurley, Susan Jackson, Brendan Jewell, Johann Lechner. Mary McGriskin, Kathleen McMenemy, Leah Michel, Ray O'Donnell, Bill Parker, Rev. Larry Rogers, Mathew Silvaggio, Alex Smith, Rev. Brian Sweeney, David Symons, Theresa Toie, Nick Vitarelli. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY: St Anne’s Parish would like to congratulate: Charles & Sandra Heckel 2/11/67 - who will celebrate their wedding anniversary. May God continue to bless you with love and happiness. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FATHER DAMIAN ON TEMPORARY LEAVE: As he announced last weekend, Father Damian has been granted a temporary leave of absence for a period of three months. While Father Damian remains the Pastor of St. Anne's Parish, Bishop William McGrattan has appointed Father Craig Cruikshank as temporary administrator for three months to oversee the spiritual and temporal well being of the parish. We, both welcome Father Craig and keep Father Damian in our prayers until his return. CONGRATULATIONS TO ST ANNE'S ALTAR SERVERS who have received awards for: 2 Year Awards: Adrian Charles, Rileigh Darling, Delaney Doughtey, Lorna Farrow, Mandy Foley, Meghan Foley, Joey Issa, Tracey Issa, Abbey Jinkerson, Joseph Moon, Camila Salcido, Grace Wingett, Sarah Woolacott 5 Year Awards: Adrianna Con, Erik Darling, Mitchell Davis, Oliver Flis, Samantha Lehmann, Danielle Malloy Thank you for your continued dedication & service to St. Anne's Parish! ST ANNE'S WOMEN'S GROUP GAMES NIGHT & BINGO will be held Monday, Feb 23 at 7:00 pm. It will be a "Valentine" theme so wear you red or pink & bring a red or pink gift ($5 limit). Ladies with last names beginning with L to Z will bring treats for all to share. Lots of fun, games & special treats for everyone! REST IN PEACE: St Anne's Parish Family would like to extend our prayers & sympathy to the family of: Marek Tananna - Brother in Law of Bill & Veronica Ingram Ron Weisman - Brother in Law of Peter Burnham May They Rest In Peace! ST ANNE'S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST ANNE'S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TALENT SHOW: The Talent Show will be held on Friday, February 27 in St Anne's Parish Hall. Anyone interested in showing off their talents are asked to sign up on the sheets provided at the doors of the Church or call Steve Casey 741-0278 for info. ST ANNE'S KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE is on Fri, Feb 13 at 1 pm in the Parish Hall. For $3 you are invited to join us for an afternoon of cards, fun & friendship. Bring your own mug & we will supply the coffee & tea. 2015 DONATION ENVELOPES: There are still some donation boxes at the side doors of the Church. Please remember to pick yours up following Mass. If you can not find your envelopes call the office 745-3229 Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 3 pm. 2014 TAX RECEIPTS will be mailed out the week of Feb. 22. If you have moved please notify the office 745-3229 so we can ensure your receipt will be get to your new address. FAMILY DAY - MONDAY, FEB 16: The office will be closed on Family Day to take this opportunity to spend special, quality with "family." Please take the time in prayer to thank God for the gift of family. ST. ANNE'S PANCAKE SUPPER St. Anne's Knights of Columbus and St. Anne's Women's Group cordially invite all parishioners to our Annual Pancake Supper on Tuesday February 17 from 5 -‐ 7 PM in the Parish Hall. Dinner consists of pancakes, sausages, beans, tea, coffee, and dessert. Cost is $6.00 for adults and $3 for children 6 -‐12 years, free for 5 & under & $20 per family. Bring the whole family & enjoy a great meal! 2015 YEAR OF THE FAMILY: Pope Francis has asked all Christians to pray that the Church will undertake a journey of discernment & adopt the necessary pastoral means to help families face their present challenges with the light & strength that comes from the Gospel. Today we pray that this Year of the Family may be a time of forgiveness and reconciliation for all families suffering division. OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE COMMUNITY ROSARY is Tues. Feb 10 at 6:15 pm at St Alphonsus Parish. Mass is at 7 pm. VEYO: Way of the Cross 2015 - Recruitment for the celebration of the Way of the Cross 2015 in Downtown Peterborough is now underway. We are looking for performers and people to assist with the operation of the event on the day. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity or for further information on volunteering visit: JESUS HIGHER RALLY - Sat. Mar 7 from 9-3:30 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Theme: "The Happiness Factor" will fill you with certainty of the abiding love & joy that God has for His people. In addition to compelling guest speakers, uplifting music, there will be prayer ministry, personal testimonies, confession & closing Mass celebrated by Cardinal Thomas Collins. Youth Rally for 13-18 yrs will be held simultaneously in the theatre next door. Tickets are $10 (youth rally) & $20 for Adult Rally. Call 416-251-4255. AUTOMATIC OFFERTORY WITHDRAWAL is a convenient way to support your parish & help budget your household expenses. Join the many St Anne's parishioners who participate in this program. There are registration forms at the doors of the Church or you may pick one up from the parish office. PRAYING FOR OUR DIOCESAN COMMUNITY - Today we pray for St Alphonsus Parish, that they may continue to foster all families in unity and in prayer.
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