ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP Parish Priest Telephone (01432) 273485 Dom MICHAEL EVANS Email: [email protected] Website: Newsletter email: [email protected] During the Winter Season we are invited to pray for these intentions: Peace on Earth; Christian Unity; victims of human trafficking and those who work to combat it; the sick and those who care for them; students and teachers; the unemployed. Sat Sat 31st 31st 10.30am St. John Bosco Wyn Setterfield RIP 6.00pm (Vigil)4th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Patrick Murphy Sun 1st Feb 8.00am Sun 1st 10.00am Sun 1st 11.30am Sun 1st Dom Michael at Our Lady's 6.30pm Mon 9.15am 2nd Barbara Dunleavy (sick) The Parish Ryan Nowak Baptism Psalter week 3rd NO PUBLIC MASS Wed 4th 9.15am SFX School Year 5 Wed 4th 1.00pm FERIA Ordinary rite Dec. Rels. Arscott/Dunn Thu 5th 9.15am St. Agatha Sylvia Headon RIP Fri 6th 1.00pm St. Paul Miki and Companions Violet Cleary RIP Fri 6th 6.30pm Trad. Rite EBC Sat 7th 10.30am Votive Memorial of Our Lady Margarita & Mary Doverman Sat 7th 6.00pm (Vigil) 5th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR The Parish Sun 8th 8.00am Sun 8th 10.00am J and S Schofield RIP William & Sheila Fawcett Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 11.00 am - 12.00 noon and at call Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Frances Hetterley Barbara O’Sullivan Angela Holmes 8.00am Jane Gennard Mike Kennedy 10.00am Laura West Stephen Booth Michael Elliott-Smith 1st Running of the Parish £679.78 2nd Renovation £359.47 PARISH NOTICES We welcome into God’s Family Ryan Nowak who will be Baptised this Sunday at 11.30am. Fair Trade Goods on Sale this weekend. A big thank you to Pat Maclean who has faithfully carried out this task on our behalf and for the poor of the world and has now decided to stand down. This weekend is Education Sunday. Please pray for all those involved in spreading the Good News in our schools and colleges Our Parish still needs your help! We need Stewards, people to sell Fair Trade Goods and Cleaners. Please see if you can spare a little time each month. Please contact the office 273485 for details. Thank you Lately Dead: John Teighe Remembrance: Mathew Evans Quested Jacqueline Ann Roe Margarita Doverman Billy McAleese Patricia Chamberlain Eileen Louise Pugh Neva Jais Maria Mecina Donald John Wilson Ann Meeker Please Pray For The Sick: Joan Sheeran Antoinette Perrot Pat Morris Pat Franklin Canon Keane Vince Hanna Peter Gunter Brian Daw Jean Goldrick Maureen Toner Cynthia Barnett Angela Rosier Winnie Doran Flo Brown Fr. Antony Pat Clark Alison Alder Sheila Fawcett Sr Catherine Jackson OP Carmel Gwinnett Please let the office know if you wish to be added to the sick list or feel that you no longer need to be included Please pray for the Children of the Parish making their first confession this Thursday 5th February. PRAYER GROUP on Fridays at 10-11 am. at Petal’s Place. All welcome. Please Ring 344218. 4 Ministers of the Word Offertory for Last Week - Thank you Tue Rhys Clement Year B Wendy Winterburn Peter Hall PRESENTATION OF THE LORD (with Blessing of Candles) 5th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Sunday 6.00 pm 4th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Annexe Refurbishment During work on the Annexe there will be no access to the disabled W.C. Also there will be no Lent Lunches this year. Readings for this week Archdiocese of Cardiff Charity no. 242380. MASSES and INTENTIONS - Jan 2015 PARISH MISSION 14-29TH MARCH 2015 200 Club Winners for December 1st Nina Fish £25: 2nd Andrew Ling £10; 3rd Mrs Dorothy Knowles £5. Please collect your envelopes from the Sacristy. 200 Club Subscriptions for 2015 are now due Please make cheques of £12 payable to St Francis Xavier’s Church 200 Club and leave for Paul and Brenda. Many now pay by standing order. If you would like to join them, speak to Paul or Brenda after Mass or call Parish Office Mondays am only. Would the following please collect their letter(s) from the Sacristy - A Davis, T Gwinnett , Vera Thompson, Richard Maloney, Ann McCourt, Stephanie West, Ginny Thompson and Fr Richard. Let us pray the Parish Mission will help us to become more confident and joyful messengers carrying the Good News to our families and beyond! The following was sent to Peter Fawcett from his brother, Fr. Stephen Fawcett, whom many of you know After having received your prayer request for St Francis Xavier's Parish Mission, I e-mailed all my 59 brother priests in the house here. I have lost count of the responses promising prayers for you. As you know, this is a house for American priests, and they are, to a man, very passionate about the power of shared prayer... So count on our prayers. May God bless your parish family; may Mary draw you all ever closer to her Son, may St Michael protect you from the devil, who won't like at all what you're doing, and may St Francis Xavier renew in all of you the power and beauty of your baptism. In Christ, Fr. Stephen. Casa Santa Maria, Roma. Parish Mission Prayer Loving God, Creator and Giver of all things, bless our Parish Mission. Send Your Spirit to renew our faith And help us spread the joy of the salvation that Your Son wrought for us. Grant us Your grace, that we may serve our community, glorify You, and be sanctified ourselves. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, pray for us. St. Francis Xavier, pray for us. St. John Kemble, pray for us. Mission Car Parking Has anyone living in the centre of the city a spare parking place that could be used by the members of the Mission team? We need to find 5 spaces for each of the two weeks, ideally within a 10 minute walk to the Church. Please contact Stephen Cleeve on 01432 851632, or leave a message at the Parish Office. Telephone Prayer Line Further details from Eileen MacGregor (01432) 352915 or Meg Furber (01432) 264560. Pilgrimage to France 25-29 May There will be a meeting to sort out final details and have a social get together on Friday 17th April in the Annexe at SFX after the 6:30pm Mass. (Approx. 7:10). In the meantime could everyone please send a cheque for their outstanding balance, payable to St. Francis Xavier’s Church, to the SFX office. Cheques should arrive no later than Friday 20th March. Please mark the envelope “France Pilgrimage.” The final total cost is £300pp for adults and £150pp for children. (less deposit if paid) Thank you. John and Mary Cook 850231. OTHER NOTICES Please pray for Br Augustine Primavesi who will make his first vows as a Monk of Belmont this Sunday 1st Feb. Churches Together in Hereford. CEILIDH Dancing to Richard Glasspoole D J and Caller. Saturday 21st March at St Nicholas Church, Barton Road. 7pm to 10pm Ploughman’s Supper Included Adults £6; Children £3; Family ticket £15. Welsh National Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Archbishop George Stack 25th July to 2nd August 2015. See notice in Narthex. ACTA. A call to Action - See Poster in Narthex. WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK Mon 2nd Feb 7.00 pm ACTA - CARDIFF Mon 2nd Feb 2.00 pm St Anne's Guild in Presbytery Wed 4th Feb 7.00 pm Deanery Advisory Council Meeting at Our Lady’s Thu 5th Feb 4.00 pm First Confessions for Parish Children Fri 6th Feb 10am-11am Prayer Group. Petal's Place WHAT'S COMING UP Mon 9th Feb 2.00 pm St Anne's Guild in Presbytery Fri 13th Feb 10am-11am Prayer Group. Petal's Place Wed 18th Feb 7.15pm PAC meeting Presbytery Thu 19th Feb 7.00pm Poetry Group Presbytery Fri 27th Feb CAFOD Family Fast Day
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