Sunday 8th February 2015 THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT +Welcome to St Peter's today. A special welcome to our visitors and to any worshipping with us for the first time. A loop system is installed in the church; please turn your hearing aid to the T position. We also provide large print copies of the Common Worship Services. Toilet facilities are available in the Cottages via the main glass doors. SERVICES 08.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Parish Communion Hymns: 442, The Lord’s my Shepherd in the Townend version (words on sheet) 348, 612 At Communion the choir will sing ‘Day by Day’ by Martin How Voluntary: ‘Grand Jeu’ – Louis Marchand 18.00 At St Stephen’s Church – joint service of Vespers and Benediction to welcome the Revd. Nick Davies (Replaces Evening Prayer here) THIS WEEK In our prayers this week Within the Worldwide Church we pray for Maiduguri, Nigeria, Bishop Emmanuel Mani. Within the Porvoo Communion we pray for Bangor, Wales, Bishop Andrew John. In the Diocese of Gloucester we pray for the Benefice of Tetbury, Beverston, Long Newton and Shipton Moyne, Poppy Hughes, Peter Quinell (Parish Clergy), Andrea Aveyard, Richard Glanville (Readers). In the Diocesan Partnership we pray for our five overseas partner Dioceses and especially today the Diocese of Karnataka Central, awaiting a new Bishop. In our own Parish Calendar we pray for Leckhampton Primary School, Children, Staff, Headteacher Sam Porter; the Governors, especially the Foundation Governors, the Rector, Anne Gale, Barbara Mears and Joey Kerr-Wilson. We also pray for the residents of Charlton Lane, Chatsworth Drive and Chestnut Place. 08.30 Morning Prayer every Weekday and Saturday. 17.00 Evening Prayer every Weekday and Saturday Monday 9th February 19.30 Bellringing Tuesday 15.30 Piano tuner in Church Wednesday 09.30 Holy Communion Thursday 09.30 Reception class in Church Friday 09.30 Flower Guild in Church 17.30 Wedding rehearsal 19.00 Choir practice Saturday Cyril and Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869 and 885 13.30 Wedding of (Riches & Hartley) Sunday 15th February The Sunday Next Before Lent 08.00 Holy Communion 10.00 Parish Communion 18.00 Service of Healing Prayer CHURCH FAMILY BOOK If you read the magazine but have not paid for the year, please consider doing so as this helps us to know what money is available. Do contact me for details or use the back page and pop it through my letter box! Please indicate if you wish to pick the magazine up from Church or have it delivered at no extra charge. Sue If you would like to share a birthday or anniversary with the Church Family of St Peter’s, please fill in a form at the back of the church and return it to the Parish Office. NOTICES Nick Davies welcome service to St Stephen’s As part of our recent team review, Nick will be formally welcomed as Team Vicar of St Stephen’s at a service of Solemn Evensong and Benediction this evening at 6 p.m. Archdeacon Robert will be our preacher at a rich and traditional service that will reflect on Candlemas themes and will include several anthems sung by the choir of St Philip and St James. Drinks and nibbles will be available afterwards. Do join us as we celebrate a new chapter in the life of St Stephen’s and the team. EASTER EGGS Traidcraft is selling ‘the Real Easter Egg’ (125g) which contains a Fairtrade egg, a 24-page Easter story book with quiz, a ‘Happy Easter’ banner and a packet of Fairtrade chunky buttons – for just £3.99. If you wish to order one or more, please sign up at the back of Church before the end of February. Confirmation An opportunity to make Baptism promises our own. The Team is looking towards preparing a group of people for Confirmation at the Pilgrim Confirmation at the Cathedral on Saturday, May 2nd. If you or somebody you know who is not already Confirmed would like to be so, have a word with me in the near future. Paul Mission Boxes With the Christmas season now behind, as thoughts begin to look towards Lent and then Easter, Lenten boxes will be on hand to receive offerings for various societies we support. Please take one and fill it up over the next 60 days – today is Sexagesima. Mary Cheltenham Street Pastors have written to all the Churches to thank them for their support during the year. The CSP annual report has been circulated and a copy can be seen in the Parish Office if you are interested. Christians in the World Kambia Supper – The delicious and sociable ‘Bring and Share and Donate’ supper for the Kambia Appeal last Monday raised £445 – which Gift Aid will enhance by another £90 or so. Huge thanks to all who helped and donated so generously. Stephen. COFFEE ROTA FROM JANUARY TO MARCH Yes, it’s that time again, all you lovely helpers. Please sign up on the new rota. New faces very welcome. Penny Come Dine with Me for Kambia Are you willing to support the Kambia Appeal ( and help raise funds towards our work in Kambia, including the fight against Ebola, by hosting a dinner party for 4 or more of your friends and asking them to make a donation (suggested minimum of £5.00) to the Kambia Appeal? All we ask is that you organise your dinner (or breakfast or lunch) to take place before Parish Magazine I wish to thank those who deliver the magazine each month. Thank you also to those who have already brought me their money as this helps to budget over the year and pay around £200 for the publication each month. 2 28th February and that you contact Sonia Maisey who is co-ordinating this campaign to let her know, so that she can send you more information. Her phone numbers are 01242 231327 and mobile 07469 251309, and her e-mail is [email protected] If you would also take photos and send them to us, we can add them to our Facebook page. Richard. Soul Spark in Lent Following the taster course, further details of this short course exploring prayer and spiritual growth through prayer, reflection and sharing developed by the Revd Nick Helm, can be obtained at Details are on the poster in Church, or please contact the Revd Duncan Munro on mobile 07802 871156 or by e-mail at [email protected] Intercessions Will you volunteer to lead the prayers on an occasional Sunday morning at St Peter’s 10 o’clock service? Advice, support and instruction are given. Please speak to Peter THIS WEEK Street Pastors meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th February at 10.30 a.m. at St Matthew’s Church, Clarence Street. South Cheltenham Churches Lent Course 2015 The following topics will be debated at open meetings at 7.30 p.m. Justice and the Law – 26 February at St Peter’s Education – 5 March at Pip and Jim’s The Environment – 12 March at St Stephen’s Health – 19 March at St Christopher’s, Warden Hill Immigration – 26 March at Emmanuel Church Mission Society The Audio Mission meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th February at 12.30 p.m. at 5 Parkland Road. Please bring a nosebag of lunch. There is a CMS conference at High Leigh, Hoddesdon, Herts on the weekend of 6-8 March – a chance to discover what CMS is doing worldwide. Leaflets available in one of the pigeonholes under the noticeboards in Church. We have great speakers lined up and, with the General Election in May, this will give us a head start to contacting the prospective candidates about our concerns as Christians. See the Poster in Church or contact Liz Mitchell, Deacon at Pip and Jim’s, on 01242 241311 or [email protected] Open the Book – your prayer support please for Leckhampton Primary School at 9.10 a.m. on Wednesday 11th February. NEXT WEEK AND LATER A Fairtrade Church. If you buy products for use at Church or in the Cottages please purchase Fairtrade alternatives if they are available. We will hold sales of Fairtrade Products a couple of times a year. In Britain there are over 7,300 churches, mosques, temples and synagogues that have signed up to be Fairtrade and the products range from coffee to flowers, cotton to dried fruit. In 2012 it was worth £1.57 billion in the UK economy. Gloucestershire Churches Environmental Justice Network will be holding a meeting on ‘Christian theology and the Green Party’ with Dr Jonathan Ingleby in the Jerusalem Room at the Cathedral on Thursday 26th February at 12.15. Can you let Arthur Champion know if you will be attending on 01242 870402. More details in the Parish Office. 3 ‘Pen and Pew’ at Pip and Jim’s As part of the Big Appeal for the Church roof (which stood at £115,178 in midJanuary) a series of four study days on writers and poets, hosted by Adrian Barlow and Roger Symon, will be held at the Church House, Painswick Road, commencing on Wednesday 4 March with George Herbert. Further dates for your diary are: John Betjeman on Saturday 2nd May; Anthony Trollope on Wednesday 23rd September; and T.S. Eliot on Saturday 28th November. Each day will begin with coffee at 10 a.m. and will include lunch, closing at 4 p.m. The suggested donation for each day is £20. Please contact the P&J office on 573508 for more details. surname) and your address (particularly your postcode). Many thanks. Musica Vera ‘Come and Sing’ day will be held at Christ Church, Cheltenham on Saturday 7th March 2015, with registration from 10.30 a.m., rehearsals during the day, and a performance of Handel’s ‘Israel in Egypt’ at 7.30 p.m. Proceeds to Sue Ryder and the Festival of Performing Arts. A poster and sign-up forms are in Church. Citizens Advice Bureau The CAB is now operating out of its new permanent premises at 3 St Georges Place, Cheltenham GL50 3LA. Tel. 527202 CCP FOOD DONATIONS County Community Projects are very grateful for your donations of food and still have a pressing need for them. Tinned pies and tinned meat products as well as tinned vegetables are very welcome. A crate can be found in the porch. More information at Thank you. Penny and Andrew St Peter’s Stained Glass. There are still some books written by Eric on sale from the Parish Office. Please contact the Office for details and to purchase one. The Parish Magazine is available in Church. February edition out now. Great value. For delivery to your home, contact Sue. Prom Praise 2015 at the Royal Albert Hall. A Christian ‘Last Night of the Proms’. It will be held on Saturday 25th April 2015 and will cost approximately £47. A coach has been arranged by the Revd Maz Allen. Online Newsletter is at Contributions should be given to the Parish Office by 10am on Thursday. You can post them through the letterbox in the Glebe Cottages or call in (Monday - Friday 9am-1pm) E-mail: parishofficeleckhampton or phone 513647 Spirituality Network for Gloucestershire – guided retreats Please see the poster in Church for details of these retreats, which begin with a taster retreat on Monday 11th to Thursday 14 May or contact Sister Mary Johanna on [email protected] GENERAL NOTICES Gift Aid Envelopes are available at the ends of pews for visitors and impulsively generous regulars. Gift Aid helps us turn every £1 given into £1.25. Please remember to fill in your full name (first name and 4
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